Very powerfully written and presented, beautiful how you illustrate the population discrepancies. Regrettably, I have had run ins with people like Saho. The one thing that can be observed; they are religiously attached to this story about Holocaust, but don't acknowledge the loss of others who may have died. I read that interaction you had with him twice. He leaves me shaking my head. His arrogance is his art form.

On the positive side, he did provide an excellent opportunity to shine a bright light on all this.

Tereza, when I watched the video, you had me smiling. 😎

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If readers are wondering why I've banned Geoff, here is my comment summarizing the pattern of insults to me and others: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-semitism/comment/55393485. It gives the background to his last comment, showing that this wasn't going to change by me telling him he wasn't welcome here or Julius warning him to 'lighten up.' Here it is: "And how to give TC arrythmia. I am better at giving enemas however (even though I've never come close to doing such a thing.) ; )"

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Hilarious, "giving enemas" I love it!! 😆🤣😂

All kidding aside, you deserve to feel appreciated and respected on your own stack.

He just sent me something, I haven't read it yet. I wonder if he is commenting to me about you banning him.

I'll simply explain that we have a united front on these things.

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Those are Geoff's words, not mine, although I once did a radio episode called "With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemas?" Perhaps that's appropriate again. ;-)

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Geoff wrote to me:

"TC banned me so she could probably do a good job writing the chapter on The Psychology of Petulance! --- Hehehehehhe!"

My response to him:

"The Psychology of Petulance!" -- That's so unnecessary, Geoff.

I realized the subtle "crop dusting" of insult directed at Tereza, it's almost not noticeable for some, yet I notice these things right a way. The main problem I noticed is that you seem to project small barbs in a personal way, instead of focusing on the actual issue being discussed.

On my threads, we show each other a form of mutual respect; you have been both respectful and helpful towards my post for the most part. But on Tereza's thread, you seem to show this sort of cloaked abrasiveness, not just once but on multiple occasions.

Tereza deserves to be respected and appreciated, she works quite hard writing and compiling her essays, posts and she shares some personal things in between. I see her as a loving, genuinely caring lady whose friendship I cherish. I can't get my mind wrapped around a concept of seeing her as otherwise. She beautiful on so many levels, I'm astonished that you wouldn't think of her in a similar way.

I hope you can understand why she banned you. It's her stack, she deserves to feel comfortably at ease on her own thread, I will remain committed to that. That's my input."

I could have gone on longer, I figured that he may just realize that I hold a United Front, with you, I see us as actually working together. Geoff seems to act like there's a type of "Competition" going on. He seems to seek attention, probably didn't expect the way I would react. ;-)

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This, in my book, is a "biggie," "On the positive side, he did provide an excellent opportunity to shine a bright light on all this."

And to reply in a calm, measured and factual manner is elegant and powerful, and I have long thanked them for the opportunity. Absolutely no hatred involved.

I asked "Saho" to provide credible evidence for his claims and was treated with silence. I thank him for making my point and giving me the opportunity to allow him to expose himself as mendacious and weak.

Those who censor are probably hiding something.

Far at least 2000 years the type have been at the lying, perverting games if Tacitus (assuming his translator here is reliable) is believable. (Sorry for the length of this, but I trust that it has some value to truth seekers.):

"Then there were strong levies of Arabs, who felt for the Jews the hatred common between neighbours…

"Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown.

"In order to secure the allegiance of his people in the future, Moses prescribed for them a novel religion quite different from those of the rest of mankind. Among the Jews all things are profane that we hold sacred; on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral…

The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.

"…and this has led some to imagine that the god thus worshipped was Prince Liber, (8) the conqueror of the East. But the two cults are diametrically opposed. Liber founded a festive and happy cult: the Jewish belief is paradoxical and degraded.

"In the Hellenistic period, King Antiochus (10) made an effort to get rid of their primitive cult and hellenize them, but his would-be reform of this degraded nation was foiled

"[then] the Jews established a dynasty of their own. These kings were expelled by the fickle mob, but regained control by force, setting up a reign of terror which embraced, among other typical acts of despotism, the banishment of fellow-citizens, the destruction of cities, and the murder of brothers, wives and parents. The kings encouraged the superstitious Jewish religion, for they assumed the office of High Priest in order to buttress their regime.

"[The Temple’s] builders had foreseen only too well that the strange practices of the Jews would lead to continual fighting.

S"o taking advantage of the money-grubbing instincts of the Claudian period, they purchased permission to fortify the city, and in the days of peace built walls meant for war.

"[In Jerusalem] were three different leaders and three armies. The long outer perimeter of the walls was held by Simon, the central part of the city by John, and the Temple by Eleazar. John and Simon could rely on numbers and equipment, Eleazar on his strategic position. But it was upon each other that they turned the weapons of battle, ambush and fire, and great stocks of corn went up in flames. Then John sent off a party of men, ostensibly to offer sacrifice but in reality to cut Eleazar and his followers to pieces, thus gaining possession of the Temple.

"The majority were convinced that the ancient scriptures of their priests alluded to the present as the very time when the Orient would triumph and from Judaea would go forth men destined to rule the world. This mysterious prophecy really referred to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, true to the selfish ambitions of mankind, thought that this mighty destiny was reserved for them, and not even their calamities opened their eyes to the truth.

-Tacitus, The Histories, Book 5, The Jews.


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Thanks for these Tacitus quotes, Geoff. I have some of them in a previous episode but the juxtaposition with others is interesting. And I'll add some questions here:

Frances researched a member of the Roman royalty named Piso who, the author claimed, wrote under many pseudonyms including the gospels and Josephus. This created different narratives that corroborate each other, as the four gospels are thought to do. I'd been researching Josephus as the author of the gospels but seeing him as another fictitious character made sense of many things.

I wonder if Tacitus is another invention? Along with Rabbi ben Zakkai who 'preserved' the Hebrew scriptures after the siege of Jerusalem? Here are some clues: Josephus and ben Zakkai have the identical story of being captured by Vespasian and saying, "No, I've been sent to you because you're the prophecied Messiah here on Judean soil!" Tacitus confirms this interpretation.

