Never trust women who break their silence to the media instead of the police, accusing men of rape.
Or wait 10-20 years to make those accusations. Or reporters who parrot hype as if it’s news. The only difference between mainstream media and a gossip rag is font size.
And if you have to go back a decade or two to dig up dirt on someone, they’re leading a pretty boring life.
If, like me, you live under a rock, you may not be aware that a coordinated missile attack by three British media was launched at Russell Brand on Friday, Sept 15th. Channel 4 aired Russell Brand: In Plain Sight with accusations by four women, three of whom are anonymous and may, they say, be played by actors. What could be wrong with casting actors as traumatized teary-eyed victims in a so-called ‘documentary?’
All of the alleged events were between 2006 and 2013, no complaint or charge was ever filed, and they’re all based on unsubstantiated claims and subjective characterizations. Ch 4 shows one actor describing an event, and then plays a clip of Russell making a joke about the same thing. They imply that’s corroborating evidence rather than the more likely possibility that the story was made up after seeing the joke.
The most serious was a three-month relationship with a 16 year old … until I read that 16 is the age of consent in England. Really? If the British don’t believe that sex can be consensual at 16 years old, why don’t they change their law? You can’t have it both ways, that it’s perfectly legal unless we don’t like you and want to bring you down.
The controlled demolition is evident by the freefall speed. His agent dropped him like a rock along with the publisher of his books on addiction and recovery. His tours have been cancelled by the venues. The BBC has pulled all shows that feature him. YouTube has demonetized him and is preventing advertisers from sponsoring him. The recovery charities to which he’s provided major support have disowned him. Even the pub he owns in his town has shuttered.
And Simulation Commander just posted the letters sent by the House of Commons Committee on Culture, Media & Sport to both TikTok and Rumble. It states, “his content may be within the Community Guidelines set out by the platform [but] we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform. We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetise his content, including his videos relating to the serious allegations against him.”
Were letters also sent to Channel Four, the Times and Sunday Times that they could not monetise the serious allegations? Along with every paper that’s since spread the slander for profit? It leaves no doubt where this attack has originated.
I created my YT channel in response to Russell Brand, who I think is the most perceptive and original thinker of this decade. As I often say, there are only two sides: empire and sovereignty. Russell is more consistently on the side of sovereignty, both socially and spiritually, than anyone I know. He treats all people as equals and just plain enjoys them, whether they’re famous or some quirky fan on Zoom, whether he agrees or vehemently disagrees.
In this episode, I’d like to start with my personal Russell journey. I’ll then explain the hypocrisy of the MeToo Psyops and what ‘believing the women’ could look like based on my recent episodes. I’ll give a synopsis of other MeToo takedowns with Julian Assange, Mario Cuomo and Dominique Strauss-Kahn. And I’ll end with my prediction for Russell 4.0 and why it’s a parable for all of us. Let’s do this.
I never watched Russell Brand before 2021. Somewhere in the dysphoria fog of C*vidCon, one of his YTs came up. I clicked and was amazed to see someone telling the truth. I started going through the archived videos on his website, that let me watch without commercials until YT cut me off. I signed up for YT but didn’t sub anyone else. I was hungry for information not entertainment. Russell delivered both.
At that point he was small enough that he invited people to join Zoom calls and even took questions. On the second one I joined, he was trying to think of a David Graeber quote and called on me. I had one at the ready from my book, which I told him was about creating small scale sovereignty, a passion of both of ours.
He said, “That’s just the book I want to read, tell us how to get it.” I said that was my dilemma: should I put it on Amazon and dance with the devil? He quipped, “Dance with the devil but don’t go home with him.” So in the next months I did that.
During the strange twilight suspension of time in the so-called pandemic, my friends were talking about goals. I said I wanted to find my people, but needed someone to teach me how to make videos. They said I’d figured out other things, I could figure that out too. My dance teacher sat in the dog bed while I recorded my first, so I’d have someone to talk to. It’s called “Why Russell Brand?” and I’ll link it at the end.
Over the next six months I did 40 YTs responding to Russell’s Under the Skin interviews on Luminary. These are long and in-depth conversations, which I used as a spark for my own ideas. Some of these include Matt Taibbi, Gabor Mate, Jordan Peterson, Vandana Shiva, Anwar Sheik, Sebastian Junger, Luke Kemp, Sarah Chayes, Marianne Williamson, Iain McGilchrist, Alister McGrath, Bradley Garrett, Daniel Pinchbeck, Tony Robbins, Yanis Varoufakis, Shoshanna Zuboff, Krystal Ball, Edward Snowden, Candace Owens, Jeremy Gilbert, Tim Pool and Jocko Willink.
