Warms my heart that you have found meaning in Luna's celestial theatrics Tereza. There was much to work through in your personal Astrology, but that Pluto-Regulus Conjunction is what I was ultimately left with. This idea of a Plutonic Transformation of our collective relationship to a Ruling Class feels like such a powerful archetypal possibility for your particular generation to explore: perhaps in a more grounded and stable way than what my Pluto in Scorpio Generation (which I still love dearly) is suited for 😅

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Your whole reading is brilliant, Isaac. It explains the concepts with such clear and poetic language. But I was especially tickled to get to this Luna vignette. I got such a kick out of imagining her and her autistic assistant. And didn't Amy's art go perfectly? The image of Luna running away, hair streaming through the planets, seemed right in character.

I'm still savoring my way through it. Without question, it's empowering. Transforming the karmic baggage of religion and history is very apt. And dismantling an empire and death to the ruling class is the same thing in different terms.

It leads me to feel that what I'm doing isn't random but is actually fulfilling a purpose. I can't thank you enough for the time and effort you put into explaining the basics, pondering all the connections, and describing it so imaginatively!

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RE: "It leads me to feel that what I'm doing isn't random but is actually fulfilling a purpose." Don't be offended please when I respond with a 'Duh.' :-)

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I've tried 7X to 'like' your comment but it's not responding. Clearly the stars want me to tell you directly how much I love the dimension of myself reflected by you, Kathleen.

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The feeling tis mutual, Tereza!

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I tried to like her's and yours just now and it didn't work.

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The comment section is broken, I just tried to Like her's and yours, it didn't work.

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They seem to notify but not show up until the page is refreshed with a reply or otherwise. Fortunately, I did an odd number of attempts, since half of them undid my likes ;-)

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Substack is probably doing some type of software update.

No worries, you know my sentiments, I was trying to go through, read and acknowledge our wonderful readers. 😎

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Hello Isaac,

I started studying astrology at the beginning of this year, and I haven't really been able to think of anything else.

I have a question for you, and a few suggestions.

Firstly, I must say that I am aware of plenty of battles or even wars between astrologers over different topics, and I am not trying to start such. I actually don't believe there is one right way to do this or almost anything, and I am happy for people to do what feels right and good to them, just as I will do what feels right and good for me. I enjoy learning new things and trying to understand what is going and what people believe and why they believe it, so that is where I am coming from.

I have noticed that you use true sidereal sometimes. I have been curious about that, as it doesn't really make sense to me. I actually just finished a short post wherein I explained my fundamental question about it: https://humanhaven.substack.com/p/what-do-constellations-have-to-do. If you are interested and willingly, I would be curious to know your thoughts.

I have been learning about Vedic astrology primarily through Ernst Wilhelm, who I think is completely brilliant and has a true and deep fundamental understanding of astrology.

He has some things about nakshatras that you might be interested in:

this a fascinating YouTube video where he talks about their origins and various questions concerning them: https://youtu.be/8kqxl0q5k4k?si=7VbieAOVGwXJLZBs

The original text we have concerning nakshatras is from the Taittiriya Brahmana, part of the Black Yajurveda. Ernst did a new translation of the sutras which is very interesting: http://www.vedic-astrology.net/Energies-of-the-27-Lunar-Mansions-PDF.zip

Lastly, as an answer to your question: "Why is the placement of the Moon given such traditional dominance in our Astrological makeup?"

In the Vedic tradition, the Sun represents the (param)atman, the original source and creative spirit of all creation, of which their is only one. The Moon reflects the Sun's light. That is, the Moon is an *individual* reflection of the Sun's light. We think we are individuals (the Moon) when we are really the Sun, everything. The Moon represents our individualized, conditioned consciousness which believes itself to be separate, thus it represents the mind, memory, emotions, the senses, past lives, etc. It represents our individual selves, which I believe is why it has been given such an important place.

