I see you have gone from 3rd Paradigm back to Third Paradigm. For a while there I thought I was suffering from the Mandela Effect.
As usual, you have taken a few scattered thoughts (of mine, the reader) and turned them into a Tertiary Thesis.
I was recently prompted to pick up “The Green Book” by Muammar Gaddafi and was just preparing to post a Book Mention. I purchased my copy from Lucas Gage.
Gaddafi defines and promotes the Third Universal Theory so I reckon it fits in nicely with The Third Paradigm. Maybe you were just finishing Gaddafi’s sentences for him.
Here is Gaddafi’s chapter on Education:
26 Education
Education, or learning, is not necessarily that routinized curriculum and those classified subjects in textbooks which youths are forced to learn during specified hours while sitting in rows of desks. This type of education now prevailing all over the world is directed against human freedom. State-controlled education, which governments boast of whenever they are able to force it on their youths, is a method of suppressing freedom. It is a compulsory obliteration of a human being’s talent, as well as a coercive directing of a human being’s choices. It is an act of dictatorship destructive of freedom because it deprives people of their free choice, creativity and brilliance. To force a human being to learn according to a set curriculum is a dictatorial act. To impose certain subjects upon people is also a dictatorial act.
State-controlled and standardized education is, in fact, a forced stultification of the masses. All governments which set courses of education in terms of formal curricula and force people to learn those courses coerce their citizens. All methods of education prevailing in the world should be destroyed through a universal cultural revolution that frees the human mind from curricula of fanaticism which dictate a process of deliberate distortion of man’s tastes, conceptual ability and mentality.
This does not mean that schools are to be closed and that people should turn their backs on education, as it may seem to superficial readers. On the contrary, it means. that society should provide all types of education, giving people the chance to choose freely any subjects they wish to learn. This requires a sufficient number of schools for all types of education. Insufficient numbers of schools restrict human freedom of choice, forcing them to learn only the subjects available, while depriving them of the natural right to choose because of the unavailability of other subjects. Societies which ban or monopolize knowledge are reactionary societies which are biased towards ignorance and are hostile to freedom. Societies which prohibit the teaching of religion are reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Societies which monopolize religious education are reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Equally so are the societies which distort the religions, civilizations and behaviour of others in the process of teaching those subjects. Societies which consider materialistic knowledge taboo are likewise reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Knowledge is a natural right of every human being of which no one has the right to deprive him or her under any pretext, except in a case where a person does something which deprives him or her of that right.
Ignorance will come to an end when everything is presented as it actually is and when knowledge about everything is available to each person in the manner that suits him or her.
It was Vijay Preshad's Arab Spring, Libyan Winter that was such a revelation to me about Gaddafi's policies. But I never realized how brilliant a writer he was. This is stunning.
So now I'm wondering, is every leader villified by the West going to turn out to be a hero? Don't tell me Pol Pot was actually a saint too!
I'm just going through The Green Book again on a PDF to text copy to make my own highlights, then will Mention it with full text. I have not got into your book yet - but very close at hand. So glad to hear you have cited him. I have a very favourable dossier of clips on him.
I'm glad you brought up 3rd Paradigm because I'm trying to figure this out. So when someone subs your blog, you get a notice with two lines on who else they read. It starts with paid subs of theirs, then ones with symbols. There's someone who has twelve symbols before their name, but usually it's a quotation mark. Then it's numbers, so 2nd Smartest Guy shows up. And after that it's alphabetical. Aardvark would be a good name.
So I got the bright idea to change to 3rd so when people sub other people, they might see my name pop up. Especially if different people who read me find someone else they like, it might be a good connection. But then I thought I needed to change my link on Rumble and YT, but a viewer told me that 3rdparadigm.substack.com was coming up as just a placeholder--and sure enough, someone else has it. So I changed it back, which matches my logo, which I love. But I never knew if it did make me show up, since I don't get notices after people sub me. What do you think?
Thanks for explaining - mystery solved. I will leave it as a curiosity. My use of substack is very one-dimensional - merely a repository of my book journey (with a few interludes).
here's one of the many documentary made on russel brand as a gatekeeper, pied piper pervert. you probably already know all this. But in case it never came to your attention, russel brand is placed like trump is placed for the same reason from the same people. the story must go on=)
I dont trust vandana shiva neither, nor mother theresa, even less tucker carlson. jordan peterson is a no go, like any other rogan icke etc in fact...i dont trust anyone public mostly. i once got deceived by arthur conan doyle being a sherlock holmes fan...after learning the truth behind the man and the total reverso on houdini. I'm done believing in sheperd.
I do trust a couple humans here on substack but we sharing knowledge, not following blindly one another., its way different then on the alternativemedia.
I'm no white sheep, once i turned black sheep. Sad stuff that was! then i was a sheperd...my herd all jumped in and now i'm a lone fox. It gives lessons and after, life aint the same.
Yes, I've had a long journey with Russell. I started my YT responding to his long-form conversations on Luminary. Then branched off when I started Substack. I've listened to 100 hrs of his, easily, and analyzed it. I have over 50 videos on him. So my views are complex.
