Good article. Thank you for writing it.

Unfortunately, Kennedy is compromised. Although he’s been great warning of Covid jab dangers, please note:

1) He supports climate fraud and zero carbon emission policies designed to starve and freeze Europe and America and wreck their economic growth.

2) He says (video below), “I want to say it emphatically. I am provaccine. I have always been fiercely provaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated. And I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.”


Malone won’t need to subvert him. They’ll likely work together to subvert us all.

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Kennedy has been almost a lone wolf on exposing the dangers of vaccines for three decades. I've asked liberal friends how the Kennedy name came to hold such little respect, after his book wouldn't be carried by my liberal bookstore. They said it was because he was an anti-vax fanatic.

So he's been put in a position of damned if you do, damned if you don't. I dismissed his vaccine warnings as conspiracy when a friend pointed it out to me pre-CovidCon. That causes me a lot of concern now about my daughters, who I think I gave the HPV even. There was little audience for what he had to say until now, and he came out with three decades of research in the RAF.

Before this, I'd only read Kennedy's intros to other books about animal husbandry and regenerative agriculture, which is imo the way to address climate change. Just because it's been weaponized--as it certainly has--I'm not jumping onto the 'it's all a fraud' bandwagon. They create the problem and use it to create the 'solution' like bioengineering and eating bugs. That doesn't necessarily mean there's not a problem they created. IMO.

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Yes, his vaccine warnings are valuable, but this appears to be controlled opposition. People want to run from Biden’s horrible policies into the arms of Kennedy, DeSantis, or Trump, all of whom can enslave us without Covid vaccine mandates.

Indeed, climate alarmism is fraudulent and will lead to impoverishment of many as policies are implemented.

Here’s MIT’s former head of climate science Richard Lindzen in a new interview about this: https://youtu.be/DYWrehjaMFQ

The CIA, Fauci, and big pharma are not the ultimate culprits. In some respects, it’s understandable why Kennedy can’t say so.


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I'll read your post with interest, James.

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Why put your column pushing your theory to Tereza’s followers behind a paywall? Just askin.

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For protection of certain people.

Paywall has been removed.

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Understand. But he needs to clarify on this, because recent statements, as cited by others here, show a buy in to the weaponized concepts you mention.

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I agree with you, Howard.

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Does he still hold those positions? Do you know if he has been asked to repudiate those positions in light of announcing his bid to become President of the US?

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I don’t know, but it would be good for him to repudiate those statements.

He also supported Hillary Clinton vigorously in three campaigns. She demands vaccine passports with social credit scoring, mask and vaccine mandates, and CBDCs.

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That is BAD.

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As of 3 months ago, he posted a comment on his CHD site as "moderator" that "carbon is an existential threat to the planet," which seems quite in line with the banking cartel/World Enslavement Forum's (WEF) stance and their Great Reset plans to build a digital slave grid over humanity, where our carbon footprints will be tracked and connected to a social/slave credit score.

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Here it is:


"the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet."

"Please try to escape the seduction of their lies and propaganda and help us fight these villains."

I also don't like his tone--he talks down to us as though we are too stupid to do our own research and come to intelligent conclusions on our own.

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That statement was only 3 months ago. He made no mention of a massive global geoengineering program, begun shortly after the Rio Summit in 1992, after which Al Gore conveniently started lecturing about global warming. Anyone who mentions climate change or global warming without immediately discussing the solar radiation management/geoengineering program cannot be taken seriously, in my opinion. He should be specifically asked to repudiate his prior statements after announcing his candidacy for President.

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And all you have to do is study the real history of the climate--it has always been changing. The earth is in an electromagnetic universe and in a solar system with a powerful star (our sun). There a number of different solar cycles, and it goes back and forth--there's grand solar minimum, when it gets colder and grand solar maximum, when it gets warmer (as it did in the 90s).

