The Mal One continues to show his true colors, and Nass defends him like a pit bull. I think she may be under his spell, like a schoolgirl crush on the captain of the football team. I am a long time follower of Couey, Crawford, and Kulacz. I think Dr. Couey has come up with the best explanation for the whole covid movie. It's hard to explain without a lot of background on the biology, but the first step is realizing the virus was a clone created in a lab and deliberately released. The official narrative is a great example of the Dialectic, where we are presented with two choices: lab leak or zoonosis. The truth is neither. Building and manufacturing a clone does not meet the definition of gain of function, and it wasn't a leak. It was a release. It did cause illness, but it was not deadly to the vast majority. It did, however, create the opportunity to create the appearance of a pandemic by using a non-specific PCR test. That was then used to push the shots, which are far worse than any virus. Now, everyone is being funneled into the lab leak story, and it's China's fault. That's the short version, and my apologies to Dr. Couey if I got it wrong or misstated his ideas.
It's been fun to follow your comments in the Couey chat, going back through the twitch. Agreed that the virus was the trigger but the vaccine was the bullet. Still figuring out who's the gun.
Sorry if I said anything personally offensive in the comments. It was the first time I had seen or heard of you and I was in a bit of a cantankerous mood! See what you did there? WHO's the gun! Just kidding. I don't know either.
I don't remember yours specifically but everything was said in fun. If someone wants to offend me, they have to really intend it, and even then I might not get it. My daughters are still teasing me about my 'Etsy store' and I'm going to make 'don't mess with the woo-woo woman' my new byline--especially in my next one on the metaphysics of evil.
And you're picking up on a real possibility. One of my draft titles is "WHO killed Magufuli ... this is not a question." They probably are the gun but not the entity controlling it. Good one!
I am convinced that the 'gun' is the hands of the banksters as has always been the case - I tend to follow the money. This is my own assessment after studying the global financial system for 30 years.
My colleague spotted the e-cig tester release in August 2019: If you follow the time-line from here you arrive at the 'Repo' crisis on 16th September 2019 when they applied Larry Fink's 'Going Direct' solution as the global financial system was on the edge and the tool box of monetary policy was empty (as Larry put it). (this was hidden, even from most professionals)
SARS was already in Europe during the second half of 2019 and this is confirmed by Andrew Bridgen MP who has bravely spoken out, also in Parliament since early 2022; This video interview explains his take on it:
I am guessing that the Vaxx was already in place long ago as Peter Breggin's book explains - it's an excellent factual history in my view. The Vaxx was needed to offer a plausible reason for unlocking economies but of course also offered an opportunity for many insiders to get rich quick.
The elites will need lots of loot to buy up hard assets on the cheap as the economies turn down which they are now doing under the interest rate weapon. WW3 is in progress now - "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" - I can't verify this document (it might have been 'placed') but we are following its plan: Here's is economic data for USA indicating 1971 as the key date:
I am uncertain of the final outcome when the multipolar world is finally in place, but my Chinese readers affirm that China is already on a war-footing and they are talking about 2025/6. They say that it is likely inevitable, unless USA comes to its senses, but is unlikely to go full kinetic.
I like your description of the four horsemen as “sword, famine, wild inflationary beast and plague”. Thanks for the link to Sasha on Ft. Detrick! That's right by my hometown and I'd also been writing about the War Games and evidence it was sent from there to Wuhan. There was also a huge outbreak in Dec 2020 in my hometown, in which my died in a SNF with dozens of 'positives.' I'd wondered about the proximity to Ft. Detrick but now I also wonder if it was 'planned obsolescence' aka eugenics. I did a video on the savings to Medicaid from all these deaths called Cui Bono Covid? in Dec 2021:
LOL - the End Times may have arrived, but nobody will know the day or the hour, only our Creator. Thank you Tereza - we are indeed on the same page - I will buy your book and read asap. My e-book is only available to view on ResearchGate (as my dissertation) but I am able to email a PDF on request. I couldn't get a publisher - they said they couldn't handle the polemic! I am hoping that Part 2 will be more acceptable which I am writing now as events progress. It's a survival manual more than anything else.
I also wonder about savings on the pension funds - they are broken, no doubt so that's another iron in the fire. We had Covid in January 2020 after my son returned from Finland for a family Christmas gathering - we all went down with it to one degree or another. My good doctor friend in Brisbane helped us and recommended vitamins D & C, zinc and green tea (an ionophore), and I still have HCQ in store. We've not had a sniffle since! The Good Lord has given us a magical immune system, and it was free!
Protect and Survive-- Thank you for the mention and endorsement of our COVID-19 and the Global Predator: We are the Prey book-- which is one of the very first, and arguably the most thoroughly documented examination of the Global empires and the planning and execution that has been being done for decades. It is our opinion that our book and the globalism examination especially (plus the orientation that wrong has been done, not mistakes, not accidents, not stupidity, not groupthink etc) is why Dr. Malone has been intent on silencing us with that lawsuit.