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What a juicy response, Josh, with so many layers. When I said that I was saving the thoughts sparked by the general knowledge, I have a draft episode about your site and an interview of Crrow777 that Amy recommended. I'm eager to delve into that further.

I'll check out your posts and the videos you linked before I do it. Also, I just reached the Appendix of Isaac's reading, which is the last 30 pp, and that has some recommended videos on Vedic I'll look at and review.

I love your ending paragraph on us being the Sun but thinking we're the individual reflection. I see them both being useful and true on different planes: Ultimate Reality as the Sun, the dream figure reflecting the Sun as the Moon. In a way, what we're trying to figure out is our role in the dream, or the Moon's reflection of the Sun. As the Sun, the problem of separation has already been solved, so we don't need reflected knowledge or clues. I woke up with a similar thought, that we are the largest planet that everything revolves around, as both the We and the I. I'll keep your analogy in mind when I'm learning more because it certainly fits my 'metanoia'--bigger than worldview.

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You are not just a Drop in the Ocean, you are The Ocean within a Drop. An expression of Oneness can also be found in very advanced math. According to Osho, the Part and the Whole are one Energy. Even though, the Part appears to be separate from the Whole.

Just as what Josh states: "The Moon reflects the Sun's light. That is, the Moon is an *individual* reflection of the Sun's light. We think we are individuals (the Moon) when we are really the Sun, everything. The Moon represents our individualized, conditioned consciousness which believes itself to be separate, thus it represents the mind, memory, emotions, the senses, past lives, etc."

In the Hindu way of seeing: there is Advita Vedanta which focuses on the Individuated; then there is Purnadvita Vedanta, meaning that which is whole or One.

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I did record the poem your comment had reminded me about, Drops of God. Tonika has it now to maybe put visuals to. Reading it over, it fits with your concept to a soul-contract degree. I'd forgotten how much I liked it but it's one of those I don't feel came from me, only through me.

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"Not from you, but through you." The greatest inspirations from true sight, slip in between the mind's hammer blows. This is what meditativeness does, by connecting to knowledge, we connect to Being. To One.

What is knowledge is what flows. Like through a grounding rod, we can individually connect to the chamber of stable lightning.

We can never have knowledge, we can only express it, we become it's conduit.

When your graceful hand pens poetry, it can be as endless as a great water fall, with your heart both speaking and silent. 🙏

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Cool! That sounds fun.

One of the interesting and challenging things about astrology is that there are so many layers to the symbolism. What I mentioned about the Sun is the most high level layer, but on a practical level the Sun in our chart does say something about us as individuals...I suppose you could say it indicates something about the Sun of our Moon! The role of the Sun on an individual level is to "creatively co-create, through the agency of inspiration, in order to make the world a more wonderful and healthy place to exist." It speaks to our inspiration and how true selves...not our True Self, but our true selves that we are meant to be in our individual incarnations. There are many useful and true ways of understanding all of these things on their appropriate plane.

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Hey Josh! Always great to meet another born-again Astrology fanatic. Thanks for those links, i'll work through them: particularly the Nakshatra discussion.

I use True Sidereal Astrology because I have found it the most effective way to ground a chart in the observable sky, which is ultimately what my approach to Astrology is based on. I have played around with a few different types of more detailed constellational charts, such as what a Babylonian Astrologer might use, but feel it has too much going on visually. I really like the 13 Sign model: Athen from Mastering the Zodiac (who I found through Crrow777) was one of the first Astrologers I properly vibed with). I have found that when I use the exact size and location of each Sign, including Ophiuchus, the Archetype of each Constellation synchs up fairly closely to the Archetypal Essence of each Nakshatra: as an example, the 3 Leo Nakshatras together (Magha, and the two Phalgunis) give a great summation of the dimensions of the Leo Archetype imo.

I'll be honest in that a lot of traditional Vedic theory/practice doesn't resonate with me (including, to some extent, the Sun/Moon dynamic you outlined). Not to say it's wrong, I'm just not there right now. I started to get somewhat into the more technical aspects of Vedic practice, but then stopped as I was narrowing down on where I wanted to put my attention: it also starts to get very "fated". So when I say I incorporate Vedic Astrology into my practice, it is mainly the Nakshatras and the Mythology.

