Thanks for writing this, and for throwing the heavy iron chunk of logic into the spinning washing machine of anti-semitism. I was dismayed by Kennedy's endorsement of measles vaccines, but this is worse.

Edit: view this video to understand the metaphor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq6T5BojXc8

Edit 2: I didn't invent the metaphor. It was the brilliant idea of a commenter on another of Tereza's posts, but I've forgotten who it was.

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That was Julius Skoolafish who posted that video with "a front loading washing machine tries to argue with Tereza Coraggio." Recently, when I gave my logic for why evil couldn't coexist with a loving creator God, I wrote, "Argue with that, my friend." Julius responded, "I'm not going to put my head into that front-loading washer." Hahaha!

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Not surprised you're diving in as you are particularly qualified for this. Yes, the absurdity of Bobby's statements were.... surreal. I assumed a quid-pro-quo in the works; if you want to do this then you have to do that sort of deal. But of course IDK.

Hiss statements on Israel in the past suggests he either carries around this spiritual-dissonance (wouldn't be the first) or he knows he's not allowed on the playing field unless he shows loyalty.

Either way, not good. Either way, we've had enough. Either way it all says to me that the age of 'leaders' and governments are effectively over.

Anyone who clung to that last bit of hope that this administration would put everything back in the right place, surely sees by now that won't happen.

"The logic of this is so confused that I don't think there can be any doubt that Kennedy never had any intention of doing good, but has been part of the con from the get-go."

I do doubt he was in on it from the get-go. Have room for that though. For me it's more likely he wanted to revamp healthcare and thought he could do it, even with this Albatross weighing him down.

Thanks, Tereza.

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Thank you, Kathleen. I had also assumed a quid-pro-quo. Because Kennedy had worked on environmental and anti-vax issues for a couple of decades, I thought that was his real agenda and he was willing to go along with the humiliation rituals of marching with the Israeli flag to have that chance.

But he threw the anti-vax narrative away to run for President. And then threw away running for President so Trump would appoint him head of the HHS. And now he's throwing away anything he could do on the health front to pivot the whole purpose of the agency to 'combating the anti-semitism virus.'

Not only is this nonsensical, but it's using the exact language he's spent two decades debunking in service to his Zionist masters. And even if he believes every word--which he might since his grandfather was destroyed by being positioned as an anti-semite--they're still his masters.

The language he's using is so convoluted, though, that perhaps he's doing the 5D chess thing. Giving a coded signal that he knows it's nonsense. It's so far over the top and inverted. I think that's possible.

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“Either way it all says to me that the age of ‘leaders’ and governments are effectively over”. That is the best response I have encountered thus far.

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There's another side of that I've considered, Elizabeth. Is the purpose to make us distrust everyone? You know what they say--if you know their name, they're controlling the opposition. For any kind of organized movement towards a solution, it seems you'd need some type of leader. If everyone known is dismissed, how would a movement towards a solution get underway?

During the CovidCon, who can we say we listened to who hasn't now been discredited? No one. So all of us are gullible fools, even after we were proven right. I think that's another layer of the psyops.

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I was thinking about that, Tereza. The manufactured phenomenon of deep distrust for leaders could be used as the rationale for letting AI handle things. In enough chaos and confusion they'll be a desire for something to take charge and if people have been completely discredited, what about machines?

(Even though we realize it can be programmed with bias.)

On the upside if you don't believe anyone out-there, you'll probably pivot towards taking more responsibility for your choices and accessing those built-in abilities, like intuition and critical thinking. I guess we'll find out.

Universe/Source etc. has been and is, pushing us into new and uncomfortable terrain. There is something deeper - the intelligence behind life itself - we can align to and trust. However obscured that's been.

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Oh excellent point, Kathleen. The AI angle hadn't occurred to me but isn't that already the basis of lot of popular shows being put out there?

I wrote a response to Elizabeth that addresses this above. I agree wholeheartedly about the critical thinking. But this strategy also discredits all of the 'followers' of anyone as gullible idiots. I was surprised to find that Mary listened extensively to Russell Brand, mainly while painting her NY house in preparation to sell. I have a vivid memory of listening to his audiobook while clearing out my old bedroom in my Cumberland house. We were all isolated at the time, with no one to talk with. Finding someone speaking the truth was such a Godsend. Who can anyone say they listened to at the time who hasn't been since discredited?

