Vanessa Beeley just posted this, which quotes Max Blumenthal about a recent appearance of Kennedy with ultra-Zionist Schmuley Boteach: https://beeley.substack.com/p/the-kennedy-hall-of-shame-on-palestine. In one clip, a woman from Jewish Voices for Peace is shouted down by Schmuley, who demands the questioner's name in an act of intimidation. Kennedy doesn't intervene to address her question but lets her be heckled by the crowd and laughs when she's shut down. This, along with Kennedy's naive positions in the talk, extinguishes any flickering hope I've had for Kennedy.

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I knew you would blow your top after seeing Vanessa's substack. I was just going to send it to you, but I see you have read it. I'm pretty much speechless.

Nah not really...My short term hope is in the BRICS offering competition to IMF/West policy. Pres. Putin told the African nations at the summit that they will continue to receive grain and food stuff from Russian, even free of charge. Alex from the Duran said China will loan the African Nations money so these countries don't have to deal with the west banksters or at least get fair deals if they choose the IMF.

Because the elections are just a fraud the empire will elect the best puppet for their needs. On 2nd thought, Is there a chance that Kennedy is just using them for their money and will turn on them if elected?? Shucks I am such a half full kind of gal.

On another note.. my mom's name is Helen too.

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It really is a comfort to me that you see the same thing and feel it's unacceptable, no matter how desperate we are for someone who agrees with some things we think and isn't awful.

Thanks for that info on the summit. I'm hopeful that's an actual change also.

Oh what a fun coincidence but that must have been confusing, no? Did you have a nickname?

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"bacterium or virus" sticks out. I still hold open several hypotheses, including the possibility that a virus is being blamed for the work of bacteria, which the Navy has successfully made people sick with for seven decades at least (Operation Sea Spray).

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Complete agreement, Mathew. All your research with JJ has definitely made an impression on me. That's why the venom theory resonates.

I'll look forward to hearing more about this when we talk on your Locals program, which Gabe is setting up for Weds or Thurs. I'm also interested in doing a deeper dive on your interview with Tessa. I found her response curious and I was glad you kept sticking to reality.

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I'm really glad you're game for the Locals chat here and there.

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Excellent post Tereza. I have had a sense of RFK seemingly straddling the fence with respect to vaccines. You have done great work in exposing Malone as well. There really needs to be a complete abolition of vaccines in general. Even more importantly an abolition of non natural ingredients in our water filtration and food supplies. I really don't see any candidates who have a willingness to run on issues like that.

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Nefahotep! I just saw you featured in Ray Horvath's stack. So maybe you're the person to ask this question because I know that you (like me) are a fan of Sasha's. She ran a recent post that talked about 'should we give the vaxx to kids who are going to die anyhow.' That was a quote from Malone via Hatfill, that I talked about in my two previous episodes, so I cited them in the comments. I also mentioned that I was interviewed by Mark and we talked about this quote that we both found appalling. It seemed appropriate, since her title referenced a quote I'd just done three pieces on.

She 'liked' 90% of the comments, including ones before and after mine, and two responding to mine. The ones she didn't like includes one she banned. I don't take offense if an author doesn't like me (which is common) but this seemed notable by its absence, including liking the comment in response to my comment on the comment, but not mine.

I know that Mark has done on a piece on Sasha's daughter, objecting to her content. I don't agree with Mark on this--I don't think I'd ever criticize one of my daughter publicly. And I'm not sure if Mark would still agree. But after I wracked my brain over why she'd object to me, it occurred to me that maybe it was an objection to Mark. What do you think?

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I didn't get much of a chance to read that one from Sasha. I'll go check it out. If she was repeating a quotation from Malone in order to pick it apart, that's one thing. If she actually said that and believes it, then I would be appalled as well.

As for why she banned or blocked you, that could be anything, maybe Sasha's daughter or someone else who works with her did that. And yes it's possible that it could be an objection to Mark.

I'll say this: the overall content I pay most attention to is Sasha and Katherine Watt's material specific to the pseudo legal framework where the US government has chosen to wage war against the citizens.

