Thanks for taking on this subject Tereza. I binge watched Europa (and the other related videography) a few years ago and was “shook”, as the kids say. Took a lot of time to process. But all that aside, how anyone can look at Dresden et al and think the Allies were on the right side of history is baffling.

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It's good to have company in assimilating all this, Isaac. It would be a very lonely journey. Oh and the video had a little 'omage at the end, where I referred to going down the wombat burrow. OMG Dresden. All my life, I've had no idea.

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General Patton: "We fought the wrong enemy."


He saw the truth. Just before the end.

Bolshevism was the real enemy. The same evil has infiltrated our societies. Root & branch. While blaming Hitler. The misdirection is breathtaking.

Another fantastic piece Tereza. Will read it in detail this weekend.


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Yes! I thought about Patton when I said that there were heroes in WWII but we're hearing about the wrong ones. Thanks for adding that!

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Thank you for tackling this subject that so many are afraid to explore. I've known the truth all my life. My parents went to Germany after the war to 'help them rebuild' and came home devastated by what they saw. My mum told me about the carpet bombing of Dresden after the war had ended and that the '6 million' was false. She told me that the number used to go up in the media every few years or so. The real number is under 300,000 - official Red Cross figures - and they died mostly from dysentery and starvation due to Allied blockades. That's why they make it a crime to speak the truth in some countries. Heaven forbid they should be caught out in such monstrous lies.

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I remember you telling us before about your parents' firsthand witness. Please keep reminding us! There are so few still living who would be able to contradict the lies from their own experience. My dad was stationed in England during WWII. My maiden name is Zembower and it makes me wonder if they might have kept those of German ancestry away from Germany after the war. That's probably not true, but it makes me wonder how he would have reacted. And you're so right, locking up 90+ yr old German women who won't recant is a classic treatment for heretics to the propaganda.

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There is no way 6 million is true. There were only about half that in areas controlled by Hitler. I do not know if the link still works, but I have seen it with my own eyes.

Page 662 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK (1941-1942) Statistics of Jews (1941-1942) - Ajcarchives.org


Distribution of the Jewish Population of Europe 1933-. 1940," prepared by Mr. Moses Moskowitz, a member of the staff of the Research Institute on Peace and ...

“Allowing for a maximum of 100,000 who succeeded in emigrating from Europe, this would bring the total number of Jews under the direct rule of Nazi Germany to about 3,200,000.”


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Apologies Claire. Just watching Hellstorm. I think you're referring to this. I had no idea about these atrocities committed upon the German people. It's quite a torturous documentary:-(

I had thought you meant the Holocaust.

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Thanks for sharing Claire..

Indeed, legally protected 'monstrous lies' upon which a juggernaut of a global industry has been built + sustained.

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I’m posting a documentary which shows 6 million Jews were reported as being in dire circumstances due to starvation, etc. as early as 1915. There is significance to the number 6 million in the Talmud according to some rabbis. They believe it says that 6 million are left behind before the state of Israel can be formed. See the newspaper articles and this topic starting at time stamp 1:49:32.


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You're mother was 100% correct... That magic number was all over the place well before any "holocaust" took place as prescribed by the "victors"...


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Another interpretation: Hitler was a tool of the Western elites, which does include Jewish elites. But the people in general are always tools or expendible rubish.

Israel has become a valuable member of the intelligence community, even including communications to China that the West would rather distance itself from. This even includes surveillance on U.S. citizens (before PRISM there was PROMIS, run by the Mossad.

One way or another, history was clearly twisted as part of the grand Globalist Cybernetics machine running the planet. It's Mindwar all the way down.

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I'm so happy that you're reading, Mathew, and helping me decipher the tea leaves. Which Western elites would you guess? It seems to me that Rothschild had the most motive. I know that bankers loaned the Kaiser all the funding for WWI, which they wouldn't have gotten back if England had accepted the no-fault, no reparations peace deal. Didn't Hitler force Rothschild out of Germany, but letting him keep all his German wealth? And I know that he had rules against foreign ownership, but that wouldn't have affected the German Jews. There must have been an economic impact on them for their monopoly ownership of everything swept up during the Weimar hyperinflation. It's certainly Mindwar all the way down.

Have you done any research on Palantir, speaking of Mossad and intelligence surveillance?

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I have been busy working up what I'm calling a Cybernetic Globalist Mindwar model.


I just added Palentir since you mentioned it, and while I've read some research on them, I'm up fully deep dived.

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I learned about Palantir reading Whitney Webb. If memory serves, it's how Israel got US nuclear secrets through a backdoor they'd intentionally put in the gov't software. But they covered it up because there were so many high-level politicians involved. And the founder of Palantir is the owner of 'the free-speech alternative' Rumble. Something's fishy.

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@Tereza have you seen the short video showing all the old news headlines from way before WW2 that has “6 million Jews” in each headline. I think the point was that they were already using predictive programming...I’ll try to locate that vid for you, if you’re interested.

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Yes, I have seen that. Very illuminating, thanks for sharing it.

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Here's some good information on the Rothschilds...


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Mathew Crawford...

You yourself are a tool of the Jewish Elites... just the same Hitler was a member of the Jewish Elites.

I used to like you and your site for occasionally telling the Truth.

However that changed when you attacked me for telling the Truth behind Tensor Nodes and the AI IOB.

Since then I noticed you as a propagandist for the NWO... which you are... excuses are your tools.

You are an apologist... that is what you are... shielding the true villains.

I dare you to come out...

I dare you to an open discussion...

But you won't.

You are too much of a coward bought and paid for by the people behind the curtain.

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Dec 14, 2023
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You must have cockroach syndrome...

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Dec 14, 2023
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Well you are the Nazi here...

I take no orders from Nazis.

I swat them like flies.

Or Cockroaches in your case.

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Feb 29
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Tereza you are an amazing researcher and wonderful vlogger! I love listening to you and most of the audience comments are gems too. I also really enjoy looking at your sources and will surely have my mind blown again. Thank you 💕

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That is such a heartwarming compliment, particularly coming from you, Anneke. I'm always touched to see the comments you like because it's clear you're reading carefully. It does my heart good to have your thoughtful and even-handed mind reading and listening to me!

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• They Lied to You About Hitler – Mike King - RealNewsandHistory.com


and here as “The Invisible Critic”


Mike also does an incredible series titled “The Forbidden History of Globalism” on his “The Invisible Critic” channel – 37 episodes

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Lovely footage that 1st one. Never seen anything like this before re Hitler. Quite incredible.