According to Josephus, Simon, John and Eleazar were the zealots rebelling against Rome and the high priests who were in league with them. The gospel turn them into Simon Peter, John (Yonanen ben Zakkai?) and Lazarus, the translation of Eleazar, who 'Jesus' resurrects. When looking up something recently, I found this in Genesis 15:

"But Abram said, 'O Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus? You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.'" Curious, eh?

The word 'Jews' or 'Judeans', I believe is code for zealots or rebels in all of these. The high priests of Yahweh who collected taxes for Rome and the Davidic line who intermarried with Roman royalty are NOT Jews. Tacitus is pinning the blame for the religion-money-military triangle on the exact people who were rebelling against it, and inspiring their neighbors, who they welcomed and defended.

In the same way, zealot has come to mean a religious fanatic. The real zealots rejected the bloodthirsty god of Yahweh and the prohibitions against intermarriage and the mingling of cultures.

I hope that, Nef, your article opens up this possibility. I think it's a juicy possibilities.

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As for the name, "Tacitus," that may be a joke because it has the same meaning in Latin that our word, "tacit" means, i.e., "unspoken", "silent," etc. and he was anything but.

Also, he was apparently a member of the "equestrian" class and a Roman senator, I think,so it's probably best to consider that when reading his versions of things. Like I've said, and what most of us know is that most of what we're told is fairly tales or worse.

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"I wonder if Tacitus is another invention? "

TC, I would not be a bit surprised at that. In fact, I have suspicions regarding all "big names" since who actually had the time, interest, and resources to write such things, and who was able to keep those productions alive til this time?

I admit ignorance and did not post the quotes as an attempt to illustrate the truth, but only to call attention to the fact that the old familiar controversies apparently raged at least as far back as that. For all I know the translation may be a hoax if the work itself is not. Essentially I just found it amusing and shared it because others might find it entertaining.

I simply know nothing and most of what goes on in the world I find amusing when it's not tragic.

As for the word. "Jew," if you read his whole piece, he has something to say about that too. I would highly recommend his chapter on "Jews." at the link I posted. As for the word itself, I've never known anyone who really knows what it means or where it came from and that includes people I've known and asked who profess to be Jews (every one of them fine folks), and I've made my peace with that as well.

Actually, I find the constant attention seeking and the subsequent squalling about it quite tiring. One would think 2000 years of whining would suffice!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some sheetrock to hang before momma gets home, or I'll be in deep doo-doo.

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You hang drywall? I done a few jobs too, sometimes quite brutal work.

What you posted about Tacitus has some possible truth to it. If not for the mention of the term "Jew" in it. I am fairly certain that the people who may be know as Jews today were still going by the term Habiru or Apiru, at the time of Rome. Judean maybe. Everything would depend on exactly who translated the writings.

Anyway, all we can do is dig through and put pieces on the table, like puzzle pieces and see what naturally fits and makes some sense, factoring in as many sources and disciplines as possible. Linguistic study is good, because those who wrote the revisionist stories could not have expected there may be people in the future who could go through the more archaic writings to find clues. Roman writings may be much more compromised by the revisionists.

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"You hang drywall?"

Only under duress and when I can't avoid it. I'd rather be out in the sun but today it's raining cats and dogs so I'm not resenting my confinement as much as I ordinarily would. I gotta get this done so I can get outside before ig go crazier!!

I agree with all the points you made and am happy that you choose to comment. For me, half the fun is trying to figure out a dude's or dudette's motives by what's written and discovering that there are patterns of behavior, yet I know that Ill never really know the details.

The only thing I really know is that there is a never ending supply of, ahem, "fertilizer" extant!

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Studying history is an adventure, working can be an adventure too. I think it's awesome we have some trades in common, Landscaping and General Contracting is my background, at least in the last 30 years. ;-)

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Geoff, this is something that is actually the basis for another post. I'm thinking of making it front and center. There's another aspect that I found.

The City of Petra was founded by the Ruling class of the Heka Khasut. After the Habiru were driven out of Egypt. They eventually controlled a vast network of commerce. The Roman Empire came in and tried to take them over; however, I wonder if they infiltrated Rome. The Habiru (Hebrews) were directed into cult practice that matches the temple of Set. I wonder if the original temple on the mount was that of Set. All this stuff is tied together one way or another.

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I'll reply here so it reaches Nef and DtW. I think we need to be careful about taking the word of the Bible for who the devotees of Ra and Ba'al were. The peaceful Egyptians and Canaanites had Ra and Ba'al as sun and agricultural deities. The worship of Set/ Yahweh required both animal and human sacrifice of the firstborn, with substitutions specified if the human firstborn was a son. Remember that everything has been inverted.

And Satan is an invention to demonize the zealots rebelling against Roman rule and the theocracy/ tax collectors of Yahweh. Elaine Pagels researches this in The Origin of Satan, as I say here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf

So you may well be right about the temples being used for evil practices, but if we fall for the psyops by using their inversions, it leads us away from the perpetrators.

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You know just how much I agree with you, Tereza. Also, I may have been a bit fast in my comment that mentioned Set. Nearly ALL Egyptian Temples had become Infiltrated; in this, The Infiltrators stole the Names of the Indigenous Practices, as Name Stealers do. So, this makes correct identification of the perpetrators quite difficult.

I usually try to show the nuances that are involved; this morning has been extremely hectic, my daughter is catching a flight to Sacramento for a Rowing Regatta and she was also required to take a very important test this morning.

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Oh wow! Good luck in her rowing regatta! and her test!

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My girl is getting on a plane by herself for the first time. She with her other team mates. I know it will be fun for her. ;-)

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The Evil is the same force, under different banners and names. Through history, it has been known by many names during different times and in different cultures; Helios, Sol Invictus, Satan, Baal, etc. There might be different names of people carrying this banner, but behind each of these is The Evil -- at the highest levels it has the characteristics of initiation, blood oath and possession. We see the results of this all around us, the top levels of politics and every field have been captured by this force, since anyone with ambition pursues these things. Everyone has added fuel to the flame.

