Thank you.

You are weaving a lot here, Tereza and I know you can.

I will have to work my way through. Saw a handful of the videos you've referenced. (BTW Clif HIgh who introduced me to Khazarians, calls them them the name stealers who assumed jewish heritage.)

The endlessly debated interpretations of history, especially where religion is concerned, the emphasizing of stories that support specific views and agendas, the leveraging of crises as a means to advance totalitarian ideology (YH)... It's all so tired. And the idiotic abject horror of war. I think we're close to being over it. (It actually feels like history, even as I watch it play out in real time, like an echo full of empty. )

Yes, we humans are really starting to see it. How the ongoing scam works.

As always, appreciate your attentiveness and bright mind.

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Haha! I'm two behind on yours so no complaints here! I just discovered that my browser has a 'reading list' sidebar, which has been dangerous. Now I have another way to file things after a glance, especially if I really want to devote some attention to them--like yours. But I am looking forward to them and will clear my list I've "I really shoulds" to make sure they're not buried.

Someone else just mentioned Clif High. I need to revisit him. Name-stealers is great but I think it refers to the whole Torah as psyops. It's interesting that the prevailing theme is stealing the inheritance through trickery.

Backatya, bright mind!

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Yes, Clif High wrote an interesting piece about the Name Stealers about eighteen months ago: so-called "Jews"/Sabbateans pretending to be Jesuits, Moslems, etc, etc, and more recently it seems, Nazis and goodness knows who and what else:


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Tereza, I'm loving Henry Makow's site. Thank you.

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Right? So much new info on so many old psyops.

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Jordan Peterson never made sense to me. It was like I was allergic to his illogic.

"The indicators for someone having this universe of PC ideas was:

low verbal intelligence that uses words like power and oppression


feminine temperament

taking a politically correct course"

1) he pretends to know more by using fancy double speak words that hide the simple facts

Power today, oppresses people. It's a fact even he would agree to if you listen to his lobster story.

2 and 3) haha, it's like being in the olden times, don't pay attention to the female perspective, it's usually crazy ... hey I'm a man that sees the feminine and the masculine in myself and society.

He just sees the solution as male... We're the "warriors"...

4) not all pc approved courses are propaganda... some address long time civil rights issues that matter to everyone

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You're a breath of fresh air, Rob!

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And Jordan Peterson is a breath of old air lol

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Would it be too impolite to say an old fart? I'm watching the Amazing Polly on him, following up on Jordan Peterson's WEF Dream. She's darn good! I'm halfway to controlled opposition already.

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He's indeed an old fart.

He doesn't even need to be controlled.

He still carries the propaganda of his time with him.

Some of that in Kennedy and Trump too.

What makes me wonder is why so many follow Peterson when he's clearly a relic... But I think his support is dropping.

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Haw haw. I'm so glad that I have heretofore never known what a Jordan Peterson is. What a huge waste of time, emotional energy and whatnot. The circus never ends in whacko world. Take me back to the quarries!

"How any man of sense can tolerate such stuff, I do not know."

From Lucian of Samosata , The Way to Write History, from The Works of Lucian of Samosata, p120

tr. by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler. Published [1905] written about 120 C.E


It's a short but entertaining read that applies perfectly to the overwhelming manure we'reexposed to today.

Thank you.

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I see you bookmarked another Matt Ehret article/interview. I've got about a hundred bookmarked. How the heck does he just recall all that information at the drop of a hat?

Looks like we've got a Gulf of Tonkin today. Things are moving fast. Did you know there were two Gulf of Tonkin incidents. The first one didn't take so they tried again. Neither of them really happened. What's old is new again.

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Mathew Crawford is interviewing Matt Ehret tomorrow (Friday). That should be fun!

Yes, Matt's memory is prodigious. And that's not even bringing Cynthia into it! I don't agree with Matt on everything but they both sure add to my knowledge.

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Wow, Tereza, thank you for letting me know. A couple great minds. I have to get rid of some of my old crappy memories or ideas to make room for new and better ones again.

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The real, horrible, truth is coming out about the USS Liberty catastrophe. The crew-members are getting old, and although they were sworn to secrecy on pain of death, they’re coming out to speak now…


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“Populist leaders like Trump and Netanyahu make people distrust institutions, central government, even elites.” How else are you going to siphon money away from the little people once they see who is behind the curtain?

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Thanks Tereza. You've done so much work. Shall read through/check links later.

Just recall Kit's piece. Found very interesting at the time.


Also interesting was Amazing Polly's research re Jordan Peterson


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Thanks, I'll check those out!

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"Come onto the ARC!" - yeah right! lol

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Israel is being 'suicided' might be an accurate headline!

I would say that the whole reason for corralling Jews into one vulnerable place was always intended to make annihilating them easier. The Black Nobility know the weaknesses of all their closest servants and playing all sides against each other has been one of their specialities since they manipulated Genghis Khan to sweep from China to Poland.

