Thank you so much for bringing these stories to light, Tereza. There are many valuable insights in this post.

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I appreciate your attention to it, Tirion. I admit that it was the pun in the name that lured me, once I'd thought of it. And then one thing kept leading to another--Lazar Wolf, Lazar the Wolf of the Kremlin; Marxist revolutionaries, Bolsheviks; Holodomor, Palestine hunger extermination. I cut a couple of insights out because I wanted to keep it on focus. But the ending was for me as much as anyone, it's hard to absorb the horrors and know what people are capable of without despair. But I do think the time of sacrifice is ending.

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Yes, unfortunately the best way of ridding ourselves of the darkness is by shining a light on it. It's in many ways a nasty process; but it's also effective and empowering. You're shining the light in all the right places; so please keep on keeping on!

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A stunning (almost perfect) succinct summary of the true history of the period. Tereza, you really have committed so much of your time and emotion to really studying this. Thank you for sharing and articulating. Here is another for our collective dossier.

• "Harvest of Despair" (English) - a documentary film about Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932 – 1933 – ucrdc


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Thank you, Julius. That's a good way to put it, time and emotion. It definitely requires both.

Wait did I mispronounce pogram while I was so worried about Holodomor? And suddenly Politburo was tripping me up, not to mention Kaganovich. What do you think, any chance he's related to Robert Kagan? They're certainly of one ilk.

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Oh! Finally got the spelling change. Stared at it 20X without seeing it. Corrected and thanks!

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Very through and multilayered in detail, Tereza. This is excellent. The more we all explore this history, the more we see clearly what is going on right now.

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I completely agree. It was shocking to realize that hunger extermination had a word for it, a technique used again and again. It's the tactics of terrorism, which have now become so ingrained we think it's always been like that. But we also can't imagine this in a 'civilized' country like ours.

It's a different topic but I noticed that my solar panels, that I had cleaned a little over a month ago, are now covered with a patchy film. Whatever those planes are spewing to cause all the rain. So hunger extermination may not only be for Palestine.

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Whoever "they" are, they lack originality. The pattern is very consistent. There's a plan to reduce our food supply and punish those who choose independence.

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Tereza and Nef:) Another excellent post, Tereza! Thank you for sharing! And Nef, I couldn't agree more with you about them reducing our food supply. When I watched the movie "Hunger Games," I felt it predictive programming. You know...the way they seem prophetic, like biblical Joseph and his Climate Change agenda called a "famine," but then they act out their preconceived plays. It's all about Prophets for Profits! Also, "Prophet = The Prop."

Then we have "Bolshevik = Lev Kibosh." (Anytime I see the Lev(i) word, it's about the Levites - Is-Ra-'El-ites' - Le(v)ites = Elites). Anyway, Lev means 'mind' and Kibosh means 'heavy whip lash, death cap, to behead, to conquer, subjugate, or to terminate someone or something.'



This word is similar, and I've shown before: "Pharmaceutical =Cephalic Trauma," with Cephalic meaning pertaining to the head or brain, which houses our minds.

These priestly class Levites and Pharisees are criminal psychopaths, just as Moses and all the rest of the biblical terrorists, so it would take a miracle to add back any empathy of their inbred DNA malfunctioning minds, as claimed by numerous PhD clinical psychologists. And again, according to Dr. Martha Stout, in her book, "The Sociopath Next Door," her patients frequently inquire about how to know if one is dealing with a sociopath, and she says her answer always surprises them - they play the victim. When one really digs in, it becomes quite an obvious observation.

P.S. Sociopaths are made, and psychopaths are born, and all psychopaths are narcissists but not all narcissists are psychopaths. (~Dr. Ramani).

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Rhonda, you are genius and you are right over the target.

The movie industry is an advertisement firm. The bigger problems that society faces are the ones created by those who abide by their morals, being morally hamstrung. Psychopaths don't inhibit their actions because their play book is not limited, like ours.

"These priestly class Levites and Pharisees," were known as "Nasi" or heavenly princes. There is an Etymological connection across languages that relates where the term "Nazi" comes from, just as a side note.

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Nef, I'll have to look deeper into the words "Nazi" and "Nasi." Nazi to me, is similar to Zian/Zion, seeing as I found vowels to be changed between different translations of the Bible. I did find, quite some time back, the two pillars mentioned in 1 Kings 7, called "Jachin and Boaz = H+ Jacob and Nazi." That H, along with the letter symbols, I, S, T (the cross), are shown on the Jesuit symbol, who are of the Tribe of Asher, (Num. 26:44). Anyway, I may have shown this before, but the letter "H" represents two people standing face to face "H"andshaking or making a deal, like perhaps the representatives of Jacob and the Nazis, as I believe. But I also think it could represent 2 pillars, such as the ones just mentioned, along with the 9/11 twin towers/pillars - perhaps representing Samson pillars that he knocked down, killing almost 3K ppl, like with 9/11, as well.

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Both could be true, since these are simple words (simpler even with vowels gone) and we know how much they like word 'play' (read: coded malice). That interview that I cited in the Nuland article: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/zionism-vs-nazism-adl-nazi-marches/ did confirm that Nazi came AFTER the Zionists funded the Beer Hall Putsch and Hitler. But it certainly could have also been a nod to believing they were Nasi.

Interesting, Rhonda on the Samson pillars. I've saved your comment on Ham as Hammurabi in a draft, along with my response:

"Ham = Hammurabi. Of course! Babel = Babylon. I'm again finding Brittanica less redacted than Wikipedia for some basic facts: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Hammurabi.

"The word Sin figures prominently in Hammurabi's rival Rim-Sin, and the conquered buffer zone, Isin. His son Samsuiluna seems a lot like Samson.

"Hammurabi used the technique of damming the watercourse then breaking it to create a flood. No doubt whatsoever that this is Ham."

So both acts of destruction were done by local fighting 'Lords'. And I've found that Hammurabi was the first to use physical pain as punishment, so the inventor of torture as a tool of the State--not what we should be protected against.

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Here's some points from Firestarter that seems to resonate with me regarding the Origin of Nazi:

The term “Nazi”, instead of being short for NAtional soZIalistisch, appears to be derived from “Nasi”, which means Prince in ancient Hebrew.