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I should mention that at 1:30 Mike King reads "700 died" - he actually misread and should have said "700 THOUSAND died". This was due to the 'British' naval blockade FOLLOWING WWI, a siege/starvation technique used to extort the German signatures on the Diktat of Versailles and hence accept total responsibility for WWI.

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Really finding this so interesting. V grateful.

(Unrelated note...I really don't know what to make of Norman Finkelstein. Don't dislike him + love his pro Palestine stance...but I do wonder what he's really about tbh).

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• On The Accusation That Hitler Was Financed By Jews

Starts around 6 minutes


• On The Accusation That Hitler Created Israel



“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim.

It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation their international word swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.”



• How Hitler defied the bankers (PDF)


controlled? convince me ...

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I think that Rizoli should make a distinction between the Jews as patsies herded into a Palestinian state by false flag aggressions in other countries, and the Shemites who use them as cover. I think Neo-Feudal's article speaks to that.

I'll watch and read with interest. But to clarify, are you saying that Hitler was definitely not a British or Rothschild agent, but a hero to Germans who simply made fatal military decisions despite his obvious intelligence and competence?

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Hi, Julius. I just listened to these while painting my iridescent wall. And I capitulate. It quotes some of my book sources, like Ellen Brown, and confirms just what I thought about the economic system. And that it was the reason for the boycott, and the boycott was the reason he agreed to the Transfer.

It also makes sense of why he didn't go for the kill in Dunkirk. But Russia in winter? Not adjusting his sleep schedule while running a war? It still confuses me that he could have made so many mistakes. But you've convinced me that he wasn't funded secretly by the Rothschilds. And the critique of Eustace Mullins was very interesting. Thanks.

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I also just sent your comment and links to Mark Elsis and to Nefahotep, along with this:

After watching these, it's an open question in my mind again whether he served the Rothschilds. Decisions like Dunkirk were made with honor, it was only met with dishonor and perfidy after the war. Perhaps Hitler was at this turning point where 'all became unfair in love and war.' His decisions were made based on the old paradigm that there was a basis of mutual respect between the Eurocentric countries, including the US. Clearly he was wrong but maybe more naive than complicit. You and Julius are at the cutting edge of this question, both coming to it with an open mind. I'll be curious to your thoughts, if you haven't already seen them.

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Just finished JR's Debunking lies about Hitler. Just fascinating. Thanks for posting.

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First 2 appear to be censored. Incitement to Hatred claim. Unavailable 😕

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Oh wow, that was fast. I just watched them yesterday.

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Try these - I didn't want to clutter. it appears that Bitchute is being sabotaged - not sure about Odysee (yet)

• On The Accusation That Hitler Was Financed By Jews


• On The Accusation That Hitler Created Israel


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Thanks so much. 1st was an educational gem for me. Read Larry Romanoff's piece re The Economic Miracle but without this detail. Loved this.

Saving the 2nd for tomorrow eve. Midnight here.

Appreciate this. Goodnight.

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Once again, Bravo!

You quoted, "“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935…”

Just yesterday I stumbled upon this.:

Bro Lance Tahuti WatsonAugust 23, 2023 @ 10:37 pm


Some 400 years later, Portuguese Jews pretending to be Christians wormed their way back into England and thanks to the machinations of a traitor named Oliver Cromwell, who managed, after a mock trial, to murder the king and eventually create the money sucking monster known as the Bank of England, which rules the entire world today from its fortified enclave known as the City of London.

Henceforth a pattern would emerge where unnecessary wars would be embarked upon which simultaneously increased the national debt and the profits of the usurers. Significantly, most of these wars were started against countries that had implemented interest-free state banking systems, as was the case in the North American colonies and France under Napoleon.

This pattern of attacking and enforcing the bankers’ system of usury has been deployed widely in the modern era and includes the defeats of Imperial Russia in World War I, Germany, Italy and Japan in World War II, and most recently Libya in 2011.

These were all countries which had state banking systems, which distributed the wealth of their respective nations on an equitable basis and provided their populations with a standard of living far superior to that of their rivals and contemporaries.


At this point just scanning, but I see you mentioned Caitlin Johnstone, who I quit reading years ago. Out of curiosity, I visited Bro Nathaniel's website yesterday to see what his take was about Gaza, and stumbled upon some comments he made about CJ. Interesting stuff.

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So very interesting, Geoff, I know nothing about Oliver Cromwell and clearly need to. Yes, I think it's in my chapter on Libya where I talk about the Axis of Evil having in common that they had State-owned banks issuing a sovereign currency. When this talks about interest-free, I don't know if it means that the nation's money isn't borrowed from int'l bankers at interest, or that the nation lends to its citizens without interest. That's an important distinction. The nation should issue the money and control the interest rate, but living in a house or starting up a business should incur a debt with interest. In that way, you can distribute the benefits but allow those who want to commit their labor to take the risk.

It's a more nuanced approach, I think, than interest bad. Interest to bankers is bad, but interest to the community is fair. As you'll see when you get to that part!

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I've finished your fine book and have completed another since then and I agree with you on every topic you discussed.

I don't know much about Cromwell either beyond that above, which I've read in many places.

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Wow! You are a reading dynamo! I look forward to adding that next layer of commonality in our already like-minded exchanges ;-)

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I heard that "Pharma" by Gerald Posner was worth a read. Came in the mail today. Almost 800 pages including ~220 pages of bibliography and notes! More wintertime reading!

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Have you read The Nameless War by Archibald Maule Ramsay?

He goes over the various revolutions (English, French, etc) as being part of a hidden war waged behind the scenes by the Jewish banking cartel:






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I'm 40 min into the audio. So interesting! He reads one paragraph twice about how 100 lbs of gold becomes 1000 lbs of loans and at 3% interest brings in a 30% return of 30 lbs per year. I can't tell you how many times I've explained that to people, which is the exact example I give in my book. The math is so simple but it seems like people block it out and their minds refuse to go there.

It's important in my book because I use the Social Security Trust Fund as credit issued to commonwealths to capitalize the public banks. I talk about how we can give Soc Sec a 7-8% return because even at 3%, the fund will make 30%. It's hard for people to get that we could keep Soc Sec, which is really the people's pension, solvent forever.

