Sure do increasingly feel like a mouth-breather who is in the way of their natural resources.

What do they need a citizenry for when you can bring in immigrants to do the dirty work for minimal pay and don't ask questions?

Or UN/NATO under the guise of FEMA?

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Interesting, logs from destroyed trees being sent to China? Tons of steel from destroyed skyscrapers in New York were also sent to China, if I recall correctly. Guess that's international "free trade."

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I wonder about the role of 'China' in all this, by which I mean a handful of oligarchs. They're sitting on a pile of US Treasuries and debt that's denominated in dollars, that's soon becoming worthless for anything but US property, resources and labor. I've heard rumor that California and Hawaii have been traded for not cashing in that debt, which would explain why people are being culled while mega-development is being mandated. I don't know any current residents who want to live in the beehive cubicle housing tenements they're charging top price for. Maybe they're not for us at all?

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Thank you Tereza. When the hurricanes happened I felt quite removed from it all. But recent deep grief work has opened something in me, and now I'm feeling the grief and horror from the recent hurricanes. And feeling the possibility/truth of meddling from government/money/corporations. I can't /can believe what you are saying about government coming in to help and the way they showed up. Military gear??? No supplies???

I can/can't wait for your vision to come to fruition. We need it now. And the devastation that will be needed to bring it to life seems immense.

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So interesting, marta, about your grief work. I would suggest, humbly, that there's another level beyond apathy and empathy, if I can term those so. Empathetic grief, that experiences sorrow without it doing anything directly for the person (I don't mean you doing anything, I mean without you being in direct communication with that person), I think can come from guilt--why them and not us? And it can place a limit on what you're able to know without being weighed down. That's why I didn't watch the Truthstream Video past the scared woman asking for help to be rescued. I need to keep emotional boundaries, and not absorb personal stories if I want to stay engaged with the meta-analysis.

I had been hearing about the FEMA response in alt-media, but I take that with a grain of salt. Mike isn't someone I remember commenting before, so there's a chance that was planted. But his desire for me to emphasize the community's response rings true, and matches what I saw here in the 'Lightning' fires. Especially seeing what happened in their wake, and the prevention of rebuilding, and Decode's experience, it all adds up.

Yes, for so long my vision has been so real to me I can taste it. It makes it hard to wait. I don't know if devastation is needed to bring it to life--it seems like that's already happened. I think it could be a very small shift--Trump being elected and his base realizing they were duped when he cancels Social Security and gives all our tax money to Israel. All that needs to happen is people realizing private bankers issue the money and that was never authorized. It doesn't require changing the Constitution or law, only knowing what we want.

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Thanks Tereza. I especially love your last paragraph - your vision is so real you can taste it. I love your tireless advocacy for this vision - you've brought me around to believing in it's possibility. And good point, that if Trump wins, there could be major shakeups that have unintended consequences which benefit humanity rather than the rulers. May it be so!

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Unrelated - I visited my family and had intense conversations about politics. My brother still sees the "good intentions" of the democrats, gives them the benefit of the doubt. I shared your list of how to have a better argument and we all liked the list very much. Patted ourselves on the back for liking each other. I tried to get everyone to talk about what evidence would change your/my minds, but no one wanted to address that. I'm not sure there is evidence that could change my mind into trusting democrats or really any national politician. What about you? Is there evidence that could lead you to trusting a national politician?

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Oh that's so sweet! I love that my list is making the rounds of your family!

Since we already have the liking each other covered, I'll apply my list to this 'argument', aka purposeful discussion.

Your question is, "Is there evidence that could lead you to trusting a national politician?"

Something I didn't put into my rules but thought later that I should, is unpacking the hidden assumptions within the thesis question. But I think that can be done by defining the terms.

"Lead towards" is a good phrase that indicates a continuum, not an absolute. So I'd interpret that as 'what evidence would move me towards rather than away.'

"trust" is something I define the same as belief--making up your mind in advance of the evidence or experience. I don't believe in believing or trusting, even in personal relationships. Trust implies an unspoken contract, that you've given someone power over you in exchange for something else. That's unfair to the person who's being 'trusted' because they may not have wanted that power. It binds the other with self-sacrifice.

"national" is a clue as to what that unspoken agreement is. Why do we want one person to have power over 330M people? I think because we identify with 'our' candidate and feel it will give us power to impose what we want on all the rest. I think we need to question that desire within ourselves.

