Great analysis.

I've concluded that Malone is Aliki

(See clip #2)


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That's hilarious! I would have responded sooner, but I had to watch all the rest ;-)

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Muchas gracias! Laughter is the best medicine and weapon in this war.

Aliki? Hmmm. No sure about that, though. I think maybe the greeting wife.

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LOL. Wives

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A quick note to say I watched your video, Teresa, and thought it was excellent! Looking forward to reading this post and checking out the links. I’ve followed Dr. Peter Breggin for many years and think the world of him and his wife, Ginger. As you say, they’ve stood up to defend people against Big Pharma and government policies that are beyond harmful. Your take on this sounds right to me, and I appreciate your delving into this disturbing can of worms!

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Oh I'm relieved to hear you say that, Anne! In truth, the first version I posted of the video included a segment of me worrying that I'd 'outted' my friend who does WikiSpooks (with his permission) when I'd posted his name and email. It was in response to Robert posting that WikiSpooks, which he consulted often, had been scrubbed from the internet. I hadn't heard back from my friend since he told me Robert had gotten in touch and asked how he could help.

In looking back, I noticed your note saying that it must make my friend feel good that someone like Robert would be consulting and relying on his database. That was my thought at the time too. But after reading Robert talk about his Deep State connections, I started wondering why he'd really look at a crowd-sourced compendium of Deep State secrets on his (former?) friends.

But just as I was about to post the Substack, I did hear back. So I deleted that segment. I'm glad to hear someone else feeling disturbed on the issue. Confusion loves company.

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Great work. The $25 million lawsuit makes no sense. If he's not "deep state" controlled opposition, no one is. He's clearly sabotaging the resistance to medical tyranny. Also, at some point, he's going to say the other injections coming down the road are fine.

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Let me tell you this : i have no excess money at all. But if the Breggins ask for support, they will get some from me :)

And my definition for a mengele (is a new word i believe) : any one that experiments with another life without consent (or knowing the full extent of the practitioners intent :).

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Thank you Tereza. Beautifully done. I have been puzzled about this, and too busy to do my own dive into it. I've not really trusted Malone from the get go, for no obvious reason except that his rise to the top of the resistance seems questionable to me. In another substack, and with Sage Hana, the point is made that it is important to look at what is not being talked about because that is perhaps most likely where the truth is to be found. My super deep state researcher sister and her equally committed husband also have expressed questions as to the authenticity of Malone.

This lawsuit is likely a huge diversion to keep us looking at the wrong thing.

MK Ultra was/is real, and to what extent are at least some of the psyop agents actually consciously aware of what they are doing? The unbroken Jason Bournes are still moving among us. And perhaps the odd Bourne, too, running rogue. Amazing war we are in.

In a recent essay I explored the relationship to obedience to authority and mass formation. To my surprise I came to the conclusion that 'mass formation' as such doesn't exist except as a special condition of obedience to authority. Then I explored the roots of obedience to authority.

As I was exploring those ideas, it came to me that obedience to authority is actually a kind of toxoplasmosis parasite in the human animal, likely rooted in the genetic similarity between the human and lobster nervous systems and the creation of the agricultural society and with it the societal split between the 'haves and the have-nots.' Those two dynamics contribute to the creation of a pyscho-somatic tendency that helps to explain how a society can turn on a dime from a kind of passive toxicity to one of active self destruction. You may find it interesting, and I would love your critique, if you have the time to read it. "Exploration On Obedience to Authority, Mass Formation, Woke and Corporatist News: Saviour from What?"


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I'll definitely check your essay out, Guy. Lobsters nervous systems and toxoplasmosis parasites! That much more exciting than my theory of money being trade in pieces of slave, which has made us all schizophrenic trying to deny the obvious.

I was just reading two very interesting articles on Unz about MK Ultra and The City of London:

https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-city-of-london/ and https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-richest-man-in-the-world/.

I don't know if the lawsuit is a diversion or a 'tell'. If Malone hadn't launched the lawsuit, I would have kept giving him the benefit of the doubt. I still found myself doing it and had to keep remembering ... $25M.

Thanks for giving me the info on your deep state friend's take. I have one like that too and she's also been suspicious of Malone.