No amount of lip-flapping will deter the Nobs from the depopulation agenda, planned and executed as it is written in the Roman vision conveyed in the mind control Bible book of Revelation.


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That's a great word, great analogy. Used as the assassin and then suicided.

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As I said in my article, I would love to be wrong..... I have some Jewish ancestry myself but the last place on earth that I would ever want to live is occupied Palestine. Did you know that the Jewish population in Israel recently topped the dreaded 6 million mark? When I read that, a couple of years ago, my blood ran cold.

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I don't know the significance of that, could you explain it?

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It's probably related to 666 which is considered some sort of ominous "magic" number or the "devils' number" by some folks. That's about all I know and probably all we need to know. I consider it just more foolishness to think about and I don't see much value in wasting time on. though I could be wrong.

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I thought that too but check out the link from Frances. You'll be blown away (as if it's possible to do that for any of us these days).

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It's a good comment, but my impression has rather been fortified than obliterated, and yer correct that nothing surprises me these days and I doubt a tornado could blow me away today.

Speaking of which, I think I'll pre-order Kennedy's new book, "The Wuhan Coverup" which is pedaled thus...

"The groundwork for COVID-19 started in 1945 . . .

The roots of this evil are deeper and darker than anyone would suspect.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. peels back the lies of the last four years to reveal a decades-long, morally bankrupt bioweapons arms race — a race that led to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Get the whole story when “The Wuhan Cover-Up” comes out December 5. Pre-order your copy now and be among the first to get your hands on the truth…

Discover a biosecurity industry that is more corrosive and far-reaching than you ever could have imagined.

Learn the disturbing truth about how medical research was militarized by power-hungry elites who conspired to profit from your pain.

Find out who’s really pulling the public health policy strings."

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Excellent, thank you for that!

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With regard to the missing feminine in the Trinity, surely this is just another example of the Church of Rome inventing dogma to suit the political exigencies of (patriarchal) Roman society and politics? In fact, according to the Mystery Schools, Jesus always and only referred to the divine in the feminine.

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Thanks, Ranger. Eva is also on with Vanessa Beeley and Cynthia McKinley here: https://beeley.substack.com/p/understanding-gaza-under-fire-and.

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Followed the link and found the comments interesting too.


Jun 18

Liked by vanessa beeley

Kennedy gets a lot wrong on many vital issues. It's just that he gets a free pass by his "followers" because he is well "a Kennedy."

Go back and read his "analysis" on "the pandemic"- he gets it all wrong right from the start calling it a "mismanaged pandemic" rather than the global operation that it is.

Go back and watch his interview w/Denis Rancourt where he speaks about what happened in N Italy in Spring 2020- he gets everything wrong including the basic locale of where the (non) pandemic was happening.

The hagiography around the Kennedy's is pure fiction, particularly that surrounding JFK.

Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult.

The Kennedy/Camelot cult is another example of this indoctrination.


vanessa beeley

Jun 18


Yup. The ever burning desire for a "saviour" which prevents people finding solutions for themselves.

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Wow! What an astute comment.

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I wish I could claim credit for it. I have long held a very nasty opinion of G Washington, but have never read anything that agrees so well with my attitude on him. He was one nasty SoB and I'm happy that a handful of others feel the same.

He's right about the Kennedys and I like what VB said about a "savior" too. In my humble opinion hope is for babies and after that yer on yer own.

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100% on GW as an SoB. I do write about that in the book on the platform-that-must-not-be-mentioned ;-)

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You are amamzing. I have never communicated with another person who shared that view. Among other things, he advocated terrorism. I simply must get my hands on a copy of your book.

I wonder how many people know this.:

George Washington was a terrorist, known to the Iroquois as Conotocarious or Village Destroyer. According to Wikipedia the nickname had previously been given to his great-grandfather John Washington in the late seventeenth century. He had participated in an effort to suppress Indigenous peoples defending themselves in Virginia and Maryland.

Orders of George Washington to General John Sullivan, at Head-Quarters May 31, 1779

But you will not by any means listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected. Our future security will be in their inability to injure us and in the terror with which the severity of the chastisement they receive will inspire them.


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"I believe that Trump was the Great Setup to the Great Reset"

In ICE-9 latest chapter: https://ice9.substack.com/p/the-killing-joke-chapter-14-of-25

He addresses the issue in an interesting way; I did not agree with him fully.

Later when I was finishing my work on "Mass Psychology in Geopolitics", I reached same conclusion as his.

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Fadi! I had just been thinking about you and wondering how you were. Are you doing okay there in the Levant?

ICE-9 has a very deep and interesting analysis. "Emperor of the Saturnalia" fits. And yes, this is all being tied to Biblical narratives and occult meaning. I don't know if you saw this one: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/maga-the-crocodile-demon.

