Good on you, Tereza, for standing up for Russell Brand! I don't know why it's not obvious to anyone, when after 20 years several women just happened to find each other to corroborate similar stories of their abuse. That screams agenda!

It was sickening when finding they weren't counting deaths of the jabbed, due to not reporting them as injected until after 21 days. That screams downright corruption, fraud, and murder, as there was a definite reason for not reporting them dying during that timeframe.

I've come to the conclusion that the whole WW1, WW11, and Hitler stories were preplanned setups from start to finish, as well. I can't say whether Hitler was in on it, but I think his girlfriend and last-minute wife, Eva Braun, was a modern-day Esther, as I'm pretty darn sure she was Jewish, however I was saving that comment for your Hitler video, when I have time to write it. It even involves the Mordecai name in one of the Kronberger descendant's name, of which was Braun's mother's maiden name.

Anyway, I'm just so sick of all the deception. When will we reach the bottom of this rabbi-t hole? Thank you for another great video that places more puzzle pieces together, to give us a better picture of what we're building from Truth:)

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Thanks, Rhonda. I don't know if you were reading when I did my others, but here's a recap:






It's an open question in my mind whether Hitler sabotaged the German army out of a sense of honor, making him not as ruthless as he should have been in hindsight, or intentionally as an agent of the Rothschilds/ Londonium. I think that Julius and Nefahotep present these two sides well.

The anti-German propaganda pre-WWII was the babies-on-bayonets variety. This was certainly promulgated by the Jewish media, as Joe Kennedy pointed out, but no one repeated it after the war because it had been shown to be absurd. The six million trope was pre-existent to the war, as you point out from newspaper headlines. But I don't think the Holocaust narrative was developed until it was needed in 1961. Otherwise, it would have emerged sooner. Glad to have you watching and thinking!

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I'll have to check out the other videos, in regard to Brand. Thank you:)

As for WW1 and WW11, I saw some similar correlations to today's situation:

1. Spanish Flu of 1918 - Ground zero was the state of Kansas, where they were experimenting in 1917 with the Meningitis vaccine, and a First Lieut. of the Army Medical Corps at Fort Dietrich, named Frederick 'Gates,' who in conjunction with the Rockefeller Institute, was running these vaccine trials at the Ft. Dietrich military base. (I couldn't find any relations to today's Gates' family, but it's eerily coincidental, nonetheless). So, perhaps WW1 would be the cover for depopulation by jabs, war, and changing of laws, wherein the Balfour Declaration was signed in the same year as the trials began, 1917, as well. Here's a link to the trial:


This link describes where they believe the flu began:


2. The above shows the correlation between jabs, WW1, and an agreement to give the ruling 'elite' Jews Palestine (more like the priestly class elites - Levites (El) - Church/Priests and Pharisees (Ra) - State/Pharaoh, as in "Is Ra El" - and seeing as it's built on a biblical premise). Now today, we have the Covid jabs, the Great Reset, which appears to be giving the world over to the same psychopaths, and the drumbeats of WW111 are on the horizon (whore Zion), to bring about this Reset, which Schwab's book came out in 2020, as well.

3. The Jewish messiah, Moshiach = Him Chaos, and each time they take major steps towards their goal of world domination, they use Chaos and Lies to confuse/confound the masses. They also like hiding laws within king's documents, as with Babylon and the book of Ezra, or the Noahide Laws of today. They also added laws aka confused the language in the tower of Babel story of Gen. 11. Btw, that story ends at Gen. 11:9 or 9/11 in reverse, and after 9/11 we got the Patriot Act).

Great Reset = Seer Target (Prophet/diviner and a goal).

Great Reset = Great Est(h)er, (They've used many marriages, besides direct infiltration of various govt. offices, to attain their targeted goal. Biden's, Clinton's, and Trump's children were married to puppet Jews, similar to Kamala Harris, as well).

Goliath = Hit Goal. (Goliath was just an allegorical story of attaining a goal).

Anyway, just some further thoughts to ponder about history repeating itself

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Wow, that’s really good analysis. Question: who/what is the story of Esther? Is it a biblical reference that I am unaware of?