My favourite Vedic Astrologer is Vic Di Cara, who combines Western Tropical with the Nakshatras (very effectively). Definitely check him out on Youtube if you haven't already. He has the deepest understanding of the Nakshatra Archetypes I have come across: including bringing receipts, as he has actually gone back and translated the original Vedic texts.

Also keep in mind that I am a Geocentrist, so I have lot's of unpopular opinions about what i think the Luminaries actually are!

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I'm so proud to be hosting this respectful conversation on a subject more contentious than the existence of the holocaust or Jesus! ;-)

On a primitive note, I'm reading the descriptions of the Moon and planets in Taurus from your appendix and finding I don't resonate with them. Am I interpreting that correctly, that the Western Zodiac is my Sun sign or Tropical sign? You would think that after 50 odd pages, I'd have gotten that basic concept ...

And I'm very pleased to have an astrology posse on my stack. I'm lucky if 30% of my subs open my articles, so they all lose 70% at the gate. But every topic has two or more people who are right there with me, geeking out on the nuances. And a few dozen who are willing to go along for the ride. That feels like such a lucky thing! So I'm grateful to both of you to get this level of serious study and curious dialogue going.

The first lesson I'm taking from all of this is to not underestimate the deep knowledge of ancient peoples, something modern 'scholars' play down if not outright ridicule.

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I was reading this again and noted something that I think is interesting. I'm very familiar with Vic DiCara. Since he uses tropical signs and sidereal nakshatras, he refutes the idea that the nakshatras and signs have direct relationships. e.g., he says that Leo is not Leo because it has Magha, and Magha is not Magha because it is in Leo, rather the meanings of these two entities come from different places. They may overlapping meanings in some sense, but in some hundreds of years Magha won't be in Leo (using his system) so it isn't a good idea to base their symbolisms on each other.

So I found it interesting that you feel that the three nakshatras that are in Leo (when using Lahiri ayanamsha, I'm assuming) to be directly tied to Leo...the Leo Archetype, by which I'm not sure if you mean the constellation, the tropical sign, both, neither, or something else.

It brings up a broader question, which I actually find more interesting and which I mentioned in another reply to you: what is the source of these archetypes? How can we explore them? Are there certain things are "right" or "wrong" to include in an archetype? If so, how we would agree on such things?...and like questions.

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I really appreciate this discussion and agree with you for the most part, except this part:

"They may overlapping meanings in some sense, but in some hundreds of years Magha won't be in Leo (using his system) so it isn't a good idea to base their symbolisms on each other."

As a practicing Astrologer, I want a logically coherent system that works for me right now. What might or might not happen in the future is irrelevant.

It is so easy to get lost in Astrology: it is vast and endlessly fascinating/complex. I think in general, at least from my perspective, we need to bring things back to basics (hence my Geocentism). You asked in another comment elsewhere about how we arrive (or at least move towards) a shared understanding of the Planets. I think we do this by putting the theory into practice: by talking to people about their lived experiences, and starting to put the pieces together through real case studies. I spent over 10 years studying and working at a University and realised how easy it is to get lost in theory: and how quickly the real world moves on from theory.

So to the initial point: I see Leo as the "Solar" expression of the 5th House: Creativity and what we Create (including children), Play and Pleasure, our capacity to find Joy and Levity, and to lift others up with us. Every Zodiac follows the same life cycle journey as our 12 House System. Taking Vic's approach, which I largely agree with: we could frame Leo is the 5th House when occupied by the Masculine Sun (it's Ruler) and when instilled with Fixed Fire. But fundamentally it is still the 5th House at heart, because that is the location it occupies within the Solar Cycle.

