I remember being captivated by Eisenstein until I realized he was full of shit. I lost some friends when I tried to tell them how and why. And then I was a big RFK JR fan until he revealed he was controlled 100% by Israel. So .... fuck him too.

Hard to find anyone to trust.

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Kathleen Devanney, who I'm sure will repost her Rumble comment here, has a post saying that the point of all this disillusionment is to teach us to trust ourselves: https://devanneykathleen.substack.com/p/embodied-knowing.

To me, Eisenstein is that definition of propaganda, interweaving lies with truth. If we see the truth and swallow the lies, they win. If we see the lies and throw out the truth, they win.

Thanks for reading, Phillip!

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I like that take on disillusionment. It is so true.

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What was this realisation exactly? (that CE is full of shit)

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Thanks for this Tereza. You’re tapping into a huge area here. I’m going to call it Corruption… it has been showing up a Lot this week…and how it starts with something simple, almost innocent. One little slackening of integrity and it’s in, like the fucking Babadook…

LOTS to say to this… maybe it’ll be an article. I’ll ping you. Would of course like to @charleseisenstein respond to this!

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Oooh, I'd love to read your article on this. I've been thinking how the WEF acceleration has led to an acceleration in our discernment. For instance, most naysayers to my economic system said it sounded nice but would take 100 yrs before people would consider it. Every day is taking years off that estimation. There's not going to be an alternative of the status quo left.

Thanks for pinging Charles' attention to this. His wife Stella subbed awhile back, not sure if she still is. I'm more interested in getting Allison's attention. I have so much to talk about with her!

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Here's part of it https://open.substack.com/pub/nizamixiii/p/the-thirteenth-key?r=2vuer&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web It might not be what you were expecting! :-)

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In my experience, anyone who touts self-sacrifice and/or service to others as the path to enlightenment is either a charlatan or has some great personal sin to atone.

That is not the path.

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So well put, Philip. There was a comment on Allison's page by TT that speaks to that in the second paragraph. But the whole thing was so good, I'll paste in full:

"Stylistically, Sep Kamvar is unnerving. His singsong voice soft is like those recorded voices they play over speakers when they’re gaslighting you and sh**s about to go down.

"Ironically – or not- Eisenstein recreates the patriarchal, anti-Nature model while pretending the opposite. His Mother Nature is dangerous unless appeased and, like the male Abrahamic God ”before” her, has judged humans as sinners in need of redemption. Conveniently, that redemption can only come if mediated through a priestly caste of Coachella organizers and cryptopagans making digital offerings at the alt-Her. Just as Abrahamic believers don’t really seem to believe in the God they profess, these techno shamans don’t believe in Nature; they believe in their tech.

"The system needs male characters ”embracing the divine feminine” in style and content for its next phase. It’s the False Mother twin of the False Father – both of them False Parents."

Curiously, I also categorized Eisenstein as one of the men who spoke for women on things like "feminine intelligence" but he was the one I gave a pass to. Silly me!

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What's wrong with service to others? And what is enlightenment?

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Absolutely nothing is wrong with it. Unless it comes at a cost of betrayal of the self.

My point is that it is used by bad actors to move individuals to deny themselves in favor of someone else's agenda.

When one moves in the direction of making themselves primary, and in the process heals their own traumas, a natural byproduct of that will be a natural betterment, not only of themselves, but of everyone they come in contact with.

"Service to Others" and Self-sacrifice have been the calling card of every exploitative authority since the beginning of time. Now is the time to place ourselves in the primary position.

You have to put your own oxygen mask on first before you can be of assistance to others.

What is enlightenment? Good question, ask those who use the term.

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Preach brother, I have watched generations of my female antecedents live angry lives and die hard deaths having subjugated their entire lives, will and energy to slavery and be told by the church that anything else is selfish and god doesn't want that.

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A great answer. I agree entirely.

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Reposting Rumble comment here:

I laughed when I saw this title! Kinda funny - had not come to such clear conclusions as you express, but simply going with my gut, I pulled back from reading CE several months ago. Wasn't feeling right, something off, you know. And RFK Jr - well, that one is obvious enough. The often repeated - he's a better alternative - as if our only choices exists within the tiny band our political system offers - and I am not taking up my duty as a citizen if I don't play - is beyond hollow and feels dead. Nope, not playing.

For me the deeper part of what you are so good at doing Tereza, is dismantling the concentric circles of psyops world, which ultimately brings us each back into ourselves, our responsibility and our need to discern who to trust, and more significantly, learning to again, trust ourselves. So many layers of BS imposed over our world.

Re Bitcoin, I've listened to pro and con voices on it and honestly still not sure. I think intelligent and sincere people can disagree on this subject. Even if it could live up to what enthusiasts see as its potential, there is very much - at least now - the ability for it to be hijacked and used to enslave. And yes, we need a radically new system.

To that end - I'll get to your book, hopefully soon. :-)

Thanks for this!

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And now I can post my reply!:

As always, you put that so well, Kathleen. And I'm so glad you're bringing my community to Rumble. And it makes me happy that the Synchron City is working between your gut and my brain, which I can't seem to turn off if I wanted to ;-)

Yes, the concentric circles of psyops! You're so right that it's about discerning ideas and trusting ourselves to decide what we believe rather than who we believe. There are others I suspect of being in that fourth circle but I'm not calling them out, just keeping an eye on them.

I deleted a section I'd recorded saying that Bitcoin and other cryptos may be a good strategy for preserving wealth and security during the transition to a system that fosters that for everyone. But it isn't the final goal and it's those who are arguing that it is are either not thinking clearly or part of the psyop.

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Love Alison but having 130+ stacks to speedread, 4 or 5 hour videos are too much. However, the gamification and monetisation of kindergarten kids she revealed was a revelation. Fast forward, RFK is a wrong un, jury out on Malone. Doc Malik pod with him was excruciating but revealing and I am still conflicted. Perhaps too much Sage Hana influence. Eisenstein I know little about. Probably just as well...

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Haven't watched the videos yet, but thoroughly enjoyed reading your article. Am about winding up watching Alison McDowell's 4-hour piece on RFK Jr and San Patrignano (and temporarily subscribed to Netflix just to watch the documentary about it). Yes, between that, some of the background with CHD, and Israel, I'm with you. My suspicion is that Whitney might have been being polite about the "charm" factor when talking to Iversen. After seeing the recent RFK Jr interview with Dave Smith via Cindy Sheehan's post, he now comes off -- like demystified Obama -- as actually unlikable and dishonest. Eisenstein I never got into.


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I didn't even mention the San Patrignano material but that's so important! I was thinking to watch that myself, if I have the stomach for it. Glad you're doing the deep dive into Alison's work. Those 4-hr livestreams are a commitment but she packs in so much data and logic connecting the dots. Every minute is worth it.

