Whose treat was Trump? I look at what Trump voters want him to deliver, from $100M for J6ers to ending the Fed. Then I look at what his donors expect: unwavering support for Israel. Republican voters are the anti-war party, which should cause Democrats to question their priorities. If the Trump dream team is another bait-and-switch, I see disillusionment as a good thing and hope we can join in finding out what we want, not who.
priming the trump
Smart and fierce Pasheen Stonebrooke of Diva Drops posted: Anyone Else Feel Like We Just Got Out of an Abusive Marriage? I wrote in the comments:
I'm collecting posts and comments on what it is that supporters expect and want the new Trump administration to do. Hopefully with actual policy statements for what would work logistically and who would implement it. I think it would be helpful to have actual metrics that show whether we've gotten closer or further away in the next four years.
You know me, and that this isn't about either/ or. It's about whether there is a way to achieve what we want through a centralized gov't. Many people I respect think that it is, with the right people, and that we have those people now. Just to list them, those who've brought this administration into office include: JD Vance, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Miriam Adelson, RFK, Charles Eisenstein, Tucker Carlson, Ron Paul, Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, Tulsi Gabbard , Matt Taibbi and Russell Brand. I'm sure I'll think of more.
They are either a list of the true opposition or those controlling the opposition. I think they stand or fall as a group. If it turns out that Trump corrals us into the Great Reset rather than leading us away, it means his Transition Team are also controlled or complicit. I think we should have metrics on that.
I still think this will all work out for the best. I'm just not sure what that is—the dream team or disillusionment with the whole scam. Thanks for listening!
revenge served cold
In her article, Pasheen cited Mike Adams, who writes The Health Ranger, on what Trump supporters were advocating as their priorities:
Free the J6 political prisoners and give each $100M.
Put those who participated in election fraud in prison for life.
Find and deport 10M illegal immigrants immediately.
Eliminate the FDA, CDC, EPA and USDA. No more drug ads on TV.
Eliminate the IRS and federal income tax. The gov’t can just print money.
Arrest and prosecute YouTube and Google execs for censorship.
Outlaw grooming, DEI and Woke policies. Make white males a protected class.
Prosecute everyone involved in the vaccine, hospital protocols, and lockdowns.
End NATO. No military, money or weapons to Ukraine and Israel.
End the Fed. Stop printing money. Get gov’t out of money and currency entirely and let crypto handle it.
Go back to paper ballots, require Voter ID and same day election results.
Charge ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN with treason. Yank all FCC licenses for media outlets that deceived America.
These seem a mite contradictory to me. Yank the FCC licenses of those who spread political disinformation while prosecuting those who censored you. In four years, they can prosecute you for censoring them. Give the J6ers $100M while imprisoning the fraudsters who you think made Trump lose. In four years, give all of them $100M.
Not that you’ll have $100M or even two Bitcoins to rub together, since you’ll have no more federal income tax. And you can’t print money, not that the federal gov’t could before. Trumpers should get out a dollar bill and look at the inscription that says Federal Reserve Note, not US Treasury Bill. The bankers want to get rid of cash anyway, so you’re doing them a favor.
Ending government control of the Fed will require no more than a name change, since the gov’t had no power over them, even to audit. Let’s call them Fed-Ex or X-Fed or Feeding Trough. How about Fred for Fraudulent Fed? Now that Ron Paul’s fingered for the Transition Team, Trumpers might want to read End the Fed. He was actually calling for the government to issue money instead of the bankers, but who cares about those details? This is scorched earth, burning down the House.
So the banks will continue to own all the houses and land for free. Good job! Oh wait, you don’t have a job unless they hire you, with some of the money they’ve stolen through mortgages, to make them more money. They’ve always been the real gov’t but now there’s no pretense so they can pay the paramilitaries to evict you from your home. China has plenty of US Treasury Bills to cash in on US real estate.
