Our bodies are capable of all kinds of sensations. True orgasmic bliss comes from the connection with your partner and isn't dependent upon which part of the body we stimulate (I recommend the brain).
Each of us is so different. How great to have options.
My partner and I have, how to say it, been on some anal adventures. We go gently. We don't take it far. The light touch of my finger on the hairs just outside his, um, cavity--wow! It's hard to write about this! Anyway, the lightest of touches, just outside or half an inch inside, he finds deeply pleasurable.
PS: I enjoy such exploration myself. Deeply grounding.
Lisa, thank you for posting such a brave reply! I think Richard will be particularly gratified to have that validation from a woman. This was so far outside my usual topics but I admired Richard's courage and the breadth of his article. And topics just kept fitting together in a way that told me it was right for me to do.
In the article I mention watching Sex Education on Netflix to be able to talk about this. I wouldn't say I recommend it because I think it's part of the woke agenda to trivialize sex and normalize gender dysphoria. But it's a favorite of my daughter, with whom I love to analyze (so to speak) relationships and characters, so I'm totally hooked.
In the episode I watched last night, a woman 'went backside' with her straight male boyfriend, to great effect. Rather than evoking GAY TERROR (as Richard puts it) the lover hopes it might mean he's queer since he's attracted to a transitioning trans (see what I mean about the normalization?)
Like everything, this is nuanced. I very much appreciate you bringing such a grounded perspective in the context of a loving relationship. I can't put my finger on (so hard to avoid the puns!) why I think this is important but your response means a lot to me.
Thank you, Tereza! I so appreciate the work you do, which I’m only just beginning to explore. I can’t put my finger on why this is so important either, but here are some preliminary thoughts:
If we humans are to survive this global late-capitalist corporatist attempt to hijack our souls and bodies, it seems crucial to me that we find ways to resurrect our innate capacity for pleasure and creative play. Can we relearn how to charge our bodies with love, rather than allowing them to be charged for us by our electronic devices? These things have their place, I believe, but perhaps not such a prominent one, if we wish to create a more beautiful world. In other words, we would do well to play with the “devices” God has gifted us as well as with our phones. More foreplay (hindplay?), less phoneplay.
I’m getting silly here, but this is serious business, I think. Wilhelm Reich, if I understand him correctly, believed that sexually unsatisfied people become increasingly angry and alienated from their bodies and are thus prone to fascist propaganda—we have seen this play out in increasingly grotesque ways over the past few years.
So, perhaps the place to begin if we want a revolution is by returning to our bodies. Not an easy task, as so much denied hurt and pain and rage lurk there as well. In an ass-backward world, can we start to heal by exploring our—okay, you’re right, it’s hard to avoid making jokes with this material. But creative, playful jokes are part of our healing too!
I think your preliminary thoughts are spot-on. We're living very disconnected lives: from our bodies, real people in the real world, and especially intimate partners. I continue to come back to the belief that something has gone terribly wrong in the relationships between women and men, and hence the family. We don't have that oasis of comfort where we can retreat, with a person who knows us inside and out.
There's a book called Pleasure Activism I bought on a young friend's recommendation. It takes a very woke approach that didn't speak to me but I loved the concept that pleasure is a form of activism. And I love your concept of a pleasure revolution.
Substack doesn't let me do playlists but I'll put together my series on Tonic Masculinity in a future post. I had a bunch of guys, who were fine writers, take the term from me and use it to convey the opposite. Rather than tonic as opposed to toxic (which they didn't believe existed), it became masculine as opposed to feminine. The embracing of the feminine in the masculine in this seems spiritual to me. Healing in a social way, a personal way, and a transcendent way.
Thank you for taking the energy of this to new levels!
I can't express how much I treasure my women friends on my stack. This did feel like a risky post. But then getting all those synchronicities kept confirming that this was right for me to do. I have your latest open in my tabs and I can't wait to give it loving attention, which is a redundant term per my last essay.
