In this video, I examine three ways in which Bobby Kennedy is trying to stand on both sides of the fence. The first is “I am not an anti-vaxxer” … but he has written the book and has the primary media platform for researchers telling you why you should be.
In the second, Malone first reported that his “good friend Bobby” seemed to be distancing himself. And then, when cornered by a reporter who asked. “What do you admire most about Robert Malone?” Kennedy talked about how much courage it takes to be Robert Malone, when people are coming after you every day from all sides.
If this was an attempt to placate Malone, I don’t think it worked from my suspicions that Malone has done a hard pivot to Trump as his ticket to head a DoD bioscare organization. And to segue to the third divide, perhaps Malone threw Kennedy under the bus on his way out the door.
As is well known, Kennedy has come under attack for saying that Covid had a disproportionate impact on Blacks and Caucasians than it did on Chinese, Finns and Ashkenazi Jews. He believed that his comment was ‘off the record.’ It’s been characterized as a claim that Covid is an ethnically targeted bioweapon developed by those it spares, and proof that he’s anti-Semitic—not anti-Chinese or anti-Finn.
What was the context of this remark? Was there a question that prompted it? Who leaked it? Who distorted it? Who told him the dinner was off the record?
In Malone’s scripted interview with Stephen Hatfill, on which I reported below, he tells an odd, out-of-the-blue story about John Luttrell (?) getting heat and charges of anti-Semitism for saying there are ethnically targeted bioweapons. He asks Malone—from whom he’d apparently gotten that info—to provide some sources to give his critics. Malone answers, “John, I’m a little bit offended. I AM the goddamn expert, but here’s this and this and this and this.”
Did Malone give Kennedy this information? Did he set the trap? As Malone says, it’s not even controversial, but he doesn’t seem to be using his reputation as the “goddamn expert” to come to Kennedy’s defense. Here is a 1998 article sent to me by Ernest, who comments on my YT as ‘the electric mule’, showing that Israel has been working on this for over two decades:
Israel's Ethnic Weapon?
ISRAEL IS REPORTEDLY developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Times. The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.
The "ethno-bomb" is reportedly Israel's response to the threat that Iraq may be just weeks away from completing its own biological weapons.
The "ethno-bomb" program is based at Israel's Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.
The task is very complex because both Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples. But according to the report, the Israelis have succeeded in isolating particular characteristics of certain Arabs, "particularly the Iraqi people."
Dedi Zucker, a member of the Israeli parliament, denounced the research in the Sunday Times. "Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied."
Last month, Foreign Report claimed that Israel was following in the ignominious footsteps of apartheid-era research, in their supposed efforts to develop an "ethnic bullet."
Rather than standing by his statement and providing the data, Bobby has overcompensated by asserting that no one has been a greater friend to Israel than he. In an episode of the Grayzone, Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal discuss their disappointment that Kennedy would cave to that pressure. Both are Jewish and outspoken critics of Israel’s oppression of Palestine, and have interviewed Kennedy with respect for his integrity.
But the problem with Israel goes much deeper than Palestine, as if that wasn’t enough. I’ve been reading Whitney Webb’s One Nation Under Blackmail, Vol. 2. Although ostensibly about Jeffrey Epstein, it covers less about pedophilia than the interconnections between those who do the blackmail and use the blackmail.
And it provides more clues as to who controls the CIA, which we know is not the President from the assassination of JFK. Throughout the book the CIA and Israeli intelligence are intertwined, which could explain why Israel is the tail that wags the dog of US foreign policy.
The best source of memes on Substack, Startle Magazine, just posted Bible ProfitSees MEMEs. He talks about most of the Bible being about bloodlines, or the genealogy of who inherits the right to rule over others, in my words. He calls this Satanic but I commented: “I don't think it's satanic, which would be giving them too much credit. Satan is the term they invented to literally demonize those who rebelled against the empire, or their right to rule over others. It's Semitic or Shemitic from the sons of Shem, Noah's favored son. I talk about this in The Devil & Naomi Wolf.”
I think that we need a word to distinguish Semitic ruling bloodlines from everyone else. When we criticize British royalty or the City of London, no one says we’re anti-English. We can critique the Vatican without being anti-Catholics. No one confuses a tirade against a President as being against the people.
The Torah describes a God who gives some the right to rule over land and people, with entire races to be their slaves. This is a belief system I reject. I am not anti-Semite but I am against Semitism as belief in the God-given right to rule over others. And you should be too. Anyone who is not anti-Semitism is anti-Canaanites. We can believe no one has the right to be master, or we can quibble over who.
On Thursday, I had a very lively, far-reaching conversation with Mark Kulacz of Housatonics Live. It’s been posted on BitChute, Odysee and Rumble. We talked about 9/11, anthrax, economics, the decline in home ownership, Andrew Huff, and went into detail about the Hatfill and Malone interview. It was great fun and I learned a lot.
After the recording, Mark and I continued talking and he told me his theory that 911 was supposed to be a bioterrorism attack, something he’s researched extensively on his Covid911 playlist, which is also on Odysee and BitChute. His research leads him to believe that Israel interrupted the plan by changing it to a false flag controlled demolition to incite the US to attack Iraq.
This is the most interesting new theory I’ve heard, and I’m looking forward to listening to his deep dive. This has an ominous correspondence to Isaac Middle’s theories about the cataclysmic events happening every seven years on the Shemitah. According to WaPo, 9-11 was originally planned for Rosh Hashanah, one week later on 9-18. This is the Day of Judgment that begins 10 days of atonement and repentance. But something pushed it up a week.
Isaac thinks 2022-2023 might be the Jubilee Year or Super Shemitah, that a rabbi had pegged for 2015-2016 when not much happened. So sundown on Friday September 15th to sundown on Sunday Sept17th could be a time to watch.
To follow up, here’s What a Smoke & Wombat Holes:
Along with Robert Malone's multimillion dollar contracts, including nanotherapeutics, is an odd $350K one for What a Smoke. What was the DoD doing with e-cigarettes in 2015 and did it lead to the Jan 2020 WaPo article on "the mysterious vaping linked illness and deaths." I also look at the dark side of the Shemitah and Jubilee from Isaac Middle of Down the Wombat Hole.
and this is The Devil & Naomi Wolf:
Responds to Naomi's essay, "Have the Ancient Gods Returned?" by looking at the Hebrew Satan and the Christian Satan. Elaine Pagel's book, "The Origin of Satan" shows them to be the zealots who rebelled against Roman rule. Naomi believes the Jews have broken the covenant between God and Noah, I follow the story past the rainbow to the drunk, naked Noah cursing his grandson Canaan and his descendants to be eternal slaves to the descendants of Shem, the Semites.
Vanessa Beeley just posted this, which quotes Max Blumenthal about a recent appearance of Kennedy with ultra-Zionist Schmuley Boteach: In one clip, a woman from Jewish Voices for Peace is shouted down by Schmuley, who demands the questioner's name in an act of intimidation. Kennedy doesn't intervene to address her question but lets her be heckled by the crowd and laughs when she's shut down. This, along with Kennedy's naive positions in the talk, extinguishes any flickering hope I've had for Kennedy.
"bacterium or virus" sticks out. I still hold open several hypotheses, including the possibility that a virus is being blamed for the work of bacteria, which the Navy has successfully made people sick with for seven decades at least (Operation Sea Spray).