A lot of information. Thanks!🙏🏻

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A deep, deep dive into good vs evil…

“During the 13th and 14th centuries, the major cities of Northern Italy such as Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Verona, etc. were the home of the world’s first corporations. All of those corporations were established under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church. The northern Italian banking houses (and merchants who formed them) were some of the most powerful and richest families in the world which saw Catholic Italian noblemen and landed gentry intermarry with Khazarian merchants and Jewish moneychangers. This is why so many of today’s Khazarian Cabal families can trace their ancestry back to the Northern Italian Black Nobility.”


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Thank you Tony, but I think that good vs. evil is the ultimate psyop. It causes us to look at the person rather than the system or the story that has power over them and has given them power over others. My guess is that the Habiru who became the terrorists were themselves victims of primogeniture, that gave the oldest son the whole inheritance of the family's land. Everything in the Bible follows from that concept, that only one can rule everyone else.

If my guess is right, there are 200 generations of trauma-based mind control involving child rape, child sacrifice and humiliation. I don't think there's enough money in the world that could induce you to trade places with a child born into one of these families. Not because you're more moral, but because no one in their right mind--including them--ever would. It's a horrible, nightmare of a life.

Laurent writes about circumcision being the first trauma, that breaks the mother-child bond at 8 days old and lets the baby boy know that no one will protect him. But with the royals and Black Nobs, I'm fairly certain that's only the beginning.

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Love this! Loaded with information. It's done, I added it to my Trump article.

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Fantastic work!

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Shared on Facebook.

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Thanks so much! I think that's my FB debut ;-)

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"...a sprint towards the ultimate holocaust."

Sounds exciting! Or depressing. Not sure which.

When I was in Mexico recently, visiting an Aztec ruin that included a ball court, the tour guide told us that the winner of the ball game would be sacrificed to the gods by having his heart cut out. Maybe the modern version of this is mRNA-induced heart failure?

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Sheesh! What happened to the loser?

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I don't know, but I suppose he lived to compete another day -- a consummation devoutly to be wished!

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wow! what a great use of edward de vere's (aka shakespeare's) language. love it!

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Speaking of The Bard, I love Robin Williams imagining Shakespearean porn, or Stallone or Schwarzenegger doing Hamlet (at 7:45 in this video):


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That is hilarious!

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omg! the entire show was brilliant! and what a brilliant touchstone of how low this woke culture has taken us, when such an open display of this kind of humour has been largely discarded. incredible. the laughter tonight felt so energising and humanly alive.

i looked for the scenes in kenneth branagh's hamlet where williams does actually play 'straight' edward de vere — and as a gay osric! it/he was absolutely brilliant. i was unable to find it clipped in youtube. if you haven't seen it you will enjoy it. i thought it that hamlet to be about as good as it can get. with billy crystal brilliant as well as the grave digger. (and in the same movie, jack lemmon was a total failure as the guard!)

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Haven't seen the Branagh Hamlet in a really really long time. Must try to find it. I read the play recently so it is still somewhat fresh in my mind. I did love Branagh's "Much Ado About Nothing" -- saw it many times.

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"I wrote all of Shakespeare's plays, and my wife and I wrote his sonnets."


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i can burrow through an elephant!


love love love monty's pie-throwing, so to speak.

maybe tereza will deconstruct their life of brian! what a brilliant film. hmmmm. although, that was before the great apocalypse that the convid triggered. maybe it is time to revisit it and see how much i've changed since the last viewing.

all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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What a fun read! Had to go back and read certain paragraphs twice- goes to show you how ignorant I am of Egyptian lore. The name Set does jump out. Like the Church of Set and LeVey and all those occultists.

Love Amy’s art. Definitely crocodile. Easy to tell the difference between that and the alligator knowing one will see you later and the other after a while. 😉 any chance I get to tell that joke…

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I never knew about the Church of Set and LeVey. I had to look that up. And yes on Amy's art but you and Isaac are coming in strong in that AI art-a-thon.

Later gator!

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The rabbit hole of LeVey and Michael Aquino (and his diabolical eyebrows) is fascinating! Which also ties in to Orange Moon Child and Isaac via Alister Crowley… perhaps fodder for a different day.

Too-ta-loo, Kangaroo!