You're right about not sleeping, at least last night. The subject of my last post listened to it and sent me a barrage of texts, alternating flattery and professions of love with insults and threats. I finally blocked him but around midnight noticed someone sitting in a car in front of my house. After watching for 15 min, I went out to confront him but it was one of my Latino neighbors--they have a lot of family in for the holiday so this guy was sleeping in his car. I felt like I had my own private bodyguard! Yet it was hours before I fell asleep.
One of his texts was "Sweet Tereza, I sent your video to a lawyer friend (not mine) who advised that you should delete it immediately." What do you think, should I?
Kathleen! Thanks for that response, which I'm taking as 'don't delete your post.' It's certainly not the bogus legal threat that gave me pause, only the unbalanced extremes of the reaction. When I said there was no way for anyone to know it was him unless he told them, he took a screenshot and sent it to me. He said he was still smitten with me, even after this, and tried to get me to meet him for a drink (near his trailer since he doesn't have a car). When I didn't respond, he turned to insults that no one gets a PhD to be a spiritual pickup artist. He was glad that he and 100% disabled vets could allow me to live fully abled. When he was in the Air Force in Iraq, it was people like me he was doing it for. And when I showed him my house, he felt like a foreign exchange student seeing where he would spend the next year. And that in a past life, I was the wife of someone who he said was a Christian anarchist, "sorry that that's revolting to you" at which point I blocked him. He then sent an email reply to this Substack post that said "Laughable." I deleted him from the subs.
I'll see his 'adopted' daughter at my aerial practice soon. I'm hoping she'll be an ally.
But more seriously... I absolutely love the breadth of your curiosity and depth of your life exploration. This is what growth as a species requires from us all. Thank you for busting past fear to bring us EVERYTHING.
Thank you, Antila. Don't get too attached to the style of one because, chances are, you won't find another like it ;-) My topics are very eclectic.
And I enjoyed your post on truculent today. For some reason I had it mixed in with treacle as someone slow-moving and stubborn. I'll try to use it three times in a sentence and see if it sticks!
I like eclectic. Its how my mind seems to work. I'm glad you enjoyed truculent. And thanks just now for another word to riff on - treacle. Thanks to you and Lewis Carroll.
Hi Tereza, I miss commenting on your posts but I have been so busy these days. I listen to all your posts and enjoy your enthusiasm and happiness and good advice.
Thank you so much, Helene. It means the world to me to know that you're listening and I'm speaking, not into the void, but to someone as intelligent as you.
I am old school rebel, and I believe that it is worth saying that exploring sexual energy is an adult adventure, that is meant for sexually mature people. I’m protective of anything so powerful and sacred. We live in a world of abuse and as such we need to have respect for the power, before we dive right in. Difficult lessons suchas boundaries are healthy and respectful or Privacy is not dark but personal and natural, need to be observed.
And any aspect of sex is up for abuse. E.g. Sex is hot and natural so let’s film it and fake it - porn in harmless, no addiction possibility there. Sex is natural so let’s prime the 5 yr olds to touch themselves and their classmates in class even before they have the hormonal drive.. etc. .
From the 10 points of the NWO ‘Alice Bailey preached that sexual enjoyment is the highest pleasure in humanity, no one must be denied and no one must be restricted how to enjoy themselves. People should be allowed in which ever way they chose they want, whether it is homosexuality or in incest or bestiality, as long as the two agree.’
There's no doubt that the NWO is using the exploitation of kids as a technique for dividing us. I'm sure everyone here would agree with you. And I've never personally met anyone who would be in favor of the sexualization of kids. Which makes me wonder if the much-publicized hairy trans kindergarten teachers are more propaganda. They turn us against 'liberals' and LGBTQ supporters, rather than being together against the NWO.
There's also been a shocking rise in violence against trans, I think the statistic I heard was a 30% increase year over year. If that is the NWO agenda, it's working. I completely agree about the commercialization of sex and that porn is not harmless.
