I’ve been listening to a lot of Alison McDowell lately. Her meticulous web of evidence tied with impeccable logic has cinched my growing suspicion that both Charles Eisenstein and Bobby Kennedy are complicit in the con. Not naive, where they’re lying to themselves. Not captured, although I’ll include a video of Kim Iverson and Whitney Webb speculating on that with RFK. But intentionally lying to us for nefarious purposes. I haven’t come to that conclusion lightly but, in my heart, I no longer have any doubt that it’s true.
Alison is a real gift to me. She’s in Philadelphia, where I also did my undergrad work. She and I both cut our teeth trying to reform the public school system, as parents. I went into global charities and she into environmentalism, both to end up disillusioned. We both once called ourselves liberals although I think we’ve always both been radicals—a word that means going to the root. And the root of everything is economics. But our greatest shared perspective, I believe, is as mothers: always asking, “Is this the future I want for my children? For any children?” And that’s why I think she hasn’t fallen for the speculative gambling chip that are cryptocurrencies.
I started by listening to Alison’s interview on Human Capital Markets, Predatory Philanthropy and the Gamified World. This background on ‘impact financing’ was spot-on and set the foundation for this video, the first on her post on Camelot Corner with Operation Snow White and Charles Eisenstein as Troubadour:
This was particularly interesting on CHD California, where I am, but the real skinny on Eisenstein was in this 3 hr 40 min livestream on Courting Lover Earth with Cybernetic Community Currencies:
Alison begins with a clip of RFK talking to a Bitcoin Convention and saying, “Your support of Bitcoin puts you in the same category as the Framers, who gave us the Bill of Rights and wrote the Constitution.”
Alison then started saying that she came from Philadelphia and I thought she would say Bitcoiners were no Framers. But instead she mentioned Tim Scott who wrote an article in Dissident Voice on The Duplicitous Nature of the Constitution. We’re still tracking, as those who’ve seen my Constitution Convention Coup would know! With that trick of economic centralization, maybe the Bitcoiners ARE like the Framers.
She then talked about the legendary serendipitous meeting when Eisenstein’s reader won a ticket to RFK’s falconry event and brought him. But Alison points out that they already knew each other and had done a podcast together a year prior, where Kennedy showed he was familiar with Eisenstein’s work. This feels like a set-up to make it seem like some magical Camelot synchronistic convergence when it was all pre-planned. They’re both deep into the high finance cryptocurrency transfer of wealth.
The con, as Alison describes it, is to position crypto as resistance to authoritarian control by governments while moving people into a gamified life with tokens. For RFK, the free market is going to control the value. For Eisenstein, it’s going to usher in UBI and debt jubilee. So RFK gives the masculine appeal of gambling chips while Eisenstein extends the feminine appeal of taking care of people. But with both, it’s something for nothing, a token with no intrinsic value if not backed by the slave labor of people who make real products, who have no crypto wallets.
For Rhonda, who pays attention to deciphering words, Alison points out that Eisenstein means Iron Stone, like the magnetic core of the earth. And Charles is that magnetic personality weaving the stories that gravitate people towards this gamefied life controlled by central bankers, under the auspices of spirituality.
But this isn’t the first lie in which Charles has been caught. Awhile back he posted photos sent to him by his friend, the photographer, of a 40,000 bed mega-prison in El Salvador. It was horrifying, with men stacked in cages, masses of identical shaved head prisoners in brutal conditions.
As we were all reeling from this, someone pointed out that they were AI generated and showed the tells. Charles stepped back his claim and said these were aspirational but how does that happen when your friend the photographer sent them to you? That should have put me on alert that when someone lies about one thing, you can never again say they wouldn’t do that. You can only ask, are they lying now?
Alison played a talk that Charles gave to BRETTON WOODS on the 75th anniversary of their post WWII founding, when they established the World Bank and the IMF to move colonization into a self-managing economic model. The audience included central bankers and hedge fund managers, spiritual gurus like Riane Eisler and economic kingpins like Larry Summers. What did Eisenstein say to this gathering? He channeled the voice of the earth:
I am Gaia and I’m dying. It’s already too late. There’s another spirit waiting to inhabit the earth. There will come a time of giving and receiving equally but first, we need to show our fitness for this partnership through gifts in the courtship of Lover Earth.
What are the gifts that Lover Earth wants? In a previous stack, Charles showed an animation of his story called The Fall. The figures, representing indigenous, black and all other minorities, go on this journey. They reach the end at a cliff, so they can go no farther. Standing on the edge of a giant eye, they see images of great strife and hardship, conflict and war and famine. A tear trickles down a woman’s cheek. They hold hands and silently nod. Starting with the woman, they fall into the abyss.
It’s a mass suicide, an extinction, a willing blood sacrifice to the volcano god. I remember thinking at the time, this is dark. Is this supposed to be inspirational? But that’s the gift that Gaia wants—our lives—so we can make way for the other spirit that’s waiting to inhabit the earth. WTF?
Eisenstein is to the IMF what Greta is to the WEF.
Greta uses environmentalists for the WEF climate change narrative.
Charles uses economic rebels for the IMF crypto narrative.
They both control the opposition to herd us into the slaughterhouse.