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I think it's important to distinguish between the behaviors we characterize as evil rather than people. If we look at people as evil, all 'they' need to do is change their name, leave the baggage of their reputation with the people who were usually their victims, and continue their behavior rebranded.

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"Through history, it has been known by many names during different times and in different cultures; Helios, Sol Invictus, Satan, Baal, etc. There might be different names of people carrying this banner, but behind each of these is The Evil --- ""

I may remind everyone that those "Names" of the various cults were in fact Names that were Stolen from the original cultures. There are many examples of this. The actual adversaries we are squinting our eyes to see are hiding in plain sight. We are making great progress in identifying what has happened in history, such as the so called Holocaust. The "Evil" to which you refer, is entirely perpetrated by the Parasitic Overclass, it was their ancient ancestors who did some of the first Holocausts.

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"All this stuff is tied together one way or another."


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It's the same spirit possession of the Ra Cult, Baal, Satanism, all of them, and they are alongside and infiltrate the righteous people they masquerade as being a part of. They follow an evil way. The purpose of the Temples they built was for initiation and completion of the spirit possession of this interdimensional force. If you haven't seen this video, it will explain many things you might not be aware of.


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Aw the superiority complex oozing out of the person you're referring to is absolutely what I'd expect as a reply... Even in their victimhood they think they're superior... 🤦

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I'll repost my YT reply to you, Winston: "Yep, I call that the victim hierarchy, which may be more fitting than I first realized now that I know the original name of Jerusalem was Hieropolis or something like that."

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Victim Hierarchy -- I wish I thought of that. Perfect. It's what we are seeing today. The clown show on the "News," just keeps it going.

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Oh I also wanted to show you a comment on my YT I thought you'd find interesting:

@natgonemad 4 hours ago

"Great video per usual! But I would like to say that you should be a little skeptical of Robert Sepehr. His father is Ben Hur Sepehr, a Jewish film maker that spent his career making holocaust documentaries. Robert seems to go to lengths to obscure this fact and also the fact that Robert's own company is listed as a Jewish nonprofit charity. I still watch his videos from time to time but I keep this information in mind."

This surprised me because I thought Robert had a Christian bias. Again, just thought I'd pass it on.

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Oh, Nat later added this, fwiw:

"to be fair, his father is Iranian and Sepehr has posted on Twitter about Iranian jews being exempt from natsi laws because Iranians are Aryan, jew or not. So maybe Sepehr has some kazarian hatred motivations. But the word on Twitter is that he blocks ppl that bring it up. I find the whole thing very intriguing."

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Everyone has a bias of some kind. That is an opinion or a motive, often an agenda.

You made an absolutely excellent point about paying attention to the content of the information and not so much the affiliation or association of the person presenting it. You are correct, there are many instances where we can "See" that information is actual truth, because at least for me, there is this inner sense that sees how it resonates. When something is a bit off, I often know right away. I think you probably know what I mean.

Robert Sephhr presents a lot information that runs counter to the mainstream in Anthropology. I have also studied anthropology and "for the most part" he seems to get it right. I say this because he corroborates information in his videos that directly intersect and fit perfectly into other areas of study I have done such as Geology and Archeology. These sciences are often introduced to the student, then a professor wants you to "read the evidence" in a very specific way. Well, you know me, I'm a Rebel. I never do what I'm told. ;-)

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I no longer get notifications of replys on YouTube... Censored much... 🙄.. I'll comment here from now on, because I never get to have conversation because I need to go back to video just to see whether there's been a reply or not... Gulagtube at it's finest...

Yes that's the perfectly fitting term unfortunately... Like aren't we all just clinging to this ball of rock... Let's get along and enjoy the ride...

Oh that's an interesting tid bit... Thanks for that one...

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I've been really pleased with Substack's comment format. It does seem to encourage real conversation.

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Yes it certainly looks like lots of meat is added to bone, the articles/essays are awesome long well thought out pieces and then you get way more information to add into the overall truth framework we're trying to form... 🙏

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WOW...what a fantastic post! I used to wish I had studied history, instead of cutting my classes to rehearse with my bands...but, it might have been a blessing in disguise...so much less de-programming necessary?

This "conversation" (I know I hate that phrase "we need to have a conversation") but so many truths are coming to light that it is starting to feel like an actual awakening. Of course, we are still in a small bubble on ss and other platforms, but it does seem that the curtain is finally being pulled back - ripped to shreds, actually - on the zionazis influence...astonishing, really.

Not sure if you caught this Owen Shroyer clip - saw it this morning on X...the bill that is currently in Congress? What more do we need to see to be aware of and expose the ZOG agenda, that has always been in control.

Owen Shroyer Discusses the New Anti-Semitism Bill that will Outlaw Fundamental Parts of Christianity and the Bible. Politicians are onboard, because of course, we know that they all serve the same master...all...every last one of those in power...


And Alex gets into it too...doing some "splaining" Both of these clips are on my ss from this morning...if you have the time...I know, who does...but it's here...


Thanks again - stunning stack - you and Nef, what a find...amazing research....I so appreciate my intense and phenomenal history lessons...💖💞

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Thank you Pasheen. In Zen that's called 'beginner's mind'. I start my book with a quote saying the same about economics, the less you learned in school, the less you have to unlearn. I hated history in school--dates of battles and names of conquers. And now look at me.

I did see those on your stack and I'm looking forward to checking them out. And you know, I suspect we're all One Mind. So a little corner on Substack is more than enough. A quiet conversation between two people changes the world. But between you and me, that would never be a quiet convo. There would be hooting involved and Stoli, is that your loquacious lubricant of choice? I do have blue vodka from pea blossoms, along with blue gin.

Speaking of which, did you get my photo in the pink furry boots? I was worried the file might be too big and clog your email.

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["skipping "history" lessons] might have been a blessing in disguise...so much less de-programming necessary?

No "might" about it; you nailed it. jefferson said as much about newspapers but it applies to skooling today, both public and private...

"I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. "

Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807

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Love it...! Thx

"he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors."

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Only the most brilliant can appreciate the sentiment! ; )

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you do know how to sweet talk my cerebral hard drive!