However, I think it's dangerous to conflate homosexuality with incest and bestiality, as if they're three forms of the same thing or one leads to the others. I know many, many gay people and every single one would be as or more horrified than you at incest or bestiality. Incest is most often fathers raping daughters, as in the episode I did on pedo-sadism. As someone from Appalachia, I suspect that bestiality has been a made-up slur against independent homesteaders. But even the urban myth is straight white backwoods hillbillies.
Tereza, I love the “flexing geometries” and the Jitterbug of light and gravity!
I second the observation that you must not sleep!
Sometimes we recognize a quality of risk; knowing that what we express will offend some people, but that it also may provide an “ah HA!” for others.
A*us 🫣 is something “we just don’t talk about…” but like you I am compelled to challenge such unspoken rules. I’ve had this conversation with numerous women and they are far more open to it than men. (If you think it is indirect invitation for sex…then try initiating it with women *you* know 😂🤣😂)
Of course most straight men are terrified of anything associated with “gay”, like a*al 🙄 is something straight men haven’t been doing for ages! It’s just shoved so deeply into Shadow that it necessitates self-censure.
Yes, it was a whim and a good title that had me put together Bucky Fuller and you, but I was amazed by the parallels. Your premise on the relative openness of women is borne out by this comment thread. Much quieter than usual but the more positive comments are women, here and on YT. However if this was a technique exclusively or primarily for women, I'd be keeping my mouth shut too. Again, I commend your courage.
Thank you for your ability to laugh at it all, SF. I hope things are getting saner in your life as they're spinning out of control in the world. Remember, it's really spinning out of their control and into ours, no matter how it seems on the surface.
Sorry, still cannot get past the fact that the a*us is where solid excrement passes through and is excreted. Looking for ecstasy in all the wrong orifices, imho.
As Richard wrote, his post was not for everyone. But I continue to support anything someone does that doesn't harm anyone else. His willingness to be vulnerable impressed me.
All for freedom of sexual choice, etc. Just difficult to consider the personal hygiene aspects of this and other such practices. Is it really not harmful ?
I think that's always a good question to ask. One of the most shocking things for me, in The Real Anthony Fauci, was discovering the real cause of AIDS. In Conspiracy Theory as the New Heretic, "I look at the 1987 defunding of Peter Duesberg as the replacement of science and empirical data with the religion of profit-friendly woke-speak." This was pre-Substack so it's video only: https://youtu.be/UJI1X7l48vM.
What Duesberg said is that it was 'poppers', a drug that relaxed the sphincter muscle, that was ruining the immune systems of gay men. And that HIV could be cured with a simple drug, I think it was the same one for herpes simplex, if I remember correctly.
What Fauci did was turn this around into being a homophobic attack. Of course poppers were the pharmaceutical industry's funding of every gay magazine and sold in every gay bar. I think the promotion of gay male sex is part of the WEF depopulation agenda, both in terms of increasing deaths and reducing the birth rate. I have no moral criticism of it but I think it's another way we've been manipulated.
What Richard is talking about here, without getting too explicit, has none of these elements. In fact, it could be an alternative for gay men that would be far safer.
Yes, the AIDS history - and Fauci's involvement - is quite intricate, and, one could say, devious in that it's serving their depop agenda. Haven't read TRAF, but old enough to remember the AIDS panic: you could catch it from a toilet seat and all sorts of whacky theories. The fact remains, however, that as much as we can adopt a live and let live attitude toward other lifestyles, gay men were exceptionally promiscuous, and, this, and the sexual act/s themselves are difficult for the general public to accept. See what you're saying about the "safer alternative" that Richard is talking about. During the crazy '80s, however, everyone was out of their minds on drugs, so his may be a moot point. Clicking over to the vid now. Thank you.
Whenever I would visit with my parents, I'd feel like I was right back in that dynamic of being a kid. So I'm glad I could provide some adult themed content to come back to ;-)
I generally think guys who write about politics are trying to get sex. Ditto economics. Ditto anything else ;-) It all depends on how they're doing it. If they're coming from a slimy deluded place of superiority, I'm in league with all women to turn them incel. If they're coming from an honest, non-manipulative place, I wish them well and hope it works to attract someone of like mind who appreciates them--and who they appreciate in turn.