Robert Malone talks about 5th Generation Warfare. What does that mean? At the center is the public psyop, whether that’s the CovidCon or Ukraine or Israel. But those who oppose it need to be controlled, so the next circle are people like Malone and RFK. The third circle are people who are apologists for them like Meryl Nass for Malone and Eisenstein for RFK. The fourth circle are those who seem to be opposing the first three circles but are in on the con and know they’re lying. But the fifth circle are lying to themselves, the naive do-gooders who say, “But they’re nice people!”
A dozen years ago, when I had a radio show, I was invited to interview Charles. I asked about his gift economy and the example he gave of one person providing childcare and another baking bread. I said that this was an exchange of services but we all require goods and, particularly housing, that required money. How did that work? He didn’t have an answer for it.
The first section of my book is called Pieces of Slave and explains how coinage commodified slavery, so we could buy slaves by the hour instead of the life. It’s still slavery that backs our money. The only reason we can spend our lives as servants making the rich richer is that they pay us in pieces of slave, where one hour of our time buys 10 to 100 hrs of someone else’s time around the globe.
I also asked Charles about A Course in Miracles because he uses the same philosophy and terminology. He said he gets that question a lot but he’s never read it. Really? If someone told you there was a 1200 pp channeled text in which a divine source sounded a lot like you, you wouldn’t be bothered to find out?
I suppose not, if you were a spiritual grifter using that language to promote your own agenda, but meaning the exact opposite.
I acquired a copy of Sacred Economics (scared economics, Rhonda?) with my attendance at a talk Charles gave. A friend had dragged me there to hear ‘a real economist,’ just as people now throw Doughnut Economics at me. And Alison has a lot to say about that, another reason I love her!
I hadn’t opened it to read the inscription: “Enjoy well.” What the hell does that mean? What struck me at the talk, which was a small gathering, is that Charles really didn’t want anyone to talk to him. He held himself separate, with body language to discourage anyone from coming up to him. The only reason we talked was because we were waiting together for the bathroom.
Someone mentioned once that they knew him back when he was selling kombucha, I think it was, at festivals. The other vendors were on friendly terms and spent their time chatting. But Charles was always aloof, from what I heard.
What feels obvious to me as I watch him now is that he’s an asocial guy who doesn’t seem to like people, especially those who aren’t in his thrall. It’s not consistent with the persona he’s presenting or the message of Oneness he’s always spouting.
After posting the video, I saw that Eisenstein’s latest Substack post links a film he’s in called Village of Lovers, which seems to be about a polyamorous community living off the land:
They recognized that most utopian communities fail due to the unresolved shadows around love, sex, money and power. Tamera recognized the need to develop a holistic model that centered the regeneration of trust as the core goal.
It is, to me, very cultish and creepy. In a related interview called On Community & the New Story, Charles says:
At some point we’ll be asked to offer a sacrifice that purifies our clarity of intention. … Am I serving my own status, fame, reputation or financial interest? Or am I willing at a key moment to sacrifice that to serve this larger thing? … When you have that feeling of ‘I will do anything to bring this into the world’ the all-pervasive listener says, ‘Great!’
To whom will we sacrifice our financial interests, our bank accounts, our homes, our reputations and all our material attachments? The WEF eye-in-the pyramid hole in the ground, ready for us to own nothing but give it all to Lover Earth?
And this is an interview where Kim Iversen and Whitney Webb both agree that Kennedy can’t possibly believe what he’s saying about Israel, and speculate on whether he’s being blackmailed because he’s too sincere and nice of a person to really think that way.
But he is no more charming than Obama, who golfed while Gaza burned, saying he couldn’t do anything because he wasn’t yet President—which didn’t stop him from bailing out the bankers. That genocide ended on the day of his inauguration. Nothing excuses the cowardice of standing with Israel, whether captured or complicit.
I’ll be talking more about the economics when I compare them to my system, and how it’s similar in form and critically opposite in purpose. In the meantime, here is The Space Between Stories on Charles Eisenstein, one on Kennedy and Malone, and Kennedy Straddles the Divide:
In a recent talk in Black Mountain, NC, Charles described how we're in the space when the story shifts, the glitch in the matrix of being and relationship. I compare his ideas to A Course in Miracles with the synchronicity that lets us step out of the story for a moment. And I give some thoughts on Clif High and how the Yugas fit with either.
How would it affect Robert F. Kennedy's Presidency if Robert Malone was secretly operating for the CIA? Would Malone head up his FDA, HHS or CDC? Is this a legitimate question Kennedy should be asking? I recount my phone call with the Breggins and a conversation with Tessa Lena, then ask if we should scatter the HHS to the four corners of the commonwealths.
Is Kennedy making himself unelectable and ineffectual? I look at his stances that he is not an anti-vaxxer and is Israel's greatest supporter; that it takes courage to be Robert Malone. But Malone may have thrown him under the ethnically targeted virus bus, and then pivoted to Trump.
I remember being captivated by Eisenstein until I realized he was full of shit. I lost some friends when I tried to tell them how and why. And then I was a big RFK JR fan until he revealed he was controlled 100% by Israel. So .... fuck him too.
Hard to find anyone to trust.
Thanks for this Tereza. You’re tapping into a huge area here. I’m going to call it Corruption… it has been showing up a Lot this week…and how it starts with something simple, almost innocent. One little slackening of integrity and it’s in, like the fucking Babadook…
LOTS to say to this… maybe it’ll be an article. I’ll ping you. Would of course like to @charleseisenstein respond to this!