I didn't want Vilma to be swimming alone. She did the journalism to put the Twitter posts together on Sasha's response to Susan Wojcicki's son's death with the death threat, police report on 'no access to guns', soph's posts on assault rifles and handguns, and Sasha's photo of them both with assault rifles.
There was a meme I couldn't find that said something like "When I tell the truth, it's not to convince those who don't know it, it's to defend those who do." That was my intent.
And yes, I felt nauseated when I watched these videos a year ago. But no one should be defined forever by what they said or did as a child, and who knows what the situation was? I'm glad that I waited until I knew this was about Sasha and not an immature kid who got more attention than is healthy for anyone.
Thanks for wading into croc-infested waters with me.
Thank you, Tereza. You've filled in the data that I was missing. You are correct about the purpose of my Soph post - it was in response to Sasha's Twitter post where she blatantly misleads her followers about the reason for the police investigation. Susan Wojcicki was publicly threatened by Soph, as your transcript clearly indicates, The news article and the police officer also confirm she made the accusations. It wasn't about "woke" content.
No one has attacked Sasha or Soph and no one has posted hateful, racist, ageist vitriol except for Sasha. I've allowed all of the grotesque attacks against me and other commenters because she had to drop her mask....she's called Mark, Dr. J and me pedophiles many times throughout the comments section. Her comments about Mark and Susan's deceased sons will forever exist on the internet, as a reminder of the unmasking of Sasha. As an associate of Children's Health Defense, Brownstone, Trial Site News and Steve Kirsch' organizations, her vitriol is also theirs, until they disavow her.
You do a great job, Vilma, of putting together those pieces, including relevant clips from soph's videos that show the access to and familiarity with guns. I thought the actual verbiage of the death threat was important. It shows that it's not some vague euphemistic reference but immediate and specific--down to 'a mitochondrial disease' to indicate she has nothing to lose. It's a mystery that it wasn't taken more seriously by the police and there was no warrant to search for weapons.
Certainly the most impactful evidence against Sasha, she wrote for you. I wanted to preserve that so there's a way to link it in the future.
I'm curious though, what does she have against Mark and JJ? If I'm remembering correctly, I think the comment that she didn't 'like' was one where I said Mark and I had been talking about her research in a recent interview. At the time, I didn't know there was any animosity and thought that was a positive comment. I wouldn't have noticed, of course, that she didn't 'like' it except that I went back to answer the person who replied to me and saw that my comment was surrounded by 'likes' but pointedly absent for mine.
Daniel Negase talks about 'discrepancy analysis' and that phrase has stuck with me. It was how he first became suspicious of Malone, by noticing something that didn't fit with everything else. I think it's always been an anomaly or inconsistency that alerts me. So I wondered if it was the mention of Mark she hadn't liked, and why? In this case, I found far more than I bargained for. It seems like the time is right for it to come out.
To you point on her association with these other groups it occurs that she could be a plant - someone well placed to gain access to 'credible' organizations and then would be detonated and the havoc created would then spread to those associations too. Domino effect basically.
I doubt you're slow. We all tend to think people are as they present - assuming good intent is a lovely quality. Just doesn't serve us well in this environment. We're all figuring it out as we go. :-)
But what has been unmasked exactly? That she can be nasty and scurrilous? That she is not above lying when it comes to defending her cub? The Breggins are convinced that Latypova is correct about the role of the DOD. Are they wrong? Should they retract their endorsement of Latypova's position because you have shown her to be racist and sexist? Katherine Watt has publicly reaffirmed her association with Latypova against JJ Couey and Mark Kulacz who have attacked Latypova as a meddling foreigner who wants to undermine America by ascribing blame to the DOD, and who have clearly sought to open a rift between Latypova and Watt. Was Watt wrong to have done so? Is she wrong now by remaining silent (as far as I'm aware) about Soph etc.? Just what exactly do you think is at stake here anyway?
Hi, Gerry, and thanks for reading this and responding. I have no interest in whether Sasha is nasty and scurrilous, and she hasn't lied to defend soph. She lied to attack Susan on the day her son's death was announced, saying she sent the police because 'her daughter's 1M followers were posting anti-woke content.' At that point, no one was aware of soph other than me and I was choosing not to write about it and let the past be past, since I didn't know the whole story.
My policy is that once you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that someone has lied, you can never again say they wouldn't do that, you have to ask in every instance, 'are they doing that now?' Her lie about Susan wasn't prompted by defending soph, so why did she? It seems to me it was because she was proud of the content soph produced and the following she got. That's certainly been confirmed by her reaction. What Sasha calls insults to soph are other people trying to make sense of content that they consider morally repugnant, but which Sasha clearly does not.
There are three instances, between Sasha and soph, of the belief that murder is justified. First is soph's post that killing all Muslims would be a public service. Second is soph's very detailed death threat to Susan. Third is Sasha's statement to me that it would be 'honorable' to kill me for insulting her daughter and I'm lucky she's only verbally skewering me. This isn't even counting soph's video recruiting school shooters if you want real change.
And Sasha's complete personality change in her reaction, which she doesn't ever show in her interviews or posts, demonstrates that her public persona is a lie. I look at data and ideas separate from people. Otherwise, all they have to do to get us to disregard good data is associate it with someone we find to be a fraud. So I have no opinion about the DoD data but to me, it's a separate issue. I don't know what JJ and Mark have said about Sasha but on this thread, she's said that JJ is a terrible father because he doesn't like horses (?) and that Mark caused his son to commit suicide. If the latter had a breath of truth to it, it would be the cruelest attack imaginable but I know it to be a lie because Mark's son died from fentanyl, not suicide, and it's become an issue he fights against.
We all need to look at the data systematically and not take others as authorities. And the Breggins and Katherine should be publicly asking Sasha about the statements she's made to and about others, and whether she feels violence is justified against Muslims, CEOs or those you think have insulted your daughter. Otherwise, it makes them also complicit in justifying violence and even genocide.
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I agree we need to look at the data systematically and not take others as authorities. I did not think I had to be reminded about the problem of arguments from authority. The authorities have been lying to us about the pandemic for almost five years now. What is at stake for me when assessing the position Katherine Watt has developed regarding the apparent war being waged against us by our own leaders in the so-called "Five Eyes" countries is the evidence for that position: Does it exist and how good is it? What I don't agree with is your categorical statement that Latypova's public persona is a lie. Even if everything you say about the facts of the Soph business is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, since it is Latypova herself who has made it a matter of public record, if her evidence and argument regarding the DOD is sound, then it is simply false to say, as you do, that her public persona is a lie since that public persona is built on whether or not she is accurate in making her case about the pandemic, even if she thinks violence is justified against Muslims, CEOs and anyone who criticizes her daughter. No matter how much we may deplore the latter, the former is, as you say, a separate issue about which, it seems, you take no position not because you find the evidence inconclusive, but because it interests you less. Perhaps the question is not so much one of authority but of relevance.
Hmmm... let's define what position on which you say I "take no position not because you find the evidence inconclusive, but because it interests you less."
Perhaps we could phrase that as "The mRNA Covid vaccine caused severe and debilitating injury, miscarriage and death, not as a mistake or side-effect, but as its intent." I just reposted an episode from over a year ago that states that as my position clearly and references Sasha, Katherine, Sage Hana and Mike Yeadon. It also links articles and videos from before I was on Substack, going back 3 years, that clearly state the same conclusion.
The DoD data is one subset of all the proof we have for that, much of which I see in my own experience. So I don't really need it to convince me, I'm there.
If Sasha's public persona is in line with everything I've presented, including her responses here, and nothing I've said is false (and she hasn't claimed that) why do you care? As you've said, this doesn't contradict her data.
Why do you think Sasha lied about the reason Susan sent the police, when she had no need to ever bring it up--especially on the day her son's death was announced? Having lied unnecessarily about that, why do you think that she wouldn't lie about anything else? There are too many topics and too many good researchers in the world for me to delve into the data of someone I know has lied and see what I think is true. The vaccine damage is done, and the DoD data won't change that. The war on Muslims is killing thousands of innocent children, women, men, grandparents a day in the most gruesome ways. If you want to prioritize this, that's your prerogative. But for me, I think there are bigger fish to fry and Sasha is distracting from those, perhaps intentionally.
Nobody is hating on your daughter here. They are saying maybe the content was controversial, and would be upsetting to parents with teens, given high school aged kids have hormones and are going through stuff. Maybe the content was unwise. It is satirical and intelligent, but rambling. One could have created and NOT Published the vid on Social Media. Enjoy the notoriety and ad revenue you 2. Best of luck.
You can keep digging this hole or after biking 40 miles in Tahoe, get your head on straight and be a bit more diplomatic.
I stopped at 5:15. What I heard is that this woman felt slighted that you liked a comment before hers, after hers, but not hers. That set her off on a vendetta to cure her damaged self-esteem. It appeared that she was jealous of you all along, and because you did not like her comment and felt slighted, this released pent up envy and rage.
I thought, "My lands. Is this narcissist fury?"
Then she went on and on about "which one is the real Sasha?" pretending her virgin ears have never heard a cuss word or that she never swears.
So, I figured she really might be a narcissist with a fake public persona, or else why would she be talking like this?
I never heard you pretend to never swear. Most ppl do if they are pushed. Some ppl have a sense of humor that is ribald. And a whole lot of mothers might go off when their family is attacked.
I don't know what all else she said. It seemed pretty off topic. It's not like she discovered you're really being funded by Pfizer. It's something about your daughter being wildly successful on YT from a young age.
I can't listen to this tape anymore. Bet the comments are a hall of shame of self-righteous prigs who really are just envious.
Thanks! Tereza's "missing like syndrome" (MLS) is a sure sign of deep normality! These people attack me and my daughter with their vile hysteria and narcissism, but at the same time they all screech that I am a high society lady? It's amazing to me. They all confuse me with Natasha Rostova, and they also confuse Natasha with herself. If one of these harpies even looked askance at one of Natasha's children, her husband, father or brother would have killed the stupid bitch that said anything, and the high society would applaud the honorable man! They are lucky I am only verbally skewering them.
FYI, my daughter is a highly successful professional satirical writer. These stupid cnts provide a lot of good material, and they know it, too.
I'm ashamed I listened for 5:15. I should have quit the tape the moment she said she felt to dig up dirt because she noticed you liked the comment before hers and after hers ~ but not hers.
She was on a hot scoop! It’s not everyday a rare “anomaly” just appears in your lap like that but thank god she was paying attention. Some might even go so far as to say only a lunatic would’ve noticed less than nothing however, my own analysis suggests the thanks going to her 2nd bottle of afternoon wine. Without it, she most likely would’ve been distracted with dreaded “life stuff”. I can’t even imagine if that had happened, all our lives would have suffered, all the happiness would’ve simply evaporated. That’s why I think this next point is so important, and maybe a bit strange considering the entire point of KarenLeaks post was to publicly come out as an atheist, to say nothing of my other, rather agnostic, self identification, but I think we should take a moment to stop and thank god she was able to spot such a journalistic gem.
Oh no, saying journalist out loud, and I actually said it out loud, it gave me a chill down my spine because we all know how terrible journalists are today, and with Assange out, you just know people in power are pissed and would love to violate a journalist with such a superhuman ability to connect, even literally invisible, dots.
To think, this elite and powerful Sasha woman was just going around unimpeded, doing interviews and discussing data, only days or weeks ago! Data so solid it’s basically impossible to question it. Yet our hero swoops in, spots the anomaly, somehow knew exactly where the skeletons were buried, then has the time and exact amount of integrity required to alert the world of Sasha’s darkest secrets, raising a comedian and a really successful one, no doubt would probably be considered a skilled actor. As if Sasha didn’t have enough red marks already, this is going to change everything.
I'll respond to you, Ngungu, because clearly 'The Lady Victory' is someone Sasha asked to respond here. I've never seen her before.
Journalism is exposing lies. That's what Sasha purports to be doing in her work. Vilma exposed that Sasha had lied about the reason the YT CEO sent the police to her house. She either lied about not letting them in without a warrant or that they 'loved soph's content,' since she wouldn't have had a conversation with them through the closed door. She also lied to the police about soph having no access to weapons, given her photo and soph's video.
Once you know that someone has lied, you can never again say 'They'd never do that,' you can only ask, 'Are they doing that now?' A journalist who lies is a contradiction in terms.
I see Sasha caught in a conundrum. Soph was expressing views that Sasha had taught her--endorsing violence against Muslims and against anyone who pisses you off, and superiority expressed in slurs and ridiculing skits against gays, anti-vaxxers, Jews and women. She sees soph's 1M subs as people who agreed with her, even though the more famous tried to distance themselves by the end. So her X post was a way of bragging about her daughter's channel.
However she also wanted to hide her connection to soph's content because she knows that the vast majority of her readers, and especially her associations, wouldn't agree with these views. I can only assume that 'The Lady Victory' is an exception and does share Sasha's beliefs in racial superiority. That's why she's deflecting from the point.
Sasha can't have it both ways. Either she's proud of soph's content and I've done her a favor by associating her with it, or she wants to dissociate herself from it, and I've embarrassed her by revealing her connection to it. I hope that soph has moved on from her mother's influence, if that's what this content reflects. Sasha has made no attempt to say, 'This is no longer what we think.' And that's the question that interviewers should be asking Sasha--do you agree with these views? I hope her next interviewer addresses this.
Sasha's veiled threat above is also revealing. Anyone who 'looked askance' at the fictional Russian countess should have been killed, according to high society. Was this the case for the high (aka corrupt) society of her native Ukraine? She says that we are 'lucky' she is 'only verbally skewering' us. In other words, she believes that murder is the just response to any perceived offense because of her high society status that should make her above the laws for ordinary people. Is this something that @KatherineWatt @gingerbreggin or @MathewCrawford are okay with?
Thanks for that explanation, Tereza. "The Lady Victory" liked my comment, but when I read her reply to me afterwards it did not make sense with the like she 'bestowed' on me.
Both she and Sasha have a personality problem that they are trying to hide, and notably Sasha is actually accentuating it with their incessant toxic ad hominems.
I doubt Sasha's daughter has moved away from mummy's influence as she is still too young (20 years?) for truly independent thought and experience in life. And, of course, mummy has a strong personality which is likely to keep Soph in line, for the time being.
Bottom line: Sasha has exposed herself for what she really is about, while you, with your quiet, relaxed, balanced article and comments have risen high above Sasha. I tip my hat to you for that, Tereza, because, to be honest, if I would have been in your place I would not have been able to keep my cool.
Blah. Blah. Blah. Sasha doesn't know me. I've been watching COVID info for a few years. Her and other ppl speak on vids and are well known. I'm about a nobody. Though by the time I'm known it's over. I'm like a fat lady who can sing. This post is asinine. Sasha's daughter is an adult. Her job raising a minor child is over. There's no point to any of this.
Keep patting yourself on the back with sock puppet accounts. No one cares.
Whatever. This lady says she was triggered because Sasha liked the comment before hers and after hers ~ and "does a deep dive" to attack Sasha's family - acting self-righteous about Sasha swearing.
I wish I had quit listening sooner.
Sasha is doing WORK sharing her perspective on Substack and interviews.
We can't always be best friends with someone who does WORK. We might have a personality clash.
But to go after her on a personal level like this?
On Vilma's Substack for La Gata Politica: "La Gata Politica
@lagatapolitica. Her profile says: "Uneducated unapologetic dumbass... "
Apparently, her virgin ears are okay with swearing herself. Has the author done a tape on how terrible it is for Vilma to cuss in her profile statement? As the 2 of them talk about how terrible you are as a human being and a mother? lol
But when you swear, that's wrong. She's shocked. She's appalled. I wonder if the author of this post tells everyone to cover the ears of children when she reads Vilma's Substack profile description out loud?
I'm happy that my profile description has triggered you. I changed it after I triggered Meryl Nass and she wrote a horrendous racist post about me because I uncovered that Robert Malone wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids - and she participated in that event.
As :yulia has indicated, you're completely misguided and it is hilarious.
My ears aren't virgen, not sure where you picked up that little nugget. And you've ignored the fact that my post was about catching Sasha Latypova, ONCE AGAIN LYING - that's what the post is about.
Unlike Sasha's daughter, none of the kids in my family have ever threatened to kill anyone and none of them make fun of other religions, races or ethnicities - probably because they're biracial, multiethnic and different religions. But you do you, Lady Victory - what are you victorious at?
Well said, Vilma, although I doubt OLV is still responding, so I'll clarify here what we both already know. Both our posts had zero to do with soph. You showed that Sasha had lied and had used the announcement of the death of the CEO's son as an occasion to call her evil, brag about her daughter's IM sub YT channel, and deflect any sympathy towards her into anti-woke outrage through her lie about the reason she called the police.
Now, to put this in context, imagine that newspapers had just announced the death of Sasha's son or daughter, and we took that occasion to say she was evil and imply that she got what she deserved. I think that Sasha would see that--rightly--as reprehensible, yet it's not when she did it. She says that we're criticizing her as a parent (which isn't either of our concerns) yet she says Mark's son killed himself because Mark was trash, or something to that effect.
Both Sasha and OLV call what soph was doing satire but it's not. Satire is making fun of ideas, ridicule is making fun of people. And name-calling is the crudest form of ridicule, requiring no cleverness or word play.
Both OLV and Sasha say that we're against cursing, which isn't true. Calling someone a turd isn't even cursing, it's a fifth grade boy level of insult. If Sasha feels that cunt and twat are ordinary inoffensive language, I don't understand why she doesn't use them in her posts with Katherine Watt or her interviews with the Breggins or Catherine Austin Fitts.
My question is why these people aren't questioning Sasha on whether she agrees that it's a public service to kill Muslims, for instance. As I talked about in the second half of https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/golden-rule-rant.
Sasha won't use the same language in her posts or when she's on stage because it's not part of her designated public role. In her written responses, she's being herself and the ghetto can't be contained. Her public comments about Susan Wojcicki's death once again shows us who she really is (screenshot was sent to me, she's blocked me so she no longer shows up in my Substack stream).
I loved your golden rule rant. I'm always learning from you - yes, the rule of reciprocity is one we should follow.
My posts prove that you're lying again. You're the one who has been elevated by the lifelong Feds that have hijacked the mostly Conservative MFM: Kirsch Malone RFK Jr.
right! I am the one who wrote many substacks hating on a mother and her child that did nothing to you....Then called the mother and child every filthy name on earth... Therefore you are the sane one in this equation, LMAO.
Hopefully, I have muted enough of these ppl, I won't be called back to this evil post and site by notifications. It's worse seeing it again. Pack of hyenas here. But you're a lioness. You win.
I'll reply to TLV so it also goes to you, max. You bring up a good point that TLV still hasn't explained what brought her to my site, where she hasn't commented prior, to my memory. She says it wasn't Sasha asking for her help but that seems the likeliest explanation.
She and I have been engaged in a conversation here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/sashas-daughter-soph/comment/63586685. I've asked TLV to quote where my article said anything derogatory about Sasha or soph, much less 'called them every filthy name on earth.' She hasn't been able to do that, because I don't. Instead she wrote:
"Tereza, I think it is clear I will not change your mind that it is out of line for you to moralize about a satire YT account. Mothers can be quite protective. For me, I see Sasha as lovable. And love is not going to entertain a moralizing review or analysis of her daughter's YT account."
So TLV states that what I'm doing is analyzing whether the content of soph's account--that ridicules, makes racial and sexual slurs and advocates violence against others--is moral. So she admits I'm not insulting soph but critiquing her content.
My purpose, however, is to bring into open discussion among Sasha's peers whether Sasha's own statements--that ridicule, insult, make sexual slurs and insults, and valorize violence against others--are moral. Discussing morality in terms of violence and superiority, not sexual behavior, is the most important topic we should be talking about, imo.
And as for TLV's position that it should be off-limits to criticize a parent for their parenting, Sasha has called JJ Couey a terrible parents, said Susan W was evil when her son (whose life soph had threatened) had just died, and has told Mark he caused his son to commit suicide (which wasn't how his son died anyway).
I have no interest in Sasha's parenting, only in her own moral positions regarding what she feels entitled to do to others but thinks it would be wrong for others to do to her. But TLV is ending the conversation because she has no answer to it.
Ironic we have an intelligence agency that recently expanded its domestic terrorism division yet they allow this M/DTR duo to wear their hats and threaten the lives of whomever irks them. They must have far deeper connections to the underworld than could possibly he imagined. You and I would have our child removed from our custody and they'd lock us up.
She is most certainly an agent or at the very least being handled.
Excellent point, Lucy. I wanted to present the data and let readers reach their own conclusions but I agree with you. I think the connection to Ukraine may be connected. And soph's scary-smartness is something that you see in so-called 'intelligence' agency families. Mathew Crawford talks about his MK-Ultra childhood, creating his brothers as charming sociopaths. Every one of them a whiz at math and languages. I suspect that's Sasha's real role.
her "smartness" is remiscent of that very weird movie "captain america", where they guy propagandizes his kids to endlessly spout one man's philosophies
My money loving MD relatives thought it was great. I asked them if the film could have been made with a mother in the woods with her kids and teaching them that way? She would have been left to it with no interference? If the dad had killed himself for being "mentally weak" , instead of the usual fairy tale dead mom?
Frankly, I've never heard such woman hatred outside of the sickness of pornography, which is all about women hating.
So it's no surprise I guess these two are so pornographic.
They need to be entirely ignored. Tho for sure their neighbors should know all this.
No wonder they moved out of Marin. Marin, mind you.
To a Nevada johns-cum-gambling town where prostituting humans is "legal".
Actually it's Captain Fantastic with Viggo Mortenson, one of my favorite movies! More than one person, including my daughters, has drawn the comparison to my parenting style. But I thought it wimped out at the end, when the kids ended up back in the mainstream school system. It is another form of cult, certainly, but did illustrate how much kids have been dumbed down.
Did they move out of Tiburon? I hadn't heard that.
Oh my goodness. Thank you for addressing this, Tereza.
I did see that viciousness pop up here and there in SL's responses to her critics, but paid scant heed at the time as I thought her main talking points important and revelatory of much-needed facts.
This 'soph' issue is a differen matter. Saw that exchange with Vilma and was repulsed. SL keeps spouting phrases like "I will pray for you" while saying people's souls are "black" and "a cancer," and that's all I need to know this does not come from the Holy Spirit. It is demonic, in fact.
The duet with K Watt is puzzling. I trusted KW early on for the stunning things she was putting out there, which seemed logical and reasonable, as I also came up with similar conclusions independently of her. That she posts as a "trad Catholic" seemed reassuring, too.
Right now, am not so sure. SL is totally off my list of trustworthy people now. Such vile attitudes and behaviors that you encourage in your kids are unacceptable.
(I try not to judge a religion by its worst so-called "proponents," though, because the Devil uses stealth and wiliness in his aim of destroying true Christianity - unless there is truly something in the religion that makes most of them to behave so appallingly, if you get my drift. Yet a few innocent and good souls are maligned thanks to the dominant character of a religious persuasion.
And I hope you do not lump me in with the likes of Nickson and Latypova just because we all claim to be "Christians.")
Thank you, Observer. I agree that the duet with Katherine is puzzling. It's hard for me to imagine her being okay with Sasha's style addressing critics but I haven't followed her closely. One possibility is that Sasha initiated and fostered that partnership because it bolstered her own identity, and gave her cover. I did notice that Katherine didn't have any recent posts partnering with Sasha, so maybe she's distancing herself.
I refer to the religion as 'Jesusism' because it assumes that the Christ is one individual, rather than all of us. There's an inclusive form of Christianity that I think preceded, and was occluded by, the story of Jesus. The Bible contains many ambiguities and contradictions, so someone can behave in a manner that I consider to be immoral and, not only justify their own behavior by quoting scripture, but justify entire power monopolies that have caused more suffering than any government because they are empires without borders.
To me, morality supersedes religion and I don't trust someone more or less based on their identification. However, I do wonder about Katherine's identity as a Gen-X Catholic when it has no relationship to what she's writing about. Is it to make people trust her, as it reassured you? I know from reading her that it's a big part of her worldview and she sees the 'solution' as a return to the morality of the Church. That told me she had a blind spot, and I went to Catholic grade school, HS and college, starting as a religion major.
So I don't judge a religion by its worst proponents but also not by its best. Good people will project their own goodness onto a contradictory scripture, but so will those with bad behaviors. I judge religions by their scriptures. Not all scriptures are ambiguous enough to justify slavery, for instance. Yet that's true for all of the major ones.
I appreciate you reading and your thoughtful comment.
I too appreciated this post and addressing the language used in public discourse even as a 1st Amendment purist. The Katherine Sasha duo remind me of a relationship between the traditional language drafted in letters by ArchBishop Gomez and Fr. Greg Boyle’s use of “colloquialisms” through his Homeboy Industries.
If SOPH’s political satire filled a void of expression with her disabilities as a minor not just for her and her mother at the time but to also many followers but escalated into a violent interaction then hopefully that lesson has been learned about verbally skewering commenters. I can now also see how that branding and marketing model might be used in the C19 op to leverage mom’s position, lend credibility to observations and build subscribership by taking on the baddies with harsh language. Yes, the emotionally draining task of moderating comments must be rough, I can empathize as a parent how she would get tired, no more pretty make-up, diplomacy safety off, terminate with extreme prejudice.
Even reading back through her stacks addressing all this I can see the build up and find now that these comment threads hopefully become a channel of piece that will lead to self reflection and growth. I’m really fine if my comment isn’t liked or feel privileged if I’m replied with a series of applied linguistic expletives not too dissimilar from Becket’s “Not I”.
Thanks for the reply, EG. I too am a 1st Amendment purist. I think that all opinions should be out in the open where they can be discussed, if the person opining chooses. That's exactly what I've done in this post, reprint what Sasha and soph have posted publicly in other forums. I've made no comments about either person that wasn't positive. But I've said I found their content deeply disturbing, as have others.