Thanks for linking this video, I'll see if I can skip the pleasantries and get to his 'justification.' I'm glad to have the confirmation of other people seeing what I am.

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Good luck. I had to turn it off around minute 22. Who knows what gems I missed.

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Thanks, you're saving me the trouble ... and the nightmares.

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ah, so very very interesting!

and yet again, another of the 'high-lits' i've not tracked at all, despite everyone directing me to him. because of that direction? [shrug.] don't know. and i have been surprised that i haven't followed him after how impressed i was with his now old and great book, 'the yoga of eating.'

separating the gynocracy from the patriarchy as psyop to keep us under a thumb: the soft 'female' tyranny of the hug or the hard 'masculine' tyranny of the boot. great look.

thank you tereza for the courage to question the heroes. love it. great work.

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Thank you, Guy, very sweet of you to say.

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ugh! sweet!? not what i was going for.

although your 'expose' comes after i listened to cliff high waxing fully on the way 2024 will be the complete apocalypse of the full spectrum of lies. hmmm. synchronicity? lol!

there is much more i would like to comment on here. however, i've chosen to work on my next essay for substack. about... well, it links to your critique of ce: my understanding that for our 'systems' of change is not to jump into an abyss, similar to how disney had the lemmings thrown for our entertainment. it is to see our body as sacred and as soul expression. once that happens, then the earth is by our own act of sacred reverence, honoured. the push to split us as soul from the body has been what has successfully fed 'capitalistic' exploitation of earth's manifestations and creations, including enslavement.

i loved how the tells you got from ce went from a question to an understanding.

i've begun putting my body where my mouth is and have begun officially teaching this. so far it has had great effect. time will tell how that moves along. now back to my next 'body-centric' tale of moving towards my realisation of body as sacred, that mindfulness is actual a spiritual by-passing technique and my deeper respect for what guatama taught which is not what buddhism teaches. the great apocalypse! the great reveal.

again, thank you.

p.s.: i suggest that you slowly remove 'have to' from your vocabulary. it will reduce the unconscious push back have to creates in us because the truth is that have to is a lie: we don't have to anything, really. the ptb have tricked us into thinking that have to is 'normal' and so we don't see it living as we are in bully stockholm sydrome.

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" it is to see our body as sacred and as soul expression. once that happens, then the earth is by our own act of sacred reverence, honoured. the push to split us as soul from the body has been what has successfully fed 'capitalistic' exploitation of earth's manifestations and creations, including enslavement."

Yes, well said (though I avoid 'soul' since I think this has been part of the capture), and go with animating Spirit. (Not important, a personal preference.)

The physicality of bodies requires a physical place to be - that would be our earth - so no separating them out at any level - spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. It's all one thing that works together on a planet that all has those multidimensional aspects too.

So yes, reverence for our bodies is reverence for the planet. It's also sanity and a recognition of our full interdependence. This goes for all the animals and planets and rocks too.

An illustrative example: sitting by a river I was just feeling into my belongingness to the natural world which came with a natural upwelling of gratitude and calm. After 10 minutes or so, I thought of a blue heron that I'd spotted at this river before and thought how I'd love to see it fly. As if responding to that thought, as if we were sharing the same thought, my head turned to the right and I watched (not even surprised, though fully delighted) it rise from a hidden place and proceed to fly over me. What is that if not full connection and communion? It may not have even been 'my' thought, it might have simply been a deeper awareness in our connected space, that the heron was about to lift off. I don't know, but I do know in that moment there wasn't a separate anything.

As a final thought, I look back and see where I had many spiritual practices that disembodied me, as if, a more expansive 'spiritual' realization required bypassing the body, which implied it was less important at best, and an obstacle at worse.

So many avenues of hijack.

Thanks, Guy.

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i hesitated to use 'soul' too, for the reasons you cite and because that word has become in some ways a weapon. and yet, it is still powerful to what is experience and a possible bridge to some people. and animating spirit, also strong has for me a strong association with new age bull shit. so, the problem of words! lol! i've been playing with 'life-force energy' (ayurvedic prana) and sometimes 'life-energy' (nietzsche). nothing quite satisfies. lol! life is funny.

your description of the heron is also my experience — although not with herons. in many other ways. (very recently with scorpions, oddly enough!)

my next essay is about the true beginning of re-emobidiment that was done — is necessarily? — by by-passing 'spiritual' practices. (the previous one was how my 'spiritual' practice by-passed my body and cost me many teeth - eventually a denture, crowns, etc.

thank you for sharing your experiences. i'm now actively teaching body-centric techniques that are effectively moving past by-passing without needint to elaborate or debunk 'spiritual' practices. it has been fun, powerful and fills me with optimism. it seems that many people in the world are ready to learnt this. enough, enough already with authoritarian tyrnannies, be they devouring mother (matriacrachy? or as writer jasun horsley calls it 'gyncracy') or the destructive father (patriarchy or androcracy?). fascinating time, the great apocalypse, the great unveiling when this house of cards and illusions dismantles itself in front of our eyes. all the best.

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Yes the problem with words... ah what hasn't been corrupted?

I look forward to reading your next essay and already know I'll relate. Body centric techniques- like rolling on the ground? :-) My favorite - that are fun, powerful and fill you optimism sounds like you're onto something. I have a feeling our many detours were largely to keep us from recognizing the simplicity of our world and how we connect into it.

Yes, agree many people are ready - maybe even being energetically pushed. For whatever reason - illusions are going and we can all agree it's about time.

Thank you, Guy.

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While I want to state at the outset that I never subscribe to the cult of personality and follow no-one blindly, I do have some observations which you and Alison McDowell may find useful.

Firstly, the issue of the US Constitution. I found a document which proves that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are fraudulently contrived by the Temple Bar in the City of London and have less validity than an inter-departmental memo for those guys.


The next issue I would like to raise is Charles Eisenstein's film The Fall. I think you misinterpret its meaning entirely and the clue lies in the baby's cry in the final moments. I find that film especially moving because it is an amazing depiction of a pre-birth scenario that my son described to me when he was a child and later explained in greater detail when he had adequate vocabulary as an adult.

See my article referencing this event: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/dan

As for crypto currency I think the clue to its reality lies in the name - a crypt is a place to lay the dead, is it not? I agree that to believe crypto is any type of resistance to authoritarianism is idiotic. Who needs tokens stored electronically? If the grid goes down where is currency?

Your paragraph explaining the many layers of operatives controlling the opposition is brilliant and well observed but, as you rightly say, is greeted with whimpers of “But they’re nice people!” I could weep at how naïve some people really are.... but we both know that there will always be those who want to believe in heroes.

