Wow, Tereza – it is difficult to add anything other than supplementary minutiae to this great chapter. I am really appreciating your book as you take us through it with these readings. Some tidbits to follow …

And thank you for mentioning the 13 Sugar Colonies - that came much later on my journey.

My first inkling that the ‘history of slavery’ was not as white on black as we have been led to believe came when reading “Peter the Great: His Life and World” by Robert K Massie (early down my Russian rabbit hole)

“Year after year, Tatar horsemen rode north out of their Crimean stronghold across the grazing lands of the Ukrainian steppe and, in small bands or large armies, swooped down on Cossack settlements or Russian towns to ravage and plunder. In 1662 Tatars captured the town of Putivl and carried off all the 20,000 inhabitants into slavery. By the end of the seventeenth century Russian slaves thronged Ottoman slave markets. Russian men were seen chained to oars of galleys in every harbor in the eastern Mediterranean; young Russian boys made a welcome gift from the Crimean Khan to the Sultan. So numerous, in fact, were the Russian slaves in the East that it was asked mockingly whether any inhabitants still remained in Russia.”

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• Setting the Record Straight: White Europeans Were Captured and Traded as Slaves for Centuries – Russ Winter (Winter Watch)


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This was a massive education. Thank you!

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It was indeed a massive education for me too, when I found all this out. It was Derrick Jensen's book The Culture of Make-Believe that started my research into it--and everything else. Like many of us, 911 jarred me awake. I didn't know what was true--and didn't find out is was Mossad until recently. But I knew 'they hate us because we love freedom' was a lie as soon as Bush said it.

Soon after, I was wandering the book store in a daze and that book practically fell into my hands. Derrick focuses on the invisible, systemic violence that underlies the social veneer we accept as normal. I found myself unable to go to a grocery store, burdened by too much knowledge.

It's been less than a hundred years since slavery and physical torture have been seen as wrong. It's been less than two generations since wife-beating and physical torture of children has been seen as wrong. After 5000 yrs, that's really a remarkable place to be! It isn't just that change is possible, but a huge shift has already happened. We're living in this time of the culmination of shitfuckery (to use the technical term) because we're ready for it.

And, from your confederate flag icon, you'll like some of the chapters I'm leading up to, including the false history of the (un)Civil War.

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That's the Norwegian 🇳🇴 flag post being conquered (violently converted) by "christiandom".

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Ah thanks for the correction!

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Some more links

• The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume One - Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam


• The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews Volume Two - Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam


• Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews - Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam


• Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight – Eli Faber


• Slaves and Slavery in Africa: The Servile Estate (Slaves & Slavery in Muslim Africa) - John Ral Willis


• Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500–1800 - Robert C. Davis


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So many excellent links, Julius, and to answer your note, you are fully forgiven for bombarding my post! Another way of saying 'bombarding' is 'collecting a bibliography in one place for handy reference.'

If I could add one strategic alteration to this fine canon it would be to change the habit of ever using the word 'Jew', which is a trick to slander the most effective resistance movement against the theocracy, economic enslavement, and imperial terrorism.

The word Jew allows the theological belief in the sociopathic Yahweh to be merged with pride in an ethnic heritage--who engaged in terrorism. So it's like a bike that decides to be a car when it serves them and a pedestrian when that gives them the right of way. Except with genocidal effects.

If it's talking about scriptures, it should be Yahwist so that the basis of that belief system can be challenged. If it's talking about genealogy, it should be whatever that is--Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Khazarean. And then the true history of that ethnicity's role can be isolated, rather than mixed together.

My two-cents.

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Maybe you will get to it in another chapter, but blacks also enlaved blacks in the new world, and it was not a small number of them. Being 34% Irish and having lived there for 3 years, I began to see why they are called the Fighting Irish. They do fight a lot, in the pubs and at home, but they don't really aim their anger at the PsyOperators, but instead at each other... and they put up with their overlords instead of breaking that yoke, while bitching and moaning at the pub. While I was there they had a big brouhaha about having to start paying for water and had lots of rallies about it....they won that fight (because it's in their Constitution that water is free because duh, there's tons of it, everywhere and it rains every day) and everyone breathed a sigh of relief and went back to drinking, and complaining about the British occupying their country. But no action. I'm not exaggerating at all about their drinking habits btw. Many Irish have no TV. They live in the pubs after work.

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I haven't watched any of them yet, but some videos on the sidebar of my YT on this caught my eye. This is Top Fallacies Of The Atlantic Slave Trade: "Blacks Selling Blacks": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG0YTj_SWik. And Misconceptions Ep. 5 - Africans Sold Their Own Into Slavery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J22N6YZyrUY.

But it made me wonder too why this gets so much attention. If bounty hunters come in and find some they can bribe, does that change who is the cause? It's certainly something I heard long ago in school. They never taught us that 95% of Sephardics were involved, at some level, in the slave trade.

Is the IRA still active? That 800,000 of 1.5M Irish were killed or enslaved in one decade shocked me. It feels like so recently I found out the potato famine wasn't a famine but a forced export. I wonder if the true history is still taught in secret. Turning the Irish against each other rather than against England would be a common technique. But perhaps the true rebellion is underground, not loudly argued in the pubs. They've proven that a military resistance won't work, any more there than here. I think the answer for both is in the economics.

Always happy to hear from you, Heather!