And the Fred can cash in those T-bills for Bitcoin after Trump, RFK and Eisenstein make it the reserve currency backing the Treasury. What does this mean? The gov’t isn’t issuing the Bitcoin, it’s buying it from someone else. What does it buy the Bitcoin with? It seems like there are only two choices—dollars it’s borrowed from the Fred or any gold it has left. I’m betting on the latter. Why would the Fred want dollars when it can zap them into being with a keystroke? Instead, take the gold, leave the Bitcoin.
And since you’re begging for that Voter ID, don’t you want to protect it as a chip close to your brain so it can’t be stolen to impersonate you? You might get deported while Carlos casts your vote. And if they’d eat your kitty, lopping off your body parts is probably next. Too bad there are no more ICE agents or border guards. Fortunately grooming children as sex slaves is now against the law. Remember when it wasn’t?
I just want to know, are there any adults in this room?
the unicorn of hope
Philip Mollica, who I quoted in my pre-election post saying Trump was ordained to win, wrote Things Sure Feel Different This Morning … is it (gasp) hope? He woke up early to find out the election results and then went back to sleep. Waking again he wrote:
I felt relief.
Don’t hate - if I’m being honest that is what I feel.
Like I had been holding my breath for a long time. Not that I have any expectations that a Trump administration will be all rainbow-farting unicorns, but something better than this. …
And he writes about what he wants the new administration to do:
Looking to the future, we seem to have the greatest collection of Marvel Comic Superheros ever assembled. Trump, Vance, Elon, RFK Jr., Tulsi - you have an opportunity here to do something historic. Don’t screw it up. End the war in Ukraine. Tell Israel to get over themselves and grow up. Partner with Russia and China - enough with the saber-rattling and death-eaters. America first - not an afterthought. Leverage with BRICS and become the America that the rest of the world looks to with Fear and Awe. Only lose the fear. It’s not necessary. End NATO, end the FED. And last, but not least, expose the Pentagon as the true power center of the U.S., and bring an end to it. We will have your back. Reel in Congress, and remind them of their job.
Phillip’s list is a far cry from rainbow-farting unicorns and $100M reparations for J6ers. It’s refreshing to see that #9 of ending funding for Israel and Ukraine got moved up on his list to #1. All of Phillip’s historic opportunities are worthy goals. But is there a matzoh ball’s chance in hell that Trump will cut aid to Israel? I wrote to him:
I don't want to rain on your relief parade, Philip, but is it ever good when the one ordained to win actually does? I guess I was taking your statement about being ordained as, not by God, but by the Puppet Masters.
I think the purpose of Trump's second term will be for more people to give up on the Marvel Superheroes. So I hope you'll keep these excellent goals in mind and hold him to account for them—not the excuses that were made for him last term: 'He appointed the wrong guys, the deep state wouldn't let him do what he wanted.' He's in on the con, imo.
He certainly has all the alt-Right (or PsyOperators, depending on your view) on his side. So it will be a true test of whether he's controlling the opposition or IS the opposition. But we'll see how it plays out and it will turn out for the best, at least that's what my intuition is telling me ;-)
both sides now
On Unz Review, more aspirations and wet blanket reservations have been expressed. In Voting is a Waste of Time! Or Is It? Ambrose Kane wrote:
Have you noticed as well that those who mock voting as futile with expressions such as “vote harder” rarely if ever provide any practical alternatives? They are largely whiners and complainers offering little more than verbal tantrums. One wonders whose side they are on. Throwing up our hands and giving up is precisely what our enemies would want.
The enemies of Trump threw everything they could at him. Neither endless lawfare, constant threats of imprisonment, millions of dollars in government fines, and even two assassination attempts were sufficient in preventing him from winning the election. This occurred not because enough gullible citizens believed that voting was a waste of time, but because reasonable people were discerning enough to realize that they could destroy the Left’s political efforts by simply casting a vote for Trump.
And what does Ambrose expect this vote to do?