In this case, Richard's post is a way of solitary healing and being complete in yourself and not projecting that need as a demand on others. I realize the comments I quoted talk about a trusted and loving partner but the post is a 'hero's journey.'
How much of the violence in the world is from men trying to get sex through power and brute force? I don't mean rape, although I include it. But subverting their feelings of inadequacy and rejection into domination of others. I'd much rather have men medicating themselves and calming their dragons than the kidfucker cult committing genocide out of sexual frustration.
RE "Whenever I would visit with my parents, I'd feel like I was right back in that dynamic of being a kid." Hence that expression - If you think you're enlightened go spend a week with your family. :-)
Haha, I think your posts and memes are focusing exactly where they should. I also felt, as a woman, that I could get away with this post in a way that a man couldn't.
Even then the hover-preview gif YT produces took my motion describing Bucky Fuller's 'gravity embraces all' theory and turned it into a pantomime of bad sex. So the universe is poking fun at me. But I don't mind.
If you do read Richard's post, I think you'll like his 9 Signs You've Done Shadow Work, apropos of laughing at yourself.
I'm eagerly awaiting the unveiling of yours, I know you have a couple.
I've changed my tradition from NY Resolutions to Old Year Accomplishments. Time to take stock! But maybe I'll take that invitation to dream up a couple of goals. That could be fun.
Our bodies are capable of all kinds of sensations. True orgasmic bliss comes from the connection with your partner and isn't dependent upon which part of the body we stimulate (I recommend the brain).
Haha, I like your definition of sex organ ;-) And I totally agree.
I love this piece.
Each of us is so different. How great to have options.
My partner and I have, how to say it, been on some anal adventures. We go gently. We don't take it far. The light touch of my finger on the hairs just outside his, um, cavity--wow! It's hard to write about this! Anyway, the lightest of touches, just outside or half an inch inside, he finds deeply pleasurable.
PS: I enjoy such exploration myself. Deeply grounding.
Lisa, thank you for posting such a brave reply! I think Richard will be particularly gratified to have that validation from a woman. This was so far outside my usual topics but I admired Richard's courage and the breadth of his article. And topics just kept fitting together in a way that told me it was right for me to do.
In the article I mention watching Sex Education on Netflix to be able to talk about this. I wouldn't say I recommend it because I think it's part of the woke agenda to trivialize sex and normalize gender dysphoria. But it's a favorite of my daughter, with whom I love to analyze (so to speak) relationships and characters, so I'm totally hooked.
In the episode I watched last night, a woman 'went backside' with her straight male boyfriend, to great effect. Rather than evoking GAY TERROR (as Richard puts it) the lover hopes it might mean he's queer since he's attracted to a transitioning trans (see what I mean about the normalization?)
Like everything, this is nuanced. I very much appreciate you bringing such a grounded perspective in the context of a loving relationship. I can't put my finger on (so hard to avoid the puns!) why I think this is important but your response means a lot to me.
Thank you, Tereza! I so appreciate the work you do, which I’m only just beginning to explore. I can’t put my finger on why this is so important either, but here are some preliminary thoughts:
If we humans are to survive this global late-capitalist corporatist attempt to hijack our souls and bodies, it seems crucial to me that we find ways to resurrect our innate capacity for pleasure and creative play. Can we relearn how to charge our bodies with love, rather than allowing them to be charged for us by our electronic devices? These things have their place, I believe, but perhaps not such a prominent one, if we wish to create a more beautiful world. In other words, we would do well to play with the “devices” God has gifted us as well as with our phones. More foreplay (hindplay?), less phoneplay.
I’m getting silly here, but this is serious business, I think. Wilhelm Reich, if I understand him correctly, believed that sexually unsatisfied people become increasingly angry and alienated from their bodies and are thus prone to fascist propaganda—we have seen this play out in increasingly grotesque ways over the past few years.
