For my birthday, I gave myself an astrology reading by Isaac Middle, Australian author of Down the Wombat Hole, who I’ve featured in previous episodes I’ll link at the end.
Isaac first came into focus for me when he wrote about the Shemitahs and Jubilees, the 7- and 50-year markers in the Hebrew bible. Rather than benevolent times of rest and debt forgiveness, Isaac went down the conspiratorial wombat hole of engineered sacrifice and chaos to usher in the biblical end-times. The calendar of apocalyptic pre-game activities was eerie.
I had just started looking at Shem, Noah’s chosen son to rule the world, with his descendants who ‘god’ bequeathed the populations of Africa, Egypt, Canaan and parts of Asia to be their slaves. I hadn’t realized the seven-year increments leading up to the 50 year Great Resets were named for him. But I had suspected that the Jubilee years were of sinister intent to return the world to its original owners with interest.
The next wombat hole I followed Isaac into was Trump as the Orange Moonchild. He looks at the astrological omens—perhaps too perfect?—that the Donald, born during an eclipse, is being set up as the next Messiah after IsRaEl claims the Temple Mount and sacrifices their purifying Red Heifer. Is Donald the Orange Heifer to come?
A reality show host seems fitting for this role. Pasheen of Diva Drops just wrote about the $3B Saudi investment in Gaza that Jared Kushner arranged when his father-in-law was in office. Jared is bored with reporters asking him about Khashoggi being sawed into pieces by bin Salman, his Saudi business partner. “Are we still doing this?” he whines petulantly, “We had to do some unconventional things.” In 2022, Donald “met with Saudi elites to plan the finance of the Kushner condos in Gaza.” And still seem to be doing some unconventional things to get that beachfront property.
Pasheen says she’s releasing the flying monkeys, so I had to include this from Amy:
Going back to Noah and Shem, there’s an international trade currency being considered by the BRICS called The Unit. It would be run by the UN and was designed by Arkhangelsk Capital Management, with Ark spelled like the Noahide Covenant with God that Shemites would rule the world, take possession of Canaan, and be served by its former inhabitants as the lowest of slaves. Anyone else see a problem with this?
moon mansions and dragons
I have been taking my time going through Isaac’s 90-page astrology reading and it’s opened my eyes to a whole new world or, I should say, a whole new sky and a whole new relationship with it. I love the lush imagery of the Vedic symbology and the beautiful names of the Nakshatras or lunar mansions. It’s a rich and evocative array of celestial archetypes and progressions, none more evocative than Rahu and Ketu, the head and tail of the dragon in the opposing lunar nodes. Isaac writes:
One of the main contrasts we find between “Western” and “Eastern” Astrology is the roles of the Sun and Moon. Modern Astrology puts the Sun at the centre: Zodiac Signs are not determined by the stars and constellations, but by the timing of the Solar seasons; the start of Aries will always be the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, even though the Sun will be located in the constellation of Pisces. As a general rule, our Sun Sign is also given more weight than our Moon.
Sidereal Astrology operates independently of the Seasons, and is guided by the observable sky. In many ancient modes of Astrology, we also see a focus on Lunar cycles: most notably Vedic, which divides the Zodiac into 27 Lunar Mansions — or Nakshatras — which track the passage of the Moon around the ecliptic each day over a full Lunar cycle. The visible characteristics of the fixed star system at the heart of each Nakshatra forms the basis of its Astrological Archetype.
Also as a general rule, the Nakshatra of the Moon is given more prominence. For example, one rule of thumb is to give our Moon Nakshatra a weighting of 8, our Ascendant a factor of 4, our Sun a factor of 2, and no weighting to the Nakshatras of our other Inner Planets. Why is the placement of the Moon given such traditional dominance in our Astrological makeup? While we will presumably have to wait for the true answer, we can at least ponder, starting — as always — with the observable properties of the Sky Clock.
In this context, the answer seems quite simple: our Moon placement is most important because it is the fastest moving Planet. If we were born a day earlier, or a day later, our charts would essentially be the same, aside from the key variable of our Moon: sometimes passing into a different Zodiac Sign, but always moving into a different Nakshatra.
Isaac practices true sidereal, which is a geocentric perspective that reconciles Tropical and Sidereal—with just a little dash of conspiracy, he says. I’m going to save for another post the many thoughts sparked by this education in the ancient East/ West controversies of star-gazing, planet personification, moonstruck fantasy and sun worship, all terms I use with respect.
Instead, I’m going to read his 7-part story of a Moon’s Eye View of my natal chart:
1. Understanding the 1957 Generation
At an undisclosed location from a place beyond time, space and the Holographic Sky Clock Firmament, Luna sat down at her desk, took a sip of coffee, cracked her knuckles, and looked down at the Celestial Scene she would be finding a place in today.
“Oh fucking finally, an exciting year.”
An overworked and under-slept Luna recognised the Outer Planet pattern immediately, even without the help of her inseparable yet inescapably autistic Placement Assistant: a rare Sextile-Square Alignment, when Uranus in Cancer Squared a Neptune in Virgo, the latter forming its own Sextile to Pluto in Leo.