Magha I understand in this context as the Moon leaving the 4th House and entering the 5th: honouring Ancestry and what has come before us. Purva Phalguni is, as Vic describes it, the Sexy Nakshatra: almost pure 5th House, which is basically exactly where it falls if we start the Lunar Zodiac from the cusp of Pisces and Aries, like many Ancients did. Uttara Phalguni takes that same spirit, but begins to ground it in 6th House Service. It's not perfect, but that's essentially the framework that I operate within when I use the Nakshatras: while also being very creative and intuitive.

Anyway i'll leave it there for now, and answer your other comments separately. Thanks Josh.

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hola, tereza.

this was an interesting and fun listen. and does draw me towards a luny wombat hole reading. and i was introduced gently to the importance of the moon in astrology many years ago.

and so all is right in the world of left-handed awareness, now that the left hand is uncovering what the right hand has been refusing to consider as even extant.

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hahaha! That's a great analogy of the left hand uncovering what the right hand refuses to consider. Thank you, Guy.

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I rewatched the video Issac did on Trump, slowed it down, stopped and read and well, wow.

Why is this kind of info hard to hold onto, I wonder?

My feeling that so much is simply outside the windows of consideration we peer through was fully met. So much we don't know.

Loved the gorgeous art and your sharing of Issac's chart. I will have to gift myself with that soon!

Thanks, Tereza.

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When you said on Rumble that Isaac's Orange Moonchild video was crazy, I thought you meant that as eerily prescient. Again, looking at words, when we try to express that new information completely re-forms everything we thought we knew, we say it's "insane," "incredible," or "unbelievable." We don't really mean we don't believe it but those are the words we're left with. The subliminal message is that's a nutty out-there thing to be dismissed.

I would love to see the intertwingling of your energy and Isaac's intuitive interpretation. I can't wait to see the post that would result from that!

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I did mean eerily prescient. Get your point though.

ha! Well I guess that potential post would depend on what he tells me. :-)

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I'm not sure if this relevant, but "Arkhangelsk" is a transliteration of the Russian name "Архангельск". It's a port city in northern Russia named for the archangel Michael. As for the company's wonderful technological innovation, I'm sure it's totally safe and effective, like all our modern technological innovations, so nothing to worry about!

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Thanks for that enlightenment, Mark! There was another connection that I woke up with, related to this and confirmed by your information. The word 'archangel' originated as a messenger or emissary of the ruler or lord of the land, the archon. That's why the 'angels' that Lot brings home in Sodom, who the mob want him to send out, are the spies of the archon who are getting intel on the upcoming insurgency of the Sea of Saddim against the Pharaoh's vassal lords. That's why they are appalled when Lot offers his virgin daughters for them to rape instead--they're after the spies, it has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Here's what I realized--Ark comes from archon. Noah doesn't build a boat, he gets a 'charter' from YHWH to rule over the world, according to him. The Ark of the Covenant is a contract for the arkon to be an earthly ruler for the god, with no proof that the god exists.

And for The Unit, totally safe and effective, as you say ;-)

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Many thanks, Tereza. I don't know anything about astrology; but, being 1957 vintage myself, too, that was all quite fascinating.

This book was an intriguing surprise: "Origin of the Zodiac: Cadair Idris and the Star Maps of Gwynedd," by Hugh Evans



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An excellent vintage, Tirion! It's quite the task that Isaac has given us, Death to the Rulers, but now that I know you're in Team 1957, I feel confident we're up to it.

I'll check out the book and the link before I do my next one on The Skyclock & Turtle Calendar. Thanks for those!

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Go Team '57! Yes, it's quite the task; but I guess we volunteered for it. It certainly feels right, doesn't it?!

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Space? planets? brass? (Skip to 6:30 if short on time) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b03BCkTA-oI

Knew Jupiter from waaaay back, I did... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqGr15YNpeo

New Jupiter tonight (gracias YT)...your sort of aerial? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3AzqlifpTo

Grace K. goes North Star... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCLDyxDbG4k

Late here on the East Coast...rack time or else I'll pay an astronomical price in the morning. G'night, TC

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Tereza, I love this post. The gorgeous artwork and music served to amplify the enlarged cosmic world you are unveiling, that I have been trying to wrap my head around for 5 decades.

