Excellent post, very revealing as to the patterns of Power, how it becomes used to "milk" the local culture, to create servitude. Through pattern recognition, this arrangement of control looks very much like what we see today in nearly every facet.

Of Genesis:

"14 And Joseph gathered all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and the land of Chanaan, in return for the corn which they bought, and he distributed corn to them; and Joseph brought all the money into the house of Pharao.

15 And all the money failed out of the land of Egypt, and out of the land of Chanaan; and all the Egyptians came to Joseph, saying, Give us bread, and why do we die in thy presence? for our money is spent.

16 And Joseph said to them, Bring your cattle, and I will give you bread for your cattle, if your money is spent.

17 And they brought their cattle to Joseph; and Joseph gave them bread in return for their horses, and for their sheep, and for their oxen, and for their asses; and Joseph maintained them with bread for all their cattle in that year."

Create obligation (Taxes) out of creating dependence (Bread), while removing the instruments of Independence (Cattle and Sheep) with the existing system of kingship of Egypt. Using the Power of that kingship to sever the local farmers and tradesmen from their claim to their own Land and Homes. --- seems strikingly familiar to what we see today, throughout the Western "Democratic" Empire. Eminent Domain with split titles and Land Deeds.

Usurpation with Usury indeed. "Contractual Annexation Principle by another name."

Usury -- Today we pay interest on nearly everything, usury is at the center of Taxation.

Usurpation -- Trust is the First part of that, in both the Economic and Legal System, Trusts essentially represent an inversion of what "Trust" is supposed to be.

Also, the real Title of Kingship:

I am certain the term "Pharao" is refering to a "Big House" and not the true titular praenomen:

King of Egypt used as a King’s praenomen was: nijˈsiːwat biˈjaːtVj (reconstructed) IPA -- OR -- nɛsuːt biyātyi -- the way I have come to pronounce it: Neshua for practical use (English speaker)

Wiki on Pharaoh:

"From Ancient Greek Φαραώ (Pharaṓ), from Hebrew פַּרְעֹה (par'ōh), from Egyptian pr-ꜥꜣ (“palace, pharaoh”, literally “pr (“house”) + ꜥꜣ (“great, big”)”)."

I am certain this term was used or introduced by those who came from outside of Egypt, then later passed their ideas on to be perpetuated into the story inversion called the OT. The way the term Pharao is used in Genesis is almost like how we use the term "White House," here in the US; it's where the President lives but it's not his title. Pharao may really have been a late linguistic addition to the culture, possibly late New Kingdom.

This post helps to illustrate many of the complex details to be found in other writings that describe the events of the OT, such as Admonitions of Ipuwer. Thanks for sharing, Tereza.

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Thank you for your diligent work. Their rôle seems identical to the one described in Solzhenitsyn's "200 Years Together" - a tax-collector class between peasants and their figure-head rulers. Who would expect people selling their independence for food in a time of famine? ;-P

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Thank you Jonathan for the compliment and excellent reference. I was just listening to Doc Malik who used the term 'parasitic class.' I thought that was genius. Before a parasite can get in, something needs to weaken the immunity, the natural defenses. That was the role of the Habiru in ancient Egypt and the horrific Bolshevik violence in Russia. They were invaders pretending to be immigrants, with covert loyalty to the parasitic class.

The Egyptian peasants, the Canaanite peasants, the Syrian peasants, the Russian peasants and the German peasants were men in their natural capacity serving the interests of families and communities.

Now 'supporting a family' means making money--serving the interests of the parasitic class by making the rich richer. Both men and women now measure their value by how well they serve the parasites. We've been tricked. And it doesn't matter what you do for a living, what matters is changing the system.

Here's one I did on the parasites: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/parasites-the-first-5000-years.

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Courageous Teresa Corragio, Thank you for your wonderful compilation on Hebrews in Egypt

Starting with the overthrow of once 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') many 10s of 1000s of years old Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC) & continuing through Assyria to PHOENICIA ('Kingdom of Israel + City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos, Beirut 4000 - 0 BC) whose 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') EMPIRE terrorized the Mediterranean (eg. Hittite, Egypt, Carthage, Athens, Rome, Spain, French) & Black Sea (Ashkenaz & Khazaria, both ruled from Ukraine) regions in invasion, war, pilfering, colonization, enslavement & biosphere destruction which are being recreated right at this moment with the genocide of Palestinians & Ukrainian peoples).