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If you or others are curious about why I've banned Geoff for this comment, see my previous thread with Julius: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-semitism/comment/55393485.

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I have much catching up to do but here is an audio reading of Bradberry, positioned at Chapter 12: "The Nazis and the Zionists actually work together for Jewish Emigration out of Germany"

• The Myth of German Villainy (AudioBook) - by Benton L. Bradberry (12 minutes at x2)


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If you read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together (as in 200 years of Jewish settlement, predominantly in the Ukraine), it's apparent that once Israel was established, there was a similar push to get Russian Jews to go and populate Isrαel. So that kind of corroborates that overall agenda. That, and the very obvious reluctance that most Jews must have felt about leaving their established homes in Europe to go and start again from scratch in a new place. It makes one wonder if the whole point of the war was to obtain 'permission' to make a homeland in Palestine (Balfour Declaration) and simultaneously destabilise the Jewish people to such an extent that they would want to leave and thereby populate their 'new state'. We've already seen how they used their holocaust narrative to get Germany to pay for the set-up costs. If so, it would be both breathtakingly horrific and yet brilliant.

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"...most Jews must have felt about leaving their established homes in Europe to go and start again from scratch in a new place."

Those were the "assimilated" Jews and the "anti-assimilationist" Zionists expressed a lot of ill will toward them and apparently would not hesitate to sacrifice them for their own cause. I can substantiate that but it would take a bit of digging.

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• Two Hundred Years Together


Audio Reading by Alex Linder


Alex starts with an incomplete copy and misses some chapters but then gets back on track. He gives an amazing context and scholarly-based interpretation to all his readings

Solzhenitsyn describes each of the so-called 'pogroms' and utterly eviscerates the version we have been told as utter 'projection'. He also documents the (from memory) 15 or 16 Commissions set up to find a solution to the 'jewish issue' and to appease the jews, who, no matter what the degree of their privileged position, always demanded more - they wanted complete control and eventually achieved it through terrorism and violence.

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For those that wish to read it, here is a free archived copy in PDF format for any eReader.


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Interesting how Solzhenitsyn is generally lionized in the West. By both "liberals," at least in the 70s and 80s if not still, and very much today by "right wing freedom lovers," mostly because of his exposure of the "evils" of Stalinism (the liberals) and just "communism" (right wing freedom lovers). EXCEPT ... we never hear about "Two Hundred Years Together" from any of them. And the cost of the book is like $200, used, in German, on Amazon, while you can probably get ALL of his other stuff for less than that, total. I wonder why .....

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Excellent point, Howard. I'd never heard of it until multiple commenters here have brought it up.

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Same here.

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More evidence that the idea of German villainy is a myth,

Why, my fellow citizens, is there any man here or any woman, let me say is there any child here, who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry…and the reason why some nations went into the war against Germany was that they thought Germany would get the commercial advantage of them. The seed of the jealousy, the seed of the deep-seated hatred was hot, successful commercial and industrial rivalry…

This war, in its inception was a commercial and industrial war. It was not a political war.

-Woodrow Wilson, Address at the Coliseum in St. Louis, Missouri, September 5, 1919


[Lloyd George] said, “ The truth is that we have got our way. We have got most of the things we set out to get. If you had told the British people twelve months ago that they would have secured what they have, they would have laughed you to scorn. The German Navy has been handed over; the German mercantile shipping has been handed over, and the German colonies have been given up. One of our chief trade competitors has been most seriously crippled and our Allies are about to become her biggest creditors. That is no small achievement. In addition, we have destroyed the menace to our Indian possessions.”

-David Lloyd George, as quoted in LORD RIDDELL’S INTIMATE DIARY OF THE PEACE CONFERENCE AND AFTER , 1918—1923, p 42 (diary entry of 30 March 1919).


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Thanks for another great episode on the twisted psychology that is in major part responsible for some of the most abhorrent and grotesque events of this earth... 🙏

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When I started searching for that ‘final solution’ smoking gun that will confirm the narrative I was told from a young age and which I have only recently questioned, I came across this … (It doesn’t help “the narrative”).

AUSCHWITZ ORDER 1944 re efficient assignment of work for healthy workers



From 4:20

… as ordered multiple times, everything has to be done to preserve the working capacity of the inmates. This includes that the inmate has to be treated adequately after the orderly completion of his work.

The major points shall be stated once again:

1. In one day there is, as hitherto, only one roll call which must not take longer than 10-15 minutes.

2. The free time [of the inmate] serves the replenishment of spent forces; this includes sufficient sleep. Unnecessary demands from the inmates or even harassment during their free time ceases. Violations against this have to result in the severest of punishments.

3. The provisions have to receive the highest attention; in effect, every inmate has to genuinely receive his due (… worker allowance) The delivery of parcels also plays a significant part in this. Within two and a half months far more than one million parcels have arrived at Auschwitz. Recipients of many parcels that contain perishable goods which, as I have verified myself personally, cannot be consumed by that person alone, will be instructed, if they don’t already do that by themselves, to share the surplus with other inmates, who are less fortunate in that regard.

4. The condition of the clothing has to be monitored consequently, especially the condition of the footwear.

5. Release sick inmates in time. Preferably, they should be sent for a short time into the hospital complex for adequate medical treatment before returning to the workplace, instead of remaining at the workplace sick. Without achieving any output.

6. Grant benefits of every possible kind towards the diligent inmate, up to the point of release into freedom; towards the lazy and incorrigible inmate, apply the hardship of all possible punishment according to the regulations.


Signed Liebehenschel …

, SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer.

Not much smoke there – and certainly no gas!

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Wow! So this was under Rudolf Hoss? Whose 'confession' was later extracted under torture in Krakow?

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The official, "credible" narratives of the "Final Solution" all place it as occurring "during WWII," or, specifically, between 1941-1945. Yet I believe "your man" Saho was throwing the canard about the "Palestinian leader" requesting directly to Hitler about "solutioning" Jews in Palestine in the early to mid 1930s?? I have NOT read the memoirs of Churchill, Eisenhower, or DeGaulle, but according to Nicholas Kollestrom, there were no mentions -- zero -- of gas chamber extermination camps in any of the pages of any of the memoirs (I believe Churchill's alone was more than 1,000 pages).