Also, he talks about the French Revolution. In my book I quote Robespierre saying that equality meant nothing if the slaves in Haiti were not freed. And in a previous episode, I presented research on how prevalent Jewish slavetraders were in the Caribbean. Now I'm putting those both together. The port of Marseille where the slave ships left were the basis of Jewish finance, in which every shopholder had a stake. It kept everyone complicit. And when they staged the revolution, freedom for the slaves was never to be part of it.

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Yes, I remember that example---he did a good job of explaining.

Also, I linked two copies of the book -one is just the book, and the other has John de Nugent's notes, so much longer.

Very interesting info on Marseille- I didn't know that about the slave ships and Jewish finance. I'll have to go back through your posts because I think I missed that one on the Jewish slavetraders in the Caribbean. I recently watched a documentary, 13 Sugar Colonies, which was all about that. Apparently, they had to come up with a name like that (that did not mention Jewish slavetraders in the Caribbean) so that it wouldn't get taken down.

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It's this one where I mention 13 Sugar Colonies, which Julius had covered in his Book Reviews: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/talmud-tricks-and-torah-curses. I had the same thought about an innocuous name. I've found that what's taken down from YT has been based on my names or descriptions.

My book chapter is called The Incomplete Revolution and it focuses on the slavery aspect. It wasn't until this video that I put together the Jewish slavetraders in the Caribbean with the French slave ports.

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Brilliant comment and a brilliant book, full of great insights well explained.

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Great concept, great name. I'm going to be keeping this page open for a long time, I can tell.

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Thanks for all of your excellent posts delving into history, especially around WW2. And I was so glad to see you listened to Benjamin Freedman--he was a real eye-opener when I first learned of him years ago.

He also wrote this short book:

Zionism- The Hidden Tyranny By Benjamin Freedman


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Thanks for sharing that, Sandra!

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No, but thanks for the recommendation. There is a short book (pamphlet, really), with a probably similar theme that I found informative.

-Leslie Fry, The Jews and the British Empire (1935), p 3.


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Yes, I too stopped reading Caitlin years ago.

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Geoff, none of us are 'stumbling' on anything, least of all you. Every random link you open has been set on your path as a stepping stone, not a stumbling stone ;-)

When I discovered Caitlin, I found her bluntness and even profanity refreshing, particularly coming from a woman. It really gave me courage that someone was coming right out and saying these things. She was a good stepping stone for me and I still think she is for many people who are still cowering to come out and criticize the US. And so witty in her scathing way!

But now her style feels redundant to me and wasn't worth the info and insights I could glean. I suspect she's been caught in her own contradictions. I see from EarthNewspaper that Mark is linking her, so she's writing about the assault on Palestine. But her threats and scorn to me and others who even mentioned 'the Jews' as a group means she can't look further than the surface. It's a blind spot, which limits what I can learn from her now.

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I quit reading her so long ago that I do not remember why, but I think it was her "broken record" gloom and doom schtick that finally got to me. As for threats and scorn, that seems to be about all most of the rgulars there are capable of except for karen Kwiatkowski, who like a lot of the guys 25 years ago one could actually correspond with. Now there seem to be a lot of arrogant and hostile punks.

Speaking of Kwiatkowski, this is from a classic.:

"… an incident occurred that was seared into my memory. … [in the Pentagon, the leader of the pack of Israeli generals] surged ahead…as they sped to Undersecretary Feith’s office … Once in Feith’s waiting room, the leader continued at speed to Feith’s closed door. An alert secretary saw this coming and had leapt from her desk to block the door. “Mr. Feith has a visitor. It will only be a few more minutes.” The leader … demanded, “Who is in there with him?”

… I asked the secretary, “Do you want these guys to sign in?” She raised her hands, both palms toward me, and waved frantically as she shook her head. “No, no, no, it is not necessary, not at all.” Her body language told me I had committed a faux pas for even asking the question. [We]chatted on the way back … about how the generals knew where they were going (most foreign visitors to the five-sided asylum don’t) and how the generals didn’t have to sign in. I felt a bit dirtied by the whole thing and couldn’t stop comparing that experience to the grace and gentility of the Moroccan, Tunisian, and Algerian ambassadors with whom I worked.

-Karen Kwiatkowski, Open Door Policy


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Yet the ever more goofy LRC keeps publishing her stuff.

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Who's LRC?

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No worries, no relation! : )


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Documentary - The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two

From the Samizdat Bitchute channel

as promised ... for your archives

Trailer - The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two - Documentary Trailer – Freemasonry / Communism / Soviet Union / Masonic Infiltration into Catholic Church /


Part 01 – The War on Christianity – Russian Revolution


Part 02 – The Bolshevik Invasion of Poland / Protocols / The Illuminati / French Revolution


Part 03 – Ukraine’s Holodomor


Part 04 – Occult Societies and Return of Their King


Part 05 – The Spanish Civil War


Part 06 – The World Revolution Continues in Latin America


Part 07 – Freemasonry and the Occult


Part 08 – Religious Teachings and Secret Societies - The Luciferian Doctrine Explained


Part 09 – the Boer Wars and the Roots to the New World Order


Part 10 – The Escape from Fallen Christian Europe


Part 11 – The Shrine


Part 12 – The Spanish Amada and the Occult


Part 13 – The Last Great Holy War


Part 14 – Occupied Ireland


Part 15 – The Story of Stalin and the Masonic Agenda


Part 16 – The Masonic Subversion of the Catholic Church


Part 17 – Return of the Bolsheviks


Part 18 - Who Really Started World War Two


Part 19 – Debunking the Myths of the Third Reich


Part 20 - The Re-Conquering of Europe


Part 21 – The Miracle of Fatima - Bonus Feature


Part 22 – Sources and other Discoveries found when Researching


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Oh, I almost forgot … (emphasis added)

"Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we're only really beginning with it now! WE WILL CONTINUE THIS ATROCITY PROPAGANDA, WE WILL ESCALATE IT until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. IT WILL NEVER BE FINAL.

Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again - THOSE INDESTRUCTIBLE WEEDS OF HISTORICAL TRUTH."

- Sefton Delmer (1904-1979), Jewish British/Australian former Chief of `Black propaganda': (Said after the German surrender, in 1945, in a conversation with the German professor of international law, Dr. Friedrich Grimm.)


Also from Delmer:

“I must warn you that in my unit we are up to all the dirty tricks we can devise. No holes are barred. The dirtier the better. Lies treachery, everything.”