Here are my videos responding to the scandal, including the videos you cite:
Agreed on Mother Theresa, Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson. I've liked Vandana Shiva, but I could be wrong. Interesting on Arthur Conan Doyle. He was friends with the person who exposed King Leopold's vicious rubber exploitation in the Congo, which I write about in my book. Any links on that?
i totaly forgot to send the links! for arthur conan doyle i got 2 and a book titled: the secret life of houdini many is said there. on the substack of mine there is lots of link to arthur legacy and stuff like hat. i'm always half serious half kiddin when writting so dont take my work for precision, more like sloppy guidance. This eyes opening for me was made by matt ehret cause i didnt knew arthur conan doyle in reality. like most of us consumer society as certain association would say (allatra) its all about sherlock holmes. afterward i did my homework as they say:
p.s: last one is me and i have no course, no skills no experience in writtings. so please be kind to amateur me hehe. I also love to brag a little sometimes ;-) So even if its slopy i'm quite proud of my work for a newby.
Thanks for that great history, from Matt and expounded by you, Jean-Sebastien! I had no idea of the intrigue between Arthur Conan Doyle and Houdini. It changed all my assumptions.
Yeah, i thought arthur was really a good knight , not a mason-like one. I also cant see gipsies and cartomancer etc the same mystical and magical way. What a bizness push they got in 1926 lol
I will be checking all of these links today! Ty, i also have tons of hours of profiling russel brand and followed the luminary thing he did before nowaday stream. I may come back have a chat after if you dont mind. I love when we all share our work and point of view. I always wish from this we can find truth. 👍
I don't want to rain on your relief parade, Philip, but is it ever good when the one ordained to win actually does? I guess I was taking your statement about being ordained as, not by God, but by the Puppet Masters. You have some fine hopes, that I'll quote from this am's post:
"Looking to the future, we seem to have the greatest collection of Marvel Comic Superheros ever assembled. Trump, Vance, Elon, RFK Jr., Tulsi - you have an opportunity here to do something historic. Don’t screw it up. End the war in Ukraine. Tell Israel to get over themselves and grow up. Partner with Russia and China - enough with the saber-rattling and death-eaters. America first - not an afterthought. Leverage with BRICS and become the America that the rest of the world looks to with Fear and Awe. Only lose the fear. It’s not necessary. End NATO, end the FED. And last, but not least, expose the Pentagon as the true power center of the U.S., and bring an end to it. We will have your back. Reel in Congress, and remind them of their job."
I think the purpose of Trump's second term will be for more people to give up on the Marvel Superheroes. So I hope you'll keep these excellent goals in mind and hold him to account for them--not the excuses of the last term: 'He appointed the wrong guys, the deep state wouldn't let him do what he wanted.' He's in on the con, just like Vance, Elon, RFK, WEFfie Tulsi, and CIA Bob (Malone.) IMO. But we'll see how it plays out and it will turn out for the best, at least that's what my Level Six intuition is telling me ;-)
I always find it strange that I can hold two seemingly very different viewpoints simultaneously. Perhaps it is a means a being open to change.
Since I also believe that we create all of our reality, I always like to leave room that I can create something in my reality that, while it may not make sense, is exactly what I want using the pieces that are available.
But you rightfully call me out on my duplicity. Let's "hope" there is something to it.
Oh, I'm not calling you duplicitous, Philip. I just think that Trump is a rebranding of Obama hopium for a different crowd. If Trump does all the things you hope, would it lead us towards taking control of our own economies? Maybe. He certainly has all the alternative players (or PsyOperators, depending on your view) on his side. So it will be a true test of whether he's controlling the opposition or IS the opposition.
So this is an inane observation, but I LOVE YOUR HAIR now, much better than when it was dark..which is funny because everyone wants to get rid of their gray hair...but I think you should keep yours!
I was hoping someone would comment on that photo, and I knew it needed to be a woman ;-)
Yes, as my daughters confirm all the time, I've gone backwards in age since my 50's. After decades of dying my hair (it was once Jean Harlow white, then reds, maroons, then 'colors found in nature') the peroxide finally seeped into my follicles and gave me exactly the color I was going for! So yes, I'm never going back. Although my hairdresser is going to give me some pink coloring that washes out because she says my hair is now perfect for it. And it'll match those hot pink boots I was showing off on my 67th birthday video. Now I just need an occasion!
Hair is so wild. All my friends got such different hair as they aged. Mine is streaked white mixed in with the graying. Used to be very dark brown...soooo different. And it used to be stick straight and now has a little wave. ??? No one told me about this! Yes, yours is beautiful! And perfect for wash out pink...
Quote: "If the community owns the assets (capital) that back the money, people can own the products of their own labor, which then go back into the community. "
This is one of the key ingredients of China's ability to pull 800 million people out of poverty and its phenomenal across-the board development. The other key ingredient is that commercial banking is dominated by government owned banks. A similar situation exists in Russia.