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I've read the same, Howard. And they would have mentioned them to justify their own actions in the war and validate the evil of the defeated German enemy. No memoirs or diaries of returning soldiers ever mentioned them either.

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I mean, it just seems you don't have to be a genius to wonder about this type of stuff.

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I gag whenever attempting to read anything by Churchill. It's the sappiest, self-congratulating, horn-tooting, unctuous, cornpone imaginable.

But he did admire Hitler before he didn't. Flip flop happens, especially when one's handler is one Bernard Baruch, I suppose!

" One may dislike Hitler's system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as admirable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations."

Churchill’s remarks about Hilter, From his Great Contemporaries, 1937


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Tereza, many thanks for putting so much flesh on the bones of my skeletal understanding of "The Holocaust." Lots of interesting new sources and perspectives! You're making great strides on our behalf, it seems :)

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There are still a small number of hate-filled fringe revisionists and victimologists obfuscating the true source of the Protocols – calling them “forgeries” (of what?) or dismissing them by deflecting that some “police officer” could have come up with them, or that some secret group came up with them published them and then simply discarded them. They were decades, if not centuries in the making. These fringe collaborators of transhumanism, genocide and the depravities associated with Sabbateanism/Frankism also say that Zionism has nothing to do with “The Jews”, so I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have a much broader context including:

• [Pt.8] The Rabbi's Report - The Main Tasks of Expanding Jewish Dominance - Oleg Platonov –ИСХС-NIKA (formerly Invincible Orthodoxy)




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Julius, "revisionism" should probably not be used as an epithet in this context because it's really an antidote to the brainwashing we've all been subjected to all our lives. In fact, dismissing facts by labelling them as something derogatory is a consistent tactic used by thsoe who intend to mislead us.

Along those lines, the casual dismissal of facts as mere "conspiracy theories" is clearly a red flag as obvious as censorship is, I believe.

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Geoff, I smirk/chuckle as I respond (not at you ...). Thank you for astutely picking that up and allowing me to explain.

History is what ACTUALLY happened. Revisionism is where that history is altered the moment it has happened. Thus Wikipedophilia troll group, for example, is a revisionist rag (see for example its entry on 911) . All the ‘mainstream’ court historians (or tenured academics) are revisionists. Let's call them what they are and put a mirror to their projection.

I prefer to use the term "disclosure'. :-)

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That's something I've also been thinking about, Julius. I've been looking for another word than 'revision' to describe what I'm doing because that implies we're changing history, altering what actually happened. I've termed my playlist on this 'Corrected Histories.' I think the term 'revisionist history' will be used against us.

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Like "anarchy" and countless other words, the meaning has been distorted to serve the not-so-well meaning but at least they're consistent! : )

"If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the

truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of

things, affairs cannot be carried on to success."

-Confucius, Analects, 13 (~500BC) , translated by James Legge [1893]


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In case anyone is wondering what we're talking about, here's more than anyone would want to know, although they should! : )


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Valid historical judgments must be based on competent historical

research. This is possible only after historical events have occurred.

All ''history'' written at the time it is "being made" tends to be

special pleading-and much that is written thereafter has the same


In this sense, all history is "revisionistic." Sound judgments de pend upon the perspective of time, the impartial analysis of all

documentary and other evidence, and the events that follow from

the policies, actions, and events that are the data of history. The

present historical interpretations of the Civil War and World War

I are good examples-and the story is far from complete in both


The Wisdom of "Hindsight"

by Read Bain



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I didn't write that, honest. Thanks so much Geoff.

and speaking of data [points] of history ...

“How much can be learnt from history has long been a matter of speculation. Much depends on the capacity of the pupil. There is probably no branch of learning, except economics, in which conjecture plays so large a part. Almost any set of facts [data points] can be selected, in a partial fashion, to prove any theory, however, absurd. “

William Joyce in “Twilight Over England”

We will take up the word 'wisdom' later.

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I didn't write that, but could have! ; )

BTW, all truth seekers would do well to study Barnes, I think.

"During the last [60] years, revisionism has become a controversial

term. To so-called revisionists, it implies an honest search for

historical truth and the discrediting of misleading myths that may

be a barrier to peace and goodwill among nations. In the minds,

of anti-revisionists, the term often savors of mendacity, deviousness

malice, vindictiveness, and an unholy desire to smear the saviors

of mankind. Actually, revisionism. means nothing more or less than

the effort to revise the historical record in the light of a more complete collection of historical facts, a more calm political atmosphere, and a more objective attitude.

In its origins, revisionism dates from the beginnings of historical

writing in ancient oriental times in the historical books of the Bible.

These were written and repeatedly revised over many centuries …

Revisionism: A Key

To Peace

by Harry Elmer Barnes pp 8-9 (1966)


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"We will take up the word 'wisdom' later."

Here's my take on that. There is no such thing especially among those who claim to have some. We humans often rate ourselves far beyond either our abilities or reason at least as far as I've been able to determine after almost 8 decades of admittedly faulty observation.

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Ha! I got a similar chuckle out of your comment. Like you, I am not laughing at you.

I agree with the point yer making and declare that we're both correct!

PS: Thanks for the great comments you make.

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Moses can only come down from the Mount so many times with 'another new set of Tablets' before the masses are going to start wondering, who's message are you delivering (today) anyway?

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"Clearly, I am an emotionally unstable, joyless, angry person who’s taking offense when all he’s trying to do is help."

Thanks for my first laugh of the day.

But more seriously, I've been reading Karen Hunt's substack, which provides an interesting counterpoint to your writings. Here's an example: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-demonization-of-jews

I think the common ground here is that the people in most (all?) countries have been propgandized and brainwashed by their so-called "leaders" (political, religous, etc.) to hate people who live in other countries or who have different beliefs or ethnicities. If the people actually had the freedom to think and speak freely without the malign influence of the "leaders", things would probably look a lot different.

