Power's book was a life-changer for me. I believe he published it privately himself; so it was never widely available. A PDF is online here:


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What a gem you are, Tirion! The competition for most well read is fierce on this comment thread. Glad that I can just bask in it.

I tried the publisher website from the video, amazon, Abebooks, Google books, and even sent Fintan emails from two different addresses and the contact form on his site. No luck. And here you are, just dropping it in my lap. Thank you!

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Thank you.

Listened to the interview some months ago. My parents are Belfast born and I found it quite remarkable...much went over my head, and the tall people seemed so farfetched to me since I'd never heard of the likes of this...even checked the transcript to confirm I hadn't misheard:-)

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Yes, I know! I had to check that 12 to 16' again myself. I have a book on world-building for sci-fi writers and one of the exercises is to figure out how people would evolve differently for different conditions. If the air itself was heavy, it seems people would be buoyant.

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Well, they do say truth is stranger than fiction ;)

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It's also available at annas-archive.org...free download...use a vpn just in case.

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Thanks. I think I also found it on the Internet Archive.

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So much of this is over my head and I don’t have the bandwidth to pull on every thread, but I resonate with a lot here. Same with the previous post about the Bible. There are a few things that jump out at me. For example, like this passage:

“We, who are aware of the misery the world contains, don’t know all its mysteries. I would like to believe there is a place of sanctuary in the worst of circumstances. Maybe that place is in the mind or the Mind that contains us all. It can’t hurt to dream a little dream of escape on a one-horned horse.”

If we can co-create our reality, why not? And not just escape, but also manifest that which we want?

Also, since Isaac Middle got me into the whole giants and old civilizations wombat hole, I’ve had to ask myself if other civilizations prior to us have faced the same dilemmas, the same moral crossroads, imploded on their own or had to deal with an external disaster… I just wonder if our civilization is capable of faring any better.

I also really connect with what you say about the Bible creating a self-serfdom hierarchy. And do you find that to be true with other religious books?

Btw, I’m staying at a place in Tijuana called The Dali Suites. Like the boat that hit the bridge. I don’t think there’s some hidden meaning, but I can’t pass up coincidences when they appear in my personal life. Pretty nervous about being away from my kids during this damn eclipse. 😬

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I just mentioned you on William Hunter Duncan's thread, Tonika. Another writer plotted him with 29 other 'dissident right' writers. I made the observation that all of them were male. The author, Neoliberal Feudalism wrote "Generally speaking I think men are at the forefront of any non-mainstream movement and women come in to fill in the gaps later (take, for example, cryptocurrency; it was literally only men interested in it for many years). There's also a *lot* more drama surrounding women, and they tend *generally* to try to make discussions and arguments about themselves (look at a Laura Loomer, for example) instead of about the ideas themselves. They're also much more likely to flip if social pressure is applied to them. Again, these are just generalities based on tail ends of bell curves; there are always exceptions to the generalization..."

Hahaha. I said men were into crypto because they're gamblers and wrote, "If you were looking for dissident women interested in ideas and NOT themselves, you couldn't do better than Conspiracy Sarah, Heather B., kitten seeking answers, Pasheen Stonebrooke of Diva Drops, Visceral Adventures, and Kathleen Devanney, just off the top of my head. I don't know who Laura Loomer is and wouldn't waste my time finding out."

Oh and I mentioned Isaac and the wombat hole in the video but forgot to put him in the text. Being in the Dali Suites just shows you everything's connected and there's meaning in where you are right now. That meaning isn't to scare you. It's to comfort you. Things are going to play out and you and your kids (and me and mine) are going to be fine.

All religious texts I've found, except for the Tao and some Sufi texts and A Course in Miracles, all seem based on hierarchy. But I don't know that many. The Isha and Gita that Nef has presented seem more mystical along with some gnostic texts. I think it's the mystical rather than orthodox that sidesteps the authority thing.

Hope that you're doing well there in Tijuana.

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Honored to be listed amongst those ladies, thank you, Tereza, and of course, consider you in that power punching dissenting ideation group as well.

