Thanks to Mary McLaughlin for suggesting that the solution to the male / female impasse was a third paradigm. Duh!
In this episode, I look at the Hieros Gamos or sacred marriage between the god and goddess represented by the god-king and high priestess. It was seen as bringing fertility to the land and was practiced in Phoenicia, Canaan and IsRaEl. I’ve transformed this into a Horus Gamos.
hieros vs eros
The word heir conveys the one who rules over all, whether in a household or over the whole world, as in the word hierarchy, the inheritance order of the archons. It’s used in hierophant or religious authority. I have a problem with heirs.
But I just got a glasses case from Tiny Heir Moccs that came with this card. Mouse ear buns! Cutest lil’ heir ever! If all heirs were like this, I’d be fine with them!
re-membering or-isis
We’ve been looking at Egyptian mythology where the god Osiris is dismembered by his brother Set. Set can also be spelled Seth like the Biblical heir of Adam after his brother Canaan is framed for killing a-Ba’al. Both are usurpers of the inheritance.
Isis, the sister-wife of Osiris, Re-members him, gathers all the pieces and puts him back together. Re or Ra is the sun god. When he is whole, she conceives Horus with him, the god of sunrise and the Horus-line, horizon.
If the letters are transposed, Osiris becomes or-Isis. They are Isis and/or Isis. And Horus become or-Us, both male and female joined together. Isis:
Osiris after being put back together:
Is this Horus?
Or this?
Thanks to Amy for the new AI-stuffed posts with clever funny titles and the prompts she used to generate them—a free tutorial for those interested and free-to-steal images for the rest of us freeloaders!
in our right mind
In my episode on Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs by Andrew Power:
Andrew has a metaphysical theory for their intuitive knowledge and skills. He looks at the bicameral mind as having a left side that deals with symbols and linear time, and a right side that’s directly connected to God. Our brains squeeze awareness back and forth through the narrow passage of the corpus callosum. We translate everything intuitive into symbols and send it back for a Reality check.
Perhaps at that time, people were of One mind, communicating with each other and with God without symbols. We were in a place of Knowing. The brain itself was joined and perhaps Mind superseded all the separate brains. That would fit my theology that we and God are metaphorically like the two sides of the brain, masculine and feminine, but in Reality, we are One with God, One Mind.
The right, feminine side of the brain is the universal and intuitive. The left, masculine is the symbolic and linear-logical. The left without the right is man separated from god. The right fully unified with the left is us as the female in the heiro gamos or the horus gamos with God.
If we personify God as masculine, we in our collective identity are the feminine, the womb of God, the Isis, all that Is.
yes, I realize that’s a heart and not a brain …
eek! lips!
as the moon swallowed the sun, to release it moments later, what did this mean to the horus gamos? Isaac Middle’s video on The Eclipse of the Orange Moonchild puts together the astrology chart of Donald Trump, along with a great memetage by Tonika of Visceral Adventures and fun, dancy music including a bonus drum cover by Isaac.
In one of his clips, the presenter talks about this as the 2D union of the Sun God and the Moon Goddess, the divine masculine and feminine. As a friend points out, the moon is on top.
The Eclipse
I stood out in the open cold
To see the essence of the eclipse
Which was its perfect darkness.
I stood in the cold on the porch
And could not think of anything so perfect
As man's hope of light in the face of darkness.
~ Richard Eberhart ~
(Soul Food, ed. by Neil Astley and Pamela Robertson-Pearce)
note the use of ‘man’ who panics when the moon covers his freakin face for 4 minutes.
moving into the house of YES
The Cormorant recommended another eclipse astrology by Eric Francis Coppolino:
Eric had my attention even before he mentioned A Course in Miracles. In this video, he talks about how we’ve been in the House of No for millennia and are now moving into the House of Yes. But we don’t know what our Yes looks like, we have no practice in saying Yes and knowing (no-ing) what we want and what we don’t. He states to mean your Yes and mean your No and even mean your Maybe if it’s really Maybe.