Books like the Course in Miracles annoy me. To make money from assisting others to reach enlightenment is obscene to me. My goodness, do I have some shocking stories about the parasitical nature of such con-artistry!

I have seen several communities like Tamera in UK, Holland, Portugal and Spain - all of them flounder or have failed outright for the want of realistic grip of home economics but I won't labour that point too much here. I know one that is solid and the leading members of that community own their land as equal partners.

Kim Ivesen and Whitney Webb are distraction merchants whose apparent raison d'être is self interest or promotion. Personally, I see them as career women who have found a lucrative niche in the resistance 'market' at best. Alphabetti operatives at worst. Seeing them in tandem is amusing - check the competitive body language! 🙄😉

At the end of the piece, I see you plan to continue examining the economics plans proposed by various talking heads in comparison with your own system. I look forward to that because I have an inkling that you will apply the solid economics of motherhood peppered with entrepreneurial freedom which Alison and I might find grounded and worth supporting.

More power to you Tereza! Onwards? I think so! xx

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I have to start by quoting this from your first linked article: "I felt as if I was being given a degree course in geo-political interpretation without breaks for expressive dance, but the illusive truth lay buried beneath a mountain of intellectually itchy wire wool." Hahaha!

I'll be very interested in your research on the DoI and Constitution, which fits perfectly with my findings on the purpose they served for the merchant bankers of London.

On The Fall, I think we bring the Truth, which is in us, to whatever we see outside us. That's why, with you and others, I think the personal resonance with an internal teacher you felt as Jesus is very, very real yet I've found the 'authority' who invented the story of Jesus to be nefarious. Your experience of The Fall echoed the Truth you knew from Dan.

My first impression had been that it was bleak and not very hopeful, but it didn't raise alarms until combined with his Lover Earth talk at Bretton Woods. What does it mean that Gaia is dying, it's already too late because another spirit is waiting to inhabit the earth, and our sacrifice--aka gifts--are needed to show our fitness in this courtship? His support for the tokenization of nature in which our right to live will be eked out to us really disturbs me.

Agreed on the dead and buried currency in the crypt. And certainly encrypted has to come in. It's being done as another riddle, a cipher to fool us. Your point on the grid is well taken.

The Course agrees with you. My sole monetary investment has been a $40 book I've used daily for 20 yrs (okay, my first copy fell apart so I'm on my second). There are definitely going to be con artists like Charles (I might include Marianne) who use it but I think it's as much the fault of people looking to be conned as the con artist. I don't see how their behavior can be blamed on a text that's available to buy without any intermediary.

Yes on the home economics! I have Wendall Berry's book by that title and it's a term I use in my book since economy, of course, comes from management of the household.

I've been impressed by the level of detail in One Nation Under Blackmail. Someone sent me this interview of her by a Syrian where she's more pointed about RFK. I haven't watched it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6fVWGEIvS8.

Thanks for the encouragement to post on my economic system. And yes, "the solid economics of motherhood peppered with entrepreneurial freedom" is exactly what I'm aiming for ;-)

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If Whitney is such a shit hot investigator, how come she stops at the billionaire level? There is no way that she doesn't know that there are layers above that pulling all the strings by financing from the Mafia fondi.

She had a relationship with Johnnie Vedmore, a top notch Brit researcher who definitely knows about the Black Nobility of Rome.... he was researching one of the Countesses shortly before he and Whitney hooked up.

When they parted and Whitney slagged him off I wondered if she had been a honey trap for him to destabilise him emotionally, which she deffo did.

Interestingly Johnnie and I were both researching the same woman because she popped up as an 'advisor' for the British NHS before Covid. The Countess' name appeared on the Epstein flight lists too. We were both threatened by her legal representatives to lay off.... highly suspicious period and we were both de-platformed from Twitter within days of that.

ps - listen to that interview you shared to me above..... Whitney is fearmongering like there is no tomorrow! She is warning us that there is a "dissonant elimination programme" - hmm. I would trust a wild tiger more than her.....

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Good to have that background. I knew there was a reason I was procrastinating doing that episode. In ONUB, she completely lets RFK off the hook saying Ghislaine tried to seduce him but he wasn't interested. Really? That's all you got?

Thanks for previewing that interview for me. And alerting me to the fear-mongering. I'll check it out.

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This really breaks my heart a bit.

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Which one or both? Maybe I'm wrong. Don't take my word for it, check out some of the sources and see what you think. I just watched a short clip of Charles singing "It's you I like," I think from Mr. Rogers, and it was charming. I just don't know how to reconcile that with someone advising Bretton Woods. Here's some of the summary of Allison's long videos:

"Charles Eisenstein, advisor to Web3 social impact platform Celo, will be playing to frame out a mythology around Bobby’s “Kennedy Democrat” candidacy. In the first video I explain how the initial phase of “authoritarian government” overreach set the stage for decentralized “tagged” agents exercising a radical, participatory digital “democracy” in a surveilled “commons” using tokens and a language of programmed “community” currency in a new game of noetic emergence. Also featured is the Bretton Woods 75 anniversary event sponsored by Bancor’s Galia Benartzi, Benjamin Netanyahu’s niece by marriage to his third wife Sara. The event, which was held at the historic Mount Washington hotel and featured yoga, storytelling around the campfire, tea ceremonies, and a lively debate over the future of reserve currencies (dollar, yuan, or crypto), was attended by 200 stakeholders from the worlds of global finance, blockchain, and social impact venture philanthropy. Charles gave a keynote presentation on inter-beingness, the death of “Mother Earth,” and the emergence of a new spirit, “Lover Earth,” that comes expecting gifts and is going to be keeping track of donations and withdrawals by humanity (cue distributed ledger technology).

"In the second installment, I pulled clips from a podcast Charles and Bobby did last May about the need to move on from the climate / carbon discussion, braiding the strands of eco-Bobby, with health freeDOM Bobby, and now Bitcoin Bobby. I demonstrated the hypocrisy Charles embodies as he calls for the transition to a sacred gift economy, even as he maintains a close affiliation with Celo and Sep Kamvar. Kamvar stays busy tokenizing human and natural capital (see IoT sensors in the slippers of pre-k children enrolled in the Wildflower Montessori franchise he founded while at MIT) and devising novel ways to scale remote sensing and automated measurement for the nature backed currency that Eisenstein proposed in his book “Sacred Economics.” *sigh*

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Yeah, I don’t know how to square those holes. I knew the sacred cow slaughter was coming. I saw Allison’s video from a year ago about Charles. And about BTC. And Mathew’s been bringing up more and more the bitcoin is most likely a naval intelligence psyop. Even though I got into BTC because of Mathew’s writings in the first place. And yet, part of me also feels like it doesn’t matter if it is. That many have poured over the code and that it might be a good exit ramp anyway. And although I see that dangers of UBI, an idealist me wishes that we could all have our basic necessities met so we can devote more time aligning with our true purpose. And perhaps we can have empathy and compassion for each other and for ourselves and for Earth because we can be part of the greatest love story of this planet after all. That the story of separation was just that, a story. Maybe naive, but the alternative, nihilism, is so pointless.