My issue isn't with Sasha saying what she thinks, my purpose is showing Sasha's readers what she thinks. Her belief system, that individuals and groups are inferior and can be insulted and even killed 'as a public service' is what I consider immoral. In all of these threads, Sasha has only confirmed that this is what she believes, doubling down, and not something that soph was expressing out of immaturity.
The divide-and-conquer strategy has weaponized words like racism, sexism, homophobia and hate speech. It defines them so broadly that they become meaningless except as ways of woke censorship.
What this creates on the other side is that these words are meaningless and there's no difference between someone who criticizes ideas and someone who expresses contempt for people through slurs and endorsing violence. Sasha does the latter.
I believe this should be an open discussion between Sasha and her 43K subs in her comment threads, and particularly with the other well-known figures associated with her, including CHD. Sasha is saying that the views expressed by soph against Muslims, mothers protecting their own kids against attack, gays and anti-vaxxers are ones she's aligned with. She should welcome, then, the discussion where she can present her arguments for why she believes these things about others.
There's been no violent escalation on my part because I've never responded to Sasha. All I've done is quote what she's said about me and others. If Sasha is proud of her 'verbal skewering,' once again, she should welcome every place that it gets reposted where her subs and associates can see it.
Maybe they'll agree with her morality of superiority and violence, as she thinks they do. That's up to them. But if they disagree with the moral positions of a person they've promoted, I think they're beholden to let their own readers know. Since Sasha wants her and soph's opinions to be publicized, she should welcome the debate.
I must admit that even I’m humbled by your response, with such thorough calm clarity on your stance and well, I feel this slight sting of shame just because at times I have shored up my own faith in humanity with finding a tribe in the the outliers and fringe of free speech from any extreme, especially regarding parentis localis on the interwebs. The hand-off of IP developed between parent and child to them standing on their own outside the walled garden, like Hanna to Miley, SOPH was a response to the Thornbergs’ “how dare you” but this also reminds me how CHD employed a young lady at one point accused of posting pedo-satire on Twitter when she was a minor and babysitting, content akin to Chrissy Tiegen and just as appalling - and then afterward all of SubStack brought the pitchforks. Maybe like the torches this thread too will bring, for those cursed and blessed with empathy who cheer on the battles of their clay-footed heroes, I’ll still in my heart pray for Alexandra & Katherine the Greats because the crying out of their voices brought me to this wilderness.
I feel bad then because that era of e-children and teens pre #metoo had no moral bearings presented in mainstream media by Exec Prods like Weinstein or Nick Jr. and just like Greta’s father found his voice, maybe Sasha’s needed SOPH to eventually learn to fight the battles here. Nazis, pedos, necros; whoever, they all should have a seat at the table of ideas, billionaires and poor disabled children of pharma-R&D-execs-turned-artist included. Verbal knives out. If they were to ever reach out to Muslims and work with them in regards to Sura 18, well they might not feel the need for such defensive precautions, but I won’t get into how well trained my 16 yrold daughter is in defending herself (ancient Chinese deadly eye roll) but our focus is more in close combat and although she and her older brothers were always permitted to use ALL language to express themselves, because their parents don’t curse and use the English lexicon without expletives, neither do they. Language is only a tool, some use axes & jack hammers but I prefer spades & selective pruning.
Maybe itz all an RNA immune response thang but not an expert in this non-diplomatic 6G Shinpa Theater. Could I once again state my gratitude for all involved in this balanced discourse Sasha included as this all made for the bestest “no honey, I’m not reading SS comments while pretending to watch ‘Persuasion’ with you for the first time” moment in my marriage. The internet is full of this archetypal narrative and so far — I’m still actually captivated by these comments on 2L2Rs from people I’ve never met in meetspace, but I get along with most folk and all these ideas exchanged have engrained my soul; help me to appreciate that great screenwriter in the sky’s line-editing (His Devine order) and know how truly blessed I am for my own loved ones.
Katherine claims to have been "an elapsed catholic" until covid scared the bejeebas out of her.
Many others have claimed Christianity in this period who never spoke of it before, because religion is for fear, and it garners lots and lots of loyal fans and funds.
Frankly, I think that healthcare is more about FEAR than religion is. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to join an organized religion or a corporate church or mosque or synagogue.
I think SL is KW's handler. I doubt KW realises this.
Jessica Hackett (wood house 76) had a few good questions re SL in a comment thread.
I've been observing Sasha verbally assault completely civil people in her comments for years - red flag! So this is nothing new but she's getting more vulgar by the minute. And she has double and triple standards. Her ridiculous reply to Allen's outstanding comment many months ago made me conclude that she is a gatekeeper.
That's an astute theory, yulia. I was thinking along similar lines.
So this is just something to throw out there. Sasha's Covid role emerged just after soph's channel was taken down, right around the time of the death threat. Could she have been recruited then?
If you do happen to have links to those threads (the time-stamp contains the link, which you probably know) I'd be curious to see what other things have set Sasha off and if there's a psychological break that is happening. But as Teresa says, don't worry if those are buried.
But I'm unfamiliar with "Allen" and Jessica H. Comment threads - where?
(But need not bother as I also pick up a lot of details in different places without recalling exactly where they were, but just kept mental notes of the actual words written.)
Sadly, I don't save things. And it's unlikely I can locate it again.
I've been crossing paths with Allen on the screen for the last few years (we seem to read many of the same writers - lots of data driven writers). I much enjoy his comments; he's articulate and factual.
If you happen to cross paths with either, would you post them a link here? It would be even better to have those who've been targets of Sasha's verbal assaults join in with trying to figure out what's going on. Especially commenters who are articulate and factual, and wouldn't have answered insults with insults.
Allen's thorough comment pretty much reflects my own general thoughts about the alleged "sequence" used for the "primers" at the time the NEJM published that "breaking" "science report" - but he went into deeper and intelligent detail. That's why I never bought into the "COVID" "virus" story from the beginning. The "in silico" sequence was made up, essentially.
Interesting that SL dismisses the comment of Allen outright without addressing any of the points he presented. Easy way out - just call it "irrelevant" and you're done with it.
I think it was when I first found out about the Richard Day Tapes several years ago that I began to distrust most everything being "sold" in the mainstream media. Sage Hana has featured the tapes several times, and I did post about them in my previous SS account (now deleted by me) as "Impromptu Scribblings" (by Teresa L.).
Ed Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew, btw) wrote about "Propaganda" in which he declared the need to social engineer the general public "for their own good". The docufilm, "The Century of the Self," tackles this whole issue (aired by the BBC in the early '90s? when it was still purveying some truths).
She was not much insulting to Allen. She mostly ignores his comments but this time, in reply to his long and outstanding comment where he also raised some questions, she replied: "go back to your mummy". (so infantile).
Edit. Comment found, pls see above. Also, apologies, I did not recall the sequence of exchanges correctly.
I will copy my rumble comment below and add that you did a good job and showed a lot of fairness and genuine curiosity trying to understand some truly confusing messaging by SL.
That's a lot of ugly. Sad to me.
It's either some twisted inner contortion and inversion that holds vile name-calling as okay, behind a Christian shield (and clearly used as a rational for being better, only better here is low bar vulgarity and projection) or something larger is at play.
Sasha has clearly revealed a lot of good information and gained supporters who are now either going to have to ignore and green light this mess or, have to parse out these different fragments; the work is 'good' and has merit, but the source of that work, is questionable, prejudiced and lacks self-awareness.
Blaming a parent for a child's suicide is beyond egregious and ugly.
Why would Sasha undermine her own credibility and work by attacking critics this way? Name-calling is the 'card' played for those who can't argue things with reason and clearly Sasha can do that.
Very confusing terrain - like everything else I guess. Thanks, T.
When all you do is crass ad hominems in response to people who disagree with you, that's a red flag. Especially when you claim to be working only on logic and reason. Very disturbing character now revealed, and I want nothing to do with that.
Well said. I've rarely come across such a confusing set of personality characteristics. Fascinating and horrifying in equal measures. Ultimately I can only send the light in their direction and hope it reaches some part of them...
I also agree that T did a really good job of staying neutral and curious.
> Why would Sasha undermine her own credibility and work by attacking critics this way?
Many people cannot handle criticism, esp. if they have had some success with their work, they lose track with reality and start to live in a fairy tale bubble. Sasha clearly belongs to that group.
I think that's the big question we're all asking. And thanks for picking up on that slight to my grasp of the English language. I admire anyone who's mastered a second language, which puts them ahead of me, but I'm pretty confident in my abilities with my first. So her remark just made me chuckle. Since she can't lump me in with the cat people, I guess she had to come up with something.
My gut sense is that this goes deeper than immaturity or education. There's a core belief that 'Everyone knows this is true' and they just have the courage to say it. Ukraine, I remember, was the most corrupt country in the world from journalists I've read who cite different measures. What was done to Russian-Ukrainians by the ZioNazis is horrific. But it was done with the approval of the elite--a strange mixture of highly cultured, like Sasha's painting, and sociopathic.
What is also interesting is that a language major got a place at Dartmouth for an MBA.
I do think that these ppl are selected for one reason or another; they may or may not realise it themselves.
I get that she was working for foreign (American, I believe) companies (maybe doing translations I cannot recall ). But from there getting a place for a non obscure college in the USA is a big "jump" and seems rather unusual.
My best friend from Russia studied abroad (not in the USA) in the 2000s and the bureaucracy made it extremely difficult for her, even though she had her money, a reputable host, and a host institution and still the system (both Russia and the host country) made it almost impossible for her to study abroad. Sasha went to the USA before 2000...
Yes. I was also aware she is a graduate of Dartmouth, but did not realize her undergrad was language. That adds another layer of mystery to this whole thing for me. With both her sharp insight into the workings of the corporate nation-state and her style of writing and speaking, I've been an avid follower of Sasha for a while now.
My graduate school major was linguistics, and one technical term for describing a person's communication style based on a social context is "register". If Sasha was a language major, she should also be familiar with that term, and the "art" of using proper register.
I did not weigh in until I had read Tereza's post and saw what appeared to be a completely different and unexpected register from Sasha ... I think first with an acknowledgement of some insights from Kathleen.
I purposely avoided watching more than a couple of minutes of one of Sasha's daughter's podcasts because I am aware of my generation gap (soon to be 69) and probably cultural gap ... living in Japan for 41 years now.
I can't imagine Japanese Jr. High kids on the American 'bleeding edge' of podcasts. Maybe I've become too accustomed to the social norms of Japan and did not want to be judgemental.
But I was taken aback by Sasha's presumption I had anything to say about her daughter. I didn't. I was responding to the unexpected vitriol in Sasha's response to others who are part of my small circle. Some of her trash talk sounded more like something from a heated game in the NBA, not the cool head of an Ivy League MBA. Meh ... off by only one letter.
Tereza and I have shared some personal parts of ourselves with each other, but the few comments I've shared with Sasha have always been supportive, but on-point regarding her whistleblowing against the corporate nation-state.
I was in for quite the shock when she turned her gaze to my comments here, because I didn't even know if she remembered me from among her 43,000 followers and even more comments.
For example, unlike what I would expect from an Ivy League graduate, she changed my comment about her as a "competent professional" to "lady professional", I guess hoping to raise in others the presumption that I was misogynistic as well as a moron. And she invited me to "feel free to unsubscribe" from her substack.
Were those thoughts forged in the heat of blind rage of a mother thinking she was protecting her daughter from ... me? Or was I judged guilty by association? A projection of other things going on in her life? Or have I become too acculturated to the polite, but often passive-aggressive register of speech in Japan? I still don't know.
But rather than press her for clarification, up until now, I had remained silent on her personal comment to me. I thought it better to avoid the fray and just continue reading her in pursuit of the more important truths she's been sharing about the plandemic. Alas this was not to be.
She has blocked me from following her and reading anything further she has to share about the great war we are in.
Evidently an Ivy League education does not immunize one against pettiness in this larger war, and contempt for those not of her pedigree. On the contrary, I am now beginning to believe the Ivy League covertly selects for pettiness and contempt, along with its more obvious praise of personal ambition.
Just another game of thrones ... (sigh) can you pass me a box of popcorn?
Wow, I didn't realize Sasha had 43K subs. I appreciate your measured analysis of this, Steve, and trying to figure this out rather than engage in trading insults. There is a pattern of some men on this thread playing the same game as Sasha, engaging in put-downs from behind their pseudonyms. I don't know if they think they're defending me but they're actually putting me at risk when they insult and humiliate someone who says I'm 'lucky' she hasn't killed me. They're taunting Sasha but I'm her target. Not helpful.
I've sent a private note to Ginger Breggin, who I've been in communication with regarding the Malone lawsuit. When the Breggin lawsuit came up on Malone's thread, and I realized the Breggins were right--and Malone knew that I knew, since I'd come to that conclusion in the comments--that was the most vulnerable I felt. I was the only one suspecting him and, at that time, I was a couple of hours away. Finding one other person, Joe Atwill, gave me the courage to come forward. And with every other person who saw through him, I became safer because other people knew what I knew.
When Mary, Kathleen, Tonika and Frances tell me I'm brave, what they're acknowledging is that Sasha is both armed to the teeth and believes that violence is justified, and she thinks the police and society would condone it and understand, especially her readers. If Sasha had not blocked you, you would have been fine with this and continued to play nice on her stack.
You see her inviting you to unsub in "the heat of blind rage of a mother thinking she was protecting her daughter ... from [you]" Did you see me as deserving of that blind rage? Are you guilty by association with me? Is her response to me justified but her answer to you because of other things going on in her life?
From your relatively invulnerable position in Japan, what you're saying is that it's up to mothers who use their actual identities and biographical details to risk physical threat if they choose to draw attention to Sasha in order to protect me. Is Sasha exhibiting vitriol or a deep and violent mental imbalance? Are soph's videos 'bleeding edge' or sociopathic? Are her names for me like turd, filthy degenerate, trash, vile, hysterical, narcissist, deranged, and fucking liberal cunt (just quoting from the first thread) merely being petty and 'changing register'?
You, like Mathew Crawford, can sit back and eat your popcorn like this is some movie. In the meantime, I'll be scanning the backyard in the middle of the night and jumping 3' when my daughter comes in the backdoor unexpectedly.
I know what I'm saying is hurtful, Steve. But being passive when someone is being attacked and threatened is to be complicit. Confronting Sasha only aggravates the problem. But every new person who knows the other side of Sasha negates her power to intimidate the few who do.
Thanks for the the thoughtful reply Tereza. I fully agree that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (people) to do nothing".
Let me further clarify my lack of clarity ...
I haven't kept up with many of the other threads and comments, and had not extended my analysis (or empathy) beyond my immediate bewilderment at Sasha's change of tone, and then being targeted for what little I did know. I thought such a drastic change in her could only be attributed to blind rage.
I had not even considered the possibility of you being a target of violence, or of either myself or Mathew as coming across as being perceived as being passively entertained. If my final 'popcorn' sentence came off as that way, I am sincerely sorry.
On the contrary, if you notice the sparsity of my own homepage, it is because I am busy with a hardscrabble life here in Japan ... working with the the local kids and a couple of part-time private lessons just to ensure I have food for the day — and even this is not enough to plan anything beyond paying the month's rent.
Rather than spending hours reading, weighing evidence, and expressing moral stands ... I will have to spend my retirement in minimum wage jobs and drastically downsizing (downsizing, itself, an expensive luxury in Japan) from an already modest lifestyle. I can not go to the local gym or afford dance lessons even if I wanted to. I suspect I have only a handful of years remaining, and with no nest egg, and no family to fall back on. I am only able to occasionally spend time making sense of the lives and dreams of others through this digital format, much less making my own.
I was under the mistaken presumption that you and Sasha were still on speaking terms. Otherwise I would not have even seen the confusingly nasty comments you allowed Sasha to post ... and she would not have even seen my confusion at what was going on, and what you were allowing to go on. Who was 'entertaining' who?
I wrote the above expecting that you still had the door open to allow Sasha to give me an even nastier response and allow others to continue to see my 'fall from grace' — but since I have been permanently blocked from her sphere of influence, I figured I had nothing to lose. Might as well play the clown.
It appears that I have been mistaken, and you have since become genuinely afraid of her enough to have blocked her. If you think I had been passive, and read the post and some of the comments as entertainment, all you need is to take a quick glance at my previous comments. I tried to communicate genuine despair.
I do not know if Sasha really has 43k followers or lots and lots of bots ... but when I unsuccessfully tried to re-subscribe, to passively follow "Due Diligence and Art", just to continue getting her insider's take on the deep-state from a passive distance, I was as surprised at that number as you.
I was somewhat surprised you would have made Sasha and her daughter the subject of a post, but not have first tried to communicate with her in private messaging to clarify some issues, or at worst, blocked her to head-off predictable drama. Have you since blocked Sasha, or I should be expecting more here in comments?
Again, I tried to point out in my comment that, given what I've shared about myself with you, I consider you a member of my small circle of friends ... or at least given the limitations of distance and a digital format, closer to personal friendship than others I read. Sasha was only a dependable source of information about the inner workings of the deep state.
Given my limitation of time and leisure to follow so many rabbit holes, I was by no means trying to imply I was not taking sides and simply being passively entertained.
I was simply trying to limit my statements to what I was seeing for the first time in Sasha, and questioning my assessment of her from my limited perspective as a linguist. To do justice to even that very limited perspective would take a book.
Oops. Already late. I have to go entertain some kids. Again, I fully concur with you. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for 'good' people to do nothing.
But defining and clarifying 'good', I am afraid is a never-ending stumble-and-fall process for the likes of my temperament. And with my remaining years being relegated to terminal minimum-wage odd jobs, I simply do not have the time or energy to engage in carefully crafted subtleties of those in the intellectual class with both the leisure and wherewithal to pursue their values and ideals.
As you know, I have acted on by beliefs and values in the past, and have paid a steep price, both professionally and personally. I will not even have the luxury of a tombstone on which to engrave my own "Kilroy was here". Just dust in the wind.
Take care Tereza. I sincerely hope you are not in physical danger, and that you will soon transcend the fear of such.
You are ON to something! Had also a fun exchange with "SASHA", and was BANNED from her sub. My sense is that I was really talking to some kind of team, and not an individual.
That's a really interesting idea. It's curious that 'she' is alerted the minute that anything's posted about her. I noticed that Mark of Housatonics had an immediate surly comment from her on his post, that he deleted and blocked her, I assume. But she was the first commenter.
There are other times I've quoted her, in earlier articles. So she definitely says some things that really resonate. It would make more sense if this wasn't all the same person. Thanks for the reply!
Thank you for reaffirming my increasingly questionable grasp of 'reality'. Come to think of it, "team" Sasha goes a long way towards explaining a handful of what would appear to be other high-functioning 'Renaissance Men (and Women)' such as Robert Malone. His "Friday Funnies" memes alone would take me days to collate and share ... much less spend time hobnobbing with the ruling class, running a horse ranch, and making major advances in mRNA technology — and then recovering from a shot of his own medicine to become a critic and defender of pre-mRNA medicine.
The more I think about it, most institutions seem to be legal fictions behind which psychopaths extract resources from the bulk of humanity. It makes sense that a medium such as substack — which on the surface, values and caters to the individual as a source of freedom and creativity — would be exploited by those same pack animals under the pseudonym or mask of an individual rather than an institution. Deceptively clever of those predatory pack animals.
The older I get, the more I realize I've spent most of my life in search of authenticity — but inside a carnival house-of-mirrors, and unknowingly being charged by the hour.
I am sorry you thought I was Natasha Rostova and is so disappointed that I don't behave in the way you imagine a languages major, an ivy league MBA or a mother should behave in your learned opinion. Fuck your opinion - I hope this is clear English, grammatically correct. You joined the mob of pigs trashing my daughter, sweet professor, so you are a totally fair game to me. Oh, yes! you just strolled by for some intellectual discourse on this page, and I over-reacted, LMAO, toddlers have better, more creative excuses than you do. In fact, I do have a pretty good memory of things, especially when they are in writing. It used to be a perfect visual memory when I was younger, I could "photograph" pages of text and recall when needed. It is admittedly not what it used to be, but still. You are a coward. You have the need to address me in 3rd person because you are so scared that your bullshit was called - where are YOUR linguistic skills, or what is that called - register? LOL.
> I'm pretty confident in my abilities with my first
You are right about it. Even though English is not my mother tongue, I can quickly pick up if someone has a good grasp of English, and I must admit, I cannot fault you on anything you write. Just my 2 European cents ... 🤣
Ego, immaturity, lack of proper education. She was born and raised in Ukraine, she's reflecting her home environment as has her daughter. It was obvious to me the first time I heard her speak, her body language, her stiffness - she's not comfortable when she speaks publicly. She stumbles all over herself when asked questions.
For whatever reason, she's been chosen to fulfill a role - I have to admit she has succeeded at fooling Conservatives and Independents- as have RFK Jr., Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Meryl Nass etc....
Thanks a lot for that background info. I thought she was Russian. It is hilarious that in 1 of her comments she accuses Tereza of not being able to write/speak English properly, when she (Sasha) herself makes little mistakes that give away the fact her mother tongue is not English, as does her slight accent.
English is not my mother tongue, but I've always loved it. Had I not worked while I was in High School, I would've been in the "gifted" English classes - my English teacher did her best to convince me to stop working, she had reserved a spot for me. I loved her, she was a grandmother who cared about her students. But I had to work to help my parents with our school expenses. That's life in the hood!
English is not my mother tongue either, but I studied at a university in the UK, and subsequently worked most of my career in an English-speaking environment.
Consequently, I can confidently state that my command of the language is pretty good, and I am proud of it.
Dear Sasha, you have not offered any critique of this whole page, all you have offered is vitriol, clearly a result of having failed your daughter. THAT, dear Sasha, is the essence of it, but no amount of vitriol will correct that. You haven't even got the guts to admit it, what a mother you are.
Dear anonymous troll, why would I dignify a mob? Why on earth, LMAO? What happened in your life, who abused you to the point that you think this is a debate of some sort? I am just practicing whipping you stupid pigs into frenzy and watching you chew your feet off. In fact, I offered a valid critique which you have clearly missed. The critique is as follows:
You joined a mob of degenerates trashing me an my daughter online. That speaks volumes of how degraded YOU are, and does not reflect in the slightest on me. I can call you whatever names I like, since you are attacking my family, and you are a fair game to me. My daughter is a highly intelligent professional satirical writer. Some of the videos Tereza-the-pig included are professional satire pieces made for a subscription entertainment platform censored.TV. Because you and Tereza both are dumb cunts (technical term), the satire flies over your head. That's entirely your fault, or that of your parents. Not mine. Also, as a reminder, the US Constitution specifically states that I and my daughter have free speech rights and can own guns and practice lawful marksmanship and safety at a range. Do you need a pocket version of the Constitution? Call 1-800-SDS-HELP.
Your daughter published online and you expect her not to get criticized. What a failure as a mother to not have prepared your child. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Keep digging, baby, it suits you fine. Oh, and try to invent some more original vitriol 🤣
My daughter had 1 million+ followers and she couldn't care less what anonymous trolls think of her work. Neither do I. This material is years old, and literally nobody cares. My daughter is not on Substack and doesn't read substack, so how this is "critique" of her work is beyond me. LMAO. It is only in you own limited petty mind as you desperately try to rationalize to yourself that your are not engaged in a degeneracy. The fact remains - you joined a mob of pigs because that's where you belong. LOL. I am proud of myself and my daughter. We love each other and we have a strong loving family. None of us would ever participate in a disgusting mob that you, Tereza and others present here. Your parents failed you, you grew up to be trash and they should be very much ashamed.
Well stated Kathleen. Though we all have our faults, it hurts to see the inevitable gap between the art and the artist.
At our best, I guess we are just empty vessels, hollow reeds through which divine spirit may occasionally flow. Picasso or Hemingway were great vessels. From a distance.
My vessel tends to be more constipated. A euphemism for "full of shxt". 😂
It's a big question isn't it? I think brilliance can flow through us that we have little to do with and more often we get in the way of that. I remember reading how when Warren Beatty would produce a clunker he was fond of saying people just couldn't 'get' it. A nice deflection if you don't want to really look at yourself critically. And of course, sometimes people don't get it. Which seems to be SL's MO here.
I have a sense that the blowing up of her character is intentional (surely could be wrong) and with it undermines her work.
So many opportunities these days to disconnect from our model of looking for external 'authorities' to tell us what's what. Particularly when those people clearly hold you in contempt.
Interesting clip, Steve. I read Miles Mathis on Einstein, both the math side and personal side, and it's quite a different view. The personal critique talks about his wife having the breakthrough ideas. This is the math side: https://milesmathis.com/born.html. But Mathew Crawford critiques that, which is all over my head.
Interesting question, Kathleen, whether blowing up her character is intentional. My guess is no, because it was instigated by her remark on the death of Susan's son, which led Vilma to put together the data. Sasha would need to have been 'in-character' for soph's whole life. Her reactions here seem more delusional than intentional, it's like she imagines there's an audience of adolescent boys--like LtCorbis had--cheering, "Turds never swim alone, good one!"
Yes there is a trickle effect. But I have my suspicions about many from CHD including RFK and Vera Shiraz and Malone's right hand woman, whose name I'm forgetting. All of CHD may be positioned to discredit and capture, I don't know.
And wasn't Trial Site News part of some psyop I'm remembering?
For myself, when someone's operating from an assumption of superiority, I hold all their conclusions and information at arm's length. It's interesting to consider whether this is another part of the fear porn to make us despair or be discredited when the most dire predictions don't come to pass. I just don't know.
