As my local paper publishes articles like Measles and the Anti-Vax Virus (talk about reversals) Bobby Kennedy is paying the devil his due. Health Impact News has an article by Brian Shilhavy called End of the First Amendment: Only Zionist Jewish Voices Allowed on US Campuses.
Here's a quote from it:
“Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues,” wrote Kennedy in an announcement on Monday evening, adding:
'In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.'
"Kennedy then linked to a press release announcing a joint-effort by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, and the General Services Administration to “end anti-semitic harassment on college campuses,” beginning with a “comprehensive review of Columbia University’s federal contracts and grants in light of ongoing investigations for potential violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.” …
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is also on the record for stating that “antisemitism is a virus” that is spreading quickly through the campuses of America’s colleges and universities.
orwellian doublespeak
The logic of this is so confused that I don't think there can be any doubt that Kennedy never had any intention of doing good, but has been part of the con from the get-go.
Anti-semitism kills people with the lethality of history's most deadly plagues? How does that work exactly? And woke cancel culture's censorship and false narratives (can't even tell what that means) has created a greenhouse for this pestilence? Combating anti-semitism is now a function of providing health services? Building communities of speech freedom and open debate means cracking down on free speech and debate regarding Israel? That's so Orwellian I don't have words, other than the recognition that Kennedy isn't this stupid. Which means he's complicit and always has been.
In this video, I unpack and decode Kennedy’s statements phrase by phrase, starting with definitions.
the sham of shem
To understand what anti-Semitism is, we need to define Semitism.
The word derives from Shemitism in the OT/Torah where Noah gives his son Shem the divine right to rule over his brethren which, in the story, is everyone on earth since that’s been reduced to one family by the flood.
The descendants of his brother Japheth are mere subjects but those of Ham are slaves and those of Canaan are cursed to be the lowest of slaves. According to Josephus, the descendants of Ham are Egypt, Africa and parts of Asia. Shemitism is a belief in the Noahide Covenant that some have been given the right by God to rule over and enslave others.
I don’t think there could be a more precise definition of racism. Shemitism IS racism, endorsed by God. Anti-Shemitism is to be against racism.
Anti-semitism, according to Bobby, is like racism but not a form of it. And that’s because Semites are a race that includes Arabs and Palestinians but not Ashkenazis. This is according to the Torah’s own genealogy, as I wrote in What Is a Jew? Ashkenaz is a many-generation descendant of Japheth, not Shem.
Ashkenazis are also not Judeans, who do descend from Shem. Palestinians are the true Judeans. So anti-semitism isn’t racism because Semitism isn’t a race. It’s an ideology.
a spiritual & moral malady
To translate, Kennedy says that to be against the divine right to rule and enslave is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies. What kind of society could that sicken? Only empire.
Any other form of society would be healed by rejecting rule over others and saying enslavement is NOT what God wants. The acceptance of an authority over our moral conscience is a rejection of God.
To believe that other races are born to be slaves creates a moral schism. Rather than cognitive dissonance, it creates spiritual dissonance. No one can hold these two contradictory thoughts: there is purpose and meaning to life; I was born to rule others. The only God possible under that belief system is a monster.
the killing plague
Jewish students are being killed on college campuses! I hadn’t heard about this but it must be true. Anti-semitism, rampant in universities, has a lethality of a deadly plague. You know who won’t be dying from a deadly plague? Those Gazans whose water and energy Netanyahu has shut off.
the pestilent petri dish
“In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence.” Let’s try to unravel this knotty snarl of logic.
‘Woke cancel culture’ is the social media boycotting of anyone seen to be politically incorrect, to take away their audience.
Who does woke cancel culture censor? Comedians like Dave Chappelle who says, “There are two words that can’t be said together—’the’ and ‘Jews.’”
What are the false narratives of woke cancel culture? That mob tactics of social media lynching must be used to silence and censure anyone with whom we disagree.