So, yeah, spirituality can be spoken out of two different corners of the mouth but I wasn’t ready to see Charles as a snake. Not sure if I’m ready to now. Things are just problematic. I raised an eyebrow when CE joined Bobby’s campaign. I wish I wasn’t cynical but I don’t think one gets a seat at the table without being compromised. Yet, I went to see Bobby announce in Boston because part of me wanted him to be a white hat. And then Israel happened. And CE and RFK had a disagreement over it and so I thought maybe Charles will get to move the needle a little bit. But now, since so much has turned out to be cultish, even if originally it wasn’t, I’m feeling disillusioned. And it breaks my heart because there’s a truth to what Charles says in how we can get out of the trap- we can’t have the “good guys” replace the “bad guys” because we’ve done that for centuries and it always ends the same: the good guys become the new bad guys. The age of the sacrificial kings will have to end in some way before we can move on.

Sorry about the brain vomit. I’ll have to go back and look at those links again. Obviously what you bring up about Bretton Woods can’t be dismissed as ignorance. I’ll have to go watch for myself.

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Oh that's right, you went to hear RFK with Mary, didn't you? Funny that name meant little to me at the time and now means so much.

I don't know what it all means about Charles and Bobby, Tonika. I don't know why we can't have this little corner of integrity, someone who's saying meaningful things and not selling out. It really doesn't seem like so much to ask.

I think, like Kathleen's last article, this is about trusting ourselves to think, not trusting someone else to think for us. Do you think what Charles has said is wrong, if he turns out to be untrustworthy? I don't. The story of separation is what the world of illusion is built on. That's the whole premise of the Course. Charles says some great things, I've quoted him a lot. I recognize the truth in them, not in him.

I wouldn't worry about the BitCoin. Diversify. Keep money in a bunch of different pockets. It will be fine.

I'm going to post about my system soon. I think you'll find that it does everything you want from UBI but better. It CAN NOT be corrupted. It's a completely anarchist system based on Ben Franklin's most brilliant invention--his form of money.

Don't be discouraged. This, like everything, is leading us where we need to be. I know who's wearing the white hats--I'm surrounded by them and it looks damn good on you, Tonika.

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You wear yours rather well. And I have your book in my cue, I’m very interested to learn how you imagine your money system to work, I’m drawn to it because I suppose I’ve always been a collaborative anarchist at heart. Looking forward to learning about it from you.

And agreed, I don’t think we have to trust a person entirely if we resonate with a message. I can see the truth in what they say without needing to see the truth in them. And the archetype of the hero has served its purpose, we can be our own leaders. It’s my grief for integrity that makes me sad. Thank you for the reminder that things are unfolding as they should. Things look bleaker in the middle of the night sometimes. :)

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'Collaborative anarchy,' whoa! Stealing that! What a fabulous phrase.

I think this is the universe sidling up to you and saying, "See, you were willing to give away your authority. You don't want to do that." We should NEVER trust because that's a judgment that leads to distrust.

Charles hasn't disappointed me because he doesn't exist to fulfill my expectations. Our response should be, "Thank you, brother, for these truth nuggets but I vehemently disagree that our right to life needs to be earned through obedience tokens dispensed by a global cabal via AI. I'm not into self-sacrifice, thank you, that doesn't fit my theology."

There's plenty of integrity in all the people who listen to Charles, same way as I found with Malone. And thanks for saying my white hat looks fetching ;-)

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Well said.

I don’t know who coined “collaborative anarchy” but it wasn’t me. I’ve just used it to describe my worldview instead of a political party affiliation for the last few years. I hope it does gather steam as terminology though. It speaks to both desire to be free and still co-create our world together.

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Tonika, you know what happened on NAAS back in 2022... I have no idea what to think about what Tereza says here, intellectually, but my actual experience with Charles (and Patsy) was really, really difficult and a great part of it was that he doesn't walk his talk. There's a group of us still smarting in various ways from all that... It was all so bizarre. And I tried to talk to him when he was over here in the autumn - also very bizarre. Not sure why he needs to act like that and maybe it's just his incredibly shy personality, but - arghhhh, so many questions come up!

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I've found that it's the lateral relationships I've made on these 'celebrity' forums that have been rock-solid. It's almost like these 'iron stone' magnetic personalities are drawing us all into their orbits. I don't know but I've found that everyone who's surrounded by sycophants wants it that way. When someone comes along who's critical--no matter how constructively or kindly--they end up ousted. At least in my experience.

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What is NAAS, Helen? 'Incredibly shy' is a kind way to put it. That was my disconnect with him too, that he was seen as this benevolent spiritual guru, but acted like he was too good for everyone else.

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Hi Helen! Yes, I remember the NAAS fallout although I wasn’t around for any of it, mostly heard about it through you guys at The Table. It certainly gave me pause. I always felt a bit out of place at NAAS, to be honest, there seemed to be something a bit sycophantic about it. Not so much that Patsy and Charles wanted that way but most of the members revered Charles and that’s a hard relationship to keep balanced. In the very limited email exchanges I had with both Patsy and Charles, they were very nice and I just moved on from that community because I didn’t think I can serve it or have it serve me, not because of their behavior. I was just fine reading the articles and I didn’t need anything more out of it.

I do find it strange that if there was conflict between you guys and there was an opportunity to fix it in person, that it wasn’t resolved. It would seem a bit ironic that speaking and describing a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible, doesn’t include one where we can all make amends and/or allow wounds to heal. In the end, policing how anyone says anything or how they ought to be feeling is antithetical to a more beautiful world. Im glad you guys removed yourself from that unhealthy environment.

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As usual you speak my heart and mind Tonika. I had the pleasure of driving Charles and his family to the airport after the first NAAS gathering in North Carolina. I mentioned the interview with Bobby and said "I have watched a lot of RFK interviews and I think you really moved him... his body language only changes like that when he's in the presence of a new perspective that moves his thinking". He was hopeful that this was the case, but wasn't sure. I would add that my friend Maya was the person who invited him on the falconry trip and I can tell you first hand it was genuine serendipity. Charles commented later, in private, that Bobby didn't even remember that they had done the podcast a year before! RFK talks to a LOT of people.