All excellent points raised, Tereza. We are uncomfortable with holding doubts for a long while, and thus most will find themselves falling on one side or the other in this issue (real or not - the self-destructive posts, words dragging so many others into the picture.) Also, that tendency to look up to others who seem more knowledgeable and insightful than us. Yet, it takes a really bad move - or several - to nail someone's true character. I think I have seen enough of SL's character thru her responses here and elsewhere. As to the others drawn in - aye, there's the rub. Guess, still be en garde!
I'm not much of a psychologist, but I am inclined to agree with your comparison to that Warren Beatty anecdote. Though just a rumor I once read decades ago, some have speculated that Beatty was the subject of the Carly Simon hit, "You're So Vain".
Hmm ... I had not thought of intentionality behind some of SOs remarks here, but the register of her logic and focus of her attention here is soooo out-of-line with what I once thought was mature behavior coming from a competent professional. Now I don't know what to think. I can't even imagine her long time substack partner Katherine Watt responding in a similar manner. That podcast about the dark side of Einstein was almost as disheartening, but rings true in light of your opening sentences.
But that relationship between authorities and contempt? I've learned that the hard way as the token foreigner in many a Japanese institution ... for that matter American institutions (Temple Univ. Japan and University of Maryland's Japan Branch). I just did not expect to see it so raw and up-close here in substack.
It's ugly. And it hurts.
Will not be sleeping well this night, but your words help.
Just for your amusement, Steve, it's interesting that Sasha tells you, "That's not a good look, and this reveals who you really are." Soph has a whole video dissecting why 'that's not a good look' is a 'Stacy comment,' i.e. caring about appearances rather than substance. I agree with soph on that.
I'm sorry that this distracted you from your chance to have beers with a distant friend. But every time that we get closer to understanding what's real, I hope you sleep better. It's all part of the process, and I think it's leading us somewhere better, not the dystopia Sasha points to.
Just woke up from a pill-induced and dreamless sleep. Still too early to be fully awake and reading, much less thinking and responding. And still in such a state of shock over what's emerging, that without a drink, I feel like I've awakened with a bad hangover. Just wanted to say a quick hello and apologize for such a tepid initial response. Still trying to come to terms.
RE: I can't even imagine her long time substack partner Katherine Watt responding in a similar manner.
Me either and I wonder now if KW will feel she needs to wade into these murky waters. There's a domino effect or maybe its more like a spreading cancer and I do wonder if infecting others who have provided essential information, is behind this implosion?
I think we've all been learning a similar lesson. Tough.
I just checked my substack mail, first time in a long time, and realized that NJ Election Advisor is here in Tokyo until tomorrow ... and we had planned on meeting up for a beer. This is just not my night.
Steve, I thought very differently of you, too. I thought you were a thinking man, and a man with some values like being able to discern right and wrong. Turns our, you are not it. Your behavior, participating in a dirty attack on my daughter is on full display here. That's not a good look, and this reveals who you really are.
Why am I supposed to stand by an be a "lady professional" YOU IMAGINE me to be when these filthy degenerates attack my daughter and you help them? Is this what YOU would do if someone attacked your daughter? Because what would other people think of you image? I couldn't care less what these pea-brained parasites think. I don't behave they want, it is on purpose. What does this have to do with Katherine? What a profoundly stupid take. See I, in turn thought you were much smarter and could see the truth for itself. Turns out you only "see" the image of an author that you made up entirely in your head , not the actual words or information in their writing. Because someone attacked my brilliant loving intelligent daughter, because I am a mother than doesn't take shit from low life morons. you decided that my substack writing is - what? wrong? Feel free to unsubscribe.
To expose the most spiteful, deranged and distracting pariah on Substack takes balls. Big balls.
I have read as many of the comments as I could stomach and observed that there have been a number of spitting feather responses from the target herself.
I have a slightly different opinion than everyone else, based purely on intuition and my experience of the target account, up front and personal, briefly but revealingly so.
Firstly, I intuit that the target is a groomed, mind-controlled, undercover agent with an exceedingly fragile self worth. Her identity is questionable. She is closely handled and controlled by geo-political mafia. She may be in fear of her life and have no choice but to perform to orders.
Secondly, and most disturbingly, the target has allowed her child to be groomed as a proxy and has participated in the production of all the scripts for 'soph' which were clearly read and acted by the child.
The hysterical and sneering responses we see peppered throughout the comments here illustrate the behaviour of a terrorised, cornered rat.
If I am right, (and I would not write any of this if I thought I was wrong) the target is between a rock and a hard place. She and her daughter are victims of a ruthless mafia on the one hand, a discerning public on the other.
I can figure no other explanation for the irrational behaviour we are witnessing.
I think that these two women need help to escape - urgently.
I had noticed your 'like' of Vilma's article, Frances. On another note, I finally listened to your interview on the Black Nobility and am so impressed with your research and how you put it all together. I'll be writing about it in the future.
It's a very interesting theory and makes intuitive sense to me. There's such a complete personality split it certainly points to being trauma-induced. It gives another perspective on the irrational insults--when it would have been easier to deflect attention by staying in character as a concerned mom whose daughter did some emotionally immature things--as a cry for help. Thanks for separating this public persona from the possibility that Sasha and soph are both victims. And the actual controllers may even be tied into those your work identifies by group, if not name.
of course, the intelligence is ALWAYS because someone is in a criminal captivity. There is no other source of intelligence our there, so you can be safe in knowing why you have none.
please help me to escape Frances! Please!! Do you always write such toxic cancerous garbage about mothers and their daughters who need to escape the powerful criminals who hold them hostage? Does your compassion include writing trash about victims first, even though you don't know them or details of their lives? Is this how "victims" get "saved" - first by writing a mind numbing garbage hit piece, trashing them thoroughly and then "saving them"? I am just trying to figure out your method of offering help. I see it's so full of love that I need to turn and run not walk fast from this kid of love.
I also understand. You came to my stack and kissed my ass, then had a hysterical meltdown when you realized I don't care about your nanotech-5G obsessions. You screamed like "do you know who I am girrrrlll! I am a famous journalist!" (Like I give a shit), then unsubscribed in a hurry. I thought good riddance, praise the Lord... Then you reappeared kissing my ass again. I told you to go away again. So, did I miss any details?
Ppl aren't doing themselves a favor here leaping on Sasha in personal attacks. These attacks are so outrageous, they're attacking her as a mother and attacking her daughter. Not a good look. Sasha swears. So does about everyone on occasion. I'm noting who leaps on against Sasha, and I want nothing to do with them.
Let me be clear. I don’t give a FUCK if Sasha swears. I give a fuck that she was an immigrant in the same niche industry as Robert Malone during 9/11. She got wealthy off of American money that was handed to her through the government. She gives off op vibes and when it comes to her daughter, she thinks it’s just hilarious that she threatens to kill people and promotes absurd gun violence. Anyone who defends fake heroes who have been elevated on the internet FOR A REASON is problematic. You’re literally siding with someone who has accomplished nothing because you have been suckered into hero worship. Instead of having a knee-jerk reaction and blocking everyone who is critical of her, you should probably do your homework. It would be unfortunate if you dodged mainstream lies just to get caught up in alt lies.
You have some points with me from before I saw this. Sorry, but this is beyond the pale. Sasha is being attacked as a mother. If you had legitimate proof she was on the side of Malone, I would review it. However, I have watched Dr. Jane Ruby for what seems like a long time. And Malone sued Dr. Jane. Sasha stayed with Dr. Jane on the right side opposite from Malone.
It isn't hero worship.
I sincerely love and appreciate Dr. Jane and Sasha.
I am always open to learn I have been deceived. But unless that is proven, I will continue to love those I've grown to love.
This is just wrong in this op. This woman has envy and I regard this as a really wrong attack on Sasha as a mother and against her family.
Tereza and Vilma: you’ve both got a fine set of brass ovaries to go along with your research skills. Hard to wade into drama with grace but you’ve been able to discern the facts from your opinions, and for that I commend you.
Alexandra Latypova: watching you unravel in this comment section is top notch cringe. What makes it worse is that most of the comments you’re making are left ignored. They’re let you hang in the air because I don’t think it’s possible to burn you anymore than you burn yourself. Где твое достоинство?
I think it’s quite possible that big major accounts on Substack are infiltrators and plants. I love Tereza’s idea of challenging ideas and not people. I’m sure Sasha has brought some value to the ethos here, even if it was tainted. Sometimes it’s worth scouring these accounts to see what they want us looking at. Either way, hope we can leave the drama for the llamas and continue to discuss and expand ideas.
Thank you, Tonika. I'm glad to no longer be dealing with this discrepancy alone. There's a lot of compassion in this thread. I know that Sasha's public persona isn't responding to it that way (understatement) but she's been living with this secret for nine years. Imagine knowing that everyone who respects you might reconsider if they knew the truth.
I'm holding onto Frances' explanation. There's Sasha and soph, the media darlings. Then there's the lashing out reactionary. But maybe there's a third Sasha, looking for a way out of this nightmare she's created or been forced into. That's the Sasha and soph I'm keeping in mind when I read the cringe. I think there's a way out for everyone.
This is the most shocking and revealing post I've read on Substack thus far. I feel sad for Sasha and even more sad for her children. The foul language and insults spewing forth from her keyboard are a clear indication of a deeply traumatized person. What a disappointment. I had been a fan up until now.
I agree, Annette. I wanted to take this space to respond to Sasha's insistence that Vilma and I have attacked soph (I still don't know what Mark or JJ have said, so I can't speak for them although personal attacks would be out of character for either).
The adjectives I use for soph are 'very smart,' 'scary smart,' 'bright, strong and original' and 'a gift from God.' What I say about her content is that I found it deeply disturbing and vicious in its attacks. Other than that commentary, all I've presented are quotes from Sasha and soph.
There is nothing that Sasha objects to as not true, and her grudge is that this was taken down and not available to her million subscribers. Sasha is proud of these. So why is it an attack to quote from them? The answer is that they're taken out of the echo chamber and put into the same context in which Sasha writes. It's not me who's attacking soph, it's soph's words--and Sasha's--that are attacking Sasha's reputation.
To answer in kind would be to insult or label soph or Sasha as bad people, even evil. A few have done that in this thread and I've not 'liked' their comments. To answer 'kindly' is to ask what makes someone behave this way? Some of the speculations have been autism, trauma, mind-control, hormones, capture by an agency or mafia.
It is inconsistent for Sasha to see death threats and 'kill all Muslims' as not an attack on others, yet people trying to figure out why a child would say these things as an attack on her.
Anette, thank you for your concern. When some filthy degenerates attack your daughter, please stand back and let them. You don't want anyone on the internet to dislike you, that would be the worst thing in the world! The most important thing when anyone attacks your family is your image on social media.
Sasha I have repeatedly asked you to provide links to the attacks on your daughter and your family. You have failed to provide the proof because it doesn't exist. Stop pulling a Robert Malone circle jerk and stop making unfounded and defamatory accusations - as usual, you're twisting facts. Both Thereza and I have linked to news reports, videos and screenshots from your social media, these are facts not attacks.
Stop lying and stop making defamatory, unfounded accusations. This is not a game, you are causing harm with your lies.
Here are the facts: your substack, filthy degenerate, is an attack on my daughter. Tereza is another filthy degenerate who attacked my daughter because turds love company of other turds. Housatonic, another filthy degenerate who drove his own son to suicide is another turd.
You really do have a filthy mouth, and you are extremely defensive which reveals a disturbed mind. Something must've happened to you to make you this way. You have my sympathy.
"I have sympathy" - said a degenerate pig that is participating in a mob of degenerates trashing me and my daughter. Here is the thing - I feel sorrier for you, Annette, I have sympathy for you, because something horrid must have happened in your life to attack and hate God's creation - people that you don't know and creative content that beyond your IQ level. You have cancer of the soul and that's a terminal condition. I am very sorry.
Wow, you just keep on proving the case that under the mask lurks an emotionally unhinged woman. What kind of parent would support and encourage a pre-teen child's ranting on social media in vulgar, hateful and violent ways? It's disgusting. No normal kid acts that way. I'm not attacking her. She was a child who should've been under sane parental guidance.
My post provides videos and news reports about your daughter's behavior, including Soph threatening to kill Susan Wojcicki- that's not an attack on my part - they're her words. Her own classmates were disgusted with her racist, homophobic vitriol - which you celebrate. It's now understandable why as a young child she spewed hate after reading your grotesquely racist comments.
You still can't quote attacks against Soph, because they don't exist. Your Robert Malone circle jerk continues.
You blocked Christine Massey because she caught you misleading your readers. You've blocked me because I've caught you misleading your readers. Instead of providing a mature response, you're behaving like a caged, rabid sewer rat attacking people who previously supported and respected you. The unmasking of Sasha has been fascinating - attorney Robert Barnes was right about you - your role has been to spread fear, misinformation, chaos and hate towards our Military. Why don't you go back to your homeland and support Ukraine's Military since you hate our Military? Renounce your US citizenship, it's a privilege you are not worthy of based on your ridiculous claims that the Military is trying to kill us. They can instantly wipe us out if they wanted us dead.
Your behavior is an embarrassment to all Immigrants who have the privilege of living in the US. You're an ingrate.
The concept of Operation Warp Speed started under Barack Obama - immediate response/manufacturing of vaccines and countermeasures when pandemics, biowarfare is used against US Military and/or Americans. We've spent billions on developing this concept- it's been designed and improved by brilliant minds - both Military and civilians (same goes for the National Security pandemic response guidelines developed under Obama). Obama's administration deserves the credit for their hard work - not Trump. We must be prepared, as a nation, for whatever is thrown our way. Pandemic mandates are handled by each Governor- an important point that Sasha doesn't discuss as it doesn't serve her Leftist political agenda.
The US Military is the best agency/branch to handle all of the logistics in case of emergencies - that's a fact. Those who have never served in the US Military are clueless about their training and capabilities. Sasha is on video saying that the Military didn't make the deliveries themselves - Lord have mercy, how can they parade her as an expert 😳 the logistics and coordination was done by the experts - our soldiers. They didn't manufacture or deliver products - historically it's been their job to take over during emergencies. They're trained to handle tasks civilians can't handle.
Our DOD has the biggest budget for R&D - both good and bad things are created. But to convince people, without any evidence, that the Military is killing Americans is not only a lie, it's fear mongering and spreading hate towards our Military. Sasha never served in our Military and yet she keeps attacking them. That's evil and divisive. She should go back to the White Supremacist shithole she came from - a global hotspot for sex trafficking of children and women.
I don't want to bombard Tereza's SS with explanations about government issues, so I'll end with a simple question - why are chaos agents distracting us from the mass murders committed by medical professionals, suicides and drug overdoses that's been happening in the US?
At the edge of forgetting that rift with Guy, I've been too busy with the local community (alternative classes for kids) in my little corner of Japan to read and write much any more, though I still tried to keep up with what I thought were the most relevant posts (to me) by a handful, including you (for shared values) and Sasha (a welcome antidote to Malone).
But if nothing else (sighing), this post has shown me I have neither the time (money) nor discernment to keep up with my meager handful of regular reads. It was discouraging enough to see the rift between J. Roduski / Tess Lawrie and Meryl Nass regarding the success or failure to slow down the WHO coup.
From my little corner of the world, even the most recent event regarding a prominent American political figure ... I can't even say with any certainty whether it was closer to another RFK in Dallas, or a 2024 update of "Wrestlemania". The fervently sophisticated mass of proof for a number of scenarios has only made me certain of that Socrates thingy ...
After Quora fell to its lowest common denominator, I thought I'd found a bit of a Camelot here.
Now? I just want to gently close the lid of my laptop, go sit on the veranda, stare off into the sunset, and feed the crows one last time before they head home for the evening.
Feeling sad, empty, and more than a bit naively stupid.
I did an article about my exchange with Meryl over Malone: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/meryl-and-malone. Do you have any links? I'm curious as to whether there's more than I observed, since my interactions were awhile ago.
Yeah, I caught a bit of Nasty when I asked a naively innocent question about Roduski's side of the story, and she flippantly dismissed his opinion as something that would only come from a former carpenter. I understand she is of the Jewish faith (I have no dog in any specific religion), but I did try to politely point out that her specific ad hominem argument would not go down well with a large swath of the Christian community. I still read her, but I never heard from her again.
Oh, and I just read Mathew Crawford's recent post. Not a paying member, and so I can't comment. But I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that miracle-miss shot in Pennsylvania was staged.
I'm 100% with you, it was 100% staged. Trump is the Chosen One for Israel. Close-ups of the ear show no damage--he's too much of a wimp to even fake an injury. Why would it leave two tracks on his cheek, like war paint?
I agree with you, it's hard to fathom how it's being taken seriously.
And being taken seriously with such evangelistic fervor by people I considered more logically sophisticated than myself. They do not seem to be applying the same rigor that they applied to the plandemic, so I can't shake the suspicion that somewhere, somehow, there is dirty money behind their reasoning.
Either that, or I have to drastically adjust my understanding of the pernicious side of any ideology or logic itself ... at just how much cognitive dissonance even the most cognitively adept are capable of. My head is spinning. I can't keep up with even the peripheral branches of this post.
There are soooo many people I respect falling for it. Some of the most astute geopolitical analysts I read. It baffles me. Once again, I feel like my circle is being made smaller of people who are seeing things as they are and making sense of them. Glad you're still in it, Steve.
Tereza - you said this: "Once again, I feel like my circle is being made smaller of people who are seeing things as they are and making sense of them."
Touche! This is *exactly* how I'm feeling right now, after the "assassination" fiasco!
I was shocked at seeing the security team let Trump raise his head for a photo op. And then a perfectly timed photo of a bullet in flight with a regular pro-sumer Nikon? But I was really thrown when otherwise intelligent people I follow such as Chris Martenson on YouTube and John Leake/Peter McCullough on substack confidently suggesting only idiots would doubt the official narrative of the "assassination" attempt. I've already lost faith in any institution, and am finding my individual role models also fall, one by one. I am losing faith in my own capacity to detect b.s. ... exactly what the sociopaths in charge want.
I think when you have lost all faith in institutions and role models, it's a sign that you have come out the other end of the rabbit hole and realise that you/we don't need any of them. All they do distract us from living our lives they way they should be lived.
Great metaphor Claire. This sounds like something I would expect from great writers like Margaret Anna Alice ... but oops, there I go again. Putting you up on a pedestal with her. 😂
I feel exactly the same way w.r.t. institutions and prominent people in the so-called "medical freedom movement". Yet, we cannot be completely demoralized, which is exactly where they want us. We - each of us - still have human agency, in various means at our disposal, no matter how seemingly minor it might seem. Our thoughts and prayers matter more than we think, too.
I thought I was battle-hardened, if not permanently jaded by Japanese institutions. But the last couple of days with the local kids, though fun, have taken the wind out of me, and what little was left for substack has left me shellshocked.
Maybe it's just the time compression of aging, but what life I have left is becoming more precious by the day. I occasionally see we share similar forebodings of mortality. I'm just thankful if a thoughtful reader does not think I am wasting their time. It's later than we think, and when I think back at my missed opportunities to be of any use to those who deserve it, I am ashamed.
I will try to honor your gift Mathew. If there is more silence than comments from me, it is because I am busy learning from you, from everyone. That never ending process of trying to connect dots that I didn't even know existed ... and within my comparatively limited capacity, and from a tiny,
distant corner of the world.
I feel like I am walking shoulder-to-shoulder with giants here, and just close enough so that no one seems to notice that my feet aren't quite touching the ground. In that, Sasha may be at least partially right. 😂
Speak of the devil ... oops ... I mean "SYNCHRONICITY" 😂.
Even though it is pushing 4:00 am here, I was just finishing a short thank you to your latest comment, and planning a well deserved present for you. Will leave you in suspense for only a few minutes, and post that "thank you" shortly after posting this.
An added thank you for reading my Quora quip. After re-visiting that post, I can see it still needs a lot of editing and paring down before daring to repost to substack, a never ending search for wrinkles and warts, aiming for a voice that rings true with a grin. I really need to follow my K.I.S.S. advice to former students to 'Keep it Simple, Stupid' ...another "oops" ... 'Keep it Short and Sweet'. 😘
She's a lot more educated, and quick-witted than myself. Most of the time, I just scan her for information and am satisfied ... but I am a bit slow at picking up on character / personality traits.
Glad you're still feeding the crows, Steve. After I read your comment, I had an aerial class and a dance class to think about it, so this is a well marinated reply ;-)
It's funny that you bring up Guy. We're back in communication but there's still a core divide that underlies all our discussions. I think there's maybe a relationship (and a difference) between you two, and your sense that your discernment is off.
You and Guy are both humble and genuine people who've dealt with a lot of setbacks, both personal and professional, for times that you've stood up for your integrity. Those decisions have cost you both dearly.
I think this leaves you both admiring of people who speak with certainty and confidence, and less critical of where that veers into superiority. My ex is in the sales world, to which he is very much unsuited. His field was tech support mgmt, which he's good at, but events thrust him into the stressful and humiliating role of high tech sales. He often expressed that he wished he was a ruthless, money-hungry shark because they were the ones who succeed without it taking a toll on them.
The only thing I ever criticize is superiority, as I did for the Maui guy you recommended, and the psychologist on how to get women. You don't have a superior bone in your body, but you're drawn to those who do--subconsciously? I hope you come to a place where you recognize you've done everything right in your life, made all the right decisions, and were always the exact right person to be in that situation, with the right instincts. No one knows the whole picture of what impact anyone has, but I'm willing to bet that your impact has rippled out in directions you never suspected.
Thank you Tereza, for thinking so highly of me, and I am really, REALLY happy that you and Guy are back on speaking terms.
It is already as hot (and humid) as blazes this morning, and I soon have to shower-up and amble over to a local festival. Gotta try to help promote that start-up school of my young Japanese friends.
I realize some of my limits, but because of visible outcomes, can't yet see myself as highly as you you see me. Even now, with the kids' classes ... I can see that it is hard for me to say "no", and a couple of kids are just precocious enough to take advantage of that. Ha. That's one place where experienced parents have an edge on me.
I suspect that rather than on a humble-superior spectrum, my problem is somewhere on a spectrum of trying to be open / expecting others to have the same standard ... and setting boundaries. That quote associated with P.T. Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute."? That's me.
Yes, I suspect you are partly right about me being drawn to confident people. I had hoped I had learned to distinguish confidence from superiority because I am also repelled by those who who presume entitlement aside from merit.
I suspect the complex factors leading to that behavior (or 'types' if the behavior is consistent) have a stronger genetic component than we want to admit (those Cluster B — dark triad — sharks in suits), because if so, that begs the question of how much of a role determinism and free-will play into our moral judgements or lack of.
Centuries of great thinkers have wrestled with that, and I don't think a one-size-fits-all answer will ever emerge. But your closing paragraph gives me hope that a personal salvation is still possible.
The Maui guy, I've already forgotten who that was ... but I get steaming mad when I think how the locals of Lahaina, and countless communities around the world before them, continue to be intentionally targeted or dismissed as collateral damage in a one-sided war of winner-take-all by the ruling class.
And that psychologist on dating, marriage, and relationships? I've purposely avoided going back to follow-up interviews of him because in that one interview I shared, he touched on something I had not thought of before. Limerence.
Up until now, you are the only person on substack with whom I've shared my experience of Asako and her death. Just three days ago, I was at her grave (now more than ten years after death, and I still visit her several times a month). But that most recent visit was different in that it was the first time I brought a friend, a Japanese lady (happily married with school kids of her own) who is even more of a community activist than I was at my peak. She had spent several years working with villagers in rural Kenya, and as an equal ... not as a virtue signalling proselytizer. So I valued her input about Asako's grave and demise. She and you both share similar conclusions.
But that did not solve my problem of how and why I chose a sick and dying woman as "the" one in my life. With "limerence", that psychologist raised the question of the existence of a single "the one" —aside from Hollywood entertainment going back to Dante's infatuation for Beatrice.
Our brief relationship did not exactly fit the strict definition of limerence if for no other reason than to the best of her ability, she did try to reciprocate my feeling for her. And regarding our shared repulsion for those with a superiority complex, she seemed to be as brutally honest about her failures as modest about her virtues.
But before meeting her, and afterwards, aside from my experiences and insights while growing up in the states, I had new identity problems of my own. More often than not, I have been either marginalized or tokenized as a permanent foreigner in Japan.
Maybe she was the manifestation of my "white knight" moment in a subconscious attempt to break free of being trapped between two identities I did not want ... the institutionally approved "sage on stage" following the rules of the hierarchy (as opposed to being a pro-active educator following ideals) ... or a broader cultural archetype, a cross between Sancho Panza and Bill Dana's José Jiménez, the harmless servant to master, jester to king, who poses no threat to many Japanese whose identity is a fragile rung in a rigid hierarchy.
Oh damn. It is near time for me to shower and head for the event. It has taken a couple of hours to think of how to phrase the above ... and I did not even get a chance to thank you for sharing that part of your personal life. Knowing a bit about your daughters, I thought it would be impertinent of me to ask about their father. Come to think of it, I can't recall any conversations of depth about spouses with anyone on substack ... and that has added further self doubt about my idealization of love. If Asako had survived and we had married, would it have turned into nearly a dysfunctional brother-sister relationship — or worse? From my own limited experience, as with being a parent, I'll never know.
So much to say, and mistaken or not, I do want to keep a door open for Sasha as a professional specialist. She has formed the base of so much of how I think about the plandemic, and I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Hmm ... in this case, maybe the bathwater is the more compelling of the two? Oh god, there is so much for me to untangle, and I don't expect to have much more time in this life, much less this day.
Cheers Tereza.
And as always, thank you for the time you put in well considered thought.
You have a very big heart, Steve. I'm glad you're still holding Lahaina in it. You, Pasheen, Teresa L, Heather ... it's not being forgotten.