They hide this information so we are easier to manipulate. There's actually a couple of very interesting videos where Joe Rogan interviews Randall Carlson (basically an independent geologist) who talks about the history of climate much further back and how warming of the climate was actually good--there are longer growing seasons, so more healthy food is available and people are healthier and end up doing great works and civilization progresses (e.g. Medieval warming period). And during times of cooling (I think there was a mega-volcano disaster around 529 AD), the opposite happens, shorter growing seasons, less crop yields, less healthy food for the population, then the population becomes more vulnerable to disease and plagues (I think Carlson even connected the plagues to times after there was a cooling phase).

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I'm not saying you're wrong, Sandra, because I've changed my mind about so many things in the last three years it makes me dizzy ;-) What I will go out on a limb and vouch for are local solutions that improve the soil and local control over people feeding themselves.

The destruction of the soil through monocropping is definitely real and created the Dust Bowl. If I first need people to say climate change isn't real before agreeing that geoengineering or destruction of farm animals is bad, I think I'd be making enemies out of potential allies. IMO.

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Have you listened to Kennedy's interview with Dane Wiggington? https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/rfkjr/episodes/Are-Chemtrails-Real--with-Dane-Wigington-e1vlp7j

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No, thanks for that! I definitely will before doing an episode on The Dimming, which I was going to do soon.

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He dedicated a whole podcast to geoengineering with Dane Wiggington. So he’s aware of it and is against it.

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Thanks for all the attention you've given to my episodes and comments Gabe! I did do a subsequent one on Kennedy's interview of Wiggington here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/hazy-daze-and-tinfoil-skies.

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Then he should state clearly that if he were to become President, he would stop all atmospheric geoengineering in the US. Let's see if he does.

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Great point, John.

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He needs to be grilled directly on this, and also the Ukraine war. I was stunned to hear his son "fought" there. Want to vote for him, fine. He might be better than alternatives, warts and all. But major warts out on the table, in the open.

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If that can be verified, it would be disqualifying in my view because it is completely untrue. He should be asked to explain the role of geoengineering in altering the climate.

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Great research, Sandra. Thank you.

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"They’ll likely work together to subvert us all."

Without a doubt. And at least they're consistent in that.

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"Malone won’t need to subvert him. They’ll likely work together to subvert us all."

Agree 100%!!!

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Not so bad, don't throw the baby out with the water, James.

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Tessa would have us all singing "kumbaya" while we complacently boarded the train to our demise...she advocates surrender - wrapped in a pretty pink bow of spirituality and virtue. I tuned out her saccharine drivel months ago, and I'm better for it.

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My issue with Tessa and others are that they see unity as strength and fear division and debate.

That's wrong. The system works on driving unity by creating artificial divisions while gaslighting real concerns, like many of us have with Malone and others who spread mixed messages.


Jimmy Dore recently interviewed Madea Benjamin of code pink.

He brought up how it was sad that her group didn't allow her to speak at the anti war protest.

She agreed that it was wrong and quoted MLK saying that if everyone agrees in the movement, the group is too small.

I feel the same about challenging the bio security state, the economy, and politics in general.

Healthy families disagree and argue at times. Healthy families know that some family members could be hard to trust on certain issues due to their histories.

A healthy family here should be able to address the skeletons in the closet of Malone, Desmet, Breggins whoever!

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Yes, agree! I think there's been lots of gaslighting of those of us who have genuine concerns about both Malone and Kennedy. And as Tereza said in her video, given what is at stake (there is an ongoing genocide with bioweapon injections, WW3 on the horizon and the WEF/Great Resets plans to enslave us with CBDCs and carbon footprint tracking), now more than ever we should be scrutinizing all candidates on all positions. How are they going to fight the Great Reset? How are they going to fight the CBDCs? What are they going to do about the coming economic collapse? What about the dollar collapse? As far as I'm concerned, the American people have never been in more danger than we are now, and we should not be just going along to get along and pretending that one guy is going to be the savior to turn this all around.