Just so you know, I do pay some attention to what Maloney is saying too, the reason being is I can figure out what the next psychological manipulation of the media will be. For me, there are different reasons for each of the subscriptions I have, for the most part I am trying to learn as much as possible.

I will take issue with Sasha if she thinks vaccines are still appropriate and especially if she approves of children getting them.

Tereza, I think you and I typically see eye to eye on a great many topics. I always enjoy your posts and your input.

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Thanks for the compliment, Nefahotep, and I feel the same. I may not have described that well. Here's the comment itself: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/futile-but-hugely-profitable/comment/21505056.

In it, I'm excited that Sasha has covered the same quote from Malone, immediately recognizable by the odd idiom of 'anyhow' instead of 'anyway'. I'm assuming that was a coincidence and she didn't get it from me, maybe coop alerted us both to it at the same time. But having just made the same points about his remark seems notable, with her taking a biological perspective and me doing the political. Fourteen other people thought so too, and gave it a like.

It had to have been a deliberate decision because she liked both of Mensch59's replies to my comment that added to 'the cesspool' I brought up. There was nothing to disagree with in my post, other than 'the cesspool keeps getting deeper' and we certainly don't disagree there.

It is, as Daniel Negese would say, a discrepancy and so I'm applying discrepancy analysis. 1) Maybe there's a reason that Sasha doesn't like me, although I don't remember ever criticizing her or her ideas, which I often cite. 2) Maybe she doesn't like my ideas on religion, esp Christianity or Judaism, and is showing her disapproval 3) Maybe she doesn't want to bring attention to my posts on the same topic a few days prior, since author likes get bumped ahead in the comments 4) Maybe she doesn't like Mark and is not liking me by association 5) Maybe Mark knows something she doesn't want known. After all, Mrs Smith Says So ;-)

I'm not thin-skinned or petty about people not liking me or my ideas, where I give ample reason by kicking others' dogmas. I prefer disagreements out in the open (as I likely should have done with Rob's comment). But this made me curious.

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Those are all great points, ultimately it is often hard to know just what may be going on with certain people's thinking. I suppose that the main issue 'Could be' religious dogma related; however, I have posted comments critical to that dogma before and she liked it..... There are possibly personal reasons; it may as you suggest, be tied back to Mark vs her daughter, something that I'm not able to know the full picture of unless I read what Mark has posted. If Rabbit Holes are deep; personal ones are much deeper.

My "primary focus" is Sasha's content itself, --- that in combination with Kathrine Watt's; when I studied the specifics, I realized that the WHOLE LEGAL SYSTEM we have here in the US is a tent pitched on top of fraud. And that was a great start for me to start researching the Birth Certificate Trust.

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Giving more thought to the religious dogma, I don't think so. Sasha's post today included: "Other connections between Sarepta and the US (and Israeli) government include current board member Kathryn Boor, who also concurrently serves on the United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Fund and the Science Board for the US Food and Drug Administration." So she doesn't shy away from linking Israel and the US in nefarious schemes. And her (young) daughter, according to Mark, even questions the Holocaust. If Mark and I had time, I would defend her right to do this, but even more I'd defend Sasha's right to let her daughter speak for herself.

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That's perfect, but remember that the Israeli government and other governments in the western orbit, including the US are in fact "Franchise" operations meant to serve the very very few who actually control the Globalist Hierarchy. The whole concept of "Government IS nefarious. I think the more I read into this, seems there are many levels of how we each experience "Truth." It sounds like I might want to read what her daughter has to say; it may be worth a lot more than anything that Malone has to say.

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excellent comment. might want to re-work that metaphor in that 2nd to last sentence 🤣

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It's ok if you don't agree with the metaphor, many of the ones I use come from the fact I spend a lot of time studying in various ancient languages. But to reiterate: The US 'Corporate' legal system, one based on administrative admiralty law as administered by the City of London and CFR is mostly based on fraud. This is because most people here in the US like to think that we have the US Constitution and checks and balances. What we actually have, is a system that has most of it's power 'occulted' or hidden. There are a lot of reasons why my metaphor may make sense. Many fellow Conservatives may not agree ---- that's ok, as I said before, a truth seekers job is never done.