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I think that the creation of the diversion is itself the tell. ;-)

As to the 'money' angle. That is a part of the great grab, aka 'reset.' I've listened to two fascinating explorations of the roots of the money, slave and sex trades and their perpetuation being the money usurers of Babylon/Mesopotamia about 4000 years ago. This family practice has continued down the family line up to this day. Totally fascinating discussion and not easily dismissed. Amongst many other things, with an abundance of supporting references that can be checked, they discuss the 'creation' myth of the Ashkenazi Jews as their cover story, and therefore an early psyop. It is fascinating, and connected some dots in my own research on money.

Part 1: The Babylonian Cartel, Rhadanites & Stolen Identity: A Discussion


Part 2: Cartel Babylon, Part 2: Global Enslavement


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Very interesting, I'll definitely check it out. Isn't that the joke that Dave Chappelle made--two words in the English language that you should never say together in sequence: ‘The’ and ‘Jews.’ And I liked this on Kanye: “It’s a big deal, he had broken the show business rules. You know, the rules of perception. If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. If they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.” I also like that he ended by saying, “It shouldn’t be this scary to talk about anything.” If we look for the most taboo topic in the world, that's what they don't want us to see.

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Ye has gone a little crazy, though, publicly praising Hitler for the good he did. Hitler's 'good' was at the very best minimal and superficial. Pre Hitler Germany was considered by some to be one of the most egalitarian and democratic and open in Europe. So....? I like the VW car, and I don't think that Hitler's role in it using slave labour isn't a good example of his 'good'. (Did you watch the Bollinger documentary 'Propaganda Exposed Uncensored'? It was excellent, and reveals the link between the American banking and Hitlers and also the Bush family and military funding of Stalin.)

Re Jews: the discussion on the Rhadanites brings a completely different dynamic to the discussion, and pretty much makes it moot, in a way, except as a psyop. Better to use 'Hebrew' for those following the Torah; No pure Hebrews extant, none in Israel.

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Guy, I'm going to need a sabbatical to check out all the good references you're sending me. I don't remember if you saw my episode Forgiving Hitler, but I'll link to it. By pre-Hitler Germany, do you mean before WWI, or during or after the Weimar hyperinflation? I'll be curious on your thoughts on it:


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I remember that well. It sparked a huge desire to respond to it. Like you, busy busy. This is a renewed spark of inspiration, combined with Tessa Lena's questioning of the existence of good and evil.

You are fascinated with money, so do make time for the Babylonian Cartel.

And I am living in a place that didn't use money for 2000+ years and the villages still don't use it within their communities. They use money to interact with the Gringos.

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Our entire system is set up to create obedience to authority. It starts with school, it continues with entertainment (intel funded), it's constantly reinforced through "news" (also intel funded).

I'm frankly surprised that a good many people can actually still think for themselves.

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Yes. Our entire system is comprised of obedience to authority structures to reinforce the separation of the haves and have-nots.

And to what extent are those of 'us' even really thinking for ourselves? As I am continuing to expand my knowledge of the depth of the enslavement practices, I am finding that even some of my 'precious' so-called free thoughts come from compromised sources. This has been an entirely disorientating and enlightening and invigorating time. Totally amazing and, in every possible way, awesome. No truth is stable, anymore. All is suspect. How freeing that has become, after the initial jolt of OMG, I don't know what I thought I knew feeling began to relax.

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If you decide to become relentless in your search for truth, it gets really hairy, really quick, and then depressing as hell.

But, after a while, it slowly starts getting better, and better, and better faster - and pretty soon, you're enjoying a whole new world.

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Yes! That is indeed my experience. Recently I've come to understand the deep DEEP truth of Shakespeare's observation that all the world's a stage, and we mere players... I do find myself looking at this all as an elaborate play, and now I'm figuring out my place in the stage. And I am so thankful that I've chosen to be with Arjuna and Krshna rather than aligned with the dark side – we are in the Bhagavad-Gita. And now we have been given the greatest of opportunities to pursue relentlessly truth, first and foremost, with and within our Selves. :-) Wonderful.

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Interesting remark, Guy.

Given that the Arjuna and Krshna myth is similar to Isis, Osiris, Horus and off course the virgin birth of the Christ.

I would suggest the Myth of the Churning of the Milk of the Ocean, where opposing forces combined, rested on the Turtle, helped by Vishnu will result in advances for all parties involved.

Imo a very doable way, would be the one described in the book "The Promise and the Law' by Neville Goddard where he describes the true purpose of human beings. An other substack reader gave me a link : https://readnevillegoddard.com/the-law-and-the-promise/#tab-96316



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Let's also remember the Christ story is similar to Hercules' story, which is similar to Gilgamesh's story...