It also included three on Yuval Noah Harari with the infamous kiss on the forehead. I’d say this was the first attempt to discredit Russell within our conspiracy circles. I’ve had several people ask me what I thought and if Russell was a WEFfie. I was going to do an episode with the subtitle, “You must remember this: a kiss is just a kiss.”
Russell is the most consistent person I’ve seen in being sincerely appreciative and affectionate towards everyone he interviews. He’s a shameless and equal opportunity flirt with men and women, old and young but of consensual flirting age. I hope this ridiculous smear attack doesn’t change that. I have a lot to learn from him.
Between his YTs, interviews, guided meditations, audio books and theater, I suspect I’ve logged hundreds of Russell hours. My first and most loyal YT subs were ones I lured in Russell’s comment threads. At 10 am I’d hit refresh, refresh, refresh and have a comment ready to paste, especially if he excerpted an interview I’d responded to. If I could get my comment into the first 30, it had a chance of being read.
The people Russell attracts have some of the highest integrity I’ve seen. They walk the walk. They have great bullshit detectors and will call out propaganda that gets slipped in under the guise of news. And Russell is quick to correct course when he’s mistaken. I’m honored by every viewer who found me through him from Australia, Scotland, England, Utah, and Maine to name a few.
So that’s all dandy but shouldn’t we believe the women? For those in need of some women to believe, I suggest they stand in line at family legal help at their local courthouse, as I just did. Watch mothers juggle crying babies and irritable kids during the interminable wait for their turn. Listen to them sobbing when they find the restraining order’s been denied.
I was there picking up the case file for my neighbor, who spent 11 years not being believed that her kids had been taken from her by an abusive husband, a crooked lawyer and a corrupt judge. Everything I found in that case file shows she was telling the truth. And now that the daughter is back, we’ll be going after all of the above.
People, including the mom, have been giving me credit for that miracle. But all I did was—not believe her—but take her seriously and investigate the facts. I read all the links showing the pattern of the judge in giving custody to abusive dads, comment after heartbreaking comment.
Anneke Lucas is another woman to be taken seriously and the survivors of child rape and torture under the guise of Satanic rituals. Don’t believe her, do your homework. Read Whitney Webb’s One Nation Under Blackmail to see all the connections to Epstein that Big Box media could be investigating. At this moment, this very moment, some child is being taught to seduce her rapist. You could stop it by paying attention.
But as long as we’re distracted by celebrity takedowns, who cares what’s going on under our noses?
Where else has this MeToo one-two punch been used? The closest parallel is Julian Assange. An allegation of sexual misconduct was used as the excuse to demand his extradition to Sweden, which certainly would have landed him in a US prison decades sooner. But it also turned public opinion against him so that the outrage over his embassy imprisonment was muted.
Few actually knew the charges. What were they? Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, was shocked to find that:
… one of the two women, who was only accompanied by the other, was horrified when the police officers in front of their eyes began to construct a rape report from her statements. As she repeatedly emphasized, she had completely mutually agreeable intercourse with Assange and only went to the authorities to inquire whether it would be possible to oblige him to have an AIDS test afterwards. As soon as she noticed that the police had started to do something completely different, she stopped the interview in shock and left the guard room. Nevertheless, the headline appeared in the Swedish tabloid press a few hours later: Julian Assange accused of double rape.
The second woman, who initially only served as an accompaniment, plays an opaque role. According to Melzer, not only did she suggest that the first woman go to the police, but she also persuaded her to the guard room where a friend of hers was on duty. This was the same person who then—and that was already a legally incorrect procedure—made the questioning. Later, this policewoman friend also falsified the document.
In other examples, sexual exploitation is normalized until it’s a convenient hammer to use. Brad of Euphoric Recall writes about Revisiting the Ouster of Andrew Cuomo. While I agree with Brad that the targeting was politically motivated, one of Cuomo’s practices was “allowing senior staff members to sit on his lap at official functions.” How was that very public act ever seen as business as usual?
In my book I write about Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then President of the International Monetary Fund who announced in 2011 he was going to remove the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and replace it with Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) backed by a basket of currencies—essentially what’s happening now with the BRICS 12 years later.
