On a thread of my Golden Rule Rant, Aimee Smith, who describes her Substack as “Discussions of Catholicism as a means to resist those who want to enslave humanity” wrote: “The basis of our civilization is Catholicism. Morality has been carefully considered and interpreted from scripture and put into Catholic teaching.” She cited E Michael Jones as someone she admires.
Pauline wrote that she considers E Michael Jones to be a gatekeeper. When I pressed for clarification, she gave examples and further defined gatekeeper as “for the institution of the (Zionist/Mason-infiltrated) Church.”
Elsewhere in the thread, Julius Skoolafish had mentioned the JP Conference, which stands for Jewish Problem. Jones was a primary speaker, along with Cynthia McKinney, Ayo Kimathi of Jews Are the Problem, Dave Gehary of Money Tree Publishing, Germar Rudolf of Holocaust Handbooks, and others. It’s 8 hrs long and Julius suggests watching at 2X speed. He’s since done a post that includes helpful timestamps and names:
I watched at 1.5X speed and will present brief notes on the speakers. The questions I’ll be looking to answer are:
Is the problem a what or a who? Is it a group of people, who are genetically predisposed to sociopathic tendencies, or a story of superiority and persecution, that lead to sociopathic tendencies?
Was Catholicism/ Christianity a departure from that story or a continuation, transferred to a different group?
When was that story written and for what purpose? Can the purpose be inferred from the results? Can one story of superiority be challenged without challenging the basic premise of superiority?
If supremacy as a behavior and ideology is bad—and I would say it's the source of all evil—then Jewish supremacy can't be bad but Catholic or European supremacy good. So then we need to define supremacy by the specific actions: military domination, invasion of other people's countries, torture, imprisonment, two-tiered legal systems, control of the land, labor and monetary system.
My rule for an ethical statement is that it can contain no proper nouns, which is violated in ‘The Jewish Problem’ which really means, ‘The Jews Are the Problem.’ Can the problem be stated without proper nouns? I'd say the problem is centralized control over Money, God and Guns—in the three autonomous regions that Frances Leader identifies as The City of London, the Vatican and DC.
Socially, we only need to take back the Money. Personally, we only need to take back God, in other words, our own mind. We don't need to compete with their monopoly on violence. If we do the first two, that will fall on its own.
Let’s apply this principle to the speakers of the JP Conference, understanding that:
The fast way to agreement is against a common enemy. The long way to agreement is for a common plan. You can't do both.
where are the women?
As far as I could tell, Cynthia McKinney was the only woman in the room and she had to leave after her talk. That was certainly true for the eight hours of speakers. It was true for everyone who spoke from the audience. There may have been women whose questions were read from the chat.
It was a very testosteroni conference, which is not a San Francisco treat.
Cynthia was the first speaker and did a great job of showing how the political system is entirely captured. She talked about how, after her election, the loyalty oath to AIPAC arrived in the fax before she’d even unpacked her office. She refused to sign but, as she points out, all current members of Congress likely have.
She also read the Bills in full before she voted on them, something unheard of. So she saw the clauses slipped in by the Jewish lobby making the Bills contingent on irrelevant concessions to Jewish power. She noticed whose Bills zipped through and whose were bogged down, no matter how uncontroversial. She’s documented the funding that comes from Jewish organizations, without which candidacy is a non-starter. Her father’s legacy and grassroots campaigning is the only thing that got her elected without it.
After her talk, they had a roundtable on solutions. To my surprise, hers went back to the political system—getting people to run for local office starting in committees no one paid attention to, passing amendments, and voting. That seemed contradictory to the quagmire she showed politics to be. When she talked about the second amendment, she said she wanted to get a gun and have someone there show her how to use it because 'she knew where to point.' I found that to be a bit of macho grandstanding. But as the only woman who spoke in those 2 hrs (or the rest of the 6), I can see why she'd be in that mode.
noughts of the round table
The solutions roundtable was started by E Michael Jones who began by stating that the Church does not apologize for saying that the Jews killed Christ. To him, this is the greatest evidence of Jewish guilt. So he is critiquing one psyop from within another psyop. For background on the word ioudaios that’s first translated from the Bible as Jew, spelled Gyv, in the 13th c. , see my article on
I show that the word meant the Judean rebels against the Roman Empire, who were called the zealots or followers of Judas the Sicariot, also known as the Nazarene or Galilean. The use of Satan and his demons to describe them demonstrates that the inventor of the literary figure Jesus was FOR the Roman Empire. I give further literary evidence for this in my episode:
Translating the story into this context, the anti-imperialist followers of Judas the Nazarene killed Jesus-the-idea representing obligatory subservience to the Yahwist theocracy and divinely ordained Roman rule. E Michael Jones is defending theocracy and empire. Later in his talk, he says that Jesus said the Jews were the spawn of Satan and that Christians are the true descendants of Moses.