It is also comforting to know we’re on the same coast, for a spell. You’re right, we’ll ride it out fine. I just oscillate between nervousness and incredulity.

Doing great in Tijuana. Really like it here. I’ll write about it more extensively and maybe even put together a short video. Haha. It feels funny that people on Substack know more about my journey than my real life friends and acquaintances. Sending you hugs. 🤗

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Isis is such an important figure. She is known in different cultures at different times as Inanna, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus and Britannia, goddess of Britain. She was the mother of Aeneas, who was the great-grandfather of Brutus of Troy, the eponymous founder of Britain. In parts of Britain, she is still worshipped today.

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FWIW, the Zulu culture of southern Africa has a memory of when "the earth was covered by a vapor layer held in by a thin membrane." Their story claims that the vapor layer condensed into a deluge of rain when the Moon arrived in Earth orbit.

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The vapor layer makes so much intuitive sense to me. And it gives a way that all those monoliths and pyramids could have been built without backbreaking slave labor. Or without alien technology. I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve, but it's a possibility that wasn't there before. I'd like to believe slavery wasn't always the way people were towards each other.

It's like being in the Dead Sea and able to float with no effort. Even the idea of flying becomes within the realm (there they go again, forcing me into empire-speak) of the possible.

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The ancient Egyptians were much more advanced than we will ever understand. They had knowledge of energy lines in the earth. I just thought that they understood/harnessed levity but the vapor concept makes it even more possible. From what I understand building the pyramids was a sacred process that would not have allowed for slave labor.

Ibrahim Karim has a good book on biogeometry but since not many of us have the time to read everything here is a short video of his explaining his concepts: https://youtu.be/iSzPzBuXNsk?si=69qhfev8aKLbTJYn

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I appreciate you giving us the out that we don't have time to read everything! Glad to have a short video so I can pretend to know more than I do. ;-)

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As an apprentice plumber we did work with a Christian electrician ( if I remembering correctly, he came across as an intelligent person) we were working in house and I asked him to talk me through evidence/knowledge/information of events in the bible that made him believe in and follow it... He spoke of this vapour layer and the flood of Noah, he also spoke about the sighting of holy Mary at Fatima ( https://www.britannica.com/event/Our-Lady-of-Fatima ). We listened patiently and discussed back and forth our thoughts... He gave us a DVD of documentary of the Fatima event, which I do recall watching at least some it... I didn't think too much more about it at the time or in the preceding years, but I've since had my own spiritual awakening and experienc of the other side that as I listened to you mention in your video know has been thinking about it all again.... Since then I've also learnt about a lot more about the atmosphere, solar activity etc and actually became aware of that these things are entirely possible, both in natural sense and the spiritual sense.... 🤯.....

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That's really interesting, Winston. I'd never heard of the vapour layer before, in 16 yrs of Catholic school. Curious you mention Fatima. The Baltimore bridge video brings that in as an analysis of the I, pet goat, II video. Fatima, of course, was Mohammed's daughter so it ties Islam in. And the eclipse is in Ramadan, which he sees as significant. It had a lot more that I'm forgetting. Thanks for sharing your experience and spiritual awakening!

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Ah I watch the Baaltimore bridge video just now...

Here's some interesting tid bits... Re royals... William was induced to be born on the summer solstice... 🤔...

Also Charlie seems to be playing hide and seek now... I think it will be on the solstice either his death will be announced or another coronation, although that all might be quick... Interesting times ahead....



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Oh good, I'd meant to bring up his birth on the summer solstice but didn't want to listen a third time to make sure. Did it say that Charles' death would be announced on the solstice or the eclipse? I couldn't remember. But I also looked up Charles' death to see if that was being foreshadowed.

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In the bridge video he said the eclipse... So maybe it's Charlie on the eclipse and William crowned on the solstice.... Wylie, devious lot.. 🙄

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Wow I didn't even know or realise Fatima was discussed in the video... I hadn't watched it before I made my comment... 🤯🤯🤯

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Wow, another compelling read, Tereza. Interesting that the Daily Express article you linked talked about Germany's 600,000 Jεωs, not 6 million. Just like my parents always said.