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All excellent, pertinent questions of urgency—very much appreciated. We must force that discussion—with Kennedy, and everyone else.


I think most of us know there is no savior. We all need to put our boots on and support and influence the conversation. Kennedy is an inspirational ally in so many important ways. I think we should strongly support his efforts towards truth, justice, and a reconciliation with the spirit of our common humanity.

Public opinion and activism will be crucial to the legal battles ahead. Kennedy’s candidacy offers a great opportunity to spread truth and give ourselves a fighting chance. We have to check “elite” malfeasance with prosecutions and somehow curb Congress critters. Again, public opinion is crucial.

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I like your position on this issue.

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Anyone who expects a "savior to turn this all around" is deluded IMHO. That doesn't mean some aren't significantly freer than others from the conventional mindset and less likely to further its worst tendencies. But no savior has been elected anywhere, as far as I can remember (correct me if I'm wrong). There'll be lots of work for everyone (quite a lot of it unpaid), no matter who gets which government job.

The idea that there is no benefit to forming imperfect coalitions with imperfect groups of imperfect people seems *exactly* the kind of belief that would keep any opposition movement fragmented and squabbling. I can't help wondering who that would serve, and who might encourage that idea to take hold.

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I would still say that the goal should precede the group and be the organizing principle of the group and what all actions are measured against. My book is on how to decentralize into commonwealths under 300K people, so I don't see any political solution ever working at the 333M level. Especially when the bankers are the default owners of all the homes so that they own all our labor for free. Do you?


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Tereza, have you looked at Assemblies of The World/Community Assemblies of The British Isles network?



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Very interesting, Tirion, thanks for pointing that out. Encouraging. My focus is on the banking system and how economics could be decentralized so that mortgage-backed local credit enables our labor to serve families and communities. So it doesn't tell communities how they should function but it provides the tools so they can decided for themselves.

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I kinda admire those communities/cultures where the community comes together to build homes and other structures for each other. Often, this can eliminate the need for mortgage financing of any kind. I don't know whether Community Assemblies are into mutual construction schemes; but it would seem like an obvious avenue for them. It's difficult to be sovereign when you're in debt, even to your neighbor.

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I don't know, and I don't deny that we have tons of problems. I don't think it's a auspicious time for purity tests, partly for that reason.

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Tessa is legit AF. in the spring of 2020 she was doing work that most of the MFM hasn't yet caught up with. miles ahead of pretty much everybody. i can't speak for her but it seems to me that she's saying that we have more important work ahead of us and let's not get distracted and stab each other in the back like the weffies want us to.

anybody who wants to understand why were are where we are now would be rewarded by a dive into the Tessa archives



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Hi nymd. I wanted to allow Tessa to speak for herself, which is why I included such extensive quotes. Challenging ideas isn't the same as a personal attack, which is what I was saying about the Breggins' critique of Desmet's theory vs. Malone's subsequent attack on them.

What she seems to be saying here, to me, is that those who are questioning whether Malone is working for the CIA are the ones who, she is "pretty sure" are working for the CIA. Do you have a different interpretation? And just because we disagree about this absolutely doesn't mean I'm saying she's not legit. I admire and respect Tessa, as I hope my responses show. And I continue to challenge her on this issue, that unity is more important than discussing whether someone positioned as a leader is really a traitor. I'm not saying Malone is, I'm saying the question and presentation of evidence takes precedence over unity. What are your thoughts on that issue?

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Tereza - I think you and Tessa are talking apples and oranges. Tessa (please correct me if i'm wrong) is pointing out that we are infiltrated and the way to spot the infiltrators is to see who's engaging in divide-and-conquer, rather than sharing information or coming up with ways to get out of this mess. this goes way, way beyond malone vs. breggin and malone vs. dr. jane.