I am so very happy you've subscribed, Peter and Ginger. Last I checked Robert Malone was still subbed--I think to keep an eye on me ;-)
At some point I ordered three copies of your book, and mentioned my episodes on Malone with the order. It may have gotten diverted before it was sent out, or maybe lost on the way, but I'd love to review it here if there's a way I can follow up.
One copy was to be for the friend who first alerted me that Malone was not who he said. She was going only on her intuition and that you both had saved her life. I thought you should know, and it's not the only time I've heard that.
What struck me with the lawsuit was how many of the 'defamations' were your opinions on Desmet's theory. So there's a very big push to discredit anyone questioning that. Why? Someone else who's delved deep and logically into why Desmet is wrong is He has a number of episodes on it. I think it's an important clue, along with the global agenda.
I guessed this was the case Peter & Ginger, you have my full support. I enjoyed your book for many reasons but one was of particular concern to me personally. You mentioned the toxic nature of Rispiridone on pages 286-287 (among others). Last year I had been taking this drug for some years after a diagnosis of Bi-polar disorder. After noting your remarks and for historical reasons I realised that it was misdiagnosis and rapidly dropped it having suffered no permanent ill effects.
However, the Risperidone side-effects had caused me disturbed sleep (Zopiclone) and anxiety (Diazepam) both of which I have never needed to use since. So I am in your debt for giving me a new lease of life, with an excellent sleep pattern and a return back to my old self of long ago, content and productively active pursuing my mission to Protect and Survive - I am 78.
That was me with the snarky woo-woo line, Tereza. It was in jest, and I think you're doing a great job - keep it up. I certainly wouldn't advise messing with such a great researcher.
Oh yay! Glad you identified yourself. It was like being at a party where no one realizes you're in the next room. I felt like I should announce myself but couldn't set up an account w/o a new browser so I just leaned into the lurking ;-)
I don't know if you mentioned new-agey but in an early video, I agree with Russell Brand that new agers are annoying. I'm looking forward to mixing metaphysics into my next episode and testing it out on the new audience I've gained. I'm hoping to be as formidable in that realm <grin>. Thank you for the kind compliment!
I don't believe these lab creations replicate within us, so I imagine they are being spread around via intentional adulteration of products and/or disseminated via aerosol spraying. Of course, we saw jumps in COVID-like illness when the shots rolled out, too. The whole narrative seems to be a work of fiction.
I have tried to follow this debate about Malone and others, but find it terribly frustrating. One thing that bothers me is the use of passive voice in so much of the discussion.
"Controlled opposition" is one example. Who's doing the controlling?
Mathew Crawford provided another example in JJ's video about your take on Malone, where he says that Ed Dowd is a good guy (I forget his exact term) but is being "used" to promote a pump-and dump scheme. Who's using him?
Maybe it's naive of me, but I wonder if these imperfect people (Malone, Kirsch, Dowd, etc.) are being controlled not by some outside agency, but by their own egos, biases, blind spots, failures (and the desire to hide these failures), and prejudices. I know I'm certainly subject to all those imperfections.
Speaking of frustration, I really want to follow what JJ Couey is saying, but his method (endless videos on Twitch TV that seem to have no commenting feature other than the ephemeral chat) seems terribly inefficient. I really wish he could write down some of his thoughts somewhere, the way one of his critics, Brian Mowrey, does so well on his Unglossed substack.
I completely agree on both points, Mark. I've stopped using the term 'controlled op' for that reason. First, what they're doing, I think, is attempting to control the opposition so the term isn't intuitively clear to me. And then, we don't know who's controlling them.
I get your point about ego, etc. I think it's always a belief in our own superiority that leaves us vulnerable to manipulation. But to attribute it to individual ego, and not look for signs of a shared agenda, would blind us if this is coordinated. We would, as Malone says, never know who the perpetrators were ... we wouldn't be asking the question.
I think it's important to stay with that question and not fall into Desmet's trap of saying it's all bottom-up or that this is just human imperfections. We ALL have blind spots and I'm careful not to jump to conclusions over that. But how we respond to them (say, with $25M lawsuits) requires the consideration that someone's not just mistaken.
I was thinking how hard it must be for Malone, if my suspicions are correct, to have so many admirers and know that they would turn on him if they knew the truth. If this was just ego, there's no reason for him to be risking his reputation like this to advance a narrative counter to the one that made him beloved.
And on JJ, yes, it took me hours (all of which I enjoyed) to find the links in the chat to his 2017 CV because they go along with the video. I thought later I should have put time-stamps next to my points to make that easier, but it was too late. Someone else wished he'd use a free transcription app and I asked that person to send me a link to one, because that would help me. But I'm glad for the long conversations he's having and appreciate it when someone like Sage Hana posts a clip.
