A Royal Flush & Irish Pharaohs
plus the Baaltimore bridge, unicorns, red-headed mermen and I, pet goat, II
Welcome fellow bloodhounds of the Biblespiracy. Is it any accident that the word includes piracy? The pirates have always been the empire, stealing the inheritance of the people—our words, our stories, our homes, our land, our innate knowledge of right and wrong, and our connection to the sacred.
What they have substituted are words that cast spells to blind us and bind us in obedience. I’ve long thought that all the global tongues are languages of conquest. We don’t have words in which to think from the perspective of people and place. But some new information shows that Latin itself may have been a synthetic invention, one that never developed from an indigenous seed, never sprouted from an indigenous language. That would explain a lot.
In a comment to Nefahotep, I said that each of these twisted stories we’ve been told are made up of larger stories in the words. Each word is a worldview, a shortcut that encapsulates a constellation of assumptions and distills them down to a way of seeing. Think about the word ‘encapsulate’—a poison pill. Our words are a metanoia, the way we think before we think we’re thinking. A paradigm that captures our imagination and holds it hostage.
The shape of that paradigm is a pyramid. On my last post, Mary wrote, “I've always wondered if the Bible's real purpose was to subjugate the masses.” I replied, “I think it's even sneakier. The Bible's purpose is to get the masses to subjugate each other. One tier of the pyramid crushing another, so all that's left for those at the top is to flip the levers of a well-oiled machine. One-finger subjugation.”
the debt elephant
The same authors who’ve usurped the stories from other cultures and twisted them to their purpose have also designed the imperial forms of money, laws and governance. Which came first? From the research in my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, I suspect money. I cite David Graeber on the military-coinage-slavery complex:
In fact, the entire Roman empire, at its height, could be understood as a vast machine for the extraction of precious metals and their coining and distribution to the military—combined with taxation policies designed to encourage conquered populations to adopt coins in the everyday transactions.
The ancient Greek hierarchy, which means inheritance order of the archons, allowed someone to be in the voting assembly and move up the hierarchy based on their contribution to the military. This contribution was measured in barley so it depended on slave labor and landless serfs, controlled by fief lords whose own militaries prevented use of the land without payment. In another word inversion, this is called democracy, which means rule by the people, but only included landlords and warlords.
The Greek system of primogeniture disinherited later-born sons and all women. Like the Bible when Esau implores, “Don’t you have more than one blessing?” the right to rule everyone else went to one son. The family became the building block of hierarchy with each father the archon of his household and subservient to the patriarch of his clan. For those who think the empire is female, I beg to differ. As I write in my book:
This period [around 500 BCE] also saw the rise of the trained professional army and, in particular, the sought-after Greek mercenary warrior. Solon’s new hierarchy was so effective that more soldiers were produced than Greece could use and they became their own commodity class. Although land within Greece was reserved for the eldest son through an arbitrary system of inheritance called primogeniture, younger sons would make their fortunes on the battlefield.
While rulers with imperial aspirations coveted the trained armies, there was a hitch. The kings needed to find a way to feed and equip them during their conquests and occupations. Moving around herds of cattle and wagons of provisions was risky and laborious. And the soldiers who survived had to be rewarded in a form that they could bring back home without carrying off the treasure for which the invasion was launched.
The solution was to pay the mercenary armies in units made from the melted spoils of conquest but stamped with a higher value. The real genius of the scheme, however, was requiring the inhabitants of the conquered territories to pay taxes to the king in the freshly minted coin of the realm—rather than paying the king a portion of the harvest that had to be transported, stored, and distributed. Now the conquered peoples would have to provide food, shelter, equipment, sex, or other services directly to the soldiers to get the needed coins. The coins would gravitate back to the royal treasury, the replenished soldiers would conquer the next territory, and the cycle would start again.
Coin of the ‘realm’ is a word that comes from rule and regal meaning “kingdom, domain under a sovereign, royal jurisdiction.” And the word sovereign, that should mean self-rule, has been usurped to mean rule over others. It takes little imagination to see how Greece or Rome, if they were even different, would end up amassing coins from every realm and ruler, and lending them back so the rulers would be subject to them. Perhaps Greece ruled from behind and Rome governed in front.
Just like the Bible, taxation was a means to get the masses to subjugate each other, provide for the army to conquer your neighbors so you don’t fall into debt slavery. Those who think gold isn’t a fiat currency would do well to note it was the original gangster fiat currency. And for those who rebelled against taxation, as the original Judeans did, was reserved the worst form of slavery in the mines, unearthing more metals that would destroy the precious mettle of humanity.
coins over kings
An interview I watched recently adds to this intrigue in combining mystical rituals of power and capitulation with Biblical themes, City of London banking laws, Atlantean tribes, Irish pyramids, unicorns, and red-headed giants in Egypt. If all that wasn’t enough to get my attention, the interview is by Fintan Dunne, who interviewed me when I first published my suspicions about Robert Malone.