It made me realize that my stubbornness about Russell isn't defending him, it's defending the 7M Awakening Wonders, as he called his subscribers. If Mary was among them, I feel more confident in saying we were not fools. Along with people who still listen to me, who I found through our common respect for him. They're some of the people with the most integrity and savvy that I know. So I have a draft called 7M Awakening Wonders.

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I sat with a mother who recently buried her 14 year old vaccine injured son. She literally spent years of her life trapped alone with the boy in a dark house to try to mitigate the seizures. His seizures began less than an hour after vaccination at one year old. She knows it was the vaccinations despite having been gaslit by physicians for the duration of her child’s life. Many of us know it was vaccinations that injured our children. I have stacks of books written by people who lost their careers addressing this issue. I used to determine the overhead rate for federally sponsored research and was in labs for a living, mostly suited up like an astronaut as many were BSL labs. I, too, drank the Koolaid and my children paid a terrible price. I watched the confirmation hearings for RFK Jr. and was repulsed. Due to my former career, I comprehend how much data is manipulated. I had to leave it when I refused to falsify data along with big accounting firms. All this said, children are being killed and injured via utter crap science. The madness just needs to stop. I no longer have patience to withstand hearing anyone had to lie to get into position. I’m cutting no one any slack anymore…children are being killed and injured. I suppose that is literally all I trust now. Everywhere I go, massive harm is evident. I’m not granting anyone a “right” to tell me to do anything. “Trust the Science” is not my jam. I saw with my own eyes the crazy stuff done in labs with taxpayer funds. And I have watched as a lot of it has been rolled out on the public since 2020 to their detriment.

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I’ll be the one wearing my I’m Already Immune to Bullshit T-shirt until we stop this madness. I have a plethora of shirts based on that theme. Or my Non-Compliant shirt. I’m not really in the mood to cut slack or have faith in leaders after sitting with that mother.

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Oh, Elizabeth. When I read "All this said," I first saw, "All this sad." So sad.

I hope you didn't interpret what I said as cutting RFK slack. From my linked videos, you can see I was an early rejector (opposite of early adopter) of Kennedy.

But I don't see the 'personalitics' that have been substituted for politics (communities designing policy) as solving anything. And hundreds of millions is not a community, as I say in this video: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-do-i-want-from-a-president?

The thought about discrediting thought leaders occurred to me regarding Russell Brand, between the time he left Hollywood and before he was captured again by the sextroversy. It's not that I'm defending him, it's defending the '7M Awakening Wonders,' as he called his subscribers.

One Substacker, Mathew Crawford, who did a parody piece on me saying I was mentally ill, also told Doc Malik he shouldn't trust me because I listened to Russell. Of course, that's without him citing anything Russell said during that time.

It got me to thinking that 7M of us who questioned the CovidCon are now portrayed as gullible fools. And I have a whole list of those I've exposed as controlling the opposition: Malone, Weinstein, Eisenstein, Sasha Latypova, Tessa Lena, Meryl Nass. And of course, RFK.

I'm not saying that those who expose them are creating distrust (as long as they have facts and logic). But I think we've been set up to have leader after leader thrust upon us so that, if we fall for them, they win and if we discredit them and all their followers, they win. We need better metric to separate what we think rather than who we believe, I think.

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Understand your last point, but I believe it's become another meaningless "distraction" debating the whys and wherefores of RFK Jr. It's becoming like a soap opera (who knows, maybe meant to be all along).

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Perhaps. I no longer know. I come from that group of political powerbrokers so I do not believe that group or anyone else has any power over me or has authority to lead me. What I do know is that many have control files and are thus committed to doing as instructed. I left that group in 2012 because I understood that. My perspective is different than most as a result. I have no interest in participating in soap operas, either.

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WOW fantastic!

You use logic... to figure out RFK's statement, doesn't require logic, rather detective work to figure out what skeletons are in his closet

"Shemitism IS racism, endorsed by God"

this god... small G

"The only God possible under that belief system is a monster"


"You know who won’t be dying from a deadly plague? Those Gazans whose water and energy Netanyahu has shut off."


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Excellent point, Fadi. My only question is whether Epstein informed his passengers their lives were over the moment the Lolita Express was in the air, or saved it for the morning viewing of the blackmail tapes. I'm guessing those included so-called Satanic rituals of child sacrifice and the rape of groomed children while they were rufied.