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Basically, Jewess Esther was put into place by her relative Mordecai, to infiltrate the king as his queen, and then turn him against his own people, which included the king's right-hand man, Haman, the one trying to warn the king about Mordecai, and possibly the other Jews involved. (One has to read between the lines/lies to see the real story). After she accomplished this, not only did the king have Haman and his sons killed, but he allowed Mordecai to go about murdering 75,000 other people, who must have been speaking out against the Jews, as well. The Jews still celebrate this slaughter, as their holiday called Purim. You can read the story at this link, starting with the first chapter, if you like.


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🤯 I will read the whole chapter. Everything that I understood about Eva Braun was that she was a total dits. This puts another new spin on WWII.

There was a book I read called “Blitzed: drugs in the Third Reich”. It talks a lot about the drugs that AH’s doctor gave him. Sounded to me like the doctor was AH’s handler. I wonder if Eva/Esther Braun was part of the puppeteers.

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I think Eva infiltrated Hitler, as did her sister Gretl, who married Hitler's liaison officer, Hermann Fegelein. Braun also played the victim/damsel in distress by allegedly trying to commit suicide twice, during her initial relationship w/AH. Further, I don't think she took a cyanide capsule either. She prob disappeared under another name. Heck, she may have suicided AH. I don't think Hitler's half-niece, Geli Raubal, who was entrusted in his care, committed suicide either. She was alleged to have shot herself in the lung. Who does that? One would shoot themselves in the head, if anything. So was she murdered by Braun or another infiltrator, to get any family out of their way. Psychopaths isolate their victims, so no one will know what's going on. I unfortunately have first-hand experience of this tactic. They target, isolate, and then destroy.

Anyway, Eva's mother was Fanny Kronberger, and there was a Lily Kronberger, who was inducted into the Intl. Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. I don't think Kronberger is a common name, and in searching through Lily's genealogical records, there's a Fanni Kronberger and another relative, with Mordecai in his name, which is really weird. I'm still digging into this, however.


Interesting about Hitler being drugged. That sure sounds like the doc was a handler! I can't say that Braun was a puppet, b/c of my own personal experience with an Ashkenazi succubus that married our son. She was a psychopath, and I'm here to say, I've NEVER personally met anyone as bad as her. My son just recently divorced her, thankfully, but the damage that has been done is difficult to know if it's even repairable, but hopefully, over time. It breaks my heart every day.

Prior to this girl, our son was such a good guy, with a great personality, his own business, and home, lots of friends, etc., of which he lost all of it and them, but he was also very naive. I had no idea about such behaviors, until we were in the midst of dealing with it. She'd even post images on her Twitter, of a bird's foot on top of a dead mouse, stating, "A message to my enemies," as one example, referring to our family, b/c she knew I was digging into her past and knew who and what she was.

Further, in the first 4 months of our son's relationship with this girl, one of his roommates broke up with his girlfriend, Amber, of which "the succubus" didn't like other girls, therefore didn't get along with Amber. Amber committed suicide a week after the breakup, and her mother wrote a book about it, "Crossing a Sea of Stars." So, come to find out, through this book, in the early morning hours, right after this breakup, Amber received a text from a burner phone, which I contacted the mother to find this out. Here's what the message said, "Hey Babe sorry about the loss." Amber replies, "Hi! I don't have your number saved!" Succubus replies, "It's all good, it's Father Time. Don't despair, you're 34 and soon all the eggs will be dried up and you'll be an old cat lady. Try to find a nice average beta male before it's too late and get him to marry you before there's an 89% chance the kid will come out retarded." (pg. 216 of the book). Amber started talking about suicide that night, from what her mother found and wrote about. Let me add, that succubus sold about $300,000 worth of her own eggs, and our son has no doubt now, that she was behind sending this text. She is also now trying to baby-trap another guy and was on the hunt as soon as our son broke it off with her in Aug. 23. We know this, b/c he was able to see her messaging through his own phone. I tell you all of this b/c I'm painting a picture of what we're dealing with. I can't say every Jew is like this, but the one we dealt with was not religious, nor did she grow up attending synagogues. Her mother was Russian, so she was only half Ashkenazi. Ok, I'm done ranting:) It was just so devastating to go through but let me add that at least we still have our son. Amber's mom was not so lucky:(... Thank you for the info:)

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That’s really interesting about Eva Braun and her family. I meant that she was pulling the strings when I referred to her as part of the puppeteers.

What you say about Eva makes so much sense. I always thought she seemed so desperate to be with AH and he didn’t even like her that much. If she inserted to control him then it was her mission to insert herself.