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Yes it's common knowledge over there that the potatoes all went to the British. At the time, and now even, Brits thought of Ireland as their farm complete with servants to grow all their food for them. Until Ireland entered the EU they were extremely poor with horrible infrastructure. Still have very narrow roads most places. The EU spent a good deal of money to make Ireland more habitable and then started sending thousands of migrants there from the ME and also from Poland and Northern Europe. (Latvia and Lithuania etc) They have never recovered their population since the Brits sent them to the Caribbean. A lot of young people there can't wait to leave for greener pastures in Canada and the US and other parts of the EU. Then they often return home. The IRA is underground now but there are active elements. Not like it was during the Troubles which is still a trauma to them. Interesting bit is that as you cross from Ireland into Northern Ireland it is immediately apparent that No Ireland (British) has far more money. Wider roads, nicer houses etc. I would consider Ireland poor actually but there is money in Dublin.

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Yes my middle daughter had so many Irish immigrant friends they made her an honorary 'lad.' Her housemate in NYC and moving to San Diego is Irish and an exotic (and gorgeous) mix of Jamaican, I think. She's just moved back to Manchester, where her brother is, so Olivia's living alone for the first time ... and loving it!

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• “Who Brought the Slaves to America – Walter White Jr”


The booklet:


“The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds today equal to 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.

Columbus was accompanied by five 'maranos' (Jews who had foresworn their religion and supposedly became Catholics), Luis de Torres, interpreter, Marco, the surgeon, Bemal, the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez.”

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Great work Tereza! Thanks very much.

Thanks also to Julius...for all the links too.

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• We Thought They Were White - Dontell Jackson



You can click these buttons in the header of that archived webpage:






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Hello Tereza,

there is nothing new under the sun. [ See my link ].

kid-nabbing for fun and profit

In The Culture of Make-Believe, Derrick Jensen writes:

At the request of the Virginia Company, a [British] bill passed in 1618 permitted the capture of children of eight years or older to be transported as slaves to America where the boys were to be owned by the company for up to sixteen years, the girls up to fourteen. Officials were paid a bounty by the company for each kid they nabbed, and judges received up to 50 percent of the profits from the sale of children, so constables roamed the streets looking for children while aldermen entered the homes of the poor to look for more. .

Child Stealing by the State: A Mother Criminalised for Speaking Out – Part 1.


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Well, I'm exploring the premise that these sociopathic parasitic techniques of ruling over others WERE new 5000 yrs ago and people have fought back ever since it was introduced. Ancient people weren't as gullible as we are, and never thought these were gods--neither the Egyptians nor the Aztecs. It's required collective amnesia to change the history and even the language to get us to forget that self-rule is our right.

The article you linked is a powerful confirmation of another thread I've been following--and I think these threads choose me rather than the reverse. Awhile back I did an episode on my neighbor in my Appalachian hometown, whose kids were given in full custody to an abusive dad by a corrupt judge in Solano County, California, without her even knowing their whereabouts: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/pedo-sadists-and-a-call-for-help.

I also looked at the FBI's role in this: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-fbis-war-on-moms. Solano County happens to be near my daughter's home, so I went there and got a copy of her case--on the same day she got her daughter back after 11 yrs: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-mother-child-reunion.

In the process, I've done a detailed analysis of the case file. I got in touch with the mothers organization that had been fighting that systemic pattern of giving full or part custody to known abusers, some of which has had horrendous results. After much damage, they've succeeded in getting the judges (women, btw) out but there's no question that it's intentional and goes all the way to the top.

With an amazing woman, who was a victim of that court, we've talked about doing a series called Courting Abuse. I'm certain this is a strategy to make vulnerable children available to the pedo-sadists who run the world. What you're telling me makes it clear that's a global strategy for Family Courts. I'll keep working on that ... and UK Column is doing great work! I follow Vanessa Beeley there and others.

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Louis Farrakhan – Nation of Islam pdf sources

• The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews Volume One


• The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews Volume Two


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I'm not finished yet ...

• Jews and the White Slave Trade – William Pierce


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I was prompted to rewatch the following (at speed x2)

• Hangout Stream #42 – LogosRevealed – Zach - SLAVERY


starts at 5:42

Some highlights:

10:10 – definition of slavery

37:00 – Mental or Psychological Slavery

43:20 – Naomi Wolfe

57:00 – eugenics / dysgenics

1:26:00 – Spiritual Slavery

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I skipped to the Naomi Wolfe, which is 48 when he finds the quotes. Really good analysis of the technique by Vera Sharav, CJ Hopkins, Mattais Desmet, Robert Malone.

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I love bernytree66's insights and attitude ...

• BLACK WOMAN SAYS "I Don't Give a Shit About Slavery!!!" - bernytree66


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Hello Tereza,

are you aware of this story.

Fury after Biden grants clemency to ‘kids-for-cash’ judge and city coffer embezzler.

Former Pennsylvania Judge Michael Conahan was convicted in 2011 in the infamous "kids-for-cash" scandal. The scheme worked like this; Conahan took kickbacks from for-profit detention centres in exchange for sending minors who didn’t deserve it to the detention facilities.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ultimately tossed out 4,000 juvenile convictions due to the scandal. Conahan and another Luzerne County judge involved in the scheme were also ordered to pay $200 million to the victims, the Associated Press reported.


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Thanks for sending that, David. I'll put it in a draft I have on systemic abuse of children by the courts. I feel certain it goes all the way to the top.

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Yay, I need this reinforcement even after having read the book. So much good info. Thanks, T.

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