WOW! as someone with the initials FL would say ;-) Yes, there are other details I've found out since. The average debt for someone over 50 is something like $40K where it's 'only' <$20K for those under 30. So people, like my son-in-law's mother, are dying in student debt. And that's being passed to their spouses. Even if a person commits suicide because of their debt, it then is owed by the grieving parents of the deceased. Few things are as inhumane.
Yes, the two-currency situation in China--one for internal and one for external trade--is genius. It rewards the exporters in a currency China produces and keeps the int'l currency in the Treasury to strengthen the country.
Owning the products of your own labor is key. Julius linked a roundtable on Nat'l Socialism that showed that was a core principle. I'm now thinking of Nat'l Socialism as a third paradigm, along with Gaddafi's Third Universal Theory: https://odysee.com/@AndkonsReich:31/DemystifyingNS:3.
:-) in my book I attributed the Japanese and Asian Tigers economic "miracles" to adopting National Socialism economic policies. This was done based on a 1932 article by Gottfried Feder “The Fundamentals of National Socialist Economic Policy,” in National Socialist Yearbook.
The differentiating feature of these policies is placing banking, financial and monetary policies under control of the government. This is the cardinal sin for which National Socialism was demonized:
"What has made National Socialism per se an unforgivable blasphemous crime was its crime against the Money Powers. The German state overturned rule by the Money Powers, supplanting it with rule by the German state. This was the unforgivable crime.
This is in no way to condone or belittle the crimes committed by the Third Reich but rather to put these crimes in perspective. They are on a par with or less than what the British, Spanish, Belgian, French, Dutch and Portuguese colonialists committed – a contemporary manifestation of the rapacious nature of West European civilization that was sanctioned by the Popes and reflected in its history.
Nazi leaders were rightly despised, tried at Nuremberg and hung on scaffolds for the enormity of their crimes – whereas Winston Churchill, Cecil Rhodes, Queen Victoria, Edmund Allenby, Hernán Cortés, Leopold II of Belgium, Henri Gouraud, and a long list of other colonial genocidaires are glorified with their statues placed on pedestals. The most significant difference between the Nazis and the colonialists is that the colonialists were working for the Money Powers, not against them."
Thanks to that link to Feder's plan. I've been curious to go to the source of that.
Ever since I found out that all but 2 of the 140 Nazi leaders who testified at Nuremberg had had their testicles crushed beyond repair, I'm looking at the crimes of the Third Reich differently :-0
When I presented this section... the publisher went crazy lol... so she tempered it to a mutually acceptable level.
I was not aware about the testicles... to me this strongly suggests followers of Yahweh, also as I recall the executions were made on Purim. "They" are the embodiment of evil.
Today I was reading Julius Skoolafish's post on Gaddafi's Green Book. Reading mainly the emphasized statements. I noted quite a bit of overlap between your theory and the Gaddafi's work.
Yes, I'm eager to dig into the Third Universal Theory! I'm planning to order a copy from Lucas so I can mark it up. I do see a lot of similarity.
What keeps any form of federal (meaning serving the members) gov't in line are measurable goals. Even at the neighborhood level, its purpose is to serve the families that make up its members. That can easily be measured by the children born and their return to raise children of their own. My Santa Cruz neighborhood fails this measure because of the cost of housing, my Cumberland neighborhood because of the lack of income in circulation.
The success of the 'hamlet'--nine neighborhoods--would be based on how well they support their members in supporting their families. Do they need a healthcare clinic? A playground? Protection from crime? And so on.
I've decided never to use the word Nazi, but either Nat'l Socialist or Zionist/ ZioNazi. I suspect all those executed at Nuremberg were NS or naive ZioNazis who thought they'd be protected. Those who were relocated and given cushy positions were certainly ZioNazis.
I think on his post.. he had the whole book with emphasis.
Also possible to download the pdf.
Quote: "Even at the neighborhood level, its purpose is to serve the families that make up its members. That can easily be measured by the children born and their return to raise children of their own.....Do they need a healthcare clinic? A playground? Protection from crime? And so on."
Several of your concerns overlap with Putin's :-) You should check his speeches and meetings. Below is from meeting with the governors of the very small republic of Khakassia, of which I had never heard of before:
Vladimir Putin: You still have a lower number of doctors than the national average.
Governor Konovalov: Yes, Mr President, it is true, so we are making additional efforts in this area to attract medical personnel to us. By the way, we have started training paramedics at our technical schools, and we are expanding this direction, because there is also a certain shortage of secondary and junior medical personnel, especially in rural areas.
Governor Konovalov: Since 2019, we have built and purchased 17 kindergartens and, in general, for the first time in the history of the republic, at least in modern times, we have closed the problem of waiting lists for kindergartens. Since 2021, we have no waiting lists, and we meet 100 percent of the applications that young parents receive.
Governor Konovalov: We are actively working today on the task that you set – to avoid second shifts. Again, starting from 2019, we have built eight schools and removed some of the tension, but today we still have about 23 percent of the total number of schools that retain the second shift.
