A good interview with a Moldovan politician who challenged the COVID measures, explaining how the multi polar order is part of the same scam.


I'll add that this war has a few things that make it look like an act (people die, but it's being dragged out).

-nordstream: they didn't blow up all the 4 pipes... Hmm

-last spring, Russia supposedly attacked key areas of the Ukrainian energy grid... Never saw any issues with power, but I know that would take months to repair, so what gives?

-when they blew up the bridge to Crimea, they left the other bridge alone. Why? Hmm

- Ukraine loses 10 soldiers for every Russian one, but somehow they still have troops? Hmm

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Thanks for the link, Rob, I'll check it out.

It's an interesting hypothesis that the entire war could be an act but it would have to include every person reporting, both in the mainstream and in the opposition. It would mean there wasn't a single honest journalist left. It seems more likely that Ukraine is being sacrificed to weaken Russia and the hubris of NATO, which is self-evident in their Communique, didn't include the possibility that it would backfire and drive the 'non-aligned' countries into an alternate financial/ trade agreement. I'm open to different evidence but that's what I see now.

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Yes, I believe the war is orchestrated (citizens are definitely getting killed)--I think the ruling elite psychopaths are masters of game theory, and have gamed all of this out in advance to make it look like it's organic, but it's really just scripted. I just think this is phase 2 of ushering in the Great Reset--phase 1 was covid. One of the goals of the Great Reset is a multi-polar world, and that's what this war is helping to set up. And the sanctions are not designed to hurt Russia (that's just the cover story)-they are designed to hurt the West. And even Paul Craig Roberts is questioning what's really going on--he noted that this should have been over by now, why is Putin/Russia dragging this out. (My personal take after watching the covid psyop is that all nations are captured, including China and Russia).

Also, I follow Edward Slavsquat's substack (I think his real name is Riley and he's somewhere over in Russia or close to Russia) and he's been reporting on what's going on over there. I though this was highly interesting:


"17) How to explain the situation in which the Russian Federation is at war, but at the same time continues to transport through the territory of Ukraine oil and gas for export to countries (such as Bulgaria) that then, after processing, supply Ukraine with 90% of the fuel it needs? Not to mention the fact that Ukraine regularly receives payments from Russian corporations for these deliveries?"

I don't think BRICS are breaking away from the banking cartel--I follow James Corbett and he's noted that the idea for BRICS came from the Chief Economist at the giant vampire squid, Goldman Sachs. Also the BRICS development bank is staffed with people from the IMF. Corbett also noted that at one of the BRICS meetings Russia and China reaffirmed their commitment to global governance and Agenda 2030.

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I also love James Corbett. You've seen my videos on him? https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/james-corbett-on-hopium-and-heroes, https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/matt-ehret-and-james-corbett and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/multipolar-vs-micropolar.

Yet I'm not convinced that the same people who've been fighting tooth-and-nail for petrodollar hegemony are the same ones plotting CBDCs and the Great Reset. In the first group you have the neocons, Biden & Nuland, CIA color revolutions, and economic sanctions. Call them the Devils We Know. In the second is the WEF, Gates, and whoever they answer to--the Rothschilds? City of London? China? The Devils We Don't Know.

Maybe the latter are controlling the former and also Putin's response, manipulating every other country into going along with Putin against the US before they snap the snare. If they are these omniscient masterminds, there's probably no hope.

But if the DWK are acting in their own self-interest, full of hubris that Putin would cave and indignant that he's still standing, the new trade system engineered by Sergei Glazyev may be an unforeseen move. I've been writing about the BRICS for a decade but what they can do now, with dollar hegemony broken, is something I never saw coming.

BTW I've been watching the Alison McDowell you recommended. Mind blowing.

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I am adding all those videos to my watch list. Thank you for your tireless work and perceptive insights.

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Oh what a lovely response, Patricia! I will look forward to your thoughts as you go through.

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