Thanks for your response -- good food for thought. I'm willing to consider the idea that Malone is being directed by some nefarious organization (I consider the CDC and the NIH to be "nefarious", for example), and that it's not just ego that drove him to file that ridiculous lawsuit. But I'd like to see some ideas about who or what is controlling him.
Congratulations! Mathew and JJ I do trust. Malone? I want him on our side, but he is clearly set up to redirect focus away from DoD and the Intelligence community.
My intuition told me something was off about Malone. I read his stuff and have seen him in interviews. Your work articulates the case extremely well. Thank you.
Thanks, I appreciate the tenacity and following the threads. It really does matter. These are the sorts of manipulations we've been living with for decades and it really has to be exposed. I'm so tired of hidden agendas and inner conflicts and deals.
Goood post and congratulations on your new celebrity status. Of course Malone was. A limited hangout. There are lots of them. Far more limited hangouts that unlimited ones. Unless we get to the stage of unlimited hangouts this will not end anytime soon. Then apocalypse that no one wants to talk about.
not sure but somewhere (don’t remember if it was in one of his posts or a comment he made) he said his father had a senior post (something financial like budget or Treasury) in one of the Republican administrations (can’t remember now if it was Nixon, Ford or Reagan.)
i like his coverage on the nanotechnology/ graphene.
On the El Salvador photos they too may be ‘pixel.’ Charles, comments to his own column, that he now is no longer certain these photos are genuine and not AI images.
Glad to have another, more perceptive reader of Charles' stack. Thank you for clarifying that! I think his point and mine still stand but it may well be another form of deep fakery on the part of the El Salvador gov't for what they 'want' this prison to become.
Thanks for excellent analysis Tereza - the evidence is certainly compelling. I also have recently exchanged helpful views with Peter Breggin. I have linked your essay in my Letter this week under the heading at the end "Narrative Battle".
“[The Defence Secretary's] statement would suggest that the whistleblower’s claims do not just reveal the wrongdoing of a military unit gone rogue, but that they reveal the intentional assignment of the British Army to assess lawful speech within Britain, which appears to be condoned at the highest level. Any misuse of military resources designed for foreign adversaries on our own soil would be Orwellian in the extreme and absolutely scandalous."
Thanks so much for linking to me, Peter! I completely agree that the British secret societies and royalty are at the heart of all this. However, my guess would be that they're subservient to the Semitic royalty who controls the global money system. And I'm specifically not using the term Jewish from my articles showing there were two Judaisms--a genealogy of who God gave the right to rule and an anti-imperialist revolutionary version. Only the first is Semitism.
Agreed and thank you Tereza, the cabal is massive and extensive. I await their next move with interest; we have had the fore-shocks and soon there will be others. They will have to lockdown again in an attempt to preserve the system once more but I think they know this will be the final curtain. I hope we have built enough dedicated resistance before this happens which my Chinese contacts are suggesting 2025.
The Chinese have a sound understanding of money and are presently stood down merely observing what they know is inevitable, but they are also preparing for war if the Neocons completely lose their minds. Their 'saviour' the CBDC project is not viable, either in timing or practice, but these people are not rational. Their intention is clear - from an informed reader:
"People have to be desperate. If your bank account was suddenly emptied and you had nothing left – no retirement fund, no savings, no checking, nothing – what would you agree to in order to restore it all? What if you were offered a bailout but it was in the form of a different kind of dollar – a CBDC to replace the dollars you lost, but that you can only use digitally? I’d say many would comply, and I think that most of us would. We’ve got bills to pay, we owe on our mortgages and our taxes, we need groceries, our kids have tuition due…hell, yes, we’d nearly all say “yes” no matter how grudgingly." You've probably seen this:
But not me, I have other plans as I am sure you and many others have!
I still wonder if the BRICS agreement of a trade unit that represents actual trade is an alternative being proposed by a different group than the CBDC group. If so, it could solve our problem. If our CBDC could only buy products from other consumer cultures, that's not much. So it could lead to us taking back our economies and creating those local digital currencies I call carets, backed by local mortgages and local production.
Yes indeed Tereza - you are over the target. The SCO are already developing their alternative to SWIFT which will isolate the West. My South African colleagues are already moving in this direction.
One word of warning though; this came to me a while ago and it's 4 years old - the Chinese keep their powder dry - they are well ahead and they have a naturally compliant populace:
We could well be moving into a new paradigm which will be alien to all we have known in our cosseted 'liberal' economy.
I agree Tereza, I don't think it's possible to project the outcome and avoid the unintended consequences - a classic symptom of complex adaptive systems as they reset and de-scale according to natural processes which mere humans are unable to foresee or control.
I am reading a novel at present which is unusual for me, I generally read for knowledge, not entertainment. However (it is based on sound financial understanding on the part of the author) - It is indeed prophetic IMHO and I am only part-way in!
