5th Gen Warfare Isn't Throwing Pixels
JJ Couey's reaction vid with Mathew Crawford & Mark Kulacz
My last Substack post, Phony Maloney & WikiSpooks, has over 3400 views, which is more than the previous month combined. It’s also gotten great comments, including from Mathew Crawford, Liam Sturgess (Liatron9000 of WikiSpooks) and JJ Couey.
After a day of lively conversations, I took a break to wash the dishes and played a clip of JJ posted by Sage Hana. To see the rest, I went to Gigaohm Biological and ba-BAM! there was my face towering behind him with Mathew and Mark Kulacz on the side. Terrifying!
In addition to them analyzing my video was a lively sidebar chat with Liam and the peanut gallery. Inbetween comments that made me laugh were some great points. So I’ll be summarizing them here from my video.
The question that I’m asking is whether Robert Malone is a covert agent specializing in psy-ops whose job it is to control the narrative once deaths, injuries and the lack of births were too evident for the mainstream to ignore, and they were looking for answers. The answers that Malone is giving them are very narrow: was the vaccine stored incorrectly, making it more toxic; was Pfizer corrupt because they have a woke agenda; did they pull the wool over Fauci’s eyes; is the FDA incompetent; and most important, is this an attack from China to which we should respond militarily?
In the interview between Malone and Aubrey Marcus, they talk about 5th Generation Warfare and Aubrey says (paraphrasing) that things used to be really dangerous, with killings and torture, but now people are just throwing a bunch of pixels at you—text or pictures. So anyone can be an online warrior.
To show why this isn’t a game, I’d like you to see some disturbing photos from Charles Eisenstein’s When the Cause is Everything. They show El Salvador’s new 40,000 bed prison that will house these men for decades. Take a look.
Charles writes to his friend Martin, the photographer:
Yeah, the debate about what to do with these gang members doesn't touch the real issue. The gangs are a symptom of the neoliberal stripping of wealth from places like El Salvador, primarily through the debt system, but also through transnational corporate influence on government abetted by the CIA and US State Department. Once all that is in place, every response to the gang problem is bad. Those poor men.
Martin replied:
Poor men is right; inextricably caught in a multi-sided vise of pre-colonial tribalism, corrupt regional and local political parties (also gang affiliated), violent antagonisms between military and police forces, male machismo, grinding poverty, decades of thievery and illicit support by the ruling classes, the abject evils of CIA/USAID machinations, regional drug barons supplying ravenous markets in Europe and the states, gang members rendered subhuman by excessive amphetamine use, the strange nobility of dying a violent and painful death as catharsis promoted by centuries of rapacious Old World Catholicism…
When we talk about the DoD and the CIA, keep these photos in mind. This isn’t a game of online warriors throwing pixels at each other. It’s time for this system to end.
Points from JJ Couey’s discussion with Mathew Crawford and Mark Kulacz:
In the comments on Phony Maloney, Mathew posted:
Observation: Malone takes a ton of his messaging from *my* articles. This includes the discussion on psychopaths, which I've been on since 2020.
I started collecting information in documents that I called Chaos Agents months ago.
In this article...
I point out the the Ghosts in the Machine video
At 24:00 into this talk, Robert uses it:
There are actually a bunch of other examples. For a year, I saw him taking up a lot of my messaging. Specifically mine. This was the year when I was buried and made invisible while working on the DMED.
Robert was introduced to the world by Steve Kirsch, whom I have about zero trust for after working with him for 18 months. He introduced Ed Dowd at a moment when Ed was (I believe) *used* to create a market pump-and-dump.
Malone introduced Andrew Huff, whom I worked with, and whom I give no credibility. Huff's analysis on the DMED was thin and nonsense. Malone and Huff worked for the e-cigarette companies...and then there was the EVALI illness that looked...a lot like a COVID wave, but only among e-cig smokers.
Malone never once promoted my work on the DMED, though following that trail could have led us to finding out who manipulated the data in 2021.