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Sasha has good info. BUT **** she's another one who made her money in Big Pharma & got out when she had feathered her nest. In her Twitter bio, she calls herself "independently wealthy." Her website features her paintings - apparently she's an artist now. Mark K has some interesting BG on her daughter & her (former) internet persona.

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Ok, now I have a sense that Sasha was merely paraphrasing Malone; who is obviously a Moron. Here's the quote:

Sasha said: "Let’s ask the experts. When asked by Glen Beck whether mRNA injections are ok for children, Dr. Malone says of course no, except... …it’s ok for severely ill children, as “they are going to die anyhow” according to Dr. Steven Hatfill, a bio weapons expert with deep connections in the intelligence community. Full interview here, the clip was made at 1:18:03."

"This position on bioethics is frequently taken by the military-academic-biotechnology/biochemical weapons elite scientists. They do it so often, they no longer notice they are doing it, as it becomes a second nature to all involved."

Sasha continues:

"When someone is terminally ill and is expected to die, it is unethical to experiment on them unless there is very strong evidence that the experimental treatment would benefit THEM (not their grandma, not Boston Children’s scientists, their IP department, and balance sheet). It is in general not ok to justify this as “searching for a cure” as that is too generic of a reason. Same goes, for example, making new weapons bio-defense countermeasures (Steven Hatfill’s occupation) for “pandemic preparedness” - that’s just fantasy narrative to justify government racket and removal of our rights. The evidence for possible direct benefit to the experimental subject must not be theoretical, it should have a sufficient empirical basis. It also requires an informed consent, which children cannot legally provide, and this last point makes it a particularly thorny ethical issue."

Well, there you have it. Sasha was trying to shine a light on the "Mentality" of the Medical Industrial Complex, I am very disturbed by Malone; I'll take some time to process this, I may write a post on it, but you are very good at that too.

Malone may be 100 times worse than Fauci was, I have met Chameleons before, you need to have a real good 6th sense to detect them. A truth seeker's job is never done.

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Reading the second half of Sasha's post today, I love her work. Just wanted to reiterate that. She doesn't need to like me. I find her material very useful and insightful.

Great concept of the Chameleon. I almost wrote Chamelion.

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So very ironic that Malone calls himself a "bioethicist" on his CV.

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You did the same with a comment that I made.... You liked almost everything else.

It's her prerogative and yours too.

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Oh! I do sorta remember that. But did I respond? Sometimes I get caught with not entirely agreeing but not wanting to make it a 'thing'. It is her prerogative but it made me wonder if there was something she had against me ... or against Mark. It seemed like she didn't disagree with my point since we were using thee same quote. But I definitely don't have anything against you even if we don't agree, and I'd revisit your comment if you wanted to continue that discussion.

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No. But it's ok!

We're allowed to disagree and dislike things.

I've had the same happen with Sasha, but later on she's cool with other things, like you are.

Sometimes we just don't want to bother with things that we find to be bullshit, otherwise it gets on our nerves to debate things that are not easily proven.

I've learned this by asking anarchists to explain to me how monopolies won't happen or last in free markets lol..

It just goes in circles. After so many times of disagreeing, I just let it go cause in their minds I'm full of shit and they're full of shit to me lol.

Despite how objective we think we are, we're still human and my experience gives each one of us a different bias in logic, seeing, etc.

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You put this in stronger terms than I would. If I agreed with anyone completely, I would be redundant in the world, there would be no reason for me to exist. Sometimes the disagreement feels fruitful, like there's a place that's going to bring both sides further along. Other times it seems like we might be ships passing in the night, where we're using different terms for the same concept. But I'm flailing because I don't remember why I didn't 'like' your comment but I always 'like' you and am happy to read your good thoughts ;-)

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RFK doesn't have to be electable because they'll never allow him to be elected.

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Completely agree, SimComm. CJ Hopkins said early on, they'll never allow him to be elected so just tell the truth. I wish that Bobby would internalize that.