Yes, that's my understanding of the playbook too. Love the comment on the vid: "I'd trust this guy to replace the money system as much as I'd trust him to come to my buffet." Snarky but funny!
Dear Tereza. Thank you -- for noticing, for your analysis and sharing of the work of others and for recognizing the $25 million lawsuit that hangs over our heads and over Dr. Jane Ruby.
Thank you for discussing the mega prison and the photos-- I saw them recently and cannot unsee those images. The prison is like some dystopian scifi movie, except that it is 'real life' and we are all in the movie now.
In case you have not seen our column, we have unearthed evidence that Dr. Malone coauthored a scientific paper in 2019-first published on ResearchGate in Jan 2020, declaring that mRNA vaccines were too dangers to test and certainly to use in human populations.
FWIW, Cynthia Bowers above pointed me back to Charles Eisenstein saying later that the photos seem to be partly AI generated, perhaps more as an 'aspirational goal' of the El Salvador gov't for their new prison. So this may not be fully implemented yet, if it helps us both sleep at night, but it's surely the direction they're heading, and with the NY quarantine camps, etc.
I did read and just reread your column, which is succinct and goes straight to the crux. It's irrefutable.
There are more things coming to light daily, it feels. One of my readers sent me to this post It focuses on Malone's nanotherapeutics facility in Frederick MD near my hometown. But there was something else odd that wasn't highlighted--a measly $350K contract, amid the millions and billions, for something called What a Smoke, "developing a standardized electronic cigarette for clinical research." Haven't we been hearing about vaping fatalities among young people? Could this be a delivery system for some kind of bioweapon spread by e-cigarettes?
Just something that struck me. And again, it was your calm sense of courage and protection that keeps me centered and not letting fear into my life.
I'm massively appreciating your detective work and instincts and insights. I can't keep up with it all these days, and just have generally pulled into a position of not trusting towards most people who make themselves very visible. A defensive strategy for sure. I had the sense yesterday that I'm unwittingly a chess piece in a massive chess match and I can only see a few other pieces around me, and I'm supposed to be able to plan ahead, think ahead, analyze the moves, but I just can't get my brain to be big enough, or get the right vantage point. Whatever it is, doesn't feel good to be a chess piece moved by bigger forces than me. Thanks for expanding the view, and I trust more will be coming to light as long as I do my best to keep awareness open. And staying open to all possibilities, including miracles of all kinds!
I've been missing your comments, marta! I'm happy that you're staying open to miracles ;-)
I was just thinking that we don't have enough information to form a strategy. But you're right that more's coming to light all the time. This feels like a time of watching and waiting ... and taking care of yourself. Do the things that bring you joy. Don't let the darkness consume you. I'm speaking to myself, of course, as well as you.
Yes, lots of care here and clarity of all sorts, especially in my personal life. Seems the time for more to come to light in so many ways. Even though at times it feels overwhelming to see the layers and layers of webs, I am definitely not getting consumed by the darkness. Instead, transformation is happening and I'm getting stronger and clearer.
I've been reading everything you send out, even if I don't comment...Appreciating your wise insights always, Tereza, and your big heart and gorgeous spirit! And congratulations on getting this new traction and expanded conversations going!!!
I don't believe Malone got any vaccine. He knows too much about them. I think the charade was for exactly the purpose we're seeing now--to tell vaxxers that he's one of them, not to worry, and once he's in charge of the CDC it will be okay and this could never happen again.
The Mal One continues to show his true colors, and Nass defends him like a pit bull. I think she may be under his spell, like a schoolgirl crush on the captain of the football team. I am a long time follower of Couey, Crawford, and Kulacz. I think Dr. Couey has come up with the best explanation for the whole covid movie. It's hard to explain without a lot of background on the biology, but the first step is realizing the virus was a clone created in a lab and deliberately released. The official narrative is a great example of the Dialectic, where we are presented with two choices: lab leak or zoonosis. The truth is neither. Building and manufacturing a clone does not meet the definition of gain of function, and it wasn't a leak. It was a release. It did cause illness, but it was not deadly to the vast majority. It did, however, create the opportunity to create the appearance of a pandemic by using a non-specific PCR test. That was then used to push the shots, which are far worse than any virus. Now, everyone is being funneled into the lab leak story, and it's China's fault. That's the short version, and my apologies to Dr. Couey if I got it wrong or misstated his ideas.
It's been fun to follow your comments in the Couey chat, going back through the twitch. Agreed that the virus was the trigger but the vaccine was the bullet. Still figuring out who's the gun.
Sorry if I said anything personally offensive in the comments. It was the first time I had seen or heard of you and I was in a bit of a cantankerous mood! See what you did there? WHO's the gun! Just kidding. I don't know either.
I don't remember yours specifically but everything was said in fun. If someone wants to offend me, they have to really intend it, and even then I might not get it. My daughters are still teasing me about my 'Etsy store' and I'm going to make 'don't mess with the woo-woo woman' my new byline--especially in my next one on the metaphysics of evil.