Love me some Neville Goddard will check tnx

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Gracias, si.

I'll check that out.

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The good thing about the past 40 years of lying fucking liars doing their douchebaggery is that it forces you to start looking for answers.

Eventually this takes you to the Nag Hammadi texts, the Hermetic texts, the Codex Oera Linda, Mauro Biglino's writings, dilettante' scientists, the historical revisionists, etc.

Then a picture starts to emerge which is very different from what has been presented to us.

You'll like this guy: https://clifhighvideos.com/ You also might want to sub to my 'stack, I'll be doing some interesting stuff in a bit.

Surf the Kali Yuga, baby!

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Gracias. Will do.

And Clif High has been suggested to me by another true truth seeker.

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The Globalists are using CIA mind control. So that’s the mass psychosis. Naive to think those programs aren’t well advanced, and that the globalists control that too. All that fear mongering; the bizarre dissociative masks, and weird rules. So you’re imagining a conflict where there isn’t one. Either that, or this outrage of yours is aimed at discrediting the connection 2+2. There’s deception everywhere. Use discernment people. Tread carefully. This really is WW3

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I don't think we disagree, Donna--you, me & the Breggins are all looking at this as a global plot and psy ops to make people afraid and obedient. Malone isn't just saying he isn't one of them but is saying that the Breggins are crazy to think that a global plot even exists. I don't know that I'm outraged but I think it's a 'tell' when someone is indignant that you could even question them. And $25M is certainly a conflict I'm not imagining--is that what you mean?

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I think the Breggins are wrong that Desmet's theories let off the predators and blame the victims - who do they think orchestrates the mass psychosis? Nazi types.

And Malone revealed his more true character in suing them like this.

Stew Peters? An opportunist who is more destroyer than builder.

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Absolutely wrong. See here: https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/on-the-psychology-of-totalitarianism

Desmet speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He really does blame the victims-- we, the people. Because we're all supposedly near-automatons just itching for a transhumanism future. We all lust after technological utopia. Really?? And all of us, every single person, is caught up in this therefore there's no one outside of this mass formation manipulating it. You see, all the "manipulators" are supposedly already lusting after a mechanistic future, just like you and me.

See what Desmet is doing? It's tautological reasoning: we're all captured therefore no one is standing outside doing the manipulating. Every human is captured, therefore everyone human is part of the manipulation. It's absurd.

Trust me, the Breggins are 100% correct about Desmet. Desmet is an extremely dangerous thinker, either deliberately or because he's in way over his head. He tries to mold the fairly intense and deep thinking of Hannah Arendt into his own theory, but he is in no way in the same league as Arendt.

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It seems at least equally likely that there *is* a group behind the scenes that *has* studied, e.g., Arendt, and wants to promote exactly the mass totalitarian mindset that makes it easy to manipulate a population into submission. Obviously, such a group would not like a person like Desmet pointing out the problem.

I'm sure Sun Tzu would approve of the strategy of fomenting division in the ranks of your opponent, e.g., let's Breggins and Malone fight.

I didn't see in Desmet's book anything to the effect of "no one is standing outside doing the manipulating." It seems clear that whether a mass formation was instigated from outside actors or by some unfortunate combination of social factors, it renders a society much more susceptible to manipulation by authoritarians. I don't see Desmet discounting that.

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Hi, Tyrone. This is the topic of my following post here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/ideology-is-everything. I'd love your thoughts on it. It cites Jim's article and also one by John Waters that someone else recommended. And I posted the following on Jessica Rose's site about what you're talking about--should we be unified or make sure we're not being led?:

"Beautifully written, Jessica. Your sincerity comes through, as it did in your interview with Matt Ehret. Yet I question whether unity is a wise strategy, and that's something I say with love for all players, for whom I have no anger. It's important to know what's really happening and why. Both you and Sasha have pointed out that the Project Veritas video was scientifically unbelievable--that's not how gain of function is done, throwing some infected monkeys together and seeing what happens. To anyone with a shred of logic, much more knowledge of the process, that would be obvious. When I saw the second video of the confrontation, it was such an obviously staged event in which PV was another player. I could go into detail but you've seen it for yourself, yes?