So, perhaps the place to begin if we want a revolution is by returning to our bodies. Not an easy task, as so much denied hurt and pain and rage lurk there as well. In an ass-backward world, can we start to heal by exploring our—okay, you’re right, it’s hard to avoid making jokes with this material. But creative, playful jokes are part of our healing too!
So many LOLs! You're hilariass.
I think your preliminary thoughts are spot-on. We're living very disconnected lives: from our bodies, real people in the real world, and especially intimate partners. I continue to come back to the belief that something has gone terribly wrong in the relationships between women and men, and hence the family. We don't have that oasis of comfort where we can retreat, with a person who knows us inside and out.
There's a book called Pleasure Activism I bought on a young friend's recommendation. It takes a very woke approach that didn't speak to me but I loved the concept that pleasure is a form of activism. And I love your concept of a pleasure revolution.
Substack doesn't let me do playlists but I'll put together my series on Tonic Masculinity in a future post. I had a bunch of guys, who were fine writers, take the term from me and use it to convey the opposite. Rather than tonic as opposed to toxic (which they didn't believe existed), it became masculine as opposed to feminine. The embracing of the feminine in the masculine in this seems spiritual to me. Healing in a social way, a personal way, and a transcendent way.
Thank you for taking the energy of this to new levels!
You provide a whole new definition and standard for the term, "open-minded," Tereza. My hat is off to you!!
I'm also convinced that you do not sleep. 😂😳
I can't express how much I treasure my women friends on my stack. This did feel like a risky post. But then getting all those synchronicities kept confirming that this was right for me to do. I have your latest open in my tabs and I can't wait to give it loving attention, which is a redundant term per my last essay.
You're right about not sleeping, at least last night. The subject of my last post listened to it and sent me a barrage of texts, alternating flattery and professions of love with insults and threats. I finally blocked him but around midnight noticed someone sitting in a car in front of my house. After watching for 15 min, I went out to confront him but it was one of my Latino neighbors--they have a lot of family in for the holiday so this guy was sleeping in his car. I felt like I had my own private bodyguard! Yet it was hours before I fell asleep.
One of his texts was "Sweet Tereza, I sent your video to a lawyer friend (not mine) who advised that you should delete it immediately." What do you think, should I?
You are naturally expanding the sphere of exploration, and that is simply, good. It's also appreciated.
Kathleen! Thanks for that response, which I'm taking as 'don't delete your post.' It's certainly not the bogus legal threat that gave me pause, only the unbalanced extremes of the reaction. When I said there was no way for anyone to know it was him unless he told them, he took a screenshot and sent it to me. He said he was still smitten with me, even after this, and tried to get me to meet him for a drink (near his trailer since he doesn't have a car). When I didn't respond, he turned to insults that no one gets a PhD to be a spiritual pickup artist. He was glad that he and 100% disabled vets could allow me to live fully abled. When he was in the Air Force in Iraq, it was people like me he was doing it for. And when I showed him my house, he felt like a foreign exchange student seeing where he would spend the next year. And that in a past life, I was the wife of someone who he said was a Christian anarchist, "sorry that that's revolting to you" at which point I blocked him. He then sent an email reply to this Substack post that said "Laughable." I deleted him from the subs.
I'll see his 'adopted' daughter at my aerial practice soon. I'm hoping she'll be an ally.
Definitely don't delete your post.
Not surprised he turned to insults. Or attempts at making you guilty. Though pulling in past lives is creative at least!
I hope the daughter turns out to be an ally too.
Ah, the single world. 😊 You have the mind and the humor to navigate it well.
Yeesh... glad you blocked this guy. And I'm with Kathleen (often the case): don't delete your post.
Honored to be included in your circle, Tereza! Together we'll make it through this crazy mess. xox
But more seriously... I absolutely love the breadth of your curiosity and depth of your life exploration. This is what growth as a species requires from us all. Thank you for busting past fear to bring us EVERYTHING.
I like your style. This is the first article of yours I've read. I relish the anticipation of delving into your treasure trove of articles.