"Permit me to issue the currency of a nation & I care not who makes its laws", attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. We can understand Jewish people (some of my family in 3 branches) in each nation, since Babylon, as accountants, who came to confuse their 'economic' computation role with that of rulers, centralizing accounting in Metal-coin fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), as a Top-Down centralized privileged function of rulers over others, usurping the Bottom-up worldwide system of String-shell valuing. At first Metal-coin money was issued to represent the String-shell, then with centralized command & control came to replace it with amnesia. False money without recognition for all individual & collective labour: contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen, is invisible as Mayer Amschel describes. Each top-down controlled accounting for transactions, usurps individual & collective whole-people power.


Humanity's 3-dimensional bottom-up collective-integrated, economic-memory for all contributions, was destroyed for 2-D Linear Top-down command & control with Amnesia. Just like the human body & mind being Autonomous: genes, cells, tissue, organs & whole communicating with the Brain as but one Nexus of body-communication, so society (L. 'socius' = 'friend') can only function when the specialized intelligence of each person & other levels of social organization are empowered Http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory


On each continent all humanity's indigenous ancestors cultivated collective intelligence within an interdisciplinary 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture'). Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

In order to understand real 'money' or 'memory', one needs to become familiar with all indigenous humanity's once 10s of 1000s of years old worldwide time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/North-America, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie-shell in once indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

String-shell integrates a) 'Capital' (L 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), b) 'Currency' ('current' = 'flow') between earning, spending, owning, care, computation etc from the bottom-up. c) 'Condolence' ('social-security for health, injury, illness, handicap, healing, age, etc.), d) Collegial mentored-apprentice 'education' (L 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, e) time-math Communication, f) Costume for identification of essential-service expertise etc. Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/2-participatory-accounting

Specialized labours in the collective ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex Domestic (mostly women), Industrial & Commercial (mostly men) economies were organized into Production-Society-Guilds, with each person progressively developing ownership & decision-making acumen & power over the course of their lifetimes. Each ~100 person multihome represents a strong team / 'corporation' (L 'corp' = 'body') of empowered actors of all ages & capabilities. Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

Its within the long 4000 year Phoenician fake 'wealth' (PIE root *wel- (2) "to wish, will" Related to well (adv.) extraction & exploitation of the Mediterranean & Black sea lands that Oligarchy arose, invisible but always controlling each Empire from behind right up unto our time, through Spanish, French, Belgium, Netherlands, British, American-Canadian EMPIRES.

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Douglas, your comments are whole other post and well worth the read. I love your attention to etymology. I've been calling them imperial currencies but I'm going to start using the term amnesia money. I wrote on a comment to Gabe that we have anonymous money, where the money itself is good and the relationship doesn't matter. But real money is an act of relationship. The desire for a bargain or barter-gain is something you'd do to a stranger, about whom you didn't care. It would be a loss of honor in a community.

I love community as 'together gifting service.' I had been hearing about the Phoenicians as another usurper cult, but I haven't researched them. Thanks for all this info, which gives me confidence that I'm on the right track, and gives me hope that people have understood these things for far longer than we've been confused.

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Tereza, Thank you so much for leading down this pathway. I hope what I add, reinforces your narrative. For the Phoenician Empire (4000-0 BC) take it from the Black (Caribbean, African & American) Academics in their video web-link (below) with extensive references which document Jewish (some of my family in 3 branches) control of Slavery going back 6000 years right up to today. In the Indian & Mohandas Gandhi 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') tradition, we don't have to fight them, so much as we have to invest our time & energy into "becoming the change, we want to see in the world".