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Ooh gotta check out those eyebrows! And I hope Isaac dives into that wombat hole. And hahaha! Those two-syllable rhymes on multi-syllablic words (is that an analytical buzz kill or what?) are so delightful. Back 'atcha, pterodactyl!

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It's crazy out there with interpretation and so refreshing to see you cut through prevailing narrative and provide a deeper, broader perspective on just how long this show has been running. That you're having fun at the same time is the cherry on top. Excellent and insightful and informative.

Thanks for this, Tereza.

BTW, tried to check 'also share to Notes' but not working.

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Thank you, Kathleen, that is exactly my objective--nothing really to do with Trump except as the latest iteration and, I suspect, their final one. And who could not have fun with Amy's scandalous art and Tonika's memes and icons like crocodiles?

I posted this yesterday on Rat's Chewsday Memes (highly recommended for anyone who doesn't already have the pleasure https://conspirat.substack.com/p/chewsday-memes-jan-21): "I don't know if this is related but I asked Substack AI today why the little checkbox under the comment that says "Also share to Notes" doesn't work for me any more. They (is that the right pronoun for AI?) said they didn't know anything about a checkbox to share Notes. You see it, right? No? Am I crazy?"

Tardigrade wrote that others have talked about this and it works on some but not others. I wrote: "Right. So the checkbox is something I used a lot, because it gave me a way of posting both my comment to Notes and also restacking the article I was commenting on, that I wanted my followers to see. A genius function! And since I have twice as many followers as subs, I could even comment on my own articles and bring them to their attention. Loved it and used it prolifically! So I don't know if mine stopped working because I used it too prolifically, because of a Substack glitch, or because my comment referring to my article My Hitler Journey got many, many hits--making the YT video more watched than my new releases. Was this personal, as a form of censorship, or are other people having the same problem?"

Still don't know. I'd be curious if you find it's working on someone else's thread. Is there any non-conspiracy stack that you read? Even the cat memes come from Pasheen. Definitely not a cutesy-feel-good-light-and-fluffy source!

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"...except as the latest iteration and, I suspect, their final one."

May this be so.

I just tried the 'share to notes' on Barbara's Quaking Poplar stack and no-go. I don't think she's exactly conspiratorial except in that life is always conspiring to wake us up to deeper aspects of ourselves. :-)

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Clicking the 'share to Notes' rapidly seems to work, as this share attests. After Rat said he had to hit the button several times before it worked, I tried that on Barbara's and it worked. He thinks it's a glitch, and I think he's right. That was in response to my comment to him here:

"Yes, Kathleen wrote on my thread that she couldn't use the box. I asked her to try it on some non-conspiracy site, if there are any she subs. Even my cat memes are from Pasheen of Diva Drops, and she's the queen of conspiracy. So maybe it's only us fellow conspirats. But it's probably just a conindykink that it started after I posted a note on My Hitler Journey and it started getting more hits than my recent ones.

"One of the restackers of that Note, called DEMediaisPropaganda wrote to his followers "Look at the scum Substack is promoting. Find out all of their followers and notify Substack to get rid of this scum." I pointed out that if the media is propaganda, perhaps history is too, and he wrote back, "It's DEM media, learn how to read, fool!" I think he's the one who ended by calling me a stage four syphilitic cunt, but that may have been someone else in response to that Note. Which my friend thought really stung. Not even stage two?

"But it's probably just paranoia to think I've ruined this feature for everyone. Likely just a glitch."

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hola, tereza. i hope this finds you well. i've been a bit absent from your works in recent weeks. i've become incredibly busy the last many weeks beyond wording my own essays. i'm glad my intuition brought me to this essay! it has very synchronistically aligned with the core of my last essay: what is the purpose of the dissemination of lies, especially the big lie.

your wrote:

"According to demonology, every time you get someone to repeat a lie, they become possessed by a demon. All the names are changed to protect the guilty. Heroes and villains have been inverted. The magic power of words has been usurped." yes!

and a bit more or, perhaps, a subtle nuance. the lie as a mechanism of creating and/or propagating, promoting and perpetuating schismogenesis. with my response and exploratory essay on the big lie of the apollo moon landing i had the huge aha and physical change into more freedom when i saw that that was a lie and that seeing the lie for what it is creates personal empowerment.

how? because our bodies never lie and thus we infer know what is true. when we believe a lie, perhaps especially foundational or metaphysical lies, we increase the separation between our body as truth and the idea of 'truth'. that split is what allows the demons to enter.

you may find the essay interesting as a kind of small tendril along side this one aspect of demonology you cite here.