I watched a series of videos called Europa The Last Battle. One of them went over the state sanctioned toture & murder of the Russians. I couldn't sleep that night knowing there was such evil in this world. It also covered the Ukranian Holodomor. It made me realise the origins of the saying 'beyond the Pale'.

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Yes, you're not the first to have picked up on that little tell. Someone else made the same connection, as did I. And if there were only 14M Jews worldwide, how were almost half killed but no one noticed until the 1960's?

I watched Europa awhile ago too. I think you saw my Fiddler on the Truth, but it's about the Russians and the Holodomor: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/fiddler-on-the-truth. And I had the same realization about 'beyond the Pale.'

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Actually, I just read it now through the link in this article, hence my 'out of place' comment, haha. I get busy sometimes and have no time or energy for intellectualy challenging reading.

Then I do a big catch up. I find this all so fascinating and really appreciate what you (and your followers) share.

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Very kind of you, Claire. Don't ever read out of obligation, is my advice. If you need to know something, it will find you. And that includes me.

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Well done Tereza. Fascinating. Thank you. Shall watch your interview now.

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On the question of Greeks and Romans, it's worth knowing that Rome was founded by Etruscans. The Etruscans were descendants of the ten so-called "Lost" Tribes of Israel, who arrived in Etruria in two waves. The second wave were Trojan refugees from The Trojan Wars, in which they were defeated by the Greeks.

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Were the Trojans then Etruscans and part of the 'lost tribes?' A video I'm going to embed in a future episode is The Truth About Moses: https://youtu.be/KjBx7KgsJxg?si=GieFlbFTByKLCjC6. It talks about the similar origin myths between Moses and Romulus and Remus.

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Some of the "Lost" Tribes migrated from Assyria to Anatolia and became the Trojans. After The Trojan Wars, the defeated refugees split into two groups: one group went to Etruria and the other went to Britain. They were warmly welcomed in both places because some of their ancestors had migrated to both places about a thousand years earlier (c. 1500 BC).

An important new book on the migrations of the "Lost" Tribes was published last week:

"The Great Migrations to Britain of 1527 B.C. and 485 B.C.," by Marchell Abrahams


The truth about our history is starting to re-emerge!

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Let me ditto Pauline. Ditto, ditto, ditto.

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Many thanks, Tereza; but you're the OG. You've broadened my horizons!

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Gosh, your knowledge is amazing.

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Oh, you're so kind; but I'm probably a good example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing! I don't have anything like Tereza's breadth and depth; but we do have a common fascination with certain subjects, like this one :)

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I don't know Moses's genealogy; but Romulus and Brutus of Troy were both descendants of Aeneas, son of Venus/Aphrodite/Britannia. In his "History of Britain" (1848), R W Morgan says:

"Aeneas, by his first wife Creusa, a daughter of Priam, had Julius Ascanius. From the second son of Ascanius Julius, descended the family of Julius Cesar, and the Emperors of Rome. The eldest son of Ascanius was Sylvius Ascanius. He married Edra, niece of Lavinia, who bore him Brutus, the founder of the Trojan Dynasty of Britain.

The issue of the second marriage of Aeneas, and Lavinia was Silvius Aeneas, from whom descended Romulus, the founder of Rome."


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Synchronisity... Currently watching the Testament of Moses on netflix...

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Now we’re getting somewhere. Very though provoking post.

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Tereza, this is so eloquent. You put a lot into this post.

The trinity of Isis-Ra-El is most likely a product of Cultural and Linguistic hijacking by the same people who first infiltrated Tau Wei (Egypt). I think the Hyksos were one of several original Aryan tribes, originally from the prehistoric freshwater Black Sea area. The language of the Hyksos may have a direct root from Proto Indo-European having some side connection to Sanskrit.

Isis is an approximated transliteration of an Ancient Egyptian name Auset (with most words in Indigenous Egyptian ending in a "t" it is pronounced with a gluteral "-ach:" or how I put it: -- "3ht")

So, how do you get "Isis" from Auset? There are transitory pronunciations that are "Asis," I'm sorry I don't have direct citation for this. Another way to spell Auset is Aset this seems close to "Asset, " weren't the Hyksos asset stripping Ancient Egyptians? So, they stripped Auset and renamed her Asis to be replaced by a later Isis.