Isaac's work is very interesting to me, having been a student of Western astrology for many decades (always a student, never an expert, never had time while working full time and raising children), and this Vedic approach is so very different. Quite astounding that so many world leaders were born during an Eclipse, including our Orange "Savior."

One point that is coming up for me (for both Western and Vedic astrology) is that there is much talk/evidence that the moon is not an organic satellite but rather a manufactured sphere that is hollow. David Icke did much research on the moon and found much evidence in the various indigenous historical stories about it being artificial, put in place by space aliens long ago, as a means of controlling Earth Beings, including controlling tides, effecting emotions and psychology. This would suggest that the effects from the moon are not organic but technological. Nevertheless, there ARE effects!

Clif High's research indicates the moon is hollow, and he believes the Elohim from the Old Testament are space aliens posing as gods (small g, and "him" at the end indicates plural) to the primitive indigenous people who saw them as gods from the sky, wrote about them in their carvings inside cave dwellings and pyramids. He believes the Elohim placed the moon in its specific placement so that it can use all the technology which they imbedded in the moon to control us, and that the eclipses happen because of the exact placement. We only see one side of the moon consistently, with the same topography which has never changed over millennia. Clif believes the Elohim live on the moon, inside the moon, using it as a military base. They may also be living in Antarctica, where only heads of State are allowed to visit, likely to get their orders from their Supreme Leaders ... the Elohim!

Meanwhile, modern Judaism believes "Elohim" to mean God when there is no mention of God in the Old Testament, (see writings of biblical researchers Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallace regarding the mis-translations and actual meaning of words from ancient languages used to write the Bible) rather, it is the story of the Jews' struggle for freedom and how they endured much hardship. It tells how the Elohim destroyed many villages, raping and pillaging, burning down ... and then sitting around laughing while they smoke the adrenochrome accumulated in the adrenal glands of the tortured dead. These are the Elohim monsters that the Zionists worship (one could call them Satanists), as well as the Jews who are good people basing their beliefs (unwittingly) on Rabbinical interpretation of the Old Testament.

NO ONE IS "THE CHOSEN PEOPLE" BY CREATOR GOD ... that is the Elohim talking to their minions whom they chose to rule over the various tribes at the time they were here on Earth, as they were going to be leaving after mining the gold and other precious metals and minerals they coveted here.

There is an indigenous tribe I believe from Chile who have a myth within their historical heritage whose stories are passed down to generations explaining that their ancient elders saw the moon being dragged into place in front of their eyes when no moon had been in the sky prior! Some scientists did a study awhile ago where they shot a metal object into the side of the moon and it rang like a bell for over an hour! That indicates it is, indeed, hollow, and made of some kind of metallic material. Perhaps manufactured out of an asteroid hollowed out and embellished with other materials?

Dr. Michael Salla of Exopolitics fame, has spoken in depth about the 20-and-back project bringing humans of high intelligence and psychic ability to the moon for experimentation, accelerating their psychic abilities (remote viewing), creating Super Soldiers, using cells from animals to increase the strength of men (from lions, or hippopotamuses, etc.) and that they were recruited as children for this purpose signing a contract (or signed by parents, OMG, why?) for a 20 year stint and then be brought back to Earth ... good luck integrating! And they have many physical problems from the experiments on their bodies, taking years off their life expectancy. Dr. Salla has interviewed some of these Super Soldiers and they seem credible to me. He and Icke and others say that there are bases on the moon both on the surface, and inside the moon, made up of Humans from Earth and Humanoids from other planetary civilizations, run by the Military of each/both.

