In both "re-resurrection" and "re-membering" of Self, this is original to the story of Osiris (Ausir). When he let himself be killed by Set; that was the Godhead choosing to plunge into death, when he was Re-Membered by Isis (Auset) he had risen. Also, by willingly plunging into Death; the Godhead pierced Darkness, transforming it into the life death cycle of day and night, as well as Human Life.
In a similar sense, Ausir is the descending force, and Auset is the ascending force of life. Within each Individuated Self there exist a movement of ever increasing light as Spiritual Evolution progresses.
Ausir's greatest strength was ultimately his Surrender, infinite Being has never been born nor has it ever Died. Death is only part of a cycle, it's not permanent. The body dies, then a new one grows back to take it's place through birth.
Equal Mindedness is also a way of Re - Membering the mind's true sense. Which is to accept and observe.
In the Heart, there is also an Equanimity, a Re - Membering at our Self's Core. When we experience One at the Heart, it's pure Love.
Is Set still Set in the Ausir/ Auset version, Nef? If so, it's interesting that Auset combines both names. Maybe the hint in all this is that we need to re-deem Set and re-habilitate him. I need to look up the etymology of those words.
I wanted to ask you also, as a father to an autistic son, whether I'm giving offense by using that word so loosely. What I'm trying to convey, in a clumsy fashion, is a word that looks at empathy and social skills in a neutral, non-blaming way and also not a gendered way.
What I hear from mothers of boys is that boys are more physical and far less complicated. What I know as a mother of girls is that they are verbal and extremely complicated! It took everything I had to stay one step ahead of where their fertile little brains were going.
It made me also wonder if I were to plot empathy on one axis and social skills on another, would those low on empathy but high on social skills be the ones we label narcissists and sociopaths? Maybe those are different but also induced, as in not that person's fault.
I love your statements about equanimity and re-membering our Self's Core. Beautiful.
About Autism; I'm not so sure that it would have anything to do with Gender, in as much as it is a Physiological disability of brain function, where it begins. Later, even if there may be some damage, the neural center the brain can and often does repair itself. People who have more severe symptoms are often given medications or are shunned by regular society.
I don't think you used the term "autism" loosely, though I don't really judge that anyway; autism is in my view, an affliction that has been "created" for the most part by vaccines. At very early development, infants are injected by doctors who have either been brainwashed into it or are complicit in creating the damage. In Japan, there is a law that no infant shall ever be injected with anything until after the age of 2; this is after the majority of the myelin sheath protecting the nerve growth has completed development. Vaccines were always a psyop to brainwash people into thinking medicine can be injected.
About Set:
First in terms of Etymology; the ancient Egyptian, indigenous language was never a "Spelling" based language, it is a "Phonic" syllable based system. If you study the Glyphs, you will notice that there are many different ones that are intended to represent a similar sound.
The etymology study we usually do is excellent for languages that are contemporary to each other, another part of this study should be to pick up on the deep symbolism found in what they were trying to say.
You are right about the re-habilitation of Set; 'S3ht:' or "Sah:" Here's what I can say about the symbolism he is a part of:
Somehow, Set also seems to imply that Re as the Sun God has aspects which are named by phases of the cycle. As in the Setting Sun. But it's worth noting that 'Setting' of the Sun would be quite different in ancient Egyptian.
Sun rise = Aket, meaning spiritual birth
Morning Sun = Re, meaning spiritual presence
Midday = Horakty, meaning spiritual sight
Setting = S3t or Seth, meaning 'in place' settling
Night = Dua3t or Dua, meaning spiritual eternity
Aket -- Re -- Horakty -- Seth -- Dua,
-- Five modalities of light: "going forth by day." These people loved Life.
A Ka Dua -- in the home of the rising Sun which is Rostau, where the Sphinx (Hare-M-aket) faces East to welcome Re each day.
With your kind encouragement, I will continue to blunder forward in my understanding of autism and whether it's part of a larger agenda to destroy empathy and sociability. I thought I had read statistics that autism affects far more boys than girls? On the less severe side, I've wondered if girls compensate better for it because they're expected to be more social, and those skills cover the impairment in reading another person's feelings empathically.
Wow, the modalities of the Sun are so interesting! Yes there's no reason that the Set of Re should be seen as destructive. Does Horakty have a relationship to Horus? Does Horus exist in this terminology?
Horakty is rooted in Hare -M- aket (Birth of Horus, born within Light) You are so very perceptive ;-)
Horus is the Individuated power to see Light, it's in each of us, existing as a unique divine experience.
Autism and the sexes:
It's possible that girls may have less damage somehow it seems the XX chromosome offers more protection to biological stability. Girls do get autism, it can be just as bad. The only lesson I take from this is we will do well to stop ALL injections; we could Re - Member the Body to Nature. Homeopathic approaches should always be the default way of medicine.
Okay, I'd say this was too funny but I should be used to this by now. I was just wracking my brain to figure out how I could find a homeopathic doctor for my daughter(s) in San Diego. I'll send you an email.
interesting, nefahotep. and oddly synchronous with my recent explorations.
last week i had two disparate encounters with the life death cycle. the one came from a bizarre-to-me source. freud via a podcast in which a man and a woman creatively explore ch 15 of the lotus sutra, called 'arising or perhaps emerging or even uprising from the earth.' my paraphrase. in 1916 freud is walking with a young italian poet in a beautiful forested area near the mountains. across the mountains men are killing each other. freud comments on how beautiful the day and nature is. the poet counters that there can be no beauty with the horrors of war on the other side of those mountains. freud replies that the movement of life into death is what gives life its beauty. [i would not have expected that from freud, and so... time to rethink at least some aspects of him. in a series of emails the philosopher-writer morris berman and i discussed several things and he provided a strong defence of freud's later work on senescence. hmmm.) this might not have had so much resonance if a few days before listening to that i cast the i ching as part of my inner shadow enquiry into superstition. from the hinton translation of #54 (the changed hexagram) i read: 'image... the noble-minded understand that it is death coming to everything tht makes this world perpetual and whole [beautiful?] to completion'. hinton translation p109. for the curious, and i loved the creative beautiful talk that wove the idea of beath into an empty room with an exploration of what it means to have a father, a spouse, gone, empty, lost to alzheimers. truly a beautiful talk.
Yes, Amy takes AI to a whole new level. I think it's because she's really a poet composing word pictures that it makes visual. If you ever do play with it, check out her prompts.
I've really been enjoying your videos with Tonika. Music, memes, sunrises, wholesome astrology conspiracy, they have it all!
And speaking of wholesome astrology, what's the best way to get money to you if I wanted to gift myself an astrology chart and reading for my birthday?
Oh my goodness, I would love to explore your Astrology Tereza! If you email me your birth day, place and time (as accurate as possible) to I can get started 🥳
Done! I don't know the second I was born. Remember, this is back in the days of the hourglass ;-) I found my birth certificate on a papyrus scroll. And I'm hoping you tell me I was both Cleopatra and Jesus in my past lives--does astrology work that way?
Are you asking if Astrology has the power to tell you if you were previously a fictional character? 😁
The best I think I can do is whether you are the Antichrist incarnate or not. Although some internet diggers have suggested this role has already been taken...
I certainly like to think I would bring a unique perspective. Although one of the virtues of Astrology I have found is lifting us out of the better/worse dichotomy.
Wait, wasn't that supposed to be the reverse, you in service to MY divine masculine and divine feminine? A slip of the tongue? Oh now I'm really going to get you started ...
Flirting with me will get you...whatever the fuck you want. Or whatever you want but don’t want. Or whatever you might not want but secretly suspect you might...
This is 4th dimensional (or whatever word you prefer to refer to the other-than-physical) Cormorant teasing. Your empathogenic self knows exactly what I mean 😅
You are an incendiary device, my fine feathered friend ;-) And 4D flirting is much more fun than that 5G warfare nonsense. My modem connection is still sizzling.
The romance fantasy I was reading is Sarah Maas' A Court of Wings & Ruin. The males are High Fae with black wings and there are many sly jokes about what wingspan corresponds to. My daughter borrowed my game of Birds or I could find out exactly, but as I remember the Cormorant is no slacker.
Thank you Roger, and you'll get another opportunity to wish me the same in a new post in a few moments. Because I'm not shy about milking the birthday vibe! I agree with the sentiment that any birthday after 30 deserves a week of celebration, and after 50 perhaps a whole month ;-)
I find your site to be very informative and fascinating - very eclectic.
I came across your site via the Abbey of Misrule website the author of which described and affirmed his new found Christian identity on the First Things website.
I also came across the N S Lyons Upheaval website.
Why do I mention this?
Check out his latest Dark Enchantment essay which is featured on the First Things website, and more importantly the dreadfully sane hyper-masculine left brained gab-fest that he is participating in. I suspect that very few (none) of the dreadfully sane talking heads participating in that gab-fest would have much sympathy with your site, especially your advocacy of the Feminine Principle ( the Goddess- She-Shakti)
Thank you for the compliments, Jonathan. Do you have some links for those? I used to be subbed to Lyons; like John Carter, he's an excellent writer. The facility with words, however, can cover up a lot of errors in thought, from my perspective. It's a leading characteristic of this hyper-masculine gab-fest, as you so charmingly put it ;-)
i'll add a second comment. this time on an internal physical-yogic connection to horus gamos. it was initiated from a very odd place of synchronicity while listening to simon borg-olivier talking about how our science of exercise is creating unhealthy fearful bodies. he introduces the concept of the hieros gamos through the shakti shiva connection within our bodies. i've linked the video shortly before he mentions it. (he doesn't use the phrase 'hieros-gamos'.) and it is short and yet so important, imo.