You really need to write about this. It would compliment Tereza’s work perfectly.

I’m so sorry about your son but thankfully you have him back. Your experience gives you such insights to be able to look at Eva/Esther situations more critically.

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You did say "puppeteer," which my mind presumed puppet. My apologies. You are so right about her mission to insert herself. But then I do have to assume she wasn't working alone, no doubt. Someone must have told her that was her mission, like an IDF soldier would follow their commands. So, I suppose she could be a puppet and then Hitler's puppeteer, so both. Or was she just going for power, money, and/or fame? I know our succubus was after our son's business and money, and then she tried controlling his business and home. With that said, it's definitely as much about their nature, as it is about being a useful narcissistic/psychopathic puppet, and the even worse psychopaths that control them, called the Dark Triad, who use a lot of money as their bait for compliance. It's such a tangled web of deceit!

Also, I don't know much about Hitler's relationship with Eva. Do you have anywhere you could direct me to more information about that? Or is it in the book you mentioned above?

I'm hoping to write, but b/c I'm not a writer and have a really hard time staying on track, and being unsure where to even begin, as there is so much information, from the poisons in our vaccines, to the Scarab Beetle, to biblical Joseph in Egypt, to the Pharisees and our dollars, to the word "spells," etc., so it's a conglomeration of a whole lot of stuff to put down on paper. I have started outline after outline, to only get sidetracked with learning more. It is a bottomless rabbi-t hole! Btw, in Acts 13, there was a Jewish sorcerer that went by two names, Barjesus Elymas = Jerusalem Abyss, with abyss meaning bottomless pit.

Anyway, thank you for your kind words about our son. That experience definitely gave me better insight. Imagine my horror when I first realized, after studying psychology for two years, that the Bible was about psychopaths, who were projecting their god-complex and religious cult of superiority onto everyone else. AND MOST fell for it!! That realization sent chills to the very depth of my soul.

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Unfortunately I do not remember what the name of the book was but it was a book from the library about the role of mistresses in history. From what I remember of the book, AH had many women and Eva was a persistent one that he couldn’t get rid of. He only married her hours before the alleged suicide in the bunker. The book made Eva sound pathetic and desperate (but your line of reasoning makes more sense). If I remember the book I will let you know in a comment.

The fact about his cousin, You are so right that the victim needs to be isolated. AH had very few living family members. Maybe the whole love triangle story with his cousin and the chauffeur was another fabrication to make him look even worse.

I am really starting to think that between the isolation, drugs and Eva (and her superiors) AH was MK Ultra’d.

I hope you do start writing! I always look forward to reading your comments in Tereza’s Substack because they are so informative!

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Awww, thank you, AnnekeB:) Besides Tereza's wonderful and informative videos, there are a lot of good comments here, from various people, including yourself! I'm learning a lot!

I hear you about not remembering titles of books but it's interesting what you conveyed, particularly in light of our son having a really hard time getting rid of the succubus. They will "love bomb" their prey back into submission, then begin the cycle again. There was a book I ran across, years back and that I can't remember the title either, about the Jews in Russia, and how anyone raising beef had to go through them, as well as pay fees to them. The one thing that stood out to me, however, was a numbered list of rules, which the Jewish priestly class are known for. The #33 on the list, was that if anyone had done something illegal or immoral, they could hold it against them, at a later time when needed, meaning bribery and threats. The first thing that entered my mind was a 33rd degree Freemason, b/c it's very strange that it was 33 on the list. And perhaps one doesn't become 33 degrees unless they have something on them, perhaps like pedophilia, which is the worst thing someone could have held over their head, in my opinion. Both Jewish Podesta and Epstein are prob some of those that use children to set people up.

I also think they set up Michael Jackson, as he had written a song, They Don't Really Care About Us, and in it, he said, "Jew me, Kike me." The ADL went into a frenzy, and he had to remove the words and apologize. Then several years later, when Jackson was being demonized about children, the NY Post said these words, "Now how are you going to get out of this, Jacko?"

Another instance was Bill Clinton. In the best book I've ever read, called "From Yahweh to Zion," by Laurent Guyenot, he stated that Clinton was to address something about the Jews in his speech, and he ignored them, and then presto, in comes Jewess Monica Lewinski, who was another Esther setup.