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Thanks for this link, Mark. It would take me an entire article to point out the discrepancies in Hunt's article, and maybe that would be a good use of my time. In the meantime:

Her title is right that the whole concept of demonization was developed for the Jews, a word that meant the rebels against the Roman Empire and Yahwist theocracy/ money collectors. The gospels are not about love but about hate, as I wrote about here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-is-a-jew. So the personality cult of Jesus, which replaced an inclusive Christ, needs to be held to account for that.

Hunt is naive to a point I'd have to call willfully ignorant if she thinks Palestinians are free to express themselves in Israel. Vanessa Beeley has posts about how social media is used by the IDF to track and imprison those who post videos or comment on what Israel is doing.

She seems to believe every post that does come out, however.

The 'elephant' she ignores is that Israel is a military occupation of Palestine. In the previous article, I go through the genealogy to show that no one who identifies as an Ashkenazi Jew has ancestors who come from Judea or are Semites descended from Shem or Hebrews descended from Eber/ Abram. Not according to the Torah. But this already assumes either that we all have the right to take the lands of our ethnic ancestors back from those who've inhabited it for generations, or that God hands out land titles.

One of the oldest ploys is holding those who rebel responsible for the violence done to others by the oppressors. 'Well, if you didn't provoke them. If you just went along and kept your mouth shut, they wouldn't have done it.' It's a gaslighting psychology of sociopaths: 'You made me do it.'

And I don't know that I agree with your last statement, Mark. I don't think that resentment of those who identify as Jews is due to any hatred of people with different beliefs or ethnicities. Benjamin Freedman makes this point amply. No one cares how someone worships or what name they use for god. But when that god tells you to make a deal with England for Palestine and sell out the people of Germany, is hatred not justified? All the people killed in the world wars, after it changed from the Great War, are the responsibility of this sociopathic belief system--which isn't mere ethnocentrism. Like Covid, there can only be forgiveness once the truth is acknowledged. Otherwise, it's sweeping it under the rug.

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Thanks for this. Much to ponder here, especially your last paragraph. But is it really true that nobody cares how someone worships? The Quran has quite a few statements about how unbelievers should be shunned, or better yet, killed.

I'm looking forward to your future article rebutting Hunt.

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Hi, Mark. Yes there's certainly religious intolerance in scriptures and authority systems. I was meaning people themselves, which is pretty much what you were saying too. I don't think it's our nature to shun others, we have to be taught.

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"I think the common ground here is that the people in most (all?) countries have been propgandized and brainwashed by their so-called "leaders" (political, religous, etc.) to hate people who live in other countries or who have different beliefs or ethnicities. If the people actually had the freedom to think and speak freely without the malign influence of the "leaders", things would probably look a lot different."

Deserved repeating.

This is the tiresome aspect of breaking out of the manufactured reality. So many places to get snagged and want to hold on. I'm grateful there are many up to the challenge - like Tereza - when it comes to breaking down the linchpin narratives. It's not surprising to me that as the bible is also being revealed (OT in particular) as not really about God (what an audacious move!) that we simultaneously see the Nazi / Jew story unravel too. They are so entwined.

The world has been captured - for a very very long time. And not only by words, story and coordinated propaganda, though essential, and these means are being thrown off. Had to be messy.

Good to seek common ground in the midst of it. The seduction of division is their game. I ain't playing.

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"It's not surprising to me that as the bible is also being revealed (OT in particular) as not really about God..."

True, and a key point.

It's a documentation of what a bunch of psychopaths desire in a gawd. It's said that gawd created man but that's an inversion of reality bceause men create their own gawds based on what they desire, I think. The particular gawd a person worships reveals the worshippers' longings.

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You nailed it.

In addition, the real infiltration is turning our natural Spiritual discipline into a Religion. Each time some aspect of regular human life gets infiltrated, it gets a special Hierarchy added to it. The true nature of whatever God is---- it's not a king log. It's equally within each of us.

It's truly amazing how civilization itself has been completely hijacked into a landscape stratified into opposition camps, by a ruling class that manages to keep stealing our Consent.

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Yup. There're huge diffrences between religion and spirituality. I don't think it's to extreme to say that religions are created to hijack any spirituality we might have.

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• “Being a kid at Auschwitz” by Silver Thoughts


• The Auschwitz Baby Boom – Mike King


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Thanks for all your great links in these comments!

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Wow. This all makes me wonder why Vikings are off the hook. I mean, raping, pillaging, burning and subjugating their vanquished subjects for centuries, and yet they don't have a bad reputation at all. People actually joke about and seemingly admire VIkings. (I have 29% Viking blood) It seems like it's just a crap shoot to decide who is bad and who is good. I don't agree with Saho that everyone is ethnocentric at all. Many people are what are called "mutts" in the dog world and couldn't care less about their heritage. At any rate, kudos to you for your endless patience and relentless scholarship.

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Haha, I had so many nits to pick with Saho, I didn't bother refuting his projection that I was ethnocentric. I'm trying to think if I know anyone who's German or practice any German custom or make any German food. I once made hasserpfeffer, a type of pickled rabbit.

But I wonder if there might be a German legacy I'm unaware of. I've thought we should get to form our own genealogies from people we admire from all cultures. Can I be a Viking too? At least on Fridays (and I used to know the Viking word for that thanks to Guttermouth's defunct blog).

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Freya! And yes you can be Viking. I don't think Germans and Vikings are that far apart, genetically speaking...let alone geographically...

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Freya is what I named my most recent rescue kitty!

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We DO love the Vikings! Ha! and they did seriously mess with the Crown. And the outfits...!!!

And it's true, most of us don't care about our heritage, but it is time to clear up the glaring inconsistencies and outright lies...we see the consequences of not doing so...impossible NOT repeat history if that history has been a lie?

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Vikings went to war against the Christians who had attacked them first. Northumbria was a settlement of relatively peaceful Norse, farming and fishing.

They were attacked when confronted with the BS called Christianity, refused to convert. My own interpretation of the era of raiding is, they saw themselves as defending their own indigenous practices or beliefs.