(i think his information is a very, perhaps critically, important element in taking responsibility for reducing fear out of our body. he points out that most yoga and exercises classes create fear responses in the body - as a good thing - and that includes things like how most everyone in fitness, including yoga, is improperly teaching a fear based breathing practice.)
something that may deepen the 'practical' aspects of the horus gamous is to explore the essay 'marriage as a psychological relationship.' practical, meaning it provides a means of looking at our selves in marriage that provides understanding tools about some of the dynamics between men and women as they struggle with moving back and forth, psychologically, between the gamos with the stranger with whom they have wedded, and the hieros gamos, the stranger within that they are largely disassociated from.
a marriage is more likely to succeed if the woman follows her own star and remains conscious of her wholeness than if she constantly concerns herself with her husband's star and his wholeness. ~ Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 51.
Thanks for the shout-out, Tereza, and for this wild cornucopia of wisdom -- from autism to flirting to yes/no, masculine/feminine, to... ecstasy!?! All with so much delight! Happy to be on board for this feast.
I have a great improv game called "Yes" that I think you'd adore. Let's get a group together (whom might that be??) and play. xox
PS My gratitude, also, for the recommendation... 🙏🏼
One woman's improv is another woman's worst fears. Have I confessed to how non-spontaneous I am? That when my dance teacher does the song where you come up with the next move, I always head for the bathroom? I signed up for a clown workshop to push myself to freefall or fly but then Covid happened and the vax was required, so that was that.
Speaking of which, I was just writing about Peter's interview for my Max Vax Madness episode. Due out later today!
I forget which recommendation was in here but if you haven't seen Grace & Frankie, may I recommend ...
Well, there's improv, and then there's what I teach... which I guarantee wouldn't send you out of the room!
And the recommendation I was referring to is the general pointing to The Art of Freedom... But I want to thank you for the big mention in your latest, too!! ❤️
Exemplary essay on our transitioning from hate to love, T-Darling. Feels good, don't it now. I'm exited to see some AI Artworks of your own too. That'll be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G to see. 🙏
I have always felt that the metaphor of dividing the human brain into left and right was wrong, just as wrong as the vain idea of assigning "areas" of the brain to mental functions. Only the people who are ::insert generalizing and dominating label here:: would give too much credit to that idea.
I like the Western Zodiac. I learned many things listening to Eric. He's a great strategist. Not the best of tacticians, but he does excels at strategy. In Journalism strategy he's an ace. He also talks about his wiener in his show. Probably Sun Tzu and Alexander and other Old Masters and Strategists also liked to talk about their wieners to soldiers and ladies-in-waiting and students and so on. That's just a joke. I like jokes.
I'm going to challenge you, Tereza (do you feel the domination yet?) to compare Astrology with Neurology. Not in the predictive power, or in the scientific quality of each, but in the usefulness to speak about differences in behavior, mainly in communication, between the sexes.
As everyone knows, of the twelve signs six are said to be of negative polarity or feminine principle, and the other six are of positive polarity or masculine principle. In general, astrologers say the three main things to look for in the natal chart of a person (or an event) is the sign of the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant (which is not an astrological planet but an astrological point.) There is also the house system being used, which is a hotly debated topic, and the aspects between planets and points.
Now, any person blessed or cursed with a rationalist mind would say that it's best to have a good balance of masculine/feminine energy in your planets. Perish the thought! I'll use my own chart as an example. Aries Sun, Rising Cancer, and it is as fucked up a combination as it sounds. Aries is a masculine sign, Cancer is a feminine sign. Surprisingly, they don't really get along well.
One reason for this is the triplicities, which is the division of the twelve signs in the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water, invented by some old Greek philosopher with a big toxic beard and an untrammeled desire to control everything. Paper was expensive at the time of the old Greeks and the periodic table of elements had to be limited to just fours. You can see it as simpler or as miserly, depending on what side of the brain is reading that joke.
So, Aries is fire, Cancer is water. Not the best of balances. I expect the Pisces people with ascending Aries to be also kinda unbalanced in a few ways. Or the Libras (Air) ascending Capricorn (Earth).
There is also the issue that the ruling planet of Aries is in Fall in Cancer, and the ruler of Cancer does not feel at all well in Aries.
I feel that the people who have Sun sign and Ascending sign in the same element have the best inner balance. For example, a Pisces ascending Cancer, or an Aquarius ascending Gemini.
Then, there is the Moon sign. Of which some astrologers say it's as important as the Sun sign, and some say it's only important in the chart of a woman.
In my birth chart I have the Moon in Gemini, an air sign, and of positive polarity. Moon in Gemini is very fun. Almost everything feels like a joke, which is offensive for people who takes most things too seriously.
With regards to behavior and communication between people, you can expect that people of Earth signs or of Water signs tend to speak about feelings and ask questions about other peoples feelings, but they repress their emotions and sometimes expect other to read their emotions, which does not happen. And people of Air signs or of Fire signs tend to do too much pep talk, and repress their feelings and other people feelings, but not their emotions, and they tend to find rapid and psychotic solutions to every problem, which can involve arson and other childish things.
The conversations between people of the same sign polarity can be very friendly. And conversations between people of opposite polarity tend to start or end in conflict.
If I remember correctly, Tereza, your sun Sign was either in Taurus or in Libra. The former is Earth, the latter is Air. I think Taurus people tend to lack spirituality in their worldview. It's more natural (so to speak) that people of Fire signs are more spiritual than Earth signs. And Air signs are more spiritual but also kinda disorganized and don't go too deep. So the Taurus people have to teach themselves spirituality, always from a materialist standpoint, and the Libras don't really care that much about learning masculine things like spirituality. (Notice the generalization of the word "masculine" which I use 95% in jest in this instance, and 5% to reflect the material fact that historically the masculine energy seeks naturally the religious and the spiritual, and the feminine energy tends to dodge that human instinct.)
That's just the Sun. I don't know your ascending point or your Moon sign. So, I lack information, as an amateur astrologer, to tell where your interest in spirituality springs from.
I really want to know where your Mercury is. Maybe you were born during a Mercury retrograde? That's so special! Your dear "friend" Victoria Newland has Mercury retrograde in Cancer. Very special people.
I think my point it's clear now, that you may want to refute, that the language of astrology is better than the language of neurology to explain the way people communicate to each other.
We can chalk that up to the fact that neurology is a newborn form of divination, and astrology is very old and well developed.
As a side note, unrelated to my argument, I feel that it is very funny the whole talk about the brain this the brain that. This starts from a philosophical and scientific fraud: the mind is equal to the brain. Not so. It is either one of these four:
1 the mind does not exist, and is just word play
2 the brain generates the mind but also does non-mind things, like ruling the heart, the liver, the kidneys, etc.
3 the mind generates the brain and the rest of the body and everything else
4 the quantum physics escape from reality, where nothing exists unless you imagine it first using very weird math symbols that no one else uses
Any of those four cases boils down to "brain is not equal to mind." Surely you or someone else can come up with a fifth or more items to that list of options. But if a new science starts from the assumption of a false premise, we can only hope that science to crash and burn, in the best case scenario.
It feels also funny to me that astrology has been considered to be a feminine thing (and the adjective feminine is an insult in that sentence), but neurology was invented by men, and is thereby serious and respectable. Very funny, because astrology was also invented by men, and many women are now interested in taking over neurology, which is yet-another broken toy of science, in my opinion.
And so, women are allowed to play with faulty mental constructs left behind by men as the continue walking the path of their irrational and endless search for total control and total protection of the feminine idea and its many particular instances.
Just as predicted by astrology. Humans cannot get out of that cycle. At least, most of us can't.
With regards to autism. I think there is a factor that people should take into account. The labels of psychiatry are fashions and depend on place and nationalistic obsessions, and other political bizarrities (I made up another word haha). Many people were told they had "Asperger syndrome" simply because of the fashion trends in labeling people that dominated the year they were labelled. Other people were labelled worse: bipolar disorder, idiopathic psychosis, hysteria, general anxiety disorder, and many others. It's as unscientific as that.
And a bad label can be a death sentence. It's a game no one should play, in my opinion. So being frivolous about it is probably the best.
Psychiatric labeling is also related to commercial necessities, like all marketing.
My masculine side compels me to make this general blanket statement as I play Wagner in my head and I paint "Death From Above" in my helmet. Here comes the bomb: the practice of diagnosis in medicine is actually branch of marketing science, not of medical science.
Let the dust settle for a bit.
My feminine side tells me that people sometimes become in love with the label they are assigned with. It's better to not tell them the truth unless they ask for it.
It's also better to use this foolish notion of labels to lay traps for the ignorant. This opens the way to even greater maniacal joy, like divide and conquer tactics. People interested in making money will find a great opportunity in word spells and tactics to ruin spring fools.