And you're picking up on a real possibility. One of my draft titles is "WHO killed Magufuli ... this is not a question." They probably are the gun but not the entity controlling it. Good one!
I am convinced that the 'gun' is the hands of the banksters as has always been the case - I tend to follow the money. This is my own assessment after studying the global financial system for 30 years.
My colleague spotted the e-cig tester release in August 2019: If you follow the time-line from here you arrive at the 'Repo' crisis on 16th September 2019 when they applied Larry Fink's 'Going Direct' solution as the global financial system was on the edge and the tool box of monetary policy was empty (as Larry put it). (this was hidden, even from most professionals)
I wrote about this crisis: They flooded the world with some $19 trillion - BUT, to avoid hyperinflation they HAD to close down global economies fast and a plan was already in place.
Sasha Latypova has identified the source of SARS-COV-2 as fort Detrick (which was closed down) and the virus was transferred to Wuhan during the military games in October about the same time as Event 201.
SARS was already in Europe during the second half of 2019 and this is confirmed by Andrew Bridgen MP who has bravely spoken out, also in Parliament since early 2022; This video interview explains his take on it:
I am guessing that the Vaxx was already in place long ago as Peter Breggin's book explains - it's an excellent factual history in my view. The Vaxx was needed to offer a plausible reason for unlocking economies but of course also offered an opportunity for many insiders to get rich quick.
The elites will need lots of loot to buy up hard assets on the cheap as the economies turn down which they are now doing under the interest rate weapon. WW3 is in progress now - "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" - I can't verify this document (it might have been 'placed') but we are following its plan: Here's is economic data for USA indicating 1971 as the key date:
I am uncertain of the final outcome when the multipolar world is finally in place, but my Chinese readers affirm that China is already on a war-footing and they are talking about 2025/6. They say that it is likely inevitable, unless USA comes to its senses, but is unlikely to go full kinetic.
In any event we are all going to suffer much reduced lifestyles if not entirely along the WEF/UN2030/IMF et al forecasts. Except of course for the insiders:
Everything else is theatre and noise to keep us occupied while we are stripped of the last vestiges of wealth during the global reset.
I like your description of the four horsemen as “sword, famine, wild inflationary beast and plague”. Thanks for the link to Sasha on Ft. Detrick! That's right by my hometown and I'd also been writing about the War Games and evidence it was sent from there to Wuhan. There was also a huge outbreak in Dec 2020 in my hometown, in which my died in a SNF with dozens of 'positives.' I'd wondered about the proximity to Ft. Detrick but now I also wonder if it was 'planned obsolescence' aka eugenics. I did a video on the savings to Medicaid from all these deaths called Cui Bono Covid? in Dec 2021:
Agreed on all points. I also follow the money, including the origin of coinage itself, in my book How to Dismantle an Empire: I'm looking forward to reading your work more carefully, Peter.
Ah, I just read the synopsis on Amazon - I love "people don't fail systems do". This is my own mantra having spent the bulk of my career as a freelance corporate system consultant - it seems we are in the same paragraph! This is a nice assessment of the City of London.
When time allows I would love to discuss the Khazarians sometime - fascinating history described in 'The Thirteenth Tribe'.
LOL - the End Times may have arrived, but nobody will know the day or the hour, only our Creator. Thank you Tereza - we are indeed on the same page - I will buy your book and read asap. My e-book is only available to view on ResearchGate (as my dissertation) but I am able to email a PDF on request. I couldn't get a publisher - they said they couldn't handle the polemic! I am hoping that Part 2 will be more acceptable which I am writing now as events progress. It's a survival manual more than anything else.
I also wonder about savings on the pension funds - they are broken, no doubt so that's another iron in the fire. We had Covid in January 2020 after my son returned from Finland for a family Christmas gathering - we all went down with it to one degree or another. My good doctor friend in Brisbane helped us and recommended vitamins D & C, zinc and green tea (an ionophore), and I still have HCQ in store. We've not had a sniffle since! The Good Lord has given us a magical immune system, and it was free!
Protect and Survive-- Thank you for the mention and endorsement of our COVID-19 and the Global Predator: We are the Prey book-- which is one of the very first, and arguably the most thoroughly documented examination of the Global empires and the planning and execution that has been being done for decades. It is our opinion that our book and the globalism examination especially (plus the orientation that wrong has been done, not mistakes, not accidents, not stupidity, not groupthink etc) is why Dr. Malone has been intent on silencing us with that lawsuit.
I am so very happy you've subscribed, Peter and Ginger. Last I checked Robert Malone was still subbed--I think to keep an eye on me ;-)
At some point I ordered three copies of your book, and mentioned my episodes on Malone with the order. It may have gotten diverted before it was sent out, or maybe lost on the way, but I'd love to review it here if there's a way I can follow up.