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Thank you, Tereza, lots of good food for thought here. Will watch the videos.

Did Malone set the trap for Bobby? Interesting thought. Though Kennedy doesn't need Malone to come to his defense (and really, the more RFK Jr distances himself from Malone, the better, imo) because lots has already been written on the ability to target ethnicities. Still, that said, given Kennedy's defense of him, you would expect that. Who knows where Malone's allegiance lies? He seems to be morphing in real time.

Enjoyed your discussion with Mark. Best.

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Bioweapons don't work.

If they did, COVID would not have been a rebranded flu.

Heck, even Malone said most diseases were eradicated with sanitation.... Reminds me of terrain theory... And check this out, they couldn't even transmit the Spanish flu...


Gotta question the germ theory of disease when right now all of us have strep bacteria and ecoli bacteria in our bodies.... Hmm right?

Chemical weapons work, but they're easily detected.

So they resorted to the best method, injection. This time without the questioned aluminum adjuvants.

Rfk is not straddling vaccines, he's doing the lawyer approach.

Obviously, he now knows that none of them have proper safety or efficacy studies.

But whatever, I'm glad that this is a topic that is gaining traction... It was kooky tin foil hat before cause people love to trust authority...

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This was a classic CIA trap. Present an expert, set the hook and provide plausible slander to begin the process of narrative development to harm any potential "wild-card" (if RFK Jr is a wild card). Trump is being targeted (ineffectively), so he may be the preferred choice. Maybe a deal was cut? Still, the many different permutations that can be played (divide and conquer, dissonance and distraction) are the major tools they (The Powers That Be/Monsters) to run this down. Aliens are their "trump" card, as von Braun told Carol Rosin.

Don't be fooled by the UAP BS Dog and Pony show. The revelations and "disclosures" are anything but "disclosures". All the "data" is public information and is very shallow regurgitations of what has been known in the UFO field for well over 50 years.

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Hi, Xavier. That sounds like an apt description of what happened with Malone, if I substitute 'plausible censorship' for slander. Kennedy? I'm still not sure. Yes, the targeting of Trump feels very staged to me. It's overdone and doomed from the get-go, without pursuing other avenues more likely to be successful.

I have Philip Mollica bookmarked, among others, on the UFO disclosures being both true and gov't psyops: https://philipmollica.substack.com/p/aliens-or-government-exploitation-bdf

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Dind-ding. The best lies and miss-directions always have a truth tucked in to provide a tangible anchor. The UAP is both a distraction and part of Plan X for whatever the mother WEFers are getting ready. I'm guessing that they are trying to pre-empt the BRIC gathering and announcement for an alternative to the dollar and the British pound.

If you get the chance, both Joseph Farrell (GizaDeathStar) and Daniel Lizt (DarkJournalist) have extensive interviews and podcasts on the subject.

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'Mother WEFers' -- great term! So this would imply that the BRICs and WEF are in opposition. I find that hopeful and I tend to agree. Thanks for the recommendations!

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I'm not entirely convinced that the BRICs and the WEFers are in complete opposition. Putin was a Young Leader member in the WEF, as were many in the cabinets of the BRIC nations. There may be plans within plans and factional infighting occurring, so this may be a negotiation tactic and data gathering operation.

To me, this seems like a second Bretton Woods-like gathering between nations that have industrial capabilities and access to petroleum resources. Russia has already negotiated an electronic clearing house and exchange system with China and Japan. They are in the process of getting that set up with India.

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I'm reading your excellent article now, Xavier: https://xavierfigueroa.substack.com/p/post-19-a-revised-version-of-history. You are certainly speaking my language, talking about the Currency Act as the instigation for the Revolutionary War.

So when you say "they" are looking to pre-empt the BRICs alternative to the dollar/ pound, you don't mean the WEF? Or is this UAP coming out of the neo-con DoD/ CIA rather than the WEF?

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Thank you for the complement.