Tessa's agenda is waking people up and saving lives. the argument is that malone is useful because he can redpill the normies.

on one hand i get that, especially as far as it relates to saving children from death by injection. on the other, the way booster uptake flatlined in the summer of 2021 speaks for itself.

either way, seems to me that we have more important things to worry about. cbdc, human capital markets, the imminent IHR and WHO regulation changes, plastic warehouses being torched to spew dioxin and contaminate the soil, attacks on the food supply, trump cities - it's a long list...

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Hmmm... that just seems somewhat circular to me. Both Tessa and I are agreeing that we've been infiltrated. I (and many others) are pointing to the #1 spokesperson as the infiltrator who's leading us astray. Tessa and Malone are pointing to those who are pointing at the leader. Are they then not dividing and conquering?

I've written a book on how to get out of this mess but there's only a handful of people who are asking that question seriously. Nearly everyone is asking who not how. So I'm all for those more important things to worry about, by making sense of the one they've perpetrated on us. I don't think we've seen the tip of the iceberg of repercussions yet, do you?

I don't know anyone who was red-pilled by Malone. As Couey is pointing out in the video I'm watching, by the time of the Dark Horse podcast, people had been vaxxed as soon as they were eligible. Weinstein talks about how the three of them could meet unmasked because he was taking ivermectin, Kirsch was vaxxed and RM was double-protected by having gotten Covid and the vaccine--does that sound like red-pilling to you? They're promoting Moderna and blaming any bad effects on Pfizer. A horrible birth defect doesn't get reported to VAERS (from Pfizer) and RM blames it on groupthink--another nonsense phrase he's still promoting.

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that's hilarious about weinstein and the IVM. i had no idea. back in 2020 i was getting my education from yeadon, sherri tenpenny, sucharit bhakdi, dolores cahill, i.e. the crowd who saw a holocaust coming. my rule of thumb is that those too fearful or ignorant to face that aren't worth my time.

Mal One may have been designated as #1 spokesman but he's a long way from that IMO.

you and i don't know anybody redpilled by him because i get the sense that both your circles and mine (what's left of mine anyway) woke up a long time ago.

remember, Mal One's agenda is not to redpill anyone. that's a bug, not a feature. his job is to make sure the discourse never strays from the root lie, which is that in march 2020 there was this magic moment when suddenly the world was beset with hitherto unknown plagues and that the only means of survival would be globally mandated pharma "interventions."

agree that the worst is yet to come. i get the sense that the cbdc is the next step, facilitating even greater coercion and compliance when the 2025 plandemic is launched.

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So I don't get it, nymd. With you saying all this, why aren't YOU challenging Tessa, with love, respect, kindness, to stop defending Malone and stop painting those exposing him as CIA?

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Yes, we are at war against enemies of our species, but so few seem to see it for what it is :(

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"Is Kennedy's bid for President compromised before he begins?"

Since I do not bother following the "news" any longer, I didn't know about Malone. However if Malone is to be his spokesperson, then the answer seems obvious to me.

PS: Seems like a good name for the mal one.

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To be clear, Geoff, I don't know that there's any official relationship between the two. I know they often speak on the same platforms, CHD has featured Malone, and Steve Kirsch announced his SuperPAC for Kennedy on a call with Malone prior to his Tucker interview about Pfizer--and prior to Kennedy's announcement to run. Meryl Nass, Malone's greatest defender, is a constant presence on CHD. So the lines of overlap are many. And there's much speculation on whether Malone would head up a major health agency under Kennedy, but that's also true under Trump, including polls measuring support for that on the WeLoveTrump website.

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A few other examples of their odd relationship:

1. Fall 2021: RFK listed RM second in a very long list of acknowledgements in his Fauci book. I thought that quite odd given how many others have been doing this work for so much longer.

3. Fall 2022: CHD featured RM at their inaugural conference where he was given more speaking time than anyone and was prominently featured in RFK's Fauci movie where he was described as a "bioethicist." A month or so later, CHD published RM's book, "Lies My Government Told Me."