One copy was to be for the friend who first alerted me that Malone was not who he said. She was going only on her intuition and that you both had saved her life. I thought you should know, and it's not the only time I've heard that.
What struck me with the lawsuit was how many of the 'defamations' were your opinions on Desmet's theory. So there's a very big push to discredit anyone questioning that. Why? Someone else who's delved deep and logically into why Desmet is wrong is He has a number of episodes on it. I think it's an important clue, along with the global agenda.
I guessed this was the case Peter & Ginger, you have my full support. I enjoyed your book for many reasons but one was of particular concern to me personally. You mentioned the toxic nature of Rispiridone on pages 286-287 (among others). Last year I had been taking this drug for some years after a diagnosis of Bi-polar disorder. After noting your remarks and for historical reasons I realised that it was misdiagnosis and rapidly dropped it having suffered no permanent ill effects.
However, the Risperidone side-effects had caused me disturbed sleep (Zopiclone) and anxiety (Diazepam) both of which I have never needed to use since. So I am in your debt for giving me a new lease of life, with an excellent sleep pattern and a return back to my old self of long ago, content and productively active pursuing my mission to Protect and Survive - I am 78.
I have a colleague in Australia, we work in tandem - he writes under BOOM Finance & Economics: and contributes to a network:
Good luck for your mission - I walk in your shadow.
Warm wishes
That was me with the snarky woo-woo line, Tereza. It was in jest, and I think you're doing a great job - keep it up. I certainly wouldn't advise messing with such a great researcher.
Oh yay! Glad you identified yourself. It was like being at a party where no one realizes you're in the next room. I felt like I should announce myself but couldn't set up an account w/o a new browser so I just leaned into the lurking ;-)
I don't know if you mentioned new-agey but in an early video, I agree with Russell Brand that new agers are annoying. I'm looking forward to mixing metaphysics into my next episode and testing it out on the new audience I've gained. I'm hoping to be as formidable in that realm <grin>. Thank you for the kind compliment!
This just in - they have still missed the Fort Detrick source but the rest is on target IMHO:
I don't believe these lab creations replicate within us, so I imagine they are being spread around via intentional adulteration of products and/or disseminated via aerosol spraying. Of course, we saw jumps in COVID-like illness when the shots rolled out, too. The whole narrative seems to be a work of fiction.
Then do you believe that "ADE" is a work of fiction, and that the viruses are generated in whole by the mRNA codes?
I have tried to follow this debate about Malone and others, but find it terribly frustrating. One thing that bothers me is the use of passive voice in so much of the discussion.
"Controlled opposition" is one example. Who's doing the controlling?
Mathew Crawford provided another example in JJ's video about your take on Malone, where he says that Ed Dowd is a good guy (I forget his exact term) but is being "used" to promote a pump-and dump scheme. Who's using him?
Maybe it's naive of me, but I wonder if these imperfect people (Malone, Kirsch, Dowd, etc.) are being controlled not by some outside agency, but by their own egos, biases, blind spots, failures (and the desire to hide these failures), and prejudices. I know I'm certainly subject to all those imperfections.
Speaking of frustration, I really want to follow what JJ Couey is saying, but his method (endless videos on Twitch TV that seem to have no commenting feature other than the ephemeral chat) seems terribly inefficient. I really wish he could write down some of his thoughts somewhere, the way one of his critics, Brian Mowrey, does so well on his Unglossed substack.
I completely agree on both points, Mark. I've stopped using the term 'controlled op' for that reason. First, what they're doing, I think, is attempting to control the opposition so the term isn't intuitively clear to me. And then, we don't know who's controlling them.
I get your point about ego, etc. I think it's always a belief in our own superiority that leaves us vulnerable to manipulation. But to attribute it to individual ego, and not look for signs of a shared agenda, would blind us if this is coordinated. We would, as Malone says, never know who the perpetrators were ... we wouldn't be asking the question.
I think it's important to stay with that question and not fall into Desmet's trap of saying it's all bottom-up or that this is just human imperfections. We ALL have blind spots and I'm careful not to jump to conclusions over that. But how we respond to them (say, with $25M lawsuits) requires the consideration that someone's not just mistaken.
I was thinking how hard it must be for Malone, if my suspicions are correct, to have so many admirers and know that they would turn on him if they knew the truth. If this was just ego, there's no reason for him to be risking his reputation like this to advance a narrative counter to the one that made him beloved.
And on JJ, yes, it took me hours (all of which I enjoyed) to find the links in the chat to his 2017 CV because they go along with the video. I thought later I should have put time-stamps next to my points to make that easier, but it was too late. Someone else wished he'd use a free transcription app and I asked that person to send me a link to one, because that would help me. But I'm glad for the long conversations he's having and appreciate it when someone like Sage Hana posts a clip.