I think ICE-9 is right about the scheme extending into local politics. I keep wondering who's complicit and who's being duped but, in the end, it makes little difference. This paragraph sums up so much of the agenda:

"This New Nexus conducted extensive searches to identify, cultivate, and place sociopaths, psychopaths, and miscreants into leading roles within society’s most prestigious institutions. They installed the university regents who deconstructed education into the de-education process by which one no longer questions the dogma forced upon them by a radicalized authoritarian and entrenched tenured faculty. They rigged the 15% voter turnout local elections from one end of America to the other and placed their councilmen, mayors, school boards, aldermen, sheriffs, and district attorneys into those major cities scheduled to host America’s life and death reality TV struggles. Through their NGOs they led campaigns to decriminalize crime, promote degeneracy, and eradicate history. And in close coordination with America’s greatest ally, they ran well funded honey pot blackmail operations to ensnare society’s arrogant and influential but morally weak “leadership” so to ensure that the Philosopher Kings’ directives continued unabated to fruition."

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Hello Tereza, Actually I was shocked when Syria fell to the NATO - Israel sponsored Head Choppers, especially that there were Palestinians celebrating the fall of Syria!

I realized I was missing something in my analyses, so I went through a couple of months of research, and I realized that mass psychology is a key weapon in geopolitical struggles. The research turned into a 50 page document, so I will be publishing it in 9 sections. By the way, I also realized that I myself had been manipulated by the "Counterculture" counterrevolution of the 1960s, so I dwelled on this mass psychology manipulation operation in some depth.

Yeah ICE-9 is a genius! By the way, he and Joshua Stylman were most helpful in my research on mass psychology.

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Oh I'll look forward to that series, Fadi. I woke up one morning and jotted down some notes for another episode. There are four ways of controlling someone else, whether that's as a parent or an oligarch: force, laws, money and ideas. The most effective starts with ideas and works its way left. The difference is that parents are giving the child self-control in their ideas, money, laws and force, while the oligarch is tricking them into giving him control.

The mind is the last frontier, and the place we have the most control. So yes, I think that's the place to start undoing it. And it's always a powerful thing when someone looks at their own manipulation. I too was taken in by the counterculture revolution so I'll be paying attention to your analysis.

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"The most effective starts with ideas and works its way left." Exactly!

I was shocked by the power of mass psychology control, and surprised at how much disrespect the mass psychologists have for the masses.

This entails several consequences, first and foremost, you can forget about "political processes". Second, forget about rational discussions psychologists state "man is an irrational creature" and they are right. In the age of social media, "they" have absolute control over the masses.

Another thing that surprised me... is that it is dominated by a specific ethnic group ;-) lol

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Here is a link to Gabor Mate candid depiction of what Israel..


I think you mention him too.

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Thank you for sharing that, Masha. "Take the worst thing you can say about Hamas and multiply it by 1000X and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians." I'd heard it before when I did an episode called The Epiphany Jumpstart on Russell's four interviews of Gabor: https://youtu.be/erwJwvid4o4. I was so moved when he said he cried every day for two weeks when he went to Gaza. And you know, of course, that Aaron is his son. Great family.

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Simply amazing compilation of material! Profound!

Like David Icke says truth vibrations have started...and impossible to stop them..

They cannot lie to us like they have been doing for many many many years!

Thank you, dear Tereza! God bless you!

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Thank you, Masha, and I love the name and byline of your Stack. It's going to be my new mantra!

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Really great sweep across the range of anti-life versions of patriarchy and matriarchy! Excellent. And great to really start looking at the importance of words/language. (Thank you for mentioning my look at it.) And it does come down to how each of us embody our language. I think that Maajid Nawaz is fundamentally correct at how subtly our language is exclusionary, which is easily not seen by the people who are in power. (I'll be writing about an key aspect of that in a very specific and easily addressed way in a near future post.)

I agree with your assessment of JBP being fundamentally a representative of the 'unhealthy' form or masculinity. (And I hinted at that in my earlier look at that 'problem' with Chomsky — what I have coined 'the Chomsky Paradox' and 'the Chomsky Affect' — and Naomi Klein. I think it applies to Naomi Wolf too, although I haven't written about her specifically in that way.)

And now to add some more open tabs in my browser! LoL! Tonight I dive into my next instalment on words, rationality and logic.

Thank you!

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Amazing range of information Tereza! Thank you! Just a couple of quick questions before I start reading- how do you find the time to read/watch all this ? And how do you stay centred and not go down the plug hole of despair?

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Ah, I think that we need to watch the synchronicities in our personal lives to recognize that there's meaning and purpose. I don't mean that bad things don't happen, of course, but that the timing seems deliberate to nudge us into the direction we need to go. At least that's my experience. Thank you for reading, since I know we're all inundated!

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You made an informative video and have provided great links AGAIN! Thank you. I don’t know how you can keep up and then create so much wonderful content too.

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Oh posting those links are my way of NOT keeping up. Then I can defer them instead of doing the episode they deserve. But I hope others watch the 'very personal statement from Levantine journalist, Marwa Osman on the bombed hospital' and weigh in. Was it not an Israeli airstrike? Was it not bombed at all? Or is that more propaganda because the NYT accidentally published the truth?

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