The video includes how the Rothschilds made a good part of their foundational wealth through slavery. The 7000 year ruling continuity command & control & now many Multi-trillions $$ fake wealth of western earth ruling Oligarchs was built right from this extraction, exploitation, biosphere destruction murderous & biosphere destruction process. Today Palestine-Israel is going through the greatest drought of its history because of this same genocidal exogenous violence induced ignorance / amnesia without access to humanity's collective indigenous intelligence. https://youtu.be/S3mr0rsNyGs

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Phoenician & Babylonian Empire began invading North Africa 7000 years ago with extractive trade, military & colonists to destroy Amazigh, Imazighen, Kabylie indigenous peoples of the vast North-Africa & their vast tree productivity for enormous food, materials, energy & water-cycle abundance along with vast flowing rivers, lakes & wildlife, all in harmony with nature. In 1972, a UNESCO researcher spent weeks with me, helping me to understand their research projects on the agricultural origins of deserts worldwide. As Oligarch imposes top-down Hierarchal command & control, then 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') knowledge of alignment with nature & abundance is lost to desertification & institutional controls. All of North Africa was once lush massive Indigenous cultivated Poly-culture Orchards /c flowing rivers, creeks, Lakes, abundant wildlife & stable Human populations involved in free exchanges throughout Eurasia & Africa.

SYLVALIZATION (Latin 'sylva' = 'tree'). Domestic animal such as sheep, goats, cattle, horses etc grazing & other exploitation (vast amounts of crop devoted to confined animal feeding) leads the animals hungry for real complex carbohydrate nutrition to prefer the sweet shrubs & young trees, denuding of biosphere-Polycultures, which wild-animals of all kinds, try to regenerate, only to lose to desertification. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/e-history-evolution/7-work-play-population

As empires spread, hungry for the hardwood Oak for weapons of war, forts, arms, ships etc. Huge biosphere productivity is the indigenous, carefully cultivated 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDs of all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors. Here's a series of 3 short films, which a film colleague put together with me on some gardening, a few years back. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-how-to-grow-your-own-raw-vegan-food-garden which because of:

a) Polyculture's 92-98% Photosynthesis compared with 2-D 'agriculture' 2-8% photosynthesis. Agriculture’s all settlers & 1st Nations had left to 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude by the peasant imposed by the armed aristocrat')

b) Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than agriculture. Actually, this calculation is very conservative. In my experience with both Polyculture & Agriculture such as a 50 square meter (7 by 7 metres) area under the pre-colonial average 100 year old Oak tree produced some 3 tonnes (3000 kg) of nuts/year with little labour except bring wastes to feed the tree. The same 50 sq. M of Wheat, Barley, Oats or Rye will produce only 3 kgs of grains requiring intensive mechanical ploughing, seeding, weeding, fertilizing, fencing & irrigation or drainage preparation.

c) Polyculture's nearly complete ~95% photosynthesis of solar energy into food, materials, energy & water-cycle, creates an energy vacuum which drives warm moist ocean winds inland. 60% of Moisture transfer from ocean to continent is through condensation of these winds upon quadrillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surface. Only 40% of moisture transfers as rain-snowfall. 2-D Agriculture only photosynthesizes 2-8% of solar energy, creating High-pressure airs which push wind from continent towards the sea, creating permanent desert. Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

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I've spent a lot of time studying regenerative agriculture and everything you're saying fits with what I know. Herds of free ranging domesticated herbivores are a walking blight, for exactly the reason you say--they eat the soft delicate growth and leave the tough prickly shrubs to proliferate. A mom of toddlers compared it to giving a kid a bag of trail mix, where they eat all the M&Ms and leave the raisins, to giving them a handful and saying, when you're finished that, you can have more. She and her husband lived on a ranch that did mobile enclosures, where the cows were moved to a new pasture twice a day, and wouldn't return to the same for six months. They ate everything, pooped and packed it into the soil with their hooves, restoring the humus.

Do you know Gavin Mounsey, Douglas? I'd love to see him do an interview of you. Here is his latest: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/full-r-future-2025-presentation-with. And a quote:

"I explore terms like ethnoecology and talk about pathways to intentionally create regenerative counter-cultures (aka “ethnogenesis”) and how we might each explore ancestral wisdom and apply ancient regenerative worldviews in our modern gardens and designs. I invite you to come on a journey to learn about how some ecologically literate and socially advanced ancient cultures preserved, propagated and applied place based wisdom without the existence of a centralized state authority. This will be a call to remember, rediscover, reconnect and gather the shards of our often shattered ancestral cultural past and merge those shards with the resilient substance of modern ecological knowledge and regenerative soil science. Talk a walk with me to gather ancient seeds and plant them in a garden of hope for future generations."