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my mind cannot imagine what these scum do....

by the way, this blackmailing method dates back to the Venetian empire

once a guy told me about code of ethics in jail.... this scum won't survive a day in jail

by the way.... I very much doubt Epstein committed suicide... he is probably where they all retire

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Agreed on Epstein. Curious about the Venetian empire and blackmailing. I've been wondering what the original word was that's translated as Jew in The Merchant of Venice. Also in Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta. Interesting that the link says they were under the direct jurisdiction of the king.

Mary McLaughlin has written (is writing?) a play about the 'dark lady', a Moroccan Jew, who is said to have written the sonnets and much of the plays. If the word Jew wasn't coined until the 18th century, what was 'shakespeare's' word? Mary has a copy of the first folio to check.

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Here is an excerpt from, Professor Robert Ingraham's masterpiece,

The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire: Its Origins, Evolution, and Anti-Human Outlook:

"In 1638 the Venetian Grand Council established the Ridotto, the first government-owned gambling house in Europe. Housed at the San Moise Palace which was owned by the Venetian nobleman Marco Dandolo, a descendant of the leader of the fourth crusade.

At the Ridotto, aristocrats, prostitutes, pimps, usurers, degenerate gamblers, and many foreign visitors rubbed shoulders. All wore masks to protect their identity. In addition to the gambling, a room called the “Chamber of Sighs” provided a place for sexual liaisons.

More than a gambling hall, the Ridotto functioned as an ideal tool for the corruption and blackmail of foreign guests. Of the many thousands who frequented it’s gaming tables, perhaps the two most famous were the Venetian spy Giacomo Casanova, and the speculator John Law."

Quote: "I've been wondering what the original word was that's translated as Jew in The Merchant of Venice."

It seems that Shakespeare did use the word Jew. From:


Original Shakespeare:

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?


I am a Jew. Does a Jew not have eyes? Does a Jew not have hands, organs, senses, affections, passions?

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Interesting. The original is so much better, so much more musical. I've now had two other people confirm that 'Jew' wasn't a word until the 18th century. One was Kevin Barrett's guest Gordon Duff.

What Haaretz said was the first instance:

… in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's comedy of manners "The Rivals", in 1775: “She shall have a skin like a mummy, and the beard of a Jew.”

From etymology online, it was coined as a verb in 1824, meaning "to cheat, to drive a hard bargain" The citation continues, “The campaign to eliminate it in early 20c. was so successful that people also began to avoid the noun and adjective, using Hebrew instead.”

In the 1600’s, it was used “As an offensive and opprobrious term, ‘person who seeks gain by sordid means’.” It continues: In uneducated times, inexplicable ancient artifacts were credited to Jews, based on the biblical chronology of history: such as Jews' money (1570s) "Roman coins found in England."

I'm just wondering who this Venetian group was and how the word Jew came to be applied to them. It's clear they didn't come from Judea.

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Some chronology:

969: Khazaria destroyed

1095 - 1291: Crusades in the Levant

1453: Fall of Constantinople

1492: Fall of Andalusia

1587: Banco della Piazza di Rialto - First modern private central bank

1596 - 1598: Writing of Merchant of Venice

Venetians were main looters of the Levant which provided the basis for their economic power. The Normans and Germans fought, the Venetians financed the Crusades and accumulated the stolen wealth.

When Shakespeare wrote the Merchant of Venice, the Venetian empire was at its apogee of financial and political power.

100 years before writing the Merchant of Venice, in 1492 Andalusia was conquered, resulting in migration of many wealthy Sephardic Jews. Notable among them is Abraham Israel Suasso. He was the guy who financed William of Orange's 1688 invasion of England (Glorious Revolution), which established in 1694 Bank of England in which Suasso was a major investor ;-)

So the most probable origins of Jews in Venice were either from the Levant or Andalusia, both of which would be Sephardic, Levantine or North African origins.

Note, when usury was prohibited, popes and rich nobility employed Jews for conducting usury.

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Hola, tereza. I have a memory of queen Isabella referencing something like 'where is my jew' when looking to finance the jew Christopher Columbus.

Not sure of the source, though. Perhaps the 13 sugar colonies.