Well I'm not surprised you're the one making sure we don't get caught up in the euphoria! 😊
AlreadyGreg Reese has posted something on Pompeo being considered for Sec of Def! That should reorient some folks. I hope it's not true. I hope the awakening in the country - meaning rejection of establishment media - will lead to a rejection of being led altogether and more Americans seeing through the layers. We'll see.
All that sad - it feels like a good sign. Thanks, T!
In ‘Killing America: A 100 Year Murder’, M. S. (Mike) King takes us through 40 key steps (Wounds).
In this rapidly developing "land of opportunity" there are no Federal Income Taxes, no State Income Taxes, no Sales Taxes, no Social Security Taxes, no Capital Gains Taxes, no IRS, no Department of Homeland Security, no Department of Education, no welfare schemes, no Central Bank, very little debt, and a sound currency backed by Gold.
In foreign commerce and relations, Americans are a peace-loving people who have no interest in embroiling their young country in Europe's intrigues and squabbles.
The idea of going overseas to fight foreign ‘bogeymen’ is unthinkable.
America's prosperity affords many of its people the luxury of increasing leisure time. From this free time grow Sports Leagues such as Baseball's National League (1876), to be followed by the American League (1901). College Football has exploded in popularity, with the first professional teams to form in the early years of the new century. Millions of young men sharpen their bodies and mental toughness by competing in all varieties of Sports.
As for the women folk, the ladies of America are exactly that, ladies. Women are family oriented, valued for their sweet demeanor, and respected for their virtue.
America's children are raised to respect their God, their parents, their elders, and their teachers."
And then … some milestones (see #32):
• Wound #1: 1896 – Adolph Ochs buys the New York Times
• Wound #4: 1913 – The 17th Amendment (Direct Election of US Senators)
• Wound #6: 1913 – The Federal Reserve Act
• Wound #9: 1926 – David Sarnoff Establishes NBC
• Wound #10: 1928 – William Paley (Paloff) Buys CBS
• Wound #11: 1933 – Eugene Meyer Buys The Washington Post
• Wound #16: 1940-1960 – Marxists Consolidate Control Over Hollywood
• Wound #18: 1947 – The CIA is Established
• Wound #20: 1953 – Leonard Goldenson Takes Over ABC
• Wound #32: 1979 – The Department of Education is Established
Off topic, sorry, but I wanted to thank you for the reference to "From Yahweh to Zion" by Laurent Guyenot. Fascinating and enlightening; explains so much. Much appreciated.
This is my third try to say you're so welcome, and that you probably already saw these, but I find I keep citing Laurent a lot. And each time I post the list, I keep forgetting and doing a search on the comment page, losing it all :-( I'll try to curb my enthusiasm this time ;-)
I just mentioned in passing to my wife that "I see that Trump had just been appointed as the next US President". Focused on her latest craft creation, she dismissively replied “What, they’ve had elections, have they?”
He has used it quite a few times - first during his 2016 campaign against Hilary Clinton. The target of his cryptic metaphor has been given several interpretations ... Hilary herself?, the 'snake' of illegal immigrants?
Quite separately, one of the funniest things you will see is the Merkel Snake Dance - now there was a genuine Snake. (Merkel was awarded the Charlemagne Prize in 2008 for her role in the destruction of Europe - the Kalergi Plan)
That's quite a Merkel dance, Julian, and quite a list for the Charlemagne prize--ending with a Russian rabbi this year and the 'European Jewish community.' I remember when I first heard about Germany taking in refugees and thought it didn't fit with everything else about Merkel, but it seemed like a good thing. I was so young then, and not in age!
I had posted about Trump's snake song awhile back, linking a great rendition of the song that might have originated with the Diva. On the surface level he was talking about Kamala's border policy. Others attributed it to the Yahwist requirement that, in order to be a willing sacrifice, the victims need to be warned. I think there is something very sinister and occult going on with Trump, which is why I didn't think there was any chance Kamala would win.
I see you have gone from 3rd Paradigm back to Third Paradigm. For a while there I thought I was suffering from the Mandela Effect.
As usual, you have taken a few scattered thoughts (of mine, the reader) and turned them into a Tertiary Thesis.
I was recently prompted to pick up “The Green Book” by Muammar Gaddafi and was just preparing to post a Book Mention. I purchased my copy from Lucas Gage.
Gaddafi defines and promotes the Third Universal Theory so I reckon it fits in nicely with The Third Paradigm. Maybe you were just finishing Gaddafi’s sentences for him.
Here is Gaddafi’s chapter on Education:
26 Education
Education, or learning, is not necessarily that routinized curriculum and those classified subjects in textbooks which youths are forced to learn during specified hours while sitting in rows of desks. This type of education now prevailing all over the world is directed against human freedom. State-controlled education, which governments boast of whenever they are able to force it on their youths, is a method of suppressing freedom. It is a compulsory obliteration of a human being’s talent, as well as a coercive directing of a human being’s choices. It is an act of dictatorship destructive of freedom because it deprives people of their free choice, creativity and brilliance. To force a human being to learn according to a set curriculum is a dictatorial act. To impose certain subjects upon people is also a dictatorial act.