And I'm glad you found someone to share your memory of Asako with. It's so hard, no, impossible, to figure out why things happen the way they do. It's an experience that seems like it enriched your life and certainly shaped it. Yet it left you open to other people, even the precocious students you can't say no to ;-)
Things don't need to be as hard as they are, that's my conviction. Like my ex, you should be a treasure to your community. You both have so much to give. Instead, you're left feeling like there's something inadequate in you. That refusal to conform may be exactly the thing that frees a thousand people in the next generation, the one not yet born. You just don't know what impact you have.
ps you'd already corrected my name before I read it, but I would never take offense. I was just thinking that I changed it to the z maybe 15 yrs ago and it felt very artificial, and now that's how people think of me. What a wonder!
It's days and nights like this I wish substack allowed an easy way to upload photos in comments. It was a sweltering day for the local festival, but the weather held up until sunset when the thunder clouds rolled in. Maybe about a kilometer stretch of road, parallel to the railroad connecting my two nearest stations was packed with thousands of parents and their kids, milling about the stands and stalls, like a huge snake of luminescent confetti.
Among the two groups I was associated with was the start-up English school and a community modern dance (free dance?) 'school' with a little over 50 kids at this particular event, ages 4 to 12. Some of them as good as any I've seen on T.V.
I didn't get home until about 8, and upon seeing my laptop, began brooding again. Your message picked me up ... and I was reminded of your earlier comment coming after you had been dancing.
Though busy just surviving, I've also been lurking in comments too long and owe you (and others) a post with videos of Japanese kids doing their thing with color and style. It just feels like the best way to repay your thoughtful kindness. I expect it will take a couple of days to go through the footage and organize the post, but rather than adding the most basic information, I will let the viewers just enjoy videos of kids, and parents reliving their own childhood having fun.
And then, on to Lahaina. For all the time I've spent looking for evidence and connecting the dots, I've not kept my promise of publishing regular updates. Like the one-thing-after-another plandemic, it just got worse and worse, deeper down rabbit holes I could follow only so far, and I could not find or make those moments to pause, do the work, and spread the news.
Even at my age, I have got to learn to focus on the most important tasks at hand, particularly those deserving benefit through exposure. I had almost forgotten activism for the sake of the marginalized other is my best therapy.
Oh that's wonderful that you're connected to a community dance school! I really look forward to seeing those photos. We can all use some reminders of people just enjoying their lives and kids being kids.
And if you do have an update on Lahaina, I would appreciate that too, hard as it might be. For all the terrible things happening, there's a uniqueness to that horrible event that can't be glossed over.
I'm glad my message picked you up. And put you back down in a better frame of mind ;-)
Just about to head out the door ... and on a last, quick check for typos, was aghast I spelled your name wong. Quickly corrected and begging your forgiveness. 😂
Latipova is so big on censoring. what the heck is her daughter complaining about?
A friend sent me over here with the comment "this family is mentally ill".
I wasn't ready for this schlock and shock. I can't get through one single video, it's so saturated with hate hate hate.
I don't think they're fully human. Seriously. Just haters. And they evidently just worship money.
For all she thinks she knows about amerikca, she ain't never heard that pride and arrogance come before a massive fall.
but some have nowhere to fall, they're already there
this crap is so sick it's extraordinary...and eleven years old, what misery
this girl's life seems to be on the internet...damn sad
"live by the gun , die by the gun"
supremely stupid, as all hate is
She's been knocking me out of SS since late April, when I insisted in a comment that of course she was basically "concerned" for herself, as any other human is.
She went super ugly and responded "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
So I unsubbed, emailed her with an appropriate response, and I can't even be bothered to care to post on my SS anymore, if it's run by creeps like Sasha Latipova. Not to mention two of the three owners are straight out of the Washington Post.
Basic question: Who the FUCK,( great big world there whooeee,) does Sasha Latipova think she is?
They talk an awful lot about ...you know...sodomy. ??? Wanna talk about that girls? There's a rape crisis center near you. You might learn something, like how this kind of acting encourages violence.
I suppose she considers herself, this "soph", to be some kind of "feminist" or something?
Never had to listen to such a screwed up mind talking. Really sad.
Courageous of you to post this. To say the least. I know this woman's insane hatred, for no cause.
I thought Sasha was just scared from all her own exposure. This shit tho is off the charts, completely. No wonder they were eager to give a failed painter...as teaching the kids in Ukraine was not enough mula for her...a scholarship to Dartmouth and a nice track into Pharma.
Maybe Sasha made some extra bucks there volunteering for the Gardasil trials. Who knows?
the personalities exposed appear to be pharm-medicated marvels, no?
And all mom and daughter can do is double down on the rancid hatreds. So grateful they don't live where I do.
And she insanely posits her abandoned home land genetic inheritance...a fucking joke as she's denied genetics recently...as owning the american continent.
There's no hope there. None.
Seriously surprised she hasn't disappeared you yet. I figure she bought into SS. That's her only agenda in life. Money Worship. Control through Money.
I've encountered plenty of ugly in my life of seventy three years, but this takes the cake.
Has Mathew ever analyzed Sasha or the videos of soph? In my response to Lucy, I wonder if soph's scary smart sociopathy is a tell for the kind of mind-control cults he writes about. I'd be curious about his take.
I took notes, but ultimately the information firehose means that I have to set priorities, and putting the "occult" (Theosophy and others) into the Military Occult Banking Syndicate felt like a priority nobody else was satisfying (though Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung do a lot of work that fits into that mold, and you and Courtenay Turner and a few others publish in directions that are also helpful to building that big picture).
Thanks, Mathew. Agreed on priorities. Like Steve, I've been glad to have your analysis on the trumped-up 'assassination attempt.' And I've been reading your other articles with interest. I'll look forward to your thoughts as this perspective on Sasha percolates. I'm sure there's more that you can pick up on than I have.
I will go ahead and say this: I unfortunately told her a white lie when I met her in Vegas. She asked me a question the answer to which would have revealed my security methods.
I was told that she started working with Renz, who is, to me, a clear bright line on psyops. She can correct me if I'm wrong about the relationship with Renz.
I had talked with Sasha about some science and tech, and played along as it got interesting. The first self-driving car was built in 1984 (40 years ago). I have had both friends and students at every stage of development of self-driving cars for the past 25 or more years now. She told me that self-driving cars were obviously impossible while we talked about A.I.
Understand that I have had a critique of A.I. for more than the past decade (another one of those conversations where I am drowned out, ignored, and uncredited perhaps while over-investments wind down or other psyops are put in place) that general A.I. is almost certainly impossible. But self-driving cars are a sophisticated use of machine learning, the only real barrier to which is fitting it to the current system while avoiding liabilities. The legal liabilities are actually the trickiest piece, which is one of the reasons technologists are interested in redesigning cities (there are certainly both genuine and nefarious motivations for smart cities that create...an interesting alignment). Simplified road systems would make for simplified smart cars that would consume less energy and emit less polllution. And also trap billions of people into a commitment to total surveillance that isn't easy to unwind...
I did interview Sasha, and I am still not sure what to think of some of her statements because that would take a deep dive, and I am constantly teetering on exhaustion. She seems to be baiting people into a total rejection of genetics when critiques of models, and investigation into what facets of genetics are hidden in biowarfare programs seem in order.
A couple of years ago I interviewed John Cullen, even though he struck me as a dubious character. I did so because I felt there would be value to the conversation that I could tease out. There was. While I felt his theory on "revived Spanish flu" was a bonkers limited hangout, it opened my mind to the way two agents could sculpt an apparent pandemic, such as the release of a low grade toxin/toxicant like sarin or cadmium, along with an infectious clone that would result in PCR positivity. Or, perhaps the PCR is picking up genetic material released (exosomes?) due to poisoning by the toxin/toxicant? I am not sure, but rigor requires not stepping past untested models.
Hi, Mathew. I completely agree with Sasha that "because someone disagrees on topics of science and technology does not make them an agent, or a bad person." I didn't mean to ask you about those, where I have zero interest concerning this topic.
What disturbed me in soph's videos was the violence in her views and language. There are 'neutral' curse words, with which I have no problem, and then words that attack other people. There is satire, with which I have no problem, and then there's ridicule.
When I first saw soph's videos, I gave Sasha the benefit of the doubt that she didn't share these views, and perhaps soph had outgrown them once she wasn't getting the same media attention. It was Sasha's responses to Vilma's article that showed me she did share these views.
Is the person responding as Sasha here the one you met in Vegas? When she refers to me as 'cancerous swine,' is that consistent with the person you met, or is it shocking to you? Do you feel that what I'm writing is trash that I've made up, or does it make you question who Sasha is?
If someone is developing their theories based on a framework of their own superiority, I can learn data points from them but the meaning they derive is going to be suspect, because their purpose is to confirm something with which I fundamentally disagree. If they're hiding their framework because they know others would reject it, then everything they say is based on a lie.
The theory that they may be agents or captured, or traumatized within a cult like MK Ultra, is a means of giving them the benefit of the doubt and making sense of the behavior. The data, without theorizing about it, is that soph and Sasha express hate-filled attacks against groups, based on their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. And you know that I have no problems with critiques of ideologies. Sasha and soph also attack and insult individuals, and encourage physical violence against both races and targeted individuals.
Is this shocking to you or are you okay with it? Is it a new side of Sasha to you or one you were already familiar with? Does it fit with the personality profile you've identified from your own experience and study of mind-control cults?
Did Soph attack you Tereza? I love my daughter and I think her satire was right on target. Her channel was banned in 2019. You narcissistic stupid swine should get over yourself. Soph is not on Substack and never was. Yes, she is far superior to you. It is a fact of life and obvious reality. Deal with it gracefully. LOL.
Matthew, I sure don't want you to interview me... trying to trap me and playing games instead if being honest, sincere, upfront. I'm muting EVERYONE who attacks Sasha on here. It's all slander, speculative, baseless... like hyenas gathering. It's unpleasant.
Matthew, you could have also asked me directly instead of assuming I work with Tom Renz. I do not. I do not work with anyone. I exchange notes and ideas with several substackers, but I don't work with anyone and I am not paid by anyone other than my subs. Also, because someone disagrees on topics of science and technology does not make them an agent, or a bad person. It is not a reason to form a mob, write several substacks trashing them and their child. Teresa here decided that I was an agent set against her because one day I didn't put a like on her comment on my page. Therefore, she penned this trash about me and my daughter. Seriously? This is the level we are dealing with here.
Just for the record, I am immensely proud of my daughter, I love her satirical material, she worked in actual satire media on censored.TV with Gavin McInnes and Milo Yannopoulos. She was their 3rd employee. She now works as an independent writer. She is successful, happy and financially secure, respected member of her church with a solid group of friends. She is 20. Karens HATE that. Karens need children to be needy, broke, on drugs, or slutting around. That's why they clutch pearls here.
The reason all these cancerous swine here are upset, is because most of them either don't have children or their children hate them. when they see something they don't understand, they are terrified and must squash it at all cost. It's pathetic, really.
She's blocked me again, as well. I allowed her to make horrendous comments on my post, she's exposed herself. Now it's up to RFK Jr., CHD, Steve Kirsch and her other business associates to either clean up her mess or disavow her. It'll be interesting since they all seem to have the same masters.
yes, write and complain to them, please tell them to stop funding me, I am tired of the $100K a month they sent me. Also you can call this customer support number 1-800-SDS-HELP
I don't hate everyone. Just filthy degenerates that attack my daughter. The rest of the people I don't hate. You kissed my ass for a long time, but I knew you were not good. I was right.
I just happened to be watching your excellent interview with Demi, Gabe (https://libresolutionsnetwork.substack.com/p/with-the-starfire-codes for others). I noticed that you're both talking about civility and decorum in discussions. I thought that was really apropos to this. I've been enjoying Demi's work since you re-introduced me to her but your interview makes me like her even more. Thanks for that!
Hi Tereza, After reading the title, I couldn't wait to hear what you discovered! Thanks for this Sasha reveal. I know no one is really surprised because the parent is the biggest influence on the child. Good or Bad. No one could persuade me otherwise. Good hypothesis about they were complicitly used for censorship. That is the most logical conclusion. What is that saying about the dirt always comes to the top of the wash. I love these old sayings. I can't even imagine what Soph's childhood must have been like, if she had one. That's the sad part.
Wait, Helene, my recollection is that you're who I talked to about this a year ago. Is that not true? If so, your advice was good and I'm glad that I waited. I don't know what Sasha has against JJ Couey and Mark of Housatonics but maybe they've talked about this too. Very dark.
Yes, we did discuss Soph being Sasha's daughter. I am glad you're such an avid reader and caught her acting like Soph. These people can't help themselves, because they can't keep the charade going forever or they are so self righteous they don't care how they act.
Either way for those of us who are paying attention, which you were ( for our benefit ), the truth is revealed. Bravo! I love how you discredit them one at a time with their own words. Marvelous!
My God, that was shocking. Something is so very off, ugly, it feels treacherous...harmful to the soul.
So glad this is not my thing. But you did a splendid job here Tereza. 🥇
No idea what SL's agenda is but she is clearly not Christ-like. Used to follow...then wasn't quite sure what to make of her (she's Ukraine-born I believe. Moved to the US late 90s. Anti-Russian if I'm not mistaken).
Thank you, Pauline. Thanks for the additional details. Yes, someone who told me how to pronounce it said her name was Ukrainian. And as I mentioned to Lucy, I wonder if she works for one of the 'intelligence' agencies. Her focus on IQ is also a tell for that, and the lack of repercussions. In Vilma's thread, she says that the police showed up without a warrant and she didn't open the door, when they investigated the death threat. So how would they determine that soph had no access to a gun? Very fishy.
Why would I need to do that? They didn't have anything to investigate and they loved soph's content. They hated Wojcicki and Google. We had a good chat, like normal people. You are a hatred filled cancerous demon, you hate mothers and children, because you are alone, and having a mental crisis, because besides this there is nothing going on in your life. nobody gives a sht about you except maybe your cat. what a pathetic angry twat. very sad.
no, not all people who have cats. Read carefully. It's only insufferable censorious busybody lonely (typically childless) deranged women who hate mothers and children in a loving stable family with a loving supportive father. They HATE that. As you can see. They also happen to have cats. I don't know what it is, but their brains are frequently rotted by toxoplasmosis. It's a thing.
I could not bear to watch it. I do not know enough to comment much, but, reflecting, hmm. i guess i am a bad mom who forbid cell phones in the house until they were 15, and had read certain things and accomplished emotional regulation enough to not spew emotions in such a destructive way. If i did have guns, they would be kept secret. I like to surprise people. guns are so predictable. good thing everyone else 'round me has them so i don't need to. When i was a kid in Montana, everyone had them. it was just another tool to get food (hunt or kill your cows or what have you). or scare off bears. being a character on a screen ( did you see her body language? ) before you have developed solid character internally, is a dangerous game. I see why she would do it tho. because that is why i became a musician. Sasha IS intelligent and her daughter is to. everyone should do some public speaking. The arguments based on pure emotion, with no debate do not help you to grow as much. Calm is a superpower, it is concentrated strength. a powerful mind can harness its full potential only in calm. I come from a hot tempered people and i have seen this all my life. Misery, that did not need to happen, because someone was feeling only and not thinking deeply enough- what happens next? One last thing, when young girls hormones get imbalanced they can have all sorts of vicious outbursts. I would hate there to be a record of mine anywhere. a capsule of vitex once a day for 3 months often smooths those emotional peaks right out.
Welcome to the 'bad mom' club. I have a video called Be the Meanest Mom Ever, Your Kids Will Thank You ... Eventually: https://youtu.be/4ee_p4j8Lbc. My girls shared a computer with me, so I still have home videos they made on it. The youngest had the most exposure but I still controlled screen time and took the computer back for infractions. It would take her about 2 hrs to detox, during which time she would be resentful and insufferable. Then she'd start talking to us again and be a delight to be around.
And yes, I'm glad there's no permanent record of my headstrong and impetuous youth.
Thank you, i had not seen it and will watch it! It IS harder, but i know i made the right choice. i asked my son if he wished he had done that, and he says he is super glad he did Not. he said he would have been embarrassed by all the stuff he knows he would have said. I entered parenting hoping not to spank and stuff like that, but some kids, are wonderfully strong willed and focused. looking back, i think it would have been better if i had spanked him some. I love their fierceness though. they will never join a cult or military. strong willed does not even begin. i did not raise servants born of servants. As for Cursing, we do it copiously. (there is a book about it called "Holy sh*t" which is why i do so) I made a game of it. called troll. the insult must be accurate, descriptive and contain only one curse word. the one that makes your adversary laugh in sheer admiration of the glory of it wins. (too many curse words at once and they loose their impact and potency and are a sure sign of low intellect and lack of creativity.) we value creative dialogue a great deal, but it must be true. no ad homenim (yes i made them learn the trivium and logical fallacies) . Still you ladies have it was better together than i. I bet your kids are lovely.
Creative cursing! I love that! And your rules for the game are perfect. Yes, certain words need to retain their potency for when a car cuts through a parking lot and almost hits your kid. Otherwise, what do you have left? I greatly admire the skill of fresh, original cursing that makes your adversary laugh.
I also taught the trivium and 'name that logical fallacy.' So this is really bizarre. I just searched my posts for 'trivium' and found one where I'm quoting Sasha on it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/and-the-flesh-was-made-word. Here are my quotes from her:
"Critical thinking is a skill which is driven by the cycle of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. The purpose of grammar is to bring a consistent order to a body of knowledge. The purpose of logic is to extract understanding from the body of knowledge. Rhetoric is the cogent explanation of that body of knowledge. In ancient times, students were taught the Trivium at home, by their parents, as a pre-requisite for admission into universities.
"Grammar-Logic-Rhetoric, Grammar-Logic-Rhetoric, etc. = a comprehensive decision making process. When this human learning process is malformed, stunted or deficient in some way, we cannot arrive at the truth by critical thinking process, and instead accept whatever feels emotionally pleasant as truth. We emote instead of thinking. Intellectually, emoting is a lower level space which leads to the mind enslavement, passing the operational control from self to others."
She then talks about the trinity: "This gets into the theory of dual mind, which goes back to antiquity as well. The idea that a human is 2 minds + 1 material body (a trinity). The two minds are called different things, sometimes it is soul and spirit, sometimes intuitive and rational."
And then, the importance of applying the trivium to questions of truth and reality:
"It is not enough to only think the truth in silence—the truth must be spoken out loud, published in prose and poetry, put to music, represented in all art forms, and it must circulate in the space of human exchange of ideas. This is not just a bunch of nice sounding words. The act of speaking the truth shapes the physical reality of our world by shaping our collective word-vector spaces. They are not imaginary, they are material, as we humans are minds represented in matter, i.e., material beings carrying the living language of the universe through this moment in time and passing it on to the next generations. When this living language rings true it resonates directly with God, the Creator, the Source in the most awesome and nourishing way. When it is distorted by lies, we all suffer."
Can this possibly be the same person? What's up with this?
I am angry with richard grove and others who limit the trivium to just those 3 things grammar logic and rhetoric. it is an almost useless description. words divide reality along its joints, yes. copying by hand or reading aloud the whole dictionary, was commonly done in schools in the USA, before the prussian model. Rooting out Mental contradictions - that live in your own mind, is where “question everything” and (know thyself) as above the temple of Apollo, Must start within, as human understanding of the world must be coherent and match up with the facts found in reality. this part was cut out entirely. so when history does not make sense, it will not bother you, because you do not make sense within yourself. confusion , chaos, become the norm.
You say that so well. Yes, all this would never be possible if we hadn't lost the ability to think critically ... and synthesize information into new forms and meaning. But isn't it weird, how different Sasha's styles are there and here? It's not just conveying technical information but making sense at a deep level. What do you make of it?
IMO, everyone has bad moments. it is likely really about something we cannot know. I have trained myself not to vent my miseries on others, but i still do it sometimes. Most people are so confused inside they do not always know what is really bothering them. or worse you do know, and cannot stop or express it somewhere safe. she has a fine mind, but it has been shattered or has a contradiction or cognitive dissonance, at one point, so the echos of it can be ‘triggered’ and we cannot know when. I have had to rebuild my mind from the ground up, that is how i know. she may be still healing from something. or maybe just emotionally undisciplined. most likely, her daughter reminds her of her. so projection would play a role. I am pro vitriol, but you have to make a space for it, to let it out safely. I let my kids say awful things to me, and my feelings were not hurt at all. i just listened, asked them why, when it started, tell me the story of this emotional event. Know what? it vanished. and the strongest loyalty and love took its place. also they got more chores. I call ‘em misery tax.
I'm glad you posted this. I know nothing about her daughter - and don't care - but I have been deeply suspicious of Latypova for some time. If you ask for evidence I can't really provide any, just a suspicion that something wasn't quite right. Sometimes her so called 'revelations' were just too helpful to the extent that I would wonder 'how would she know?' Call it intuition, psychic, what you will, but I long ago stopped trusting or believing anything she posted. Your article therefore Tereza is something of a relief and a vindication.
Thank you for letting me know that, Tommy. That unsettled feeling, that something's not right, often precedes the evidence for me.
Very interesting your point about her revelations being 'too helpful.' In my response to ArtemisForestFairy above, I happened to look up one of my articles on the trivium and was surprised to find I'd quoted Sasha three times. She was insightful, erudite, thoughtful, enlightening. It couldn't have been more of a contrast. Here's the link and I copied the quotes into the comment: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/and-the-flesh-was-made-word.
It made me wonder, could she be using AI to write her articles? Reflecting our own words back to us? I noticed that it was a trick of Malone's when he parroted back something soon after I'd written it--in an article critiquing him! But maybe what we're looking at is 'team Sasha'.
I appreciate your vindication too. Glad that others were feeling what I was.
Good God. You are brave to swim in these shark-infested waters, Tereza. And speaking of water, I feel like I need a shower after reading this.
I didn't want Vilma to be swimming alone. She did the journalism to put the Twitter posts together on Sasha's response to Susan Wojcicki's son's death with the death threat, police report on 'no access to guns', soph's posts on assault rifles and handguns, and Sasha's photo of them both with assault rifles.
There was a meme I couldn't find that said something like "When I tell the truth, it's not to convince those who don't know it, it's to defend those who do." That was my intent.
And yes, I felt nauseated when I watched these videos a year ago. But no one should be defined forever by what they said or did as a child, and who knows what the situation was? I'm glad that I waited until I knew this was about Sasha and not an immature kid who got more attention than is healthy for anyone.
Thanks for wading into croc-infested waters with me.
Thank you, Tereza. You've filled in the data that I was missing. You are correct about the purpose of my Soph post - it was in response to Sasha's Twitter post where she blatantly misleads her followers about the reason for the police investigation. Susan Wojcicki was publicly threatened by Soph, as your transcript clearly indicates, The news article and the police officer also confirm she made the accusations. It wasn't about "woke" content.
No one has attacked Sasha or Soph and no one has posted hateful, racist, ageist vitriol except for Sasha. I've allowed all of the grotesque attacks against me and other commenters because she had to drop her mask....she's called Mark, Dr. J and me pedophiles many times throughout the comments section. Her comments about Mark and Susan's deceased sons will forever exist on the internet, as a reminder of the unmasking of Sasha. As an associate of Children's Health Defense, Brownstone, Trial Site News and Steve Kirsch' organizations, her vitriol is also theirs, until they disavow her.
Thank you again for your help and support.
You do a great job, Vilma, of putting together those pieces, including relevant clips from soph's videos that show the access to and familiarity with guns. I thought the actual verbiage of the death threat was important. It shows that it's not some vague euphemistic reference but immediate and specific--down to 'a mitochondrial disease' to indicate she has nothing to lose. It's a mystery that it wasn't taken more seriously by the police and there was no warrant to search for weapons.
Certainly the most impactful evidence against Sasha, she wrote for you. I wanted to preserve that so there's a way to link it in the future.
I'm curious though, what does she have against Mark and JJ? If I'm remembering correctly, I think the comment that she didn't 'like' was one where I said Mark and I had been talking about her research in a recent interview. At the time, I didn't know there was any animosity and thought that was a positive comment. I wouldn't have noticed, of course, that she didn't 'like' it except that I went back to answer the person who replied to me and saw that my comment was surrounded by 'likes' but pointedly absent for mine.
Daniel Negase talks about 'discrepancy analysis' and that phrase has stuck with me. It was how he first became suspicious of Malone, by noticing something that didn't fit with everything else. I think it's always been an anomaly or inconsistency that alerts me. So I wondered if it was the mention of Mark she hadn't liked, and why? In this case, I found far more than I bargained for. It seems like the time is right for it to come out.
They probably paid off the police, come on.
Oh, god, she's here too. What a freak. No actual pride in herself whatsoever, regardless of all the false pride she displays.
I totally love that I was sent here on a Mula Moon day. Mula, using lies to crush one another. Revealing untruth. I had no idea it was so sick!!
To you point on her association with these other groups it occurs that she could be a plant - someone well placed to gain access to 'credible' organizations and then would be detonated and the havoc created would then spread to those associations too. Domino effect basically.
What a crazy world.
Excellent points! Agent of chaos, obviously. 🤦♀️I'm as slow as molasses🤣 she just blocked me again. So immature.
I doubt you're slow. We all tend to think people are as they present - assuming good intent is a lovely quality. Just doesn't serve us well in this environment. We're all figuring it out as we go. :-)
But what has been unmasked exactly? That she can be nasty and scurrilous? That she is not above lying when it comes to defending her cub? The Breggins are convinced that Latypova is correct about the role of the DOD. Are they wrong? Should they retract their endorsement of Latypova's position because you have shown her to be racist and sexist? Katherine Watt has publicly reaffirmed her association with Latypova against JJ Couey and Mark Kulacz who have attacked Latypova as a meddling foreigner who wants to undermine America by ascribing blame to the DOD, and who have clearly sought to open a rift between Latypova and Watt. Was Watt wrong to have done so? Is she wrong now by remaining silent (as far as I'm aware) about Soph etc.? Just what exactly do you think is at stake here anyway?