As for the Bretton Woods meeting, Charles gets invited -- rarely -- to speak to "credentialed audiences". He has said many times that he feels like a fish out of water in these settings but, hell, he's actually got credentials (Math and Philosophy at Yale), really wants to get his ideas out there, and will do what he can to meet people where they are. Could he be skull and bones? I dunno. Doubt it. As Tereza and many others have noted, he's painfully shy and easily overwhelmed in person. My dad was like that so I'm well familiar with the 'brilliant recluse' archetype in all its complexity. At the more recent gathering he was taking questions and a gentleman came to the mic and asked "are you building a community or an audience?", with some clear disappointment implied at the notion of the latter. Charles reflected for a moment and, as he usually does, spoke the uncomfortable truth: "An audience," he said. "And there's a place for that too.".

When I think of Charles and Bobby working together now I flash on the character of Thomas Aquinas and his relationship to Henry VIII (as portrayed in that old series "The Tudors"). Aquinas was the spiritual advisor to the king and struggled mightily to move Henry toward reasonable, compassionate policies. Ever conflicted in his service and, at the same time, truly loving the king. Eventually he left the court because it was never his scene and he was a man of peace. We shall see how it unfolds.

Is Charles the pied piper leading us into the slaughterhouse as the brilliant and vigilant Alison McDowell suggests? If so, I do not believe it is intentional. Let's be honest, that brother has toiled in obscurity for DECADES promoting his ideas. I've personally been very grateful for his voice and perspectives over this last 10 years or so and especially during the Covid nonsense. To me it's far more likely that -- as with so many other sincere grassroots movements -- his ideas and language will be (are being) extracted and integrated into the global sensemaking machine and will be stripped of their meaning and commodified to secure obedience and attention from the masses. There are many aspects of his philosophy that can be spun as communal/socialist, and let's also acknowledge that Bitcoin is a complex sensemaking problem in this domain. Is it decentralized? Yah seems to be. As such it has some interesting dimensions that even Matthew Crawford acknowledged early on. But ultimately it doesn't matter if it's a navy psyop and I agree with Frances Leader that it's all for naught if/when the grid goes down.

Of course the admin class cannot think that way. The machine is a necessity to keep the brutes at bay so they're not going to let it die easily or without a fight. They know that the systems we've constructed are failing and my inner globalist would -- I have to confess -- aspire to a "controlled demolition" (ala 9/11 :) too if the other option was a violent beheading-laden revolution.

To my mind, having Charles and Bobby in the conversation as things shift and unwind at least adds voices of transparency, accountability and cooperation to the global conversation. Maybe it can bend the collapse-curve in a more compassionate direction. We shall see. One way or another, this house of cards is coming down eventually.

Grateful for this thought provoking piece @Tereza Coraggio!!

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Brian, thank you for subbing me and for this heartfelt and informative response. And I especially appreciate the respect it shows, giving me the benefit of the doubt as someone trying to figure this all out--along with giving Charles that benefit. Is the interview you mention the podcast or the one Charles did of Bobby after he joined the campaign?

His interview of Kennedy as Pres candidate I talk about with great admiration for both of them here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/kennedys-ethics. I don't impugn Kennedy's motives but I show that he is inconsistent and that consistency is ethics. Like everything, it's all about the details.

Since you're new to my stack and, I'm guessing, found me through this post, the linked episode on Charles may give more context that I have a lot of commonality with his ideas: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-space-between-stories-charles.

The question of whether Charles or Bobby are compromised are really separate ones. My first concern with Bobby was his connection and endorsement of Robert Malone, about whom I've done 18 episodes. You are clearly a thoughtful person. I think you might be interested in this one, that takes a logical step-by-step approach to their relationship: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/kennedy-and-malone.

And I quoted Tonika's Just Tell the Truth, Bobby, in an episode I just read:

"What I am trying to get at, Bobby, is that those of us who have refused to convert to the new “reality” — which I am guessing is approximately 25-30% of the global population — are not looking for a leader who can “heal the divide.” We are in a fight. We are fighting for reality. We’re fighting for what’s left of reality.

'And, at the moment, we are getting our asses kicked.

"So, fuck it. What have you got to lose? Throw out the playbook. Fire your PR people. Go for broke. Tell the truth. Tell folks what we’re up against. That it isn’t something an election is going to fix. That it isn’t something a new president can fix. That it isn’t fixable. That it is a fucking fight. And not one according to the Queensberry Rules. A ball-kicking, eye-gouging, chair-swinging, bar fight. And that sometimes, like now, when there is nowhere to run to … well, you have to stand and fight, even if you know you’re going to lose."

I'll address the concerns about Charles in a separate reply.

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No fair quoting Tonika! Now I'm just putty in your hands :). I loved that piece. And... I see a time for fighting and a time for negotiating from strength. At the moment I'd bias to the latter, but I am no stranger to violence of all kinds. I just find it is often counterproductive. Especially when the enemy has bigger guns.

Okay to your questions:

Podcast... the one where Bobby interviewed Charles. I haven't seen the one where Charles interviews RFK. May track down now that you've spoken so highly!

You've actually been showing up in my feed so often that I thought I *was* subbed to you! lol. In fact, your name has always struck me as so familiar that I assumed I recalled it from the early days of NAAS. Where you ever thereabouts? In any case, glad I found you (again).

Also, thank you for both your gracious and generous replies as well as your sincere and open sensemaking around the issues in the piece. I think that's a big part of why I found it so useful... I had to really dig into my own experience to decide what seemed both true and useful and I'm always grateful for new perspectives on familiar people.

I have found the cybernetic analysis process (Alison/RTE) pretty fascinating. It's usefulness to my own sanity/sensemaking is still an open question for me. I have questions of my own about Malone, for example, so I'm actually right with you there. I can see the dots people are connecting.

I also know -- as demonstrated by these small examples with Charles -- that things aren't always what they appear. There's a lot of detail and granularity lost in these high level analytics. Maybe in some ways its an inversion of the globalist oligarchs tendency to see us as "the masses". In this case the core humanity of the oligarchs is obscured by reducing them to "scientologist" or "CIA asset"... Even in the process of running a small construction firm I know the value of "managing the narrative". so who am I to judge?

Moreover, I've watched SO MANY sensemakers I admire and respect evolve their positions and their OWN sense making over these last few years.... I can scarcely think of an exception to this pattern. I think about what Bobby, Zach Bush, Malone, Charles etc etc where saying/thinking at the beginning and now -- after having found one another, in many cases, and to be now comparing notes constantly -- as we are all doing here -- they've changed. They've found competent allies. Were they always allies secretly? I don't know. It's possible. But to my eye -- and I've followed these momvements closely over the last several years. -- much of it seemed organic. I could be wrong.

I also will not be surprised if a) the Epstein machine has something on Bobby and b) he breaks the silence and comes clean on it. We shall see.