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BLACK ACADEMICS ON JEWISH CAPITALISM & WEALTH BASED IN SLAVERY OVER 6 MILLENNIA SINCE KEY ROLE IN PHOENICIAN COLONIAL CONQUEST 19Nov’21 2h56m47s https://youtu.be/S3mr0rsNyGs Issue of top-down metal-coin fake amnesic money provides Oligarchs with control over fake: Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX. Today minority undeclared Oligarch shareholders hold effective command, control & issue or minting of western fake money through the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England & Bank-of-International-Settlements. Money is issued, approved at these top Oligarch levels through national banks. I'm in Canada, so I know how Canada must receive approval from the above 3 mega-banks. Money is issued with Oligarch approval typically to their friends, family & colleagues as Forgivable Loans for such mega-projects as Nuclear-bombs, Nuclear-power, Complex-synthetic-Pesticides, GMOs, Gain-of-Function-Research on COVID-19 Bio-weapon, mRNA Bio-weapon Genetic Spike Protein killer medicine & every other mega-project of Colonization, Genocide, Armaments, Munitions & War.

"It takes money to make money". So one can understand, money is not generated through honest industrial or commercial invention, manufacture, operation, perseverance & trade, as it is simply issued to the privileged. If one calculates the morbid Oligarch system of approvals within their system of privilege, hegemony & syphoning off of money, it is equivalent to a much more extensive bureaucracy than even fake 'communism' & fake 'socialism' (L 'socius' = 'friend'). All these once indigenous systems organized in Bottom-up Cultural-'Fractals' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole')

13 Sugar Jewish Plantation Colonies, Sephardic, Ashkenazi Jews as core of Slave Trade Christopher Columbus (Hebrew journals) as Morano Portuguese Jew starts Slave Trade, in 1498 5 ship expedition brought 600 Indians to Spain as slaves, previously as slave trader, Gold dealer in Africa Ghana, Gold Coast, Queen Isabella’s 3 Court Jewish Financiers Luis de Santangel, Abraham Zacuto, Don Isaac Abravanel. Curacao, Surinam Jodensavanne Zionist (Jew village Sugar Trade) Jan Pieterszoon Coen Chief Shareholder of the Dutch East & West Indian Companies centred in Netherlands, Oliver Cromwell & Menasseh Ben Israel Financier /c Dr Leonard Jeffries (NY City College) 100 million African Slaves stolen, Dr Tony Martin, Dr Aviva Ben-Ur, Stanley Mirviz, Cary Silverstein, Minister Louis Farrakhan (Jews Selling Blacks), Khallid Muhammad, Nation of Islam, Truth Terrorist 600 million Blacks slaved over 6000 years compared /c supposed 6 million Jews over 10 years, Reparations, Lehman Brothers, 75% of Jews were Slave Owners & prominent in Slave Trade Rothschild (Mississippi Cotton Trade to English mills) Secret Relationship between Blacks & jews Vol 1&2 by Rabbi Jacob Levin published by Nation of Islam, Rabbi Historian Dr Bertram W. Korn (75% of Slave Owners were Jews), Dr Abraham J. Peck, John Henrik Clarke, Jewish Academic Mafia, Dr. Harold Brackman 1600’s Slave Trading was Jewish Mercantile specialty, History of the Jews by Soloman Grayzel Principal Slave Traders in Europe, Middle-Ages, Dr Leonard E Barrett Sr Temple Univ. on Jews & Slavery, Brazil

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I'm glad to see you keeping that film in the public consciousness. It was Julius Skoolafish who first alerted me to it. It was mind-cohering (not blowing). It made sense of so much. I talk about it in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/talmud-tricks-and-torah-curses.

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Tereza, I first came across Dr. Tony Martin's work on the preponderant Jewish crime of Black Slavery in the USA & the Caribbean about 7 years ago. Tony has been through quite a rough ride from Oligarch media control of Media, Publishing & Academic professorial tenure.

I'm so happy, I believe through your reference to Julius Skoolafish, to have come across the film called the '13 Sugar Plantation' Slavery Colonies, which illustrates & ties together this abomination.

This work also documents Christopher Columbus' origins as a Jewish Sephardic Slave trader in North Africa (established originally by the Phoenician Empire over 4000 years plus subsequent $$ control of empires since). This documents Jewish operated Slave trade in Africa.