"politician," from its etymology, would be a person who determines policy. That's not what Presidents do. They act in ways that supersede policy, make exceptions to it, or veto policy that's been laboriously set by Congress. What's the point of having policy?

To rephrase your question, "Is there evidence that could move you towards giving up your power over yourself for an implicit contract of power over 330M others?" my answer is yes! The only legitimate use of power over others, as in a parent, is to give someone eventual power over themselves. If any national candidate had a platform of giving communities economic control over their own labor, I'd devote as much power as I had to getting them elected: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-do-i-want-from-a-president?

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I shared all of this with my parents, Tereza. I really really love how you break this down. I had a new understanding of trust - and that what we need is interdependence in community, rather than trust in authority. And this sentence: "Is there evidence that could move you towards giving up your power over yourself for an implicit contract of power over 330M others?" - that rewriting makes it so clear how much I do not trust any national politicians. And I love your clarity on how you could potentially get behind a national politician. One little tidbit - I was trying to find a term that includes US Senators and US Representatives - politicians working at the national level, not just the President. I doubt that changes anything substantive.

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As things are going, it's becoming increasingly clear that we will need - at a community by community level to find our own solutions.

Truly timely when you published your book, Tereza. It is a blueprint I suspect more and more people will be studying as we go forward.

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Weird ongoings for sure... it sure suggests that "they" are in panic mode.

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Very much so, Fadi. I know you've probably seen this but I'm just watching Laurent Guyenot's video showing that Israel assassinated the Kennedys: https://youtu.be/a37FM542MXE?si=5ERaAoP-DRPzcEz9. Fascinating stuff. What strikes me is how smug they seem, LBJ and Nixon, about getting away with it. It sure seems like a lot is coming to light now, with many narratives unraveling fast.

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Speaking of unraveling - I thought of you when I watched this - it's in the very first few minutes of the video. An explanation on why so many jews had german prison tattoos.


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Thanks for posting that. I love Max! I'll save it to watch in full. Great quote he attached: "It isn't the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it's the troubles who create the rebels."

I also have saved an Unz article today making the case for open debate on the holocaust. That seems like a great approach, rather than arguing for the results: https://www.unz.com/article/a-case-for-open-debate-on-the-holocaust.

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An open debate - I can't imagine why anyone would object? :-)

Yes a good idea. It's always the stuff you can't question...

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I hadn't seen this video, but in chapter 8 of his book Laurent presents a detailed and the most convincing explanation that it was the Mossad that assassinated the Kennedys.

Quote: "how smug they seem, LBJ and Nixon, about getting away with it"

LBJ provided cover for the murderous attack on USS Liberty, didn't he?

Quote: "a lot is coming to light now, with many narratives unraveling fast"

Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Global awakening", he saw it coming and was terrified by it:

"In earlier times it was easier to control a million people, than physically to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people."


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Yes, LBJ's cover for the USS Liberty attack is one of his key point. His maternal Jewish line is another, and Jack Ruby's real name and affiliations. It provided more than I'd knew before about Bobby Kennedy Sr. and about Joe Jr.

That's quite a quote from Brzezinski!

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And how about this for what’s next: National Cybersecurity Exercise on Election Day? True or False? Today I will be calling my state senators and legislators.

Tereza, I love your work! I live in a bubble with substack writers like you! It is so hard to talk about anything with anyone in real time: neither Trump supporters nor true blue democrats go very deep on any topic. In recent times I have faced true racism in a casual conversation (not a meme or stereotype experience) and yet again devout Dems spewing hate about Trump and how stupid those are who vote for him! Since being ostracized by society for the choice I made about shots, I hesitate to speak out for fear of what’s next. Anyway, I continue to work through what I can say about the skies and food despite the fact that eyes glaze over and I can actually see the question in their thought bubbles, “Isn’t that? Is this?….conspiracy theory?”

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I really appreciate you saying that, Denise! I found myself in a hot tub on Saturday between a Kamala supporter and a Trump one. I maintained that it was a difference of which proxy we use to goad nuclear war--Ukraine or Israel. And then gave my theory that Trump was the Great Setup to the Great Reset by being intentionally offensive while enacting policies Democrats thought were fine with Obama. Making them against everything they used to be for and for what they used to be against. I may have made equal enemies of both ;-)

Meanwhile, the chemtrails were spiraling in the sky above. I don't know how anyone can not see them. Grateful you're in my bubble!