Thanks for your response -- good food for thought. I'm willing to consider the idea that Malone is being directed by some nefarious organization (I consider the CDC and the NIH to be "nefarious", for example), and that it's not just ego that drove him to file that ridiculous lawsuit. But I'd like to see some ideas about who or what is controlling him.
If you offer conclusions, including the CDC and NIH, you're limiting your scope. I think Sasha's recent post is insightful: global mass murder campaign.
I agree with him needing to write down his points.
The current hipness of everything in video appeals to people who are allergic to reading and cannot sit and think.
It reminds me why people are so upset that Malone is being called out.
They fell for the personality, not noticing the contradictions galore.
Ed Dowd is a finance guy. Everything in the markets is pretty much pump and dump.
That's why we had housing inflation for decades, pumped up by banks and pe firms.
That's why food and energy inflation is high now, pumped up commodities markets with cheap money given to those same scumbags.
Congratulations! Mathew and JJ I do trust. Malone? I want him on our side, but he is clearly set up to redirect focus away from DoD and the Intelligence community.
My intuition told me something was off about Malone. I read his stuff and have seen him in interviews. Your work articulates the case extremely well. Thank you.
Thanks, I appreciate the tenacity and following the threads. It really does matter. These are the sorts of manipulations we've been living with for decades and it really has to be exposed. I'm so tired of hidden agendas and inner conflicts and deals.
Goood post and congratulations on your new celebrity status. Of course Malone was. A limited hangout. There are lots of them. Far more limited hangouts that unlimited ones. Unless we get to the stage of unlimited hangouts this will not end anytime soon. Then apocalypse that no one wants to talk about.
Hard-hitting! Who is Outraged, do you know? Great that they included his 2017 CV.
not sure but somewhere (don’t remember if it was in one of his posts or a comment he made) he said his father had a senior post (something financial like budget or Treasury) in one of the Republican administrations (can’t remember now if it was Nixon, Ford or Reagan.)
i like his coverage on the nanotechnology/ graphene.
On the El Salvador photos they too may be ‘pixel.’ Charles, comments to his own column, that he now is no longer certain these photos are genuine and not AI images.
Glad to have another, more perceptive reader of Charles' stack. Thank you for clarifying that! I think his point and mine still stand but it may well be another form of deep fakery on the part of the El Salvador gov't for what they 'want' this prison to become.
Thanks for excellent analysis Tereza - the evidence is certainly compelling. I also have recently exchanged helpful views with Peter Breggin. I have linked your essay in my Letter this week under the heading at the end "Narrative Battle".
As you know, I specialise in Britain's involvement in the global picture which I view through '5-Eyes'. I believe this is the most secret of all societies and is very much at the root of all the global cabal. Simon Elmer is an excellent reference source:
The HMG is heavily committed to their MoD apparatchiks : and there are 77th Brigade officers in Parliament, for example, Tom Tugendhat (Lt. Colonel) MP and Tobias Ellwood. List of some deeply embedded in the Establishment Deep State:
“[The Defence Secretary's] statement would suggest that the whistleblower’s claims do not just reveal the wrongdoing of a military unit gone rogue, but that they reveal the intentional assignment of the British Army to assess lawful speech within Britain, which appears to be condoned at the highest level. Any misuse of military resources designed for foreign adversaries on our own soil would be Orwellian in the extreme and absolutely scandalous."
Thanks so much for linking to me, Peter! I completely agree that the British secret societies and royalty are at the heart of all this. However, my guess would be that they're subservient to the Semitic royalty who controls the global money system. And I'm specifically not using the term Jewish from my articles showing there were two Judaisms--a genealogy of who God gave the right to rule and an anti-imperialist revolutionary version. Only the first is Semitism.
Agreed and thank you Tereza, the cabal is massive and extensive. I await their next move with interest; we have had the fore-shocks and soon there will be others. They will have to lockdown again in an attempt to preserve the system once more but I think they know this will be the final curtain. I hope we have built enough dedicated resistance before this happens which my Chinese contacts are suggesting 2025.
The Chinese have a sound understanding of money and are presently stood down merely observing what they know is inevitable, but they are also preparing for war if the Neocons completely lose their minds. Their 'saviour' the CBDC project is not viable, either in timing or practice, but these people are not rational. Their intention is clear - from an informed reader:
"People have to be desperate. If your bank account was suddenly emptied and you had nothing left – no retirement fund, no savings, no checking, nothing – what would you agree to in order to restore it all? What if you were offered a bailout but it was in the form of a different kind of dollar – a CBDC to replace the dollars you lost, but that you can only use digitally? I’d say many would comply, and I think that most of us would. We’ve got bills to pay, we owe on our mortgages and our taxes, we need groceries, our kids have tuition due…hell, yes, we’d nearly all say “yes” no matter how grudgingly." You've probably seen this:
But not me, I have other plans as I am sure you and many others have!