In this mind-blowing video, Fintan interviews Andrew Power on his spell-breaking book, Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs:
We begin at dawn on the river Boyne on July 1, 1690. On one side of the river stands the Catholic King James II with his Jacobite army. On the other side is his Protestant nephew and son-in-law, William of Orange, who had deposed his uncle a year prior, although James was still supported by Parliament. This is seen as the decisive battle between Catholics and Protestants in their ‘senseless religious war.’
History cites the ineptitude of James in sending two-thirds of his men to Roughgrange to counter a quarter of William’s men crossing there. But that location was a swampy ravine where neither side could cross and they sat out the rest of the battle. James ordered a retreat that was guarded by the cavalry, thwarting any engagement by either side. With remarkably few casualties for 60,000 men, James surrendered, demoralizing his troops.
But Andrew Power has a different take. His evidence shows this was acting out an ancient ritual of Horus, timed when the Sun God crossed the Horus line of the horizon. The shape of the Boyne parallels the shape of the Nile and both mirror the Milky Way. It was entirely symbolic and no evidence of battle has been found.
James represented the power of the Vatican and the legitimacy of the House of Stuart, tracing back to ancient Egypt. The House of Orange were usurpers, legitimized by marriage to the daughter of James. William was backed by the City of London and the Khazarian Jewish bankers. His retinue included the Royal Black Knights of the Camp of Israel, a word that Andrew confirms as the trinity of Isis, Ra and El.
This ritual capitulation signified the transfer of the right to rule to the House of Orange and, most importantly, the right of The City of London to print the money. One governs in front and one rules from behind.
the arc of the coven
This is only the beginning of the mystery, however. At nearby Newgrange there is a watertight megolith built 5200 years ago in the Stone Age and encompassing about an acre. It predates Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza by about 500 years. A long passage that leads to a cruciform chamber with three alcoves aligns with the rising sun at the Winter Solstice.
This complex of monuments built along a bend of the River Boyne are known as Brú na Bóinne including Knowth (the largest) and Dowth, but throughout the area there are 35 smaller mounds.
Andrew then cites 4000 year old mummies in China with extraordinarily tall stature and red hair. Preserved wall paintings in Egypt show people of tall stature with fair skin and red hair. Celtic legends depict an advanced race of people who were 12’-16’ tall. The knowledge of celestial movement, physics and building precision required for Newgrange defies any notion of primitive.
The creation stories of many cultures include a time when the waters of the sky were separated from the waters of the earth. There are stories of cataclysm involving water and flood. Noah is one such story in which the place where the ark lands is called Arat. The Neolithic ceremonial kingship site along the Boyne River is called the Hill of Tara. Arat is Tara backwards.
The Hill of Tara embodies sacred kingship and was the spiritual and political center of Ireland. A tomb called The Mound of the Hostages was built 5000 years ago as a smaller version of Newgrange with the cremated remains of up to 500 people, each arranged with burial goods. At the summit of the hill is the Fort of the Kings with two massive joined circles, like an infinity loop.
Within one monument called The Royal Seat is the Stone of Destiny, which would let out a screech that could be heard in all of Ireland when touched by a true king. So says the legend. Maybe a variation of pulling a sword from a stone to dancing brooms.
red-headed mermen of atlantis
Andrew puts this together with the Atlantean Tribes of the mystery schools of Egypt. To separate speculation from source material, I suggest listening to the interview or buying the book, if you can find it. I’m relying on notes and memory.
The theory goes that the earth was covered by a vapor layer held in by a thin membrane. This with the closer stars and sun made the world lush and verdant, a garden of Eden. It also allowed for taller stature and feats that would require great strength in our thin atmosphere.
Along with this, Andrew has a metaphysical theory for their intuitive knowledge and skills. He looks at the bicameral mind as having a left side that deals with symbols and linear time, and a right side that’s directly connected to God. Our brains squeeze awareness back and forth through the narrow passage of the corpus callosum. We translate everything intuitive into symbols and send it back for a Reality check.
Perhaps at that time, people were of One mind, communicating with each other and with God without symbols. We were in a place of Knowing. The brain itself was joined and perhaps Mind superseded all the separate brains. That would fit my theology that we and God are metaphorically like the two sides of the brain, masculine and feminine, but in Reality, we are One with God, One Mind.
Into this humid Eden, a comet fell—Lucifer the bright, with the long hair of the woman. It burst the membrane and all the vapor collapsed into a flood that covered the earth. When the water receded and became the seas, the mists of their Northern home were a cold cloak blocking out the Sun. So they went South, following the Sun of God, as it was called, and came to Egypt.
a unicorn intermission
Fintan and Andrew expand on the impact of losing the direct connection to God and dividing the Mind with symbols for reality. It relied on others now to hear ‘God’ with the potential to hijack for malign purposes. The authority system was taken over by the priestly caste of Is-Ra-El who split with the House of Yehuda.
The symbol of divine power taken by the House of Orange was the dragon or sea serpent. What was usurped by the House of Stuart was the lion and the unicorn or monosaurus. These are aligned with constellations and conveyed divine protection. These are stolen like the stories and legacies.
