What better time to talk about sex than Thanksgiving when everyone is surrounded by family and the grandparents are in the next room. Wait a minute, we are the grandparents now. Never mind.
My last episode on the spiritual pick-up artist got so many great responses that I wanted to feature some of them here. The first was a reference from Gan, one of my first YT subscribers or, as he says, “here at the beginning, here until the end.” I’m certain I lured him in Russell Brand’s comment thread, like Maria from Australia, JoE from Utah and Lindsey from Scotland.
Gan responded that, in full disclosure, Anete Blaua’s winning pole performance at the UK 2022 competition had made him cry. Pole is, imo, the most unforgiving of all the mediums requiring stamina, strength, balance, flexibility and a thick skin to withstand friction. But the emotion and pathos that Anete brings to pole story-telling is unparalleled in my experience. Watch it and tell me, who wouldn’t cry?
love casts no shadow
Infanttyron3 sent many links with music, humor and Buckminster Fuller on Love is Metaphysical Gravity. But first let’s look at Bucky Fuller on Love. He says:
The most mysterious of all the synergies I know is the phenomenon of love.
Radiation (light) casts shadows but gravity does not.
If it’s real love, it’s omnient embracing, it makes no exception for anything. It doesn’t have shadows.
Gravity closes back on itself to make unity.
Radiation disintegrates and goes further and further apart.
This is what he calls the jitterbug transformation or the infinity loop of radiation expansion and gravity contraction or the folding in of love. Light goes out, gravity pulls in. Energy, according to Bucky, slows the rate that time flows. Entropy is disorganization but love focuses it.
The 10-min video Love is Metaphysical Gravity is a commentary explaining Bucky’s theories. It starts by looking at geodesic domes and states that the tetrahedron that connects the midpoints of four spheres is the most stable structure in nature. It’s a pyramid with a triangular base that can be flipped on any side up and be the same. Perhaps a model for a social structure of interchangeable hierarchy?
In this short video on jitterbug geometry, Jain Mathemagics uses the fun toy of a jointed cubeoctahedron. He says:
If I press on opposing triangles, the whole compresses into an octahedron. So here’s an Archimedean shape that become one of the five Platonic solids. When we compress again, we get the pyramid we’re familiar with (four-sided) and when we compress again, we get the omni-stable tetrahedron, the building block of all the universe. When released back into the cubeoctahedron, if built correctly, it will oscillate left-right when opposing triangles are compressed. This is known as the jitterbug effect and it’s one of the keys to alchemy.
After I watched this, I got dressed for dance and realized I’d put on a shirt with a geodesic dome beside a rabbit. I’d never noticed that the petal-like design was formed of all spheres. The sun in the background could be the jitterbug transformation of a flattened icosahedron. See video for visual.
He describes photons cascading from the sun and how two lines cannot go through the same point at the same time, that’s why we have reflection and refraction. If we could see the whole electromagnetic spectrum, we’d see that everything is vibrating in this constant jitterbug dance.
To do a poetic interpretation, it’s like consciousness is the prism that light goes through. Love throws no shade on anyone. Love embraces all. Love holds lightly, like gravity, giving the constraints of boundaries and groundedness, not control. Consciousness is an eternal point of now being recyled by the churn of time moving through space, being refracted into seven billion shades of color to let the full spectrum of light pass through. Love slows down time and collapses empty entropy into meaning. Meaning is all there is.
dragon chakras
When I told my dance teacher my next episode was going to include male anal manipulation, she said, “You’re really branching out.” And now that I’ve gotten that shock value out of the way, let’s go deeper … so to speak.
Here’s a meme from Ratio Broadbornius to start:
In response to my last episode, Richard who posts as The Cormorant, wrote:
This essay explores the male capacity for ecstasy and inner --> outer communion. Women may choose to play a pivotal role in men’s awakening by initiating a type of bliss many (if not most) men have never experienced.
And he linked Apocalyptic Ecstasy: The Dragon’s Treasure:
After reading his article, I wrote back:
Woah, THIS is your first post, Richard? Quite the sexual incendiary device. It certainly flips the paradigm of women embodying both the Divine Feminine and Masculine. Very well written and powerful.
He answered:
Women are in a very powerful position here: to create so much trust in men that he becomes willing to confront his GAY TERROR. If women deeply get how wounded we collectively are, they just may choose to show resplendent mercy on us. Through deep vulnerability we may experience profound intimacy, which becomes available following an extended encounter with cosmic orgasms. Everyone wins. It just takes a lot of love and courage.
I thought that if anything could get men to embrace their divine feminine side, it was cosmic orgasms. The article goes from the etymology of apocalypse to the mythology of knight and dragon, for which you can use your own imagination. It advises on employing full spectrum plant medicine, the sum being more than the parts. He also says less is more. Aim for relaxed spiritual journey, not hallucination.