Tension between Liberation and Escape; Alignment between Transcendence and Transformation: this would be the underlying Archetypal Framework for the 1957 Generation.
2. The Death (and Rebirth) of the Ruling Class
“Not just Pluto in Leo” her assistant guided her forward gently.
She squinted, reminding herself to do something about her birth-chart-afflicted eyesight. “Mmmm, right in the middle: we are in Magha land I see...” she paused. “Wait.. where’s Regulus?” A few clicks of the mouse button from her Assistant later:“Oof, 1 Degree: right in the thick of it. Unearthing the Secrets of our Ancestors; Transforming what it means to Hold and Exercise Power; the Death of... the Death of the Ruling Class?”
Her Autistic but surprisingly street-smart Assistant jabbed his elbow into her ribs: a subtle reminder that she was already on the watch-list for her seditious inclinations.
She coughed: “Death and Rebirth! Death and Rebirth of the Ruling Class! Phew.”
3. The Plutonic Power Generator
Luna wiped her brow and got back to work.
“Ok: I want this Pluto fully activated, and I want a piece of this action; what are our options?” More autistic mouse clicks:
“How about this Trapezoid with Mars on 28th of April?““Oh boy. Mmm: imagine if you got that Mars in the 10th House? Oh boy: talk about a new Ruling Class. And that would be a Trine to Neptune as well, yes?”
Her assistant nodded, curtly but approvingly.
“Mmmm.... a Plutonic Power Generator: humming away, underneath, fueling everything we do.”
4. The Higher-Minded Warrior
Luna, caught up in the moment and bereft of all due diligence, was ready to sign the paperwork until a polite cough brought her back:
“Ok ok. Anything about that Mars we need to be worried about... looks like its tucked in pretty close to Betelgeuse there.”
A few more mouse clicks, and the Greater Benefic appeared (along with that Uranus Square):
“Only a Jupiter Square? I mean, that’s basically the best point of internal Tension we can hope for really: nothing wrong with a few healthily-expressed Holy Wars. In fact...”
She checked her Cosmic End Times Calendar to make sure:
“We are pretty much in the Apocalypse: may as well show them how to do it right.”
5. The Messenger from the Spiritual Past
“Ok: what else do we need to know about that Jupiter.”
More clicking.
“Trine to Mercury? The Higher Mind... Dignified Communication... Speaking to our Beliefs.” Another cough from beside her; she squinted again.
“Oh shit: exactly Conjunct Ketu. Articulating that which has come before us, which gives us comfort, which holds us back. Imagine if that was in the 9th House as well, Jupiter’s own Domain! A literal Messenger from the Spiritual Past: Communicating the Karmic Baggage of Religion, Philosophy and Higher Learning.”
A gentle clearing of the throat.
“But... which ultimately serves us practically: in the local, in the immediate, in tangible. Yes: good.”
6. The Radiant and Romantic Revolutionary
“Wait... we haven’t even looked at the Sun yet... and Venus?”
She braced herself; the autistic clicking seemed somewhat foreboding this time.“I knew it: a fucking T-Square”.
She took a moment to take in this near complete Planetary picture.
“Look, it’s not too bad to be honest. Venus has a bit of separation from the Sun, only a little burnt out. Just need to lean into the tension of that Revolutionary, even Radical Humanitarian and see what cages we can rattle.”
More a click of the throat this time.
“And? Oh yes, Venus; and Romance.”
7. The Separated Saturn
Luna was about to sign the paperwork, when what appeared to be a life-threatening yet also clearly manufactured coughing fit exploded next to her:
“What? Oh For Fuck Sakes. Where’s Saturn, then. Fucking Saturn.” Just one click this time.
The most intense squinting yet: “Wait: where the fuck is Saturn?” Oh fuck: no aspects, right down the bottom there, in the darkest part of the sky that is the Scorpion, between Antares and the Galactic Centre. An entirely Intimate, Isolated, Separated Saturn.”
As Luna finalised the paperwork, she signed off with what felt like her most common refrain: “Fuck Saturn”
get thee to a wholesome astrologer
So if that doesn’t make you want to fetch Isaac from his wombat hole to do your chart, I don’t know what will. From now on, I’m going full-on holy warrior, let’s show them how to do an apocalypse right! That word, of course, means the revealing, the stripping of disguises, ripping off the mask. That’s how my cosmic end-times dictionary defines it.
I love this idea that Luna is plotting with us on the death of the ruling class, not as people—who can be replaced—but as a concept that’s overstayed its welcome. Fishy royals and predatory guests both start to stink after three millennia. I love that she’s on a watch list for sedition. I’ll be moon gazing with new affinity.
I just ‘happened’ to look up the etymology of influence and found:
late 14c., an astrological term, "streaming ethereal power from the stars when in certain positions, acting upon character or destiny of men," from Old French influence "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny" (13c.), also "a flow of water, a flowing in," from Medieval Latin influentia "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense), from Latin influentem (nominative influens), present participle of influere "to flow into, stream in, pour in," from in- "into, in, on, upon" (from PIE root *en "in") + fluere "to flow" (see fluent).