Hi, Gerry, and thanks for reading this and responding. I have no interest in whether Sasha is nasty and scurrilous, and she hasn't lied to defend soph. She lied to attack Susan on the day her son's death was announced, saying she sent the police because 'her daughter's 1M followers were posting anti-woke content.' At that point, no one was aware of soph other than me and I was choosing not to write about it and let the past be past, since I didn't know the whole story.
My policy is that once you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that someone has lied, you can never again say they wouldn't do that, you have to ask in every instance, 'are they doing that now?' Her lie about Susan wasn't prompted by defending soph, so why did she? It seems to me it was because she was proud of the content soph produced and the following she got. That's certainly been confirmed by her reaction. What Sasha calls insults to soph are other people trying to make sense of content that they consider morally repugnant, but which Sasha clearly does not.
There are three instances, between Sasha and soph, of the belief that murder is justified. First is soph's post that killing all Muslims would be a public service. Second is soph's very detailed death threat to Susan. Third is Sasha's statement to me that it would be 'honorable' to kill me for insulting her daughter and I'm lucky she's only verbally skewering me. This isn't even counting soph's video recruiting school shooters if you want real change.
And Sasha's complete personality change in her reaction, which she doesn't ever show in her interviews or posts, demonstrates that her public persona is a lie. I look at data and ideas separate from people. Otherwise, all they have to do to get us to disregard good data is associate it with someone we find to be a fraud. So I have no opinion about the DoD data but to me, it's a separate issue. I don't know what JJ and Mark have said about Sasha but on this thread, she's said that JJ is a terrible father because he doesn't like horses (?) and that Mark caused his son to commit suicide. If the latter had a breath of truth to it, it would be the cruelest attack imaginable but I know it to be a lie because Mark's son died from fentanyl, not suicide, and it's become an issue he fights against.
We all need to look at the data systematically and not take others as authorities. And the Breggins and Katherine should be publicly asking Sasha about the statements she's made to and about others, and whether she feels violence is justified against Muslims, CEOs or those you think have insulted your daughter. Otherwise, it makes them also complicit in justifying violence and even genocide.
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I agree we need to look at the data systematically and not take others as authorities. I did not think I had to be reminded about the problem of arguments from authority. The authorities have been lying to us about the pandemic for almost five years now. What is at stake for me when assessing the position Katherine Watt has developed regarding the apparent war being waged against us by our own leaders in the so-called "Five Eyes" countries is the evidence for that position: Does it exist and how good is it? What I don't agree with is your categorical statement that Latypova's public persona is a lie. Even if everything you say about the facts of the Soph business is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, since it is Latypova herself who has made it a matter of public record, if her evidence and argument regarding the DOD is sound, then it is simply false to say, as you do, that her public persona is a lie since that public persona is built on whether or not she is accurate in making her case about the pandemic, even if she thinks violence is justified against Muslims, CEOs and anyone who criticizes her daughter. No matter how much we may deplore the latter, the former is, as you say, a separate issue about which, it seems, you take no position not because you find the evidence inconclusive, but because it interests you less. Perhaps the question is not so much one of authority but of relevance.
Hmmm... let's define what position on which you say I "take no position not because you find the evidence inconclusive, but because it interests you less."
Perhaps we could phrase that as "The mRNA Covid vaccine caused severe and debilitating injury, miscarriage and death, not as a mistake or side-effect, but as its intent." I just reposted an episode from over a year ago that states that as my position clearly and references Sasha, Katherine, Sage Hana and Mike Yeadon. It also links articles and videos from before I was on Substack, going back 3 years, that clearly state the same conclusion.
The DoD data is one subset of all the proof we have for that, much of which I see in my own experience. So I don't really need it to convince me, I'm there.
If Sasha's public persona is in line with everything I've presented, including her responses here, and nothing I've said is false (and she hasn't claimed that) why do you care? As you've said, this doesn't contradict her data.
Why do you think Sasha lied about the reason Susan sent the police, when she had no need to ever bring it up--especially on the day her son's death was announced? Having lied unnecessarily about that, why do you think that she wouldn't lie about anything else? There are too many topics and too many good researchers in the world for me to delve into the data of someone I know has lied and see what I think is true. The vaccine damage is done, and the DoD data won't change that. The war on Muslims is killing thousands of innocent children, women, men, grandparents a day in the most gruesome ways. If you want to prioritize this, that's your prerogative. But for me, I think there are bigger fish to fry and Sasha is distracting from those, perhaps intentionally.
Turds never swim alone, Tereza.
What the…?!
She needs a swim buddy. lol.
you would know, given you are a swimmer.
scorched earth policy. k.
Nobody is hating on your daughter here. They are saying maybe the content was controversial, and would be upsetting to parents with teens, given high school aged kids have hormones and are going through stuff. Maybe the content was unwise. It is satirical and intelligent, but rambling. One could have created and NOT Published the vid on Social Media. Enjoy the notoriety and ad revenue you 2. Best of luck.
You can keep digging this hole or after biking 40 miles in Tahoe, get your head on straight and be a bit more diplomatic.
what is your question?
I stopped at 5:15. What I heard is that this woman felt slighted that you liked a comment before hers, after hers, but not hers. That set her off on a vendetta to cure her damaged self-esteem. It appeared that she was jealous of you all along, and because you did not like her comment and felt slighted, this released pent up envy and rage.
I thought, "My lands. Is this narcissist fury?"
Then she went on and on about "which one is the real Sasha?" pretending her virgin ears have never heard a cuss word or that she never swears.
So, I figured she really might be a narcissist with a fake public persona, or else why would she be talking like this?
I never heard you pretend to never swear. Most ppl do if they are pushed. Some ppl have a sense of humor that is ribald. And a whole lot of mothers might go off when their family is attacked.
I don't know what all else she said. It seemed pretty off topic. It's not like she discovered you're really being funded by Pfizer. It's something about your daughter being wildly successful on YT from a young age.
I can't listen to this tape anymore. Bet the comments are a hall of shame of self-righteous prigs who really are just envious.
Thanks! Tereza's "missing like syndrome" (MLS) is a sure sign of deep normality! These people attack me and my daughter with their vile hysteria and narcissism, but at the same time they all screech that I am a high society lady? It's amazing to me. They all confuse me with Natasha Rostova, and they also confuse Natasha with herself. If one of these harpies even looked askance at one of Natasha's children, her husband, father or brother would have killed the stupid bitch that said anything, and the high society would applaud the honorable man! They are lucky I am only verbally skewering them.
FYI, my daughter is a highly successful professional satirical writer. These stupid cnts provide a lot of good material, and they know it, too.
I'm ashamed I listened for 5:15. I should have quit the tape the moment she said she felt to dig up dirt because she noticed you liked the comment before hers and after hers ~ but not hers.
She was on a hot scoop! It’s not everyday a rare “anomaly” just appears in your lap like that but thank god she was paying attention. Some might even go so far as to say only a lunatic would’ve noticed less than nothing however, my own analysis suggests the thanks going to her 2nd bottle of afternoon wine. Without it, she most likely would’ve been distracted with dreaded “life stuff”. I can’t even imagine if that had happened, all our lives would have suffered, all the happiness would’ve simply evaporated. That’s why I think this next point is so important, and maybe a bit strange considering the entire point of KarenLeaks post was to publicly come out as an atheist, to say nothing of my other, rather agnostic, self identification, but I think we should take a moment to stop and thank god she was able to spot such a journalistic gem.
Oh no, saying journalist out loud, and I actually said it out loud, it gave me a chill down my spine because we all know how terrible journalists are today, and with Assange out, you just know people in power are pissed and would love to violate a journalist with such a superhuman ability to connect, even literally invisible, dots.
To think, this elite and powerful Sasha woman was just going around unimpeded, doing interviews and discussing data, only days or weeks ago! Data so solid it’s basically impossible to question it. Yet our hero swoops in, spots the anomaly, somehow knew exactly where the skeletons were buried, then has the time and exact amount of integrity required to alert the world of Sasha’s darkest secrets, raising a comedian and a really successful one, no doubt would probably be considered a skilled actor. As if Sasha didn’t have enough red marks already, this is going to change everything.
Sounds like you know something about it along the lines of "it takes one to know one".
I'll respond to you, Ngungu, because clearly 'The Lady Victory' is someone Sasha asked to respond here. I've never seen her before.
Journalism is exposing lies. That's what Sasha purports to be doing in her work. Vilma exposed that Sasha had lied about the reason the YT CEO sent the police to her house. She either lied about not letting them in without a warrant or that they 'loved soph's content,' since she wouldn't have had a conversation with them through the closed door. She also lied to the police about soph having no access to weapons, given her photo and soph's video.
Once you know that someone has lied, you can never again say 'They'd never do that,' you can only ask, 'Are they doing that now?' A journalist who lies is a contradiction in terms.
I see Sasha caught in a conundrum. Soph was expressing views that Sasha had taught her--endorsing violence against Muslims and against anyone who pisses you off, and superiority expressed in slurs and ridiculing skits against gays, anti-vaxxers, Jews and women. She sees soph's 1M subs as people who agreed with her, even though the more famous tried to distance themselves by the end. So her X post was a way of bragging about her daughter's channel.
However she also wanted to hide her connection to soph's content because she knows that the vast majority of her readers, and especially her associations, wouldn't agree with these views. I can only assume that 'The Lady Victory' is an exception and does share Sasha's beliefs in racial superiority. That's why she's deflecting from the point.
Sasha can't have it both ways. Either she's proud of soph's content and I've done her a favor by associating her with it, or she wants to dissociate herself from it, and I've embarrassed her by revealing her connection to it. I hope that soph has moved on from her mother's influence, if that's what this content reflects. Sasha has made no attempt to say, 'This is no longer what we think.' And that's the question that interviewers should be asking Sasha--do you agree with these views? I hope her next interviewer addresses this.
Sasha's veiled threat above is also revealing. Anyone who 'looked askance' at the fictional Russian countess should have been killed, according to high society. Was this the case for the high (aka corrupt) society of her native Ukraine? She says that we are 'lucky' she is 'only verbally skewering' us. In other words, she believes that murder is the just response to any perceived offense because of her high society status that should make her above the laws for ordinary people. Is this something that @KatherineWatt @gingerbreggin or @MathewCrawford are okay with?
Thanks for that explanation, Tereza. "The Lady Victory" liked my comment, but when I read her reply to me afterwards it did not make sense with the like she 'bestowed' on me.
Both she and Sasha have a personality problem that they are trying to hide, and notably Sasha is actually accentuating it with their incessant toxic ad hominems.
I doubt Sasha's daughter has moved away from mummy's influence as she is still too young (20 years?) for truly independent thought and experience in life. And, of course, mummy has a strong personality which is likely to keep Soph in line, for the time being.
Bottom line: Sasha has exposed herself for what she really is about, while you, with your quiet, relaxed, balanced article and comments have risen high above Sasha. I tip my hat to you for that, Tereza, because, to be honest, if I would have been in your place I would not have been able to keep my cool.
Blah. Blah. Blah. Sasha doesn't know me. I've been watching COVID info for a few years. Her and other ppl speak on vids and are well known. I'm about a nobody. Though by the time I'm known it's over. I'm like a fat lady who can sing. This post is asinine. Sasha's daughter is an adult. Her job raising a minor child is over. There's no point to any of this.
Keep patting yourself on the back with sock puppet accounts. No one cares.
Whatever. This lady says she was triggered because Sasha liked the comment before hers and after hers ~ and "does a deep dive" to attack Sasha's family - acting self-righteous about Sasha swearing.
I wish I had quit listening sooner.
Sasha is doing WORK sharing her perspective on Substack and interviews.
We can't always be best friends with someone who does WORK. We might have a personality clash.
But to go after her on a personal level like this?
Come on. It's envy.
On Vilma's Substack for La Gata Politica: "La Gata Politica
@lagatapolitica. Her profile says: "Uneducated unapologetic dumbass... "
Apparently, her virgin ears are okay with swearing herself. Has the author done a tape on how terrible it is for Vilma to cuss in her profile statement? As the 2 of them talk about how terrible you are as a human being and a mother? lol
But when you swear, that's wrong. She's shocked. She's appalled. I wonder if the author of this post tells everyone to cover the ears of children when she reads Vilma's Substack profile description out loud?
Just shaking my head. Self-righteous prigs.
You are completely misguided - hilarious.
I'm happy that my profile description has triggered you. I changed it after I triggered Meryl Nass and she wrote a horrendous racist post about me because I uncovered that Robert Malone wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids - and she participated in that event.
As :yulia has indicated, you're completely misguided and it is hilarious.
My ears aren't virgen, not sure where you picked up that little nugget. And you've ignored the fact that my post was about catching Sasha Latypova, ONCE AGAIN LYING - that's what the post is about.
Unlike Sasha's daughter, none of the kids in my family have ever threatened to kill anyone and none of them make fun of other religions, races or ethnicities - probably because they're biracial, multiethnic and different religions. But you do you, Lady Victory - what are you victorious at?
Well said, Vilma, although I doubt OLV is still responding, so I'll clarify here what we both already know. Both our posts had zero to do with soph. You showed that Sasha had lied and had used the announcement of the death of the CEO's son as an occasion to call her evil, brag about her daughter's IM sub YT channel, and deflect any sympathy towards her into anti-woke outrage through her lie about the reason she called the police.
Now, to put this in context, imagine that newspapers had just announced the death of Sasha's son or daughter, and we took that occasion to say she was evil and imply that she got what she deserved. I think that Sasha would see that--rightly--as reprehensible, yet it's not when she did it. She says that we're criticizing her as a parent (which isn't either of our concerns) yet she says Mark's son killed himself because Mark was trash, or something to that effect.
Both Sasha and OLV call what soph was doing satire but it's not. Satire is making fun of ideas, ridicule is making fun of people. And name-calling is the crudest form of ridicule, requiring no cleverness or word play.
Both OLV and Sasha say that we're against cursing, which isn't true. Calling someone a turd isn't even cursing, it's a fifth grade boy level of insult. If Sasha feels that cunt and twat are ordinary inoffensive language, I don't understand why she doesn't use them in her posts with Katherine Watt or her interviews with the Breggins or Catherine Austin Fitts.
My question is why these people aren't questioning Sasha on whether she agrees that it's a public service to kill Muslims, for instance. As I talked about in the second half of https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/golden-rule-rant.
Sasha won't use the same language in her posts or when she's on stage because it's not part of her designated public role. In her written responses, she's being herself and the ghetto can't be contained. Her public comments about Susan Wojcicki's death once again shows us who she really is (screenshot was sent to me, she's blocked me so she no longer shows up in my Substack stream).
I loved your golden rule rant. I'm always learning from you - yes, the rule of reciprocity is one we should follow.
Yes, kind of sickening.
yes, imagine someone so deranged, they need to hate on a child... Fking liberal cunts these days...
you are so sick, just so sick
who the hell do you think you are?
god you're insane Sasha
The unmasking of Sasha has been fascinating to witness. She's a Hillary supporter pretending to be a Conservative
/Independent- she has succeeded at fooling people, unfortunately.
you have been unmasked as a fed, anti 1st and 2nd amendment, liberal fed voting for senile Biden.
My posts prove that you're lying again. You're the one who has been elevated by the lifelong Feds that have hijacked the mostly Conservative MFM: Kirsch Malone RFK Jr.
you are so normal! wow.
right! I am the one who wrote many substacks hating on a mother and her child that did nothing to you....Then called the mother and child every filthy name on earth... Therefore you are the sane one in this equation, LMAO.
Hopefully, I have muted enough of these ppl, I won't be called back to this evil post and site by notifications. It's worse seeing it again. Pack of hyenas here. But you're a lioness. You win.
I'll reply to TLV so it also goes to you, max. You bring up a good point that TLV still hasn't explained what brought her to my site, where she hasn't commented prior, to my memory. She says it wasn't Sasha asking for her help but that seems the likeliest explanation.
She and I have been engaged in a conversation here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/sashas-daughter-soph/comment/63586685. I've asked TLV to quote where my article said anything derogatory about Sasha or soph, much less 'called them every filthy name on earth.' She hasn't been able to do that, because I don't. Instead she wrote:
"Tereza, I think it is clear I will not change your mind that it is out of line for you to moralize about a satire YT account. Mothers can be quite protective. For me, I see Sasha as lovable. And love is not going to entertain a moralizing review or analysis of her daughter's YT account."
So TLV states that what I'm doing is analyzing whether the content of soph's account--that ridicules, makes racial and sexual slurs and advocates violence against others--is moral. So she admits I'm not insulting soph but critiquing her content.
My purpose, however, is to bring into open discussion among Sasha's peers whether Sasha's own statements--that ridicule, insult, make sexual slurs and insults, and valorize violence against others--are moral. Discussing morality in terms of violence and superiority, not sexual behavior, is the most important topic we should be talking about, imo.
And as for TLV's position that it should be off-limits to criticize a parent for their parenting, Sasha has called JJ Couey a terrible parents, said Susan W was evil when her son (whose life soph had threatened) had just died, and has told Mark he caused his son to commit suicide (which wasn't how his son died anyway).
I have no interest in Sasha's parenting, only in her own moral positions regarding what she feels entitled to do to others but thinks it would be wrong for others to do to her. But TLV is ending the conversation because she has no answer to it.
It is your choice to come to this site, yes?
Ironic we have an intelligence agency that recently expanded its domestic terrorism division yet they allow this M/DTR duo to wear their hats and threaten the lives of whomever irks them. They must have far deeper connections to the underworld than could possibly he imagined. You and I would have our child removed from our custody and they'd lock us up.
She is most certainly an agent or at the very least being handled.
Excellent point, Lucy. I wanted to present the data and let readers reach their own conclusions but I agree with you. I think the connection to Ukraine may be connected. And soph's scary-smartness is something that you see in so-called 'intelligence' agency families. Mathew Crawford talks about his MK-Ultra childhood, creating his brothers as charming sociopaths. Every one of them a whiz at math and languages. I suspect that's Sasha's real role.
her "smartness" is remiscent of that very weird movie "captain america", where they guy propagandizes his kids to endlessly spout one man's philosophies
My money loving MD relatives thought it was great. I asked them if the film could have been made with a mother in the woods with her kids and teaching them that way? She would have been left to it with no interference? If the dad had killed himself for being "mentally weak" , instead of the usual fairy tale dead mom?
Frankly, I've never heard such woman hatred outside of the sickness of pornography, which is all about women hating.
So it's no surprise I guess these two are so pornographic.
They need to be entirely ignored. Tho for sure their neighbors should know all this.
No wonder they moved out of Marin. Marin, mind you.
To a Nevada johns-cum-gambling town where prostituting humans is "legal".
Actually it's Captain Fantastic with Viggo Mortenson, one of my favorite movies! More than one person, including my daughters, has drawn the comparison to my parenting style. But I thought it wimped out at the end, when the kids ended up back in the mainstream school system. It is another form of cult, certainly, but did illustrate how much kids have been dumbed down.
Did they move out of Tiburon? I hadn't heard that.
Yes. The malevolence from SL started when a few began questioning her bonafides. It's only grown worse since.
Good points.
Most of the folks I've known who came from USSR and Ukraine were members and children of the mafia there. So they tell me.
Keep digging yourself a hole, just saying.
Oh my goodness. Thank you for addressing this, Tereza.
I did see that viciousness pop up here and there in SL's responses to her critics, but paid scant heed at the time as I thought her main talking points important and revelatory of much-needed facts.
This 'soph' issue is a differen matter. Saw that exchange with Vilma and was repulsed. SL keeps spouting phrases like "I will pray for you" while saying people's souls are "black" and "a cancer," and that's all I need to know this does not come from the Holy Spirit. It is demonic, in fact.
The duet with K Watt is puzzling. I trusted KW early on for the stunning things she was putting out there, which seemed logical and reasonable, as I also came up with similar conclusions independently of her. That she posts as a "trad Catholic" seemed reassuring, too.
Right now, am not so sure. SL is totally off my list of trustworthy people now. Such vile attitudes and behaviors that you encourage in your kids are unacceptable.
(I try not to judge a religion by its worst so-called "proponents," though, because the Devil uses stealth and wiliness in his aim of destroying true Christianity - unless there is truly something in the religion that makes most of them to behave so appallingly, if you get my drift. Yet a few innocent and good souls are maligned thanks to the dominant character of a religious persuasion.
And I hope you do not lump me in with the likes of Nickson and Latypova just because we all claim to be "Christians.")
Thank you, Observer. I agree that the duet with Katherine is puzzling. It's hard for me to imagine her being okay with Sasha's style addressing critics but I haven't followed her closely. One possibility is that Sasha initiated and fostered that partnership because it bolstered her own identity, and gave her cover. I did notice that Katherine didn't have any recent posts partnering with Sasha, so maybe she's distancing herself.
I refer to the religion as 'Jesusism' because it assumes that the Christ is one individual, rather than all of us. There's an inclusive form of Christianity that I think preceded, and was occluded by, the story of Jesus. The Bible contains many ambiguities and contradictions, so someone can behave in a manner that I consider to be immoral and, not only justify their own behavior by quoting scripture, but justify entire power monopolies that have caused more suffering than any government because they are empires without borders.
To me, morality supersedes religion and I don't trust someone more or less based on their identification. However, I do wonder about Katherine's identity as a Gen-X Catholic when it has no relationship to what she's writing about. Is it to make people trust her, as it reassured you? I know from reading her that it's a big part of her worldview and she sees the 'solution' as a return to the morality of the Church. That told me she had a blind spot, and I went to Catholic grade school, HS and college, starting as a religion major.
So I don't judge a religion by its worst proponents but also not by its best. Good people will project their own goodness onto a contradictory scripture, but so will those with bad behaviors. I judge religions by their scriptures. Not all scriptures are ambiguous enough to justify slavery, for instance. Yet that's true for all of the major ones.
I appreciate you reading and your thoughtful comment.
KW as a credible, moral cover is a possibility. Before or after the CV psyop? Dunno.
Thanks, and I forgot this was Teresa! The wisdom and evenhandedness should have given it away. Sorry for being redundant.
I too appreciated this post and addressing the language used in public discourse even as a 1st Amendment purist. The Katherine Sasha duo remind me of a relationship between the traditional language drafted in letters by ArchBishop Gomez and Fr. Greg Boyle’s use of “colloquialisms” through his Homeboy Industries.
If SOPH’s political satire filled a void of expression with her disabilities as a minor not just for her and her mother at the time but to also many followers but escalated into a violent interaction then hopefully that lesson has been learned about verbally skewering commenters. I can now also see how that branding and marketing model might be used in the C19 op to leverage mom’s position, lend credibility to observations and build subscribership by taking on the baddies with harsh language. Yes, the emotionally draining task of moderating comments must be rough, I can empathize as a parent how she would get tired, no more pretty make-up, diplomacy safety off, terminate with extreme prejudice.
Even reading back through her stacks addressing all this I can see the build up and find now that these comment threads hopefully become a channel of piece that will lead to self reflection and growth. I’m really fine if my comment isn’t liked or feel privileged if I’m replied with a series of applied linguistic expletives not too dissimilar from Becket’s “Not I”.
Thanks for the reply, EG. I too am a 1st Amendment purist. I think that all opinions should be out in the open where they can be discussed, if the person opining chooses. That's exactly what I've done in this post, reprint what Sasha and soph have posted publicly in other forums. I've made no comments about either person that wasn't positive. But I've said I found their content deeply disturbing, as have others.
My issue isn't with Sasha saying what she thinks, my purpose is showing Sasha's readers what she thinks. Her belief system, that individuals and groups are inferior and can be insulted and even killed 'as a public service' is what I consider immoral. In all of these threads, Sasha has only confirmed that this is what she believes, doubling down, and not something that soph was expressing out of immaturity.
The divide-and-conquer strategy has weaponized words like racism, sexism, homophobia and hate speech. It defines them so broadly that they become meaningless except as ways of woke censorship.
What this creates on the other side is that these words are meaningless and there's no difference between someone who criticizes ideas and someone who expresses contempt for people through slurs and endorsing violence. Sasha does the latter.
I believe this should be an open discussion between Sasha and her 43K subs in her comment threads, and particularly with the other well-known figures associated with her, including CHD. Sasha is saying that the views expressed by soph against Muslims, mothers protecting their own kids against attack, gays and anti-vaxxers are ones she's aligned with. She should welcome, then, the discussion where she can present her arguments for why she believes these things about others.
There's been no violent escalation on my part because I've never responded to Sasha. All I've done is quote what she's said about me and others. If Sasha is proud of her 'verbal skewering,' once again, she should welcome every place that it gets reposted where her subs and associates can see it.
Maybe they'll agree with her morality of superiority and violence, as she thinks they do. That's up to them. But if they disagree with the moral positions of a person they've promoted, I think they're beholden to let their own readers know. Since Sasha wants her and soph's opinions to be publicized, she should welcome the debate.
I must admit that even I’m humbled by your response, with such thorough calm clarity on your stance and well, I feel this slight sting of shame just because at times I have shored up my own faith in humanity with finding a tribe in the the outliers and fringe of free speech from any extreme, especially regarding parentis localis on the interwebs. The hand-off of IP developed between parent and child to them standing on their own outside the walled garden, like Hanna to Miley, SOPH was a response to the Thornbergs’ “how dare you” but this also reminds me how CHD employed a young lady at one point accused of posting pedo-satire on Twitter when she was a minor and babysitting, content akin to Chrissy Tiegen and just as appalling - and then afterward all of SubStack brought the pitchforks. Maybe like the torches this thread too will bring, for those cursed and blessed with empathy who cheer on the battles of their clay-footed heroes, I’ll still in my heart pray for Alexandra & Katherine the Greats because the crying out of their voices brought me to this wilderness.