It happened to a Toronto Mayor, (can't remember his name), where he spoke out against the Jews. Next thing you know, he's in a picture, looking very drugged out, with another guy's arm around him. Who knows what they had him do, but he was profusely apologizing, as well. Malaysia basically told the Jews to mind their own business and then that airline disappeared - I think it was MH370 ??

Anyway, I totally agree about that "whole love triangle story." If they come out against anyone, particularly Goy, I think it's BS, such as with Russell Brand. I also agree that it's highly likely AH was MK Ultra'd! We are dealing with something that isn't human like we know humans to be. This is so serious, words can't describe.

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Sent to email to check if I've missed anything later.

Often see on X: ' We never learn from history...' I'm now understanding that authentic history, the ugly truth of it (essentially the role our leaders played throughout) is less easy to come by, as opposed to that which is readily available and initially encountered in our educational system, i.e., official UK school curriculum, and thereafter maintained, protected.

I think our reality might be very different if we were actually permitted to cultivate a deep understanding, knowledge, discernment of historical truths/reality.

Appreciate your ballsy:-) work Teresa. Thank you.

(Suppose Mathew Crawford - whom I very much like - will typically take issue w your RB take :-)

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Sorry, typo re name spelling.

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You make many excellent points in your video Tereza. The quickness with which we now doubt and dismiss others is unfortunate and (by design) works against us, yet is also understandable given all the lies, the previously trusted who proved untrustworthy, the realization that there are armies of controlled ops sprinkled within the 'resistance' etc. It's a mess. I appreciate your defense of questionable attacks and the insight into how they do it, when they perceive a threat. It helps.

Appreciate your clear voice. Best.

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Haha, I buried that rant in the video and didn't put it in the text. You also make an excellent point, that it's understandable we'd be quick to dismiss others given the previously trusted who proved untrustworthy. Exactly! And 'they' understand that all too well. So when the 'high alerts' came in that the allegations were seen as manipulated, what did they do? Of course, launched the 'Russell Brand is controlled opposition' attacks. Because they knew we'd fall for it. As long as we can be manipulated with our feelings, it's just a predictable game to them.

Appreciate you and your perceptive and generous observations!

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Lee's report highlights what no-one wants to see, and it spills out into whatever direction and walks over anyone who dare get in its way:

This is late-stage Capitalism eating itself.

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Agreed on late-stage Capitalism eating itself. Thanks for watching, Philip!

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Great video! And ha, look at my timing... it’s so late, I should be asleep but I am catching up on ‘stack reading.

My gosh, you’ve really piqued my interest with the notion of the German inversion (I saw your posts on it a month or so ago but didn’t have time to delve then). Guess I should prepare to have my mind blown. 🤯

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I hope you're well rested by the time you get my reply ;-) "the German inversion," what a great phrase! If you're still going for walks and looking for something that flips from one to the other, here's my YT playlist on corrected histories, some on other topics in US history but most on the WWs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS5WYJBpd75u0Ja9BXX98vTL0PkG878kL

So happy to have you and your quick mind listening to me!

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Oh, that would have been so useful last night! I couldn't sleep for hours (overstimulated from working late, I guess) and was scouring the internet for a podcast on the topic. As long as I still have my legs, there will be more walks in my future, so I'll get to that playlist soon.

PS I gotta say: I love your mind (aka writing/thinking), Tereza, you are so sharp and so sane... and funny, too! ✨

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Moderna Surveillance Blues... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4hpd4lcwpo

YouTube's down-screen lagniappe... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UvnpP4rAp0

Methylene Blues...again? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV5k_DZ0Ops

Musica Universalis Caeruleus... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK7CFAperAI

Harmonious Hexagon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7pa-LbvXec

G'night from Back East

Oops, forgot Andrea also did a Space Blues... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5CkKOsHW64

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Russell Brand was one of America's most beloved celebrities in pop culture, the former husband of none other than Katy Perry herself! I remember watching him on Nickelodeon's Big Time Rush in the early 2010s. Turns out Russell is also a brilliant spiritual and political thinker too!

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Yep, I've now done over 50 episodes on Russell, since I started my YT channel responding to his Under the Skin interviews. I never really saw Russell 1.0 and I think Katy is a Monarch who was supposed to lure him into the Pedo-Sadist Illuminati cult, as I say in this: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/russell-brand-and-the-illuminati. But he broke free of that, I think, and you're right that he is a brilliant spiritual and political thinker. I would say first and foremost, though, not too ;-)

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