Now as to charles... :)

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Haha, I'm glad that I could cheat and invoke the Visceral Putty-Making Machine ;-) I suspect my name might be familiar because of comments on Charles' stack. It's a curious thing that exactly those people I've come to question are the stacks on which I've had the deepest conversations and made the closest friendships. Malone's used to be my main hub before he kicked me off (although I never criticized him on it.) And Charles' is where I've had the longest threads since. He always speaks to my heart and brings together other people who are on that same wavelength with me.

I'm glad to have broached the topic and gotten these responses yea and nay, including yours Brian. I can't imagine a better spokesperson for Charles, and I mean that sincerely not snidely (whiplash, had to add that ;-) I feel that I've planted a seed of skepticism and time will either water it or let it wither. There's no decision that needs to be made.

I was thinking, however, that of the big agencies--CIA, IMF, WHO, HHS, Bretton-Woods, BIS, Mossad, World Bank--between the interconnected Malone, Kennedy, Eisenstein, one of them has a link to each. The WEF is the only one with no direct connection. And most deep state analysts would point to the Rothschilds as the power behind it with Israel as their fiefdom, so Bobby's neck-deep there.

Will Bobby come clean about his Epstein ties after the last Palestinian starves? One in four children is already likely to be stunted for life and mentally impaired from dehydration. IF they live at all.

I don't believe in 'personalitics' or supporting people. I think we should decide on the platforms or policies we support, and then support the candidate who best represents them: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-do-i-want-from-a-president? As a person, I think Bobby's doing the best he can. I have no judgment of him or Charles, only of where they're leading us.

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Okay, in this reply I'll just respond on Charles. I feel that you're asking me, Brian, to believe two contradictory things. One, that Charles is a brilliant recluse with Math and Philosophy degrees from Yale. Two, if he's being used for an agenda of global control, it's not his intention. Either he's smart or he's naive, but he can't be both.

When I interviewed Charles, I was challenging him on the holes in his economic plan to show him how mine solved those problems. If Charles was spending decades to promote his ideas, the best way to do that is looking at the goals and working with other people who are serious about solving the problem. Charles had ZERO interest in how my model met the goals. He spent decades promoting himself, not his ideas.

Do you also feel that the WEF invites Greta to speak because they're interested in different viewpoints? Or that she's part of their plan? The same way that climate catastrophe is being used by the WEF, the manufactured economic crisis is being used by Bretton-Woods to usher in Bancor. Charles is as capable as I am of listening to Allison on the tokenized economy and understanding it. I'd be very interested in his answer to that. I think you should ask him.

On his threads, I've pointed him to source material that debunks the information he's presented on Hamas ... more than once. If the first time is just a mistake, what about the next?

What concerns me is where Charles is leading us, not who he is as a person. And yet, I've never met a man in an open marriage promoting free love communes who I'd call emotionally mature. But that's just my experience.

Have you read Helen on NAAS on this thread? It sounds like there were some off-putting interpersonal dealings. If Charles has been nice to you, as one of his staunch supporters, does that really say much about his character? It's how people deal with others as equals that matters, and whether they're offended that others might see themselves as equals.

I would have welcomed Charles critiquing my ideas. That would have been taking them seriously. Instead, he dismissed them. On a personal level, I didn't care--he's a big name and was even back then, 12 yrs ago. But when you say his ideas and language are being extracted and commodified, you should know that it's just not possible with my plan. You CAN design something that can't be corrupted. For reference: https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607.

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Here I will respectfully suggest that we can be, and are, both. Charles too.

I can only speak from my experience here with credibility. I hope it's okay to say without hubris that I'm no dummy. Helen -- whom I both know AND adore -- would probably concur. And... I have blindspots. In fact, I have proven, yet again, at 53 years old that I can be impossibly naïve and utterly oblivious. <<head slap>>. So to the degree I forgive Charles or anyone else is, I suppose, the degree to which I forgive myself. We are works in progress. And. Utterly perfect. And. How can I help?

I do hold Charles in high regard, know him well enough that he'd recognize me at a gathering and greet me warmly, but not so well I get invited to tea. I hold many qualities and interests in common with him so -- in that same vein -- any staunch support I may be guilty of is just as likely to be protecting my own identity story! I hope, at this point in my life, not to be too staunch on anything.

I also do have some sense of and compassion for -- as I suspect you do -- the fundamental tension inherent in leading a public life. I know that we can tend to project a lot on to folks in his (and your) position. He has yet to profoundly disappoint me, but I also don't expect much beyond what he gives freely... which is his perspective on things. He's one of many sensemakers I resource to help inform my moral compass. I think your point that we are now -- collectively -- being invited to seek those resources within ourselves in this Aquarian dawn is SPOT ON.

As for the happenings on NAAS, I was very much there and join Helen in both the sense of profound loss and betrayal. It was a complex unwinding and Charles was one of many players. I was not then, or now, involved with that community for Charles but for -- as you again so beautifully described -- the lateral relationships. For me it was about the community that gathered around his work. I still find deep resonance with people that light up -- not so much for "charles" -- but for the part of us that he lights up. That part is one of my favorites in myself and also when I meet it in others... and I sense that we are actually fairly aligned in this. As evidenced by this respectful, soulful exchange :).

Thank you very much Tereza. Deeply grateful.

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Brian, I do so very much wish to meet you in person one day and have tea together. 🤗 I love your spirit and what you exude.

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Also I will check out your plan! It's the least I can do after this thoughtful reply. Once I've digested it I will find a way to get some thoughts your way if there's anything constructive that emerges and wants to be shared. Godspeed.

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Thanks for that kind offer! I'll be doing a post on my plan in about a week. So now that you're subbed, that might be a good place to get a sense of it and see if it speaks to you.

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Thank you for these insights, Brian and Tereza. These are precisely the types of dialogues that move me. When salient points are brought up, perhaps it isn’t a solution or a certainty that paints the canvas, but more inquiry that layers on the textures of our reality.

I find the stuff Charles says very compelling and something deep inside me resonates with them. And just like the globalists can take those words and twist them to serve their agendas, we, too, have the power to create meaning out of an eloquently presented concept to serve and meet our needs. This isn’t novel. People have been doing that for ages. I’m sure we’ve agreed with the words of raging lunatics just as often as disagreed with ideas of noble men. I guess this goes back a full circle to what you said, Tereza, about not having to trust the man behind the words. The messengers are less relevant than the message. We all play an important part in the giant puzzle. Not only those who speak the words, but also those who interpret them.

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Gold. Yes. So well said.

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Thank you, Brian, and Tereza and Tonika, for this civil, heart-centered exchange of opinions. After reading through the whole thread, I've come away inspired and informed, both!

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It’s always a cute beginning with you, even when the topic is intense.