He shows a chart of masculine-feminine balance with the masculine as strength without caring and the feminine as caring without strength. The objective is both. He writes, “The Hero (consciousness) provides the intention, by which he hits the proverbial bulls eye, surrendering to annihilation into another dimension through a vortex, a portal.”
In a crazy synchronicity I didn’t notice until this moment, he follows with:
This happens within the metaphorical framework of the octahedron: two pyramids base to base. Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine going online between the 2 capstones, letting go of the baggage, letting go of the need to be right or make the most sense, only to be OneLove in the Divine Cosmic Dance between Shaki and Shiva. …
So this is my thesis. We are perfectly equipped to energetically and ecstatically supercharge our physical and spiritual bodies and do collective alchemy.
Richard goes from the metaphysical-allegorical to Instruction Manual, complete with diagrams and sex accoutrements, aka tools. He summarizes:
The first divine union is between our own Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine. We are not looking for a partner to complete us. We are already complete. Yet a mystery occurs: it is together that we set off meta-pulses into the planetary aura, which I refer to as the Global Dandelion. It is in the collectively generated frequency of this global aura that we choose to transmute the old story of separation into the new story interbeing.
And in another bizarre ‘coincidence’, there’s a dandelion on my geodesic rabbit shirt. And here is Richard’s Global Dandelion. Will wonders ever cease? No they won’t.
In technical terms, this is “A non-ejaculatory orgasm effected by stimulation of the prostate gland, (sometimes along with the lingam) located a couple of inches inside the anus.” I’ve been binge-watching the Netflix show Sex Education so I could build up the nerve to use terms like this without flinching. He ends with:
This kind of orgasm may be experienced many times, potentially for hours, each time healing us more completely, like a massive set of waves crashing ashore, allowing light into all of our chakras/energy centers/wheels. This is an initiation into new perception/reality programming.
Birthing the Age of Aquarius.
Through Uranus.
I recommend giving your full attention to Richard’s article and I’ll follow up another time on the social and theological aspects. In the meantime, in The Lust Frontier: Disposable Dating & the Great Isolation, I talk about the rift between men and women. And in Meaning is All There Is, I introduce my craziest theological premise that involves the word ‘tantric’. And two bonus episodes where I am backed by a giant dandelion and one on interbeing in which I’m wearing cheetah spots:
Examines disposable dating and whether it's a strategy to keep us in line and online. Looks at the need to develop an online dating skin and whether relationships have become more transactional. Tells a story from my parents' era of torch singers and dance cards, and compares it to my daughters' era of swipe-rightmania and ghosting. Cites Matt Taibbi's article on Laura Kipnis, author of Unwelcome Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus and Love in the Time of Contagion: A Diagnosis. Discusses making love and making babies from a sociological perspective and whether the couple is the lust frontier on the way to The Great Isolation. Ends with advice to the next generation that you deserve the real thing.
A viewer warned his loved ones that he was putting my 'crazy' in his echo chamber. To live up to the warning, I bring on the crazy by talking about ultimate reality with Sufi sayings, Jewish legends, free-will astrologer Rob Brezsny and Terence McKenna. I tell the story of a mole turned hawk, and Russell Brand kissing Yuval Noah Harari's forehead. I cite Kurt Vonnegut's 'karass' in the disorganized religion of Bokonon and quote Caitlin Johnstone on being ineffable. I end with a simpler explanation of Charles Eisenstein's Parallel Timelines and my craziest theory to date, involving the word 'tantric'.
Looks at Israel's attack on Palestine through the lens of Vanessa Beeley, Mnar Adley, Daniel McAdams, Ramzy Baroud and James Corbett. Delves into two videos by Max Igan on Israeli False Flag and The Truth about Balfour's Time Bomb. Asks whether this spells the end, not of Palestine, but of Israel.
Interdependence vs Interbeing on Sebastian Junger
Wearing my Halloween cheetah spots, I respond to Russell Brand's interview of Sebastian on "Our Individuality vs. Our Need for One Another" and go one step further from interdependence to interbeing. I ask whether Christianity and democracy were both designed to serve the empire, and if all hierarchy is patriarchy. To design political, economic and spiritual systems that serve the feminine, I consult a tentacled alien from Octavia Butler's book, Lilith's Brood.
Our bodies are capable of all kinds of sensations. True orgasmic bliss comes from the connection with your partner and isn't dependent upon which part of the body we stimulate (I recommend the brain).
I love this piece.
Each of us is so different. How great to have options.
My partner and I have, how to say it, been on some anal adventures. We go gently. We don't take it far. The light touch of my finger on the hairs just outside his, um, cavity--wow! It's hard to write about this! Anyway, the lightest of touches, just outside or half an inch inside, he finds deeply pleasurable.
PS: I enjoy such exploration myself. Deeply grounding.