Under Trump, there’s a real possibility that the economy will significantly improve. …
Under Trump, there’s a greater likelihood that illegal immigrants will be returned to their countries of origin. …
Free speech, particularly the speech of White racialists and political dissidents, has a greater chance of surviving with Trump in office. If Elon Musk ends up playing an important role in Trump’s cabinet, there is even more reason to think that our speech will be safeguarded. …
Under Trump, no more unnecessary wars are a real possibility. Trump already knows just how wasteful and stupid funding the Ukraine war has been, and I’m inclined to think that he will not so easily go along with Benjamin Netanyahu’s efforts to force the U.S. into a proxy war against Iran. With informed and sobering influences as Tucker Carlson and a host of others who are tired of America’s warmongering, it seems unlikely that Trump will be so easily manipulated.
beware of that Tony Soprano wannabe
The ever-entertaining Pepe Escobar has written Trumpquake:
Trumpquake is all set to hang Ukraine on Europe’s neck like a larger-than-life albatross. The shorthand: Exit American money financing the born-to-lose Project Ukraine. …
As for the gullible, Brussels-run EU, they will pay the heavy load on weaponizing rump Ukraine while accepting wave after wave of new refugees and saying goodbye to any of their funds already invested in that humongous black hole.
Trumpquake – if taken at face value – is bound to further weaponize the U.S. dollar; Trump has threatened, on the record, to blacklist any nation that uses other currencies for international trade. … that will accelerate the testing of all models in the BRICS lab leading towards a multi-layered alternative trade settlement system.
BRICS and the Global Majority also know that Trump in fact signed off on Nordstream sanctions – when he referred recently to “killing” Nord Steam. And they also know he did less than zero during Trump 1.0 to find a solution for the proxy war in Ukraine.
Now we come to the clincher. Trump personally destroyed the Iran nuclear deal – brokered by the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany). Moscow – and Beijing – know perfectly well how this led to further destabilization of the whole of West Asia, in conjunction to the Trump-ordered assassination of Gen Soleimani, which started what I termed the Raging Twenties.
Last but not least, Trump brokered the bombastically-named “Deal of the Century”: the Abraham Accords, which if implemented will forever bury any possibility of an Israel/Palestine two-state solution. …
All that brings us to a supremely nefarious character, Tony Soprano wannabe Mike Pompeo, who is a serious candidate to become head of the Pentagon. That would spell major trouble ahead. Pompeo was CIA director and Secretary of State under Trump 1.0. He is an uber-hawk on Russia, China and especially Iran.
Arguably the pressing question from now on is whether Trump – whose life was spared by God, in his own interpretation – does what is expected of him by his uber-wealthy donors, appoints Pompeo and similar gangsters for key posts, and invests on Israel’s war against Iran and the Axis of Resistance.
If that’s the case, he won’t have to worry about another failed sniper. But if he really tries to run his own independent game, there’s no question he will be a dead man walking.
the kosher candidate
In The Kosher Candidate, Wyatt Peterson goes into detail on who’s funding Trump and what they expect. Although 79% of liberal Jews voted for Kamala, the Zionist money was on Trump in the hundreds of millions:
Among his many newfound supporters is Silicon Valley’s Jacob Helberg, a lifelong Democrat ... Helberg is a senior advisor to Alex Karp — the Jewish CEO of Palantir Technology — and was instrumental in the passage of the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, legislation which forced the sale of social media platform Tik Tok due, in all actuality, to its “anti-Israel bias.” Palantir (founded by Karp and JD Vance’s political mentor Peter Thiel), has very close ties to the state of Israel and has provided the Israeli Defense Forces with surveillance systems used to spy on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as unsuspecting people around the world. Speaking to an audience of the Future Investment Initiative Institute in early 2024, Karp admitted that Palantir’s technology was responsible for suppressing far-right political movements in Europe:
“In all modesty, if they were not stopped, you would have a very different political reality in the West. And that’s just a fact. … the only reason someone’s not goose-stepping between me and you is my product. Say thank you.”
The wealthy individuals who have cozied up to Trump over the past 12 months are single-issue voters, and that issue is Israel.
For a single-issue voter on the other side, there was no one to vote for. If Kennedy had taken an ethical position on ending funding for Israel, I believe he’d be the incumbent. All the pieces are locking together in a way that seems cut to size. I may be wrong.
One thing is clear: Republican voters have become the anti-war party. On every list, their expectations for Trump included defunding Ukraine and Israel. #noPompeo is the #3 trending hashtag.