The noun nasi (including variations), appears 132 times in the Tenach (Old Testament). The first use is for the 12 "princes" who will descend from Ishmael, in Genesis 17. The second use, in Genesis 23, is the Hethites recognising Abraham as "a godly prince" (nesi).

In the book of Numbers, the leader of each tribe is called – a nasi.

Later in the history of Israel, according to the Tenach (e.g. Lev 4:22; Ezek 44:2-18; Ezra 1:8), the title nasi refers to the political ruler of Judea.

And ....

Nāśîʾ, Hebrew Strong's #5387, pronounced “naw-see”, is a noun meaning raised or exalted one. It is used in the OT 132 times, and is translated in the KJV as prince (96), captain (12), chief (10), ruler (6), vapours (3), governor (1), chief + 05387 (1), clouds (1), part (1), prince + 05387 (1). It is a derivative of Hebrew Strong’s #5375, nāśāʾ, a verb which is translated in the KJV as lift up, arise, exalt, extol, raise, high, etc.

While "NAZI" may in fact be derived from "nāśî", I believe it no small coincidence that the roots “fasci” and “nazi” are found in the Italian word for “fascination.”

There are many layers to the study of language, as I have been studying Ancient Egyptian; I noticed that I had to figure out how to filter out the Ancient Hebrew from some Middle Egyptian to get to Archaic Egyptian word roots, to approximate the original word meanings.

In ancient Egyptian the word for Prince is "So-Nisi" attested in Coptic, not sure if the pronunciation was severely altered since the Old Kingdom, but it probably was.

There are many angles to the definition of Nazi, to witt:

Definition from Webster’s, 1828:

FASCINA'TION, noun The act of bewitching or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft; a powerful or irresistible influence on the affections or passions; unseen inexplicable influence. The ancients speak of two kinds of fascination; one by the look or eye; the other by words.

So it is said that:

Hitler’s rise (nāśā) to power was due in large part to his ability to “fascinate” the people of Germany. Where did this ability come from? From his own fascination (and obsession) with Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her book “The Secret Doctrine.”


http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/theoso ... uthors.htm

This is a part of a very large discussion, I am making no claims here, still learning.

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I have the correct link to the Khazarian stories by library4conciliation.substack.com if you are interested.

There are 4 segments and the rabbit holes are worth the read.

Here's number 1:




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Your writing and perspectives are an amazing contribution to the level of these writings of Tereza and comments like yours.

I have the correct link to the Khazarian stories by library4conciliation.substack.com if you are interested.

There are 4 segments and the rabbit holes are worth the read.

Here's number 1:




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Thanks for those links, Greg! I'm still getting back to your other comment but have a dance class and a video I still need to script for Substack before I'm letting myself dig in. Intrigued though!

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Enjoy the dance class. My son is a professional ballet performer in Germany.

On a positive note to yesterday's comment (I always worry I'm going to write more than the comment section will allow) so here's the rest.

I also watched a part of the SLC Royals vs. Chicago women's NWSL game late yesterday. Amazing athletes, and after my readings of the weekend, it was sheer pleasure to see women being celebrated, not just as soccer players, but as top world athletes that have been given innumerable opportunities in life.

More noteworthy to me, the weather was cold and clear. Fans and coaches were dressed to the teeth trying to keep warm. That's not the amazing part. The place was packed with fans coming out to support women's sports, achievements and dreams.

Yes, we have a long way to go, and never forgetting history has helped us get here, but we have definitely made the world a better place.

Just wanted you to know.

Do a couple of pirouettes for me. And have fun.


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A son who's a professional ballet performer and a dad who's a fan of women's sports! That's my kind of gender bending--an arc that bends towards the best in all of us!

My drug of choice is called Worldanz, an irreverent but enthusiastic amalgam of styles from around the globe. We have a couple of ballet-inspired, and they're some of my favorites. But mixed in with sassy over-the-top Bollywood, Capoeira, Haitian voo-doo, samba, salsa, Jamaican dance hall, Senegalese, AfroBeats, etc. The teacher who's put this all together has a wicked sense of humor and somehow tricks us all into a harder workout than I've found anywhere. And sends us out laughing. She definitely makes my world a better place!

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Thanks, I'll check it out. Everyone here in Tereza's circle are precious; like you, we are all seeking truth. When there is nothing left to see, I would rather just see truth. And it's so much more sweet when that honor is shared. I've been reading some of your comments, it's clear you are doing a great deal of diligence.

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You guys both bring tears to my eyes. I'm so happy to be a magnet for this sincere level of inquiry. And I agree that everyone in this circle is precious. I'm not sure whether I've always made the right decision, when I decide to ban someone who name-calls or when I call someone out for ideas that convey superiority in their thinking. I'm glad people give me a second chance when I've gone too hard on rants. But it has protected a culture with such a high level of respect in the comments. I'm hard-pressed to find the kindness I find here on other platforms, especially where the topics are so emotionally loaded. And Nef, I give you credit for that in keeping the spiritual in sight and always giving the benefit of the doubt.

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I feel quite humbled by that, Tereza. I have to say that I haven't seen you "rant" before, but I think I would love it.

As for the Spiritual sight, that's my center, being responsive to the Self born sense is everything to me.

I'm also quite thankful for the interactions, it has taught me a lot. 🙏

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You both are going to be sorry you encouraged me to rant. Rants R'Us ;-)

And 'kind but not nice' is my motto. It can be a fine line but the most ridiculing thing I do is quote someone's own words. That's all it takes!

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You have quoted me before, I was always pleasantly surprised.

Whenever there's a storm of words, I treat it like rain, and go dancing in it.

But I mostly just listen.

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I too can't wait to read "It's Finally My Turn To Rant" article by Tereza. About time. I feel sometimes you work TOO hard at trying to hold it together and be nice. Nef, thanks for welcoming me to this impressive assemblage of this higher academic, informative, and as you say, Spirital group of individuals. I too am most humbled.

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Coming up a steep learning curve as I'm a late bloomer in the world of all of this. 40 years in the sciences and therefore missed some of these key learning opportunities. Now that the Industrial Medical Complex is completely broken it's become time for me to change gears and relearn, this time around without the blaring propaganda.

It's nothing short of a blessing to have happened to crashed into this simply amazing group of readers/writers/commenters.

Onward, and together we should realize great fruits of our combined efforts.



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really good, excellent deep and important dig. thank you.

and good timing. i was listening to another older podcast by jasun and it looks like the retold stories are beginning to unravel from every corner. gracias.