I wonder what Israel would be if they had to stick to indigenous Madi pronunciation? Ausetrael.

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Thank you, Nef, I did feel good about this post. It is substantial and seemed to all click together.

Did you once tell me that there was no word Pharaoh in the Egyptian language? It struck me that the Ph for F seems particularly prevalent in Celtic, or am I imagining that? The odd spelling with the a before the o, even though the o is sounded also seems like a clue. Grasping at straws here.

There's definitely a clue also with the Hyksos. Haven't parsed that out yet. Good to hear from you!

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The term Pharaoh is possibly a transliterated product from a language that is not Egyptian or Hyksos. I'm now doubtful that it's Yemeni language origin either. I am beginning to come around to the perspective of Ancient Egyptian people traveling to places as far away as Scotland and Wales. There was possibly trade or other contact. With so many ancient languages coming together, it makes things fairly confusing, but fun.

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It's a weird world indeed... I dropped a post just yesterday titled "BA'ALMORAL to BIOTHANATOCRACY". I think you'll enjoy some of the content. Of course, there's also "Ba'almorality" and other coinages to consider...

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That's crazy! Immediately subbed (for free, sorry, I don't do paid subs). Yes, it definitely occurred to me that Balmoral was Ba'al morality. And transposed, that fits even better with Ba'al timore. Thanks for that great blog, I think many will be interested who are deciphering words. Here's a direct link for others: https://mrapaullo.substack.com/p/baalmoral-to-biothanatocracy.

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Thanks for subbing Tereza (I don't seek or expect paid subs anyway). Just word-play on my part - then again, it's surprising what dark truths can sometimes be dredged to the surface of consciousness when the creative imagination plumbs the chthonic depths.

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Word play is a serious endeavor in deciphering the psyops. Thanks for recommending me!

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After reading your article, albeit stunning, impressive, mind boggling and certainly mind "stretching" well outside of the historical boundary lines, I've come to one simple conclusion due to my almost 7 decades of propaganda being dumped inside my cranial cavity:

"Me thinks me really no speak english"

For me this was as close to reading something in a foreign language as it gets.

On the flip side, Tereza, what are you doing trying to spoil March Madness and Easter all in one article? LOL

Noteworthy, we do find historical records of Tereza's statements and findings simply by looking backwards all the way to Ethiopian times of the oldest recorded "Bible".

At plus/minus 88 chapters/books, it includes the Book of ENOCH, Jasher, Esdras, Buruch and all 3 Books of MACCABEE, and a host of others that was excommunicated from the KJV (maybe King James had a "small hands" or Napoleon complex). And yes, Giants mentioned all the way through.

Even the Jews mentioned of "tall peoples" as they moved to the region/Land of Hebron.

And of course there are the historical peoples of Nephilim, giants in their own right.

Laughingly, now that the end of March is ruined, what's on the menu to crush Ramadan and or Passover? Might you find proof of "Pig's Ears" in Judea?

Thanks for all your cranial matter and willingness to head down rabbit holes I've never even imagined.

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Haha, I feel the same way when I proofread my daughter's digital marketing resume. How can I tell if words are misspelled when I don't even recognize them as words?

I did make your observation on a comment I'd left for a friend who's also a minister. I said I'd been reprimanded before for ruining it for people trying to get in the Easter spirit, but then I linked my articles on 'Jesus'. This one didn't say anything about him! I'm saving those for after.

And those videos I linked tie in the eclipse happening in Ramadan to their dire predictions. Sorry!

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Also, the mysterious Dali boat/FS Kay bridge crash in Baltimore Harbor (who was the pilot anyway? Captain "Crunch"??).

Coffee and Covid writer Jeff Childers on Substack suggests (with only significant suspicions) that the Cabal/Dark State (seemingly like always) is/was involved. One can't wonder any longer with most (if not all) conspiracies all coming true lately.


Here's a few thoughts possibly worth consideration, especially since MSM is so handcuffed to really do any true investigating.