I’ve been practicing my Yes these past years in small decisions—what do I want to wear, do, eat—not ‘what needs to be used up in the fridge.’ What do I want, right now? What is the happiest, kindest thing I can do for my self at this moment? How can I indulge myself and read a romantic fantasy novel out in the sun? Who’s telling me I should be productive and how can I evict them?
The mindset of Yes goes through all things. Years ago, as a hospice volunteer, I was the go-to person for filling in when someone was on vacation or they needed someone quick. I decided that I would just say Yes unless I had a time conflict. This got me into situations where I may have balked, feeling unprepared, had I thought about them. Yes is stepping up to what life, and death, gives you.
love has no opposite
The love/ hate relationship is really two forms of hate, cold and hot—possession turning into anger when spurned, domination and superiority turning violent when rejected.
Unless you’re Isaac Middle talking about your love-hate relationship with Trump, which is really morbid fascination/ repulsion ;-) This video includes another excellent meme-montage by Visceral Adventures. I don’t know whether to credit the great dancy music to Isaac or Tonika:
grace & frankie’s night of YES
My favorite series is Grace & Frankie, followed by Shitt’s Creek. In one episode, Lily Tomlin dares Jane Fonda into a night of Yes, where each will answer Yes to any of the other’s requests. Frankie dresses Grace and Grace dresses Frankie. They go to a biker bar and somehow end up dancing on top of it.
Through the reversal of roles and mishaps, this is a turning point in their relationship where they begin to see from the other’s perspective. Kinda like the following mantis and crab (okay I know it’s a stretch but these are too cool to resist!)
how to get to NO
I think we need basic training in communication between the sexes.
To indicate they’re talking to an equal, women often use ‘I’ statements: I think, I feel, I suspect, I tend towards, my response to this is, and even, I disagree. I’m trying to break the habit of ‘I believe’ because it means making up your mind ahead of the facts or your experience.
Some men talk down by using authoritative statements: you’re wrong, this is the truth, I’m going to challenge you to …, let me explain how things are, I know. They use labels and generalizations to make their arguments.
If a man believes that a woman is trying to dominate him, there’s nothing a woman can say to change his mind. Changing his mind is itself seen as dominating. Everything is translated into a domination paradigm of rule or be ruled.
Women: don’t allow yourself or other women to be insulted, even by a friend. Superiority is the cold form of hatred. Don’t be nice and acquiesce to those who put you or others down. When they gaslight you that you’re over reacting or being emotional, call them on their bullshit. I’ll do a future analysis on How to Know When You’re Being Insulted … or Not.
I think autism is an asocial (not anti-social) form of sociopathy medically induced through vaccines, primarily but not exclusively impacting men and their sense of empathy. There’s a reason for this: it’s a feature, not a side-effect. Empathy, or seeing the other person for their best intentions, is the opposite of the domination paradigm.
The motions of empathy can be taught. For years my daughter has trained her (female) friend in how to have a conversation, how to ask questions, how to listen to the answer and respond to it, not forging ahead with her own monologue. Her friend is likely on the spectrum but has come a long way.
My contrarian daughter is possibly on the spectrum. Social skills were something she taught herself, not intuitive. I noticed it the first time in middle school when she complimented the nails of the bank teller. Because it’s a conscious effort for her, she’s gotten better at it than the other two and is the only one who made lasting friendships in college.
Here are some of her techniques: she inserts herself in conversations. She’s a bridge between people who don’t know each other or don’t get along. She notices something a person has put effort into and compliments them. She picks up on cues that someone is stressed and asks how she can help.