When I spoke with Robert to the Honolulu City Council, he told them the vaccines worked, but just weren't worth the risk for young people. I think there is no data suggesting that they work. In fact, it was Robert who pointed out to me that the trial process skipped the step of testing to be certain that the PCR wasn't confounded by the vaccines.
Thems the facts.
During the time Mathew was working with Malone, he was invited to the farm which, he was told, was wired to prevent eavesdropping. He was told he would meet people from the intelligence community. But he declined to stay there.
Mark starts out by talking about Malone’s June 2021 CV, which I referenced. It mentions mRNA prominently and himself as the inventor. But he also has a March 2017 CV, which is different. It only mentions mRNA once, and as a footnote where it refers to someone else.
Mark states that this isn’t just a ‘gotcha’, that he believes there was a need to reinvent Malone because things weren’t going according to plan. “Something happened, something changed … the train went off the rails. … something magnificent enough to change the actors here.” He suggests that maybe Malone is needed for a future senior role in the HHS.
JJ shows a clip of Malone talking about his first ‘strong interaction’ with Kirsch when he helped Kirsch get EAU approval from BARDA. They deduced that it was fluvaxamine, and Liam in the chat asks if that’s Prozac. Someone else says, no, it’s Luvox and provides a link comparing the two. It’s an SSRI for OCD and depression that was tested for use with Covid.
Coincidentally, Peter Breggin’s most dangerous work was testifying against Prozac, as I talk about in Who Is Robert Malone, Really?:
In the 1990’s, Peter was the sole medical expert for reviewing discovery in 150 combined cases alleging suicide, murder and psychosis from Prozac. As the date for the trial neared, everyone in his house became progressively sicker until a plumber happened to find that someone had removed the chimneys from their oil burner and water heater. By their account, they have been threatened and penniless but state:
… we have been blessed with a feeling of being protected when we have decided to make a stand about something we deem to be of great importance in respect to human well-being and freedom… By our deeds, we have earned our enemies, and the good that has come from our work has confirmed our choice on how to live.
When I look at the comparison, both Luvox and Prozac list suicidal thoughts and behaviors first in their warnings, but Luvox is 6X the price. It was concluded that it might help with Covid, a little, on Day 15.
In the post-video, Mark talks about all the attention on Pfizer that seems like a poison pill, setting it up to take the fall. Why no attention to Moderna?
Mark also mentions WaPo doing one of their special articles on Robert Malone in July 2020 where he talks about having Covid and how Famotidine got him through it. There’s no concern he expresses about the vaccine. He finds it a curious data point.
Towards the end, Mark says that we’ve come to a choice: back Malone or stop these pandemics going forward. We can’t do both. JJ says that he can’t avoid the conclusion that Malone is the 5th Generation Warrior we need to be fighting.
Since this video, Meryl Nass posted Malone v Breggin, which unleashed a torrent of critiques. I wrote:
I think this goes much deeper than just the view on mRNA. I analyzed the interview you posted with Malone and Aubrey Marcus in https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/phony-maloney-and-wikispooks. JJ Couey responded to it with Mathew Crawford and Mark Kulacz on Gigaohm Biological. I just posted a YT (not yet up on Substack) responding to them: https://youtu.be/5VaYy_wGVw8.
The important points you and Kennedy raise, Meryl, are contradicted by Malone and I'm not sure why neither of you are objecting to that.
Meryl replied:
Please list those points and their source and I will respond.
I answered:
Thanks for your reply, Meryl. Let me state the most obvious: anti-vaxxer vs vaccinologist who says on p.6 of his book: I am in no way, shape or form an anti-vaxxer.
In one line from Malone's CV: “put WHO and Norwegian government philanthropic leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the [Merck Ebola] vaccination trials.” Malone is making introductions between the World Health Organization and the Norwegian government—the one that just colluded with Biden in blowing up the Nord Streams. And then there’s ‘philanthropic leadership’ that reeks of Margaret Anna Alice’s philanthropaths. And he’s introducing them to his buddies at the Pentagon.
Some “Examples of his … oversight experience include HIV, Influenza (seasonal and pandemic), Plague, Anthrax … Ebola, Zika … and Engineered pathogens.”