State-controlled and standardized education is, in fact, a forced stultification of the masses. All governments which set courses of education in terms of formal curricula and force people to learn those courses coerce their citizens. All methods of education prevailing in the world should be destroyed through a universal cultural revolution that frees the human mind from curricula of fanaticism which dictate a process of deliberate distortion of man’s tastes, conceptual ability and mentality.
This does not mean that schools are to be closed and that people should turn their backs on education, as it may seem to superficial readers. On the contrary, it means. that society should provide all types of education, giving people the chance to choose freely any subjects they wish to learn. This requires a sufficient number of schools for all types of education. Insufficient numbers of schools restrict human freedom of choice, forcing them to learn only the subjects available, while depriving them of the natural right to choose because of the unavailability of other subjects. Societies which ban or monopolize knowledge are reactionary societies which are biased towards ignorance and are hostile to freedom. Societies which prohibit the teaching of religion are reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Societies which monopolize religious education are reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Equally so are the societies which distort the religions, civilizations and behaviour of others in the process of teaching those subjects. Societies which consider materialistic knowledge taboo are likewise reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Knowledge is a natural right of every human being of which no one has the right to deprive him or her under any pretext, except in a case where a person does something which deprives him or her of that right.
Ignorance will come to an end when everything is presented as it actually is and when knowledge about everything is available to each person in the manner that suits him or her.
Gaddafi! I've been so curious about his Third Universal Theory. And doesn't he have pillars of something too? I know you read the chapter in my book about him: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/libya-swept-away-by-the-currency.
It was Vijay Preshad's Arab Spring, Libyan Winter that was such a revelation to me about Gaddafi's policies. But I never realized how brilliant a writer he was. This is stunning.
So now I'm wondering, is every leader villified by the West going to turn out to be a hero? Don't tell me Pol Pot was actually a saint too!
I shared these on your Chapter 9 post which was a great read/listen
• NATO and Libya - Secretary General's Statement on the Situation in Libya
This is actually about Libya and Gaddafi – the video title implies a warning to Duterte
I'm just going through The Green Book again on a PDF to text copy to make my own highlights, then will Mention it with full text. I have not got into your book yet - but very close at hand. So glad to hear you have cited him. I have a very favourable dossier of clips on him.
I will look up Vijay Preshad - thanks.
Not holding my breath on Pol Pot.
I'm glad you brought up 3rd Paradigm because I'm trying to figure this out. So when someone subs your blog, you get a notice with two lines on who else they read. It starts with paid subs of theirs, then ones with symbols. There's someone who has twelve symbols before their name, but usually it's a quotation mark. Then it's numbers, so 2nd Smartest Guy shows up. And after that it's alphabetical. Aardvark would be a good name.
So I got the bright idea to change to 3rd so when people sub other people, they might see my name pop up. Especially if different people who read me find someone else they like, it might be a good connection. But then I thought I needed to change my link on Rumble and YT, but a viewer told me that 3rdparadigm.substack.com was coming up as just a placeholder--and sure enough, someone else has it. So I changed it back, which matches my logo, which I love. But I never knew if it did make me show up, since I don't get notices after people sub me. What do you think?
Thanks for explaining - mystery solved. I will leave it as a curiosity. My use of substack is very one-dimensional - merely a repository of my book journey (with a few interludes).
WOW! Only after his murder are we discovering the Gaddafi's wisdom.
Thank you
here's one of the many documentary made on russel brand as a gatekeeper, pied piper pervert. you probably already know all this. But in case it never came to your attention, russel brand is placed like trump is placed for the same reason from the same people. the story must go on=)
I dont trust vandana shiva neither, nor mother theresa, even less tucker carlson. jordan peterson is a no go, like any other rogan icke etc in fact...i dont trust anyone public mostly. i once got deceived by arthur conan doyle being a sherlock holmes fan...after learning the truth behind the man and the total reverso on houdini. I'm done believing in sheperd.
I do trust a couple humans here on substack but we sharing knowledge, not following blindly one another., its way different then on the alternativemedia.
I'm no white sheep, once i turned black sheep. Sad stuff that was! then i was a sheperd...my herd all jumped in and now i'm a lone fox. It gives lessons and after, life aint the same.
Yes, I've had a long journey with Russell. I started my YT responding to his long-form conversations on Luminary. Then branched off when I started Substack. I've listened to 100 hrs of his, easily, and analyzed it. I have over 50 videos on him. So my views are complex.