She’s still argumentative and irascible, foul-mouthed and blunt, making her the favorite daughter for my irascible friends. I got her a mug for her first office job at a law firm that says, “Prove them fucking wrong.” I’m eager for her to meet Tonika someday, I think they would like each other. Here’s a picture of her:
flirting & the sextrovert
Amy’s title for this image: “I Can Be Astute In A Nice Suit, In The Dirt; Don’t Flirt. Do You Girls Like Dirty Men? Hahaha. Ahem.”
Flirting is almost a lost art. Flirting is tonic masculinity. Flirting is the opposite of the ‘male gaze’ or leer.
My favorite farmer’s market flirt once demonstrated to me the difference between appreciation and inappropriate. He gave me a compliment and walked off before I could respond. Then he gave me the same compliment … and waited.
Flirting is not reciprocal, it’s a gift from men to women. At its best, it’s completely indiscriminate. It makes women happy to have been born women. It makes life a little richer at no cost.
Advice to women: never have sex with a man who does not see himself in service to the feminine. This will save you much grief and bad sex.
queen of the microrave
At the height of lockdown lunacy, I became known as the queen of the microrave. These were small gatherings, mostly women, sometimes including a daughter or two. I’m here to speak in defense of drugs.
Specifically those classified as empathogens. Unlike hallucinogens, which are solitary journeys (and NOT my preference, my brain is already wild enough), empathogens increase sociability. Here’s my guess for how they work: they make you feel good about yourself, and feeling good about yourself makes you like other people. There’s something really key to that dynamic, I think.
The rave drug, ecstasy, is mixed with stimulants and can contain the big No, fentanyl. I don’t recommend any street drug. The pure, original form was therapeutic and primarily used for marriage counseling. It’s currently under trial for psychiatric use treating PTSD and is cited for religious use in prayer and connecting to the divine.
From Wikipedia, these drugs induce “experiences of emotional communion, oneness, relatedness, emotional openness.” It continues, “individually or in small groups in a quiet environment and when concentrating, is associated with increased lucidity, concentration, sensitivity to aesthetic aspects of the environment, enhanced awareness of emotions, and improved capability of communication.”
A friend of mine calls it ‘spiritual medicine’ and does guided psilocybin journeys in which she uses it to bring the client back in the gentlest of ways. There’s a school for that here. One friend uses it to do yoga in a sauna and cry about her deceased husband—a double dehydration risk, which is the major side effect.
For my empathic daughter, it makes little difference—maybe like me not needing hallucinogens. But my snapping turtle turns into a purring pussycat. It’s best to spend some time at the beginning setting your intentions. Most often people wander off and get into deep and loving conversations, sometimes with people they didn’t like before. If your intention is to dance, try to get it started early, is my advice.
For the CIA spy reading, remember I’m the gal who thinks the world may be psychosomatic. It was probably just pink Himalayan salt and the rest was in our minds.
the white tigress & the inner masculine
I’ve been listening to Xi from EarthStar Academy talking about sex. She says there’s a reason our pleasure centers, our sex organs, are in the root chakra and not the sacral chakra—life is pleasure by divine design. It’s our connection to the 3D world, we are meant to feel good.
When people are tired and feel like they hate life, it’s not life they hate, it’s the false matrix. I think matrix is another word trick to make us associate the virtual artifice with the mother. I would call it the patrix, the false masculine.
Xi calls the woman who is grounded in her body the white tigress. I knew Amy had the perfect picture for this!
Xi sees the inner feminine as the visionary who says, I want this in the world. And the inner masculine says, let’s make that happen. She recommends holding conversation between the two. A woman acting like a spoiled princess is waiting for other people to be her servants. The true queen is in service to others, and develops her inner masculine to have the competence to make these dreams happen.
