Happy Molek Day! Remember that the Torah has no vowels. From Laurent Guyenot:
the word MLK, vocalized as Molek in the Hebrew Masoretic version and Melek in the Greek Septuagint, is identical to the Hebrew word for “king” … in Leviticus and Jeremiah, child sacrifices are said to be offered to Molek (or Molech) but in the name of Yahweh and in his temple. … a process of dissociation was operated, between the evil god MLK who asked the sacrifice of every first-born son eight days after birth, and the good god YHWH who forbade this practice.
Is it just a coincidence that MLK means both Moloch and King? The name Martin King has the same syllables as MLK, but that name was never used. Was Martin meant to be a Gandhi taming the Black Panthers, a Jesus telling Judean zealots to submit the other cheek for the Romans to slap, before he went rogue with his Vietnam speech?
Today also augers the MAGA man. Maga is the Egyptian crocodile demon-deity that is the son of Set/h, who was proto-Yahweh, described by Laurent as a sociopath among the gods. Set/h killed and dismembered his brother Osiris so he could never resurrect:
In the Osiris myth, the most important Egyptian myth, Set is portrayed as the usurper who murdered and mutilated his own brother, Osiris. Osiris's sister-wife, Isis, reassembled his corpse and resurrected her dead brother-husband with the help of the goddess Nephthys. The resurrection lasted long enough to conceive his son and heir, Horus. Horus sought revenge upon Set, and many of the ancient Egyptian myths describe their conflicts.
What would be the ultimate revenge of Set/h over Horus? To make his own son Maga into the heir and the new Messiah.
And the first order of business will be to put the DOGE over everything—the Department of Government Efficiency headed by Elon Musk. And we can render unto Caesar the coin of His DOGE realm. In Secret Itinerary, kitten pointed me to Seeds of the Void:
Perhaps in all of recorded history, never was there a more perfect example of a cold and calculating plutocratic oligarchy than the one that despotically ruled the Empire of Venice. While the chief despot was aptly called the Doge, his governance merely reflected the will of the many Northern Italian Black Nobility petty tyrants who collectively ruled the realm from behind the curtain, as always. Now fast forward to 2025 and see the many parallels that eerily abound throughout the U.S. Empire…
So, just to be clear, the New World Order is now swiftly manifesting under the aegis of Trump as the DOGE of the US Empire and Elon Musk as the DOGE of the Global Technocracy.
The Northern Italian Black Nobility (NIBN) represents the wealthiest and most powerful of all the secret societies down through the ages. The NIBN actually created and secretly controls the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking dynasties which were used to establish the current Global Economic & Financial System—the latest version of the bankster-managed control mechanism foisted on the entire planetary civilization by the even more clandestine Babylonian Banking Cartel.
During the 13th and 14th centuries, the major cities of Northern Italy such as Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Verona, etc. were the home of the world’s first corporations. All of those corporations were established under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church. The northern Italian banking houses (and merchants who formed them) were some of the most powerful and richest families in the world which saw Catholic Italian noblemen and landed gentry intermarry with Khazarian merchants and Jewish moneychangers. This is why so many of today’s Khazarian Cabal families can trace their ancestry back to the Northern Italian Black Nobility.
The occult signaling can’t get any clearer. According to demonology, every time you get someone to repeat a lie, they become possessed by a demon. All the names are changed to protect the guilty. Heroes and villains have been inverted. The magic power of words has been usurped.
The magistrates and puppet majesties of Maga don’t just trust in the magic of words. 5000 years ago, the Habiru/ Hebrew mafia backed the spells and incantations with terrorism. The henchmen have changed but the methods remain the same.
Violence isn’t enough, however, when people are thinking clearly because those defending their homes and families are always more motivated than the mercenaries. Word spells need to be cast to sow confusion. If we fall for false histories and false religions, we learn the wrong lessons and a demon snags our tongue. Fall and false mean the same. Taking back the words is more than lip service.