"The collision was recorded from a number of vantage points. The videos show a towering boat piled high with shipping containers heading directly toward one of the bridge’s key support columns (0:44), running with into it, and sending a massive stretch of the bridge rapidly crashing into the icy river water. The initial collision triggered a chain reaction as adjacent parts of the bridge quickly collapsed in sequence, running right down the line, dropping straight down like giant steel dominos.

As you know or could easily imagine, the hot takes are off the chain. And I’m talking about the official hot takes. Even before the crew was interviewed, the federal agencies and top federal officials like Biden and Buttigieg insisted the collision was one hundred percent accidental and it was not any kind of terrorist cyberattack, no way, no how, don’t even think that.

But the feds’ early, shrill, and repetitive denials of any outside agency just made doubters that much more suspicious.

The errant ship was the massive Dali, 984-feet long and 157-feet wide, weighing 100,000 tons, registered in Singapore, and owned by international shipping giant Maersk. So far what we know is that, as the Dali approached the bridge, its electrical system suddenly shut down. In other words, right at the worst possible time, it lost its engine power, electrical power, and steering and was adrift in a complete blackout.

Some videos seem to show the ship’s power going out twice, as though the crew tried to restart or reboot the power, but then it quickly shuts off again (0:56). It also looks like the ship cleared the bridge, but then the power went out (the second time) and it drifted back into the key pylon. These facts weren’t included in corporate media reports, so they may or may not be accurate. It’s just what it looks like from the video, from that particular vantage.

Why would anyone ever suspect a sudden, unexplained power outage at a critical moment could possibly be a cyberattack? I mean, come on people. Quit talking nonsense.

Miraculously, the crew sent out a “mayday” moments before the collision, and heroic Baltimore police frantically cleared the bridge, minimizing casualties. No recordings or transcripts of the mayday have been published that I could find. As of this morning, the only casualties were from a pothole repair crew that were plunged into the icy waters when the bridge collapsed.

It could have been much, much worse.

Believe it or not, the Francis Scott Key bridge is a critical part of the entire nation’s supply chain. Its catastrophic collapse cannot possibly be repaired for years. Officials are already talking about significant damage to our country’s supply chain, increased costs for consumer goods and energy, and so forth. It is not just an inconvenience. For a cascade of interrelated reasons, the destruction of this particular bridge was incalculably injurious to our economy.

One wild, random fact reported in CNN’s article was that thirteen vaguely-described shipping containers marked as unidentified CDC bio-hazmat were somehow damaged in the collision and are being “secured.” I’ll just leave that one right there.

USA Today reported, without explanation, that no Maersk personnel were on board at the time of the collision. Here’s where things really start to get weird."

Can't wait for the full eclipse in 2 weeks. I'm sure it too will be "special".

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Wow, thank you for all those added details, Greg. Very interesting about the supply chain. That sure makes sense, in a sinister sort of way.

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Never was about people.........Communism (Community), Socialism (Society), or Collaborative Democracy................nope..............The Khazar Bankers had it as their destiny from the very beginning.............and well before that one might add. Was that a "Capital(ism)" I put at the end of the sentence?

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I'm thinking the word I might start using is Zio-Hyksos. I'm becoming convinced that Hyksos is the origin of the people who wrote the Torah as their false history and the Talmud as their playbook. They're the ones who occupied Egypt and then Greece without military force, by infiltrating as a foreign nation pretending to assimilate.

I've been coming around to this but I just finished the first of Julius' videos that he's been listening to on the Hyksos Occupation of Egypt: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LZELFV4AhC7N/.

I could do with a LOT less ridicule, invectives and jumping around and a LOT more citations and quotes. But there's good info to be had. Wish there was a transcript or a list of sources.

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Happy Easter Sunday. Thx for your post on the topic.


"I could do with a LOT less ridicule, invectives and jumping around and a LOT more citations and quotes. But there's good info to be had. Wish there was a transcript or a list of sources."

I could nary tell to whom this was directed. The Video?

Citations and quotes about the Hyksos Occupation of Egypt?

Let me know if there's any sleuthing I can do on this end.