I feel bad then because that era of e-children and teens pre #metoo had no moral bearings presented in mainstream media by Exec Prods like Weinstein or Nick Jr. and just like Greta’s father found his voice, maybe Sasha’s needed SOPH to eventually learn to fight the battles here. Nazis, pedos, necros; whoever, they all should have a seat at the table of ideas, billionaires and poor disabled children of pharma-R&D-execs-turned-artist included. Verbal knives out. If they were to ever reach out to Muslims and work with them in regards to Sura 18, well they might not feel the need for such defensive precautions, but I won’t get into how well trained my 16 yrold daughter is in defending herself (ancient Chinese deadly eye roll) but our focus is more in close combat and although she and her older brothers were always permitted to use ALL language to express themselves, because their parents don’t curse and use the English lexicon without expletives, neither do they. Language is only a tool, some use axes & jack hammers but I prefer spades & selective pruning.
Maybe itz all an RNA immune response thang but not an expert in this non-diplomatic 6G Shinpa Theater. Could I once again state my gratitude for all involved in this balanced discourse Sasha included as this all made for the bestest “no honey, I’m not reading SS comments while pretending to watch ‘Persuasion’ with you for the first time” moment in my marriage. The internet is full of this archetypal narrative and so far — I’m still actually captivated by these comments on 2L2Rs from people I’ve never met in meetspace, but I get along with most folk and all these ideas exchanged have engrained my soul; help me to appreciate that great screenwriter in the sky’s line-editing (His Devine order) and know how truly blessed I am for my own loved ones.
Gratias vobis ago 🙏🏻
Katherine claims to have been "an elapsed catholic" until covid scared the bejeebas out of her.
Many others have claimed Christianity in this period who never spoke of it before, because religion is for fear, and it garners lots and lots of loyal fans and funds.
It's a racket.
we know you are anti God, anti God's creation, filthy demon.
Frankly, I think that healthcare is more about FEAR than religion is. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to join an organized religion or a corporate church or mosque or synagogue.
I think SL is KW's handler. I doubt KW realises this.
Jessica Hackett (wood house 76) had a few good questions re SL in a comment thread.
I've been observing Sasha verbally assault completely civil people in her comments for years - red flag! So this is nothing new but she's getting more vulgar by the minute. And she has double and triple standards. Her ridiculous reply to Allen's outstanding comment many months ago made me conclude that she is a gatekeeper.
That's an astute theory, yulia. I was thinking along similar lines.
So this is just something to throw out there. Sasha's Covid role emerged just after soph's channel was taken down, right around the time of the death threat. Could she have been recruited then?
If you do happen to have links to those threads (the time-stamp contains the link, which you probably know) I'd be curious to see what other things have set Sasha off and if there's a psychological break that is happening. But as Teresa says, don't worry if those are buried.
Hmm... the plot thickens!
But I'm unfamiliar with "Allen" and Jessica H. Comment threads - where?
(But need not bother as I also pick up a lot of details in different places without recalling exactly where they were, but just kept mental notes of the actual words written.)
Correction: Her name is Hockett.
Sadly, I don't save things. And it's unlikely I can locate it again.
I've been crossing paths with Allen on the screen for the last few years (we seem to read many of the same writers - lots of data driven writers). I much enjoy his comments; he's articulate and factual.
If you happen to cross paths with either, would you post them a link here? It would be even better to have those who've been targets of Sasha's verbal assaults join in with trying to figure out what's going on. Especially commenters who are articulate and factual, and wouldn't have answered insults with insults.
Miracle :)
Here is the comment to which S told him to go back to his mommy
We can even read the comments - normally her articles go behind the paywall after a while.
PS. So many edits, sorry. Changed the link to a better one, where you can also see the replies.
And you followed my advice and went back to mommy. And now you complain?
Excellent thread. Thank you!
Allen's thorough comment pretty much reflects my own general thoughts about the alleged "sequence" used for the "primers" at the time the NEJM published that "breaking" "science report" - but he went into deeper and intelligent detail. That's why I never bought into the "COVID" "virus" story from the beginning. The "in silico" sequence was made up, essentially.
Interesting that SL dismisses the comment of Allen outright without addressing any of the points he presented. Easy way out - just call it "irrelevant" and you're done with it.
Here is one
Thank you. A fine summing up by Allen.
I think it was when I first found out about the Richard Day Tapes several years ago that I began to distrust most everything being "sold" in the mainstream media. Sage Hana has featured the tapes several times, and I did post about them in my previous SS account (now deleted by me) as "Impromptu Scribblings" (by Teresa L.).
Ed Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew, btw) wrote about "Propaganda" in which he declared the need to social engineer the general public "for their own good". The docufilm, "The Century of the Self," tackles this whole issue (aired by the BBC in the early '90s? when it was still purveying some truths).
I've just read another of Allen's comments
She was not much insulting to Allen. She mostly ignores his comments but this time, in reply to his long and outstanding comment where he also raised some questions, she replied: "go back to your mummy". (so infantile).
Edit. Comment found, pls see above. Also, apologies, I did not recall the sequence of exchanges correctly.
did you and Allen go back to mommy?
I will copy my rumble comment below and add that you did a good job and showed a lot of fairness and genuine curiosity trying to understand some truly confusing messaging by SL.
That's a lot of ugly. Sad to me.
It's either some twisted inner contortion and inversion that holds vile name-calling as okay, behind a Christian shield (and clearly used as a rational for being better, only better here is low bar vulgarity and projection) or something larger is at play.
Sasha has clearly revealed a lot of good information and gained supporters who are now either going to have to ignore and green light this mess or, have to parse out these different fragments; the work is 'good' and has merit, but the source of that work, is questionable, prejudiced and lacks self-awareness.
Blaming a parent for a child's suicide is beyond egregious and ugly.
Why would Sasha undermine her own credibility and work by attacking critics this way? Name-calling is the 'card' played for those who can't argue things with reason and clearly Sasha can do that.
Very confusing terrain - like everything else I guess. Thanks, T.
When all you do is crass ad hominems in response to people who disagree with you, that's a red flag. Especially when you claim to be working only on logic and reason. Very disturbing character now revealed, and I want nothing to do with that.
Agree, the world is ugly enough, I'm not going to seek it out.
Well said. I've rarely come across such a confusing set of personality characteristics. Fascinating and horrifying in equal measures. Ultimately I can only send the light in their direction and hope it reaches some part of them...
I also agree that T did a really good job of staying neutral and curious.
Exactly Mary. I'll hold it lightly and hope everyone finds something good in it.
> Why would Sasha undermine her own credibility and work by attacking critics this way?
Many people cannot handle criticism, esp. if they have had some success with their work, they lose track with reality and start to live in a fairy tale bubble. Sasha clearly belongs to that group.
I think that's the big question we're all asking. And thanks for picking up on that slight to my grasp of the English language. I admire anyone who's mastered a second language, which puts them ahead of me, but I'm pretty confident in my abilities with my first. So her remark just made me chuckle. Since she can't lump me in with the cat people, I guess she had to come up with something.
My gut sense is that this goes deeper than immaturity or education. There's a core belief that 'Everyone knows this is true' and they just have the courage to say it. Ukraine, I remember, was the most corrupt country in the world from journalists I've read who cite different measures. What was done to Russian-Ukrainians by the ZioNazis is horrific. But it was done with the approval of the elite--a strange mixture of highly cultured, like Sasha's painting, and sociopathic.
Here are some of my episodes on Ukraine (which you've probably already seen) as I was discovering this: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-zelensky-should-keep
What is also interesting is that a language major got a place at Dartmouth for an MBA.
I do think that these ppl are selected for one reason or another; they may or may not realise it themselves.
I get that she was working for foreign (American, I believe) companies (maybe doing translations I cannot recall ). But from there getting a place for a non obscure college in the USA is a big "jump" and seems rather unusual.
My best friend from Russia studied abroad (not in the USA) in the 2000s and the bureaucracy made it extremely difficult for her, even though she had her money, a reputable host, and a host institution and still the system (both Russia and the host country) made it almost impossible for her to study abroad. Sasha went to the USA before 2000...
Hi :yulia:
Yes. I was also aware she is a graduate of Dartmouth, but did not realize her undergrad was language. That adds another layer of mystery to this whole thing for me. With both her sharp insight into the workings of the corporate nation-state and her style of writing and speaking, I've been an avid follower of Sasha for a while now.
My graduate school major was linguistics, and one technical term for describing a person's communication style based on a social context is "register". If Sasha was a language major, she should also be familiar with that term, and the "art" of using proper register.
I did not weigh in until I had read Tereza's post and saw what appeared to be a completely different and unexpected register from Sasha ... I think first with an acknowledgement of some insights from Kathleen.
I purposely avoided watching more than a couple of minutes of one of Sasha's daughter's podcasts because I am aware of my generation gap (soon to be 69) and probably cultural gap ... living in Japan for 41 years now.
I can't imagine Japanese Jr. High kids on the American 'bleeding edge' of podcasts. Maybe I've become too accustomed to the social norms of Japan and did not want to be judgemental.
But I was taken aback by Sasha's presumption I had anything to say about her daughter. I didn't. I was responding to the unexpected vitriol in Sasha's response to others who are part of my small circle. Some of her trash talk sounded more like something from a heated game in the NBA, not the cool head of an Ivy League MBA. Meh ... off by only one letter.
Tereza and I have shared some personal parts of ourselves with each other, but the few comments I've shared with Sasha have always been supportive, but on-point regarding her whistleblowing against the corporate nation-state.
I was in for quite the shock when she turned her gaze to my comments here, because I didn't even know if she remembered me from among her 43,000 followers and even more comments.
For example, unlike what I would expect from an Ivy League graduate, she changed my comment about her as a "competent professional" to "lady professional", I guess hoping to raise in others the presumption that I was misogynistic as well as a moron. And she invited me to "feel free to unsubscribe" from her substack.
Were those thoughts forged in the heat of blind rage of a mother thinking she was protecting her daughter from ... me? Or was I judged guilty by association? A projection of other things going on in her life? Or have I become too acculturated to the polite, but often passive-aggressive register of speech in Japan? I still don't know.
But rather than press her for clarification, up until now, I had remained silent on her personal comment to me. I thought it better to avoid the fray and just continue reading her in pursuit of the more important truths she's been sharing about the plandemic. Alas this was not to be.
She has blocked me from following her and reading anything further she has to share about the great war we are in.
Evidently an Ivy League education does not immunize one against pettiness in this larger war, and contempt for those not of her pedigree. On the contrary, I am now beginning to believe the Ivy League covertly selects for pettiness and contempt, along with its more obvious praise of personal ambition.
Just another game of thrones ... (sigh) can you pass me a box of popcorn?
Cheers :yulia:
Wow, I didn't realize Sasha had 43K subs. I appreciate your measured analysis of this, Steve, and trying to figure this out rather than engage in trading insults. There is a pattern of some men on this thread playing the same game as Sasha, engaging in put-downs from behind their pseudonyms. I don't know if they think they're defending me but they're actually putting me at risk when they insult and humiliate someone who says I'm 'lucky' she hasn't killed me. They're taunting Sasha but I'm her target. Not helpful.
I've sent a private note to Ginger Breggin, who I've been in communication with regarding the Malone lawsuit. When the Breggin lawsuit came up on Malone's thread, and I realized the Breggins were right--and Malone knew that I knew, since I'd come to that conclusion in the comments--that was the most vulnerable I felt. I was the only one suspecting him and, at that time, I was a couple of hours away. Finding one other person, Joe Atwill, gave me the courage to come forward. And with every other person who saw through him, I became safer because other people knew what I knew.
When Mary, Kathleen, Tonika and Frances tell me I'm brave, what they're acknowledging is that Sasha is both armed to the teeth and believes that violence is justified, and she thinks the police and society would condone it and understand, especially her readers. If Sasha had not blocked you, you would have been fine with this and continued to play nice on her stack.
You see her inviting you to unsub in "the heat of blind rage of a mother thinking she was protecting her daughter ... from [you]" Did you see me as deserving of that blind rage? Are you guilty by association with me? Is her response to me justified but her answer to you because of other things going on in her life?
From your relatively invulnerable position in Japan, what you're saying is that it's up to mothers who use their actual identities and biographical details to risk physical threat if they choose to draw attention to Sasha in order to protect me. Is Sasha exhibiting vitriol or a deep and violent mental imbalance? Are soph's videos 'bleeding edge' or sociopathic? Are her names for me like turd, filthy degenerate, trash, vile, hysterical, narcissist, deranged, and fucking liberal cunt (just quoting from the first thread) merely being petty and 'changing register'?
You, like Mathew Crawford, can sit back and eat your popcorn like this is some movie. In the meantime, I'll be scanning the backyard in the middle of the night and jumping 3' when my daughter comes in the backdoor unexpectedly.
I know what I'm saying is hurtful, Steve. But being passive when someone is being attacked and threatened is to be complicit. Confronting Sasha only aggravates the problem. But every new person who knows the other side of Sasha negates her power to intimidate the few who do.
Thanks for the the thoughtful reply Tereza. I fully agree that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (people) to do nothing".
Let me further clarify my lack of clarity ...
I haven't kept up with many of the other threads and comments, and had not extended my analysis (or empathy) beyond my immediate bewilderment at Sasha's change of tone, and then being targeted for what little I did know. I thought such a drastic change in her could only be attributed to blind rage.
I had not even considered the possibility of you being a target of violence, or of either myself or Mathew as coming across as being perceived as being passively entertained. If my final 'popcorn' sentence came off as that way, I am sincerely sorry.
On the contrary, if you notice the sparsity of my own homepage, it is because I am busy with a hardscrabble life here in Japan ... working with the the local kids and a couple of part-time private lessons just to ensure I have food for the day — and even this is not enough to plan anything beyond paying the month's rent.
Rather than spending hours reading, weighing evidence, and expressing moral stands ... I will have to spend my retirement in minimum wage jobs and drastically downsizing (downsizing, itself, an expensive luxury in Japan) from an already modest lifestyle. I can not go to the local gym or afford dance lessons even if I wanted to. I suspect I have only a handful of years remaining, and with no nest egg, and no family to fall back on. I am only able to occasionally spend time making sense of the lives and dreams of others through this digital format, much less making my own.
I was under the mistaken presumption that you and Sasha were still on speaking terms. Otherwise I would not have even seen the confusingly nasty comments you allowed Sasha to post ... and she would not have even seen my confusion at what was going on, and what you were allowing to go on. Who was 'entertaining' who?
I wrote the above expecting that you still had the door open to allow Sasha to give me an even nastier response and allow others to continue to see my 'fall from grace' — but since I have been permanently blocked from her sphere of influence, I figured I had nothing to lose. Might as well play the clown.
It appears that I have been mistaken, and you have since become genuinely afraid of her enough to have blocked her. If you think I had been passive, and read the post and some of the comments as entertainment, all you need is to take a quick glance at my previous comments. I tried to communicate genuine despair.
I do not know if Sasha really has 43k followers or lots and lots of bots ... but when I unsuccessfully tried to re-subscribe, to passively follow "Due Diligence and Art", just to continue getting her insider's take on the deep-state from a passive distance, I was as surprised at that number as you.
I was somewhat surprised you would have made Sasha and her daughter the subject of a post, but not have first tried to communicate with her in private messaging to clarify some issues, or at worst, blocked her to head-off predictable drama. Have you since blocked Sasha, or I should be expecting more here in comments?
Again, I tried to point out in my comment that, given what I've shared about myself with you, I consider you a member of my small circle of friends ... or at least given the limitations of distance and a digital format, closer to personal friendship than others I read. Sasha was only a dependable source of information about the inner workings of the deep state.
Given my limitation of time and leisure to follow so many rabbit holes, I was by no means trying to imply I was not taking sides and simply being passively entertained.
I was simply trying to limit my statements to what I was seeing for the first time in Sasha, and questioning my assessment of her from my limited perspective as a linguist. To do justice to even that very limited perspective would take a book.
Oops. Already late. I have to go entertain some kids. Again, I fully concur with you. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for 'good' people to do nothing.
But defining and clarifying 'good', I am afraid is a never-ending stumble-and-fall process for the likes of my temperament. And with my remaining years being relegated to terminal minimum-wage odd jobs, I simply do not have the time or energy to engage in carefully crafted subtleties of those in the intellectual class with both the leisure and wherewithal to pursue their values and ideals.
As you know, I have acted on by beliefs and values in the past, and have paid a steep price, both professionally and personally. I will not even have the luxury of a tombstone on which to engrave my own "Kilroy was here". Just dust in the wind.
Take care Tereza. I sincerely hope you are not in physical danger, and that you will soon transcend the fear of such.
You are ON to something! Had also a fun exchange with "SASHA", and was BANNED from her sub. My sense is that I was really talking to some kind of team, and not an individual.
That's a really interesting idea. It's curious that 'she' is alerted the minute that anything's posted about her. I noticed that Mark of Housatonics had an immediate surly comment from her on his post, that he deleted and blocked her, I assume. But she was the first commenter.
There are other times I've quoted her, in earlier articles. So she definitely says some things that really resonate. It would make more sense if this wasn't all the same person. Thanks for the reply!
Hi Gunther,
Thank you for reaffirming my increasingly questionable grasp of 'reality'. Come to think of it, "team" Sasha goes a long way towards explaining a handful of what would appear to be other high-functioning 'Renaissance Men (and Women)' such as Robert Malone. His "Friday Funnies" memes alone would take me days to collate and share ... much less spend time hobnobbing with the ruling class, running a horse ranch, and making major advances in mRNA technology — and then recovering from a shot of his own medicine to become a critic and defender of pre-mRNA medicine.
In another recent exchange with poet, essayist Mary Poindexter McLaughlin (https://marypoindextermclaughlin.substack.com/p/tech-titans/comment/95838012), I revisited an old idea of the more predatory types of humans as paradoxically also collaborative in their exploitation of human prey.
The more I think about it, most institutions seem to be legal fictions behind which psychopaths extract resources from the bulk of humanity. It makes sense that a medium such as substack — which on the surface, values and caters to the individual as a source of freedom and creativity — would be exploited by those same pack animals under the pseudonym or mask of an individual rather than an institution. Deceptively clever of those predatory pack animals.
The older I get, the more I realize I've spent most of my life in search of authenticity — but inside a carnival house-of-mirrors, and unknowingly being charged by the hour.
Cheers from Japan, and thanks again.
I am sorry you thought I was Natasha Rostova and is so disappointed that I don't behave in the way you imagine a languages major, an ivy league MBA or a mother should behave in your learned opinion. Fuck your opinion - I hope this is clear English, grammatically correct. You joined the mob of pigs trashing my daughter, sweet professor, so you are a totally fair game to me. Oh, yes! you just strolled by for some intellectual discourse on this page, and I over-reacted, LMAO, toddlers have better, more creative excuses than you do. In fact, I do have a pretty good memory of things, especially when they are in writing. It used to be a perfect visual memory when I was younger, I could "photograph" pages of text and recall when needed. It is admittedly not what it used to be, but still. You are a coward. You have the need to address me in 3rd person because you are so scared that your bullshit was called - where are YOUR linguistic skills, or what is that called - register? LOL.
> I'm pretty confident in my abilities with my first
You are right about it. Even though English is not my mother tongue, I can quickly pick up if someone has a good grasp of English, and I must admit, I cannot fault you on anything you write. Just my 2 European cents ... 🤣
Thanks for those links, I'll check them out.
Ego, immaturity, lack of proper education. She was born and raised in Ukraine, she's reflecting her home environment as has her daughter. It was obvious to me the first time I heard her speak, her body language, her stiffness - she's not comfortable when she speaks publicly. She stumbles all over herself when asked questions.
For whatever reason, she's been chosen to fulfill a role - I have to admit she has succeeded at fooling Conservatives and Independents- as have RFK Jr., Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Meryl Nass etc....
Thanks a lot for that background info. I thought she was Russian. It is hilarious that in 1 of her comments she accuses Tereza of not being able to write/speak English properly, when she (Sasha) herself makes little mistakes that give away the fact her mother tongue is not English, as does her slight accent.
She's the queen of projection and circle jerking.
English is not my mother tongue, but I've always loved it. Had I not worked while I was in High School, I would've been in the "gifted" English classes - my English teacher did her best to convince me to stop working, she had reserved a spot for me. I loved her, she was a grandmother who cared about her students. But I had to work to help my parents with our school expenses. That's life in the hood!
English is not my mother tongue either, but I studied at a university in the UK, and subsequently worked most of my career in an English-speaking environment.
Consequently, I can confidently state that my command of the language is pretty good, and I am proud of it.
You are a stupid cunt. See? I am offering critique that you cannot handle...
Dear Sasha, you have not offered any critique of this whole page, all you have offered is vitriol, clearly a result of having failed your daughter. THAT, dear Sasha, is the essence of it, but no amount of vitriol will correct that. You haven't even got the guts to admit it, what a mother you are.
Dear anonymous troll, why would I dignify a mob? Why on earth, LMAO? What happened in your life, who abused you to the point that you think this is a debate of some sort? I am just practicing whipping you stupid pigs into frenzy and watching you chew your feet off. In fact, I offered a valid critique which you have clearly missed. The critique is as follows:
You joined a mob of degenerates trashing me an my daughter online. That speaks volumes of how degraded YOU are, and does not reflect in the slightest on me. I can call you whatever names I like, since you are attacking my family, and you are a fair game to me. My daughter is a highly intelligent professional satirical writer. Some of the videos Tereza-the-pig included are professional satire pieces made for a subscription entertainment platform censored.TV. Because you and Tereza both are dumb cunts (technical term), the satire flies over your head. That's entirely your fault, or that of your parents. Not mine. Also, as a reminder, the US Constitution specifically states that I and my daughter have free speech rights and can own guns and practice lawful marksmanship and safety at a range. Do you need a pocket version of the Constitution? Call 1-800-SDS-HELP.
Your daughter published online and you expect her not to get criticized. What a failure as a mother to not have prepared your child. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Keep digging, baby, it suits you fine. Oh, and try to invent some more original vitriol 🤣
My daughter had 1 million+ followers and she couldn't care less what anonymous trolls think of her work. Neither do I. This material is years old, and literally nobody cares. My daughter is not on Substack and doesn't read substack, so how this is "critique" of her work is beyond me. LMAO. It is only in you own limited petty mind as you desperately try to rationalize to yourself that your are not engaged in a degeneracy. The fact remains - you joined a mob of pigs because that's where you belong. LOL. I am proud of myself and my daughter. We love each other and we have a strong loving family. None of us would ever participate in a disgusting mob that you, Tereza and others present here. Your parents failed you, you grew up to be trash and they should be very much ashamed.
Well stated Kathleen. Though we all have our faults, it hurts to see the inevitable gap between the art and the artist.
At our best, I guess we are just empty vessels, hollow reeds through which divine spirit may occasionally flow. Picasso or Hemingway were great vessels. From a distance.
My vessel tends to be more constipated. A euphemism for "full of shxt". 😂
You are surprisingly self-aware. That's good.
Synchronicity strikes!
37:13 here ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cavTRaPn28g
It's a big question isn't it? I think brilliance can flow through us that we have little to do with and more often we get in the way of that. I remember reading how when Warren Beatty would produce a clunker he was fond of saying people just couldn't 'get' it. A nice deflection if you don't want to really look at yourself critically. And of course, sometimes people don't get it. Which seems to be SL's MO here.
I have a sense that the blowing up of her character is intentional (surely could be wrong) and with it undermines her work.
So many opportunities these days to disconnect from our model of looking for external 'authorities' to tell us what's what. Particularly when those people clearly hold you in contempt.
Thanks, Steve.
Interesting clip, Steve. I read Miles Mathis on Einstein, both the math side and personal side, and it's quite a different view. The personal critique talks about his wife having the breakthrough ideas. This is the math side: https://milesmathis.com/born.html. But Mathew Crawford critiques that, which is all over my head.
Interesting question, Kathleen, whether blowing up her character is intentional. My guess is no, because it was instigated by her remark on the death of Susan's son, which led Vilma to put together the data. Sasha would need to have been 'in-character' for soph's whole life. Her reactions here seem more delusional than intentional, it's like she imagines there's an audience of adolescent boys--like LtCorbis had--cheering, "Turds never swim alone, good one!"
Yes there is a trickle effect. But I have my suspicions about many from CHD including RFK and Vera Shiraz and Malone's right hand woman, whose name I'm forgetting. All of CHD may be positioned to discredit and capture, I don't know.
And wasn't Trial Site News part of some psyop I'm remembering?
For myself, when someone's operating from an assumption of superiority, I hold all their conclusions and information at arm's length. It's interesting to consider whether this is another part of the fear porn to make us despair or be discredited when the most dire predictions don't come to pass. I just don't know.
All excellent points raised, Tereza. We are uncomfortable with holding doubts for a long while, and thus most will find themselves falling on one side or the other in this issue (real or not - the self-destructive posts, words dragging so many others into the picture.) Also, that tendency to look up to others who seem more knowledgeable and insightful than us. Yet, it takes a really bad move - or several - to nail someone's true character. I think I have seen enough of SL's character thru her responses here and elsewhere. As to the others drawn in - aye, there's the rub. Guess, still be en garde!
"I just don't know" either. But beautiful sunny day - and low humidity finally - here so I'm gonna go mow my lawn.
Have a good one. :-)
Good idea! Enjoy that lovely sunshine and scent of freshly-mown grass!