It should make Democrats rethink their priorities that they’re no longer the party of peace. Whether or not Trump delivers, it mattered to Republicans while Democrats seemed oblivious.
These are the changes I expect from Trump:
Drop Ukraine like a hot potato, as planned. Focus support on Israel.
End censorship, as Trump declares he will, for ‘lawful’ speech. Rule ‘anti-Semitism’ unlawful as support for terrorist organizations.
Keep the bankers owning our lives and labor by issuing the money as mortgages. The Fred and the fraud will continue.
I don’t begrudge anyone their Trump euphoria. It’s been a rough four years. This is their Obama golden moment. I just want to make them a deal: if things don’t go as you hoped, let’s not do this again. You have your dream team all in one place, a Republican Senate, a Republican House, a Supreme Court in your court … just like Obama had in reverse in 2010. Let this be the final test of whether electoral politics can get you what you want.
tumult & tantrums
If you want control over your own life, your own home, your own community, your own ethics, they can’t make that happen but we can. Andrew Kane inquires, “Have you noticed as well that those who mock voting as futile … rarely if ever provide any practical alternatives? They are largely whiners and complainers offering little more than verbal tantrums.”
This is clearly not me. We’re at the turning point of the 2020 decade, the most tumultuous shift of my lifetime. We may argue over who we want but no one knows what they want them to do. There are no practical alternatives being put forward, no understanding of how to disperse the Fred, sidestep the IRS, decentralize the government agencies.
If Trump was our opportunity for change, it would be wasted. Like a baby born prematurely, it would die before it developed. We need more womb-time, woman time, to gestate and fully form our demands, our ideals, our desires.
In How to Dismantle an Empire, I lay the foundation for a new economy. I imagine the US as 100 bioregions of 24 commonwealths with nine villages of nine hamlets comprised of nine neighborhoods. Dunbar’s magic number in five steps.
Now take your neighborhood and fill it with desire. What do you want, in your wildest dreams? What are you hankering after in your hamlet? What’s your vision of your village? What makes your commonwealth convivial? You can have whatever is possible without taking it away from someone else. Let’s use these four years to know what we want, before we decide who can deliver it.
Connects the Seymour Hirsch bombshell story about Biden blowing up the Nord Streams with Michael Hudson's article from a year prior, "America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century." Is the bomb train in East Palestine, Ohio, connected to the bomb cyclone in No. California and the freak lightning that sparked dozens of fires in a night? I ask if there's a 3D Reset of depopulation, dispossession and destruction. And then I conclude with the movie, Everything Everywhere All at Once.
Is it a waste of time to talk about meaning and purpose with pandemics waning and Ukraine waxing? This episode applies ancient theological debates to capitalism. It looks at how leading geopolitical economist Michael Hudson views the Russia conflict along with U Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer, who Matt Taibbi says is quickly becoming infamous. Brings it back to why meaning matters.
Links to articles and videos mentioned:
John Mearsheimer 2015 lecture:
I think a huge part of the relief people felt was knowing they were not alone in rejecting the party of war, censorship, and gender insanity. After the media made it seem like all the deplorables were fringe crazies this was a big refutation of that.... I mean, he got the popular vote not just the electoral college. As for the rest, it's a crap shoot right now I think. Fat lady has yet to sing. We'll see. But I like Bobby being there even if they all seem to be Israel's poodles... which is not MAGA in my opinion. 💕
Thanks for condensing all those articles I had bookmarked but had not yet had a chance to peruse.
Here is Rurik Skywalker’s take:
• They Wanted Trump to Win This Time - Someone had to say it. - Rurik Skywalker
I can’t help feeling that the reason the US election was choreographed to be ‘stolen’ in 2020, with all that drama, was that those who decide, had decided that Trump had to be appointed/anointed in 2024 to facilitate their plans for 2027. (Apparently 2027 is a significant milestone in the Hebrew calendar.) Therefore they had to have him sit out a term while whipping up all that ‘patriotic fervour’ and setting up the scenario where anything other than Harris/Biden felt like relief.