This treats Judaism and Christianity as a sibling rivalry, with which the OT is replete, for who has the right to rule over everyone else, handed down from Noah to Shem to Abraham to Moses. The co-founder of the zealot movement, with Judas, was Zadok or Saduc, founder of the Sadducees, who rejected the geneological lineage of the Torah. So either we accept the divine right to rule, and argue over who God gave it to, or we reject the concept altogether and become true Ioudaismos who side with the ancient Judeans against theocracy and imperialism.
solutions without a problem
Many of the other solutions continued this theme. Sam Parker said that when Church and State were joined, there was no problem—what we need is the separation of synagogue and State. Khan, who put on the conference as Khanverse, said the problem is our sinfulness and lack of connection to the Almighty. Christopher Wood yells that we’re all sinners. Lucas Gage blames transgenderism.
And E Michael started by saying that we needed to recognize that we're not alone in this, that God is with us—and I agree completely with that and got excited. Then he went into sin and evil—concepts I've written much about as the original way we were divided by the Garden of Eden story and the tree of judgment:
He ends by saying that God will get us out of this just like he did Joseph from Egypt. That's another story, of course, that I analyze as the start of Hebrew usury, turning all the free farmers of Egypt into feudal slaves through his taxation scheme:
So he confirms my point—Yahwism is the foundation on which the Jesus narrative is built. Even in a conference on the Jewish problem, he's quoting Jewish scriptures.
Then he doubles down that contraception was the beginning of the end. Contraception, for fuck’s sake! And I do mean for fuck’s sake. If you believe abortion is a fundamental right, he states, then you’re not worshiping Yahweh but Moloch. Abortion, contraception and gay marriage are all the work of the devil. And Emerson was a Satanist, to boot. To which I can only reiterate from my Golden Rule Rant:
Morality is about violence, not sex. It’s what we do to others, not ourselves. If we don't want others to control us, the solution isn't to control others.
Other speakers said we needed to give up comfort, we need to give up sin, we need to elect people who say straight out that Jews are the problem. We need to marry and have kids within our own races, we need to live in segregated spaces, we need to end homosexuality. I resonated most with Dave Gehary saying that we needed to educate ourselves. And he’s doing a fine job of helping us in that.
warriors vs merchants
Evren Hun Welshons, an ex-military who yells a lot, said that we are a race of warriors and they are a race of merchants. They exploit everyone and are genetically different. We have character and our ancestors had honor. We need to deJudify ourselves.
Sam Parker described the HW + SW + OS of our society. Our hardware is the White European. Our software is the Constitution. And our operating system is Christianity. We need to unite against the Jew.
Prothink and Khan put together Missing Links, a documentary about 911 that had shown the dancing Israelis. They are looking to do an update on why the ‘Inside Job’ Bush-Cheney narrative was a red herring to distract from Israeli-Mossad responsibility. We need to look at the ways in which Jews benefited, many of which he named. This was VERY interesting.
Aaron who puts out Gentile News Network wears a cross and quotes from the Bible. He coined ‘loxism’ as hatred of non-Jews, which seems counter-intuitive. He says the Jew is the source of the problem and they want to eradicate the Christian white male. He quotes Hitler and wants people to segregate. He claims studies show that Jews have more schizophrenia from interbreeding.
He then reels off a list of book titles that seem to denigrate whites, and names all of their authors as Jews. One of these was White Trash by Nancy Isenberg. I’ve talked about it in some of my episodes like Appalachian Rage because it’s an excellent, well researched book on how whites have been dispossessed and dumped. Its subtitle is ‘the 400 year untold history of class in America.’ I suspect it covers many of the issues Aaron is pointing to.
His inclusion of this book, however, makes me question his motives to rile white EuroMericans with the idea that Jews are trashing them. He says that nationalism is paradise on earth but gives no current examples. I wonder why?
young yellers
The hot air became incendiary with Christopher Wood, who’s running for something and seemed like a mix of politician and motivational speaker. A lotta male energy. There is only Nationalism or Communism, he asserts. He shows how the pride flag began as the Communist flag. He says that boys have been demasculated with the feminized transgender agenda. Men have the responsibility to speak for women and children, since children can’t speak for themselves. Not sure why he needs to speak for women.
He gives an example of being aghast at children cursing on a playground. He asked some who looked like grandparents why they didn’t intervene and they said, “They’re not our children, we don’t want their parents to get mad at us.” He sees this as the problem that we’re so afraid of words that we don’t take responsibility—for others.
He says that Jews destroyed the blacks through their degenerate music, unlike that nice jazz they used to play. The Jews are proud of sin. And he wants to bring back the Seig Heil, the Hitler salute, and demonstrated it, to which Khan answered.
Lucas Gage was another yeller. He says the Jewish holy texts are war manuals, and I don’t disagree. He asks rhetorically, “Where are the good Jews?” and answers that every Jew is a Jewish supremacist. However he doesn’t tie this tendency back to a scripture of supremacy, an ideology carried over to the Jesus story.
He states, correctly, that the genocide in Gaza shifted everything. When he saw the film Defamation, he realized that Jews, especially Israelis, are traumatized into sociopathic behaviors. To end this trauma requires bringing out the truth. What makes that difficult is that they control the frame. I think these are all excellent points.
zionism’s sword & judaism’s shield
Khanverse funded the conference from his own pocket, so there wouldn’t be strings attached. He is a Muslim and spoke movingly about Palestine. Here I’ll include a recent article from Ron Unz on The State of Israel as ‘Cartoonishly’ Evil that’s one of the best and most heartbreaking compilations I’ve read.