In light of this information, I wonder what our understanding and interpretation of the cosmic influence of the moon might be? Clearly it is emitting energies that ping off of the Earth and Sun, as well as the inner planets ... but these are not cosmic energies, they are manufactured by the Elohim, for nefarious purposes. I predict as the truth comes out about these things that astrology will need to be revisited. All the ancient holy sites, temples, pyramids, etc. have carvings of the glyphs for the planets, so this is something that was understood and utilized by our ancient ancestors. But did they know the moon was as fake as our Apollo moon landings? And how does the purposeful placement of the moon creating "eclipses" work and for what real purpose? All astrology says eclipses are powerful ... but is that power coming from inside the moon from technology created and run by the Elohim? If the moon is manufactured, and not cosmic/natural, what is the power that emanates from it?

It doesn't mean it ISN'T powerful, but it seems to be powerful in favor of the Elohim and its control of Humanity. That being said, I love Isaac's interpretation of the shift of power coming into play, Humanity's ability to turn the tide and win a revolutionary new world that is supported by the cosmic energies.

Clif High says by July we will be in contention with the whole Elohim story, which will shake the world religions to the core. And we might even be visited by the Elohim physically and have to confront them. They are the Military of their species, much larger than humans and far stronger, not to mention highly advanced technologically, but not unfortunately spiritually. And they are violent, vicious and have no empathy. Sound familiar?

This goes so much farther than Trump, Netanyahu, Crowley ... Earth is under siege from off-planet entities that want our real estate for themselves, and these players mentioned here are just pawns who are addicted to power, money and yes, sacrifice and adrenochrome. The butt-boys of the Elohim.

So my question is, what would happen if Space Force blasted the moon out of the sky and relieved us of the Elohim control? What then?

Just food for thought.

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Thanks for the compliment, Nathan, Amy's art is really something. This is all new to me also. I was just explaining it to my youngest daughter and it sounded like a foreign language to her, even though she's been studying Western astrology for a bit.

Thanks for all the information. I haven't heard that theory of the moon before although I know of Clif's work on the Elohim and Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallace. I have a draft episode called "Elohim, Archons & Nephilim, oh my!" and another called "Every Time a Reptile's Blamed, an Oligarch Gets His Wings."

The first question is 'what is ultimate reality?' Aside from creationism or evolution, I entertain the possibility that we are OneMind Dreaming. So the visible, material world may all be our collective delusion. Therefore, anything is possible but the question is, what would it mean? Would it make us more afraid and convinced of our powerlessness, or recognize our ability to change the dream? I can't see a way that their theory of the Elohim is useful.

My theory of the Bible, hebrew and christian, is that it's written by those who want to convince us that they're gods. I was impressed by the evidence that the world was once contained by a membrane that kept a high moisture content in the air, collapsing when a comet broke it and separated the waters from the sky. So a tall stature was possible at that time, with little gravity, and monumental works that seem impossible today.

This would be talking about the reality in the dream, of course. It's my sense that things are reaching a crisis point, with the other meaning of crisis being opportunity. Of all the destructive thing happening today, I think they can all be explained by the falsehoods presented in the Bible and how they've manipulated people. So that's why I spend so much time on that.

Thanks for your detailed reply, Nathan.

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Blaze here ... Nathan is last name! Old friend of Diva Drops Pasheen! I agree with you that we are at a crisis point that is a magnificent opportunity for us to change our reality. Both Western and Vedic astrology support that is where we are going ... not only are we evolving, but we are also in the process of metamorphosis, becoming physically and spiritually Humanity 2.0. It will be a big turning point when all the lies of the Bible (and all "holy books") is made public and proven with evidence. Though it will shake the world religions to their core (and their demise) it will clear the way for a real connection with source, and with each other. No more divide and conquer! Thanks for all you do ... great writing!

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Thanks for that correction, Blaze, and I'm honored to know an old friend of my new friend, the Diva. I get such a kick out of her, in addition to being floored by her knowledge and breadth. Her first-hand experience is the most compelling reason for me to take the possibility of alien abduction seriously.

And yes! I agree fully on the process of metamorphosis, even that we're close to shedding that chrysalis shell. I hold my preconceptions lightly and am keeping an eye on how things turn out. Thanks for responding!