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I ended up quoting from Jasun's source rather than his article but I hope that readers will click on it because it had both good information and very astute insights. I also listened to his interview of Riley Waggaman, which was chock full of things I'd like to talk about. I'm really enjoying Jasun's perspective.

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yes. i was reasonably sure that you would find him interesting. perhaps do a podcast with him one day? he is looking for people who can engage him and you would be good guest for him. (and his wife is pretty astounding to talk with too, although i'm not sure she has done a podcast. her experiences are crazy amazing deep underbelly stuff. and she has done a lot of research to assist jasun and listens to him read his books before the final order to print is made.)

i've had the thought to talk with him in my stack — a kind of balancing talk because he had me on one of his podcasts back in 2016(?) on his blog 'the liminalist'. it was a fun exploration of what is joy versus happiness. it was shortly after i had begun to more steadily feel joy , which isn't happiness, and jasun was moving towards it.

and it is great that people like you and him and skoolafish and nefahotep are digging into this stuff. my writing keeps me going in a different direction for now. as mentioned, it looks like i'm being nudged towards digging into veganism as a psyop. small synchronous items have been coming into my purview around it. i haven't made the leap yet. thank you again.

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I would be honored to do a podcast with Jasun if he was interested. Other than through your sister, though, I'm not sure if he's aware of what I'm writing or interested. We definitely have many topics in common. I felt a bit like I'd foisted myself on Peter Duke and haven't figured out yet how to contact him back, plus I wanted to make sure of some technical details on my end. But they're both extremely interesting to me.

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I mentioned you in a reply to Jasun a while back re podcast guests.

Used to like Peter Duke - bright + lovely character (George Webb's friend....All changed when I learnt George was a zionist. Believe Peter is too. Was gutted initially since I was fond of both. Frequently watched + supported The Duke Report show.

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Wow, that is shocking about Peter and George! Peter's interview of Jasun didn't seem to indicate that. They talked about Ron Unz getting away with talking about the World War histories, and seemed to be throwing some shade like he must be controlled opposition or setting the Overton window. But I guess I just assumed ... do you have any sources on that?

Thank you for mentioning me to Jasun! That's very kind of you ;-)

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as you know i've mentioned you and him together looking, paraphrased, at the same warren, perhaps down different holes. i think (don't know) that he would find your writing interesting.

if you like i can ask him if he would like you as a guest on his podcast. he has said in the past that he is having a tough time getting guests. let me know.

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I would love that!

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done. i've asked him and will let you know. (now he's likely sleeping, him living in spain.)

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Please also see my Book Menion of “The Forsaken - An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia” by Tim Tzouliadis


From Chapter 9 “Spetzrabota” [Special Work] - second paragraph in my excerpt:

“In the killing fields of Butovo, twenty-seven kilometers south of Moscow, the depressions in the ground later revealed themselves in aerial photography. The mass graves ran for up to half a kilometer at a time. Nor was there anything particularly unique about Butovo. Within the Soviet Union such “zones” were differentiated only by their location. Orders sent from Moscow were applied uniformly throughout the USSR, from the Polish border across one sixth of the surface of the earth to the Pacific Ocean. If the NKVD were instructed that 250,000 people should fill one of the eight mass graves in Byelorussia, then a similar ratio was applied to every other Soviet republic, and every regional district of Russia, too, including the Moscow region itself. At Butovo, exactly the same procedure was followed by the NKVD brigades as elsewhere. [footnote reference 32]”

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Thanks, Tereza. An impressive dive into a web-of-lies story that continues in its effects, while also being dispelled. A lynchpin narrative - we know that because we can't criticize the jews - that needs shredding. (I watched a Lee Merritt interview where she noted that most of our senators and congressmen hold duel citizenship with Israel.)

"The past is a story and once it’s served its purpose, it can be released like ghosts tethered to their secrets. There’s a reason this is all coming out now and you’re the reason."

Perfectly said.

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Great analogy, Kathleen, of the lynchpin narrative. Yes, it keeps us bound on one side to a lie, so that the future never progresses, it just swings in a circumference around that lie anchoring it. We keep dividing people into good and bad from that tree of judgment instead of figuring out the new systems and stories that would serve all of us.

Thanks much. And interesting on the senators and congressmen (sic although patriarchs in pantsuits are no better).

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Don’t all Jewish senators and congressmen hold de facto dual citizenship with Israel? I believe that any Jew can become an Israeli citizen. Even if a Jewish congressman doesn’t hold an Israeli passport it would be easy for him to get one.

Even though the dual citizenship is just a legal formality I think it looks terrible that so many members of the House have it.

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Yes, imagine the implications of representing millions of people of one country but having loyalty to another. It gives me chills.

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Helps explain why Congress passes the $3B "Aid" bill every year allowing Israel to continue "defending" themselves against the constant threat of "Terrorism". Takes about 15 minutes (sometimes 30) to garner the votes. Almost unanimous every year. Crazy.

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Quite a read if one has the time:


Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years - I. Shahak


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Very interesting description. I was assuming there was an h before the link and it worked.

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hola. have you watched:

"The 13 Sugar Colonies"? https://youtu.be/S3mr0rsNyGs

it's a pretty detailed look at the prominent role of jews in the slave trade.

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Oh, yeah there is usually an "h". It should have one, I missed it when I copied.

In any case one can download the pdf. I haven't finished but it's really something.

It should be:


One link was taken down. The above should work.

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here is a look at the prominent roles of the jews in the slave trade.

"The 13 Sugar Colonies" https://youtu.be/S3mr0rsNyGs

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Isn't that an amazing documentary? So well done. Julius recommended it and somewhere I did an episode that talks about it but I can't find it in my Hitler Journey or my Israel & Judaism playlist. Maybe I didn't mention it in the YT description because I thought it might trigger the censors. Highly recommended.

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I knew the general date range ...

• Empire & Religion - a Hasidic Rabbi replies


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In case my reply to Guy doesn't reach you: Thanks, Julius, that narrowed it down. It's in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/talmud-tricks-and-torah-curses.

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Thanks, Julius, that narrowed it down. It's in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/talmud-tricks-and-torah-curses.

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Great book. I paid the fairly high price to have it in print.

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I saw that Barnes and Noble had it for around 33$. Nice number.