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I need a visual for this because I'm throwing my head back. Full frontal truth assault.

What a highly credible quote. Do you think the word 'incredible' was created as a subliminal denial of the truth of powerful info? Speaking of propaganda ...

Thank you for the links. I hope I don't need to vote at the end for who's supplying the most mind-blowing quotes and links here. I'd be stymied.

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Awesome stuff there!

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This lunatic right here is a perfect example of why some 7.5 billion people will breathe a sigh of relief when the west is disarmed.

Westerners have an uncanny ability to justify mass murder and war.

They will cherrypick propaganda but never self reflect and consider facts that are inconvenient to their rationalizations.

Entire walls of text and not one mention of the fact that:

Hitler was a jew.

Hitler was funded by the British empire and America

The Germans invaded numerous nations and killed tens of millions of people(but fuck em right? They aren't us so killing them is justified)

Israel exists because of Hitler

The Germans committed countless warcrimes(but it's cool when our "team" does it)

Instead of examining past events and using history as a means to avoid more bloodshed, this rabid dog's preference is to instead glorify mass murder and war, and to demand MORE of it, instead of less.

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When you say 'Westerners,' are you defining billions of people as the rabid dog? Or are you saying that Julius is that and the lunatic? Or do you mean Sefton Delmer?

You're also chronicling that we don't have the correct history, but you make some declarative sentences--without references--as if you do know the truth.

With the amount of research Julius has done, and I don't know anyone who's done more, I don't think he's claiming to know. But it seems like he's "examining past events and using history as a means to avoid more bloodshed." I don't know who you mean as "glorify[ing] mass murder and war, and demand[ing] MORE of it."

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Wow! All my favourite canards!! … “Hitler was a jew”, “Hitler was funded by the British empire and America” …

My initial response is well articulated here

• A Racial War That Dares Not Say Its Name - February 4, 2025 by Pierre Simon – The Occidental Observer


and here …

• The Hitler Test

• A Must Watch/Listen - For Those Who Are Ready to Know The Whole Truth About Our World History - jeanice barcelo


• Source:

• ⚫️🔺 THE HITLER TEST (2024) ▪️ PSYOP WITHIN A PSYOP❓ - Follow The White Rabbit™ 🐇


Meanwhile, here is Christopher Jon Bjerknes doubling down

• HITLER Was a Kabbalah DEMON - CJBbooks.com – Christopher Jon Bjerknes


Or you could pop over to Matthew Ehret’s blogs and sate yourself with more “Hitler occultism”.

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Excerpts from John Sack – “An Eye For An Eye”

“The first shells landed on Kaiser Wilhelm Street and killed two German schoolgirls. In the days after that, the Russians—all Asiatics, covered like so many coat-racks in fur, concertinas, guns, and X-shaped bullet belts-killed the people of Gleiwitz practically aimlessly. They shouted, "Du Gitler! You Hitler!" and they shot policemen, firemen, postmen, and train conductors in navy-blue uniforms, even a man in whose home was a gold-braided epaulet from World War I. They shot some doctors, lawyers, tailors, nurses, carpenters, sculptors, coiffeurs, auditors, watch-store owners, cigar-store owners, shoemakers, bookbinders, principals, miners, even a few escapees from Auschwitz, even Jews. In their cellars the Germans poured schnapps down the drains so the Russians couldn’t become drunker, and the women cut off their hair so the Russians wouldn’t rape them. "Frau komm! Woman come!" the Russians said anyhow, as they lined up to rape even eight-year-olds and eighty-year-old nuns.”


“Gleiwitz was the Wild West. The bad guys were the Russians—the Asiatics, and the criminals doing their time in the Russian army. On foot, canes, crutches and bicycles that, like broncos, tossed them into the snow, they came into Gleiwitz on one-day passes like Jesse Jameses. Up to their armpits and up to their knees were the watches they’d robbed by grunting like in the Stone Age, "Urr!" meaning "Uhr!" the German for "Watch!" They kept winding these as if, if they didn’t, their limbs might stop like an animatronic man’s at midnight in Disneyland. They also took lighters to light their fires, light bulbs to light their tents, and Nuit de Paris perfume in lieu of Smirnoff. "Otvirai! Open up!" they shouted at German homes and, on entering, robbed the men, raped the women, played with the children, washed in the toilet bowls, and got even drunker, telling the Germans to drink and say, "Long live Stalin!"”

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Hard to hit 'like' for these gruesome accounts but you know what I mean.

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John Sack - "An Eye For An Eye" continued...

“Lola didn’t leave. She [Lola] knew that the Germans might have lice, the near invisible carriers of typhus, the disease that had decimated the Jews at Auschwitz. Even in Lola’s stable there'd been a sign that said, ONE LOUSE YOU'RE DEAD, and Lola didn’t want one in her own lodgings in Gleiwitz. She watched while the Germans showered, dried, and painted themselves with Lysol, and while a German barber cut off their hair and, his clippers in hand, then left to the women’s prison to cut off the women’s hair too. "Get dressed!" a guard said, and the Germans put on the clothes they'd come in. A guard sent a German to cook some potato soup and to bring it, in pails, to the others, who he put into cells along the two walls, four to a cell, one on each lower bunk and one on each upper one. He then closed the doors, put a six-inch key in the locks, used another key as a lever to turn the six inch one, and locked the new prisoners in as Lola took their money, watches and rings to her office-apartment, padlocking them in a sort of wood pirate chest.”


“"Tall!" Shlomo cried to a tall blond man. "Lie down right here! Tall!" to another tall man. "Lie down beside him! Tall!" to another one. "Lie beside bim!"As soon as the three were lined up, Shlomo cried, "You! Lie on top of them, crosswise! No!" he said, clubbing the man. "I said crosswise! You!" he continued, and he kept piling up Germans, three this way, three that, till he had a human cube as high as a hand could reach. "All right!" Shlomo said, and his guests started swinging the clubs, whacking away at the cube as if they were hunters and it were a pod of Canadian seals. The air was thick with the grunts of the guests and the thud! of the wood upon bones. In the high tiers the Germans cried, "Bitte! Please!" the Germans in the center tiers moaned, but the Germans in the low tiers were mute, for the weight of the two dozen people on top had pushed their viscera out and the Germans were dying. "Pigs!" cried the party guests, pounding away, but Shlomo just leaned on a bed, watching, laughing like a meshugganer—a nut, his code name in the Jewish partisans.”