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About an hour ago I was watching an interview with former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who, although he claimed not to be as well versed in domestic politics as he is on foreign policy, was highly critical of both major party candidates and trotted out a German figure of speech that he thought speaks to our domestic election options...my recollection of his translation is that of "being faced with a choice between the plague and cholera."

So, after scrolling quite a ways down through a plethora of clips that were alternating between parts of Diamanda Galas' "Plague Mass" and cuts from an Austrian metalcore band named Plague Mass, I finally found something else with "plague" in the title, and surprisingly enough, if you don't blink too slowly or turn your head at just the wrong moment, you can catch a couple of seconds worth of saxophones. Enjoy the dance... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKhVE-pP7hA&t=545s

Unfortunately or not, there wasn't even a metal band named "Cholera" or with clips of songs with that aliment in the titles. However, I did manage to find find one related to the choleric temperament that wasn't psycho mumbo jumbo. At least two genders are represented in the dance, but although there is a piano, no brassy saxes are involved. :-( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uts9ihWDcUg

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Of course Heather would know of a band named Cholera ;-)

And that ballerina is all legs!

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I don't dance, so I don't know if that's a compliment or not...it was the first thing

that I encountered that wasn't psychology oriented. (It was way, way down the screen...like'd to've stripped the gears on my mouse's scroll wheel)

The closest I came to being a dance fan was back in college when a couple friends who were girls tried to innoculate this Deadhead boy with more serious culture and took me to see (I think) Ruryev & Fonteyn in The Nutcracker. Although I appreciated the sets and athleticism, it was an experimental shot that didn't need to be repeated...no booster necessary...I was immunized...at least, until YouTube appeared and showed me what Twyla Tharp was doing. :-)

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Oh too bad, my son's friends had a band called Cholera and it was thrash metal but they never recorded anything.

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Not even an Amarillo version of The Garage Tapes?? If they're still local, maybe they could reconstitute as Shock Cholera. On a less toxic note, I thought I was going to move back to Costa Rica fairly soon, but the current plan is to move to Austin in fairly early2025 and stay at my kid brother's place out by Lake Travis. Y'all set up for overnight visitors, or should I bring the small-to-medium sized RV that I'm seriously considering buying once I make it to Austin? If you still haven't had chiles en nogada by then, I could bring some from Austin, or worst case I could drive down to SA and pick them up there. Buen provecho!

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Ha! That was in SoCal Orange County... no tapes he says.... wow Lake Travis, great place! I'm sure we can work something out. My sis goes to Austin regularly and we are going to meet up there in 2025...so one way or another....

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OK, OC makes a ton of sense. Unlike revenge, those chiles are best served hot, but like revenge, they're worth waiting for. If the timing works, maybe we'll wind up meeting in person in Burnt Orange County.

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Is the 82nd Airborne busy preparing for something else or are they truly under the control of biden/harris. They are located only a couple hundred miles away and could have been a great help to the people of North Carolina. Maybe their focus is elsewhere?

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“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” -Mr. Rogers

That quote always gave me the feels.

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Another wonderful talk on a very important subject - thank you Tereza. Oh it's so bad, and getting badder, though much good is in the mix as well. It's a boy's club darling, predatory boys that is. It is obvious that government agencies only get in the way. They seem like gangs that attract psychopaths and of course psychopaths would be attracted because their sadism would find expression there. We pay for all this mind you. I love that you're not getting house insurance again, that is a rip off. Honor to you for using it to help others already in need. This is America coming together. The psychopaths must really hate seeing this. Standing together makes us so strong. It's absolutely heartbreaking that rather than help, these agencies just get in the way. They are the looters and opportunists that should make everyone shudder. Getting around in their aggressive-looking vehicles is like a big sign that tells you what the gang is made of. But whatever they do, the power of people's togetherness cannot be outdone.

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I’m aware of cloud seeding efforts here in CA, to promote rain but is there real evidence these natural disasters were malicious human intended and controlled? I saw the lightning that started our LNU Complex fire up here in 2020, and also the lightning that started the Mill Fire in the Sierras last summer.

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Hello, Tiedye! Are you in California or Canada? Now that I'm talking to people from all over, I realize I have to clarify. We had the CZU Lightning Complex Fires here around Santa Cruz. At the time, I knew nothing about weather modification but there was a wind like I've never felt before that made me think, "Something wicked this way comes." Completely eerie and unnatural. People went down to the beach to see the lightning, it was a completely clear night and they'd never seen anything like that here. And then all the fires started.