PS: A bit more on the Dali/FS Bridge event:

Another group of commenters over at Childer's Substack:

"Three of the crew member names just released by TSA: Sum Ting Wong, Ho Lee Fuk, Bang Ting Ow. Apparently Wi Tu Lo has remained in aviation."

My own addition was the forth identified Crew Member:

Kap Tan Mi Sing

On a more serious note, another comment:

"This Substack writer, Jason Powers, did some investigating the real crew members names. And discovered some very curious "coincidences" followed by concealment of said coincidences. Which doesn't inspire trust in the official story.


Jason's investigation revealed that:

1) Dali's crew Master was the same crew Master on the same ship that plowed into a dock in Antwerp in 2016. Same guy. Who was investigated for his role in that collision. Found to be his error.

2) Said crew Master (highly paid, over $10,000/mo) is Ukrainian. Make what you will of that, but a whole lot of CIA and clandestine operatives for the Deep State blob share that nationality these days.

3) Said crew Master was subsequently deleted from the Dali's crew listing. Poof! Vanished. And Jason shared the archive links to show the alteration.

Below shared from a separate update to Jason's link above:

"These mofos have DELETED the UKRAINIAN off the SHIP's HISTORY.

archive.is/LeT7C --- archive of Ukrainian.


Ship now shows 1 crew member. Before it was 2.

archive.is/KjCNl - Proof"

No. Big Media and officials do themselves no favors gaining trust in their reporting when real investigative work raises serious questions about their official story."

We'll just have to wait until the "level of water lowers" (MSM garbage removed) before we learn the real story/backstory/information.

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Yeah, but March Madness??? Really??

Can you imagine how crushed everyone would be trying to defend a 10 foot hoop against giants with 12 to 16' stature.

It'd be like me playing the kids in basketball using their 4 foot high kiddie hoop.

Ramadan, I can't comment on. After I figure out the Northern Hemispheric religions with Giants, vaporous pyramids in Ireland, Khazarian bankers, and all the way to Christian Scientists dealing with appendicitis, then I'll head into Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and I'm sure a 1,000 others.

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Oh I was missing the connection to March Madness! Now I get it.

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Girl, you've got to put down your books for a while and get outside. This lack of vitamin D is going to add up over time. LOL

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Thanks for linking to Geni. I am really enjoying his videos! I don’t really understand what the Pet Goat video is but I will be listening to Geni to see how he explains what it is.

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I started with Geni and watched Pet Goat second but it's a creepily 'fun' video that's really well done. I didn't know Geni had more, link back ones you've liked.

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Wow, coincidentally I am watching an old Dark Journalist episode (and taking a break to read) where he is talking about the Atlantians splitting off into groups at the time of their fall and Edgar Cayce had said that one of the groups went to Ireland, another to Egypt, one to the Yucatan, and one to the Carribean around Bimini. He said that the old Irish group TUATHA DE DANANN were real and actually Atlantians. I am 34% Irish and have always been fascinated by their culture and art, so much so that I moved there in 2015 and stayed for 3 years. It was a life long dream to visit Newgrange and the Boyne Valley, which is where my ancestors were from. (all 21 kings of Ancient Ireland) I got to see the sun hit the opening on Dec 21, 2016. Mind blowing experience. This was a fascinating article to read. Thank you!

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That's such a great synchronicity, Heather! If you have the link handy, post it for me. After reading about this, I'd love to visit Newgrange and the Boyne. Perhaps it's the actual birthplace of civilization.

Although maybe the originators of this parasitic system. I keep hearing conflicting reports. I want to believe these were the good guys but HeyokaChiefBigMouth keeps talking about blond or red-haired, blue-eyed, tall stature people who were the exploiters of country after country.

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I loved every single part of Ireland but Newgrange was a mystical experience beyond words.

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Thanks so much!

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... and speaking of using the Bible to subjugate the masses - or each other ...









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I know this is a dangerous thing to say to you, Julius, but I needed more things to watch. I have plenty to read, especially online, but have been coming up short on videos that teach me something new. I certainly haven't exhausted all of Corbett's documentaries but his new stuff seems a rehash of a viewpoint I'm now familiar with.