The greatest frustration of my life so far: I've noticed that many people feel threatened by my continuous joking, but threatening is not my intention. I have too many planets in water signs to be interested in threatening anyone directly. The necessity of death is always there, I don't need to add more drama to human life. Comedy is much better. But people prefer comedy about the things and people they hate, not about them and the things they love.
This comment is too damn long. Sorry!
Another day I will make an irate and rambunctious defense of hatred as a necessary part of the human experience, and I will try to prove that the War on Hate is the most hateful thing anyone can support.
Maybe this is a chicken and egg question, Roger. As long as the egg is an egg, its gender is always a potentiality so neither predominates ;-)
I'm glad you see that I'm using the brain as metaphor, to get across that we all have equal of each. As you know, I go with option #3 that perhaps all brains, bodies and everything else exists in that OneMind Dreaming. So it all comes down to story. What's the story we want to tell ourselves right now?
I do have Taurus as my 'everything I know about astrology I learned in kindergarten' sign. In those psychology tests that are just about as useful, I've always come out with more masculine traits than feminine, make of that what you will. The materialism of Taurus is something that hasn't resonated with me, but my daughter points out that I'm definitely a domesticated cat in liking nice surroundings. And preferably a sunny window. She says my only rotation in the house is from one sunny window to the next.
OK, I've done a tiny bit of espionage to guess your birthday.
April 26th, 1957. Maybe 27th.
How? You mentioned in a post about a video you recorded on "the eve of my 65th birthday. The metadata of that video says "Created on 04/27/2022."
Interesting chart. I won't bore you with too many details. My dog ate my ascendant calculator, so I'm not reading your personal points.
You have many planets in retrograde motion, like I do. That can be interpreted as a tendency to reflection. Or a rich inner space.
Your Moon sign is either Pisces or Aries. And you were born near the New Moon. If Pisces, it means you like to challenge traditions and that it's easy for you to change your beliefs. If Aries, it means you absolutely hate passive-aggressive behavior and falsity.
Also, if your Moon is in the 11th house, you have a vocation to put your emotions to the service of other people. Many people. Everyone is too few people for you.
I was surprised to see your Mercury is retrograde, as I suspected. I don't guess these things right most of the time. Maybe I'm getting better? Like I said, a special person.
Mercury in Taurus. I too have Mercury in Taurus. This can be interpreted as your **rational** mind being fixated on economic material conditions.
Venus in Taurus, conjunct the Sun. That's a very lucky thing to have in a natal chart. It can be interpreted as intense love is your true nature. You seek peace and reconciliation in everything. That conjunction aspect with the Sun can be used to explain why you like sunny spots to rest, and a beautiful and colorful environment.
Mars is in Geminis, so you like debates. And starting conversations of all kinds. And that's the masculinity in your writing and speech.
Your philosophy goes with Jupiter in Virgo, forming a fortunate trine aspect with Mercury. I see also sesqui-quadrate aspects between Jupiter and Venus and the Sun. That can be interpreted as you having a tendency overdo things.
Your spirituality comes from the 12th house of Aries. You are a trail-blazer in that regard. Fixed forms of worship are your enemy.
Lastly, I see your Chiron is in Aquarius (10th solar house), conjunct Lilith. That kind of means you really like the internet because you can connect to everyone, and that you can have a career as a sexual healer. I kid you not.
Not only that, your True North Node (which is as imaginary as everything in astrology) is in Scorpio, which can be read as your destiny in this life being related to the kinky stuff.
Please tell me if you agree with some, most or everything I've written in this comment.
You just put Isaac out of a job, Roger. On this thread I was looking to hire him to do my astrology chart for my birthday. Your detective work is excellent and how many of my videos have you watched to have that one at your fingertips? I'm honored or you are an AI bot ;-) But your math isn't as good as your detective work. The 27th is the eve of the 28th. Otherwise, perfect.
And having just checked my birth certificate, it was at 3:07 pm. I believe it was on a Sunday from my mom anecdotally saying she was reading the funny papers when she went into labor. But that may be like me telling my daughter I named her Cassandra because she was born on Friday the 13th in October. One of her classmates ruined that story for her ;-) And also that was in Cumberland MD.
Other than having the date wrong, it seems spot on. Are you sure you're not an astrology AI bot? First they came for the artists, then the actors, then the writers and poets, finally the astrologers. Who's next?
My calculator of Ascendant signs says you are rising Virgo, of all things.
That means you see other people through the dreamy eyes of a pacifist.
I confirm your moon is in Aries. That's the 12th solar house. I also happen to have my Moon in the 12th solar house, which means contemplation and a preference for being alone, thinking or reminiscing.
You and I share quite a few astrological "facts." But I'm an Aries, not a Taurus. That changes everything!
Your Ascendant conjunct Jupiter means, according to
«Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant Natal
Poet Walt Whitman wrote, “I am large, I contain multitudes.” Perhaps you feel the same way. You may even wish you could swallow the entire world, or it swallow you. That's not necessarily from greed, but from a keen desire to experience all that life has to offer. In turn, you want to give your best gifts to the world—and this reciprocity is what others might find so endearing about you. You exude the bigness of life as much as you expect it, no matter your physical size. You likely have many stories to tell from your many adventures, even if you've only lived mostly in a small town. But be sure that your need to witness the world's grandeur doesn't lead you to tell grand tales that you pawn off as true or yours. Since you're more inclined to get out in the world eventually, that's likely unnecessary.»
You happen to have the MC (midheaven) personal point in Gemini. Here is what has to say about MC en Gemini:
«Midheaven in Gemini
You do only what you feel like doing and what is fun, and you will repeat this behaviour throughout your life. You are brimming with ideas, projects, and contacts, and you often have several irons in the fire.
The following professions are most suitable for you: journalist, reporter, writer, poet, interpreter, lecturer, speaker, storyteller, marketing and sales clerk, travel agent, stockbroker, trader, solicitor, professor, flight attendant, humorist, aerialist, juggler, acrobat, photographer, computer expert, model, actor, dancer, or caricaturist.»
I'm glad you got your dog to cough up your calculator of ascendant signs. Hope you washed it off. But tell your dog I ain't no dreamy pacifist. Them's fighting words!
Otherwise I'm feeling it. Like my own company, check. Much better than putting my emotions at the disposal of everyone else. I contain multitudes, check. Am I still 'special' like my buddy Vicki Nuland? Only doing what I want to do, check, much to the dismay of many a teacher.
But in my professions, I seem to have lost my career as a sexual healer. I was eager to tell that to my dance friends. No longer a destiny in kink? Ah well, I can now pursue my lifelong dream to be a juggler, star-blessed!
I think I used the word pacifist in a different sense from the usual "non-violence." My sense of it is that of "making peace," as in "it would be better if people would chose peace over war." In my lexicon, a pacifist is willing and able to do violence as needed.
Yeah, still special with Mercury retrograde.
About professions, don't listen to astrotheme too much, they don't know anything! LOL!
Your True Node and Lilith and Chiron don't move from the previous reading. I uphold my verdict on your destined profession. 😂😂😂
Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):
I would make a suggestion that the "solution" is already in place, just not recognized. Where it is recognized, it has been distorted and leveraged as "Trans" to create more division.
And that is that there is a "third gender." Call it "Other" until we find a more fitting designation.
"Other" actually is now about a third of the entire population on Earth. It is marked by individuals who identify as neither male nor female. Ignore the traditional division based on body form. There are two "sexes," but these are simply form. "Other" transcends form and is affecting of both biological sexes.
You don't "become" Other. You are born that way. There are millions and millions of us.
I'm 64, and am only now recognizing it. I never understood why I always felt so different and outside of traditional roles. I spent most of my life "identifying" as a traditional white hetero male, but never felt like, nor believed that was who I was.
It is not "gay", it is not "trans" -- we have not distinguished it yet. But it is real, and it is happening more and more. Perhaps this is the answer to the question that we have not considered in the male and female conundrum. I wrote about this phenomenon last year in a three part series. I will revisit is soon to add more of my recent realizations.
This certainly explains a great deal of the "gender disphoria" that is being experienced by young people. But our science has not addressed to it adequately, and again, it has been leveraged to create division by people who stand to gain from such things.
That's very interesting from your experience, Philip. When you say male or female, though, what do you mean? It seems like you're not talking about sexual attraction. And you're not talking about body dysphoria and a desire to appear physically as another gender or non-gendered. So do you mean psychologically neither male nor female?
It seems like that would need to start with the assumption that men and women are psychologically different and born that way. Then you'd need to define what those differences are and, from personal experience, my friend, that's wading in deep. I don't know if it would 'solve' the controversy or just piss people off on both sides ;-)
From the days that I took personality tests, it annoyed me that 'both' came out the same as 'neither.' The qualities usually attributed to men of being analytical, rational, driven, are pretty extreme in me. Yet I also have a strong tendency to the intuitive. So I've thought that all people are a combination of both and that both need to be developed together. Either one alone is dysfunctional.
Male and Female "identity" is what I'm referring to. I don't believe men and women are necessarily psychologically different. Again, male and female as body form and function is not the deciding factor to someone who is an other.