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https://ifamericansknew.org/cur_sit/shahak.html has an online version as well with a Gore Vidal forward.

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Loved this Tereza. Well done + thanks. Look forward to reading through links later this evening.

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I could have sworn I saw a reference to Edward Slavsquat. Maybe it was on of the secondary links.

Never mind.

Rurik Skywalker (aka Rolo Slavskiy) is a close associate of and ‘conspiracy collaborator’ with Edward Slavsquat. Here Rurik gives a good historical summary:

• Red List 05 - Lenin's Revolution - RURIK SKYWALKER


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Wait, are these all names for the same person or different people? I'm so confused.

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Riley Waggaman writes as Edward Slavsquat.

Rurik Skywalker (aka and previously Rolo Slavskiy) writes The Slavland Chronicles.

Rurik operates behind a paywall for comments (and some major articles).

They have done quite a few collaborations together.

Both give many insights that paint a less positive picture of the Russian 'administration', especially when it comes to central banking and 'COVID' response.

Riley has also collaborated with Regis Tremblay who I do like very much (but again, don't always agree with some of his guests).

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Three men with five letter names beginning in R who write as Slav-something. No wonder I'm confused! And it was Rurik, as Guy indicated, who I listened to and liked. He talked about The Metaphysics Conspiracy to change our understanding and set the parameters of the possible. Great concept!

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Oh my! I will definitely pop over and listen to that. He must have been talking about this theme - which I will need to revisit.

• I. The Great Metaphysics Conspiracy - RURIK SKYWALKER

• Plato, Sparta and the Utopia plot.


• II. The Great Metaphysics Conspiracy - RURIK SKYWALKER

• Alexandria, the Septuagint, and the Primacy of Plato


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Oh excellent! My notes consisted of pretty much everything I wrote to you, and it was the barest of hints. So now you've saved me the trouble of digging through his posts. Thank you!

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and now I am going to have to drop everything and retro binge on these:

• Red List 20 - The Curse of the Old Testament w/ Laurent Guyenot - RURIK SKYWALKER

• [The OT and Zionism, Your God is Our God But He Has Chosen Us, Rupert Sheldrake and the Ethnic Oversoul, Bad Metaphysics, The Crimes of the Orthodox, Marcionite Reform, and MORE!]


• Red List 25 - The Conspiracies of Early Christianity w/ Laurent Guyenot - RURIK SKYWALKER

• [Was Nicea Where It All Went Wrong? The Great Mystery of Josephus Flavius, Who Was Subverting Whom?, What is There to Salvage?, The Guenon Solution, A Group Approach to Salvation, and MORE!]


• Red List 32 - The Fake First Millennium w/ Laurent Guyenot - RURIK SKYWALKER

• [Soul-Searching in National Narratives, Did the Dark Ages Exist?, The Triarchy of Revisionism: Fomenko, Heinsohn and Illig, Pious Fraud and Renaissance Forgery, Julius Caesar Was Wrong and MORE!]


oh crap - when am I going to find time to do that?

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Regis is a lovely man. Done some super work...but he's got the Nazis/Hitler, role of Jewish Bolshevisim all wrong.

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That is exactly how I feel. You can't help but love Regis for his superb honest and sincere work. Both he and Riley are in this bubble - as is Brian Berletic (as are Eva K B and Vanessa B).

Yesterday I got around to listening to a panel discussion on which Dave Gaharay stated something like "We all advance on this continuum of realising that – oh man – this i(or that) s true! You can’t know everything – you can’t know everything at the right time – but when you get to that point where you put the pieces together then you are in a much better place." {There is Tereza's puzzle theme coming through again.]

I loved Regis' interview with Jill Henderson.

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When I look at how much I didn't know a year ago, I don't blame anyone who falls for a false narrative. But I also realize that what I can learn from them are facts but not how they fit together. Extending the analogy, they can hand me puzzle pieces but aren't helpful for where they fit because they think it's a completely different picture.

And I know you'll both have a couple of handy links to show me who Regis is. Along with Brian Berletic. I'm liking Oliver Boyd-Barrett recently, who I think Vanessa introduced me to. Do you know him?

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Here is Brian Berletic’s channel “The New Atlas”. He used to write in various places under the name Tony Cartalucci. Brian is an ex-marine (engineer) now living in Thailand.

• The New Atlas – Brian Berletic


I will have to look into Oliver B-B. I don't know him. What a fabulous network!

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Regis Tremblay’s Rumble channel is ‘tremregi’ – you can access it via this fabulous (completely off topic) interview

• Jill Henderson - Gardener, Forager, Seed Saver, Artist – tremregi


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Latest from Regis – more typical

• International Youth Festival Delegation Visits Crimea - tremregi


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Thanks Guy for saving me the trouble of finding that link. Yes, Julius, I did mention Riley Waggaman in my reply to Guy above. Riley is Slavsquat, is that right? Guy's brother-in-law, Jasun, did a really interesting interview of Riley. I read his posts sometimes but it gave me a much more complete picture of all his nuances. It's something I'd like to talk about more.

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Incidentally, I understood that the Bolsheviks were actually largely Russian with a minority Jewish. However the Jews had a disproportionate influence - very corrupting, sadistic at that upon the nation. Almost taken over the system.

Curious why current day Russia has whitewashed this USSR history. And is perhaps disingenuous re possible Russophobia; claiming it's been entirely created by western propaganda...this role I accept.

Understand Putin's family suffered during the Holodomor for example. He surely must understand real history despite often publicly stating otherwise.

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Yes, I think the Fascio Newletter piece addresses that because it's refuting another article saying Jewish Bolshevism is a myth. The majority of Jews were also against Bolshevism and were in other parties. But it goes into the funding, the leadership, and the pivotal roles in the counter-intelligence of the CHEKA.

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• Putin on Marxism-Leninism – a “pernicious fairy tale”


or here …



“I think that history is something that should be looked on as something that occurred in the past. We can’t erase our history. If you’re interested in how I regard this person [Ulyanov - who called himself Lenin] and the doctrine he represented, I would say that ... ***there was a period in my life when I was interested in Marxism-Leninism, read a lot with keen interest, found that reading curious, often logical ... as we all did. - Yes, as we all did. But for me I can say, as I grew older, the truth became more and more apparent that all of it was nothing but a beautiful, yet pernicious fairy tale***. Pernicious because its ... implementation; the efforts to achieve it in our country caused enormous harm.