-The lava lamp standing in for the flowers 😊 -

-The inscription for Charles's book, which annoyed you….. “enjoy well”. Hahaha.-

I have followed Allison McDowell for a long time. I don’t always listen all the way through, there’s a lot of info…….but she does a LOT of WORK on many, many technical things.

She is in the back of my mind if I ever want to see someone do a deep dive on something. I will admit, I usually only watch about half of anything she presents. Sometimes she goes off on a tangent and looses me.

She is brilliant, however.

I think the first episode I ever saw of hers; she was making a little circle of rocks and leaves as a sort of gift for the tree by the bench she had been sitting on while she made her video. She does not give a crap about people walking around her thinking she is a crazy person. She was leaving it as a gift from a human who actually cares. That caught me.

She had been at that location because there was an event happening and she was collecting names to prove some points she had been making previously.

Some of her videos get into really technical stuff, and I couldn’t follow, but I think my brain has grown rapidly since 2020. Now she just seems normal to me.

Uh oh! Haha.

I think she leaves beauty wherever she goes, not just by taking on HUGE amounts of information and organizing them and “sussing them out”, but she literally leaves nature art everywhere she goes.

Imagine if we were all just a little bit more like her.

She goes out of her way to attend what she can and go where the information is. She does a tremendous amount of work and she is always very kind and energetic in her presentations.

She is quirky.

My intuition told me Malone was a creep. It was that moment (with his WEIRD body language) when he was talking to the kids in Hawaii and his (handler) – wife? was weird too. They described why the kids don’t need a vaccine, but then asked them if they wanted one. It was REALLY creepy. It was not a normal conversation. From there I said “no” to him.

Just intuition also told me to stop caring about RFK jr.

It is nice to see that people who use actual bits of information collected over time coming up with the same thing. I trust my intuition so much now. Too bad it took 50 years, but hey. I am glad to have it fully functioning now. And it is nice to be surrounded by friends who do a lot of the heavy lifting to help me reaffirm my feelings a little bit. I was not familiar with the Eisenstein guy, so I will just avoid him from the “get go”. Thanks for sparing me a year (potentially, that is the turn around time from “belief’ to ‘knowing’) of my life.

Terez syndrome 😊 Nice. Haha. You are already there, running around being nice to people.

You might need to see someone about that….


I cannot watch the whole presentation by Allison, I have to get crackin today, but I enjoyed hearing your take. It came in a much more palatable chunk. I appreciate your overview, your reading of books that you are not necessarily a fan of, and your fearless follow through.

I do not trust anyone that has a large spotlight on them.

I unsubscribed from FLCCC stuff about 4 or 5 months ago. I threw away the list of supposed protocols that I was saving, should any vaxed family ask.

I would now give a very general overview recommendation based on everything I have learned about functional medicine from the last 15 years of my life; however, I only want “supplements” that come from KNOWN food sources. None of this manufactured crap. *looks sideways at vitamin D capsules.

Mind over body, love of the earth and connection with source are my healing modalities.

I loved RFKs book the Real Anthony Fauci, but I was a babe in the woods when I read that one. Now I can see more what is going on with control on all sides.

I trust no one, and why should I? No reason at all.

I like your positive take that the more crap we can see the closer we are to our solutions. I took a break from Allison a while back, not because of her, but her material was heavy and full of proofs and quite depressing. Names connected to names, papers, technical language, etc. It was all new to me.

But with your hopeful take on things, maybe I can stick my toe back in the water.

I also found a really good substack recently that I cannot recall at this moment but will later. He covers a lot of things deeply, the way Allison does. I was a little sad when I found his substack. I know I will be reading there. He is an excellent writer and he’s hilarious but he’s writing about all the ways we are being poisoned. The only article I have read of his thus far was on Chemtrails wherein he shared his disturbing support of an argument that the Maui fires could have been because of Chemical spraying of accelerants at the “smart meter bomb.” He presents a lot to demonstrate that it’s not just a spying tool.

Just reading there for one day and I had a wee anxiety attack. So, I am going to take it very slowly with all the difficult stuff. I want to be “informed” in as much as we can be, but I don’t want to feel like the smart meter on my house is about to explode and kill my whole family, if you know what I mean. It’s kind of hard to concentrate when you feel like that!

So, now, whether it’s correct or not, I have the paperwork to begin the process to try to get that thing removed. It is a lot of work to live in this world these days.

Thank you for your good work.

Peace out *crazy lady who yells at sky

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Thank you Amy for appreciating my cute beginnings ;-)

Oh I love the little circle of rocks. I could see her doing that. I'm trying not to make another person into a hero but maybe heroine isn't a drug? So far I'm liking her energy, which feels very grounded.

I don't know if you were watching when I did this on Malone in Hawaii: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/mealy-mouthed-malone. I did this on The Real Anthony Fauci, which I also loved: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/infodemic-rfk-and-the-real-anthony. And this is on Maui: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/maui-and-the-oligarchs.

I'm honored to get any sliver of your brilliant time, along with this fun and many-splendored response. Every thing you need to know is coming to you and every thing you don't read will turn out to be something you didn't need to know. That's my attitude about everything I could be reading or listening to. If I need it, it will come back. Freedom to close the tab!


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Agreed. I keep everyone that seems intelligent in view. I don't mean to over glorify her, I have just listened to her get into some real detail. She is one of those people whose spreadsheets have spread sheets. I don't even understand the world on her terms, but I have seen her stop to do really sweet nature things. That gives me hope for her. It must be how she powers up her brain. I just took a great bike ride with one son and my husband. They had electrics. I was pumping it on a REAL bike, baby. I feel good! Take it easy. I like what you said about what I need. I am going to have to really watch my time and who I am hanging around and listening to. I have a lot of ground to cover this year. I want to be all rested up and exercised up and ready to get to it, whatever it is.

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Those are some creepy videos. Yikes.

Sacrifice ourselves for the planet? Nice story. How bout elevate ourselves as part of the planet which would then be elevated too?

The Weffers couldn't have done it better.

The convoluted efforting of concept behind the lovers community (ugh) highlights to me just another layer of humans' attempt at figuring out what is wrong on this planet from a distorted starting place.

(I knew a woman in an 'open' marriage (not saying that isn't right for some people) and watched her struggle to get okay with the idea. She was the problem, she was told by her husband, and her conditioning. And she believed that and blamed herself for her not wanting her husband to sleep around. It was her fault she wasn't happy about it. I remember asking her if her husband was conditioning her to be in a marriage she didn't want. The look on her face suggested she had not really considered her own feelings and desires into the mix of his. (Long story short, we are no longer friends and they are no longer married.)