Thank YOU Kathleen,
I'm not much of a psychologist, but I am inclined to agree with your comparison to that Warren Beatty anecdote. Though just a rumor I once read decades ago, some have speculated that Beatty was the subject of the Carly Simon hit, "You're So Vain".
Hmm ... I had not thought of intentionality behind some of SOs remarks here, but the register of her logic and focus of her attention here is soooo out-of-line with what I once thought was mature behavior coming from a competent professional. Now I don't know what to think. I can't even imagine her long time substack partner Katherine Watt responding in a similar manner. That podcast about the dark side of Einstein was almost as disheartening, but rings true in light of your opening sentences.
But that relationship between authorities and contempt? I've learned that the hard way as the token foreigner in many a Japanese institution ... for that matter American institutions (Temple Univ. Japan and University of Maryland's Japan Branch). I just did not expect to see it so raw and up-close here in substack.
It's ugly. And it hurts.
Will not be sleeping well this night, but your words help.
Cheers to you, Kathleen!
Just for your amusement, Steve, it's interesting that Sasha tells you, "That's not a good look, and this reveals who you really are." Soph has a whole video dissecting why 'that's not a good look' is a 'Stacy comment,' i.e. caring about appearances rather than substance. I agree with soph on that.
I'm sorry that this distracted you from your chance to have beers with a distant friend. But every time that we get closer to understanding what's real, I hope you sleep better. It's all part of the process, and I think it's leading us somewhere better, not the dystopia Sasha points to.
Oh and yes! Carly Simon's song was about Warren Beatty, or so I've heard.
Hi Tereza.
Just woke up from a pill-induced and dreamless sleep. Still too early to be fully awake and reading, much less thinking and responding. And still in such a state of shock over what's emerging, that without a drink, I feel like I've awakened with a bad hangover. Just wanted to say a quick hello and apologize for such a tepid initial response. Still trying to come to terms.
Much thanks for jumping in.
so, you are on pills and an alcoholic? It does not surprise me at all.
RE: I can't even imagine her long time substack partner Katherine Watt responding in a similar manner.
Me either and I wonder now if KW will feel she needs to wade into these murky waters. There's a domino effect or maybe its more like a spreading cancer and I do wonder if infecting others who have provided essential information, is behind this implosion?
I think we've all been learning a similar lesson. Tough.
I hope you sleep well, anyway!
Best to you, Steve.
Thank you Kathleen.
I just checked my substack mail, first time in a long time, and realized that NJ Election Advisor is here in Tokyo until tomorrow ... and we had planned on meeting up for a beer. This is just not my night.
But you've made it a bit better.
Thanks again Kathleen
Oh! Please send NJ Election Adviser my warmest regards if and when you meet / talk to him! (from An Observer, aka Teresa L)
Steve, I thought very differently of you, too. I thought you were a thinking man, and a man with some values like being able to discern right and wrong. Turns our, you are not it. Your behavior, participating in a dirty attack on my daughter is on full display here. That's not a good look, and this reveals who you really are.
Why am I supposed to stand by an be a "lady professional" YOU IMAGINE me to be when these filthy degenerates attack my daughter and you help them? Is this what YOU would do if someone attacked your daughter? Because what would other people think of you image? I couldn't care less what these pea-brained parasites think. I don't behave they want, it is on purpose. What does this have to do with Katherine? What a profoundly stupid take. See I, in turn thought you were much smarter and could see the truth for itself. Turns out you only "see" the image of an author that you made up entirely in your head , not the actual words or information in their writing. Because someone attacked my brilliant loving intelligent daughter, because I am a mother than doesn't take shit from low life morons. you decided that my substack writing is - what? wrong? Feel free to unsubscribe.
No body is attacking your daughter, get a grip you sound delusional or maybe possessed- be gone demon.
LOL. It doesn't work this way. Swim away good-beautiful turd. your turd friends are all downstream of the sewer now.
Thank you Tereza!
To expose the most spiteful, deranged and distracting pariah on Substack takes balls. Big balls.
I have read as many of the comments as I could stomach and observed that there have been a number of spitting feather responses from the target herself.
I have a slightly different opinion than everyone else, based purely on intuition and my experience of the target account, up front and personal, briefly but revealingly so.
Firstly, I intuit that the target is a groomed, mind-controlled, undercover agent with an exceedingly fragile self worth. Her identity is questionable. She is closely handled and controlled by geo-political mafia. She may be in fear of her life and have no choice but to perform to orders.
Secondly, and most disturbingly, the target has allowed her child to be groomed as a proxy and has participated in the production of all the scripts for 'soph' which were clearly read and acted by the child.
The hysterical and sneering responses we see peppered throughout the comments here illustrate the behaviour of a terrorised, cornered rat.
If I am right, (and I would not write any of this if I thought I was wrong) the target is between a rock and a hard place. She and her daughter are victims of a ruthless mafia on the one hand, a discerning public on the other.
I can figure no other explanation for the irrational behaviour we are witnessing.
I think that these two women need help to escape - urgently.
I had noticed your 'like' of Vilma's article, Frances. On another note, I finally listened to your interview on the Black Nobility and am so impressed with your research and how you put it all together. I'll be writing about it in the future.
It's a very interesting theory and makes intuitive sense to me. There's such a complete personality split it certainly points to being trauma-induced. It gives another perspective on the irrational insults--when it would have been easier to deflect attention by staying in character as a concerned mom whose daughter did some emotionally immature things--as a cry for help. Thanks for separating this public persona from the possibility that Sasha and soph are both victims. And the actual controllers may even be tied into those your work identifies by group, if not name.
This makes so much sense, Frances. It explains the intelligence and the behavior of both.
of course, the intelligence is ALWAYS because someone is in a criminal captivity. There is no other source of intelligence our there, so you can be safe in knowing why you have none.
please help me to escape Frances! Please!! Do you always write such toxic cancerous garbage about mothers and their daughters who need to escape the powerful criminals who hold them hostage? Does your compassion include writing trash about victims first, even though you don't know them or details of their lives? Is this how "victims" get "saved" - first by writing a mind numbing garbage hit piece, trashing them thoroughly and then "saving them"? I am just trying to figure out your method of offering help. I see it's so full of love that I need to turn and run not walk fast from this kid of love.
C'mon Sash..... you can drop the act now.
We understand.
I also understand. You came to my stack and kissed my ass, then had a hysterical meltdown when you realized I don't care about your nanotech-5G obsessions. You screamed like "do you know who I am girrrrlll! I am a famous journalist!" (Like I give a shit), then unsubscribed in a hurry. I thought good riddance, praise the Lord... Then you reappeared kissing my ass again. I told you to go away again. So, did I miss any details?
She's a mess. She thinks herself highly intelligent and gets caught up in false paradigms and partisan nonsense. Bleh.
Ppl aren't doing themselves a favor here leaping on Sasha in personal attacks. These attacks are so outrageous, they're attacking her as a mother and attacking her daughter. Not a good look. Sasha swears. So does about everyone on occasion. I'm noting who leaps on against Sasha, and I want nothing to do with them.
Let me be clear. I don’t give a FUCK if Sasha swears. I give a fuck that she was an immigrant in the same niche industry as Robert Malone during 9/11. She got wealthy off of American money that was handed to her through the government. She gives off op vibes and when it comes to her daughter, she thinks it’s just hilarious that she threatens to kill people and promotes absurd gun violence. Anyone who defends fake heroes who have been elevated on the internet FOR A REASON is problematic. You’re literally siding with someone who has accomplished nothing because you have been suckered into hero worship. Instead of having a knee-jerk reaction and blocking everyone who is critical of her, you should probably do your homework. It would be unfortunate if you dodged mainstream lies just to get caught up in alt lies.
You have some points with me from before I saw this. Sorry, but this is beyond the pale. Sasha is being attacked as a mother. If you had legitimate proof she was on the side of Malone, I would review it. However, I have watched Dr. Jane Ruby for what seems like a long time. And Malone sued Dr. Jane. Sasha stayed with Dr. Jane on the right side opposite from Malone.
It isn't hero worship.
I sincerely love and appreciate Dr. Jane and Sasha.
I am always open to learn I have been deceived. But unless that is proven, I will continue to love those I've grown to love.
This is just wrong in this op. This woman has envy and I regard this as a really wrong attack on Sasha as a mother and against her family.
I'm out.
I'll be over here with no agenda but the truth.
Lord and Taylor! Yikes.
Tereza and Vilma: you’ve both got a fine set of brass ovaries to go along with your research skills. Hard to wade into drama with grace but you’ve been able to discern the facts from your opinions, and for that I commend you.
Alexandra Latypova: watching you unravel in this comment section is top notch cringe. What makes it worse is that most of the comments you’re making are left ignored. They’re let you hang in the air because I don’t think it’s possible to burn you anymore than you burn yourself. Где твое достоинство?
I think it’s quite possible that big major accounts on Substack are infiltrators and plants. I love Tereza’s idea of challenging ideas and not people. I’m sure Sasha has brought some value to the ethos here, even if it was tainted. Sometimes it’s worth scouring these accounts to see what they want us looking at. Either way, hope we can leave the drama for the llamas and continue to discuss and expand ideas.
Thank you, Tonika. I'm glad to no longer be dealing with this discrepancy alone. There's a lot of compassion in this thread. I know that Sasha's public persona isn't responding to it that way (understatement) but she's been living with this secret for nine years. Imagine knowing that everyone who respects you might reconsider if they knew the truth.
I'm holding onto Frances' explanation. There's Sasha and soph, the media darlings. Then there's the lashing out reactionary. But maybe there's a third Sasha, looking for a way out of this nightmare she's created or been forced into. That's the Sasha and soph I'm keeping in mind when I read the cringe. I think there's a way out for everyone.
Hope everyone finds their way. ❤️
This is the most shocking and revealing post I've read on Substack thus far. I feel sad for Sasha and even more sad for her children. The foul language and insults spewing forth from her keyboard are a clear indication of a deeply traumatized person. What a disappointment. I had been a fan up until now.
I agree, Annette. I wanted to take this space to respond to Sasha's insistence that Vilma and I have attacked soph (I still don't know what Mark or JJ have said, so I can't speak for them although personal attacks would be out of character for either).
The adjectives I use for soph are 'very smart,' 'scary smart,' 'bright, strong and original' and 'a gift from God.' What I say about her content is that I found it deeply disturbing and vicious in its attacks. Other than that commentary, all I've presented are quotes from Sasha and soph.
There is nothing that Sasha objects to as not true, and her grudge is that this was taken down and not available to her million subscribers. Sasha is proud of these. So why is it an attack to quote from them? The answer is that they're taken out of the echo chamber and put into the same context in which Sasha writes. It's not me who's attacking soph, it's soph's words--and Sasha's--that are attacking Sasha's reputation.
To answer in kind would be to insult or label soph or Sasha as bad people, even evil. A few have done that in this thread and I've not 'liked' their comments. To answer 'kindly' is to ask what makes someone behave this way? Some of the speculations have been autism, trauma, mind-control, hormones, capture by an agency or mafia.
It is inconsistent for Sasha to see death threats and 'kill all Muslims' as not an attack on others, yet people trying to figure out why a child would say these things as an attack on her.
Concur, her comments are beyond the pale.
Anette, thank you for your concern. When some filthy degenerates attack your daughter, please stand back and let them. You don't want anyone on the internet to dislike you, that would be the worst thing in the world! The most important thing when anyone attacks your family is your image on social media.
Sasha I have repeatedly asked you to provide links to the attacks on your daughter and your family. You have failed to provide the proof because it doesn't exist. Stop pulling a Robert Malone circle jerk and stop making unfounded and defamatory accusations - as usual, you're twisting facts. Both Thereza and I have linked to news reports, videos and screenshots from your social media, these are facts not attacks.
Stop lying and stop making defamatory, unfounded accusations. This is not a game, you are causing harm with your lies.
She can't. She won't. What is the saying, 'offense is the best defense'?
More SL lovefest: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-black-hole-you-can-never-wipe/comment/21777801
Maybe it's happy hour for her?:
- https://flyingdog.com/beers/raging-bitch/
- https://flyingdog.com/beers/deepfake/
Haha! Deep Fake non-alcoholic beer! But it's almost 5 on a Friday here and I think I'm gonna need something stronger.
In Tereza's sandbox we're expected to provide facts/receipts, so I think I'm following the rules. LOL.
Here are the facts: your substack, filthy degenerate, is an attack on my daughter. Tereza is another filthy degenerate who attacked my daughter because turds love company of other turds. Housatonic, another filthy degenerate who drove his own son to suicide is another turd.
Truth hurts you, disgusting swine.
You really do have a filthy mouth, and you are extremely defensive which reveals a disturbed mind. Something must've happened to you to make you this way. You have my sympathy.
"I have sympathy" - said a degenerate pig that is participating in a mob of degenerates trashing me and my daughter. Here is the thing - I feel sorrier for you, Annette, I have sympathy for you, because something horrid must have happened in your life to attack and hate God's creation - people that you don't know and creative content that beyond your IQ level. You have cancer of the soul and that's a terminal condition. I am very sorry.
Wow, you just keep on proving the case that under the mask lurks an emotionally unhinged woman. What kind of parent would support and encourage a pre-teen child's ranting on social media in vulgar, hateful and violent ways? It's disgusting. No normal kid acts that way. I'm not attacking her. She was a child who should've been under sane parental guidance.
My post provides videos and news reports about your daughter's behavior, including Soph threatening to kill Susan Wojcicki- that's not an attack on my part - they're her words. Her own classmates were disgusted with her racist, homophobic vitriol - which you celebrate. It's now understandable why as a young child she spewed hate after reading your grotesquely racist comments.
You still can't quote attacks against Soph, because they don't exist. Your Robert Malone circle jerk continues.
You blocked Christine Massey because she caught you misleading your readers. You've blocked me because I've caught you misleading your readers. Instead of providing a mature response, you're behaving like a caged, rabid sewer rat attacking people who previously supported and respected you. The unmasking of Sasha has been fascinating - attorney Robert Barnes was right about you - your role has been to spread fear, misinformation, chaos and hate towards our Military. Why don't you go back to your homeland and support Ukraine's Military since you hate our Military? Renounce your US citizenship, it's a privilege you are not worthy of based on your ridiculous claims that the Military is trying to kill us. They can instantly wipe us out if they wanted us dead.
Your behavior is an embarrassment to all Immigrants who have the privilege of living in the US. You're an ingrate.
I’ve been lurking for some time. What’s your opinion of the United States Department of Defense?
See also — https://open.substack.com/pub/protonmagic/p/its-a-bird-its-a-plane-its-superchem?utm_source=direct&r=2o118d&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=40174145 — for some background. It’s my understanding that Operation Warp Speed was a Department of Defense operation. Do you think that the United States Military is divided between white hats/the good guys and the black hats/the bad guys?
The concept of Operation Warp Speed started under Barack Obama - immediate response/manufacturing of vaccines and countermeasures when pandemics, biowarfare is used against US Military and/or Americans. We've spent billions on developing this concept- it's been designed and improved by brilliant minds - both Military and civilians (same goes for the National Security pandemic response guidelines developed under Obama). Obama's administration deserves the credit for their hard work - not Trump. We must be prepared, as a nation, for whatever is thrown our way. Pandemic mandates are handled by each Governor- an important point that Sasha doesn't discuss as it doesn't serve her Leftist political agenda.
The US Military is the best agency/branch to handle all of the logistics in case of emergencies - that's a fact. Those who have never served in the US Military are clueless about their training and capabilities. Sasha is on video saying that the Military didn't make the deliveries themselves - Lord have mercy, how can they parade her as an expert 😳 the logistics and coordination was done by the experts - our soldiers. They didn't manufacture or deliver products - historically it's been their job to take over during emergencies. They're trained to handle tasks civilians can't handle.
Our DOD has the biggest budget for R&D - both good and bad things are created. But to convince people, without any evidence, that the Military is killing Americans is not only a lie, it's fear mongering and spreading hate towards our Military. Sasha never served in our Military and yet she keeps attacking them. That's evil and divisive. She should go back to the White Supremacist shithole she came from - a global hotspot for sex trafficking of children and women.
I don't want to bombard Tereza's SS with explanations about government issues, so I'll end with a simple question - why are chaos agents distracting us from the mass murders committed by medical professionals, suicides and drug overdoses that's been happening in the US?
Oh wow, where did you learn that the DOD ran OWS? It is such a revelation to me, I never heard this info before.
Hi Tereza.
At the edge of forgetting that rift with Guy, I've been too busy with the local community (alternative classes for kids) in my little corner of Japan to read and write much any more, though I still tried to keep up with what I thought were the most relevant posts (to me) by a handful, including you (for shared values) and Sasha (a welcome antidote to Malone).
But if nothing else (sighing), this post has shown me I have neither the time (money) nor discernment to keep up with my meager handful of regular reads. It was discouraging enough to see the rift between J. Roduski / Tess Lawrie and Meryl Nass regarding the success or failure to slow down the WHO coup.
From my little corner of the world, even the most recent event regarding a prominent American political figure ... I can't even say with any certainty whether it was closer to another RFK in Dallas, or a 2024 update of "Wrestlemania". The fervently sophisticated mass of proof for a number of scenarios has only made me certain of that Socrates thingy ...
After Quora fell to its lowest common denominator, I thought I'd found a bit of a Camelot here.
Now? I just want to gently close the lid of my laptop, go sit on the veranda, stare off into the sunset, and feed the crows one last time before they head home for the evening.
Feeling sad, empty, and more than a bit naively stupid.
Meh. Maybe I've just been in Japan too long.
Lost in translation.
Wait until you get to the story of 'Nasty' Nass. The rottenness doesn't just end here by any means.
I did an article about my exchange with Meryl over Malone: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/meryl-and-malone. Do you have any links? I'm curious as to whether there's more than I observed, since my interactions were awhile ago.
Hi BmH,
Yeah, I caught a bit of Nasty when I asked a naively innocent question about Roduski's side of the story, and she flippantly dismissed his opinion as something that would only come from a former carpenter. I understand she is of the Jewish faith (I have no dog in any specific religion), but I did try to politely point out that her specific ad hominem argument would not go down well with a large swath of the Christian community. I still read her, but I never heard from her again.
Oh, and I just read Mathew Crawford's recent post. Not a paying member, and so I can't comment. But I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that miracle-miss shot in Pennsylvania was staged.
I'm 100% with you, it was 100% staged. Trump is the Chosen One for Israel. Close-ups of the ear show no damage--he's too much of a wimp to even fake an injury. Why would it leave two tracks on his cheek, like war paint?
I agree with you, it's hard to fathom how it's being taken seriously.
And being taken seriously with such evangelistic fervor by people I considered more logically sophisticated than myself. They do not seem to be applying the same rigor that they applied to the plandemic, so I can't shake the suspicion that somewhere, somehow, there is dirty money behind their reasoning.
Either that, or I have to drastically adjust my understanding of the pernicious side of any ideology or logic itself ... at just how much cognitive dissonance even the most cognitively adept are capable of. My head is spinning. I can't keep up with even the peripheral branches of this post.
There are soooo many people I respect falling for it. Some of the most astute geopolitical analysts I read. It baffles me. Once again, I feel like my circle is being made smaller of people who are seeing things as they are and making sense of them. Glad you're still in it, Steve.
Tereza - you said this: "Once again, I feel like my circle is being made smaller of people who are seeing things as they are and making sense of them."
Touche! This is *exactly* how I'm feeling right now, after the "assassination" fiasco!
staged for sure, another grade b "reality tv show", with grade b actor trump
dumb and dumber is the agenda
they had that "movie" ready to roll within six years of the '86 Prep Act Amendment.
I was shocked at seeing the security team let Trump raise his head for a photo op. And then a perfectly timed photo of a bullet in flight with a regular pro-sumer Nikon? But I was really thrown when otherwise intelligent people I follow such as Chris Martenson on YouTube and John Leake/Peter McCullough on substack confidently suggesting only idiots would doubt the official narrative of the "assassination" attempt. I've already lost faith in any institution, and am finding my individual role models also fall, one by one. I am losing faith in my own capacity to detect b.s. ... exactly what the sociopaths in charge want.
I think when you have lost all faith in institutions and role models, it's a sign that you have come out the other end of the rabbit hole and realise that you/we don't need any of them. All they do distract us from living our lives they way they should be lived.
"...realise that you/we don't need any of them. All they do distract us from living our lives they way they should be lived." 💯
Great metaphor Claire. This sounds like something I would expect from great writers like Margaret Anna Alice ... but oops, there I go again. Putting you up on a pedestal with her. 😂
I feel exactly the same way w.r.t. institutions and prominent people in the so-called "medical freedom movement". Yet, we cannot be completely demoralized, which is exactly where they want us. We - each of us - still have human agency, in various means at our disposal, no matter how seemingly minor it might seem. Our thoughts and prayers matter more than we think, too.
Thank you An O.
I needed that.
Steve, your comments are always thoughtful, so I granted you a one year free subscription.
I am stunned Mathew. Humbled and honored.
I thought I was battle-hardened, if not permanently jaded by Japanese institutions. But the last couple of days with the local kids, though fun, have taken the wind out of me, and what little was left for substack has left me shellshocked.
Maybe it's just the time compression of aging, but what life I have left is becoming more precious by the day. I occasionally see we share similar forebodings of mortality. I'm just thankful if a thoughtful reader does not think I am wasting their time. It's later than we think, and when I think back at my missed opportunities to be of any use to those who deserve it, I am ashamed.
I will try to honor your gift Mathew. If there is more silence than comments from me, it is because I am busy learning from you, from everyone. That never ending process of trying to connect dots that I didn't even know existed ... and within my comparatively limited capacity, and from a tiny,
distant corner of the world.
I feel like I am walking shoulder-to-shoulder with giants here, and just close enough so that no one seems to notice that my feet aren't quite touching the ground. In that, Sasha may be at least partially right. 😂
Thank you again Mathew.
I enjoy reading your stories and don't think you should feel ashamed.
p.s. And if you have the time Mathew, a short piece I wrote a few years ago on Quora, but relevant to this substack post and our shared values — https://www.quora.com/If-you-had-to-choose-between-being-intelligent-and-being-kind-what-would-you-choose/answer/Steven-Steve-F-Martin
Beautiful essay, Steve.
Speak of the devil ... oops ... I mean "SYNCHRONICITY" 😂.
Even though it is pushing 4:00 am here, I was just finishing a short thank you to your latest comment, and planning a well deserved present for you. Will leave you in suspense for only a few minutes, and post that "thank you" shortly after posting this.
An added thank you for reading my Quora quip. After re-visiting that post, I can see it still needs a lot of editing and paring down before daring to repost to substack, a never ending search for wrinkles and warts, aiming for a voice that rings true with a grin. I really need to follow my K.I.S.S. advice to former students to 'Keep it Simple, Stupid' ...another "oops" ... 'Keep it Short and Sweet'. 😘
I was turned off by her first time I listened. Arrogant.
She's a lot more educated, and quick-witted than myself. Most of the time, I just scan her for information and am satisfied ... but I am a bit slow at picking up on character / personality traits.
Glad you're still feeding the crows, Steve. After I read your comment, I had an aerial class and a dance class to think about it, so this is a well marinated reply ;-)
It's funny that you bring up Guy. We're back in communication but there's still a core divide that underlies all our discussions. I think there's maybe a relationship (and a difference) between you two, and your sense that your discernment is off.
You and Guy are both humble and genuine people who've dealt with a lot of setbacks, both personal and professional, for times that you've stood up for your integrity. Those decisions have cost you both dearly.
I think this leaves you both admiring of people who speak with certainty and confidence, and less critical of where that veers into superiority. My ex is in the sales world, to which he is very much unsuited. His field was tech support mgmt, which he's good at, but events thrust him into the stressful and humiliating role of high tech sales. He often expressed that he wished he was a ruthless, money-hungry shark because they were the ones who succeed without it taking a toll on them.
The only thing I ever criticize is superiority, as I did for the Maui guy you recommended, and the psychologist on how to get women. You don't have a superior bone in your body, but you're drawn to those who do--subconsciously? I hope you come to a place where you recognize you've done everything right in your life, made all the right decisions, and were always the exact right person to be in that situation, with the right instincts. No one knows the whole picture of what impact anyone has, but I'm willing to bet that your impact has rippled out in directions you never suspected.
Thank you Tereza, for thinking so highly of me, and I am really, REALLY happy that you and Guy are back on speaking terms.
It is already as hot (and humid) as blazes this morning, and I soon have to shower-up and amble over to a local festival. Gotta try to help promote that start-up school of my young Japanese friends.
I realize some of my limits, but because of visible outcomes, can't yet see myself as highly as you you see me. Even now, with the kids' classes ... I can see that it is hard for me to say "no", and a couple of kids are just precocious enough to take advantage of that. Ha. That's one place where experienced parents have an edge on me.
I suspect that rather than on a humble-superior spectrum, my problem is somewhere on a spectrum of trying to be open / expecting others to have the same standard ... and setting boundaries. That quote associated with P.T. Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute."? That's me.
Yes, I suspect you are partly right about me being drawn to confident people. I had hoped I had learned to distinguish confidence from superiority because I am also repelled by those who who presume entitlement aside from merit.
I suspect the complex factors leading to that behavior (or 'types' if the behavior is consistent) have a stronger genetic component than we want to admit (those Cluster B — dark triad — sharks in suits), because if so, that begs the question of how much of a role determinism and free-will play into our moral judgements or lack of.
Centuries of great thinkers have wrestled with that, and I don't think a one-size-fits-all answer will ever emerge. But your closing paragraph gives me hope that a personal salvation is still possible.
The Maui guy, I've already forgotten who that was ... but I get steaming mad when I think how the locals of Lahaina, and countless communities around the world before them, continue to be intentionally targeted or dismissed as collateral damage in a one-sided war of winner-take-all by the ruling class.