… the other [thing] is they destroyed what united people of the civilized world.


The only thing they did to keep the country together within common borders was use barbed wire.“

Putin’s response 11 years later: “I have practically nothing more to add. I am ready to repeat it word for word.“

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Very interesting. On my recent post, on YT, Robert Hand just wrote:

"Much respect for the wisdom of the indigenous experience and perspective that Douglas shares. Unfortunate to my mind, though, is that he misidentifies Lenin with Trotsky, which results in conflating the period of revolutionary socialism in the USSR during Lenin’s and Stalin’s time with the revisionist socialism (i.e., bureaucratic social democracy) that followed under Khrushchev, who resurrected Trotsky’s libels against Stalin to discredit revolutionary socialism. An excellent (and concise) firsthand source that cuts through the anticommunist propaganda of Anglo-American imperialism and gives a clear picture of participatory proletarian democracy in the revolutionary period of the USSR is Pat Sloan’s “Soviet Democracy.”Communism, as understood by revolutionary socialism, looks much like the localized and participatory individuality-in-community that you promote but with the proviso that, due to the violent opposition of the worldwide capitalist-imperialist system, as well as the time necessary to elevate the consciousness of the working class, a transition period of proletarian democracy is essential, wherein the working-class majority takes the place of the owning class minority as the ruling class. The standard anticommunist narrative that Lenin and Stalin were power hungry and not sincere about this transition to stateless communism is belied by the demonstrable facts about life in the USSR prior to Khrushchev’s and his successors’ counterrevolution and the determination of Anglo-American imperialism to do all in its power to discredit and sabotage the communist movement."

I sent a response citing The Red Terror from this episode but I wondered your thoughts?

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Off the top of my head ... Putin's grandfather was cook to both Lenin and Stalin. His brother died during WWII.

Curious indeed. In Australia our sense of patriotism is founded on the great military defeat at Gallipoli - a pointless mass human sacrifice under the orders of (none other than) Churchill et al. They can't possibly reveal the true history and purpose of Gallipoli, let alone WWII. Then everyone who died died for nothing. The purpose of Gallipoli was to shake up the Ottoman Empire from another angle with the ultimate aim of dismantling its jurisdiction over Palestine. The Balfour Declaration followed.

Putin does disappoint me on those occasions. This SMO has now gone on for over two years - Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians (and Russians) - all Slavs - dead - but how many 'nahtsies'? Hitler's SMO into Poland on similar, yet even more legitimate grounds (atrocities against German civilians) only lasted three weeks - enough for the British puppets Halifax - then Chamberlain (who read out the declaration of war) and then Churchill to get WWII going.

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Very interesting, thank you. Been trying to better understand the Nazi/Bandera link. The more I understand re Hitler, Socialist Party, etc, the more I questioned the positive association I read about from pro Russian X accounts, i.e. the Banderites were simply (Neo) Nazis.

Very difficult to find reliable info on Stepan Bandera...but if he's guilty of grissly atrocities I did wonder if he was more Communist/Bolshevik... certainly didn't align with my relearning of Nazi behaviour.

Still leaning of course...but admit I'd now be a tad disappointed to eventually learn the Nazis were also guilty of atrocities...i.e., there was in fact some truth to what I currently consider 'propaganda'.

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I am still trying to collate compact sources, but my understanding is that Bandera was a hot-headed fuse waiting to be lit. Maybe he was carrying personal and family grievances over the Holodomor(s). Far from being a 'nahtsie' collaborator, he was in fact detained by the National Socialists. He fits perfectly the Jewish Hollywood stereotyped caricature and so is very useful.

There were only one or two instances of genuine heavy-handed 'atrocities' committed by Germans. Raping and pillaging by German SS officers was strictly forbidden and punishable most severely.

The co-called massacre at Babi Yar was fabricated in order to cover up the real atrocity committed against Ukrainian civilians at Vinnytsia (similar to the atrocities against the Poles at Katyn).

I too like several pro-Russian sites who push this association with Bandera. It's a psychology thing - the great patriotism - the mother of all Stockholm syndromes perhaps?

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rurik and jasun horsley (children of job substack) recently had an interesting 2hr conversation. it was their introductory conversation after jasun recently came to be aware of rurik. and that was my introduction to rurik as well, following which i subscribed to rurik. very interesting talk.

"Jobcast # 18: A Trajectory of Elite Thinking Through History: with Rurik Skywalker"


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And now you (through Tereza) have introduced me to Jasun Horsley. I now look forward to exploring his site.

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great. his books, especially the later ones, are also really interesting underbelly explorations grounded in and originating from his own experiences and observations.

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As always, amazing work.

I am going through the second read of "Fiddler on the Truth" and here's my thoughts:

Regarding your mention of "Khazaria, modern Ukraine, then the Pale of Settlement"

I read today as well Matt Erhet's "Why the Jews of Khazaria, the Himyarites and GokTurk Empire are Keys to Universal History"


Interesting perspective as his take is that there was a time when Muslim, Jews and Christians all lived and collaborated together in peace for what he believes was 300 years (8th until 11th century CE). He sites the Eurasian "Silk Road" trade route enabled all peoples to transfer goods/trade without any significant conflicts.

His conclusion is that we can use those times in history as a road map to peace today.

52 comments followed where words of madness were thrown back and forth between opposing parties, especially in light of current Israeli/Palestine events.

He let it all fly, which was a bit of a surprise, but that's Substack.

Later in the comments a Substack guest named "Librarian" entered.


Her depth of the history of Khazaria was stunning (to me) and she had quite a different take (much closer to yours) with amazingly solid supporting statements, etc.

Here's one of her own articles on the topic:

6. The 'Judaic-Christian tradition' and 'common values of the monotheistic religions'

THEY DON'T EXIST: OR the are certainly nothing like you may think they are.


My conclusion to all these readings is closer to hers:

Humans are what they are. In one of her comments to Matt she states:

"The Khazar tribal leaders, beks and tarkhans didn't believe a thing and defended the old order, and a cruel civil war with a religious overtones blazed for a long time in the steppes between the Volga and Don. The winner was the one who had the money, i.e., the supporters of the new order.