Here are my videos responding to the scandal, including the videos you cite:
And this one on finally coming to the conclusion he's still captured or complicit:
Agreed on Mother Theresa, Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson. I've liked Vandana Shiva, but I could be wrong. Interesting on Arthur Conan Doyle. He was friends with the person who exposed King Leopold's vicious rubber exploitation in the Congo, which I write about in my book. Any links on that?
i totaly forgot to send the links! for arthur conan doyle i got 2 and a book titled: the secret life of houdini many is said there. on the substack of mine there is lots of link to arthur legacy and stuff like hat. i'm always half serious half kiddin when writting so dont take my work for precision, more like sloppy guidance. This eyes opening for me was made by matt ehret cause i didnt knew arthur conan doyle in reality. like most of us consumer society as certain association would say (allatra) its all about sherlock holmes. afterward i did my homework as they say:
p.s: last one is me and i have no course, no skills no experience in writtings. so please be kind to amateur me hehe. I also love to brag a little sometimes ;-) So even if its slopy i'm quite proud of my work for a newby.
Thanks for that great history, from Matt and expounded by you, Jean-Sebastien! I had no idea of the intrigue between Arthur Conan Doyle and Houdini. It changed all my assumptions.
Yeah, i thought arthur was really a good knight , not a mason-like one. I also cant see gipsies and cartomancer etc the same mystical and magical way. What a bizness push they got in 1926 lol
I will be checking all of these links today! Ty, i also have tons of hours of profiling russel brand and followed the luminary thing he did before nowaday stream. I may come back have a chat after if you dont mind. I love when we all share our work and point of view. I always wish from this we can find truth. 👍
Thank you for the shout-out Tereza!
And even though I have no iron in the fire, I feel strongly and strangely relieved this morning.
Makes me wonder how long I was holding my breath with what these pricks might do next.
I don't want to rain on your relief parade, Philip, but is it ever good when the one ordained to win actually does? I guess I was taking your statement about being ordained as, not by God, but by the Puppet Masters. You have some fine hopes, that I'll quote from this am's post:
"Looking to the future, we seem to have the greatest collection of Marvel Comic Superheros ever assembled. Trump, Vance, Elon, RFK Jr., Tulsi - you have an opportunity here to do something historic. Don’t screw it up. End the war in Ukraine. Tell Israel to get over themselves and grow up. Partner with Russia and China - enough with the saber-rattling and death-eaters. America first - not an afterthought. Leverage with BRICS and become the America that the rest of the world looks to with Fear and Awe. Only lose the fear. It’s not necessary. End NATO, end the FED. And last, but not least, expose the Pentagon as the true power center of the U.S., and bring an end to it. We will have your back. Reel in Congress, and remind them of their job."
I think the purpose of Trump's second term will be for more people to give up on the Marvel Superheroes. So I hope you'll keep these excellent goals in mind and hold him to account for them--not the excuses of the last term: 'He appointed the wrong guys, the deep state wouldn't let him do what he wanted.' He's in on the con, just like Vance, Elon, RFK, WEFfie Tulsi, and CIA Bob (Malone.) IMO. But we'll see how it plays out and it will turn out for the best, at least that's what my Level Six intuition is telling me ;-)
I always find it strange that I can hold two seemingly very different viewpoints simultaneously. Perhaps it is a means a being open to change.
Since I also believe that we create all of our reality, I always like to leave room that I can create something in my reality that, while it may not make sense, is exactly what I want using the pieces that are available.
But you rightfully call me out on my duplicity. Let's "hope" there is something to it.
Oh, I'm not calling you duplicitous, Philip. I just think that Trump is a rebranding of Obama hopium for a different crowd. If Trump does all the things you hope, would it lead us towards taking control of our own economies? Maybe. He certainly has all the alternative players (or PsyOperators, depending on your view) on his side. So it will be a true test of whether he's controlling the opposition or IS the opposition.
Ahhh, nice call! There are no saviors coming, are there?
So this is an inane observation, but I LOVE YOUR HAIR now, much better than when it was dark..which is funny because everyone wants to get rid of their gray hair...but I think you should keep yours!
I was hoping someone would comment on that photo, and I knew it needed to be a woman ;-)
Yes, as my daughters confirm all the time, I've gone backwards in age since my 50's. After decades of dying my hair (it was once Jean Harlow white, then reds, maroons, then 'colors found in nature') the peroxide finally seeped into my follicles and gave me exactly the color I was going for! So yes, I'm never going back. Although my hairdresser is going to give me some pink coloring that washes out because she says my hair is now perfect for it. And it'll match those hot pink boots I was showing off on my 67th birthday video. Now I just need an occasion!
Hair is so wild. All my friends got such different hair as they aged. Mine is streaked white mixed in with the graying. Used to be very dark brown...soooo different. And it used to be stick straight and now has a little wave. ??? No one told me about this! Yes, yours is beautiful! And perfect for wash out pink...
I was going to say the same thing. Grey and long is more fetching on Tereza for sure!
I confess to finding long grey hair very attractive. Maybe I'm a weirdo that way.
Quote: "The Student Loan Scam is an exposé of the predatory nature of the $85-billion student loan industry."
Not sure when this was published, as current debt is orders of magnitude greater:
2024Q1 student debt was $1,753-billion!
Quote: "If the community owns the assets (capital) that back the money, people can own the products of their own labor, which then go back into the community. "
This is one of the key ingredients of China's ability to pull 800 million people out of poverty and its phenomenal across-the board development. The other key ingredient is that commercial banking is dominated by government owned banks. A similar situation exists in Russia.