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Reminds me of what went on at Abu Ghraib...

Sick _ _ _s!

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That is precisely the context I related to - tried and proven techniques perhaps?

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About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild Spy

Hitler's Grandmother... Anna Maria Schickelgruber worked in Vienna at the house of Solomon Rothschild... she got pregnant with Hitlers father... sent home... paid for the rest of her life with Rothschild Money.

Alois Hitler had more money than he earned and a job he didn't deserve because he was a Rothschild.

Adolf Hitler was in England 1912 - 1913.

It has recently been discovered that Hitler most probably spent a few most improbable months in Liverpool in 1912, when he was a vagrant drop‐out art student of 23.


Hitler Living in Liverpool


Now why was the Fuhrer in England?

Because he was "Educated" as a spy by the Tavistock Institute unofficially.

His sister Klara told the story that he brought pamphlets with him and seemed confused at times.

Before Hitler Came: by Dietrich Bronder, 1964, (Bronder was a Jewish Professor)

of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were..

The Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf Hitler.

Reichsminister Rudolf Hess.

Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering.

Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser.

Dr. Josef Goebbels.

Alfred Rosenberg.

Hans Frank.

Heinrich Himmler.

Reichsminister von Ribbentrop.

Von Keudell.

Field commanders Globocnik, called the Jewish destructor.

Jordan and Wilhelm Hube.

SS Leaders Reinhard Heydrich,

Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski,

Von Keudell II, all of whom were active in the destruction of Jews.

The Communist / Bolshevik, movement completely devised and executed by Jewish master minds, or partly Jewish like Lenin, to full Jewish like so many of the Secret Police Chiefs, all the way to Marx & Trosky, as well the entire Nazi movement was Jew or half Jew.

All wars are wars for Israel

With the Balfour Declaration they stole Palestine.


Then the Rothschilds installed Hitler to force the Jews to the new found Holy Land.

Hitler made a contract with the Zionists the "Havara" or Transfer Agreement.

The Haavara Agreement was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank and the economic authorities of Nazi German.

So the Jews knew they been Transferred to the Holy Land.

So they came willingly because they thought they been sent to Israel.

Which makes me Question the History written by Jews.

Add to this Operation Paperclip.

Now there are three factors that convince me absolutely that Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild / Zionist / English Spy


In Dunkirk all of the Allies were trapped with no route of escape... surrendered by the German Forces on Land Air and water.

Germany at that time had the greatest U-Boot fleet and could have easily sunk all the Allied ships that were sent to "rescue" the trapped Allied forces.

Hitler gave the German troops a stand down order to let this happen.

ME 262

In 1941 the ME 262 was ready as a fighter.

It was by far the most advanced Aircraft 200m/h faster than anything else.

It scared the shit out of the Allies.

With the ME 262 in Operation Germany would have never been invaded.

Hitler personally held the Project back by 3 years until the war was lost

Operation Barbarossa

Hitler sent his troops on the brink of winter to invade Russia

A task even Zelinsky is incapable of.

This was to destroy the German forces.

It was a death sentence for Germany.

Zelinsky today is what Hitler was then... a Rothschild spy.

Ukraine is being destroyed from within just the same as Germany was.

I personally despise Hitler Fascism and Lies.

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I knew that I could count on you, Fritz, to supply the missing pieces. Yes, Dunkirk and Operation Barbarossa are two of the sixteen examples that Nefahotep/ Firestarter give, I forget if the ME 262 was in there. It likely won't teach you anything new but I think you'll like the articles if you haven't already read them.

So here's a theory I'd like to float past you. Hitler's monetary system is essentially the same as mine, Ben Franklin's, William Jennings Bryan and the Populists (from whom he's said to have gotten it), China if a billion people can be said to be sovereign in any meaningful way (which I doubt.) It's the only system that works. If he was always an agent of the Rothschilds, it makes no sense for him to have instituted it, unless Rothschild needed them to become productive again to repay the debt ... then slap them down again when they were too productive.

What I wonder is whether the monetary plan preceded him as part of the true National Socialist movement. That may have been the idea that unified them and it was going to go forward and succeed no matter what. So Rothschild infiltrated the Nazis (who may not have had that acronym for themselves?) and set Hitler up as their leader, so that he could take the credit and ride on its coattails, putting himself in position to bring it all down in the ultimate punishment for their rebellion. What do you think?

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Thanx for the blushes.

After I read your post i had to finish what I had in store for a very long time..

Did you read it?


Because most people do not understand that (Just like today) all the selected "politicians" (see Argentina and everywhere) are in fact Zionist / Jewish stooges that all work together against the country they reside in.

They are a Cult that want a one world Government by conquest or by stealth.

They resemble an outside force... and by that I mean outside of our planet.

If you haven't read it you should check this one out.


Basically the Jews want to punish Germany... NOT for Hitler BUT for Martin Luther.

You see the Catholic Church was complete under Jewish control.

The "Absolution" they sold was basically selling the Kol Nidre to the Goyim.


Now Martin Luther did something very special.

He translated the Bible from Latin which enabled the People for the first time to question what the preacher told them.

What he did was bringing Education to the people.. and we all agree the Jews want to keep us stupid so that we can be controlled by them.

And this is the real reason the Jews hate Germans... because we put a spanner into their plan.

So the Jews want to destroy Germany Germans and me by that extension.

And the Jews don't like competition hence they flood the world with Immigration.

The Germans are competition to the Jews because Germans are quite clever... well not anymore maybe but there are some.

And the Chinese are the oldest race in the world having once "Before the last ice Age" settled all over the planet right up to the Americas.

The Jews basically sacrificed Germany so they can bring in their one world Order in which the Jews rule over the rest.

You know my theory you read it before.

I believe the Jews are the Offspring of our Alien Creator race and we outlived our purpose in their opinion because they can't use us no more.

So now they want to destroy us.

And because they are neither fit enough nor are they enough people to combat us they have to do it by lies stealth and deception


They want to create WW3 and / or working on the AI war Human against Machines controlled by AI which is controlled by the Jews.

Money Religion Government War GM Vaxx Covid... they are all tools designed to fool us.

What they are preparing us for is an Invasion of the Mind by the unseen enemy... Draco... Anunaki...

A prepared Mind cannot be taken over... so they have to confuse us so we don't notice.