My friend Amy, who does What’s In a Name? wrote a series of AI prompts while feeling helpless about the Palestinians. She wanted to conjure a magical protection, something that would guard them and gladden their hearts. Although they’re only pictures churned out by an algorithm, I’ve been rotating them on my desktop and they make me feel peaceful.
We, who are aware of the misery the world contains, don’t know all its mysteries. I would like to believe there is a place of sanctuary in the worst of circumstances. Maybe that place is in the mind or the Mind that contains us all. It can’t hurt to dream a little dream of escape on a one-horned horse.
we are the sacrifice
Here we are 333 years after the ritual sacrifice of Ireland to the Khazarian Jewish bankers of the City of London and their ‘merchant-prince’ in his counting house. Rothschild/ Bauer? Merchant-prince is a direct quote from Judea Declares War on Germany in 1933. Judea considered itself a country without borders, encompassing the globe, with its own merchant-prince who ruled, not a country, but a world?
Here is another take on the targeting of the Francis Scott Key bridge. From the narrator, who goes by IsraelDiegoRivera Geni:
Francis Scott Key, a Freemason, wrote the Star-Spangled Banner. Baltimore has the Ravens and is the home of Edgar Allen Poe, who wrote The Raven about the Fall of the House of Usher, which is America. Geni looks at the parallels with this short film called I, pet goat II by Heliofant, that includes the tearing of the US flag in half. It’s visually stunning and includes much of the Egyptian symbology of Jesus as the Sun God Ra in a long boat (Set?) heading towards the Horus line. There are meteors, which the flight of a helicopter mimics in the bridge collapse footage.
Geni looks at the ship being named Dali as in Salvador, meaning salvation. The code name for succession plans on the death of King Charles III is Operation Menai Bridge, according to Wikipedia, a bridge in Wales. For the first Queen Elizabeth it was Operation Tay Bridge, and Operation Forth Bridge for Prince Philip. For Elizabeth II it was London Bridge is down and also Project Unicorn since she died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.
Andrew Powers pointed out that Belfast stands for Baalfast and Balmoral is clearly Baalmoral. I think we need to add that Baltimore is Baaltimore or Baalmoral.
Pluto is in the same position as when the Declaration of Independence was written. Geni connects the Baltimore Bridge to his predicted death of King Charles III, which he believes will be announced on the eclipse, and the rise of William who, through the Spencers, is a Stuart and related to George Washington. All of Diana’s memorials, he states, were dedicated to Isis, which is also the Statue of Liberty. And how did I miss that the US-created nemesis is ISIS?
Geni connects the Alice in Wonderland girl sitting in the circle on the checkered floor with Kate Middleton. But she looks like Princess Diana and the film was released in 2012. She drops the apple that rolls across the floor, stopping at a sinister shoe and splitting in half where worms spiral out and join to create a stem that opens to a lotus. Metamorphosis and rebirth, in their own image.
The bridge is, in Geni’s analysis, foreboding the end of a corrupt America beginning at the eclipse. If it targets the corruption, however, it will take them down, not us.
Journalist Fintan Dunne invited me to do a follow-up interview on my video, Who Is Robert Malone, Really? The same day it aired, Malone posted Controlled Opposition, Black Propaganda. In this video, I look at whether his $25M defamation suit against the Breggins is against personal insults or conspiracy research, aka journalism. I outline the questions Fintan and I discussed and address the points made by Malone's colleague, including what would be his end game if he were controlled opposition.
Conjuring your i-land in a mind without borders, this episode is how to mage our heartlands into existence. Uses Sane Francisco's 50 Shades of Beige, What's in a Name, Really? for the AI Extravaganza, Victory Palace on ImageNation: the Only Nation, Charles Upton on Can AI Write Poetry? and Gavin Mounsey on nature as the oldest scripture.
Power's book was a life-changer for me. I believe he published it privately himself; so it was never widely available. A PDF is online here:
So much of this is over my head and I don’t have the bandwidth to pull on every thread, but I resonate with a lot here. Same with the previous post about the Bible. There are a few things that jump out at me. For example, like this passage:
“We, who are aware of the misery the world contains, don’t know all its mysteries. I would like to believe there is a place of sanctuary in the worst of circumstances. Maybe that place is in the mind or the Mind that contains us all. It can’t hurt to dream a little dream of escape on a one-horned horse.”
If we can co-create our reality, why not? And not just escape, but also manifest that which we want?
Also, since Isaac Middle got me into the whole giants and old civilizations wombat hole, I’ve had to ask myself if other civilizations prior to us have faced the same dilemmas, the same moral crossroads, imploded on their own or had to deal with an external disaster… I just wonder if our civilization is capable of faring any better.
I also really connect with what you say about the Bible creating a self-serfdom hierarchy. And do you find that to be true with other religious books?
Btw, I’m staying at a place in Tijuana called The Dali Suites. Like the boat that hit the bridge. I don’t think there’s some hidden meaning, but I can’t pass up coincidences when they appear in my personal life. Pretty nervous about being away from my kids during this damn eclipse. 😬