I describe what we’re going through as the 5D Reset: Depopulation, Destruction, Dispossession, Disorientation and Depression. I’ve thought to add ‘discombobulation,’ developed in the 1800’s as a mock-Latin term meaning to confuse, to embarrass, to render unable to think clearly. A critical component is that people blame themselves when bad things happen. We take responsibility. It’s our own fault. We don’t compare notes to figure out the pattern because we’re humiliated by our own failure.
When the patterns are pointed out, the most common response is “Why would anyone do that?” It stops the mind from going any further. We can think as far as pharmaceutical profits but not deliberate deaths. Perhaps climate change is a scam but why would they start fires and cause hurricanes? Even when the evidence is irrefutable, we stay stuck looking at the money to be made in disaster clean ups, lithium mines and prime real estate. THESE ARE TRUE! But not the whole story.
To those who’ve usurped ownership of the world, money is irrelevant. They create the money; our usurped land, houses and labor back it. To understand the motivation in this final sprint towards annihilation requires going back in time to find out Who, How, What, Where, When, and then Why.
In Hebrews in Egypt: Slaves or Masters?, I went back 5000 years to ancient Egypt. I looked at the Habiru putting cities under siege as recorded on the stone tablets of the Amarna Letters. Egyptian records state that the Hyksos, an abbreviation of Heka Khasut, were cruel and ruthless rulers who imposed slavery through taxation. This technique parallels the Biblical story of Joseph, as I detail. The eviction of the Hyksos from Egypt parallels the Hebrew exodus, as shown by Israeli scholars.
In this episode, I’ll look at the word spells and rituals of sacrifice to get power and approval from bloodthirsty gods. I connect these again to Biblical stories. And I follow the clues that this is what we’re seeing today: a sprint towards the ultimate holocaust.
black magic & holocausts
Nefahotep goes back to the first holocaust in ancient history:
He quotes:
The name Heka is identical with the Egyptian word ḥkꜣ(w) "magic."
Heka is among the oldest gods of Egypt, recognized as early as the Predynastic Period in Egypt (c. 6000 - c. 3150 BCE) and appearing in inscriptions in the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150 - 2613 BCE).
From the time of the Early Dynastic Period, and developed during the Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2613-2181 BCE), Heka was linked to the creative aspects of the heart and the tongue. The heart was considered the seat of one's individual personality, thought, and feeling, while the tongue gave expression to these aspects. Sia was a personification of the heart, Hu of the tongue, and Heka the power which infused both. Egyptologist Geraldine Pinch explains:
The intellectual powers that enabled the creator to bring himself/herself into existence and to create other beings were sometimes conceptualized as deities. The most important of these were the gods Sia, Hu, and Heka. Sia was the power of perception or insight, which allowed the creator to visualize other forms. Hu was the power of authoritative speech, which enabled the creator to bring things into being by naming them. In Coffin Texts spell 335, Hu and Sia are said to be with their 'father' Atum every day ... the power by which the thoughts and commands of the creator became reality was Heka. (62)
In the same way that Heka, Sia, and Hu enabled the gods to first create the world, they allowed human beings to think, feel, and express themselves. One of the ways in which people did this was through the use of magic. There was no aspect of ancient Egyptian life which was untouched by magic. Egyptologist James Henry Breasted comments on this:
The belief in magic penetrated the whole substance of [ancient Egyptian] life, dominating popular custom and constantly appearing in the simplest acts of the daily household routine, as much a matter of course as sleep or the preparation of food. (200)
Nefahotep also notes that the “Hieroglyphic spelling includes the symbol for the word ka (kꜣ), the ancient Egyptian concept of the vital force.” So Heka Khasut is ‘the power by which the thoughts and commands of the creator became reality’ combined with the vital force of Sut. And Sut is another way of pronouncing Set/h.