All the best with what is changing. Everything changes!

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the duplicity is mind-boggling.

The "free-speech party" cracks down on hate-speech on campuses...

When did criticism become conflated with hate-speech? Oh, right, the moment it landed on Zionism.

Of course, this is probably the only place where the two parties (uniparty) are in lockstep.

Plenty of AIPAC money to go around.

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A Semite is one that originated from "Semitic Lands", be it language or geography: The Levant.

Anti-Semitism is just the action of using ad hominem to discredit those that do not believe or criticize Jews. Being a Jew does not mean that person is a Semite.

The Palestinians are the original Semites of the Levant.

Israelis are de facto the original Anti-Semites.

One thing that is plainly obvious is that virtually all U$A politicos are absolute cowards.

The U$A political power is so neutered that NO ONE comes to say, " No Comment. There is a Mossad security detail that shadows most politicos to make sure that nothing critical is said about Israel or Jews. So no comment".

And zero stood up for Cynthia McKinney.

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Well put.

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Thank you, Tereza. A welcome, informed, common sense critique. Seems there's lots of extreme intellectual contortions lately attempting to somehow justify or "empathetically explain" Jr.'s intellectual (and psychological?) contortions. Tired of expending any more time or energy on the subject.

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It's all so incredibly tiresome, watching them fall to the self-chosen peeps, one by one, all probably for the same haunted reasons.

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Thanks for your factual response to Tami, Isaac. I particularly liked the line, "It is a moral necessity to differentiate various forms of violence based on the context in which they are carried out." I was just drafting an article on The Ethics of Invasion, looking at Russia and Ukraine. Oliver Boyd-Barrett has a really good article that lists the reasons in which something like Russia's SMO would be justified, rather than the neocon trope of 'humanitarian intervention': https://oliverboydbarrett.substack.com/p/the-next-stage-fruitful-or-futile?

I think it's very important to do that with violence. The 'Gandhification' of NGOs meant they wouldn't support, with words or money, any armed resistance. Arundhati Roy talks about that. And we have that same psyop with conscientious objectors, who have to prove they'd allow someone to rape their grandmother. Simplistic dichotomies like 'yes to violence I'm paid for' vs. 'people fighting for ideologies are evil' don't work.

Oh, btw, your handsome wombat is looking excellent on my desktop, which puts my thumbnail of a yellow rose 'square' on his left eye like a monocle.

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Tiresome indeed. I'm eager to be on the other side of it all.

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9:25 – referring to your conversation with Sigmar Academy – “deadly for the German people” …

Here are the words of Theodore Newman Kaufman. Just replacing ‘German’ with ‘Human’ brings it right up to date.

“There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Germanism -- and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.


When one realizes that such health measures as vaccination and serum treatments are considered as direct benefits to the community, certainly sterilization of the German people cannot but be considered a great health measure promoted by humanity to immunize itself forever against the virus of Germanism.


To achieve the purpose of German extinction it would be necessary to only sterilize some 48,000,000 -- a figure which excludes, because of their limited power to procreate, males over 60 years of age, and females over 45.


The balance of the male civilian population of Germany could be treated within three months. Inasmuch as sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that the entire female population of Germany could be sterilized within a period of three years or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and not only one, is to be considered necessary … “

Source: “Germany Must Perish!” - by Theodore N. Kaufman, Newark, N.J., Argyle press 1941

According to Wikipedia: “Theodore Newman Kaufman [] was an American Jewish businessman … “

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It's shocking this was so normalized as to be published and popular. I'm glad you brought this up because I have an open tab on Matt Taibbi that I wanted your thoughts on: https://www.racket.news/p/transcript-america-this-week-mar. Here's an excerpt:

Walter Kirn: "I think throughout history, the problem has been that civilization has sometimes relented in its picking on Germany, and if you let them go for more than five, 10 years, they come up with a whole new all-embracing metaphysics and political philosophy, which they then arm themselves in order to spread, whether it’s the Holy Roman Empire or Prussia or Hitler or- And now, they seem to be rearranging and sort of revising their sense of self so that in the name of peace, they can now be warlike again."