I still wonder if the BRICS agreement of a trade unit that represents actual trade is an alternative being proposed by a different group than the CBDC group. If so, it could solve our problem. If our CBDC could only buy products from other consumer cultures, that's not much. So it could lead to us taking back our economies and creating those local digital currencies I call carets, backed by local mortgages and local production.
Yes indeed Tereza - you are over the target. The SCO are already developing their alternative to SWIFT which will isolate the West. My South African colleagues are already moving in this direction.
One word of warning though; this came to me a while ago and it's 4 years old - the Chinese keep their powder dry - they are well ahead and they have a naturally compliant populace:
We could well be moving into a new paradigm which will be alien to all we have known in our cosseted 'liberal' economy.
I agree Tereza, I don't think it's possible to project the outcome and avoid the unintended consequences - a classic symptom of complex adaptive systems as they reset and de-scale according to natural processes which mere humans are unable to foresee or control.
I am reading a novel at present which is unusual for me, I generally read for knowledge, not entertainment. However (it is based on sound financial understanding on the part of the author) - It is indeed prophetic IMHO and I am only part-way in!
Yes, that's my understanding of the playbook too. Love the comment on the vid: "I'd trust this guy to replace the money system as much as I'd trust him to come to my buffet." Snarky but funny!
Dear Tereza. Thank you -- for noticing, for your analysis and sharing of the work of others and for recognizing the $25 million lawsuit that hangs over our heads and over Dr. Jane Ruby.
Thank you for discussing the mega prison and the photos-- I saw them recently and cannot unsee those images. The prison is like some dystopian scifi movie, except that it is 'real life' and we are all in the movie now.
In case you have not seen our column, we have unearthed evidence that Dr. Malone coauthored a scientific paper in 2019-first published on ResearchGate in Jan 2020, declaring that mRNA vaccines were too dangers to test and certainly to use in human populations.
FWIW, Cynthia Bowers above pointed me back to Charles Eisenstein saying later that the photos seem to be partly AI generated, perhaps more as an 'aspirational goal' of the El Salvador gov't for their new prison. So this may not be fully implemented yet, if it helps us both sleep at night, but it's surely the direction they're heading, and with the NY quarantine camps, etc.
I did read and just reread your column, which is succinct and goes straight to the crux. It's irrefutable.
There are more things coming to light daily, it feels. One of my readers sent me to this post It focuses on Malone's nanotherapeutics facility in Frederick MD near my hometown. But there was something else odd that wasn't highlighted--a measly $350K contract, amid the millions and billions, for something called What a Smoke, "developing a standardized electronic cigarette for clinical research." Haven't we been hearing about vaping fatalities among young people? Could this be a delivery system for some kind of bioweapon spread by e-cigarettes?
Just something that struck me. And again, it was your calm sense of courage and protection that keeps me centered and not letting fear into my life.
Tereza, Oh my, thank you! And thank you for letting me know that the photos are at least partially AI generated.
Tereza ~
I'm massively appreciating your detective work and instincts and insights. I can't keep up with it all these days, and just have generally pulled into a position of not trusting towards most people who make themselves very visible. A defensive strategy for sure. I had the sense yesterday that I'm unwittingly a chess piece in a massive chess match and I can only see a few other pieces around me, and I'm supposed to be able to plan ahead, think ahead, analyze the moves, but I just can't get my brain to be big enough, or get the right vantage point. Whatever it is, doesn't feel good to be a chess piece moved by bigger forces than me. Thanks for expanding the view, and I trust more will be coming to light as long as I do my best to keep awareness open. And staying open to all possibilities, including miracles of all kinds!
I've been missing your comments, marta! I'm happy that you're staying open to miracles ;-)
I was just thinking that we don't have enough information to form a strategy. But you're right that more's coming to light all the time. This feels like a time of watching and waiting ... and taking care of yourself. Do the things that bring you joy. Don't let the darkness consume you. I'm speaking to myself, of course, as well as you.
Yes, lots of care here and clarity of all sorts, especially in my personal life. Seems the time for more to come to light in so many ways. Even though at times it feels overwhelming to see the layers and layers of webs, I am definitely not getting consumed by the darkness. Instead, transformation is happening and I'm getting stronger and clearer.
I've been reading everything you send out, even if I don't comment...Appreciating your wise insights always, Tereza, and your big heart and gorgeous spirit! And congratulations on getting this new traction and expanded conversations going!!!
thanks and smiles! happy to hear about the personal life with care and clarity. that's inspiring!
Why would he take Moderna’s vaccine after “discovering” Famotidine?
I don't believe Malone got any vaccine. He knows too much about them. I think the charade was for exactly the purpose we're seeing now--to tell vaxxers that he's one of them, not to worry, and once he's in charge of the CDC it will be okay and this could never happen again.
Interesting. One question I have, and perhaps you could answer, on what dates did Malone supposedly take the Moderna?
Robert Malone just raises more and more questions, which might be the point to some degree.