At that time, it was just a feeling that something was off. But it's been a lesson in how easy it is to get people to ignore their own senses--and the science. It's not really cloud seeding they do here, it's nano-aluminum that comes out of the planes in long trails that don't disappear, and then is pulled into feathery spirals, like DNA. Once you see it, you'll wonder how you ever didn't. I recommend the articles by Decode and Greg Reese. They're fairly short but show that they have the capability. Then it's a question of "Would they use it?" and I don't think there's anything they wouldn't do after seeing Maui.

In addition to my last linked video above, here are some others I've done on weather weaponization: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/under-the-ominous-sky


Thanks for responding!

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Thanks for the leads! I’m in wine country in California. 🇺🇸

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I was just there this weekend at Vichy Springs in Sonoma. Watching the chemtrails over the hot tub, to paraphrase Lana del Rey ;-)

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By the way, the websites you gave in your book don’t seem to be active. Is that right?

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I moved all my websites to a new hosting service because the one I had became another scam. I had to let go of all the content I'd built, if you mean thirdparadigm.org. But I still have the domains so they might come back in a better form.

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Wondering why you call your blog "The Third Paradigm" Tereza. Very curious on that.

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Thanks for that question, denise. My 'address' for my blog is 'between the false dichotomies.' I think we're being pushed into one psyop or a reaction psyop, or a compromise between psyops. It keeps everything along one continuum. But there is a completely different possibility in another plane, by asking a different question. We're being herded into a two-dimensional debate without considering that another dimension even exists. And I think that's true for all divides: creationism vs evolution, Dems vs. Reps, democracy vs. socialism, science vs. religion. Does that make sense?

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Yes it makes perfect sense. You are right on - they keep forcing only two options onto us. I can't help but see where this comes from - the lack of feminine input so we only get the male way of thinking and the predatory male at that, not the healthy male. However males and females think totally differently but females are corralled to think only the male way so it's very difficult to find even women with that feminine perspective. We have loads of options, not just two! And we must not get into that maelstrom. Noticing the pattern makes us conscious of it and in consciousness, the chicanery loses its oomph. Awareness is so key to dissolving all this subterfuge.

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Yes I agree. As you've said before, one end of the spectrum is the Virginia Slim feminist (my term), the woman manipulated by profiteers into using her labor to serve them and out-macho the men. The other side is the men who resent the competition with women to serve the oligarchs. Neither sees the feminine and maternal perspective of using our labor--men and women--to serve family and community.

But I thought the examples of men trying to help were hopeful and show that men do want their labor to serve the community. I see it as what I meant by tonic masculinity.

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Antiwhites is what they are. We need to reclaim the moral high ground by calling out their antiwhiteism.

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I don't think they care what color the people are in the way of their lithium mine. Tennessee, Georgia, the Carolinas have a large black population. My street where I grew up in Appalachia was exactly half black--I remember counting once. Hurricane Katrina was the intentional dispossession of the oldest society of Free Blacks in the US.

The same people who are drowning Appalachians are shooting Palestinian children for sport, funding paramilitaries in South America, and assassinating African leaders. I think the moral high ground is condemning these acts, no matter who they're against. IMO.

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Exactly. They don’t care at all, but they want us to.

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Black people are being harmed as well, but this is collateral damage. Their primary target is Westernkind, though they do appear to hate all who are not of their "chosen" people. They've just killed another million in Ukraine. Their Bolshevist project killed many tens of million White Christians in Russia and Ukraine. How many were killed in WWI, WWII, and the aftermath? A hundred plus million? All Western countries are being invaded by hostiles, all enabled/facilitated by those I call antiwhites. If they are against my people, they are antiwhite, regardless of which group they identify with.

I suspect they fear that we are the people most capable of throwing off their parasitic rule.

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If you mean the YahChoPeeps, as I call Yahweh's Chosen People, you know I agree we're all Amalekites to them. I fully agree with you that the world wars were their doing, the evidence is overwhelming, along with the Bolshevik project.

I was just rewatching The 13 Sugar Colonies that show their profiteering and control of the African slave trade, so I wouldn't say blacks are collateral damage. And Arabs are certainly their primary target, aided by Christian fundamentalists who Trump says are more keen for Zionism than Jews are. He's their Messiah, as chosen by 163 Orthodox rabbis, and he's been given a second $100M by the Adelsons in this election.