Willingly possessed... that is what I gather from the Occult.

They want to possess us... by taking over our mind... that is what we been designed for.

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Very comprehensive article, Fritz. I'll finish the rest later but that's interesting that Hitler was a child molester. In The Enigma of the Fuhrer, I found his many film clips with little girls creepy.

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Oh boy! Was calling it a night here... continue w links tomorrow. Just beginning to like Hitler...then I read this + Fritz F comments! :-) Going to bed w a headspin :-)

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I'm not convinced by Fritz, including his comments that women have rape fantasies and want force, not love, for which I banned him.

After watching the same videos you did, I've also come to like Hitler and I'm not convinced that he was an agent of the British or Rothschilds, per my comment to Nefahotep that "Decisions like Dunkirk were made with honor, it was only met with dishonor and perfidy after the war. Perhaps Hitler was at this turning point where 'all became unfair in love and war.' His decisions were made based on the old paradigm that there was a basis of mutual respect between the Eurocentric countries, including the US. Clearly he was wrong but maybe more naive than complicit. You and Julius are at the cutting edge of this question, both coming to it with an open mind. I'll be curious to your thoughts, if you haven't already seen them." Have a good night and sweet dreams because you're earned them wading through this muck! Remember that the more truth you know, the more future you're freeing.

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Like Pedo Joe Biden?

Isn't it fascinating how similar they are?


Basically the Occult loves Pedos and Homos.

It is part of being in the Occult...

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I think it's too important of a distinction to lump those two together. Pedophilia, or pedo-sadism as I call it, is an act of inflicting trauma on a child, perhaps the worst of harms for long-term psychological impact. It's always rape, always an act of aggression and superiority.

Homosexuality between consenting adults has nothing in common with that, especially since most pedo-sadists are heterosexual--fathers, stepfathers, mother's boyfriends, brothers. Gay men are as horrified by the idea of child rape as straight men.

The occult uses pedo-sadism as its primary weapon because it bonds the perpetrators in something that would be shameful if exposed, whether the victim is a little girl or boy. Homosexuality in the normal sense gives them no power over the person, unless we as a society make it shameful. And personally, I could care less what someone does in private.

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You will find that raping little Boys requires Homosexuality.

Likewise the Occult uses pedophilia as a basis for Trauma based Mind control.

You create a split persona by Traumatizing children especially.

And mind you... every successful person has such a trauma in their closet.

Mind control is something I am passionate about.

I know their methods.

Likewise in Freemasonic Rituals there is Homosexuality as a means to stage Authority over others.

And once you crossed the Rubicon they have control over your life.

The use of drugs Trauma and sexual Perversions in order to control others is the basis of the occult.


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"Ukraine is being destroyed from within just the same as Germany was."

And so is the USA. And it's been going on for quite some time.

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Great point about the US, Geoff. I think that Ukraine and Israel, and the other multiple fronts we're being pointed towards, is to drain the US of weapons and drown the US in debt. That's why, as much as I admire Michael Hudson, his use of US or Biden as the perpetrator seems short-sighted. If there was ever a more obvious puppet, it's Biden.

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As you know, "America" was in debt even before it was the USA! And part of the excuse, inter alia, for saddling us proles with the constitution was to pay back the creditors and money speculators and to thereby maintain "our" good credit.

"We" have been a fine milk cow for over 200 years and now that our neutering is in high gear, we can GTH. I suspect that Israel has also outlived its usefulness and is in the proces of being flushed as well though you'll get no tears from me!

Hudson writes some interesting things, for sure. I like his "jubilee" debt forgiveness idea, but I doubt it'll never happen. And I suspect all "prezidentz" have been puppets to one degree or another. Wilson and FDR were for sure, and it keeps getting worse.

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I suspect the Jubilee was a way to keep the scam going. After all, it's not the money that matter--since the bankers create that--it's the labor it represents. By 'forgiving' the unpayable debts, they have the ability to start over again and continue to get all of the labor for free.

It also has a much more sinister meaning, which Isaac Middle at the top of the comments here, has explored. Every 50 years property goes back to its rightful owner. In the Torah, land could only be leased out but whoever had been granted the lot--thrown as dice--was the owner in perpetuity. So 'forgiving' the debt meant that even if someone had paid for 50 years, ownership went back to the Jews. And going deeper, remember that God, through Noah, gave the Shemites or whoever inherited the right of the first-born from them, entitlement to the whole world. As Isaac thinks and I concur, we're in the Jubilee year now.

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I suspect you are correct about keeping the scam going.

Interesting point about being in a Jubilee year now. I'll look for Isaac's comment. Thanks!

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Here's his stack to save you the trouble: https://downthewombathole.substack.com/. And here's his most recent on the Jubilee, which he's diverted from since: https://downthewombathole.substack.com/p/the-jubilee-conspiracy-part-3-the. He's a funny guy, I mean in the humorous sense!

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Feel the same about the UK.

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Hi Tereza.

Far too much for me to digest even in several reads and following up links, I did just finish watching "Hellstorm", and am close to being shell-shocked.

Agree with Mathew about the "Mindwar all the way down", and the only two things I can extrapolate with any confidence ...

1 — I will never be able to observe or comprehend what has been going on at the deeper levels

2 — Unlike Lobaczewski, I am more inclined to believe the kulangeta (predatory psychopaths) are far more clever than the average empathy-driven person. Not wise. "Kami-hitoe' clever — Japanese for the "razor edge difference between madness and genius". I am not optimistic about our long term chances as a species.

But hey. Crows are cool.

Cheers Tereza.

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Oh, shell-shocked is such an apt term. There was far too much in the film to try to summarize. It's not any one atrocity, it's the weight of all of them--each unbearable--put together.

I don't think there's a need to do anything about it or even to convince anyone else. My only purpose is to figure out to my own satisfaction what's really happening, given the clues that drop in my lap. That's what changes the world, Steve. And you're doing yeoman's work in that.

ps love kami-hitoe. That's so great having a word that requires seven of ours to translate.

pps crows are cool.

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They are indeed.

And yes, the totality of the video was hard to bear.

But two things really jarred me ... the effectiveness and lasting power of propaganda / history, and the depiction of "beware the military-industrial complex — Eishenhower". Based on that documentary alone, I would not want a Nuremberg 2.0 as a response to the plandemic. Was somewhat skeptical of the original trials as very selective 'victor's justice', but now fully cynical of such a trial.