So censorship has turned colleges into a petri dish of free speech, which needs to be killed like a virulent pestilence. Huh?
maha safe spaces
“Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.” ‘Communities of trust and mutual respect’—enforced by economic punishment—sounds an awful lot like ‘safe spaces’ to me. We’re not censoring you, we’re requiring you to censor yourself.
Who are the morally superior people building these communities? Why do they need to be ‘built’ if we trust and respect others as our equals? Wouldn’t they happen naturally?
Everything is opposite. We don’t trust or respect you, so we need to control your speech, your thought, and your debate. Because without us, you’re spiritually sick.
trump triple threat
Trump dream team takes on anti-semitism: the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, and the General Services Administration. Yay!
This is certainly what voters meant by draining the swamp. Now eradicating the mind-virus of being against rulers and enslavement will be the top health concern. MMR for babies and mRNA for the brain. Are quarantine camps for holocaust deniers next?
I respond to Peter and Ginger Breggin on "Anti-Semitism gets personal" and ask: Are our ancestors a reflection on us? Do some ancestors matter more than others? How do we know if we've been lied to? Who are the global predators? What are their motives and plans? How can we defend against them?
Looking at etymology and Bible genealogies, I examine the puzzle of the Ashkenazi, quote Laurent Guyenot on Yahweh as 'a sociopath among the gods,' and ask whether Judean meant rebel against the Roman empire and the high priests who enabled it through taxation.
Is Kennedy making himself unelectable and ineffectual? I look at his stances that he is not an anti-vaxxer and is Israel's greatest supporter; that it takes courage to be Robert Malone. But Malone may have thrown him under the ethnically targeted virus bus, and then pivoted to Trump.
I start by explaining proper nouns as the difference between issues and ethics. I look at the history of the Kennedys and Zionism, from Joseph to Bobby Sr. to Bobby Jr. I examine RFK's flip flop on Roger Waters, the Malone v. Breggin lawsuit, and Bitcoin.
How would it affect Robert F. Kennedy's Presidency if Robert Malone was secretly operating for the CIA? Would Malone head up his FDA, HHS or CDC? Is this a legitimate question Kennedy should be asking? I recount my phone call with the Breggins and a conversation with Tessa Lena, then ask if we should scatter the HHS to the four corners of the commonwealths.
Alison McDowell's Camelot Corner analyzes Charles Eisenstein's talk at Bretton Woods and his deep connections in cryptocurrencies. She looks at RFK's talk at a Bitcoin conference and the false story of how the two met. I give my own experiences and observations that led me to conclude both are complicit in what they say that they're against.
Thanks for writing this, and for throwing the heavy iron chunk of logic into the spinning washing machine of anti-semitism. I was dismayed by Kennedy's endorsement of measles vaccines, but this is worse.
Edit: view this video to understand the metaphor:
Edit 2: I didn't invent the metaphor. It was the brilliant idea of a commenter on another of Tereza's posts, but I've forgotten who it was.
Not surprised you're diving in as you are particularly qualified for this. Yes, the absurdity of Bobby's statements were.... surreal. I assumed a quid-pro-quo in the works; if you want to do this then you have to do that sort of deal. But of course IDK.
Hiss statements on Israel in the past suggests he either carries around this spiritual-dissonance (wouldn't be the first) or he knows he's not allowed on the playing field unless he shows loyalty.
Either way, not good. Either way, we've had enough. Either way it all says to me that the age of 'leaders' and governments are effectively over.
Anyone who clung to that last bit of hope that this administration would put everything back in the right place, surely sees by now that won't happen.
"The logic of this is so confused that I don't think there can be any doubt that Kennedy never had any intention of doing good, but has been part of the con from the get-go."
I do doubt he was in on it from the get-go. Have room for that though. For me it's more likely he wanted to revamp healthcare and thought he could do it, even with this Albatross weighing him down.
Thanks, Tereza.