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Yes, the Diva is a force of nature, a cosmic explorer and has the most brilliant and probing mind. Not to mention her musical talents and inner and outer beauty. I have been blessed to have her in my life for over 50 years. We were once told by a psychic in LA many years ago, that we were identical twins in a previous life back in the Victorian Age in England. She was a boy, I was a girl, and we switched identities at school to fuck with the teachers. No wonder we are so bonded again in this life! May we all survive this transition and make it to Earth 2.0/Humanity 2.0! This shit show is getting really old ... !

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Funny, a psychic/ medium in LA just told my daughter that she and a coworker, who'd just lost his wife, had gone through other lives together, once as performers. The psychic had thrown out his name at random, and then said his wife was grateful that my daughter (they're both bereavement counselors) was helping him through this.

My daughters had consulted her on the day of their uncle's memorial and got some other uncanny can't-be-coincidences. It made me think that these 'soul contracts' are familial, not the long-lost love of your life. That wouldn't be fair to other partners. And the energy seems more sibling--sometimes fighting, sometimes irritated, but always connected.

Glad to have found you both!

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Vedic terms predate the Classical era of Samskritam (Written Perfected) In the Etymological sense these words have overlapping meanings across Indic Languages and extends into Arabic.

My apologies in advance; this is a lot of technical stuff ;-)


Google has it like this: "The word 'Nakshatra' originates from 'Naksha' meaning map and 'Tara' meaning star. It is a Vedic term mentioned in Rig Veda, Yajurveda, and Atharva Veda. Nakshatra refers to constellations or groups of stars that influence a person's life based on the moon's position at birth."

Also: "Shastra (Sanskrit: शास्त्र, romanized: Śāstra pronounced [ɕaːstrɐ]) is a Sanskrit word that means "precept, rules, manual, compendium, book or treatise" in a general sense. The word is generally used as a suffix in the Indian literature context, for technical or specialized knowledge in a defined area of practice."

The way I was taught, Shastra is essentially a "scriptural liturgy," or practice fixed from disciplines.

Naksha by itself: नक़्श = King of Stars; or drawing of the boundaries. Spiritually there are none, except with Action there are boundaries to a given path.

Rahu and Ketu are two forces that are kept in Balance, which is Peace; this is a Vedic way to express Hotep 𓋊𓏏𓊪 (Glyph writer not allowing stacking) first sign should be on top of the last two.

Google has it correct again:

"Rahu represents desires, success, and material pursuits, mischief, fear, dissatisfaction, obsession and confusion. While Ketu symbolizes spiritual inclinations and detachment. Rahu's influence can lead to illusions and deceptive behaviors, while Ketu may induce disinterest and detachment. Balancing these forces is key to achieving harmony and success."

This all points to Equal Mindedness; show as much value for a gold coin as you would a stone on the ground. Perfect Balance equals Beautiful Peace.

** Finding all the layers of meaning to these words from the Veda is a trip down the Wombat Hole, I'm Loving it.

You wrote: "I love this idea that Luna is plotting with us on the death of the ruling class, not as people—who can be replaced—but as a concept that’s overstayed its welcome." --- I'll raise my beer to that ;-)

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I love that you're apologizing, Nef, for bringing on-point, in-depth esoteric knowledge to my comment thread. It's interesting that the 'sha' overlaps between Naksha and Shastra. Many deep meanings here. I like the added layer to Rahu and Ketu.

Scriptural liturgy as putting words into a practice or ritual, that's a meaning that need to be re-covered or rather uncovered again.

So hotep means the peace of keeping in balance. What does nefa translate to?

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Nefa is more of an English pronounced colloquium for Nefer.

So Nefer means "beautiful" and "perfect;" there may be more esoteric meanings attached, I'm still learning more.

Hotep is generally meaning Peace; however, the Glyphs also indicate Balance, Patience. Meanings that overlap allow the seekers of deeper knowledge to intuit and associate through vision. It's a Spiritual name. ;-)

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