I have taken a much closer look; though romanticism is also missing the mark. Many people who are favoring towards Vikings need to see them as people struggling to keep their sense of Cultural identity in the face of invasion and infiltration.

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So fascinating...love this...! thx! Other girls wanted to be Barbie growing up - I always self-identified as a shield maiden...LOL

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A short time ago, my "baby" sister told me that's who she wanted to be and I was shocked since I always found "Barbie" repulsive. Luckily my lil sis turned out just fine despite that pathetic influence.

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Makes one wonder how the indigenous peoples of the 'new world' were literally obliterated (I've heard numbers as high as 90%) by diseases brought over from Europe (No thank you, I'm not interested in your 'May Flower') yet the Nords managed to survive the disease propagation as the 'Christian Soldiers' flooded into their region. Questions, yet once again, how 'mutted up' was Europe/EurAsia (Silk Road peoples who traveled from Spain to China and back) in the last 3,500 years such that Nords likely already had similar & robust immune systems.

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Well, that certainly makes them sound better! My husband will be so happy. He's 60% Viking and his whole family celebrates their heritage and collects souvenirs from Scandinavia. But they don't talk about fighting the Christians. They joke about their bad assery. 😂

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the bad assery is a big plus! So fascinating...love this...! Other girls wanted to be Barbie growing up - I always self-identified as a shield maiden...LOL

I even told Greg that for my funeral, when I go to Valhalla, I wanted to be floated down Spring Cypress Creek in my EMF tent (that looks like a viking ship) and set ablaze...and I have a shield maiden outfit picked out...!

when we had that week of 17 degree ice nucleation (weather weapon attack) I threw a bunch of fake fur coats on the bed and channeled my inner viking,,,I was warm as toast...!!!I used to have a few swords, but I've lost them from moving so much..

Love this exchange!

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I thought you might like this: Raise your Horn into the Air, just for fun.


---- Cheers ---- Nef

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Beautiful, I can picture you in your garage brewery blasting this.

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LOVE IT! May all our voices be the storm...loud and strong!


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I brew the ancient ale of old, Gruit. When I think of horns of Ale or Mead, this makes me feel the sense of the old Taverns of a thousand years ago:


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Remember, that's a 'removable' Viking Helmet Horn, specifically for toasting one's favorite libation, such as Glögg or Punsch.

I heard the Leif Erikson helmet model was very popular in its day.

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I wasn't aware of that model. Seems convenient though, especially if you find a great brew to fill a horn with.

Listen to this, it's beautiful:


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Rich has a Viking sword! I wanted to be Annie Oakley! Loved horses and boots. Not much has changed. ❤️

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Did you ever see the series The Vikings? One of my faves. Rich and I will have to lead the toast to Viking badassery, while we're dining at our favorite Mexican restaurant...LOL

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YES! to all of it. ❤️

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"Rich and I will have to lead the toast to Viking badassery, while we're dining at our favorite Mexican restaurant"

No Viking Restaurants nearby where one can dine on pea flour, bark, flax seed, bone meal, eel weed, emmer wheat, grains, mashed acorns, hazelnuts, roots, weeds, occasional wild boar, eels, squid, seal and lutefisk? Explains the preference to Mexican. LOL

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"...people struggling to keep their sense of Cultural identity in the face of invasion and infiltration."

Exactly as the Germans did and what we Merkins (!) should be doing and should have done (mostly).

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I think we are now picking up the pase. I'll only speak for myself; the defense part is well in hand. There's going to be a readjustment, a revolt of sorts. Hierarchy will be overthrown.

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I certainly hope so!

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Not one comment or thought about the biggest question here.

Why the number 6? Yes, there were a lot of victims of the ritual sacrifice known as WWII including people from many religions and countries. The actual number was ginned up just like everything else. It must fit the spell. The fact that none of you mentioned this key point shows that you are all under this spell!

The Evil believes in numerology, the power of certain dates and magic spells -- whether you believe this or not, THEY believe it. This is why we end up with dates like 9/11 and you see the number 6 in everything (as well as hexagons, which are used for signaling). It's no accident 6 is used for their sorcery and spell-casting.

The number 6 is core to the power of their spells...hence the reason why everything is the number 6:

-6 million dead

-6 feet of social distancing

-6 sided logos (like the Open AI logo)

-the hexagram, which contains 6 three times (6 points, 6 triangles and a 6-sided hexagon in the middle)

Once you begin to notice this, you will see the 6 everywhere. Store windows, adverts, TV shows, billboards, news stories, etc.

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Yes. I wrote a stack about this. 😊

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link please.

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Thanks, Heather, nice piece.

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thank you. ❤️

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Speaking of manufactured myths, here is an excerpt from an excellent comment on Linh Dinh's ss, which appears to shed some valid light on part of what's been going on for some time:

Aimee Smith writes,

"Another reason I am suspicious [about Unz Review] is from my past experience being part of the same activist community as Noam Chomsky at MIT. We thought he was just a sincere critic of the US in order to help it become better country. We thought it odd how he always seemed to fail to notice the importance of the pro-Israel lobby and that when asked by Amy Goodman where he would live if not in the US well into the BDS movement, he glowingly said "Israel." He lavished praise on Israel and Amy Goodman couldn't have been more pleased to hear it. Years later come to learn he was connected to Geoffrey Epstein and at least on one occasion dined with Ehud Barak. Oh, I see. We thought he was a sincere patriot trying to make his country better, but he was really an agent for Israel trying to lay blame for all of Israel's crimes on the US. See his book "Fateful Triangle" in this new light, for example.


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I'm not sure if I'm following Aimee's logic, Geoff. Is she saying that we should distrust Unz because Chomsky fooled her? I think Chomsky is an example of why we should never agree or disagree with what someone says based on who they are and whether we've agreed with them in the past. That's how propaganda works, it says, "You know this is the truth so this must be the truth too." But the flip side is getting us to distrust all information from someone based on something we don't agree with (different than if we know they're consciously lying.) Or reject their information on the assumption that 'they' would never allow something that doesn't serve their interests. That seems self-defeating to me. But I certainly agree about Chomsky: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/noam-chomsky-is-the-problem

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"Is she saying that we should distrust Unz because Chomsky fooled her? "

I cannot spek for her, but her logic is not difficult to follow. I think she distrusts Unz because she's learned from experience to question every source as well as everything. As she said, she initially thought he was just a sincere critic, but there were a few things that didn't quite fit and her intuition turned out to have some merit. In other words, she's learned to pick up the scent of something wrong and I say that's a good thing.