This is the beginning of a conversation, not a conclusion. This is all very new to me as well.
And it is certain to piss people off - this is why it has not been explored to this point. And now with the trans issues, people are even more polarized and less likely to consider it.
This is about someone's "expression", not their biology.
I want to say, without deviating too much, that the State corrupts everything it touches, including the transsexual thing.
I don't feel very polarized on this issue, but I feel bad that they are being used to attack and harm the majority of people who don't have that problem.
It's all about the worst kind of political manipulation anyone can imagine.
"If a man believes that a woman is trying to dominate him, there’s nothing a woman can say to change his mind. Changing his mind is itself seen as dominating. Everything is translated into a domination paradigm of rule or be ruled."
If a woman believes that a man is trying to dominate her, there’s nothing a man can say to change her mind. Changing her mind is itself seen as dominating. Everything is translated into a domination paradigm of rule or be ruled.
Iain McGilchrist poured some cold water on the notion of the masculine/feminine separation of the brain, in his The Master and His Emissary. I'm also wondering about this notion that if we unify the hemispheres we become a woman/feminine?
Isis/Osiris is similar to the goddess and the green man, the goddess killing him every fall and resurrecting him in the spring. But there is no notion that they become unified as one goddess. It sort of feels like this third paradigm is all feminine.
I'm glad we're still in conversation, William. I don't know the answer. Instead of waking up at 5 am worried about talking about drugs in the video, like I did yesterday, today I woke up at 3 worried that I'm putting men into a double-bind. The kind of relaxed, appreciative interactions I'm envisioning aren't any more possible for men than women in the world we have now. There's too much reading of intent into them.
What I'm meaning to say is that I think the world could be more fun for men and women in a female paradigm--if the only use of power was to give people power over themselves, the way that a good parent uses their power over their children. And a child-centric world, rather than money-centric, is what I'm using the feminine as a metaphor for.
It's not like anyone in power is listening to either of us, so really the debate is moot. I just wish my daughters weren't in such a stressful world where their ability to make it through life was so precarious, so cut off from community. And I know they're the lucky ones, having us and each other. It just feels so hard for young people these days.
Hierarchy is a big topic in the dissident/new right, which is why I bring it up. As a kind of philosophical anarchist, I see how hierarchy is so easily abused. But to organize anything at scale is to require some kind of hierarchy. A world where no one takes and is given leadership is a world that is not civilized, insofar as civilization is the aggregation of many communities and cultures into some greater society. Obviously civilization can grow sour as ours has, but if everyone who leads stops suddenly leading, then nothing we take for granted gets done.
As for the world being more fun if it were feminine centered, I'm remembering a restaurant in Minneapolis, very punk, very progressive, lots of gender bending, very feminine centered, employee owned, with consensus central to it's bylaws. The food was great, they had a fabulous patio, great location in a progressive neighborhood. The lack of hierarchy though, the need for consensus, created factions, distrust, things that need to be done to run a restaurant weren't getting done, and they eventually destroyed the business. Word was, it was distinctly not fun working there, except in the very beginning when it was new and fresh.
Theophilus Chilton in this piece is getting at some of what is missing in society, with the destruction of community and civil spirit. You and he would probably not get along, but what he is saying here I think is relevant, there needs to be space for men to be men and women to be women. Atomized individuals not participating in the making of civilization is eventually the collapse of civilization.
BTW my domination comment in the post wasn't directed at you. It was someone else where I've sadly given up and recognized that there's nothing I can say, no matter how careful I try to be, that will show where he's giving offense without him taking offense. I think there's an important difference. Obviously the challenge comment was in regards to you. It seems like something that, if I said it to you, would have given offense. That's usually my test. But maybe not.
You and I are COMPLETELY together on the non-consensus thing. Shoot me before you put me in the middle of another interminable we-all-need-to-agree team. I've already wasted more of my life than I can tell you on those, the Grange being a notable example.
Because of painful experience, I've laboriously put together decision procedures that start by defining the goal and give authority to those who are taking responsibility for making the work happen.
A business isn't a democracy. I have been far less frustrated working in hierarchies where the goal is to make money for the investors, than in volunteer situations where people with no power in their personal lives are vying for stupid scraps of leverage over everyone else. Do I sound bitter? Yes, I do.
The need for a leader makes the spirit of Individualism anemic. Never look up at someone, never look down at anyone. In relationships, it's not about being right or wrong, it's about conscientiously listening to the other person. Include that person in your thoughts and feelings, never make that person a subject to them. In a state of balance, leadership gets shared anyway.
I share much the same sentiment, on the scale of relationships. But in organizing anything larger than a personal relationship, such as a business, or a society, there has to be some kind of leadership. As example, If I hire people to work with me remodeling, there is not going to be shared leadership insofar as I have 30years experience and presumably the people I am hiring have considerably less.
You are quite right about that. At will employment is really based on agreement. I have been a contractor for 30 years and it's definitely gotten more difficult to find people who want to work, learn and of course listen. Employment is agreeing to provide Labor and Time for Compensation; unfortunately, these days people tend to view Employment as an Entitlement which it's not.
Hierarchy where government or society is concerned is quite different, with my approach. I have many posts on Individual Sovereignty. The best format for any government is to stay the size of a postage stamp and be an actual Republic. That means completely abolishing the Corporate Federal Franchises. Using paper ballot only, so that elections can be elections again. Using common law courts, removing all British Admiralty Law, completely gutting the BAR.
I am totally down with demolishing DC, firing at least 90% of Federal Employees, Trump's dictator on day one and not after, lol. I used to think the one thing a Federal Government can do is protect the nation from foreign invaders, but they have proved they can fail at that too. Here in Minnesota our government is like a mirror of all the pathologies of DC. I would do the same here, if I could.
I don't actually hire anyone, and avoid working with subcontractors as much as possible, because as a general I am forced to take on all their liability, and too often people are not reliable or competent. Meanwhile the State prevents me from earning money from professional level skills I have, namely elec and plumbing. Then of course it costs 2.5-3 times to employ someone, relative to what I pay them, because government. Government is become a succubus, it can only feed and feeding it destroys everything it touches.
It's funny, William, your sentiment on "Trump's dictator on day one and not after" echoes what I wrote in Answer: decentralize, and get out of the way. In everything else you two are talking about, I'm also in agreement. A friend jokes that I'm ready to apply for my contractor license with the various projects and problems I've dealt with. Of course, this is as much to do with relationships, since I don't have the skills and am hiring out. But diagnosing problems, strategizing, figuring out how to make something work without costing an arm and a leg, those are my strengths. I've definitely gotten in touch with my inner masculine since the divorce but actually house issues were mostly mine before. Re-membering that it was something I was good at made me feel competent.
Thankfully California has not gotten around to requiring a homeowner to get a contracting license to work on their own house, though I know here in Minnesota at least in Minneapolis, I had to pull a permit just to replace some sheetrock in my own house. Whether or not I ever worked on my house without a permit I can not confirm one way or another, because the state has investigators prowling the internet looking for permit and license violations.
That is one of the things about the left and their whole equity thing, that someone who takes no initiative to learn skills or processes thinks they should deserve everything those who do take initiative and learn skills have. That was the fatal flaw of that restaurant I spoke of, and most "consensus", "equity" arrangements, a few people end up doing most of the work anyway, without the recognition, respect or compensation.
You and me are in total agreement, all counts. Your experience is mirrored by my own here in California, the most failed state in the nation. I have been trying to find a good place to move to inside the USA; however, if I want to be left in peace I may need to leave the country all together.
I have been doing all the work in my business for about the last 20 years, I did employ people way back in the 1990s but gave up on it because of the reasons you stated. I do mostly small work, as a General Contractor, my specialty is Landscaping and custom construction projects; I get around by word of mouth only.
Pride & Workmanship are a rare thing these days, hard to get employees that ascend to that mentality.
I am considering taking on an apprentice, but then every time I think about it I talk myself out of it.
I hear Rapid City South Dakota is hopping, in need of skilled tradesman. Winters are not California, but the Black Hills and badlands are amazing. Otherwise I've no doubt Florida and Texas are growing fast, plenty of work to be had I am sure. Too bad it is run by control freaks, California is a gem.
In both "re-resurrection" and "re-membering" of Self, this is original to the story of Osiris (Ausir). When he let himself be killed by Set; that was the Godhead choosing to plunge into death, when he was Re-Membered by Isis (Auset) he had risen. Also, by willingly plunging into Death; the Godhead pierced Darkness, transforming it into the life death cycle of day and night, as well as Human Life.
In a similar sense, Ausir is the descending force, and Auset is the ascending force of life. Within each Individuated Self there exist a movement of ever increasing light as Spiritual Evolution progresses.
Ausir's greatest strength was ultimately his Surrender, infinite Being has never been born nor has it ever Died. Death is only part of a cycle, it's not permanent. The body dies, then a new one grows back to take it's place through birth.
Equal Mindedness is also a way of Re - Membering the mind's true sense. Which is to accept and observe.
In the Heart, there is also an Equanimity, a Re - Membering at our Self's Core. When we experience One at the Heart, it's pure Love.
Is Set still Set in the Ausir/ Auset version, Nef? If so, it's interesting that Auset combines both names. Maybe the hint in all this is that we need to re-deem Set and re-habilitate him. I need to look up the etymology of those words.