Russia is actively setting up and alternative payment system to SWIFT, by-passing the sanctions imposed by Western Europe in order to facilitate an exchange rate decoupled from the US dollar or British pound. "They" is the US (Fed Reserve)/Bank of International Settlements (WEF)/City of London banks. This coalition of interests have placed the majority of nations in a US dollar "bear trap", to use Catherine Austin Fitts's term. The weaponization of the US dollar is one of the strengths left to the US (aside from the US Military network - which is now being rapidly privatized).

The UAP scenario is a sleight-of-hand misdirection to deflect and provide cover for the economic Cluster-Cluck that is coming (derivatives are coming due, with no way to pay them). COVID was a beta-test to calibrate the algorithms and plans, to stress test their capabilities and our ability to push back. The health scare worked pretty well, so they might decide to do it again - either with the UAP scenario or no UAP scenario.

By having an alien threat, the activation of continuity of government (COG) plans and/or marshal law, will allow for a complete write off of bad debt and a reset with the WEF (and the One World Government). In my mind, the UAP scenario is not just a neocon DoD/CIA program. It is a WEF/DoD/CIA program because they have been working hand-in-hand for decades. At the top management level, they all talk to each other and negotiate pieces of the global pie.

When you have a person like Wernher von Braun warning Carol Rosin that there is a program in place to escalate the development of space-based weapons and E.T. was the last card "they" would play (the WEF, Bilderberg, CFR and RIIA are filled with Nazis true-believers, among many other groups) it is most definitely a WEF collaboration.

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Miles W Mathis calls that bloodline the Phoenician Navy, which is both cheeky and accurate.

“I think that we need a word to distinguish Semitic ruling bloodlines from everyone else. When we criticize British royalty or the City of London, no one says we’re anti-English.”

Interesting juxtaposition mentioning Semitic bloodlines and British royalty in the same paragraph. I thought British royalty and the City of London were part of Semitic ruling bloodlines.

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One serves the other. The true private owners of the City of London, are the principals to it's corporate entity, they supposedly swear allegiance to the Royals. So, what I think bears out from the research I've done on Dragon Court is: the true owners consist of the ancient Dragon Bloodline, they are very strict in bloodline purity. Nobody from outside their group can really become a Dragon. Yet, a member of the Dragon Bloodline can join in Royalty. The royalty is the Order of the Garter. By now, most royalty are also part of or working for the Dragon Court. Also, Israel is incorporated as a franchise the City of London, just like the US Inc. In order to make a distinction between those who identify as Semitic or Jewish, I specifically refer to the individuals that run this corporate enterprise as Sabbateans. So, I'm not anti Jewish but I am anti Sabbatean.

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Woah, seriously, Israel is a franchise of the City of London? You're blowing my mind, Nefahotep. And yes, I'm sure we both agree with PhilH that the British royalty and City of London are part of Semitic ruling bloodlines, along with China, I hear.

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I have heard these claims, but have never seen good documentation. I wish that people would share the sources for their conclusions more.

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Interesting that you would respond here, Mathew, I was just thinking of you and your Wiki Campfire in relationship to Nefahotep. He and Frances Leader, with others, have an ambitious project going to categorize and show the connections between these ancient dynastic bloodlines, their monied interests, and their involvement in the cults I call pedo-sadistic. Right now he has diagrams cluttering up his kitchen counters and driving the rest of his family crazy. I thought his work might interest you. Here's the latest: https://nefahotep.substack.com/p/dragon-court-and-back-ground-of-the

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If my understanding is correct, modern British royalty claim descent from Brutus of Troy, who arrived in Britain - which is named after him - around 500BC at the head of a large migration of refugees from The Trojan War in Anatolia. Another group went to Etrusca and founded Rome. They were all descendants of the ten non-Judaic so-called "Lost" Tribes of Israel. Until the Stuarts, there was a legal convention which required a British monarch to be a descendant of Brutus.

Since the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688, British monarchs have been vassals of The City of London, which is to all intents and purposes owned and controlled by descendants of the Judaic Tribes of Israel, The Black Nobility, who arrived in London via Babylon, Rome, Venice and Amsterdam. This split between Judaic and non-Judaic is also reflected in the split between Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, the Church of England being a re-formation of the British Apostolic Church founded by Joseph of Arimathea (Saint Ilid) around AD 37.