I was excited about MythVision's Moses documentary and followed one of his interviews that Jesus didn't exist. But the guy who'd written four books on it didn't have as many facts as I did, to be frank. And they seem to be in the reactionary mode of 'here's why Christians should be atheists like us' rather than getting to the deeper game of 'what is this story hiding?'

I'm glad to be in your good company. And, btw, glad your mum's doing better!

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I tripped down this other rabbit just today and as I came up for air to follow you article Tereza, I was astounded at the overlaps and parallels ...


• PART 1


• PART 2


• PART 3


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I wrote this to Greg, copying here:

I'm thinking the word I might start using is Zio-Hyksos. I'm becoming convinced that Hyksos is the origin of the people who wrote the Torah as their false history and the Talmud as their playbook. They're the ones who occupied Egypt and then Greece without military force, by infiltrating as a foreign nation pretending to assimilate.

I've been coming around to this but I just finished the first of Julius' videos that he's been listening to on the Hyksos Occupation of Egypt: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LZELFV4AhC7N/.

I could do with a LOT less ridicule, invectives and jumping around and a LOT more citations and quotes. But there's good info to be had. Wish there was a transcript or a list of sources.

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Yes - he has some emotive rough edges. I watch at speed x2. Part 3 (34 minutes) was particularly riveting. I just discovered him yesterday, and there seems a lot to learn and consider. Coincidentally, I have just been reading about Jesus Ben Pandira and the ‘epiphany’ of Paul.

I was intrigued at his inference that Akhenaten/Akhnaton was a ‘Hyksos pharaoh’. I am not convinced yet – it’s a chicken and egg tale. If so, then even Savitri Devi was fooled – “The Joy of the Sun”.

I agree – there is a deeper game of 'what this story is hiding’. This planet is just too small, insignificant – and finite.

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I'm listening at 1.5, building up my tolerance for chipmunk speak. You're right that parts 2 and 3 had some really great info and less editorializing. SO interesting that Seth in Hebrew means 'to set in the place of' !!!

And David being Tut from Egyptian with Moshe for Tutmoses. And Amos being Moses.

He's taking Josephus as a real historical person who's telling the truth. That researcher Frances Leader found who said both Josephus and the gospel were written by a Roman named Piso, I think it was--that makes more sense of it being another psyop within a psyop. Thanks for this interesting listen!

As I told Nef, I'm making herbed rack of lamb, flageolet bean gratin, roasted radicchio and a Basque prune tart at the same time, so I don't have hands free to take notes ;-) My oldest is coming tomorrow and Easter is her favorite holiday. So I'm hoping you have jotted down some of his source materials and post them on your fine stack someday ;-)

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… herbed rack of lamb … that sounds much more appetising and interesting. Enjoy your day and your family. I have a couple of hours’ ‘work’ to complete then earphones on to absorb more x2 stuff. I am a long way off being able to articulate anything on this topic but definitely want to Mention Universal Philosophy by Jacqueline Berger when finished. I am in the middle of a long chapter on Christianity but look forward to reading what she has to say about Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto … […] … the Mayas, Zoroaster and Manichaeism, Mithra and Mithriacism.

I am really keen to finish my next “Reading with the Romanovs” – about 90% done now. I have all the passages I need and now need to cull somewhat.

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I'll look forward to both of those! Enjoy your day too. Funny the things we consider 'fun', eh?

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If the Hyksos were who usurped Set as their god, then the Seth pharaohs like Seth-Periben would be Hyksos. And somewhere I read that when the Hyksos were kicked out, the people defaced every statue and picture of Set they could find.

In the first video he quotes a Roman, whose name begins with S? talking about how they are in every part of the known world and that their power can be felt. I keep wondering what word is used, since we don't have the word Jew until the 18th century.

2X speed! That's a game-changer. I'll go try that now.

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Late to the party today, so maybe these will be just for you and any late-arriving Eris-tocrats...

Not advocating for the eponymous Option: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbX-8xQWhiI

Kings & Queens in the DFW Metroplex realm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6drRjJaVOA

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