Mar 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Going out on long hikes is fun, but you gotta have a plan. I'm glad this worked out ok for James. Going out with a hiking group is a much better idea than going alone.

Thanks for sharing this, Tereza

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Mar 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Oh my gosh, what an epic story and a beautiful card that got pulled! ✨😮

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We love being alone sometimes and feel pretty safe

I am so happy that your son in law made it back safely with the gathering of the group of Christian hikers as well. God is good.

I used to walk alone daily in my neighborhood, Broadlands just 35 miles west of the cesspool (DC) in Northern Virginia. Safe enough area. no muggers around but maybe there are, I have not encountered one.... Our neighborhood has paved trails on miles and miles of natural land and woods with boulders since we are near the blue ridge mountains. Anyway, one day I was walking out of one area of deep woods (paved paths) and entered a clearing and saw this dog, a grey dog just lind of walking alone, looking pretty chill. I said "hi puppy" and started to hold my hand out.... but .... the beast did not acknowledge me... and (all of this split second thinking and response) I noticed no collar. I immediately realized this was a wolf. So, I quietly, heart pounding in fear as if I saw a bear, walked calmly out to the nearest street to civilization. Okay, so no danger, I was lucky I guess. I do not think wolves are normally agressive so I was lucky I did not have a stroke hahaha

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What a great telling of a frightening tale, Tereza. And the Tarot message - amazing how those cards can do that! So glad it all worked out.

I imagine there are more lessons in the experience still to be mined by your son-in-law and daughter (and the other hikers) but surely our interconnection and the realization that we all find ourselves in need of help are among them. That can quickly foster deeper humility and gratitude are true gifts.

Thanks for sharing.

Love the Four Agreements and the Power of Place. I haven't read the others you mentioned, so damn, more books to get too!

Side note - did you read the latest from Jason Horsely? (I haven't read the full post, given paywall but thought of you.)


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I am so glad everyone is okay. It's weird. I just read a substack today that went into detail on hypothermia. I read it in detail so that I would KNOW it, should the need arise and I live in Florida (not the forefront of my mind). You stressed relationships, I just got done expressing to someone that relationships are the most important thing, to me. And crows, I just relayed a story about crows by sharing a story of how I caw like one in a grocery store and people "caw caw" in response. I am not trying to make this about me at all. I am just perceiving your story from my brain. It was taking note throughout the story of these things. I am glad you knew he was okay. I know what you mean by that. You all need some rest though, after being so tuned in like that. And I am glad you used that land art image. I only wish I had provided you with a perfectly everyday, unnaturally geoengineered mudslide image. May your family be safe and happy, serene and warm. Thank goodness he is okay. What a wonderful end. I am going to check out the stuff you shared on geoengineering. To be honest, I only look at that stuff in short bursts because it really upsets me. :) I am glad he is okay.

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Mar 6Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Wow, Tereza, so glad for you and Veronica and James that all turned out well. I've never been around or seen a mudslide, but I got more of an idea from your story about how scary they are.

How do you reconcile the geoengineering with your feelings? I'm not sure that's the right question...I see the chemtrails around me, haven't done any research about it, but totally believe it's possible that they've been spraying chemicals on us for years and years. And then I read bits about how geoengineering has done these horrible things like the tragedy in Maui, and a fire near you in CA. So how does one wrestle with this? I guess what i'm getting at is my first response is feeling so absolutely powerless. What's the next step?

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A harrowing tale! Since I'm a big wuss on suspense, I was grateful to know he was safe before hearing his side of the story. And your inclusion of my post is a sweet way to end, thank you! I'm biased, of course, but I do think it fits beautifully...❤️

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Glad they’re all safe and warm!

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No tarps or waterproof tents? curious. Good Tale and Good Ending nonetheless!

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