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I remember also reading a very different account of Goebbels than who he 'played' during the trials. Yes I've been very suspicious of all the 'this is just like Nazi Germany' coming out of Desmet and CHD in particular. Didn't Vera Shiraz do a multi-part documentary called 'Never Again'? She subbed me at one point, not sure if she stuck around.

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I bought Desmet's book, but after watching a few podcasts, and then reading Lobaczewski ... I am just about convinced he is controlled opposition at best, possibly a plant by the globalists. Still, I bought his book, so I might at least run it through GPT4 for a summary.

Not familiar with Shiraz.

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"Yes I've been very suspicious of all the 'this is just like Nazi Germany' coming out of Desmet and CHS in particular"

Same here. And I'm assuming "CHS" is Childrens Health Defense?

I've been suspicious of Vera Sharav being inserted into the health freedom movement around covid---IMO it just seemed like another way for them to constantly insert "holocaust survivor" into the narrative. Or perhaps even a tactic to keep people from looking into the Jewish role in covid/vaccine genocide. (I recall people complaining back in the 9/11 truther days that there were a lot of Jews inserted into the movement and many thought it was to keep people from looking into the Zionist role in 9/11).

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Astute observation, Sandra. Below, Tirion says that I had to know RFKjr was a Lolita rider and I wrote, "And yes on RFKjr. In Whitney Webb's two volumes, all she says about RFKjr is that Ghislaine tried to seduce him but he wasn't interested. Really? A heroin addict who says his penis has always been his downfall, and yet the whole retinue of Epstein monarchs couldn't lure him? Give me a break. And, naturally, CHD is a sponsor of Whitney."

Agreed on being suspicious of Vera as a plant. The first time that I heard Tessa Lena was a group conference with others. Vera started going off about some antisemitic hater who'd posted the most awful thing. What they'd posted was indelicate but not untrue, if even the incident happened. The entire show changed its focus to sympathizing with poor Vera and how she shouldn't be subjected to such attacks. Whatever the topic had been--and this was early on in the scamdemic with six strong women voices--it was buried. I almost dismissed Tessa then but her personal style drew me in. In retrospect, it probably presaged her capitulation to Malone and 'making nice' and smoothing things over, aka bulldozing over the truth to make things nice and tidy.

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Yes, a heroin addict, and extremely promiscuous. I think that diary of his that got out there (maybe the ex-wife found it) made him sound like a bit of a sex addict too.

And early on in covid, I became extremely suspicious of CHD--it seemed like they were getting lots of attention as being leaders of the "resistance" and it seemed like lots of shady/suspicious characters started popping up on the CHD orbit (Malone, Kirsch, who seemed to have connections to crypto currency/central bankers, and Vera). I remember being extremely irritated/suspicious/annoyed with Vera's "Never Again is Now Global" documentary, and refused to watch. It just seemed like more narrative hijacking, by once again having to insert reminders of a false narrative of WW2 (seems like some never miss a chance to claim victimhood). I think another substacker noticed this too (maybe Dr. James Hill).

Also, on RFK Jr, I thought you might find this interesting--he got a special briefing with the IDF:

RFK Jr special IDF briefing; 9:12


I'm beyond disgusted with RFK Jr., especially when I scroll through twitter accounts daily and see all of the horrific crimes by Israel that he apparently supports: https://twitter.com/DrLoupis

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This really "bothers" me as well.:

"... the effectiveness and lasting power of propaganda..."

For instance, people still yap about Goebbels and his supposed propagnada which we're told happened nearly a century ago when the book, "Propganda," was written by Bernays several years before the "Nazis" came into power!

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Indeed Goeff.

I remember being both enthralled and enraged the first time I watched the Adam Curtis documentary, "Century of the Self'.

Despite it all, cheers.

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"Despite it all, cheers."

My approach as well!

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Yes, even the other senior NAZIs on trial at Nuremberg could not conceal their mirth at the imposter masquerading as Rudolf Hess!

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Whoa! That's another new one for me.

I've been so deep in the matrix for so long, even a mug of Japan's finest won't be enough to keep down dinner for tonight.

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Tokyo? Kyoto?

"Hess and the Penguins: The Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess"



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Hi Tirion,

In Kawasaki, just across the Tama river from Tokyo ... but only about a half hour from either Shinjuku or Shibuya. Going on 41 years here now, an 'interesting' life as a permanent outsider (resigned in protest from a tenured position a few years back).

And thanks for the heads up regarding the book. I saw no Kindle version on Amazon, but a web search turned up a free pdf download at https://zlibrary.to/filedownload/hess-and-the-penguins-the-holocaust-antarctica-and-the-strange-case-of-rudolph-hess.

It will take a while to get into it because I am still collecting information about the Lahaina Massacre. Just read the recent book, but 'anomolies' and bureaucratic shenanigans are still emerging.

But regarding the Hess book, wars in Antarctica? Reading up on the weaponization of weather has pointed to strange goings on in Antarctica too, but that is a rabbit hole I've yet to explore. My life has turned into a game of whack-a-mole with psychopaths.



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This states my position well.

"I don't think there's a need to do anything about it or even to convince anyone else. My only purpose is to figure out to my own satisfaction what's really happening..."

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What a powerful post, Tereza. Thank you very much.

You may also recall this (hat-tip Goeff?):

"Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors - The Smoking Gun"


More grist to the mill comes from Harry Cooper's book: "Hitler in Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin."


There seems little doubt from the documented evidence that the British and Americans knew that Hitler and Bormann (and other senior NAZIs) faked their deaths and that the Allies either did nothing to prevent, or even facilitated, exfiltration to San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.

There are fascinating interviews of Harry Cooper and other relevant videos on the "Forum Borealis" YT channel:


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Thank you for all those great links, Tirion. I haven't seen any of them before. I'll check them out because it seems like there's conflicting evidence. If he was an agent all along, why did he issue a sovereign currency and rebuild Germany? Why did Judea declare war with the German embargo?

It's interesting that Leon DeGrelle talks about Hitler going to his death like it was any other day. Maybe it really was.

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I wish I knew those answers, Tereza! Perhaps Hitler was a double agent whose true loyalties were to German nationalism, or whose loyalties flip-flopped over time?