Heka usurps the ‘ritual power’ of the father and creator, inverting the roles. It then uses this magic in the service of destruction.
crocodilian theology
An article on The demon-deity Maga by John Rogers [p. 183- 203] explores crocodilian theology. He looks at the role of the demonic and the politicization of evil in the changing relationship between local experience and state religion. He starts by defining Heka:
Heka was both a deity, as attested in CT 261, and (more often) a concept. As a deity, his form Heka-shemsu travelled in the divine barque, protecting the sun god on his nightly journey through the underworld (Zandee 1960: 192–3, 294; Kousoulis 2002: 14). As a concept, heka is far more widespread, permeating the fabric of Egyptian existence. In its most basic sense, heka is ritual action, the knowledge of which can be gained by people to influence the non-physical world.
Heka is used to assimilate the divinity through identification and issue commands and/or threats, which have power because of the divine speech. Here is a spell related to Maga. The donkey is the animal of Set/h.
I am the son of Seth. He does not allow me to bite him. This recitation is to be said over donkey excrement; put it on the breast of the person, with a twig (?) of persea; heat and grind and fill the eye with it.
In a later document:
A stele from the 19th dynasty (Cairo CG 9427) shows Maga attempting to attack Horus, in a variation on the theme of Maga as a dangerous attacker who seeks to disrupt the cosmic order by destroying the members of the pantheon.
However, towards the end of the first millennium BCE:
Maga, who had previously been conceptualised as a negative force acting against the pantheon, the living, and the justified dead, underwent a complete change of identity at some point after the Saite Period, perhaps as an opposite parallel to the ongoing demonisation (in Osirian contexts) of his father Seth.
At this point, Set/h had been entirely associated with foreign rule, becoming reviled as a demon, with all statues and drawings defaced. Another change of identity was needed.
some thing from nun thing
According to Ancient Egypt online, the self-created and solo progenitor of all the Heliopolis gods is Atum:
Atum was the first and most important Ancient Egyptian god to be worshiped in … Iunu (Heliopolis, Lower Egypt), although in later times Ra rose in importance in the city, and eclipsed him to some extent. He was the main deity of Per-Tem (“house of Atum”) in Pithom in the eastern Delta. …
Atum was the creator god in the Heliopolitan Ennead. The earliest record of Atum is the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts.
In the beginning there was nothing (Nun). A mound of earth rose from Nun and upon it Atum created himself. He spat Shu (air) and Tefnut (water) from his mouth. … he named Shu as “life” and Tefnut as “order” and entwined them together.
Atum became tired and wanted a place to rest, so he kissed his daughter Tefnut, and created the first mound (Iunu) to rise from the waters of Nun. Shu and Tefnut gave birth to the earth (Geb) and the sky (Nut) who in turn give birth to Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys and Horus the elder.
His creative nature has two sides. In the Book of the Dead, Atum tells Osiris that he will eventually destroy the world, submerging everything back into the primal waters (Nun), which were all that existed at the beginning of time. In this nonexistence, Atum and Osiris would survive in the form of serpents.
atum = adam
The creation story of Genesis usurps these gods. It first imagines a self-originated god with no others, a father who creates alone, with no mother, no female deity. If Atum is seen as Adam, the creator of all now becomes subservient, a creation. Woman is subservient to Adam, a mere rib.
The first creation blamed on Eve is Evil, when she eats of the fruit of its tree and Eve brings forth all the ills of life. The second creation blamed on Eve is also evil in the form of Cain. Cain has the inheritance as the oldest son and brings his offering to the Lord but doesn’t divide it properly. If we skip to the end of Genesis, Joseph imposes a one-fifth tax on grain that’s due to Joseph, the Lord and father of Pharaoh.
Abel the shepherd gives a blood offering. The shepherds, as we saw in Hebrews in Egypt, were the Habiru mafia terrorists for those who became the Heka Khasut. They created the first holocaust in ancient history, as Nefahotep notes, the first burnt offering and mass blood sacrifice. And the Lord was pleased.