I'm not sure that Ukraine was their doing but you might be right. The ZioNazis were used for the Maidan coup in 2014. But those who pull the strings are a small handful and even the YahChoPeeps are their patsies. Israel's another sacrifice zone, imo.

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Your maps are good, Tereza. The YaChoPeeps appear to contain a high proportion of rabid antiwhites, and those antiwhites have victimized our people to an extraordinary degree. But not all antiwhites are YoChoPeeps, and not all YaChoPeeps are antiwhite. Jason Köhne has persuaded me that we need to center ourselves (Westernkind) in our story, rather than centering another group such as the YaChoPeeps. Complaining about other groups has never helped us, in my reading of history. (Please correct me on that if I'm mistaken.)

Agree with your assessment of Trump, and the weaponized "Christian" Zionists. As as for the Arabs being their primary target: they may appear to be, at the moment. They definitely plan to use one branch of Amalek to destroy another branch of Amalek. Standard Operating Procedure. But looking at the harm they've inflicted on Westernkind these last 150+ years, it seems to me that Westernkind / Christendom has been the primary target, and the Arabs were targeted primarily because they happened to be inconveniently present in Greater Israel at this time.

To see how Ukraine appears to be their doing, look into Victoria Nuland, her husband, Alexander Semyon Vindman, and the curious rise of Zelenski.

When viewed from a White Well-Being perspective, the Ukraine carnage was/is thoroughly antiwhite. Many of the worst actors happened to be antiwhite YaChoPeeps. If we drew Venn diagrams, there would be a considerable overlap.

Agree that most YaChoPeeps are patsies of the Psychopaths (Persistent Predatory Personalites https://video.thesetruths.com/static/media/ppp-attributes-quote.jpg) at the core of the YaChoPeep cult. The way those patsies are weaponized to protect the PPPs is genius, when it comes to evil.

Agree that Israel is likely another sacrifice zone. Ya loves his burnt offerings, no?

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Well put, Jerome, that "most YaChoPeeps are patsies of the Psychopaths (Persistent Predatory Personalities at the core of the YaChoPeep cult. The way those patsies are weaponized to protect the PPPs is genius, when it comes to evil."

And agreed on Victoria Nuland: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/nuland-unmasked.

And on the parasites: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/parasites-the-first-5000-years.

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Thanks for diving into and responding to my other articles, Jerome. I was giving more thought to your premise that the Ukraine war is an attack on whites. Nuland's coup would never have been possible without the support of the Eurokranians, as I call them. They supported the attacks and discrimination against the Russokranians. Are Russians also white? And the ultimate target, according to Michael Hudson, has been the Germans who lost fuel, industry and agriculture in the third defeat in a century, counting the world wars.

Perhaps Germans are the ones most knowledgable about their tricks, at least the ones who've covertly passed down what they know. Very Brave New World, meaning its opposite of course.

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Thank you for those posts! I appreciate how much you've discovered and how well you communicate.

I'm glad you've been giving the "they do it because it's antiwhite" theory consideration. In the case of Ukraine, isn't it the case that the overwhelming percentage of the million plus casualties have been White Christians? And that the cost of this killing was paid out of yet more (unpayable) debt imposed upon mostly White Americans? Russians are White. Eurokranians are White. Russokranians are White. Westernkind is one people, with many nations. Antiwhiteism is a disease/weakness of the White race. The fact that we haven't learned to see ourselves as one people is why our victimizers have been so successful at getting us to harm one another. WWI is one example, WWII and its aftermath provide countless more examples.

Regarding Ukraine, I presume you are aware of the Holomodor. Have you read Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together?

Have you seen Jordan Peterson's "I can't do it" response to the question about the Holodomor?

Regarding my apparent obsession with antiwhiteism, it's grown from seeing that we will continue to lose unless we center ourselves in our own story. As you said in your parasites-the-first-5000-years piece, in the beginning was the WORD. We've foolishly allowed antiwhites to provide their words instead of using our own words. Their words include "Marxism", "Bolshevism", "Feminism", "DEI", "Woke"... a never ending litany of words that they give us to describe them. Because they are the author they control the story, and we lose. We need to write our own story, using words that allow us to recapture our well-being.

You have a talent for writing. Keep using it. The stories you tell can help recapture our destiny!

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