I’ve proudly claimed the term woo-woo woman since I was dubbed that in JJ Couey’s chat. Xi gives me a run for my woo-woo money. But is also astoundingly practical and up on the ways that people ‘drop out’ and disempower themselves. Here’s another interesting video:
In it, Xi talks about our script that we’re born as a slave culture and how to shift that mindset. She is diving into astrology for the first time because it feels like there’s an important clue. I think the woman below agrees. As Amy titles it, “Thank Goodness I Wore These Shoes. I Will Get Up As Soon As I Stop Seeing The Wall Moving.”
love is bigger
In a recent post called The Earth is Our Home, Kathleen Devanney wrote:
I’ve listened to more astrologers in the last two weeks than the 60 something years that proceeded them - mostly I think, because what’s happening right now - the significance and momentousness of these times - requires a cosmic-level inclusion. (Even if I don’t understand half of what I hear.)
There’s something about really big cycles and the cosmic piece that feels appropriate. The boxed in narratives prevalent on earth feel constraining, hollow or total bullshit.
We don’t walk around thinking about it, but we have cosmic-identities. A tiny bit of which showed up on this Truman Show planet with stuff to do.
Which makes sense from the perspective that infinite beings of love would hardly arrive fully on to a slave planet. A little bit of them might though.
Since it’s all energy and frequency behind what we see and these bodies we don, as the frequency climbs and the corresponding bandwidth widens more of us can come in, as it were.
We will literally embody more of ourselves and so more love on this planet.
That’s happening and it’s amazing.
And as more of us embodies here, we’ll understand more. They go together.
Headlines and rumors aside, humans are beings of love. …
So, no matter what they throw our way, Love is bigger.
It’s a great time to be alive.
And I want to say clearly that I love you. Not in the abstract but in the very specific. We are putting this back together, our Self back together and YOU are the most essential part of that.
Looks at romance and religion as projecting the ego onto a person or a deity, and why a pedestal is a precarious place to be. Tells a story of a spiritual pick-up artist and how empty words of affirmation are just ways of shushing you because he didn’t understand a word of what you said.
Examines disposable dating and whether it's a strategy to keep us in line and online. Looks at the need to develop an online dating skin and whether relationships have become more transactional. Tells a story from my parents' era of torch singers and dance cards, and compares it to my daughters' era of swipe-rightmania and ghosting. Cites Matt Taibbi's article on Laura Kipnis, author of Unwelcome Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus and Love in the Time of Contagion: A Diagnosis. Discusses making love and making babies from a sociological perspective and whether the couple is the lust frontier on the way to The Great Isolation. Ends with advice to the next generation that you deserve the real thing.
This video goes from the dramatic pole dancing of Anete Blaua to Love is Metaphysical Gravity of Buckminster Fuller. It then explores apocalyptic ecstasy from The Cormorant who explicitly describes the hero's journey to satisfy the dragon chakra, uniting the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine. How to bring about universal peace in the privacy of your own home! The synchronicities include octahedrons, global dandelions and spiritual/ sexual alchemy.
In both "re-resurrection" and "re-membering" of Self, this is original to the story of Osiris (Ausir). When he let himself be killed by Set; that was the Godhead choosing to plunge into death, when he was Re-Membered by Isis (Auset) he had risen. Also, by willingly plunging into Death; the Godhead pierced Darkness, transforming it into the life death cycle of day and night, as well as Human Life.
In a similar sense, Ausir is the descending force, and Auset is the ascending force of life. Within each Individuated Self there exist a movement of ever increasing light as Spiritual Evolution progresses.
Ausir's greatest strength was ultimately his Surrender, infinite Being has never been born nor has it ever Died. Death is only part of a cycle, it's not permanent. The body dies, then a new one grows back to take it's place through birth.
Equal Mindedness is also a way of Re - Membering the mind's true sense. Which is to accept and observe.
In the Heart, there is also an Equanimity, a Re - Membering at our Self's Core. When we experience One at the Heart, it's pure Love.
I've avoided AI art up to now, but those images are incredibly compelling.
"Unless you’re Isaac Middle talking about your love-hate relationship with Trump, which is really morbid fascination/ repulsion ;-)"
The morbid fascination/repulsion feels far too real 😅