The word 'Slav' refers to north-eastern European peoples & languages also has references to Phoenician Empire (Kingdom-of-Israel + City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut) slaving of white once indigenous Slavic peoples. This terrorism, invasion, genocide & colonization of the Black Sea region was committed by Phoenician & then through Oligarch $$ control of Hittite, Ashkenaz, Khazaria, Greek, Roman & Turkish empires exploitation & colonization. Etymologically the word 'slave' is derived from the appellage 'slav' reference to north-eastern Europeans. https://thewordorigin.com/most-popular/origin-of-the-word-slave

With Jewish financing, Head-men & following Portuguese fishing maps, sails the Nina, Pinta & Santa-Maria ships filled with slave chains in 1492 to the Caribbean to terrorize, enslave & capture its once welcoming Taino, Carib & Arawak peoples violently shipped back to Spain. In Columbus' 3 voyages he kills many 1000s & violates many 100s of people whom he turns into slaves, taken in chains back to Seville Spain.

I have a long-time Aymara Apurina, Jamamadi friend Yoka Hatha, Roberto Zuazo from the Amazon. Roberto is a Polyglot with working knowledge of over 9 Amazonian 1st Nation languages & over 9 international languages (I've seen Roberto in action fluently speaking Russian, French, English, Farsi, Japanese, Arabic & more. Roberto worked from a young age on international scientific expeditions over decades throughout the Amazon basin. Roberto can relate the Carib, Taino & Arawak languages to particular roots in the Amazon, which shows the hemispheric nature of 1st Nation languages & their continental trade & relational patterns. Roberto was born & raised beyond roads with his father as a Riverboat captain.


There is much evidence which shows indigenous peoples here & everywhere, cultivated Continental international Graphic-Character-Pictorial Languages, both written as symbols & drawn in the air as sign language, each across many 100s of each continent's Languages. I first appreciated this international languages communication in my learning & practice of American & Quebec Sign Languages both drawn from 'North-American Indian Hand-talk' (reference to many 100s of 'signs' used across the ~110 Turtle-Island 1st nations, formed in ~25 Confederacies by Madge Skelly) & what remains of the Petroglyph pictorial writings record. I've visited many petroglyph sites & compared these to Hand-talk signs.

These Character practices are demonstrated by the Chinese Hanzi, Korean Hanja, Japanese Kanji, chu Han in Vietnamese written international set of Characters, as well as what remains of Hieroglyphic Character Languages of North Africa & once in Europe & parts of Asia. Australia has a set of pictorial graphic characters, undoing the false colonial anthropology ignorant lie of no-written language for whole continental peoples & their international written & signed languages. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/5-collaborative-language

While we are drawn to decry & reject exogenous oppression, we are more called to understand & lovingly engage our indigenous capacities, as the real solution. Unfortunately decrying & protesting against, only tends to reaffirm the power & status of the oppressor.

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Wow, slave comes from slav! What an interesting connection.

I'll be talking about the Sephardics in the next episode, and their connection to Osarseph/ Jo-seph (the J always the tell to the lie in a supposedly Aramaic name). I'm trying to drop the term Jew as a reference to anyone. The Sephardic weren't Judean, the Ashkenazi aren't Judean. The word Jew is short for Judean and they just aren't.

The hand-talk signs and petroglyphs are also really interesting.

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On my father's side, one of my family names is Judah. As a trader from 3-Rivers, Quebec, my Judah cousin finances George Washington with a loan of some 250,000$ of 1776 money. According to family recount, the loan is apparently never paid back, but I believe the $$ control of such fake 'democratic' governments & fake half-baked Constitutions such as the USA, takes many forms of Oligarch privilege, command & control of policy. "Permit me to issue the currency of a nation & I care not who makes its laws". The loan was financing the 13 Colonies army, whose main goal was to unite in aggressive genocide invasion, war & destruction against 1st Nations. www.indigenecommunity.info

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Douglas, you have a profound clarity and connect the dots quite well. I'm glad I subscribed to your stack.

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This is response to posting for this article I saw in my notes section. I have not yet read this piece.

I will write in point form as I am pressed for time. Sorry for such brief, hurried and hodgepodge explanations. This is me thinking on the fly.