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Great information, Tirion. I was just thinking that the story of Noah is a do-over from Adam and Eve except without any named women (although Eve seems only named in order to blame). So all people on the earth are descended from Noah according to the Torah. But the linage from Shem only goes to one son who is given God and the ruling patriarch's blessing to rule over all others. It's a hierarchy (inheritance order of archons) with only one at the top at any given time. No wonder the OT is all about genealogy.

So it's the City of London that's the seat of the world's would-be rulers, with Israel as its franchise. Very interesting.

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Hola, Tereza.

Another great post. It appears that Kennedy is being lured by the presidency to be a pleaser rather than a truther. It is a hard general of 'mara', the Buddhist army of delusion.

Interesting observation about Malone / Trump / (bus-ted) Kennedy. I haven't been looking at this aspect.

Thank you for expanding the conversation in valuable directions.

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That's a really good way to put it: pleaser rather than truther. That's my sense too.

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Yes. Mara, the army of delusion, is *VERY* clever. One of the most reliable stratagems Mara uses is the *ostensible* desire to serve, help and please, ie to *act* the 'good' person without actually *being* the good person in action. And often can in 'big' important 'gigs' draw the 'good' person away from integrity for the 'greater' good. Challenging, always. The lure of helping others entangles many in Mara's maw, so to speak.

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Provocative take on the anthrax/911 connection. It seems obvious there's a connection. The prevalent theory, which I find credible, is that the anthrax false flag was sort of a follow-up, Part 2 punch to Sept. 11. To seal the geopolitical terror deal, so to speak. This in no way qualifies the possible (probable) involvement of the only democracy in the mideast. They could have been in on both events. But my interest in Mark's ideas is sparked; will follow up. On RFK Jr., I agree with those who feel he should just forget about/ignore Malone. He doesn't need him at all. It seems Jr. is expertly handling the frontal attacks from the predictable sewer bullies in the political elites and media, but has been shooting himself in the foot in seemingly self-created traumas like the case of Israel. With that, and Malone, he almost seems naive; is he?

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You're asking some good questions, Howard. I had thought, like you, the anthrax was the one-two punch but now I'm intrigued by Mark's theory. Maybe the towers were meant to be the follow-up.

I wonder also about RFK being naive. It does almost seem so.

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"false flag controlled demolition to incite the US to attack Iraq." that is interesting. Why did that tiny nation want us attacking IRAQ?

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Hello, Peter! Ah, where to start. I always think that motive is not the place to start. What we know is that the result was the US attacking Iraq even though it clearly had nothing to do with 9-11 by any stretch of the imagination. The pilots were Saudis and Bin Laden was in Afghanistan. Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were enemies. So even taking 9-11 at face value, there was no reason for Iraq to be the first target.

The article I cited from 1998 says, "The "ethno-bomb" is reportedly Israel's response to the threat that Iraq may be just weeks away from completing its own biological weapons." So even without digging further, Iraq and Israel were targeting each others populations with biological weapons, one of the dirtiest acts of terrorism, which is how we should describe any indiscriminate act of violence.

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Gee...wonder where Saddam would have gotten bioweapons and labs to make them? Maybe even mobile ones so that they could be moved around. But that's just crazy talk...

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HAHAHA! Who could have sold Saddam Weapons? And then let him move them BEFORE the UN Inspector General showed up? Whussa going to do that? 🙃

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Start with PNAC. The blueprint is clear.

It is not any particular nation.

It is a criminal cabal that has infested the US Government and turned it into a puppet.

Iraq was just 1 of many. Russia blocked the Syria takedown just before they would have been successful, earning the eternal hatred of the criminal cabal. And they have been trying to lure Iran into their own destruction for decades.

Iraq also wanted to trade oil in something other than USD. Undermining the Petrodollar? Why wouldn't the cabal seek to destroy him for that?