The range of senses in Middle English was non-personal, in reference to any outflowing of energy that produces effect, of fluid or vaporous substance as well as immaterial or unobservable forces. Meaning "exertion of unseen influence by persons" is from 1580s (a sense already in Medieval Latin, for instance Aquinas); meaning "capacity for producing effects by insensible or invisible means" is from 1650s.
riding the dragon
Before reading Isaac’s charming narrative, I went through his detailed descriptions of each archetype. Ketu, the tail of my lunar dragon, is in the 9th house, leaving behind the karmic baggage of philosophy, religion, spirituality. But Rahu, the head of the dragon, is in the 3rd house, moving towards being a neighborhood butterfly and working actively in the local fishbowl.
Bleeech! Been there, done that. I was ready to shoo that dragon out of my house when Isaac’s avatar Luna took it to the evolutionary level. Indeed, my economic model is a global system that enables small scale sovereignty. It’s all about local but with a global scope.
Likewise, it decentralizes all the institutions of education, religion, medicine, technology, and media. Communities, if they want, can create their own languages, numbering systems, keyboards, calendars, architecture and new cultural traditions. I am all about the uniqueness of the local and bottom-up networks, and leaving behind the centralized and top-down control.
So thanks for the lunar light by which to dig up the dirty little secrets of our ancestors. Who better than mothers to transform what it means to hold and exercise power into giving people power over themselves. If anyone is faithfully on the side of mothers, it’s Luna, diving into the underworld every moonth and emerging luminescent. Throwing her thin arms around that shadow self in a crescent hug. Moving from mansion to mansion in a single night, not giving a fuck what the neighbors will say.
Let’s all get a little looney and howl at our full-bellied friend. Death to the Ruling Class! Rebirth of the Classy Ruling Fool! Viva la reborn Mother!
Here are all the episodes in which I’ve cited Isaac:
Along with Robert Malone's multimillion dollar contracts, including nanotherapeutics, is an odd $350K one for What a Smoke. What was the DoD doing with e-cigarettes in 2015 and did it lead to the Jan 2020 WaPo article on "the mysterious vaping linked illness and deaths." I also look at the dark side of the Shemitah and Jubilee from Isaac Middle of Down the Wombat Hole.
Is Kennedy making himself unelectable and ineffectual? I look at his stances that he is not an anti-vaxxer and is Israel's greatest supporter; that it takes courage to be Robert Malone. But Malone may have thrown him under the ethnically targeted virus bus, and then pivoted to Trump. This has an ominous correspondence to Isaac Middle’s theories about the cataclysmic events happening every seven years on the Shemitah.
I examine events in Israel using the research of Vanessa Beeley, David Icke and Max Igan, asking whether this is a trap or a jailbreak. I find RFK predictably disappointing. I explore a connection between the Russell Brand media assault and his critique of Israel back in 2009. The Hamas hostage-taking took place 50 years plus a day from the October 6th Yom Kippur War of 1973, started on the Day of Atonement. The first person to alert me to that was Isaac Middle whose Down the Wombat Hole has been tracking the Shemitahs (7-yr cycles) and Jubilees (50-yr cycles). He had been predicting a major event in September to coincide with Yom Kippur 2023. He was about to hang up his wizarding hat but I think he just needed to date it to Yom Kippur 1973.
The Hieros Gamos is the sacred union of the king-god and high priestess. In the Horus Gamos, Isis re-members Osiris to conceive Horus. I look at hieros vs. eros, the eek! lips!, moving into the House of Yes, flirting and the sextrovert, the white tigress and the inner king, and queen of the microrave. Isaac Middle’s video on The Eclipse of the Orange Moonchild puts together the astrology chart of Donald Trump, along with a great memetage by Tonika of Visceral Adventures and fun, dancy music including a bonus drum cover by Isaac.
Topics: Vedic astrology, gnostics, A Course in Miracles, Jungian archetypes and projections of the shadow self, the practicality of ultimate reality, SpiderMind, the consequences of superiority, the gender of the inclusive self, and dogma. Wholesome astrologer Isaac Middle invokes this image: “Imagine, for example, our soul as a Shooting Star: bursting through the Sky Clock at the exact commencement of our conscious existence here, and taking with it the exact energetic imprint of the Luminaries at that moment.”
Warms my heart that you have found meaning in Luna's celestial theatrics Tereza. There was much to work through in your personal Astrology, but that Pluto-Regulus Conjunction is what I was ultimately left with. This idea of a Plutonic Transformation of our collective relationship to a Ruling Class feels like such a powerful archetypal possibility for your particular generation to explore: perhaps in a more grounded and stable way than what my Pluto in Scorpio Generation (which I still love dearly) is suited for 😅
hola, tereza.
this was an interesting and fun listen. and does draw me towards a luny wombat hole reading. and i was introduced gently to the importance of the moon in astrology many years ago.
and so all is right in the world of left-handed awareness, now that the left hand is uncovering what the right hand has been refusing to consider as even extant.