At first Khazar tsars bribed allies among nomadic tribes: Magyars, Oguzes and Pecheneg, setting them against each other, and then, in the X century, they had passed to use of mercenaries: the Russ and Slavs, for war against Muslims, and Ars highlanders from Daylam and Mazanderan, who insisted the right not to fight against co-religionists, Islam; but for suppression of pagans and Christians, and their own populations. So a government was created that did not reflect the interests of the people, but regarded them as one more source of taxed income. We know neither the details of the coup, nor the twists and turns of the civil war of the early ninth century, as the available sources cover this problem too sparingly."

And later she mentions slavery:

"That totally ignores the SLAVE TRADE. This trade had high and low periods but it started around 200 AD and didn't really end until 1,400 AD. Americans think only of black Africa, Not At All. Slaves were captured all over Eastern Europe and from the Slavic Tribes. The sequence was "make a battle" with someone you could easily beat. KILL every living male. Capture all the women and sell them into gang-rape brothels. Capture all the children and sell them as slaves.

THIS WAS THE MAIN PRODUCT OF THE SILK TRADE ROUTE. It would be too difficult to send 100's of children on a 200 day trek to China, but slaves traded all throughout the hands of slave-traders, and were sold in Spain, Northern Africa, Egypt and Mesopotamia and Persia"

Clearly it's been a brutal week trying to absorb all of this.

As you said, it was like taking a poison pill.

Yes, we need to know. We need to never forget, even though we manage to over and over.

End of the day, feeling the grace and blessings of each new day is what I strive for.

If God made man in his "image", then write down GOD and go read it in the mirror.

Now you know the namesake.

I look forward to your next article explaining how you find "positive" in all this (feelings required). That's the article I truly look forward to.

Best, Greg

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I just sent a note back to Librarian, thank you for alerting me to her. Yes, I think our 'anti-systems not people' perspective is very much the same. Here's what I wrote (sorry for all the sublinks but since I put them in one place, I want to save them on my site too. It's one of my few complaints about Substack that I can't organize by playlists or categories):

Hello and well-met, Librarian! Greg, who posts as Walking the Dog, sent me a long quote from your response on Matt Ehret's thread. I sub Matt (and have done three episodes on him) but there are places where our views diverge. Greg wrote of your comment, "Her depth of the history of Khazaria was stunning (to me) and she had quite a different take (much closer to yours) with amazingly solid supporting statements, etc."

And yes! I think our takes have much in common. What I say is that people are inherently good, and when they behave badly, systems and stories are to blame. My book, How to Dismantle an Empire, is about changing the system: amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vi…. And much of my research is on challenging the stories, especially in the form of scripture.

I'll link some of them below but mention an interesting similarity between your statement about the Talmud and the gospels. People often think that the story of Jesus started out pure and kind but has been twisted by subsequent editing and translations. In fact, the reverse is true. The New Covenant is translated by Willis Barnstone directly from the Greek, which is the original language of the story, verbal or written (I'd put that in italics if I could). He decided to not to 'soften the blows' of the vicious and hateful things said by 'Jesus' to his fellow 'Jews'. Although Willis is a believer, he's also an honest scholar. And subsequent translations have covered up the vitriol that would contradict the idea we have of a benevolent and loving teacher.

Here's the article where Greg left the comment mentioning you, followed by some others:












Sorry Greg, I really meant to slow it down!

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This comment is clearly how to get rid of someone.

It's a nice way of saying "Get off my lawn". LOL.

By the time I finish reading all these I'll be dealing with serious (possibly more serious) congnitive decline, not to mention near complete vision loss.

I told you I am a slow reader. so here's a "Happy Birthday" to you now as it will likely be a long while before you hear back from me.

Thx for the best seller list. I'm on it.

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Don't read, listen! Don't you have a project that needs doing, a garage to clear out, an attic that needs reorganizing? Dinner to cook, dishes to wash? Remind your girlfriend that this is the woman who promised her a blue martini next time she's in Santa Cruz, and she's providing an incentive to do some chores! Then she won't begrudge me yakking in the background.

And it sounds like Librarian is translating whole books from Russian, so I don't think I'm going to scare her off with that list.

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Librarian might have copied some books (plagiarizer) but I'm now stuck on book/blog #3 on Khazars (primarily of Jewish origin it has been suggested). I'm also plowing through "200 Years Together" by Solzhenitsyn, also in better understanding Jewish resettlement (nice word for abusing the locals with predatory lending, land/farm leasing, thefts post intoxicating them with schnapps) efforts post "God's banishment of them from the "Holy (Cow) Land".

If this so called God banished the Jewish tribes (12? or did a few pretend to leave/stay/hang around, ie: Judas' tribe?) for living lives dishonorable to God (debauchery, lasciviousness, lecherousness, greed, worship of idols (money?), etc. shouldn't the place have been therefore NO LONGER the "promised land". Wasn't it therefore open for anyone who wanted to live there, as long as they were honorable?

Wasn't the place therefore already full of millions of settlers by 1948, almost 2000 years later (Arabs, Persians, Ottomen, Christians, honorable remaining Messianic or disbelieving Talmud Jews) ??

And how is it that Britain (Balfour/Rothschild) was busy playing God and determined that the Promised Land 2.0 was suddenly to be returned to (through genocide and decimation of current residents) the Jews?

And the band just plays along without anyone really listening?


But, yes, I'm in trouble for not attending to my domestic responsibilities, like:

1- figuring out how the TV remote works (put it in the dishwasher once by mistake (major relationship No, NO). Hey, at least I was doing dishes..............and assorted electronics, so "back off Jack".

2- I don't know how to make ANY hard liquour drinks, except, I'm guessing Gin and Tonic (I bet it's made out of Gin and Tonic..............am I a genius or what?)

3- I guess I could take out the trash........................after all, I cooked it.

Last thing for today: Some historical comments from Librarian, et al as she responded to her post where you and I also recently commented.


когда сталкиваются миры

Nov 28, 2023

Hello duckman! (nods to Librarian)

I have a deep interest in Russian history, especially as it relates to the present day evolution of the various post-Soviet cultures. So much nonsense has been written about Russia and the USSR in the western media that I've tried to find sources from actual Russian authors to offset that bias, which is what first attracted me to this site.