Agendas can converge. Doesn't make them any less criminal, or psychopathic.


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PNAC! Glad we're talking the same language. One of my underappreciated YT's was, I think, my cleverest, comparing Victoria Nuland to Dolores Umbridge: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/victoria-nuland-is-dolores-umbridge.

And yes on Russia and Syria. And yes on Iran. And my book has a whole chapter on Iraq and the petrodollar, starting with Libya, called Swept Away by the Currency. I think we are in agreement on many things.


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Hi Tereza Coraggio,

Thanks for the reply. The fingerprints of The Monster are obvious now. But using my eyes for the first time has been a journey, barely 2 years in. Not even 2, and still the learning curve is steep every day. I was sceptical as a boy, but I had no idea just where the rabbit hole went, how extensive the Potemkin village was. It truly has been an awakening.

And thank you for the links. I followed you across from Sage's Stack just today, as whatever the discussion thread was seemed interesting. Had seen your comments here & there but had never really looked at your site. There are so many; and time is so short. Then seeing Peter's post something triggered, felt it was that typical dissimulation tactic employed so often, felt compelled to reply.

Did not realise you're an author, also. Will check that out too. Learning history without understanding money is less than half the picture. Don't suppose there is an audiobook version coming soon? That is the main way I digest books these days.


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I'm so glad you found me, Andreas, and Sage Hana is a great reference. I completely relate on the 'new eyes.' Sometimes the learning curve seems like it's 180 degrees.

I've been reading some chapters into my stack, and you're providing the instigation to do my chapter on Greece tomorrow. Here's one to start with, and I'll try to keep it going: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-if-money-was-no-object.

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copy. makes sense. Dick Cheney, Robert Kagan, Bill Kristol - founders of PNAC. 1997 - 2006.

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Back in the day, I read that they were against attacking Iraq because they actually believed Saddam would use gas against them as he against the Kurds earlier.

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RFK Jr's fascination with Israel is quite fascinating. I can find no images of him standing in Jerusalem like his father was in 1948 as the Palestine people were forcibly removed. His dad praised the Jews. He claimed they were different. It appears that he has never been there.

RFK Jr talks about his great victory over Monsanto's Round up Ready. Monsanto paid out millions, renamed the product and it's back on the shelfs of Home Depot. I think about Roberts victory every time I walk past it. Is that a victory?

On RFK Jr's presidential announcement Malone was dead center and directly in front of Robert. He was in every camera shot that panned the audience. Who arranged the seating? Malone sat like a corpse until Robert made the joke about having no control over his sexual demons of lust until he was in his 60's. They have a most interesting relationship. Thanks.

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Hi, Mike and thanks for subbing me! I looked at your posts when you did and saw that Israel is an interest of yours. Yeah, so far RFK isn't leading the bulldozers but he is leading the parade waving an Israeli flag in the Beeley article I cited.

And interesting about Monsanto. And about Malone. The masks are definitely slipping.

I just posted one on Churchill that sheds more light on WWII and the Jews: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/churchills-atrocities. It might interest you.

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Karen Kingston says she has been told she is in grave danger and that one of the reasons for that is her criticism of Dr Robert Malone. https://gettr.com/streaming/p2nnc6713be

As for the bacteria/virus argument, what about nano tech which can be even smaller than a virus and which is toxic to organic biology. I would love to hear JJ Couey's thoughts on all of that, he has taught me a lot about biology in the last year.

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Thanks Kerry, I had seen people talking about the Kingston video several places but this is the first time I watched it. Very moving, very informative. Thank you for posting the link to prompt me to do that.

I don't really know enough biology to comment on the bacteria/virus argument but, without question, whatever's being done is using nano tech. Scary times. Karen's question is a good one, 'and then what do you think will happen?' She's a brave woman.

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I still llke the idea of a Trump/Kennedy ticket. Not that I expect anything but more dysfunction from that, but that dysfunction would be infinitely better than another 6 years of woke/trans/globalist authoritarianism.

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Would that be possible? I've heard that rumor also but wondered if a Democrat could become a Vice-President on a Republican ticket.