Half of Kennedy’s book is about the deadly fraud that linked HIV and AIDS to move massive funding under Fauci and kill off gay men with AZT.
Kennedy’s penultimate chapter, “Hyping Phony Epidemics: Crying Wolf” includes subsections on Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zika, and Dengue. It ends with a macabre doodle from Fauci’s June 2021 email dump that depicts a “March Madness” of pandemic picks. From the original 16, the championship is between Coronavirus and Ebola. It’s signed and circled “—Tony F.” and dated 3/11/2020.
The last chapter is called “Germ Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State.” These are the ‘engineered pathogens’ that Malone mentions last.
How does Kennedy reconcile Malone's work on all the vaccines he's exposed?
Meryl hasn’t responded. In response to another post questioning him, Malone jumped in with:
You people just love to gossip and badjacket others, don't you. I cannot even count how many times I have addressed the issue of why I took the jab.
Last, a question: with Malone and Kennedy, who controls who? Is Steve Kirsch’s superPAC for Kennedy’s run for President a way of keeping him on a leash?
To follow this up, here’s my first video on Who Is Robert Malone, Really?:
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine, is a leading voice of the opposition. However, he's filed a $25M defamation suit against Peter and Ginger Breggin for implying he's controlled opposition and part of the Deep State. I look in detail at the 'reputation disinformation' suit and whether it's designed to clear his name or silence his critics. I end with a story on why it matters.
and the first video response to JJ Couey: Is Malone the Zelensky of the Covid Con?:
The Project Veritas 'gotcha' combined scientific nonsense with journalistic playacting and anti-woke dog whistles, while casting Robert Malone as the spokesperson for the dissent. While Zelensky foments anti-Russia fervor, is Malone out to turn us anti-China, as Matt Ehret claims? Or to promote biological weapons of defense, as Gigaohm Biologic states? Or to ridicule the woke, in which he's joined by Tucker Carlson, Bret Weinstein and Steve Kirsch? Or to deflect any criticism of they-who-must-not-be-mentioned as a slippery slope into Nazi Germany?
The Mal One continues to show his true colors, and Nass defends him like a pit bull. I think she may be under his spell, like a schoolgirl crush on the captain of the football team. I am a long time follower of Couey, Crawford, and Kulacz. I think Dr. Couey has come up with the best explanation for the whole covid movie. It's hard to explain without a lot of background on the biology, but the first step is realizing the virus was a clone created in a lab and deliberately released. The official narrative is a great example of the Dialectic, where we are presented with two choices: lab leak or zoonosis. The truth is neither. Building and manufacturing a clone does not meet the definition of gain of function, and it wasn't a leak. It was a release. It did cause illness, but it was not deadly to the vast majority. It did, however, create the opportunity to create the appearance of a pandemic by using a non-specific PCR test. That was then used to push the shots, which are far worse than any virus. Now, everyone is being funneled into the lab leak story, and it's China's fault. That's the short version, and my apologies to Dr. Couey if I got it wrong or misstated his ideas.
I have tried to follow this debate about Malone and others, but find it terribly frustrating. One thing that bothers me is the use of passive voice in so much of the discussion.
"Controlled opposition" is one example. Who's doing the controlling?
Mathew Crawford provided another example in JJ's video about your take on Malone, where he says that Ed Dowd is a good guy (I forget his exact term) but is being "used" to promote a pump-and dump scheme. Who's using him?
Maybe it's naive of me, but I wonder if these imperfect people (Malone, Kirsch, Dowd, etc.) are being controlled not by some outside agency, but by their own egos, biases, blind spots, failures (and the desire to hide these failures), and prejudices. I know I'm certainly subject to all those imperfections.
Speaking of frustration, I really want to follow what JJ Couey is saying, but his method (endless videos on Twitch TV that seem to have no commenting feature other than the ephemeral chat) seems terribly inefficient. I really wish he could write down some of his thoughts somewhere, the way one of his critics, Brian Mowrey, does so well on his Unglossed substack.