And that psychologist on dating, marriage, and relationships? I've purposely avoided going back to follow-up interviews of him because in that one interview I shared, he touched on something I had not thought of before. Limerence.
Up until now, you are the only person on substack with whom I've shared my experience of Asako and her death. Just three days ago, I was at her grave (now more than ten years after death, and I still visit her several times a month). But that most recent visit was different in that it was the first time I brought a friend, a Japanese lady (happily married with school kids of her own) who is even more of a community activist than I was at my peak. She had spent several years working with villagers in rural Kenya, and as an equal ... not as a virtue signalling proselytizer. So I valued her input about Asako's grave and demise. She and you both share similar conclusions.
But that did not solve my problem of how and why I chose a sick and dying woman as "the" one in my life. With "limerence", that psychologist raised the question of the existence of a single "the one" —aside from Hollywood entertainment going back to Dante's infatuation for Beatrice.
Our brief relationship did not exactly fit the strict definition of limerence if for no other reason than to the best of her ability, she did try to reciprocate my feeling for her. And regarding our shared repulsion for those with a superiority complex, she seemed to be as brutally honest about her failures as modest about her virtues.
But before meeting her, and afterwards, aside from my experiences and insights while growing up in the states, I had new identity problems of my own. More often than not, I have been either marginalized or tokenized as a permanent foreigner in Japan.
Maybe she was the manifestation of my "white knight" moment in a subconscious attempt to break free of being trapped between two identities I did not want ... the institutionally approved "sage on stage" following the rules of the hierarchy (as opposed to being a pro-active educator following ideals) ... or a broader cultural archetype, a cross between Sancho Panza and Bill Dana's José Jiménez, the harmless servant to master, jester to king, who poses no threat to many Japanese whose identity is a fragile rung in a rigid hierarchy.
Oh damn. It is near time for me to shower and head for the event. It has taken a couple of hours to think of how to phrase the above ... and I did not even get a chance to thank you for sharing that part of your personal life. Knowing a bit about your daughters, I thought it would be impertinent of me to ask about their father. Come to think of it, I can't recall any conversations of depth about spouses with anyone on substack ... and that has added further self doubt about my idealization of love. If Asako had survived and we had married, would it have turned into nearly a dysfunctional brother-sister relationship — or worse? From my own limited experience, as with being a parent, I'll never know.
So much to say, and mistaken or not, I do want to keep a door open for Sasha as a professional specialist. She has formed the base of so much of how I think about the plandemic, and I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Hmm ... in this case, maybe the bathwater is the more compelling of the two? Oh god, there is so much for me to untangle, and I don't expect to have much more time in this life, much less this day.
Cheers Tereza.
And as always, thank you for the time you put in well considered thought.
You have a very big heart, Steve. I'm glad you're still holding Lahaina in it. You, Pasheen, Teresa L, Heather ... it's not being forgotten.
And I'm glad you found someone to share your memory of Asako with. It's so hard, no, impossible, to figure out why things happen the way they do. It's an experience that seems like it enriched your life and certainly shaped it. Yet it left you open to other people, even the precocious students you can't say no to ;-)
Things don't need to be as hard as they are, that's my conviction. Like my ex, you should be a treasure to your community. You both have so much to give. Instead, you're left feeling like there's something inadequate in you. That refusal to conform may be exactly the thing that frees a thousand people in the next generation, the one not yet born. You just don't know what impact you have.
ps you'd already corrected my name before I read it, but I would never take offense. I was just thinking that I changed it to the z maybe 15 yrs ago and it felt very artificial, and now that's how people think of me. What a wonder!
Thank you again Tereza.
It's days and nights like this I wish substack allowed an easy way to upload photos in comments. It was a sweltering day for the local festival, but the weather held up until sunset when the thunder clouds rolled in. Maybe about a kilometer stretch of road, parallel to the railroad connecting my two nearest stations was packed with thousands of parents and their kids, milling about the stands and stalls, like a huge snake of luminescent confetti.
Among the two groups I was associated with was the start-up English school and a community modern dance (free dance?) 'school' with a little over 50 kids at this particular event, ages 4 to 12. Some of them as good as any I've seen on T.V.
I didn't get home until about 8, and upon seeing my laptop, began brooding again. Your message picked me up ... and I was reminded of your earlier comment coming after you had been dancing.
Though busy just surviving, I've also been lurking in comments too long and owe you (and others) a post with videos of Japanese kids doing their thing with color and style. It just feels like the best way to repay your thoughtful kindness. I expect it will take a couple of days to go through the footage and organize the post, but rather than adding the most basic information, I will let the viewers just enjoy videos of kids, and parents reliving their own childhood having fun.
And then, on to Lahaina. For all the time I've spent looking for evidence and connecting the dots, I've not kept my promise of publishing regular updates. Like the one-thing-after-another plandemic, it just got worse and worse, deeper down rabbit holes I could follow only so far, and I could not find or make those moments to pause, do the work, and spread the news.
Even at my age, I have got to learn to focus on the most important tasks at hand, particularly those deserving benefit through exposure. I had almost forgotten activism for the sake of the marginalized other is my best therapy.
Thank you Tereza, for helping me remember. 🥰
Oh that's wonderful that you're connected to a community dance school! I really look forward to seeing those photos. We can all use some reminders of people just enjoying their lives and kids being kids.
And if you do have an update on Lahaina, I would appreciate that too, hard as it might be. For all the terrible things happening, there's a uniqueness to that horrible event that can't be glossed over.
I'm glad my message picked you up. And put you back down in a better frame of mind ;-)
Just about to head out the door ... and on a last, quick check for typos, was aghast I spelled your name wong. Quickly corrected and begging your forgiveness. 😂
Soph is an American Thunberg, no more no less. Sasha is a gatekeeper extraordinaire.
That occurred to me too. Opposite roles but a similarity of style.
Latipova is so big on censoring. what the heck is her daughter complaining about?
A friend sent me over here with the comment "this family is mentally ill".
I wasn't ready for this schlock and shock. I can't get through one single video, it's so saturated with hate hate hate.
I don't think they're fully human. Seriously. Just haters. And they evidently just worship money.
For all she thinks she knows about amerikca, she ain't never heard that pride and arrogance come before a massive fall.
but some have nowhere to fall, they're already there
this crap is so sick it's extraordinary...and eleven years old, what misery
this girl's life seems to be on the internet...damn sad
"live by the gun , die by the gun"
supremely stupid, as all hate is
She's been knocking me out of SS since late April, when I insisted in a comment that of course she was basically "concerned" for herself, as any other human is.
She went super ugly and responded "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
So I unsubbed, emailed her with an appropriate response, and I can't even be bothered to care to post on my SS anymore, if it's run by creeps like Sasha Latipova. Not to mention two of the three owners are straight out of the Washington Post.
Basic question: Who the FUCK,( great big world there whooeee,) does Sasha Latipova think she is?
They talk an awful lot about ...you know...sodomy. ??? Wanna talk about that girls? There's a rape crisis center near you. You might learn something, like how this kind of acting encourages violence.
I suppose she considers herself, this "soph", to be some kind of "feminist" or something?
Never had to listen to such a screwed up mind talking. Really sad.
Courageous of you to post this. To say the least. I know this woman's insane hatred, for no cause.
I thought Sasha was just scared from all her own exposure. This shit tho is off the charts, completely. No wonder they were eager to give a failed painter...as teaching the kids in Ukraine was not enough mula for her...a scholarship to Dartmouth and a nice track into Pharma.
Maybe Sasha made some extra bucks there volunteering for the Gardasil trials. Who knows?
the personalities exposed appear to be pharm-medicated marvels, no?
And all mom and daughter can do is double down on the rancid hatreds. So grateful they don't live where I do.
And she insanely posits her abandoned home land genetic inheritance...a fucking joke as she's denied genetics recently...as owning the american continent.
There's no hope there. None.
Seriously surprised she hasn't disappeared you yet. I figure she bought into SS. That's her only agenda in life. Money Worship. Control through Money.
I've encountered plenty of ugly in my life of seventy three years, but this takes the cake.
I never looked too closely at this particular issue....
That's a lot to take in...
Has Mathew ever analyzed Sasha or the videos of soph? In my response to Lucy, I wonder if soph's scary smart sociopathy is a tell for the kind of mind-control cults he writes about. I'd be curious about his take.
Not to my knowledge.
As somebody who was "extremely online" from a young age I can definitely attest that there are many negative consequences of that alone...
I wonder if I would have been so internet addicted at a young age if my home life was not as troubled as it was.
I am so sorry for your home life! Are your parents still married? Do you have a job? Do you go to church?
I took notes, but ultimately the information firehose means that I have to set priorities, and putting the "occult" (Theosophy and others) into the Military Occult Banking Syndicate felt like a priority nobody else was satisfying (though Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung do a lot of work that fits into that mold, and you and Courtenay Turner and a few others publish in directions that are also helpful to building that big picture).
Thanks, Mathew. Agreed on priorities. Like Steve, I've been glad to have your analysis on the trumped-up 'assassination attempt.' And I've been reading your other articles with interest. I'll look forward to your thoughts as this perspective on Sasha percolates. I'm sure there's more that you can pick up on than I have.
I will go ahead and say this: I unfortunately told her a white lie when I met her in Vegas. She asked me a question the answer to which would have revealed my security methods.
I was told that she started working with Renz, who is, to me, a clear bright line on psyops. She can correct me if I'm wrong about the relationship with Renz.
I had talked with Sasha about some science and tech, and played along as it got interesting. The first self-driving car was built in 1984 (40 years ago). I have had both friends and students at every stage of development of self-driving cars for the past 25 or more years now. She told me that self-driving cars were obviously impossible while we talked about A.I.
Understand that I have had a critique of A.I. for more than the past decade (another one of those conversations where I am drowned out, ignored, and uncredited perhaps while over-investments wind down or other psyops are put in place) that general A.I. is almost certainly impossible. But self-driving cars are a sophisticated use of machine learning, the only real barrier to which is fitting it to the current system while avoiding liabilities. The legal liabilities are actually the trickiest piece, which is one of the reasons technologists are interested in redesigning cities (there are certainly both genuine and nefarious motivations for smart cities that create...an interesting alignment). Simplified road systems would make for simplified smart cars that would consume less energy and emit less polllution. And also trap billions of people into a commitment to total surveillance that isn't easy to unwind...
I did interview Sasha, and I am still not sure what to think of some of her statements because that would take a deep dive, and I am constantly teetering on exhaustion. She seems to be baiting people into a total rejection of genetics when critiques of models, and investigation into what facets of genetics are hidden in biowarfare programs seem in order.
A couple of years ago I interviewed John Cullen, even though he struck me as a dubious character. I did so because I felt there would be value to the conversation that I could tease out. There was. While I felt his theory on "revived Spanish flu" was a bonkers limited hangout, it opened my mind to the way two agents could sculpt an apparent pandemic, such as the release of a low grade toxin/toxicant like sarin or cadmium, along with an infectious clone that would result in PCR positivity. Or, perhaps the PCR is picking up genetic material released (exosomes?) due to poisoning by the toxin/toxicant? I am not sure, but rigor requires not stepping past untested models.
Hi, Mathew. I completely agree with Sasha that "because someone disagrees on topics of science and technology does not make them an agent, or a bad person." I didn't mean to ask you about those, where I have zero interest concerning this topic.
What disturbed me in soph's videos was the violence in her views and language. There are 'neutral' curse words, with which I have no problem, and then words that attack other people. There is satire, with which I have no problem, and then there's ridicule.
When I first saw soph's videos, I gave Sasha the benefit of the doubt that she didn't share these views, and perhaps soph had outgrown them once she wasn't getting the same media attention. It was Sasha's responses to Vilma's article that showed me she did share these views.
Is the person responding as Sasha here the one you met in Vegas? When she refers to me as 'cancerous swine,' is that consistent with the person you met, or is it shocking to you? Do you feel that what I'm writing is trash that I've made up, or does it make you question who Sasha is?
If someone is developing their theories based on a framework of their own superiority, I can learn data points from them but the meaning they derive is going to be suspect, because their purpose is to confirm something with which I fundamentally disagree. If they're hiding their framework because they know others would reject it, then everything they say is based on a lie.
The theory that they may be agents or captured, or traumatized within a cult like MK Ultra, is a means of giving them the benefit of the doubt and making sense of the behavior. The data, without theorizing about it, is that soph and Sasha express hate-filled attacks against groups, based on their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. And you know that I have no problems with critiques of ideologies. Sasha and soph also attack and insult individuals, and encourage physical violence against both races and targeted individuals.
Is this shocking to you or are you okay with it? Is it a new side of Sasha to you or one you were already familiar with? Does it fit with the personality profile you've identified from your own experience and study of mind-control cults?
I am preparing to travel, so I have no time for the conversation.
Did Soph attack you Tereza? I love my daughter and I think her satire was right on target. Her channel was banned in 2019. You narcissistic stupid swine should get over yourself. Soph is not on Substack and never was. Yes, she is far superior to you. It is a fact of life and obvious reality. Deal with it gracefully. LOL.
Matthew, I sure don't want you to interview me... trying to trap me and playing games instead if being honest, sincere, upfront. I'm muting EVERYONE who attacks Sasha on here. It's all slander, speculative, baseless... like hyenas gathering. It's unpleasant.
Matthew, you could have also asked me directly instead of assuming I work with Tom Renz. I do not. I do not work with anyone. I exchange notes and ideas with several substackers, but I don't work with anyone and I am not paid by anyone other than my subs. Also, because someone disagrees on topics of science and technology does not make them an agent, or a bad person. It is not a reason to form a mob, write several substacks trashing them and their child. Teresa here decided that I was an agent set against her because one day I didn't put a like on her comment on my page. Therefore, she penned this trash about me and my daughter. Seriously? This is the level we are dealing with here.
Just for the record, I am immensely proud of my daughter, I love her satirical material, she worked in actual satire media on censored.TV with Gavin McInnes and Milo Yannopoulos. She was their 3rd employee. She now works as an independent writer. She is successful, happy and financially secure, respected member of her church with a solid group of friends. She is 20. Karens HATE that. Karens need children to be needy, broke, on drugs, or slutting around. That's why they clutch pearls here.
The reason all these cancerous swine here are upset, is because most of them either don't have children or their children hate them. when they see something they don't understand, they are terrified and must squash it at all cost. It's pathetic, really.
Mathew has had Sasha Latypova on his streams, not even that long ago. And that creep Doc Malik too. Do not trust these people.
It is scary smart, I agree. It is scary to the dumb.
god, you really have nothing else to do but hate everywhere you can
no wonder you've blocked my stack, you're scared shitless I'll post this
Don't need to, so done with your sickness
She's blocked me again, as well. I allowed her to make horrendous comments on my post, she's exposed herself. Now it's up to RFK Jr., CHD, Steve Kirsch and her other business associates to either clean up her mess or disavow her. It'll be interesting since they all seem to have the same masters.
yes, write and complain to them, please tell them to stop funding me, I am tired of the $100K a month they sent me. Also you can call this customer support number 1-800-SDS-HELP
That's interesting, I never mentioned funding, you did. 🤔 please continue....
I don't hate everyone. Just filthy degenerates that attack my daughter. The rest of the people I don't hate. You kissed my ass for a long time, but I knew you were not good. I was right.
I just happened to be watching your excellent interview with Demi, Gabe (https://libresolutionsnetwork.substack.com/p/with-the-starfire-codes for others). I noticed that you're both talking about civility and decorum in discussions. I thought that was really apropos to this. I've been enjoying Demi's work since you re-introduced me to her but your interview makes me like her even more. Thanks for that!
Hi Tereza, After reading the title, I couldn't wait to hear what you discovered! Thanks for this Sasha reveal. I know no one is really surprised because the parent is the biggest influence on the child. Good or Bad. No one could persuade me otherwise. Good hypothesis about they were complicitly used for censorship. That is the most logical conclusion. What is that saying about the dirt always comes to the top of the wash. I love these old sayings. I can't even imagine what Soph's childhood must have been like, if she had one. That's the sad part.
Wait, Helene, my recollection is that you're who I talked to about this a year ago. Is that not true? If so, your advice was good and I'm glad that I waited. I don't know what Sasha has against JJ Couey and Mark of Housatonics but maybe they've talked about this too. Very dark.
Yes, we did discuss Soph being Sasha's daughter. I am glad you're such an avid reader and caught her acting like Soph. These people can't help themselves, because they can't keep the charade going forever or they are so self righteous they don't care how they act.
Either way for those of us who are paying attention, which you were ( for our benefit ), the truth is revealed. Bravo! I love how you discredit them one at a time with their own words. Marvelous!
My God, that was shocking. Something is so very off, ugly, it feels treacherous...harmful to the soul.
So glad this is not my thing. But you did a splendid job here Tereza. 🥇
No idea what SL's agenda is but she is clearly not Christ-like. Used to follow...then wasn't quite sure what to make of her (she's Ukraine-born I believe. Moved to the US late 90s. Anti-Russian if I'm not mistaken).
Thank you.
Thank you, Pauline. Thanks for the additional details. Yes, someone who told me how to pronounce it said her name was Ukrainian. And as I mentioned to Lucy, I wonder if she works for one of the 'intelligence' agencies. Her focus on IQ is also a tell for that, and the lack of repercussions. In Vilma's thread, she says that the police showed up without a warrant and she didn't open the door, when they investigated the death threat. So how would they determine that soph had no access to a gun? Very fishy.
yes, my focus is on IQ. Yours is below 75. So. Sad.
you paid off the cops....how much stripping do you need to do in public?
Why would I need to do that? They didn't have anything to investigate and they loved soph's content. They hated Wojcicki and Google. We had a good chat, like normal people. You are a hatred filled cancerous demon, you hate mothers and children, because you are alone, and having a mental crisis, because besides this there is nothing going on in your life. nobody gives a sht about you except maybe your cat. what a pathetic angry twat. very sad.
You seem to have a thing against people who like/own cats. 🐈⬛
no, not all people who have cats. Read carefully. It's only insufferable censorious busybody lonely (typically childless) deranged women who hate mothers and children in a loving stable family with a loving supportive father. They HATE that. As you can see. They also happen to have cats. I don't know what it is, but their brains are frequently rotted by toxoplasmosis. It's a thing.
I could not bear to watch it. I do not know enough to comment much, but, reflecting, hmm. i guess i am a bad mom who forbid cell phones in the house until they were 15, and had read certain things and accomplished emotional regulation enough to not spew emotions in such a destructive way. If i did have guns, they would be kept secret. I like to surprise people. guns are so predictable. good thing everyone else 'round me has them so i don't need to. When i was a kid in Montana, everyone had them. it was just another tool to get food (hunt or kill your cows or what have you). or scare off bears. being a character on a screen ( did you see her body language? ) before you have developed solid character internally, is a dangerous game. I see why she would do it tho. because that is why i became a musician. Sasha IS intelligent and her daughter is to. everyone should do some public speaking. The arguments based on pure emotion, with no debate do not help you to grow as much. Calm is a superpower, it is concentrated strength. a powerful mind can harness its full potential only in calm. I come from a hot tempered people and i have seen this all my life. Misery, that did not need to happen, because someone was feeling only and not thinking deeply enough- what happens next? One last thing, when young girls hormones get imbalanced they can have all sorts of vicious outbursts. I would hate there to be a record of mine anywhere. a capsule of vitex once a day for 3 months often smooths those emotional peaks right out.
Welcome to the 'bad mom' club. I have a video called Be the Meanest Mom Ever, Your Kids Will Thank You ... Eventually: https://youtu.be/4ee_p4j8Lbc. My girls shared a computer with me, so I still have home videos they made on it. The youngest had the most exposure but I still controlled screen time and took the computer back for infractions. It would take her about 2 hrs to detox, during which time she would be resentful and insufferable. Then she'd start talking to us again and be a delight to be around.
And yes, I'm glad there's no permanent record of my headstrong and impetuous youth.
Thank you, i had not seen it and will watch it! It IS harder, but i know i made the right choice. i asked my son if he wished he had done that, and he says he is super glad he did Not. he said he would have been embarrassed by all the stuff he knows he would have said. I entered parenting hoping not to spank and stuff like that, but some kids, are wonderfully strong willed and focused. looking back, i think it would have been better if i had spanked him some. I love their fierceness though. they will never join a cult or military. strong willed does not even begin. i did not raise servants born of servants. As for Cursing, we do it copiously. (there is a book about it called "Holy sh*t" which is why i do so) I made a game of it. called troll. the insult must be accurate, descriptive and contain only one curse word. the one that makes your adversary laugh in sheer admiration of the glory of it wins. (too many curse words at once and they loose their impact and potency and are a sure sign of low intellect and lack of creativity.) we value creative dialogue a great deal, but it must be true. no ad homenim (yes i made them learn the trivium and logical fallacies) . Still you ladies have it was better together than i. I bet your kids are lovely.
Creative cursing! I love that! And your rules for the game are perfect. Yes, certain words need to retain their potency for when a car cuts through a parking lot and almost hits your kid. Otherwise, what do you have left? I greatly admire the skill of fresh, original cursing that makes your adversary laugh.
I also taught the trivium and 'name that logical fallacy.' So this is really bizarre. I just searched my posts for 'trivium' and found one where I'm quoting Sasha on it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/and-the-flesh-was-made-word. Here are my quotes from her:
"Critical thinking is a skill which is driven by the cycle of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. The purpose of grammar is to bring a consistent order to a body of knowledge. The purpose of logic is to extract understanding from the body of knowledge. Rhetoric is the cogent explanation of that body of knowledge. In ancient times, students were taught the Trivium at home, by their parents, as a pre-requisite for admission into universities.
"Grammar-Logic-Rhetoric, Grammar-Logic-Rhetoric, etc. = a comprehensive decision making process. When this human learning process is malformed, stunted or deficient in some way, we cannot arrive at the truth by critical thinking process, and instead accept whatever feels emotionally pleasant as truth. We emote instead of thinking. Intellectually, emoting is a lower level space which leads to the mind enslavement, passing the operational control from self to others."
She then talks about the trinity: "This gets into the theory of dual mind, which goes back to antiquity as well. The idea that a human is 2 minds + 1 material body (a trinity). The two minds are called different things, sometimes it is soul and spirit, sometimes intuitive and rational."
And then, the importance of applying the trivium to questions of truth and reality:
"It is not enough to only think the truth in silence—the truth must be spoken out loud, published in prose and poetry, put to music, represented in all art forms, and it must circulate in the space of human exchange of ideas. This is not just a bunch of nice sounding words. The act of speaking the truth shapes the physical reality of our world by shaping our collective word-vector spaces. They are not imaginary, they are material, as we humans are minds represented in matter, i.e., material beings carrying the living language of the universe through this moment in time and passing it on to the next generations. When this living language rings true it resonates directly with God, the Creator, the Source in the most awesome and nourishing way. When it is distorted by lies, we all suffer."
Can this possibly be the same person? What's up with this?
I am angry with richard grove and others who limit the trivium to just those 3 things grammar logic and rhetoric. it is an almost useless description. words divide reality along its joints, yes. copying by hand or reading aloud the whole dictionary, was commonly done in schools in the USA, before the prussian model. Rooting out Mental contradictions - that live in your own mind, is where “question everything” and (know thyself) as above the temple of Apollo, Must start within, as human understanding of the world must be coherent and match up with the facts found in reality. this part was cut out entirely. so when history does not make sense, it will not bother you, because you do not make sense within yourself. confusion , chaos, become the norm.
You say that so well. Yes, all this would never be possible if we hadn't lost the ability to think critically ... and synthesize information into new forms and meaning. But isn't it weird, how different Sasha's styles are there and here? It's not just conveying technical information but making sense at a deep level. What do you make of it?
IMO, everyone has bad moments. it is likely really about something we cannot know. I have trained myself not to vent my miseries on others, but i still do it sometimes. Most people are so confused inside they do not always know what is really bothering them. or worse you do know, and cannot stop or express it somewhere safe. she has a fine mind, but it has been shattered or has a contradiction or cognitive dissonance, at one point, so the echos of it can be ‘triggered’ and we cannot know when. I have had to rebuild my mind from the ground up, that is how i know. she may be still healing from something. or maybe just emotionally undisciplined. most likely, her daughter reminds her of her. so projection would play a role. I am pro vitriol, but you have to make a space for it, to let it out safely. I let my kids say awful things to me, and my feelings were not hurt at all. i just listened, asked them why, when it started, tell me the story of this emotional event. Know what? it vanished. and the strongest loyalty and love took its place. also they got more chores. I call ‘em misery tax.
it is somewhat correct tho, so far so good.
I'm glad you posted this. I know nothing about her daughter - and don't care - but I have been deeply suspicious of Latypova for some time. If you ask for evidence I can't really provide any, just a suspicion that something wasn't quite right. Sometimes her so called 'revelations' were just too helpful to the extent that I would wonder 'how would she know?' Call it intuition, psychic, what you will, but I long ago stopped trusting or believing anything she posted. Your article therefore Tereza is something of a relief and a vindication.
Thank you for letting me know that, Tommy. That unsettled feeling, that something's not right, often precedes the evidence for me.
Very interesting your point about her revelations being 'too helpful.' In my response to ArtemisForestFairy above, I happened to look up one of my articles on the trivium and was surprised to find I'd quoted Sasha three times. She was insightful, erudite, thoughtful, enlightening. It couldn't have been more of a contrast. Here's the link and I copied the quotes into the comment: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/and-the-flesh-was-made-word.
It made me wonder, could she be using AI to write her articles? Reflecting our own words back to us? I noticed that it was a trick of Malone's when he parroted back something soon after I'd written it--in an article critiquing him! But maybe what we're looking at is 'team Sasha'.
I appreciate your vindication too. Glad that others were feeling what I was.