WOW! as someone with the initials FL would say ;-) Yes, there are other details I've found out since. The average debt for someone over 50 is something like $40K where it's 'only' <$20K for those under 30. So people, like my son-in-law's mother, are dying in student debt. And that's being passed to their spouses. Even if a person commits suicide because of their debt, it then is owed by the grieving parents of the deceased. Few things are as inhumane.
Yes, the two-currency situation in China--one for internal and one for external trade--is genius. It rewards the exporters in a currency China produces and keeps the int'l currency in the Treasury to strengthen the country.
Owning the products of your own labor is key. Julius linked a roundtable on Nat'l Socialism that showed that was a core principle. I'm now thinking of Nat'l Socialism as a third paradigm, along with Gaddafi's Third Universal Theory: https://odysee.com/@AndkonsReich:31/DemystifyingNS:3.
:-) in my book I attributed the Japanese and Asian Tigers economic "miracles" to adopting National Socialism economic policies. This was done based on a 1932 article by Gottfried Feder “The Fundamentals of National Socialist Economic Policy,” in National Socialist Yearbook.
The differentiating feature of these policies is placing banking, financial and monetary policies under control of the government. This is the cardinal sin for which National Socialism was demonized:
"What has made National Socialism per se an unforgivable blasphemous crime was its crime against the Money Powers. The German state overturned rule by the Money Powers, supplanting it with rule by the German state. This was the unforgivable crime.
This is in no way to condone or belittle the crimes committed by the Third Reich but rather to put these crimes in perspective. They are on a par with or less than what the British, Spanish, Belgian, French, Dutch and Portuguese colonialists committed – a contemporary manifestation of the rapacious nature of West European civilization that was sanctioned by the Popes and reflected in its history.
Nazi leaders were rightly despised, tried at Nuremberg and hung on scaffolds for the enormity of their crimes – whereas Winston Churchill, Cecil Rhodes, Queen Victoria, Edmund Allenby, Hernán Cortés, Leopold II of Belgium, Henri Gouraud, and a long list of other colonial genocidaires are glorified with their statues placed on pedestals. The most significant difference between the Nazis and the colonialists is that the colonialists were working for the Money Powers, not against them."
Thanks to that link to Feder's plan. I've been curious to go to the source of that.
Ever since I found out that all but 2 of the 140 Nazi leaders who testified at Nuremberg had had their testicles crushed beyond repair, I'm looking at the crimes of the Third Reich differently :-0
When I presented this section... the publisher went crazy lol... so she tempered it to a mutually acceptable level.
I was not aware about the testicles... to me this strongly suggests followers of Yahweh, also as I recall the executions were made on Purim. "They" are the embodiment of evil.
Today I was reading Julius Skoolafish's post on Gaddafi's Green Book. Reading mainly the emphasized statements. I noted quite a bit of overlap between your theory and the Gaddafi's work.
Yes, I'm eager to dig into the Third Universal Theory! I'm planning to order a copy from Lucas so I can mark it up. I do see a lot of similarity.
What keeps any form of federal (meaning serving the members) gov't in line are measurable goals. Even at the neighborhood level, its purpose is to serve the families that make up its members. That can easily be measured by the children born and their return to raise children of their own. My Santa Cruz neighborhood fails this measure because of the cost of housing, my Cumberland neighborhood because of the lack of income in circulation.
The success of the 'hamlet'--nine neighborhoods--would be based on how well they support their members in supporting their families. Do they need a healthcare clinic? A playground? Protection from crime? And so on.
I've decided never to use the word Nazi, but either Nat'l Socialist or Zionist/ ZioNazi. I suspect all those executed at Nuremberg were NS or naive ZioNazis who thought they'd be protected. Those who were relocated and given cushy positions were certainly ZioNazis.
I think on his post.. he had the whole book with emphasis.
Also possible to download the pdf.
Quote: "Even at the neighborhood level, its purpose is to serve the families that make up its members. That can easily be measured by the children born and their return to raise children of their own.....Do they need a healthcare clinic? A playground? Protection from crime? And so on."
Several of your concerns overlap with Putin's :-) You should check his speeches and meetings. Below is from meeting with the governors of the very small republic of Khakassia, of which I had never heard of before:
Vladimir Putin: You still have a lower number of doctors than the national average.
Governor Konovalov: Yes, Mr President, it is true, so we are making additional efforts in this area to attract medical personnel to us. By the way, we have started training paramedics at our technical schools, and we are expanding this direction, because there is also a certain shortage of secondary and junior medical personnel, especially in rural areas.
Governor Konovalov: Since 2019, we have built and purchased 17 kindergartens and, in general, for the first time in the history of the republic, at least in modern times, we have closed the problem of waiting lists for kindergartens. Since 2021, we have no waiting lists, and we meet 100 percent of the applications that young parents receive.
Governor Konovalov: We are actively working today on the task that you set – to avoid second shifts. Again, starting from 2019, we have built eight schools and removed some of the tension, but today we still have about 23 percent of the total number of schools that retain the second shift.