I wanted to ask you also, as a father to an autistic son, whether I'm giving offense by using that word so loosely. What I'm trying to convey, in a clumsy fashion, is a word that looks at empathy and social skills in a neutral, non-blaming way and also not a gendered way.
What I hear from mothers of boys is that boys are more physical and far less complicated. What I know as a mother of girls is that they are verbal and extremely complicated! It took everything I had to stay one step ahead of where their fertile little brains were going.
It made me also wonder if I were to plot empathy on one axis and social skills on another, would those low on empathy but high on social skills be the ones we label narcissists and sociopaths? Maybe those are different but also induced, as in not that person's fault.
I love your statements about equanimity and re-membering our Self's Core. Beautiful.
About Autism; I'm not so sure that it would have anything to do with Gender, in as much as it is a Physiological disability of brain function, where it begins. Later, even if there may be some damage, the neural center the brain can and often does repair itself. People who have more severe symptoms are often given medications or are shunned by regular society.
I don't think you used the term "autism" loosely, though I don't really judge that anyway; autism is in my view, an affliction that has been "created" for the most part by vaccines. At very early development, infants are injected by doctors who have either been brainwashed into it or are complicit in creating the damage. In Japan, there is a law that no infant shall ever be injected with anything until after the age of 2; this is after the majority of the myelin sheath protecting the nerve growth has completed development. Vaccines were always a psyop to brainwash people into thinking medicine can be injected.
About Set:
First in terms of Etymology; the ancient Egyptian, indigenous language was never a "Spelling" based language, it is a "Phonic" syllable based system. If you study the Glyphs, you will notice that there are many different ones that are intended to represent a similar sound.
The etymology study we usually do is excellent for languages that are contemporary to each other, another part of this study should be to pick up on the deep symbolism found in what they were trying to say.
You are right about the re-habilitation of Set; 'S3ht:' or "Sah:" Here's what I can say about the symbolism he is a part of:
Somehow, Set also seems to imply that Re as the Sun God has aspects which are named by phases of the cycle. As in the Setting Sun. But it's worth noting that 'Setting' of the Sun would be quite different in ancient Egyptian.
Sun rise = Aket, meaning spiritual birth
Morning Sun = Re, meaning spiritual presence
Midday = Horakty, meaning spiritual sight
Setting = S3t or Seth, meaning 'in place' settling
Night = Dua3t or Dua, meaning spiritual eternity
Aket -- Re -- Horakty -- Seth -- Dua,
-- Five modalities of light: "going forth by day." These people loved Life.
A Ka Dua -- in the home of the rising Sun which is Rostau, where the Sphinx (Hare-M-aket) faces East to welcome Re each day.
We Re-Surrect, we Re-Member Self, All is One.
With your kind encouragement, I will continue to blunder forward in my understanding of autism and whether it's part of a larger agenda to destroy empathy and sociability. I thought I had read statistics that autism affects far more boys than girls? On the less severe side, I've wondered if girls compensate better for it because they're expected to be more social, and those skills cover the impairment in reading another person's feelings empathically.
Wow, the modalities of the Sun are so interesting! Yes there's no reason that the Set of Re should be seen as destructive. Does Horakty have a relationship to Horus? Does Horus exist in this terminology?
Horakty is rooted in Hare -M- aket (Birth of Horus, born within Light) You are so very perceptive ;-)
Horus is the Individuated power to see Light, it's in each of us, existing as a unique divine experience.
Autism and the sexes:
It's possible that girls may have less damage somehow it seems the XX chromosome offers more protection to biological stability. Girls do get autism, it can be just as bad. The only lesson I take from this is we will do well to stop ALL injections; we could Re - Member the Body to Nature. Homeopathic approaches should always be the default way of medicine.
Okay, I'd say this was too funny but I should be used to this by now. I was just wracking my brain to figure out how I could find a homeopathic doctor for my daughter(s) in San Diego. I'll send you an email.
interesting, nefahotep. and oddly synchronous with my recent explorations.
last week i had two disparate encounters with the life death cycle. the one came from a bizarre-to-me source. freud via a podcast in which a man and a woman creatively explore ch 15 of the lotus sutra, called 'arising or perhaps emerging or even uprising from the earth.' my paraphrase. in 1916 freud is walking with a young italian poet in a beautiful forested area near the mountains. across the mountains men are killing each other. freud comments on how beautiful the day and nature is. the poet counters that there can be no beauty with the horrors of war on the other side of those mountains. freud replies that the movement of life into death is what gives life its beauty. [i would not have expected that from freud, and so... time to rethink at least some aspects of him. in a series of emails the philosopher-writer morris berman and i discussed several things and he provided a strong defence of freud's later work on senescence. hmmm.) this might not have had so much resonance if a few days before listening to that i cast the i ching as part of my inner shadow enquiry into superstition. from the hinton translation of #54 (the changed hexagram) i read: 'image... the noble-minded understand that it is death coming to everything tht makes this world perpetual and whole [beautiful?] to completion'. hinton translation p109. for the curious, and i loved the creative beautiful talk that wove the idea of beath into an empty room with an exploration of what it means to have a father, a spouse, gone, empty, lost to alzheimers. truly a beautiful talk.
"Lotus Sutra, Part 16: The Empty Room"
I've avoided AI art up to now, but those images are incredibly compelling.
"Unless you’re Isaac Middle talking about your love-hate relationship with Trump, which is really morbid fascination/ repulsion ;-)"
The morbid fascination/repulsion feels far too real 😅
Yes, Amy takes AI to a whole new level. I think it's because she's really a poet composing word pictures that it makes visual. If you ever do play with it, check out her prompts.
I've really been enjoying your videos with Tonika. Music, memes, sunrises, wholesome astrology conspiracy, they have it all!
And speaking of wholesome astrology, what's the best way to get money to you if I wanted to gift myself an astrology chart and reading for my birthday?
Oh my goodness, I would love to explore your Astrology Tereza! If you email me your birth day, place and time (as accurate as possible) to I can get started 🥳
I do my readings through my main website. I still have my half-price April Falls special if that is within your price range:
Done! I don't know the second I was born. Remember, this is back in the days of the hourglass ;-) I found my birth certificate on a papyrus scroll. And I'm hoping you tell me I was both Cleopatra and Jesus in my past lives--does astrology work that way?
Are you asking if Astrology has the power to tell you if you were previously a fictional character? 😁
The best I think I can do is whether you are the Antichrist incarnate or not. Although some internet diggers have suggested this role has already been taken...
I feel it is fair to say that Mr. Middle may come up with a better reading than I.
I certainly like to think I would bring a unique perspective. Although one of the virtues of Astrology I have found is lifting us out of the better/worse dichotomy.
Tereza, you are in service to my divine masculine *and* divine feminine. Fuck, I adore you!
Wait, wasn't that supposed to be the reverse, you in service to MY divine masculine and divine feminine? A slip of the tongue? Oh now I'm really going to get you started ...
Flirting with me will get you...whatever the fuck you want. Or whatever you want but don’t want. Or whatever you might not want but secretly suspect you might...
This is 4th dimensional (or whatever word you prefer to refer to the other-than-physical) Cormorant teasing. Your empathogenic self knows exactly what I mean 😅
It means YES!
[...uhhhh...what was the question?]
You are an incendiary device, my fine feathered friend ;-) And 4D flirting is much more fun than that 5G warfare nonsense. My modem connection is still sizzling.
The romance fantasy I was reading is Sarah Maas' A Court of Wings & Ruin. The males are High Fae with black wings and there are many sly jokes about what wingspan corresponds to. My daughter borrowed my game of Birds or I could find out exactly, but as I remember the Cormorant is no slacker.
Tereza, have a blissful birthday.
Thank you Roger, and you'll get another opportunity to wish me the same in a new post in a few moments. Because I'm not shy about milking the birthday vibe! I agree with the sentiment that any birthday after 30 deserves a week of celebration, and after 50 perhaps a whole month ;-)
I find your site to be very informative and fascinating - very eclectic.
I came across your site via the Abbey of Misrule website the author of which described and affirmed his new found Christian identity on the First Things website.
I also came across the N S Lyons Upheaval website.
Why do I mention this?
Check out his latest Dark Enchantment essay which is featured on the First Things website, and more importantly the dreadfully sane hyper-masculine left brained gab-fest that he is participating in. I suspect that very few (none) of the dreadfully sane talking heads participating in that gab-fest would have much sympathy with your site, especially your advocacy of the Feminine Principle ( the Goddess- She-Shakti)
Thank you for the compliments, Jonathan. Do you have some links for those? I used to be subbed to Lyons; like John Carter, he's an excellent writer. The facility with words, however, can cover up a lot of errors in thought, from my perspective. It's a leading characteristic of this hyper-masculine gab-fest, as you so charmingly put it ;-)
hola, tereza.
i'll add a second comment. this time on an internal physical-yogic connection to horus gamos. it was initiated from a very odd place of synchronicity while listening to simon borg-olivier talking about how our science of exercise is creating unhealthy fearful bodies. he introduces the concept of the hieros gamos through the shakti shiva connection within our bodies. i've linked the video shortly before he mentions it. (he doesn't use the phrase 'hieros-gamos'.) and it is short and yet so important, imo.