Thank you, Antila. Don't get too attached to the style of one because, chances are, you won't find another like it ;-) My topics are very eclectic.
And I enjoyed your post on truculent today. For some reason I had it mixed in with treacle as someone slow-moving and stubborn. I'll try to use it three times in a sentence and see if it sticks!
I like eclectic. Its how my mind seems to work. I'm glad you enjoyed truculent. And thanks just now for another word to riff on - treacle. Thanks to you and Lewis Carroll.
Hi Tereza, I miss commenting on your posts but I have been so busy these days. I listen to all your posts and enjoy your enthusiasm and happiness and good advice.
Thank you so much, Helene. It means the world to me to know that you're listening and I'm speaking, not into the void, but to someone as intelligent as you.
A deeper dive into the Jitterbug Effect.
I am old school rebel, and I believe that it is worth saying that exploring sexual energy is an adult adventure, that is meant for sexually mature people. I’m protective of anything so powerful and sacred. We live in a world of abuse and as such we need to have respect for the power, before we dive right in. Difficult lessons suchas boundaries are healthy and respectful or Privacy is not dark but personal and natural, need to be observed.
And any aspect of sex is up for abuse. E.g. Sex is hot and natural so let’s film it and fake it - porn in harmless, no addiction possibility there. Sex is natural so let’s prime the 5 yr olds to touch themselves and their classmates in class even before they have the hormonal drive.. etc. .
From the 10 points of the NWO ‘Alice Bailey preached that sexual enjoyment is the highest pleasure in humanity, no one must be denied and no one must be restricted how to enjoy themselves. People should be allowed in which ever way they chose they want, whether it is homosexuality or in incest or bestiality, as long as the two agree.’
There's no doubt that the NWO is using the exploitation of kids as a technique for dividing us. I'm sure everyone here would agree with you. And I've never personally met anyone who would be in favor of the sexualization of kids. Which makes me wonder if the much-publicized hairy trans kindergarten teachers are more propaganda. They turn us against 'liberals' and LGBTQ supporters, rather than being together against the NWO.
There's also been a shocking rise in violence against trans, I think the statistic I heard was a 30% increase year over year. If that is the NWO agenda, it's working. I completely agree about the commercialization of sex and that porn is not harmless.
However, I think it's dangerous to conflate homosexuality with incest and bestiality, as if they're three forms of the same thing or one leads to the others. I know many, many gay people and every single one would be as or more horrified than you at incest or bestiality. Incest is most often fathers raping daughters, as in the episode I did on pedo-sadism. As someone from Appalachia, I suspect that bestiality has been a made-up slur against independent homesteaders. But even the urban myth is straight white backwoods hillbillies.
Tereza, I love the “flexing geometries” and the Jitterbug of light and gravity!
I second the observation that you must not sleep!
Sometimes we recognize a quality of risk; knowing that what we express will offend some people, but that it also may provide an “ah HA!” for others.
A*us 🫣 is something “we just don’t talk about…” but like you I am compelled to challenge such unspoken rules. I’ve had this conversation with numerous women and they are far more open to it than men. (If you think it is indirect invitation for sex…then try initiating it with women *you* know 😂🤣😂)
Of course most straight men are terrified of anything associated with “gay”, like a*al 🙄 is something straight men haven’t been doing for ages! It’s just shoved so deeply into Shadow that it necessitates self-censure.
Until it doesn’t.
Yes, it was a whim and a good title that had me put together Bucky Fuller and you, but I was amazed by the parallels. Your premise on the relative openness of women is borne out by this comment thread. Much quieter than usual but the more positive comments are women, here and on YT. However if this was a technique exclusively or primarily for women, I'd be keeping my mouth shut too. Again, I commend your courage.
ELL oh ell. I Ell you, Tereza! ☀️
Thank you for your ability to laugh at it all, SF. I hope things are getting saner in your life as they're spinning out of control in the world. Remember, it's really spinning out of their control and into ours, no matter how it seems on the surface.