4. RM told a journalist that his good friend Bobby called him and asked him to fly to Boston for his presidential announcement.

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Great sources, Alex, thank you.

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Wow, thanks! Good info!

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Thanks for the clarification. But in any case, I have severe misgivings about the mal one and I agree with your points regarding him.

In fact, (for the little it's worth to anyone), I agree with all your points!

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Hey, that's worth a lot to me!

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Well, then, I think your substack is full of great info too! ; )

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It is heresy to criticize Trump but he has demonstrated a knack for surrounding himself with terrible people. Personally I wonder if everything is theatre. Had Trump been re-elected his foaming opposition made it clear they’d never take the vaccines. If he was in on the scamdemic he’d have to step aside. So it was done in a way that virtually guarantees his return. People worship that guy. So no matter what the theatre tells you, when he returns (and he will) they will cut him a pass on everything. If he says economically our back is to the wall and CBDCs are necessary and, big pharma had good intentions but were misguided people will cheer. I think we are all being suckered. A friend of mine once quipped voting for president always comes down to voting for the shinier turd.

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Great points, GLK. I don't know if you've read my comments that I think Trump was the Great Setup to the Great Reset. You take this to a new level that the switcheroo to Biden was part of the theatre (with which I agree it was) to the Return of the Great Trump in 2024. Love your friend's phrase!

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People are timid about being critical of authority figures. Most people are weak and prefer a bully who appears aligned with their way of thinking. They gloss over the concept the bully is co-opting them.

It’s schoolyard syndrome. You give up your lunch money so you can be protected. Mostly from the same person taking your money. But that one time out of a million they do something for you, you’re over the moon with appreciative justifications and the cycle continues.

Everyone’s a sucker for abuse wrapped in a candy coating of protection. Operation warp speed begat the sadistic abuse of millions. But even through the lens of hindsight few see it and those that do make excuses for it, and the clever have monetized it.

I never thought I’d see the day so many supposed flag waving, liberty cherishing patriots would bow unquestioningly to authority. Now, it appears evident the human race is co-opted aka: screwed.

There is a self-imposed prison planet on the horizon. People are about to find out the hard way freedom isn’t free and ignorance does not lead to bliss.

It’s going to take a while and a lot more chaos before the hordes lay down their egos and wake up. Likely it will take intervention from a higher order as was prophesied many lifetimes ago.

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Alison McDowell gave a good critique of RFK jnr and the circles he frequents: https://youtu.be/Z6fba0EEWb8

It would be super fun to have an anti-Jibby-Jabber (even a controlled op one) as leader of the free world, which I assumes means it has no chance of happening. Still: RFK vs Killary or Michelle/Michael in the Dem primaries to see who gets to lose to Emperor Orange Man... who needs reality TV?

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I'll watch the rest of that with interest. Love your mudwrestling scenario!

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Right? This political season will put Netflix out of business.

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I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.

The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.

I think the main takeaway with all of this is that anyone who thinks spending (wasting) an iota of financial or political capital on presidential politics to be a worthwhile endeavor is living in some fantasyland.

The evidence is in.

Neither the White House or Congress make the political decisions in this country. Wall St. and The Pentagon do.

If one is wasting their time and energy in the cesspool of the presidential "horse race" that means valuable energies go into that instead of exposing the entire system for the corrupt scheme that it is and building genuine alternatives.

That's part of the genius of this system- keep people distracted with the political dog and pony show.

As far as a "message" candidate you couldn't pick a worse place for being just that than a presidential campaign.

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Tessa Lena says: "What is a great gift that Robert has that is very good for the world? He can use his mainstream credentials to make the people on the mainstream side listen to him. …" Well Tessa if he worms his way into a Kennedy or DeSantis or Trump admin, the mainstream (meaning the public? NPR?) will have to listen to him anyway. Like Laura says, it makes me sick to my stomach.