• JONES PLANTATION: Millions Line Up Today To Participate In Their Own Slavery – DollarVigilante [11 minutes]
Stew Peters quotes Max Igan: “Our government is the Entertainment Division of the Military-Industrial Complex.“
Well I'm not surprised you're the one making sure we don't get caught up in the euphoria! 😊
AlreadyGreg Reese has posted something on Pompeo being considered for Sec of Def! That should reorient some folks. I hope it's not true. I hope the awakening in the country - meaning rejection of establishment media - will lead to a rejection of being led altogether and more Americans seeing through the layers. We'll see.
All that sad - it feels like a good sign. Thanks, T!
Haha, do I have that much of a reputation for being Debbie Downer?
In ‘Killing America: A 100 Year Murder’, M. S. (Mike) King takes us through 40 key steps (Wounds).
In this rapidly developing "land of opportunity" there are no Federal Income Taxes, no State Income Taxes, no Sales Taxes, no Social Security Taxes, no Capital Gains Taxes, no IRS, no Department of Homeland Security, no Department of Education, no welfare schemes, no Central Bank, very little debt, and a sound currency backed by Gold.
In foreign commerce and relations, Americans are a peace-loving people who have no interest in embroiling their young country in Europe's intrigues and squabbles.
The idea of going overseas to fight foreign ‘bogeymen’ is unthinkable.
America's prosperity affords many of its people the luxury of increasing leisure time. From this free time grow Sports Leagues such as Baseball's National League (1876), to be followed by the American League (1901). College Football has exploded in popularity, with the first professional teams to form in the early years of the new century. Millions of young men sharpen their bodies and mental toughness by competing in all varieties of Sports.
As for the women folk, the ladies of America are exactly that, ladies. Women are family oriented, valued for their sweet demeanor, and respected for their virtue.
America's children are raised to respect their God, their parents, their elders, and their teachers."
And then … some milestones (see #32):
• Wound #1: 1896 – Adolph Ochs buys the New York Times
• Wound #4: 1913 – The 17th Amendment (Direct Election of US Senators)
• Wound #6: 1913 – The Federal Reserve Act
• Wound #9: 1926 – David Sarnoff Establishes NBC
• Wound #10: 1928 – William Paley (Paloff) Buys CBS
• Wound #11: 1933 – Eugene Meyer Buys The Washington Post
• Wound #16: 1940-1960 – Marxists Consolidate Control Over Hollywood
• Wound #18: 1947 – The CIA is Established
• Wound #20: 1953 – Leonard Goldenson Takes Over ABC
• Wound #32: 1979 – The Department of Education is Established
• Wound #34: 1985 – Sumner Redstone (Murray Rothstein) Buys MTV
and so on …
Here is a link to the pdf for this Must Read (but please do purchase your copy or PDF from Mike King) …
Off topic, sorry, but I wanted to thank you for the reference to "From Yahweh to Zion" by Laurent Guyenot. Fascinating and enlightening; explains so much. Much appreciated.
This is my third try to say you're so welcome, and that you probably already saw these, but I find I keep citing Laurent a lot. And each time I post the list, I keep forgetting and doing a search on the comment page, losing it all :-( I'll try to curb my enthusiasm this time ;-)
There's more, but I'm going to quit while I'm behind!
I just mentioned in passing to my wife that "I see that Trump had just been appointed as the next US President". Focused on her latest craft creation, she dismissively replied “What, they’ve had elections, have they?”
Mr. Ethics murdered Mr. Morality…..
Why did Mr. Ethics murder Mr. Morality?
Answer: Because it was “ethical."
This would be a good time to read "The Snake" poem - an oldie and a goodie.
• The Vicious Snake – spoken by Donald Trump
Thanks, Julius. Do you know what the context was of his reading that?
He has used it quite a few times - first during his 2016 campaign against Hilary Clinton. The target of his cryptic metaphor has been given several interpretations ... Hilary herself?, the 'snake' of illegal immigrants?
Quite separately, one of the funniest things you will see is the Merkel Snake Dance - now there was a genuine Snake. (Merkel was awarded the Charlemagne Prize in 2008 for her role in the destruction of Europe - the Kalergi Plan)
Check out the other recipients over the years - beginning with Coudenhove-Kalergi himself in 1950 and including Zelensky last year.
That's quite a Merkel dance, Julian, and quite a list for the Charlemagne prize--ending with a Russian rabbi this year and the 'European Jewish community.' I remember when I first heard about Germany taking in refugees and thought it didn't fit with everything else about Merkel, but it seemed like a good thing. I was so young then, and not in age!
I had posted about Trump's snake song awhile back, linking a great rendition of the song that might have originated with the Diva. On the surface level he was talking about Kamala's border policy. Others attributed it to the Yahwist requirement that, in order to be a willing sacrifice, the victims need to be warned. I think there is something very sinister and occult going on with Trump, which is why I didn't think there was any chance Kamala would win.