The most obvious starting point for people with my inclination was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who I first read many years ago. What I find most interesting, apart from his writing, is how quickly he went from respected dissident to deplorable pariah simply by publishing his two volume work '200 Years Together' in 2001/2002. This followed shortly after his first meeting with V.V. Putin in Sept. 2000 which no doubt also damaged his image in the West. Nonetheless, I found the book to be a well-balanced, highly detailed look at a part of Russian history few in the West are aware of, and every bit as valuable as his previous works. So with that in mind, here's a link to the English translation, as well as a link to the Wikipedia article which provides some insight to the public reaction, which he of course anticipated, hence the late publication date.



PS: Duckman was cartoon comedy at its best. In case you don't have it, here's the link to all the episodes. https://www.youtube.com/@duckman2496





Nov 29, 2023

hi ebear,

Many thanks, in my recent travels i found this:


it took me over 5 evenngs to watch it, for most "westerners" (im in uk) discovering that all the history we were taught is lies is most liberating

watching this has changed the way i view current events, especially the role of "israel"

and as i think more and more on the subject i am reminded of what is known as the "3rd Fatma secret" the knowledge the vatcan has repressed for many years and Russias role in the future of Humanity


when we consider that olena zelenska/y is now being investigated for trafficking war orphans to rich "elite" western paedophiles we see what is needed


LIKE (1)




Nov 22, 2023

thank you, what you provide gives further factual evidence of the actual threat to Our world from this "group"

having only recently had my eyes truly opened to the factual inaccuracies written about the activities by the national socialist party last century i am increasingly aware of the ability of lies to not only perpetuate and grow but alter/reduce the firm standing one has in terms of conscious processes in dealing with the challenges Our world faces from such a bizzarre, clearly mentally disturbed and overtly satanic sect/cult

the word egregore has such enormous relevance i feel:


We face tough times ahead, tougher than We ever envisaged, having followed the evidence of satanic manifestation in Our Realm stemming in part from the activites of crowley, steiner, fortune and many others it is clear to see how this cult views the intended interventions of their chosen demiurge/s in pushing their own agenda of domination..

I look forward (if that is indeed the right expression) to reading more of your work






Nov 22, 2023


I am beginning to believe that no matter what distorted and violent belief systems, (Christian - Jewish - or Muslim), they wouldn't be able to do much of anything if America didn't give them the money, arms, and orders to create havoc.

I think America is run by eschatological freaks. (Destruction fanatics under the guise of good Christians.) This thread is about the "Anti-System". Let's see what other evidence will end up in here?)






Nov 22, 2023

understood, "zionst christianity" (itself a contradiction in terms) seems hell bent (excuse pun) on creating so much abomination here that "god" intervenes? i write god lower case as i feel "they" have not the first clue which "deity" they actually serve, those pulling the american puppet strings however know exactly whom they serve..

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1- Help me with the math:

"The full-page ad is here:

Fourteen million Jews dispersed through the world have banded together as one man to declare war on the German persecutors of their co-religionists. Sectional differences and antagonisms have been submerged in one common aim — to stand by the 600,000 Jews of Germany who are terrorized by Hitlerist anti-semitism"

How did 600k Jews of Germany turn into 6 million as part of the Holocaust?

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Excellent point and one that seemed very obvious to me too. And six million would be almost half of fourteen million. So Hitler supposedly killed almost half of all worldwide Jews and no one thought to mention it until the 1960's?

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Thanks Teresa, Coming from mixed Christian, Ashkenazi (some of my family in 3 branches) Jewish & 1st Nation heritage, I now at 71 years old, consider the Torah, Talmud, Old & New Testament & Koran as well as explanations, all to be fake books of colonial propaganda glorifying conquest, genocide & murder by a murderous 'god' designed to indoctrinate subject peoples for acquiescence to these ongoing death-cult policies even more augmented in our time.

Real 'RELIGION' (Latin 'religio' = 'to-relate' not to indoctrinate or dominate) is not a one sided propaganda monologue, but would express both sides of issues. Real religion would give voice to such as the Canaanite, Amalek, Philistine perspective as well as the violent conquering murderous self-righteous Jew. We can consider all the supposed 'People of the book' cults as false 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') religions.

TRUTH & RECONCILIATION Indigenous Great-Spirit (god) worldwide cultivates COUNCIL PROCESS enabling dialogue among all sides. Starting 120 years ago, the Palestinians simply asked the Ashkenazi refugee to engage in upon arriving from Europe along with the welcome, economic inclusion & protection which the Palestinians at first provided. Council or BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues enables understanding, foster collaborative agreement, working-contracts & Conflict-Resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

Before & during WW2 OVER 50 AXIS ALIGNED NATIONS joined together (Achsenmachte-German, Polenze dell’Asse-Italian, Sujikukoku-Japanese, Greater-East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere 1936-45) Powers & aligned collaborating governments & >50 nations as part of: Tripartite & Anti-Comintern, Pact-of-Steel Agreements & alliances with: Germany, Italy, Vichy France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Slovakia, Czechia, (originally) Soviet Union, Romania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Crimea, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, West Africa Dakar, Azad Hind India, Jammu, Kashmir, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Inner-Mongolia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_powers


These 50+ AXIS aligned governments & aligned populations were supportive of the Multistakeholder 'Participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') Corporation laws, constitutions & policies found within the 12 main AXIS powers which required all corporations over 30 employees to convene voting share ownership of all stakeholders (eg. Workers, Founders, Managers, Suppliers, Townspeople & Consumers) in various combinations. Participatory Accounting enabled these countries & collaborator populations to gain local control of their means of production & livelihood, not available in the Oligarch commanded & controlled Colonial Empire extractive & exploitive colonial Allied British, French, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia countries. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-accounting/2-participatory-accounting

DEPRESSION RECOVERY success of Germany under the National Socialists derived from issue of LABOUR SCRIPTS or certificates of Labour time & tasks. German, Austrian, Hungarian, Korean, Japanese etc. 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') economic background of Participatory Ownership, also involves corporate, institutional & government Time-based, equivalency accounting practices.

Real 'Socialism' (L. 'socius' = 'friend') involves people who know each other operating in control of their local enterprises not the false 'communist' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') basically imposed on Russia through Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) & Vladimir Lenin. financed with millions of 1917 $ USD & armed by the New York Stock Exchange Leader Jacob Schiff (Jewish) & Schiff's colleague Germany's financier Warburg (Jewish). Both real socialism & communism are defined to be bottom-up people-powered through time-based equivalency accounting in Economic Democracy https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

From humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' point-of-view in the 'Kaianere'kowa' or 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution', what the AXIS missed out on was the importance of accounting, recording & valorizing collective 'Domestic-Economy' contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen (mostly women) in the Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village where 70% of people lived then & now. Indigenous tradition puts the Domestic economy as the core economy with Industry & Commerce (mostly men) as being subset economies.