Yet Khan also says that Jews are worshipping Satan, using Christian terminology in a way that changes the problem from clear and reprehensible actions to an intent that can’t be proven.
Ayo Kimathi violates my first principle of ethics having no proper nouns with his book, "Jews Are the Problem." He says that black men need to marry black women and have black children. White men need to marry white women and have white children. Communities should be segregated. I don’t know how he proposes to enforce this.
The last speaker was Germar Rudolf who was imprisoned for 2.5 years for questioning the holocaust narrative. After his release, he moved to the US. He’s put together the Holocaust Encyclopedia, available for free download from his website holocausthandbooks.com and https://nukebook.org/download-our-encyclopedia-free-of-charge.
Germar said that he put the information in one place for his own benefit, to organize all the different aspects he’d researched. He then found that he could make connections by seeing patterns. In the Q&A he was very balanced and careful, giving nuanced answers that didn’t make claims he couldn’t back up. He was very impressive and courageous.
defanging the snake
To go back to the original question of whether E Michael Jones is a gatekeeper, I agree with Pauline but don’t think she goes far enough. What many in this conference did, with their vitriol and Nazi salutes, was create an easy target for anyone who wants to delegitimize or censor the real information others are presenting. That serves the opposition.
The speakers who were looking at systems of control were Cynthia McKinney with US politics, ProThink with 911, and Germar with the holocaust narrative. They gave me new and valuable information.
But in order to be ‘on the same side,’ I would need to be against contraception, abortion, gay marriage, interracial marriage, integrated communities and Communism. I would need to be for the supremacy of white European nationalists, the merging of Church and State, Christianity, segregation, and the deportation of Jews. I don’t think that’s a platform that will succeed or that should succeed.
In my episode below on The State of DisUnion 2030, I ask people which they want to solve of the 36 local problems I outline. Rather than nationalism, this creates small scale sovereignty. It gives positive reasons for decentralizing without attacking anyone. At the same time, it takes the power away from the bankers to control our lives by controlling the houses and money.
The conference speakers talk about abolishing the Fed but they don't have anything to replace it. We both have the same obstacle but mine joins people in love for what they want, and theirs joins people in hate for who they're against. Hate will always backfire because it goes against God. If God is Love then only Love will win.
Who are Yahweh's Chosen People and why have they been evicted from countries around the world over the course of two millennia? I respond to a blogger called Librarian who presents long quotes from Shlomo Sand and Victor Kattan. I add more research from Laurent Guyenot's From Yahweh to Zion and Benjamin Freedman's 1961 speech.
Tereza, I can't keep up with all of the scrambled brains out there claiming superiority of intelligence or religion or culture (I am not speaking about you of course!). Do people read books of history or literature or philosophy anymore? It sure doesn't sound like it to me! I have travelled and videotaped and taught all over the world and have had guns pointed at my head in South America, Egypt, India, and Tibet (where my wife and I were under house arrest for a week while videotaping in Lhasa before Tiannamen). Everybody always asks: 'how do travel in all of these places? Do you speak the language?' I always laugh and ask them if they have ever heard of the Golden Rule i.e. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. If you show empathy and interest in people at all walks of life IN ANY CULTURE, they pick up on it immediately and embrace you as a fellow human being and invite you in for dinner! Any culture or religion or philosophy ANYWHERE which maintains it is the best is not only arrogant... it is stupid and has cooked the books. I oughta know... I was raised in fun-dumb-mentalism! Mankind is a pathetic animal which has not learned a thing from the other species on the face of the earth who know their limitations mentally and physically and who put their trust like I do in 'the Goddess of the Big Bang' who made us all. As Carl Jung said: 'IF A PERSON HAS NOT EXPERIENCED THAT 'GREAT OCEANIC FEELING' OF IDENTITY WITH PEOPLE OF OTHER CULTURES AND RELIGION BY THE TIME THEY ARE 40 YEARS OLD, THEY ARE DEAD SPIRITUALLY'. And I would add... these zombies should be avoided at all costs... whether in university departments, pulpits, or in your local corner bar!
This is amazing, Tereza. There just aren’t enough hours in the day, yet you have taken the time to invest 8 / 1.5 = 5.33333 hours and come up with such cohesive thoughts and comments – and THEN produce both a written and audio presentation.
Anecdotally, I tend to watch at speed x2 but only through quality headphones which ’focus’ the sound. I agree that through ’ambient’ speakers x1.5 is more comfortable.
Our ‘disagreements’ are only academic and involve interpretative nuances.
Further to my postscript featuring Khanverse’s interview with Zach, I believe Zach answers most of these points of difference here:
• LogosRevealed Discusses the Practicality of National Socialism – Zach (LogosRevealed)
• OR
• National Socialism: A Righteous Path Forward with Zach (LogosRevealed)
The host is Ian Malcolm on Twitter. I don’t do Xwitter, so appreciate that Zach mirrored this on his Odysee channel.