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Wow it didn't even occur to me that he had three avenues with DeSantis. Wonder who he'll throw his support behind or if he'll cover all bets. Yes, I didn't cover it in the essay but what he's said to the mainstream I detailed in this one: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/phony-maloney-and-wikispooks. His 'working hypothesis' is that the harms were done by providers who stored the vials at the wrong temp. Nothing nefarious.

I'm listening inbetween responses to JJ Couey's 6 hr analysis of the first Bret Weinstein interview: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1793431470. If you have any projects you need to get done ... videos expire at twitch, so it may not be accessible after awhile.

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Uh oh I didn't know the videos expire! I need to learn how to save them to my computer. That's a good question, who will he throw his support behind. He was at the DeSantis pandemic conference - as Sage Hana says, he is everywhere - https://tennesseestar.com/the-south/florida/desantis-holds-roundtable-with-doctors-who-say-pandemic-is-over/pdabrosca/2022/03/08/

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Everywhere all the time.

Oh look over there! Project Veritas Nothing Burger. Trot him out. (pardon the pun)

CHD? Sure. Rogan? Yes.

Doing interviews with The Daily Spook, errr...Beast, and lashing out at the "conspiracy theorists" in the Not a Movement? Check.

Is he there in Puerto Rico? Yup. Hawaii. oh yeah.

Did someone say Dark Horse? Represent Bob!

Bannon? Sure, why not?

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You've been doing amazing work following this Lusitano scat trail, which was something Ginger said in our conversation. Another person who just posted about Kennedy & Malone is Tonika, who writes as Visceral Adventures. I'm going to do another episode on it, but I thought you would particularly enjoy it: https://visceraladventure.substack.com/p/just-tell-the-truth-bobby.

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Excellent, as always, Tereza.

Thank you.

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What in your view is one issue that all members of the MFM agree with? Do you have an opinion as to whether it is/was an organic development or part of a controlled response?

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I agree with 'Sage Hana' on what he calls the 'not a movement' and a huge part of that is the lack of coherent goals. Any organization, I think, should begin by defining its principles and objectives rather than gathering a group and then have them decide what they have in common. So I can tell you what they disagree with but not where they (if there is a they) agree.

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What percent do you think would agree that the mRNA vaccine platform should be made illegal, all existing vials recalled, and constituents analyzed by multiple independent research entities?

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I can only speak for myself. To me, that would be plugging one hole in a sieve after 80% of people have already leaked through and the damage has been done. There are so many other fronts of the agendas of dispossession, depopulation, and destruction.

I would say that what unites them, as much as there is a them, is the right of bodily sovereignty. I agree with that and go beyond to family and community sovereignty.

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I'm totally with you on personal sovereignty/autonomy including the notion that people should not be forced into larger and larger groupings whether at the regional, national or international levels. The principle of subsidiarity is all but forgotten but should serve as a societal organizing principle. Moreover, I can't think of anything that is improved by uniting it under a global umbrella. Global power is inherently anti-personal freedom as the past 3 years have shown.

With respect to your first point. I disagree. There is a concerted effort to expand the use of the mRNA vaccine platform to all human and animal vaccines. If that were to actually happen, it would be an absolute disaster for humanity as depopulation and enslavement efforts would be much easier for the globalist overlords to achieve.

The only way to effectively treat victims of CV19 vaccine injury is to know exactly what is in them, which is not possible currently as the contents are not fully disclosed and it is illegal to examine them. Therefore, in the interest of justice and beneficence, the constituents must be completely delineated.

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It sounds like we agree on the important things that we have control over, John ;-) And I'm not saying that speaking against mRNA in human and animal vaccines isn't worthwhile. The question I ask myself is what's the smallest thing I could change that would change everything? That's the question I address in my book since time, money and energy are finite so you have to be clear, I think, in prioritizing so you don't get spread so thin as to be miserable.