[Thanks for reminding me of this in your memelanche, Tonika!]
hitting the baal
Cain then kills his younger brother, Abel, according to the narration. If we remember there are no vowels in the Torah, Abel becomes BL, same as Baal. The Canaanite agricultural deity becomes the blood sacrifice of Cain. Cain absorbs the guilt and the curse, forever evicted from home and condemned to be a nomad but with the protection of the Lord. And Baal is destroyed with magic symbolic words.
In The Cursed People, Laurent Guyenot looks at Cain’s relationship to the Kennites:
The name of the Kenites (Qayn) actually means “blacksmith” or “metal-worker”.
The Bible confirms this occupation for the descendants of Cain, Tubal-Cain. What Joseph collects from the Egyptian farmers is their grain, but he ‘redeems’ it for all the money in and around Egypt. What that requires is coinage, and what coinage requires is metal-smiths.
As I talk about in my book’s second chapter, Making a Market for Plunder, debts of grain were inefficient to collect, store and distribute. Debt slavery could only be imposed with coinage. The traveling goldsmiths who turned the local lord’s treasure into a self-replenishing war machine would have been the most reviled people of the ancient world. To slaughter them on the road would be a blessing for all. So they needed the protection of the lord to revenge them seven times.
And then Eve produces the son Set (sunset). Set the son of Atum. Seth the son of Adam. The first in a long line of Biblical younger brothers who prosper and usurp the inheritance from the older. In the time of Seth, Yahweh is first named. Osiris and Atum become serpents, crushed under the heel. The serpent must crawl on its belly to be hated and killed by the sons of Eve.
And MAGA walks upright to become man, god, POTUS and smiling crocodile.
[thank you to Amy Rosebush for all my creepy and tantalizing crocodile art!]
Does a psychoanalysis of the patriarchs of Genesis from the view of the slave-wives, raped daughters and disinherited sons. Second in the series of Revolutionary Mystics, it springs from the gnostic gospel of Philip to A Course in Miracles to the Bhagavad Gita to the Tao. Quotes Christopher Frye in A Sleep of Prisoners.
In correlation with the Peter Gabriel song, I start with the social and move into the metaphysical. Then the Biblical to the archetypal and personal. And I end with why I feel something has gone terribly wrong with the relationships between women and men, and how the I Ching may hint that the spiritual, social and sexual all lead to the same solution.
Puts the Biblical story of Babel in context of the genealogy of Noah, transferring the right to rule the world from Shem (Shemites) to Abram, the first Hebrew. Explains the thorny problem of how there are so many languages if everyone descended from Noah. Also looks at R.F. Kuang's excellent book Babel on translation, etymology and colonization.
I compare the story of Adam & Eve, Cain & Seth to the mythologies of the gods Osiris & Isis, Horus & Set. The geopolitical history of Egypt and the Pharaohs parallels Seth as the usurper and deceiver, who kills his brother. I cite Bloodline of the Serpent Seed by Robert Sepehr and include AI art in the Substack version.
My title reflects self-inflation through manipulation of others to do the dirty work. I look at the historical clay tablets called The Amarna Letters sent by vassal lords in Canaan and Lebanon to the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III. I compare the historical and linguistic clues to Biblical figures, asking Who was Abraham? Who were the Hebrews? I link Abram to the mercenary warlord Abdi-Ashirta who used the belligerent Habiru to poach the cities, including the oldest in the world, Byblos/ Gubla.
A deep, deep dive into good vs evil…
“During the 13th and 14th centuries, the major cities of Northern Italy such as Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Verona, etc. were the home of the world’s first corporations. All of those corporations were established under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church. The northern Italian banking houses (and merchants who formed them) were some of the most powerful and richest families in the world which saw Catholic Italian noblemen and landed gentry intermarry with Khazarian merchants and Jewish moneychangers. This is why so many of today’s Khazarian Cabal families can trace their ancestry back to the Northern Italian Black Nobility.”
A lot of information. Thanks!🙏🏻