"How to Generate Energy & Love Inside Yourself as a Model for Your Actions in the World"
(i think his information is a very, perhaps critically, important element in taking responsibility for reducing fear out of our body. he points out that most yoga and exercises classes create fear responses in the body - as a good thing - and that includes things like how most everyone in fitness, including yoga, is improperly teaching a fear based breathing practice.)
hola, tereza.
a very interesting range of discussion here.
something that may deepen the 'practical' aspects of the horus gamous is to explore the essay 'marriage as a psychological relationship.' practical, meaning it provides a means of looking at our selves in marriage that provides understanding tools about some of the dynamics between men and women as they struggle with moving back and forth, psychologically, between the gamos with the stranger with whom they have wedded, and the hieros gamos, the stranger within that they are largely disassociated from.
if it calls to you at all here is an audio of it.
you can find the (i think) full text here:
and i found this while looking for the above:
a marriage is more likely to succeed if the woman follows her own star and remains conscious of her wholeness than if she constantly concerns herself with her husband's star and his wholeness. ~ Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 51.
all the best with what is changing.
Thanks for the shout-out, Tereza, and for this wild cornucopia of wisdom -- from autism to flirting to yes/no, masculine/feminine, to... ecstasy!?! All with so much delight! Happy to be on board for this feast.
I have a great improv game called "Yes" that I think you'd adore. Let's get a group together (whom might that be??) and play. xox
PS My gratitude, also, for the recommendation... 🙏🏼
One woman's improv is another woman's worst fears. Have I confessed to how non-spontaneous I am? That when my dance teacher does the song where you come up with the next move, I always head for the bathroom? I signed up for a clown workshop to push myself to freefall or fly but then Covid happened and the vax was required, so that was that.
Speaking of which, I was just writing about Peter's interview for my Max Vax Madness episode. Due out later today!
I forget which recommendation was in here but if you haven't seen Grace & Frankie, may I recommend ...
Well, there's improv, and then there's what I teach... which I guarantee wouldn't send you out of the room!
And the recommendation I was referring to is the general pointing to The Art of Freedom... But I want to thank you for the big mention in your latest, too!! ❤️
Exemplary essay on our transitioning from hate to love, T-Darling. Feels good, don't it now. I'm exited to see some AI Artworks of your own too. That'll be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G to see. 🙏
Great post.
I have always felt that the metaphor of dividing the human brain into left and right was wrong, just as wrong as the vain idea of assigning "areas" of the brain to mental functions. Only the people who are ::insert generalizing and dominating label here:: would give too much credit to that idea.
I like the Western Zodiac. I learned many things listening to Eric. He's a great strategist. Not the best of tacticians, but he does excels at strategy. In Journalism strategy he's an ace. He also talks about his wiener in his show. Probably Sun Tzu and Alexander and other Old Masters and Strategists also liked to talk about their wieners to soldiers and ladies-in-waiting and students and so on. That's just a joke. I like jokes.
I'm going to challenge you, Tereza (do you feel the domination yet?) to compare Astrology with Neurology. Not in the predictive power, or in the scientific quality of each, but in the usefulness to speak about differences in behavior, mainly in communication, between the sexes.
As everyone knows, of the twelve signs six are said to be of negative polarity or feminine principle, and the other six are of positive polarity or masculine principle. In general, astrologers say the three main things to look for in the natal chart of a person (or an event) is the sign of the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant (which is not an astrological planet but an astrological point.) There is also the house system being used, which is a hotly debated topic, and the aspects between planets and points.
Now, any person blessed or cursed with a rationalist mind would say that it's best to have a good balance of masculine/feminine energy in your planets. Perish the thought! I'll use my own chart as an example. Aries Sun, Rising Cancer, and it is as fucked up a combination as it sounds. Aries is a masculine sign, Cancer is a feminine sign. Surprisingly, they don't really get along well.
One reason for this is the triplicities, which is the division of the twelve signs in the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water, invented by some old Greek philosopher with a big toxic beard and an untrammeled desire to control everything. Paper was expensive at the time of the old Greeks and the periodic table of elements had to be limited to just fours. You can see it as simpler or as miserly, depending on what side of the brain is reading that joke.
So, Aries is fire, Cancer is water. Not the best of balances. I expect the Pisces people with ascending Aries to be also kinda unbalanced in a few ways. Or the Libras (Air) ascending Capricorn (Earth).
There is also the issue that the ruling planet of Aries is in Fall in Cancer, and the ruler of Cancer does not feel at all well in Aries.
I feel that the people who have Sun sign and Ascending sign in the same element have the best inner balance. For example, a Pisces ascending Cancer, or an Aquarius ascending Gemini.
Then, there is the Moon sign. Of which some astrologers say it's as important as the Sun sign, and some say it's only important in the chart of a woman.
In my birth chart I have the Moon in Gemini, an air sign, and of positive polarity. Moon in Gemini is very fun. Almost everything feels like a joke, which is offensive for people who takes most things too seriously.
With regards to behavior and communication between people, you can expect that people of Earth signs or of Water signs tend to speak about feelings and ask questions about other peoples feelings, but they repress their emotions and sometimes expect other to read their emotions, which does not happen. And people of Air signs or of Fire signs tend to do too much pep talk, and repress their feelings and other people feelings, but not their emotions, and they tend to find rapid and psychotic solutions to every problem, which can involve arson and other childish things.
The conversations between people of the same sign polarity can be very friendly. And conversations between people of opposite polarity tend to start or end in conflict.
If I remember correctly, Tereza, your sun Sign was either in Taurus or in Libra. The former is Earth, the latter is Air. I think Taurus people tend to lack spirituality in their worldview. It's more natural (so to speak) that people of Fire signs are more spiritual than Earth signs. And Air signs are more spiritual but also kinda disorganized and don't go too deep. So the Taurus people have to teach themselves spirituality, always from a materialist standpoint, and the Libras don't really care that much about learning masculine things like spirituality. (Notice the generalization of the word "masculine" which I use 95% in jest in this instance, and 5% to reflect the material fact that historically the masculine energy seeks naturally the religious and the spiritual, and the feminine energy tends to dodge that human instinct.)
That's just the Sun. I don't know your ascending point or your Moon sign. So, I lack information, as an amateur astrologer, to tell where your interest in spirituality springs from.
I really want to know where your Mercury is. Maybe you were born during a Mercury retrograde? That's so special! Your dear "friend" Victoria Newland has Mercury retrograde in Cancer. Very special people.
I think my point it's clear now, that you may want to refute, that the language of astrology is better than the language of neurology to explain the way people communicate to each other.
We can chalk that up to the fact that neurology is a newborn form of divination, and astrology is very old and well developed.
As a side note, unrelated to my argument, I feel that it is very funny the whole talk about the brain this the brain that. This starts from a philosophical and scientific fraud: the mind is equal to the brain. Not so. It is either one of these four:
1 the mind does not exist, and is just word play
2 the brain generates the mind but also does non-mind things, like ruling the heart, the liver, the kidneys, etc.
3 the mind generates the brain and the rest of the body and everything else
4 the quantum physics escape from reality, where nothing exists unless you imagine it first using very weird math symbols that no one else uses
Any of those four cases boils down to "brain is not equal to mind." Surely you or someone else can come up with a fifth or more items to that list of options. But if a new science starts from the assumption of a false premise, we can only hope that science to crash and burn, in the best case scenario.
It feels also funny to me that astrology has been considered to be a feminine thing (and the adjective feminine is an insult in that sentence), but neurology was invented by men, and is thereby serious and respectable. Very funny, because astrology was also invented by men, and many women are now interested in taking over neurology, which is yet-another broken toy of science, in my opinion.
And so, women are allowed to play with faulty mental constructs left behind by men as the continue walking the path of their irrational and endless search for total control and total protection of the feminine idea and its many particular instances.
Just as predicted by astrology. Humans cannot get out of that cycle. At least, most of us can't.
With regards to autism. I think there is a factor that people should take into account. The labels of psychiatry are fashions and depend on place and nationalistic obsessions, and other political bizarrities (I made up another word haha). Many people were told they had "Asperger syndrome" simply because of the fashion trends in labeling people that dominated the year they were labelled. Other people were labelled worse: bipolar disorder, idiopathic psychosis, hysteria, general anxiety disorder, and many others. It's as unscientific as that.
And a bad label can be a death sentence. It's a game no one should play, in my opinion. So being frivolous about it is probably the best.
Psychiatric labeling is also related to commercial necessities, like all marketing.
My masculine side compels me to make this general blanket statement as I play Wagner in my head and I paint "Death From Above" in my helmet. Here comes the bomb: the practice of diagnosis in medicine is actually branch of marketing science, not of medical science.
Let the dust settle for a bit.
My feminine side tells me that people sometimes become in love with the label they are assigned with. It's better to not tell them the truth unless they ask for it.
It's also better to use this foolish notion of labels to lay traps for the ignorant. This opens the way to even greater maniacal joy, like divide and conquer tactics. People interested in making money will find a great opportunity in word spells and tactics to ruin spring fools.