70% of people today & all humanity's world-wide indigenous ancestors & 1st Nations live/d in the 50-150 person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) today within an average of 32 dwelling units = ~100 people. The Multihome is the 1st proximal FRACTAL ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') of collaborative 'economic' Livelihood. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute 2trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/year, as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are web-based Community-Circular-Economy software supports individuals, family, extended-family, community recognition of each person & entity's contribution, experience, expertise & decision-making-acumen:

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I wanted to give your comment 10 likes, Douglas, and move it to the top of the comments. But your wise words remind me that I've been meaning to do an episode featuring you for ... a year now? With your permission, I'll copy this comment in full for a draft of a new episode. It draws together so many threads, from what has misled us in scriptures and 'history' to the true history and self-power in our communities.

You touch on the 'missing element' in the analysis of Germany's recovery--we don't see the regeneration as coming from the people, freed of the banker debt-slavery, because that kind of accounting has been made invisible to us. And the centrality of women's labor and the extended family of the longhouse--beautiful.

Thank you for putting your thoughts into such a coherent whole, where it will be easy for anyone to see all the implications, which are so hopeful. I know that it does my heart good to learn about the Axis alliances and their roots. It makes me feel that perhaps our movement towards this multipolar world may end well and is not just another psyops by the PTB.

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Thanks Tereza for your (& such as Steve Kirsch) leadership in this perilous often attacked area of religious propaganda & Financial-control analysis. I'd love to explore this area with you in an episode. It shocked me to finally tally that the AXIS movement had over 50 nations involved. Organizing that much worldwide concertation in just a couple of decades was truly a remarkable feat. My issue is how, following WW2, with all blame & one sided show trials, all blame was assigned to the AXIS losers & us brutal ALLIED winners have continued on our genocidal mission worldwide, unhampered at an increasingly murderous & destructive pace. Our presently 'capitalist' (Latin 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), fake 'socialist' (Latin 'socius' = 'friend') & 'communist' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus') political 'parties' (L. 'part' = 'share') have been co-opted into centralized Oligarch control & top-down programs.

Honoring collective Domestic work, such as many women take leadership in, should be front & centre of every economic & social justice & livelihood movement. Any man worth his salt should be empowering female ownership & decision-making on this equal decentralized, distributed cultural fractal basis. Can you imagine if the Axis had formalized Multihome participatory ownership, what a difference would have been made. There most likely would have been no war, regardless of the bloodthirsty war-monger Churchill. Of course to realize RELATIONAL ECONOMY, humanity has to become conscious of its 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') programming. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

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Hi, Douglas. I don't actually do interviews, so exploring this area with me will be me reading your comment and responding, likely later today. I added it to a draft I already had started with another of your comments called Indigenous = Self-Generating. I'll include the links you've posted here and others, if you have them. Thanks!

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Tereza, I look forward to reading your response. You are doing an excellent job with your writings & featured guests, so I hope I can add to your already bright shining & humanity guiding light.

I started 60 years ago 1963, in solidarity projects with 1st Nations & indigenous people worldwide, living & working with folks & many elders. One earlier overview of indigenous structures in 1972 for me is called the 'Indigenous Circle of Life' came from meeting with Sun-bear aka Vincent LaDuke an Ojibway in British Columbia. Vincent is father of Winona LaDuke, VP candidate with Ralph Nader. CIRCLE-of-LIFE provides interdisciplinary checks & balances in harmony with human & biosphere nature over many 10s of 1000s of years of vibrant, abundant, distributed agency & wealth in loving societies. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

The overall www.indigeneCommunity.info website contains a Table-of-Contents list on the left-hand side with some 77 web page sections each with its own URL describing various aspects of indigenous social, economic & biosphere techniques & structures. We should be able to travel together in almost any direction, which your life interests take us.

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Sorry Tereza I dont at hand but it had been raised on X.. Apparently common knowledge re GW.

Was watching a live stream last year of The Duke Report..GW said either his family or children (cant recall which) had served in the IDF...claiming no bigger supporter of Israel than himself. Was horrified tbh. Replied in chat i was v anti-zionist. Had to stop viewing.

David (half Jewish).was writing a book then (perhaps now published) looking at the hidden hands of power etc. Wondered why he never mentioned the Jews...but perhaps he has discussed since or is in the book.

He's incredibly smart, as is G...even considered he might be a chaos agent:-)....avoidance + subtle redirection.

On the above subject 'who rules the world', (on another stream) I recall commenting/questioning might the Zionists might be near the top?...He said no it wasn't about religion.

But of course power/influence isn't really.

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I'm glad that I talked to you before pursuing that interview with Peter and George. I did have a question about George being a chaos agent. It seemed like he had a lot of theories but didn't always pull them together into a coherent focus. Like his stuff on Malone. But I dunno.

And yes, Zionism isn't at all about religion. It's about power.

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Thank you for having the courage to write on such a taboo subject. It needs to be exposed for what it is. The inhuman cruelty we are witnessing in Palestine will be, God willing, their undoing. As hard as it is to witness, at least it's now finally being exposed. May God have mercy on their souls.

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I completely agree, Annette. There's never been a time when so many eyes are watching.

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Hi Tereza, what an in depth dive! That was amazing! I will read your transcript now and take notes to study further. I suppose the prince has to sit in his ivory tower and spin yarns instead of counting his money, in order to keep the money coming. Thank you for breaking that musical's spell. Now I hope that "if I were a rich man" doesn't sing in my head all day or longer, lol.

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Thank you, Helene! I'm alternating between 'If I were a rich man' and ABBA's 'Money money money.' I'm sure the prince is hiring the best yarn-spinners around. He doesn't have the imagination to make this stuff up. Breaking these codes and figuring out the hidden clues is fun, though, I just wish the prize was something more fun.

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Check episode 10. I find the gold blockade quite interesting. https://orientalreview.su/2012/12/17/episodes-10-who-organised-famine-in-the-ussr-in-1932-1933/

Starikov has a number of other articles there. Perhaps too much of an apologist but one wants all sides.

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