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If Trump gets the nod, he needs Kennedy or DeSantis because he is weak on Covid, acting like he saved America with the jabs. Kennedy sounds more these days like a conservative rather than a liberal - though not like a Republican.

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I will at some point do a post on Trump Was the Great Set-up to the Great Reset. Without his inflammatory and offensive rhetoric (style, not substance), I don't believe liberals could have been made as knee-jerk reactionaries to be against everything Trump was for and for everything Trump was against.

There's a cartoon I often cite (which I saw on Malone's stack) of a car with two bashed ends between two brick walls labeled Rep and Dems. The wife is saying, should we try reverse again? There's no question that we're being set up again to try the reverse.

But my question wasn't whether it was feasible but whether it's legal. I thought I remembered a law that someone needed to have a party affiliation for a certain amount of time before running on that ticket.

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Good reference with that Car stuck between the walls.

Peeps I talk to, think the Political Pendulum will swing back to the other part of the spectrum and return balance again.

I claim that this is precisely the illusion they give you (a pattern they set up over the years/decades), which they now intend to break. Normies want a 100%, irrefutable proof. That is really hard when building a case. But one must follow the pattern to see where the evidence trail leads; unless something better comes along.

Terezza, at this point, THEY don't care about legal anymore. Watt has shown that they are convoluting laws to CYA (cover your A..).

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If there is such a law like that it is surely unconstitutional, but no one has ever bothered to question it.

Otherwise, yes, both parties are equally destructive and utterly clueless as to a healthy path for America. Both parties are beholden to the concentration of powers that are leading to ecocide/democide/iatrogenocide in the name of Progress.

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On the other side, if candidates can be in one party and then decide to run in the other, it gives the lie that party affiliation stands for anything. You and I agree that it doesn't, but the concept of party politics is based on the premise that there are substantive differences between them. Should you be able to flip-flop, based on your chances in either? I don't think so.

If I remember correctly, it was written because non-party candidates were being used to bleed votes away from popular candidates in the primaries--popular with the people, not the PTB. But I may be wrong.

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It is a loose area of the law, for sure. Dems in the last election gave money to the most radical republicans running in primaries, to give trouble to the more electable repub. In Minnesota to vote in the primaries you must sign a loyalty pledge basically, while it is illegal to vote in both. As to flip-flopping to run for the other party, that would seem a fundamental freedom, especially as the Dems have turned into a globalist imperium esp since 2020, anyone I should think should be able at any time to change "sides", even in the midst of an election. The parties are not set down in stone tablets writ on high. But then, I suppose without such a law the parties would eventually start throwing shadow pols at elections, further destabilizing things.

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RFK, Jr. showed the scientific paper from which he got the information of differential racial / ethnic effect from COVID19. The NYT lied and said that info was not in the paper, but it was.

Now the Administration won't give RFK Jr. Secret Service protection even though the law says the must. Clearly the ruling class conspiracy doesn't want RFK Jr. spreading Covid truth in his campaign.

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I saw the header on that NYT article but couldn't read it because I'd used up my free quota. I wish he would publish it at CHD. I'm interested in the data. In what I've heard from him on the topic he's apologized and insisted that he's not anti-Semitic, and never mentioned that paper. And these were 'friendly' interviews. Where did you see the paper?

And that's absolutely slimy on the SS protection but who knows, he may be better off with his own. They could be in on the threat.

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Good point about the SS. The Praetorian Guard killed most of the assassinated Emperors.

He denied he drew any conclusions nor accused anyone of concocting a racially differential disease. He did not apologize to the best of my knowledge. He explained he just discussed the paper with someone in private.

The NYT article is just a smear. Even if RFK Jr. discussed in private what the purpose of such an infective differential might be about, so what? Clearly, his whole life is public and shows no sign of anti-Semitism. Suddenly, we are supposed to believe he hates Jews? New York Times is worthless filth.

The paper is publically available. I read it on substack.

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Unless someone is universally hated by the MSM they are part of THEM that run the world and seek to kill us all. RFK fails. KISS.

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