A study of how these regions made their money is essential. For the sake of convenience, I will use the term Arab to refer to the people living in the regions of north Africa and west Asia at that time.

That region would have had Indian like religious sects in place before Islam, which means divisions according to caste system, with many competing clans and spoken languages.

Some would have been mariners, with secreted knowledge of how to deliver to south east Asia and bring back. Also, nomads who knew how cross the desert to deliver goods to the southern shores of the Mediterranean sea.

Rome had a problem with pirate ships in that region. They needed a mechanism to bring the region under their sway and overthrow existing controllers. (but did they overthrow or recast the controllers?)

IMO, Islam is Catholicism for brown people. The 'profit' Mohammad, if he ever existed helped to bring competing clans and perhaps castes under one tent, along with some sort of economic system under their control. In this way Rome worked to curtail piracy on the high seas and overland. The figure head Mohammad had to appeal to a guy with no settled written script, very much attached to this own clan, born into a region wide caste system.

Hebrew sounds so much like Iranian ‘abru’ meaning "eyebrow", but also ‘obru’ meaning "reputation", but I much prefer "honor".

Brow from Proto-Indo-European *h₃bʰrúHs.

Hebrew could be indicating a magistrate, judge and perhaps overseer.

When newly minted Islamic mercenaries pushed across North Africa and into Southern Europe, the Hebrews where put in charge after takeover of each region.

Is this why Hebrews call Muslims their brooms? This begs the question, to whom did the magistrates, judges or Hebrews answer to?

Nothing new under the sun. This scenario would have played out over and over. It's very possible, before they were HeBREw they would have been BRAhmin.

I’m sure, I’m mostly wrong… but I tried.

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Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me, sumwoman. There are a lot of clues to put together. I love your line that "Islam is Catholicism for brown people." Very intriguing.

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I'm the same person that asked about your book and fractional reserve banking awhile back.

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This is AMAZING!!! You are so awesome Tereza. Thank you so much for what you do.

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Awww ... you're the best, Graham! I've been missing out on the chat because I don't have notifications turned on (too many time zones!) and now I'm afraid to open it since I'm so far behind. But I'm thrilled that you're reading me and enjoying it. This is certainly a deep, deep rabbit hole.

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Also … my wife and I are trying to figure out when and how we can meet up w you and crow (and whoever else) sometime in Mexico. We can’t make it to his wedding but perhaps sometime later in the year we can get down there. We have friends in Nayarit, not far from Cheran.

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Oh that would be perfect! I can't make it to his wedding either, I'm going to renew my passport today. But I'd love to go back to Patzcuaro where I have one neighbor and two friends who live there. What a great idea!

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Let’s stay in touch about this

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Andrey Yurievich Sklyarov wrote an amazing book "Yahweh vs. Baal - Chronicle of a Coup" in which he draws a timeline starting with Terah, the father of Abraham, and how he started the 'mission' from Ur to Harran, Egypt, Canaan and Israel. I was blown away when I first read it.

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Very interesting. The premise is that Yahweh was a coup over Baal? That would match what I suspect. I'll look for it.

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Was it published in English? Do you have a link? I can't find it in a search, even with his name and the full book name.

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"Who was Abraham?"

According to Sitchin's translation of Sumerian texts, Abraham (Ibruum) was the "chosen" of the evil "Elohim" Enlil. This tells us where the line of the "chosen people" stands: not on the side of humanity.

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Interesting reference, jamalh. From my research, though, there is no line of the chosen people. The henchmen for the parasitic class has changed from the Habiru to the Scythians to the Khazarians to the Ashkenazis. None of them are related by genealogy, only by the techniques of terrorism we see inflicted on the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians today.

Did a supernatural evil power choose Abraham or did Abraham make up a supernatural evil power that chose him? Yahweh is as evil as it gets. With treachery like this, I don't think that supernatural intervention was needed.

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"Chosen people of God" was always a misinterpretation of "People who Chose God." It could be a syntax error, but it could also be a linguistic manipulation. There are no chosen people, just people of humanity who can choose.