The greatest frustration of my life so far: I've noticed that many people feel threatened by my continuous joking, but threatening is not my intention. I have too many planets in water signs to be interested in threatening anyone directly. The necessity of death is always there, I don't need to add more drama to human life. Comedy is much better. But people prefer comedy about the things and people they hate, not about them and the things they love.
This comment is too damn long. Sorry!
Another day I will make an irate and rambunctious defense of hatred as a necessary part of the human experience, and I will try to prove that the War on Hate is the most hateful thing anyone can support.
Maybe this is a chicken and egg question, Roger. As long as the egg is an egg, its gender is always a potentiality so neither predominates ;-)
I'm glad you see that I'm using the brain as metaphor, to get across that we all have equal of each. As you know, I go with option #3 that perhaps all brains, bodies and everything else exists in that OneMind Dreaming. So it all comes down to story. What's the story we want to tell ourselves right now?
I do have Taurus as my 'everything I know about astrology I learned in kindergarten' sign. In those psychology tests that are just about as useful, I've always come out with more masculine traits than feminine, make of that what you will. The materialism of Taurus is something that hasn't resonated with me, but my daughter points out that I'm definitely a domesticated cat in liking nice surroundings. And preferably a sunny window. She says my only rotation in the house is from one sunny window to the next.
OK, I've done a tiny bit of espionage to guess your birthday.
April 26th, 1957. Maybe 27th.
How? You mentioned in a post about a video you recorded on "the eve of my 65th birthday. The metadata of that video says "Created on 04/27/2022."
Interesting chart. I won't bore you with too many details. My dog ate my ascendant calculator, so I'm not reading your personal points.
You have many planets in retrograde motion, like I do. That can be interpreted as a tendency to reflection. Or a rich inner space.
Your Moon sign is either Pisces or Aries. And you were born near the New Moon. If Pisces, it means you like to challenge traditions and that it's easy for you to change your beliefs. If Aries, it means you absolutely hate passive-aggressive behavior and falsity.
Also, if your Moon is in the 11th house, you have a vocation to put your emotions to the service of other people. Many people. Everyone is too few people for you.
I was surprised to see your Mercury is retrograde, as I suspected. I don't guess these things right most of the time. Maybe I'm getting better? Like I said, a special person.
Mercury in Taurus. I too have Mercury in Taurus. This can be interpreted as your **rational** mind being fixated on economic material conditions.
Venus in Taurus, conjunct the Sun. That's a very lucky thing to have in a natal chart. It can be interpreted as intense love is your true nature. You seek peace and reconciliation in everything. That conjunction aspect with the Sun can be used to explain why you like sunny spots to rest, and a beautiful and colorful environment.
Mars is in Geminis, so you like debates. And starting conversations of all kinds. And that's the masculinity in your writing and speech.
Your philosophy goes with Jupiter in Virgo, forming a fortunate trine aspect with Mercury. I see also sesqui-quadrate aspects between Jupiter and Venus and the Sun. That can be interpreted as you having a tendency overdo things.
Your spirituality comes from the 12th house of Aries. You are a trail-blazer in that regard. Fixed forms of worship are your enemy.
Lastly, I see your Chiron is in Aquarius (10th solar house), conjunct Lilith. That kind of means you really like the internet because you can connect to everyone, and that you can have a career as a sexual healer. I kid you not.
Not only that, your True North Node (which is as imaginary as everything in astrology) is in Scorpio, which can be read as your destiny in this life being related to the kinky stuff.
Please tell me if you agree with some, most or everything I've written in this comment.
You just put Isaac out of a job, Roger. On this thread I was looking to hire him to do my astrology chart for my birthday. Your detective work is excellent and how many of my videos have you watched to have that one at your fingertips? I'm honored or you are an AI bot ;-) But your math isn't as good as your detective work. The 27th is the eve of the 28th. Otherwise, perfect.
And having just checked my birth certificate, it was at 3:07 pm. I believe it was on a Sunday from my mom anecdotally saying she was reading the funny papers when she went into labor. But that may be like me telling my daughter I named her Cassandra because she was born on Friday the 13th in October. One of her classmates ruined that story for her ;-) And also that was in Cumberland MD.
Other than having the date wrong, it seems spot on. Are you sure you're not an astrology AI bot? First they came for the artists, then the actors, then the writers and poets, finally the astrologers. Who's next?
No, I'm not sure I'm not an AI bot.
My calculator of Ascendant signs says you are rising Virgo, of all things.
That means you see other people through the dreamy eyes of a pacifist.
I confirm your moon is in Aries. That's the 12th solar house. I also happen to have my Moon in the 12th solar house, which means contemplation and a preference for being alone, thinking or reminiscing.
You and I share quite a few astrological "facts." But I'm an Aries, not a Taurus. That changes everything!
Your Ascendant conjunct Jupiter means, according to
«Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant Natal
Poet Walt Whitman wrote, “I am large, I contain multitudes.” Perhaps you feel the same way. You may even wish you could swallow the entire world, or it swallow you. That's not necessarily from greed, but from a keen desire to experience all that life has to offer. In turn, you want to give your best gifts to the world—and this reciprocity is what others might find so endearing about you. You exude the bigness of life as much as you expect it, no matter your physical size. You likely have many stories to tell from your many adventures, even if you've only lived mostly in a small town. But be sure that your need to witness the world's grandeur doesn't lead you to tell grand tales that you pawn off as true or yours. Since you're more inclined to get out in the world eventually, that's likely unnecessary.»
You happen to have the MC (midheaven) personal point in Gemini. Here is what has to say about MC en Gemini:
«Midheaven in Gemini
You do only what you feel like doing and what is fun, and you will repeat this behaviour throughout your life. You are brimming with ideas, projects, and contacts, and you often have several irons in the fire.
The following professions are most suitable for you: journalist, reporter, writer, poet, interpreter, lecturer, speaker, storyteller, marketing and sales clerk, travel agent, stockbroker, trader, solicitor, professor, flight attendant, humorist, aerialist, juggler, acrobat, photographer, computer expert, model, actor, dancer, or caricaturist.»
Ain't all that funny or what?
I'm glad you got your dog to cough up your calculator of ascendant signs. Hope you washed it off. But tell your dog I ain't no dreamy pacifist. Them's fighting words!
Otherwise I'm feeling it. Like my own company, check. Much better than putting my emotions at the disposal of everyone else. I contain multitudes, check. Am I still 'special' like my buddy Vicki Nuland? Only doing what I want to do, check, much to the dismay of many a teacher.
But in my professions, I seem to have lost my career as a sexual healer. I was eager to tell that to my dance friends. No longer a destiny in kink? Ah well, I can now pursue my lifelong dream to be a juggler, star-blessed!
I think I used the word pacifist in a different sense from the usual "non-violence." My sense of it is that of "making peace," as in "it would be better if people would chose peace over war." In my lexicon, a pacifist is willing and able to do violence as needed.
Yeah, still special with Mercury retrograde.
About professions, don't listen to astrotheme too much, they don't know anything! LOL!
Your True Node and Lilith and Chiron don't move from the previous reading. I uphold my verdict on your destined profession. 😂😂😂
Nearly all autism is caused by vaccines but because they cause brain damage:
What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?
Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:
If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"
Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:
Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
Watch amazing short and more evidence here:
Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:
All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
Check or videos at bottom after this page:
Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:
(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):
- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
- It's genocide for depopulation:
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):
Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):
Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works
Attali illuminati (“finest” quotes)
The way out of this mess:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
Anything else you might think of?
Now, are you really ready for this?:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):
Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons
Masonry's Satanic Connection's-Satanic-Connection:4
Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books
Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See't-Want-You-To-See-%EF%BD%9C-Hidden-Agendas---Walter-Veith:0
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]
Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed
Freemasonry: 100% incompatible with Christ
or rumble:
Obama pushing Freemasonry:
Thanks for all the information, Fred.
I'll check out your links, you offered so many.
I would make a suggestion that the "solution" is already in place, just not recognized. Where it is recognized, it has been distorted and leveraged as "Trans" to create more division.
And that is that there is a "third gender." Call it "Other" until we find a more fitting designation.
"Other" actually is now about a third of the entire population on Earth. It is marked by individuals who identify as neither male nor female. Ignore the traditional division based on body form. There are two "sexes," but these are simply form. "Other" transcends form and is affecting of both biological sexes.
You don't "become" Other. You are born that way. There are millions and millions of us.
I'm 64, and am only now recognizing it. I never understood why I always felt so different and outside of traditional roles. I spent most of my life "identifying" as a traditional white hetero male, but never felt like, nor believed that was who I was.
It is not "gay", it is not "trans" -- we have not distinguished it yet. But it is real, and it is happening more and more. Perhaps this is the answer to the question that we have not considered in the male and female conundrum. I wrote about this phenomenon last year in a three part series. I will revisit is soon to add more of my recent realizations.
This certainly explains a great deal of the "gender disphoria" that is being experienced by young people. But our science has not addressed to it adequately, and again, it has been leveraged to create division by people who stand to gain from such things.
That's very interesting from your experience, Philip. When you say male or female, though, what do you mean? It seems like you're not talking about sexual attraction. And you're not talking about body dysphoria and a desire to appear physically as another gender or non-gendered. So do you mean psychologically neither male nor female?