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Tereza, your care for the Breggins is to be commended, thank you for sharing this human touch that Springsteen reminds us we desperately need.

I am confused by your ambiguous statements on the Malone Vs Breggins conflict over Mattias Desmet’s work, especially his book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”:

5:35 “low blows against Matthias and then Robert…I found it deeply disturbing, there are reasonable ways to disagree with a psychological theory”

6:06 “I for one don’t think that even the attack on Desmond’s theory was justified”

12:15 “I looked at the Breggin’s initial four responses to Matthias Desmet and I saw nothing of anger in that, what I saw was brilliant”

What Peter (and Ginger) argued from the beginning was that Desmet’s book (and his public talks to a lesser degree) incontrovertibly show he does not believe the Covid-1984 ScamPlanneDemic was planned and executed by a conspiracy group Peter labels the “Global Predators”. Rather, Desmet writes that the masses invented and believed in this “Conspiracy Theory” and locked themselves down and out. There is no Conspiracy Fact of Global Predators. As the Breggins’ sum, he is “blaming the victim” and letting the Power Elite off the hook.

I am only critiquing your ambiguity on the Breggins in terms of their demolition of Desmet’s book. His words condemn him and I think if you read them you should condemn him for writing them as I did.

I did an in depth analysis of the Breggins' morally justified take down of Desmet’s book, have a read and see if you agree with me that what the Breggins wrote Re Desmet’s book was morally called for and just. The way Peter did it at times was righteously angry and perhaps over the top but as I wrote:

“Now I can emotionally understand why Peter, who I think is among the gentlest of men, is admirably controlled-furious with Desmet and wants to out him from the Health and Freedom movement. And after reading Chapter 8 carefully as I am doing now, I think I might agree with him. How about you? READ DESMET’S WORDS!”

So I invite you to read Desmet’s words and the Breggins on him again:

Mattias Desmet: Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse? The Full Story

by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin | Jul 27, 2022





Sept 20, 2022--TWO DEFINITIONAL FRAMES FOR THE OFFICIALLY TERMED “COVID-19 PANDEMIC”: I.Natural Virus Causation II.Conspiratorial Human Causation

No Fence Sitting—Time to Take Your Stand One Side or the Other. Ask point blank all in the “Health and Freedom” group such as Mattias Desmet and Robert Malone to publicly declare where they stand.


Stay safe to stay free.

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Oh! I just posted a response on YT suggesting you look at it here, but I see that was unnecessary. Here's my answer from there:

Jack! Thank you for such a detailed and informative response. The first two quotes you gave are me reading Tessa Lena's response. I know that gets very confusing when you're listening! The third is from me because Tessa was talking about Peter saying things out of fear and anger and I, like you, felt that everything the Breggins said about Desmet's theory was completely justified. I don't know how Tessa can say that theories don't matter! They're the most important element to revealing cause and empowering change.

I will read your articles with great interest. I'm really happy that YT didn't delete your comment, which they often do when I include links. I think that you'd find many like minds on my Sub, which is linked in the description. Those include Jim Reagan, who's done multiple episodes critiquing Desmet's theory in a very logical, methodical way.

And I realized when I posted the list on Sherri Tenpenny's stack that this was my twelfth episode on Malone so I couldn't agree more with your positions. Thanks for watching and making the connection! And, since I can now include links, here are the other eleven:












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Sorry, Tereza, I misunderstood--I was baffled by the ambiguity, thanks for clarifying. “We heal ourselves by giving others what we most need.” Sherry Turkle

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Tessa' assertion that Desmet's is "only a theory" is baffling. As if ideas didn't matter. As if Desmet's assertion that totalitarianism begins with mechanistic thinking doesn't distract us from the fact that it actually begins with censorship/propaganda, wholly independent of "mechanistic thinking."

Fight censorship, fight the police state, and to hell with mechanistic thinking.