To me, she sounds too smart to fall into the errors you correctly mention, and I agree it appears that a lot of people fall into those traps, always have and always shall.

I think her comment about Israel trying to lay blame for all of Israel's crimes on the US is right on target. They did that to Germany and they're doing it to white Christians as we write. Sounds like a smart and perceptive lady to me and that's why I posted her comment.

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Let me put that differently--I disagree with Aimee's logic that, having been fooled by Chomsky means she should now distrust everyone and everything including Unz. Otherwise, I would be taking Aimee's word, or yours, that Unz should be treated with suspicion because her 'intuition' about Chomsky turned out to be right. That would be falling into the same thinking that I agree with my friends and disagree with my enemies, rather than looking at the evidence.

There are places I disagree with Unz, and I've stated them, but the only parallel you've presented between Chomsky and Unz is that they're critics of imperialism who haven't been silenced. Maybe Aimee has more that you haven't quoted but her logic, if only what you've said, isn't logical.

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"Otherwise, I would be taking Aimee's word, or yours, that Unz should be treated with suspicion because her 'intuition' about Chomsky turned out to be right."

Oh, good grief, do you really think we're that simple minded? Puleez!

PS: I usually don't respond to strawman argumentation.

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Oh WOW (I mean HOLY CRAP!!)

I ruled Chomsky out a while ago - and certainly Amy Goodman and Barak (a chief architect of 911).

There is too much good info on the Unz Review - save it/download it.

The Bibliography for an Alternative Historical Narrative - Ron Unz


But ... he spectacularly disappointed me recently (I will have to find the link - was it with Kevin Barrett?) and he was quick to jump on the 'China Virus'/Wuhan lab narrative.

Reserving judgement for all his spectacular work.

Geoff, you are going to give Tereza arrhythmia - and I am not referring to her dancing!! :-)

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Julius, I'm wondering if you can clarify your last line that "you are going to give Tereza arrhythmia", and whether it is as Geoff interprets it: "Yer brilliance is showing and I have to admit, I did not see that coming. Oh well! However, once she gets over the shock, I suspect she can handle the truth, so she'll do just fine."

On this thread, there's also the dig that I would likely censor "Holy Crap". On an earlier reply to me, Geoff wrote, "Oh, good grief, do you really think we're that simple minded? Puleez! PS: I usually don't respond to strawman argumentation."

But his comment "However, I have to remind myself to never mention Dr "B" again in you-know-whose presence!" needs context. On the last article, Geoff responded to the Breggins and called them cowards, passive aggressive, infantile and self-preening, and then accused them of name-calling.

He also posted to Doc Hollywood about the 'insufferable arrogance of the ignorant' meaning doctors. I replied that we were here to critique ideas not people and he answered, "And furthermore, I don't need a momma to preach to me and I don't come here to be lectured or scolded or reminded of the obvious. As for doctors as people, and as a group, and anyone else who assumes a position of authority, they also position themselves so's to be evaluated, judged and even criticized for their failures and worse, so no one needs to make excuses for any of them and I ain't buying it. I ain't buying the virtual signalling either."

I replied: "I'm not sure exactly why you came back to my stack, after your snide comment that you were eternally grateful I'd introduced you to Nef, implying at least you'd gotten something out of my stack. You seem to have taken my statement that I ban people for insulting others as a challenge, and are hell-bent on insulting people until I ban you. Then you can tell others that I'm just like all the rest, and don't allow discussion that disagrees with me on my stack. You aren't welcome here, Geoff. Tell people whatever you want. I have plenty of people as well-read as you who don't feel the need to show off and put other people down. I don't know what's driving you to be this way but, you're right, I'm not your momma who needs to put up with it."

This has clearly not worked, for Geoff to either stop posting 28 comments to my stack or to stop insulting people, mostly me. But maybe I'm being overly sensitive. When Geoff said he'd stopped reading me because he wasn't interested in 'cosmic orgies,' I told him that was why I'd 'given permission for people to skip what didn't speak to them'--without the need to criticize. He said he was yanking my chain and gave me permission to lighten up. So maybe he's right and I just need to lighten up. To ban him privately when others are appreciating his comments feels wrong. Making this public also feels wrong, although all the comments already are, but scattered. Am I making this too big of a deal? Your thoughts?

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"arrhythmia" as in waking up to all the heavy-laden comments - certainly not about 'shock' and 'handling the truth'. I thought the light-hearted embedded "rhythm" connection to your dancing would give you a chuckle.

I was not aware of that tension and haven't even found time to open the Dr B article.

And I had to look up strawman (again).

Geoff, please lighten up a little. We are guests on Tereza's very fine forum.

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"There is too much good info on the Unz Review - save it/download it."


Particularly good is the archive of old books and magazine articles, which as he replied to me once, hardly anyone uses. I've been much too busy lately to use it but used to spend way too much time there and hopre to get back to the archives next winter. What people used to write is utterly fascinating. After about 1945 to 50 most of it turned to obvious garbage.

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"Oh WOW (I mean HOLY CRAP!!)"

Good thing you didn't write,"Holy Cow"!!!

I bet this gets censored!

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"Geoff, you are going to give Tereza arrhythmia ..."

Yeah and it won't be due to my charm, good looks, or suave demeanor, either.

Yer brilliance is showing and I have to admit, I did not see that coming. Oh well! However, once she gets over the shock, I suspect she can handle the truth, so she'll do just fine.

However, I have to remind myself to never mention Dr "B" again in you-know-whose presence!

You rascal! : )

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I so look forward to your Substack videos. This one was excellent!

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"TRUTH" (Half-baked) Keep frozen. Manufactured on Earth.

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