The Apollo Moon Landing Didn't Happen. It is a Big Lie — So What? (Rev 2): Why This Is A Big Deal, Although Maybe Not For The Reasons You Think: What Means The Creation of a False Idol? https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/the-apollo-moon-landing-didnt-happen

and this also echos from a biblical perspective my understanding that our collective acceptance even blind adherence to using daily bully language is the creation of a repeated lie that also creates separation from each other. now *that* is the usurpation of language!

well, a slight quibble: since we a spell bound by words usurpation may be slightly incorrect since the demon-casters are using spell words — malevolently. they are still spell-binding us. and have done so so effectively we are still bound by bully language spelling to an extent that many i share this with struggle to see it. you have read this before so i've included for anyone who might like to extend your idea of the big lie as demon invocation with current lies and even our small common daily lying language practices and how removing them is important to disempower demon summoning spells: "Spell Breaking Language-Keys to Unlock Language Locks: Unseen, We Live Bully Stockholm Syndrome And Other Oddities of Being Alive in a Miss-Spelled See of Words." https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/spell-breaking-language-keys-to-unlock

this is really great work with powerful connections and deconstruction of our dis-spelled sea of historical lies.

all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Ooooh ... 'dis-spelled sea of historical lies'. To dispel, dis-spell the lie. Excellent, Guy!

I find myself often at a loss for words these days, similar to when I first discovered the invisible violence that underlaid our consumer system and was paralyzed at the grocery store. I go to use a word and then think about what it really means. This is especially true for words of praise: Amazing! Astounding! Unbelievable! Incredible! Stupendous!

But it requires words to unravel the words. And so, maybe like my purchases, I change my habits over time but don't fret about it, and try not to tell anyone else what they should do.

'schismogenesis' is such an excellent word, combining the same sense as schizophrenia and splitting apart with genesis as the start of it all. Thanks, Guy.

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I’m really curious what you would have written if Kamala had won. How does the last 4 years fit into your telling of history and language?

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Hi, Mary. If you look back at my articles about Ukraine, I've been very outspoken about the oligarch that funded Hunter Biden and put Zelensky in office. Corruption doesn't get any more disgusting than the Biden family. Biden has had dementia for over four years. If there was ever proof needed that the POTUS is a puppet, it couldn't be clearer. The addition of 30M Democratic voters to the polls in 2020 was obvious and clumsy. But Trump didn't really object--or pardon the J6ers before he left office--because it's all part of the play. And he is, imo, in on it.

After the primaries are long past, the Dems suddenly agree to a debate and--who knew!--Biden has dementia! So they put in a candidate who is so unpopular that being a 'woman of color' is her only selling point. Kamala, like Hilary, is a patriarch without a penis, just another neocon warmonger. But Biden had a job to get done: the lockdowns, the vaccine, the Ukraine war, Lahaina, the lithium mine hurricane, the wildfires, and one last jab at LA. Now Trump can blame all that on the previous administration and do his part, which is more around Israel and the currency, I think.

I think the reasons people wanted Trump to win are admirable. I talked to my brother for two hours today about his reasons. In this article, I list the ones given by people around me and ask 'if he doesn't do what you expected, can we not do this again?' For me, it's not about one party vs another, I'm just ready for the party to be over so we can take back our lives: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/trick-or-trump.

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Great post! And I particularly love this comment echoing my thoughts on the whole circus. Btw did you see…. the Biden family got pardoned too. https://youtu.be/4DMnUgSLX4I?si=fHLtnic3Z04XLCRY

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So interesting ... human trafficking? The preemptive pardons are very revealing. I have to look up that Kanekoa article. The Farce Feed just put out this: https://thefarcefeed.substack.com/p/biden-pardons-unborn-grandchild.

Thanks for reading, Neshma!

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I almost believed that because that’s how insane this time is.

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"I'm just ready for the party to be over so we can take back our lives"


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