There's also the question of whether Hitler betrayed his alleged American masters in May 1941 by sending Hess to Britain to make peace and restore Edward VIII to the throne, leaving Hitler free to attack and take over The Soviet Union. Some say Zion fought the two world wars to prevent Russia and Germany from combining into a formidable competitor. There is no doubt that America's attitude to joining the war changed after Hess's flight. Roosevelt's rhetoric changed within days.

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I don't know any of that history either. It was certainly Churchill's infamous statement that he wanted Germany and Russia to bleed each other dry. And in Churchill's Atrocities, I talked about the Jewish funder who paid off Churchill's stock market debt, allowing him to keep his mansion. But it would make sense for the Bolshevik Jews to want both Russia and Germany to be brought down, as places that had rejected them.

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Yes, and today of course history rhymes once again with the intent that Ukraine and Russia bleed each other dry. Wash, rinse, repeat. Century after century. And we keep falling for it.

Is it also relevant that Churchill's mother, to whom he was devoted, was American?

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"Roosevelt's rhetoric changed within days." Flip flopping seems to be a sure sign that the rest of us are being played.

“And all those changes in the newspaper headlines with regards to Nazis — once the meetings of our friendly sentries in this shabby Poland, and waves of sympathy for those brave soldiers, who fight against the Anglo-French bankers, and Hitler's uncut speeches over whole pages of Pravda; and then suddenly one morning the explosion of headlines, claiming the whole Europe is moaning heart breakingly under their heel.”

-Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago Part V, Ch.1

"In other circumstances, Communists would have blasted the fact that war production was chiefly in the hands of ten large corporations and that 80 per cent of the war production was in the hands of a hundred firms. Now the Communists carefully muted such information. Instead, they played on the workers’ feelings of patriotism.

-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness Chap 11


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What a ... trying to think of the opposite of mind-numbing ... mind-amping quote from Solzhenitsyn. I had to read it several times. Having the power of truth-telling combined with his mind-blowing facility with words is an electrifying experience. And have I told you lately what a gem you are? A thesaurus of apt quotes on suppressed authors.

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Aw shucks, I'm no gem. Just an old hard head! I wonder what S's "200 Years Together" says...

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200 years on audio book here:


(I haven't had time to listen yet)

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Wow. A treasure trove of info here - from both your post and the ensuing comments.

For whatever reason I don't do too many details anymore. (I used to read the footnotes on non-fiction books, so maybe I just OD'd on them) I'm so glad others do because when it comes to pulling the nails out of hammered in narratives - like Nazis and WW11, good guys VS bad guys were, these were well hammered in - and so these details matter and will persuade a lot of people.

I'm already persuaded at the extent of the manufactured reality - maybe that's it - details feel superfluous in some ways since I don't need convincing.

Anyway, either way, thank you Tereza. Such impressive work and much appreciated.

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Thank you, Kathleen. I think that's a good strategy--take in enough to know that you don't know the truth, then let what you need to know filter through over time. This would have been overwhelming to me a year ago, and I likely would have rejected it like so much medicine it turns into poison, per your insightful article. Inoculate yourself with just enough. The truth isn't going anywhere that you can't find it if and when the time is right, and it appears on your path.

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It’s very difficult to learn about this stuff especially when no one wants to discuss it or worse, they call you names. They respond like the troll called nola. Not a stitch of curiosity as to why anyone would choose to question the narrative’s. So very Bizarre.

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I agree, Christine. There's much that I've been wrong about, and I'm sure there are things now I'm not aware of. That's why I think changing your mind is the second-most powerful force in the world: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/when-did-you-stop-being-wrong? And what we're doing here, asking the same question without ego or a desire to win, is the most powerful force, imo.

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Perfectly said.

Love reading through these comments - clearly a subject ready for exploration!

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And I love seeing all the comments you've liked. So wonderful knowing that you're reading all of us!

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Incidental afterthought ...

• The Myth of German Villainy – Benton L Bradberry

A couple of interviews – PDF and audio are easily found online


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The Myth of German Villainy - Benton L. Bradberry (Full Audio Book)


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Hopefully we can all agree the Holocaust is actually the holohoax

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I've used that exact phrase. And LOVE your pseudonym, pseudonymph. So clever!

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Haha ty 😊. Love your work.

And yes great term. My most recent favourite term follows xD.

Can't wait for the world to get off the Shoahcoaster (if it ever does), so man things would be so much better.

That one cosmetic chimney at Auschwitz (the one without intake, ventilation or exhaust and is not physically attached to any building - and was built after the war ) definitely needs a record for most profitable novelty item to give credit where it's due!

On a side note uncle Adi's anglophilia and not Sarin' "that common criminal Mr. Churchill" when he started saber rattling for chemical war - especially given Adi had been blinded by mustard gas in WW1 - and if not then Stalingrad? I admire his restraint and committal to the Geneva convention but in the context of of basically universal crime sprees vs the Germans he shouldn't have allowed the war to turn regardless of what happened...

It causes me great sadness to think the man who is so famously and very "him" tender with the kinder was actually secretly selling them down the river. I'm open to it but my heart can't compute it.

Especially the way he looked at the iconic little girl who insisted he shake her shoe after shaking her hand wasn't enough.

His gingerly touch. His glowing admiration. The way any could have been mistaken for his own biological child due to the radiating love.

Terrifying to think he evil and not just flawed like us all.

He only had to contend with the whole ZOG world...


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Shoahcoaster! You are my new favorite wordsmith, pseudonymph!

That is an ongoing debate here, whether Adolf was selling out the Germans all along. I would say the number one dissenter to that view is also the best-read reader on my site, Julius Skoolafish. He keeps coming back with quote after quote and example after example of Adolf's integrity. I would say I'm 80% convinced at this point that it was his decency that lost the war. And this is about the only company in which I could say that and be understood.

Frances Leader just posted this note I think you'll like: https://substack.com/@francesleader/note/c-84511385.

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That's Irving's book on Dr. Josef Goebbels


Treasure trove

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Thank you and thanks for the source and links!

Sorry for the typos and disregarding them. I had a stroke from the joojab at 23f and I’m still recovering - on occasion they’re quite bad .

I agree, everything I’ve read and heard from Adi leaves me believing in common with you and the person you referenced that he was ultimately a victim of him own idealism and not a crook .

Ava Wolfe whose stack I’ll link soon is of the same opinion too FWIW.


Flood has been using AI to make audiobooks of hard to get or old books like the above.

So far his foreign policy is really good imo!

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