In May of that year, Strauss-Kahn boarded a plane from the US when police clamored on board and arrested him, a judge denied him bail and sent him to Riker’s Island. The charges? As the chambermaid, flanked by prestigious lawyers, told the media, he’d chased her in a towel and forced her to perform fellatio, with which she’d complied because she was afraid of being fired.
I remember Amy Goodman celebrating this triumph of justice: finally, sexual assault was getting the gravity it deserved and a poor immigrant woman from Ghana could take down one of the most powerful men in the world. It sounded almost too good to be true. Which it was. Although charges were later dropped due to her lack of credibility, Strauss-Kahn resigned at the IMF and dollar hegemony continued.
Russell Brand is the most outspoken critic of geopolitics, economics and bio-warfare with the largest and best-informed global audience. That’s simply a fact. So for those who haven’t really listened but distrust anyone that successful, be honest about your motives. I get it, envy is my go-to deadly sin, as I talk about in an episode. But it’s self-defeating to believe that anyone who’s getting out a message with which you agree must be corrupt.
And for those who ‘believe the women’ or that photo that just happened to show up everywhere of kissing the enemy’s hairless pate, I have one thing to say: don’t complain to me when they take your body, your children, your home, your job, your money, your forests and your life. At least you have your virtue to keep you warm at night.
For Russell, I have some predictions. I think this is the beginning of a new phase of knowing they did their worst and you survived. Better than that, I predict that a year from now you’ll look back and say, thank goodness that happened because without it, this wouldn’t have, and then this and this, leading to a much better place where we all are now. I look at these phases as:
Russell 1.0 —the pre-fame years
Russell 2.0—the highflying years
Russell 3.0—the phoenix years
Russell 4.0—the fearless years
Charles Eisenstein has a mantra I like: “I am the right person in the right place at the right time with the right skills and I know what to do.” This is true for Russell and it’s true for you, dear listener. Let’s not tear each other down.
I’ll be cancelling my personal YT membership but still posting there. I don’t monetize anywhere so it doesn’t matter to me where you subscribe. The Substack version embeds the video without showing ads, I think. There’s also a Rumble link and the follow-up videos can be found on Substack.
This video, Why Russell Brand?, was my very first, filmed in my pajamas with my dance teacher sitting in the dog bed so I'd feel like I was talking to someone. I explain my cerebral crush on Russell and why I'm vying to be in his cult and join his revolution to take down the empire using love, meditation, and meaningful conversations with interesting people. I mention my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, and my spiritual study of A Course in Miracles. I talk about the reasons I think we share the same purpose. It’s followed by Russell’s video.
Thanks for a terrific essay Tereza, to read over a 2 am bowl of cereal. I especially appreciated the section about media/ cultural responses to Brands accusers but the blindness regarding every day women who have been beaten and used up but are trying to defend themselves and their children--Ginger
Hola, Tereza.
Great to really feel the passion in your words! (I read, not listened, today. And I'll check out your first video later. It is time for me to sleep.)
The co-ordinated attack is so obvious, it is amazing that people still buy it. We humans are really amazing in so many ways, are we not.
I agree with your assessment of Brand, although I confess to not being as dedicated to him as you have been.
I really loved how you re-iterated the ... what? The kind of banal evil that has overtaken the idea that women are not people. I wasn't really aware that that was still a default posture. (I'm subscribed to a woman who is looking at how that practice is hurting society by brutalising men no differently than when corrupt officials brutalise woman. We are are brutal, burtalising, bully culture and sex has been a huge distraction. Perhaps Peterson could chime in with 'The multi-variable analysis has been done. The liberals don't like the results and are denying what is says: yes, women and men are mostly the same, with just a small difference around agreeableness which, at the extreme, creates a difference in what men and women find interesting to pursue. So... women and men are mostly the same, and yet women are free to take down men and get cheered for it. Hmmmmm.
I didn't know that about Amy Goodman, although I've not been a fan of hers from my first introduction to her. Don't know why, just did not find myself interested in what she was saying.
Thank you for pulling out the stops. Loved the passion here. (And is that a synchronicity, sort of, with Macy Gray's "Gimme all your lovin' or I'll kill you"? LoL! Likely not, and yet I so want to post the link. Here it is.
PS: the wokeness of YouTube is turning it into YouBube. And like Budweiser, if it continues, will likely become a remembrance of suds down the drain. We'll see. The delusion of woke is... wow!