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Yes, I thought of you when I read that comment. How can any writer say ideas don't matter? That we shouldn't be trying to get to the cause? That it doesn't matter why it's happening or who's doing it? Baffling is a good word.

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Wow. Just wow.

Don't know if you saw my convo with margie about The Dimming but I linked your post and my mind is blown. How did I not see this before? It's so obvious once you see it. I'll be doing an episode on it soon. Thank you.

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saw it, will be on the lookout!

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Good to see you Tereza. I loved the background. Now my comment: I will never give up questioning and /or analyzing the words people speak. I remember the first time I heard Desmet blame us (I was outside by my lime tree) for the covid predicament. My first reaction was how dare he! Then, because I liked Malone, I yielded my own sense of logic to the theory for a few months. Like I did in the past pertaining to our legislators policies for America. I would say to myself well it doesn't make sense to me, but maybe they know something I don't. Well they don't. I know now never to say "yes" to anything that my first response is no way. Was it Laura that said the gut (soul) will save your life. Such good advice. Also to anyone who reads this: don't write Kennedy off just because he is not an expert on everything yet, such as foreign policy. He can learn. You can contact him. For now I think he knows who the most dangerous enemy agency is.

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Always good to hear from you Helene! Yes that was Laura's statement and I love your substitution of soul. I agree with not writing off Kennedy. Let me ask your thoughts: what if there was a movement for small-scale sovereignty, the principle of subsidiarity that John mentions, that decisions should be made at the lowest-possible level? That was originally the organizing principle behind federalism in the EU and in the Articles of Confederation in the States. Let's say we did what the populists did and pledged to back any candidate who made that their first priority. Who would we want to approach? I think Kennedy would be a good pick but Rand Paul might be even better. What do you think?

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Yes, I remember reading about the struggle over strong Federal gov. vs the states in history class. Obviously we know who won and it isn't working. There is very little that Rand Paul says that I don't agree with, but I remember when he ran against Trump in the primary and Trump pissed him off and right now I don't even remember what the situation was about, but Rand Paul displayed a temper and I thought it undignified at the time. I thought baby in my mind, but I should go back and find his response because I have a different mindset now than in 2016. Rand Paul is always so calm so I was shocked to see him so mad. But you know how Trump can be. Anyway, I am almost done with Caesar's Messiah (3 more chapters), then your instructions on how to dismantle this monster.

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*sigh* It's really his unflappable dad that I wanted as President. The only candidate I've ever campaigned for.

Yay for CM and my book next!

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Unflappable, thats funny, I had to look up the meaning. I was in the I would vote for him, Ron Paul, if I thought he could win brainwashed mind set. My son voted for him and me and the hubby thought it was a wasted vote. Yuk Yuk, votes have been wasted for a long time, sigh, but we vote anyway. I cant give up EVER!!!!! Until I die. Yes the end of CM is really coming together. Glad to see you today.

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"Do not create for yourself a false idol." People are not ideal. Including JFK Jr. as Climate Change Activist (https://reason.com/2014/10/01/activist-robert-kennedy-jr-denies-he-wan/) back in 2014. Tigers have different stripes. Now, if you are a Climate Change activist yourself, watch this: https://youtu.be/L1mjG_F8ppw

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Interesting point in the RFK article. I absolutely agree with him about states and even municipalities having the right to determine who has the privilege to operate within their borders, extracting money, labor and resources.

My primary point on RFK is that there's no centralist who's going to save us, unless their objective is to decentralize.

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He's is the best of the available realistic (?hopefully?) choices on the D side. If de Santis is on the other side, it will be the healthiest US elections in the last 100 years.

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Excellent questions and discussion, here, Tereza. Thank you again.

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I have just discovered you from the interview with Mathew Crawford. I am again impressed by what you are saying.....a woman after my own heart and so refreshing. I am glad I met you through that interview. I love Mark, JJ, and Mathew.

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Yes I'm also a fan of the Three Musketeers!

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