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Probably more than a "linguistic manipulation", in my view, the Torah is the "original lie", foundation of the mind control systems called Abrahamic religions. This book opened my eyes on the subject:


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Curious that your comment first showed up as Max Grau and then repeated as jamalh. I know Mauro Biglino's work and I have a draft on it called "Aliens, Elohim and Archons, oh my!" Kathleen Devanney, my friend and fellow writer, also feels his analysis is worth considering. While I don't dismiss that possibility, I think that human malevolence should be considered and eliminated first, before assuming that it must be control by other worldly beings.

If it is the latter, and I think NASA is gearing us up for that psyop, there's really nothing that can be done about it. Right? However, if a human parasitic dynasty instituted a system of terrorism and taxation that continues to this day, knowing that things weren't always this way would enable us to change it. And that includes calling out those who are imposing it under the guise of religion, economics, governance, or an inverted 'history' of the world wars.

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As far as I am concerned, reading M. Tellinger and M. Biglino allowed me to find what I thought was a logical and reasonable answer to a question that had bothered me for a long time: why are the Globalists so hell bent on modifying our DNA? If it was only about, as you said, "a system of terrorism and taxation" instituted by a "human parasitic dynasty" that wouldn't make much sense to me. And considering that a "human" entity could plan to destroy humanity for ever is also a little far fetched to me.

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It was his father Terah who was 'chosen'. Abraham took over after he died.

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That's right, originally Tirhu (the biblical Terah), priest-prince of Nippur was chosen by Enlil.

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“ A society of women would not tolerate terrorism. Mothers don’t let their children kill each other.” And yet oddly women abort almost one million of their own children every year in the US. Its just horrific.

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Women abort a fetus. You don't see a difference between a child and an egg that's been 'fertilized' by a man's precious sperm and therefore obligates her to host it in her body for nine months and then care for it at her own expense for the rest of its life? May I ask your gender?

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The commitment/obligation occurs at conception. Don’t sleep with a person you’re not willing to raise children with. Same for men. The egg is infinitely more precious. The miracle of life deserves no disdain.


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Obligation to whom, Ubetcha? Are you presuming to speak for God or do you represent all of the unborn? You are speaking from a position of moral superiority to tell other people what they are obligated to do. What, may I ask, makes you feel that you've been given that authority? This is exactly the assumption of superiority that I'm talking about in this episode, that has enabled violence and terrorism to be tolerated.

And ending with 'peace' is a passive-aggressive trick after making declarative statements of your right to make rules over other people. Don't pretend you're being peaceful and I'm the one arguing. You're coming onto my blog and telling me why men should control women as the servants of their seed. I don't disdain the miracle of life--I see that miracle as fully embodied by the women and I respect them, which you do not.

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The obligation to raise the child that a man and woman create. I have no authority. People can choose to do whatever they want. It’s just my view of the responsibility of adults engaging in creating life. Humans have the ability to rationalize damn near anything, and unfortunately we have devolved/programmed into treating miracles as nothing more than bodily functions. I don’t think any of it is accident either. It’s a well thought out plan for destroying humanity. Better to die than abandon your family. My mother and father put our family first, and I aspire to honor their example. Just that simple.

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And I respect the choices that you've made and that your parents made. Remember that I'm a mother of three daughters and they will always be my first priority. So you're preaching to the choir in putting children first. However they would not exist, born at the right time with the right man, if I hadn't had two abortions at the wrong time with the wrong man.

As my daughters have said, they want to counter those anti-choice ads by giving testimonials: "If my mother hadn't had an abortion, I wouldn't be here today."

I think that anyone with the time to spend judging other people's choices doesn't have much awareness of the impact of their own actions. It's been all I could do to figure out the right decisions at the grocery store, and how my purchases were causing other people's suffering and pain. If your life is free of your own moral dilemmas so that you need to take on other people's, you're either a saint or oblivious. Well, actually the saints were the most judgmental and oblivious of all.

Here's my post on the topic: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/roe-v-redux-leak-or-squirrel?

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"A society of women would not tolerate terrorism."

Yet I can't help thinking of Hillary Clinton cackling about Gaddafi being sodomized with a bayonet. I suppose it could be argued that Clinton is not really a member of a "society of women".

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Hilary Clinton, as I've often said, is a patriarch without a penis. If you have to bring up Hilary Clinton to find an exception, I think that proves the rule.

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Thanks for the laugh!

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