Yes, thanks for the reminder! 🙏🏾
Sorry, still cannot get past the fact that the a*us is where solid excrement passes through and is excreted. Looking for ecstasy in all the wrong orifices, imho.
As Richard wrote, his post was not for everyone. But I continue to support anything someone does that doesn't harm anyone else. His willingness to be vulnerable impressed me.
All for freedom of sexual choice, etc. Just difficult to consider the personal hygiene aspects of this and other such practices. Is it really not harmful ?
I think that's always a good question to ask. One of the most shocking things for me, in The Real Anthony Fauci, was discovering the real cause of AIDS. In Conspiracy Theory as the New Heretic, "I look at the 1987 defunding of Peter Duesberg as the replacement of science and empirical data with the religion of profit-friendly woke-speak." This was pre-Substack so it's video only: https://youtu.be/UJI1X7l48vM.
What Duesberg said is that it was 'poppers', a drug that relaxed the sphincter muscle, that was ruining the immune systems of gay men. And that HIV could be cured with a simple drug, I think it was the same one for herpes simplex, if I remember correctly.
What Fauci did was turn this around into being a homophobic attack. Of course poppers were the pharmaceutical industry's funding of every gay magazine and sold in every gay bar. I think the promotion of gay male sex is part of the WEF depopulation agenda, both in terms of increasing deaths and reducing the birth rate. I have no moral criticism of it but I think it's another way we've been manipulated.
What Richard is talking about here, without getting too explicit, has none of these elements. In fact, it could be an alternative for gay men that would be far safer.
Yes, the AIDS history - and Fauci's involvement - is quite intricate, and, one could say, devious in that it's serving their depop agenda. Haven't read TRAF, but old enough to remember the AIDS panic: you could catch it from a toilet seat and all sorts of whacky theories. The fact remains, however, that as much as we can adopt a live and let live attitude toward other lifestyles, gay men were exceptionally promiscuous, and, this, and the sexual act/s themselves are difficult for the general public to accept. See what you're saying about the "safer alternative" that Richard is talking about. During the crazy '80s, however, everyone was out of their minds on drugs, so his may be a moot point. Clicking over to the vid now. Thank you.
Thanks for providing me with the perfect meme!
Whenever I would visit with my parents, I'd feel like I was right back in that dynamic of being a kid. So I'm glad I could provide some adult themed content to come back to ;-)
I generally think guys who write about politics are trying to get sex. Ditto economics. Ditto anything else ;-) It all depends on how they're doing it. If they're coming from a slimy deluded place of superiority, I'm in league with all women to turn them incel. If they're coming from an honest, non-manipulative place, I wish them well and hope it works to attract someone of like mind who appreciates them--and who they appreciate in turn.
In this case, Richard's post is a way of solitary healing and being complete in yourself and not projecting that need as a demand on others. I realize the comments I quoted talk about a trusted and loving partner but the post is a 'hero's journey.'
How much of the violence in the world is from men trying to get sex through power and brute force? I don't mean rape, although I include it. But subverting their feelings of inadequacy and rejection into domination of others. I'd much rather have men medicating themselves and calming their dragons than the kidfucker cult committing genocide out of sexual frustration.
RE "Whenever I would visit with my parents, I'd feel like I was right back in that dynamic of being a kid." Hence that expression - If you think you're enlightened go spend a week with your family. :-)
Haha, I think your posts and memes are focusing exactly where they should. I also felt, as a woman, that I could get away with this post in a way that a man couldn't.
Even then the hover-preview gif YT produces took my motion describing Bucky Fuller's 'gravity embraces all' theory and turned it into a pantomime of bad sex. So the universe is poking fun at me. But I don't mind.
If you do read Richard's post, I think you'll like his 9 Signs You've Done Shadow Work, apropos of laughing at yourself.
I'm eagerly awaiting the unveiling of yours, I know you have a couple.
I've changed my tradition from NY Resolutions to Old Year Accomplishments. Time to take stock! But maybe I'll take that invitation to dream up a couple of goals. That could be fun.