Matt Taibbi: "Right, right. And it’s a very thin veneer of peace that they’re putting on top of the warlike, the martial barking that they’re good at. Some amazing speeches this week. I guess we’ll get to as many of them as we can. But let’s just start off with the German foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock. All right. So she’s the foreign minister. She’s a Green, and I guess Green’s-"

Walter Kirn: "Yeah. To me, that’s dark. To me, that means something like Nazi, but for the good of the Earth, which if you ever knew any Nazis as I did way back when, people who had actually lived there during the time, I knew a few in London, and they told me that the hiking and the nature worship was one of the big, fun parts of being the Nazi."

So I get that they're trying to be funny, but putting it in the context of 'Germany Must Perish' and a century of bleeding Germany dry, it seems dangerous and heartless. Baerbock is an infliction on the German people, not a reflection of their will.

What are your thoughts?

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Needless to say that I won’t be subscribing to that Racket. I have only ever heard of Matt Taibbi and never followed him at all, but what a sloppy piece of passive-aggressive hate mongering that was.

Here is a playlist by Ernst Zundel on the general topic ...

• AVOF 099 - 103 - Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust - Plans to destroy German, Culture, Books ect. - 1 of 7(1996)


Ernst introduces ‘Germany Must Perish’ at 25:15

• AVOF 104 - 108 - Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust - Plans to destroy German, Culture, Books ect. - 2 of 7 (1996)


• AVOF 109 - 113 - Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust - Plans to destroy German, Culture, Books ect. - 3 of 7 (1996)


• AVOF 114 - 118 - Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust - Plans to destroy German, Culture, Books ect. - 4 of 7 (1996)


• AVOF 121 - 125 - Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust - Plans to destroy German, Culture, Books ect. - 5 of 7 (1996)


• AVOF 126 - 129 - Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust - Plans to destroy German, Culture, Books ect. - 6 of 7 (1996)


• AVOF 130 - 132 - Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust - Plans to destroy German, Culture, Books ect. 7 of 7 Conclusion (1996)


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Your logic is pukka! 👌🏽

It seems obvious they have something on him.

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Thank you for the education. Dame you good.

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Awesome article Tereza! I think he might as well be called Bubbie Kennedy...

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LOL i initially misread that as Bubble which also works… pop!

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Hola, tereza.

Very nice breakdown.

It does seem that it is likely too subtle to be fully appreciated, though, by significant numbers of people. By that I mean that the nuances of the family dynamics has been lost in the whitewashing of that part of the bible as family tree / historical record. It is not different from the whitewashing of the history of vaccines: the truth, while obvious once seen, is too complicated to undo the lie of it.

And yet it is critically important that these lies be chipped away at! Well done.

All the best with what is changing. Everything changes!

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A short video of 4:33

• RFK Jr Pushes ENTIRE CDC Vax Schedule?! MMR Vax, Polio Vax, C19 Vax & Quarantines Too! - Tim Truth

• ► Watch RFK Jr's insane turnaround into pushing all the vaccines on the CDC childhood schedule


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That is truly sickening, Julius. It's like there couldn't have been someone more pro-vaxx because now he has to prove that he's not going to be against anything they want to do. Fauci would have been far better with Kennedy on the outside, pushing back. And your list didn't even mention the HPV. That's the one I feel the worst about falling for.

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I note RFKjr saying “you don’t do mass lockdowns ever” was carefully removed from the quarantine sentence

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Interesting. I watched with the subtitles on but no sound and noticed that sentence. Was it removed from a later version?

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Context, sorry :)

I was referring to how it’s the three dots on tim truth snippets here

“I would do the pandemic preparedness protocols from WHO, CDC, the European Medical Association, the NHS in England have said for decades: which is you quarantine… You quarantine the sick, you isolate the vulnerable.”

Between you quarantine…you quarantine

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It hit home when you said that you don’t want to argue with someone you don’t like . With so much division amongst us, the thought of discourse bringing us together gives my soul a little rest . Thanks Lance

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Thank you, Lance. This doesn't keep me out of trouble, however, since my policy is 'Love the person, challenge the ideas.' I'm not sure if you've seen these of mine:



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The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks

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Author, M.F. Ashley Montagu.


Foreword by Aldous Huxley. 2nd Edition Copyright 1945 Columbia University Press.

NOT IN OUR GENES: Biology, Ideology, and Human Nature. Haymarket Books 2017 2nd edition.

Authors: Richard C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin.

www.haymarketbooks.org. (773) 583-7884.

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