It seems like that would need to start with the assumption that men and women are psychologically different and born that way. Then you'd need to define what those differences are and, from personal experience, my friend, that's wading in deep. I don't know if it would 'solve' the controversy or just piss people off on both sides ;-)
From the days that I took personality tests, it annoyed me that 'both' came out the same as 'neither.' The qualities usually attributed to men of being analytical, rational, driven, are pretty extreme in me. Yet I also have a strong tendency to the intuitive. So I've thought that all people are a combination of both and that both need to be developed together. Either one alone is dysfunctional.
Male and Female "identity" is what I'm referring to. I don't believe men and women are necessarily psychologically different. Again, male and female as body form and function is not the deciding factor to someone who is an other.
This is the beginning of a conversation, not a conclusion. This is all very new to me as well.
And it is certain to piss people off - this is why it has not been explored to this point. And now with the trans issues, people are even more polarized and less likely to consider it.
This is about someone's "expression", not their biology.
I want to say, without deviating too much, that the State corrupts everything it touches, including the transsexual thing.
I don't feel very polarized on this issue, but I feel bad that they are being used to attack and harm the majority of people who don't have that problem.
It's all about the worst kind of political manipulation anyone can imagine.
It's unjust to everyone.
I propose the depoliticization of everything.
Yes, the "non-binary" expression has been leveraged and corrupted into something unrecognizable by political forces, and thus the media.
"If a man believes that a woman is trying to dominate him, there’s nothing a woman can say to change his mind. Changing his mind is itself seen as dominating. Everything is translated into a domination paradigm of rule or be ruled."
If a woman believes that a man is trying to dominate her, there’s nothing a man can say to change her mind. Changing her mind is itself seen as dominating. Everything is translated into a domination paradigm of rule or be ruled.
Iain McGilchrist poured some cold water on the notion of the masculine/feminine separation of the brain, in his The Master and His Emissary. I'm also wondering about this notion that if we unify the hemispheres we become a woman/feminine?
Isis/Osiris is similar to the goddess and the green man, the goddess killing him every fall and resurrecting him in the spring. But there is no notion that they become unified as one goddess. It sort of feels like this third paradigm is all feminine.
Also, if there is no hierarchy, who leads?
I'm glad we're still in conversation, William. I don't know the answer. Instead of waking up at 5 am worried about talking about drugs in the video, like I did yesterday, today I woke up at 3 worried that I'm putting men into a double-bind. The kind of relaxed, appreciative interactions I'm envisioning aren't any more possible for men than women in the world we have now. There's too much reading of intent into them.
What I'm meaning to say is that I think the world could be more fun for men and women in a female paradigm--if the only use of power was to give people power over themselves, the way that a good parent uses their power over their children. And a child-centric world, rather than money-centric, is what I'm using the feminine as a metaphor for.
It's not like anyone in power is listening to either of us, so really the debate is moot. I just wish my daughters weren't in such a stressful world where their ability to make it through life was so precarious, so cut off from community. And I know they're the lucky ones, having us and each other. It just feels so hard for young people these days.
Hierarchy is a big topic in the dissident/new right, which is why I bring it up. As a kind of philosophical anarchist, I see how hierarchy is so easily abused. But to organize anything at scale is to require some kind of hierarchy. A world where no one takes and is given leadership is a world that is not civilized, insofar as civilization is the aggregation of many communities and cultures into some greater society. Obviously civilization can grow sour as ours has, but if everyone who leads stops suddenly leading, then nothing we take for granted gets done.
As for the world being more fun if it were feminine centered, I'm remembering a restaurant in Minneapolis, very punk, very progressive, lots of gender bending, very feminine centered, employee owned, with consensus central to it's bylaws. The food was great, they had a fabulous patio, great location in a progressive neighborhood. The lack of hierarchy though, the need for consensus, created factions, distrust, things that need to be done to run a restaurant weren't getting done, and they eventually destroyed the business. Word was, it was distinctly not fun working there, except in the very beginning when it was new and fresh.
Theophilus Chilton in this piece is getting at some of what is missing in society, with the destruction of community and civil spirit. You and he would probably not get along, but what he is saying here I think is relevant, there needs to be space for men to be men and women to be women. Atomized individuals not participating in the making of civilization is eventually the collapse of civilization.
BTW my domination comment in the post wasn't directed at you. It was someone else where I've sadly given up and recognized that there's nothing I can say, no matter how careful I try to be, that will show where he's giving offense without him taking offense. I think there's an important difference. Obviously the challenge comment was in regards to you. It seems like something that, if I said it to you, would have given offense. That's usually my test. But maybe not.
You and I are COMPLETELY together on the non-consensus thing. Shoot me before you put me in the middle of another interminable we-all-need-to-agree team. I've already wasted more of my life than I can tell you on those, the Grange being a notable example.
Because of painful experience, I've laboriously put together decision procedures that start by defining the goal and give authority to those who are taking responsibility for making the work happen.
A business isn't a democracy. I have been far less frustrated working in hierarchies where the goal is to make money for the investors, than in volunteer situations where people with no power in their personal lives are vying for stupid scraps of leverage over everyone else. Do I sound bitter? Yes, I do.
I'll check out the link, thanks.
The need for a leader makes the spirit of Individualism anemic. Never look up at someone, never look down at anyone. In relationships, it's not about being right or wrong, it's about conscientiously listening to the other person. Include that person in your thoughts and feelings, never make that person a subject to them. In a state of balance, leadership gets shared anyway.
I share much the same sentiment, on the scale of relationships. But in organizing anything larger than a personal relationship, such as a business, or a society, there has to be some kind of leadership. As example, If I hire people to work with me remodeling, there is not going to be shared leadership insofar as I have 30years experience and presumably the people I am hiring have considerably less.
You are quite right about that. At will employment is really based on agreement. I have been a contractor for 30 years and it's definitely gotten more difficult to find people who want to work, learn and of course listen. Employment is agreeing to provide Labor and Time for Compensation; unfortunately, these days people tend to view Employment as an Entitlement which it's not.
Hierarchy where government or society is concerned is quite different, with my approach. I have many posts on Individual Sovereignty. The best format for any government is to stay the size of a postage stamp and be an actual Republic. That means completely abolishing the Corporate Federal Franchises. Using paper ballot only, so that elections can be elections again. Using common law courts, removing all British Admiralty Law, completely gutting the BAR.
I could go on, but I think you see what I mean.
I am totally down with demolishing DC, firing at least 90% of Federal Employees, Trump's dictator on day one and not after, lol. I used to think the one thing a Federal Government can do is protect the nation from foreign invaders, but they have proved they can fail at that too. Here in Minnesota our government is like a mirror of all the pathologies of DC. I would do the same here, if I could.
I don't actually hire anyone, and avoid working with subcontractors as much as possible, because as a general I am forced to take on all their liability, and too often people are not reliable or competent. Meanwhile the State prevents me from earning money from professional level skills I have, namely elec and plumbing. Then of course it costs 2.5-3 times to employ someone, relative to what I pay them, because government. Government is become a succubus, it can only feed and feeding it destroys everything it touches.
It's funny, William, your sentiment on "Trump's dictator on day one and not after" echoes what I wrote in Answer: decentralize, and get out of the way. In everything else you two are talking about, I'm also in agreement. A friend jokes that I'm ready to apply for my contractor license with the various projects and problems I've dealt with. Of course, this is as much to do with relationships, since I don't have the skills and am hiring out. But diagnosing problems, strategizing, figuring out how to make something work without costing an arm and a leg, those are my strengths. I've definitely gotten in touch with my inner masculine since the divorce but actually house issues were mostly mine before. Re-membering that it was something I was good at made me feel competent.
Thankfully California has not gotten around to requiring a homeowner to get a contracting license to work on their own house, though I know here in Minnesota at least in Minneapolis, I had to pull a permit just to replace some sheetrock in my own house. Whether or not I ever worked on my house without a permit I can not confirm one way or another, because the state has investigators prowling the internet looking for permit and license violations.
That is one of the things about the left and their whole equity thing, that someone who takes no initiative to learn skills or processes thinks they should deserve everything those who do take initiative and learn skills have. That was the fatal flaw of that restaurant I spoke of, and most "consensus", "equity" arrangements, a few people end up doing most of the work anyway, without the recognition, respect or compensation.
You and me are in total agreement, all counts. Your experience is mirrored by my own here in California, the most failed state in the nation. I have been trying to find a good place to move to inside the USA; however, if I want to be left in peace I may need to leave the country all together.
I have been doing all the work in my business for about the last 20 years, I did employ people way back in the 1990s but gave up on it because of the reasons you stated. I do mostly small work, as a General Contractor, my specialty is Landscaping and custom construction projects; I get around by word of mouth only.
Pride & Workmanship are a rare thing these days, hard to get employees that ascend to that mentality.
I am considering taking on an apprentice, but then every time I think about it I talk myself out of it.
I hear Rapid City South Dakota is hopping, in need of skilled tradesman. Winters are not California, but the Black Hills and badlands are amazing. Otherwise I've no doubt Florida and Texas are growing fast, plenty of work to be had I am sure. Too bad it is run by control freaks, California is a gem.