I don't care if a community wants to get together and live that way. Go for it, but to attempt a grand philosophy and say, this is what's wrong with the world and let's all do this now, is to impose an idea over a natural world and natural beings (who seem to largely like pairing up which also works well for the kids) and that's what we're living in right now. No thanks.

Shredding continues, what's essential is what will remain. We can trust that.

Thanks, Tereza. Always thought provoking.

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Okay I thought about this story with your blue heron and decided against it, but now you've done it. The other evening I went to a sound ceremony put on by my polyamorous window washer. He was really very good! I told him about the Revolutionary Mystics video I'd recorded before I went. He found the Quantum Sex & Dragon Chakras instead and asked if he could flirt a little with me, he had to confess he was a little attracted to me. He left a voicemail saying he was in a monogamous relationship but they had agreements on cuddling with other people--something he did for hire, but mostly with older gay men. I answered that I was fine with flirting but if anyone was going to pay for cuddling, it would be him ;-)

Then I went to my hairdresser, who I've known for 40 yrs and have a deep synchronistic bond with. I filled her in on the spiritual pick up artist from my other episode, she gave me the card of a friend in relationship to something else, then I started to tell her about my polyamorous winder washer. She interrupted, "Oh, I know him well." It turns out he lives on the property of the couple whose card she'd just given me! In a tiny home one of his 'women' paid for. The couple, whose son is good friends with his son, regrets their decision because he's a mooch and doesn't lift a finger to help with the property. And he caused some drama between my friend and the couple, who she's known for decades.

What are the odds? So we'll be keeping this relationship very professional, since I still need my gutter guards installed ;-) I just can't kid myself that the universe is laughing--with me, not at me. And watching my back.

And agreed on the overall principle you mention. An open marriage is a contradiction in terms. Sex is messy, trying to keep track of one other person emotionally is daunting enough. And sure, if this hippy commune wants to live that way, go for it. But you're so right that turning it into the grand solution to conflict and war is more than delusional--it's an intentional ruse that's covering up something very dark and ugly that's going down.

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Oh funny funny world.

"I just can't kid myself that the universe is laughing--with me, not at me. And watching my back." Yes I believe that is the case.(Another sort of 'cuddle' you don't need to pay for.

"Sex is messy, trying to keep track of one other person emotionally is daunting enough."

No kidding! Tired just imagining it.


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Thank you for reminding me of Alison MacDowell. I discovered her on Facebook years ago when I was a fledgling 'truther' and she is certainly impressive. I think they shut her down at some point and she was hard to find. She takes no prisoners.

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Wow, you go way back with Alison. She's new to me. I haven't watched long enough to figure out if there are people she's changed her mind about, or places that I'd consider blind spots of things she won't raise to question. So far I haven't seen that. She's an activist, which isn't my tendency. I think we need to know what we want first, not just what we don't want. But I may be wrong about that and I don't think it hurts to be drawing people's attention to what's happening in public ways, including the attention of government.

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I agree she is more of an activist, but she helped me to see through controlled opposition & gatekeepers and to even realise that there was such a thing. It was a while ago. She's good, but wasn't very tolerant of people still waking up and questioning her. However, that's not a criticism, just what I observed.

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Thanks Tereza, another one bites the dust *sighs*

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I'm sorry Isaac. For you and for me.

But look how much more room there is when we get these Media Whales out of the way for ordinary people and wombats.

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I have my own theories about dismantling Empire, look forward to seeing your way. However; here the process is slow… lol… I ordered it through nephew, will get it when he comes over for summer vacation.

Actually, Empire is struggling now, it dawned on “them” in 2014 that plans for global control are no longer possible, so now their focus is on saving what they can by splitting world into 2. I wrote about this 2 years ago, and it was republished again a few days ago.

Charles Eisenstein: I watched the trailer and Stayin Sanity vids, and figured he’s a smart chap. Man needs both spiritual fulfilment and material things; the need for each varies from near 100% spirituality for a monk to near 100% material for a banker. In Western societies the focus has been greatly on material aspects, creating a spiritual void for many. Evangelical preachers capitalize on this need, Charles does the same albeit in a different style. A good snake oil seller 😊. Feel sorry for the guy, for all the bullshit he has to spew for a living.

RFK Jr.: His position on the ongoing genocide is shocking, especially for him as Whitney Webb explains. My explanation is that he was blackmailed. By the way I am always amazed by the quality and depth of Whitney’s research.

Cryptocurrency: Agree with you, it’s a scam. In my opinion it caters for “wannabe rebels” against the Fed and monetary system, so instead of messing in the bullion market, create this diversion.

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Fadi, I am thoroughly enjoying the way you put things. 'Snake oil salesman' indeed, spewing bullshit for a living.

Without a doubt, Charles has tapped into the need to merge spirituality and materiality, aka money. I still think his spirituality is stolen from A Course in Miracles, something I asked him about and he said he'd never looked at it. But I think that's what gives it the ring of truth that gives his superficial bullshit on money authenticity.

One of my readers termed what I do 'socio-spirituality'. I describe the social and the spiritual as two feet of the same body, without alternating, you walk in circles.

Agreed on RFK. I think he's captured, blackmail from his wild days. And yes on Whitney! Her books are astounding in their depth of research! I still need to do an episode on her.

I'm so honored that you bought my book, couriered through your nephew! I'm very much looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks for those on this episode!

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The only redemption of RFK would be that he knows that 80% of the population is down a rabbit hole psyop, not on Substack, and they are not ready to awake. Per attached.

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Nice Post Tereza! I am sure Mr. Kennedy was thrown in to take votes away from Trump, a Ross Pero play book. One great thing about being old is the ability to see the same old tricks fairly quickly. I would love to know what you think of Whitney Webb's info. Also there is another man with the last name Webb that does similar reporting. Alison Mc Dowell sounds like a real find. Thanks for your wonderful journalism.

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Thank you, Helene. You may be right about that strategy. It was used with Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party to usher in the President who'd sign the Federal Reserve Act. Divide and conquer, maybe the oldest trick in the book but there's a lot of competition for that ;-)

I was really impressed with the level of detail in One Nation Under Blackmail. Still wanting to do an episode on it. Are you thinking of George Webb? I wouldn't put them in the same category, myself. George seems rather scattered to me, I keep needing to figure out his point.

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You know I am not sure the man's first name. It was a video he recently put out that I came across, but I didn't watch it. I remember Whitney and this fellow both had the same last name. I watched a long interview Matt Ehret did with Whitney Webb when her book just came out. I remember thinking how did she acquire all the info. It seemed beyond her years to me at the time. Its crazy though how quickly you can learn about things when you really start looking. I can attest to that.

Tereza, I love the fact that not only do you present truth and insight (you catch them in a lie so often, lol), but also solutions. I look forward to the Whitney analysis.

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