"Watching Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch and Tucker Carlson publicize it as a real leak took away any shred of doubt that they're in on it. The only question left is what "it" is. What's their strategy? I don't know the clip you're talking about but it's the larger point that continues to bother me. Will there come a point when you either need to go along with something you don't agree with, or admit that those who've promoted your work were on the other side--thereby discrediting yourself with them. That's the trap I see looming in the distance. FWIW."

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Desmet's writing is very elusive: it's hard to pin down what he's really saying. But as I've studied his book, I think I have a good handle on what he really is saying beyond the (deliberate?) obfuscations.

The central misunderstanding is that when those of us who see what's happening look around, we really do find that people seem to be hypnotized. This would be "mass formation." So mass formation is real.

But what's the cause of the hypnosis? Desmet says we did it to ourselves because prior to Covid we were already fearful, anxious, and uncertain. Were we? Were we as a society fearful, anxious, uncertain?

Opposed to this many, including myself, believe that the fear, anxiety and uncertainty wasn't present in society as a whole and was in fact induced by central authorities. The key word is "induced." Mass formation was induced.

Not so, says Desmet, and here's where he gets slippery because he says there were manipulators but on the very same page (page 131, I believe) he says that these manipulators were themselves within this fear, anxiety, and uncertainty and thus (if we circle back to what he said earlier) were simply giving people what they wanted.

To put it another way, Desmet really does assert that all of humanity was in a pre-mass formation state prior to Covid, and only needed a propaganda trigger to become a full-blown mass formation. So it was "manipulation light," if you will. I disagree. What happened was a massive step to begin the mechanism of a biosecurity state controlled by the central authorities, and along with that was a massive wave of censorship/propaganda, unlike anything we've seen before in America.

Desmet hasn't revealed anything. He has in fact obscured everything.

How was this mass formation induced, if we agree that it was? By massive censorship/propaganda. By that means fear, anxiety and uncertainty were induced. It has nothing to do with the masses; it was done by the central authorities.

Read chapter 8 of Desmet's book again, where he does indeed say that no one is standing outside doing the manipulating. That's the whole point of introducing the Sierpinski triangle: it only appears orchestrated! And Desmet does indeed say that those who believe there might be some conspiracy by the central authorities might have to be "handled psychologically."

So again: what caused the hypnosis? Was it not the central authorities deliberately manipulating information? How about that 24/7 Covid fear campaign, absolutely relentless? This was deliberate and powerful. This campaign wasn't because we, the people, asked for it, but this is exactly what Desmet means to say.

Yes, mass formation is real. It was induced. This is the central point, and the central point of Desmet's book-- his entire trajectory-- is to prove that it was not induced.

Desmet is providing cover and paving the way for a bizarre new psychology for a Great Reset world, wherein the prime concern will be that people aren't anxious and don't fall into dangerous conspiracy thinking that Desmet explicitly states may lead to mass formation itself.

Is that insidious, or what?

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You say that really well, Jim, and I apologize that I only now realize I'd forgotten to link to your Stack in the Ideology post. I've corrected that now. We'll continue the conversation over there.

Insidious is a perfect word to describe it.

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Malone came out against the vaxx campaign and got banned from Twitter as a result. That also ended any work he might do for government at least until sanity is restored (he'll probably be too old by then to do much of anything). He also wrote that he tried to contact the Breggins about their defamation of him, and they stopped responding to him. Personally not surprised he sued them if they ghosted him.

I am a little surprised he sued them for so much, if he had kept it to attorney's/court fees plus $1 and a public apology and removal of all published defamation he would have kept the moral high ground.

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I agree with your last point, Dave. If the lawsuit didn't have a number attached, I would have given him the benefit of the doubt that he just wanted to clear his name. But this seems to me to be intimidation to shut them up. He even says in one post that he thought it had worked, and then they came out with a new 'attack' as he called it, which was the post in their own defense.

Which of the material statements do you see as defamation? Does it need to be something that can be proven false?

The Sage Hana link I posted above looks at that timing. Days before Malone's big interview on Joe Rogan when he came out against the vaxx, his wife Jill had just posted on her LinkdIn that he had been robbed for the credit of inventing the mRNA vaccine. She wrote:

"As a young scientist, Robert saw into the future. He saw the future of RNA as a drug in 1987. Early in 1988, he foresaw the future of the use of mRNA for vaccination. ... Robert left the university knowing that what he had invented would change the world someday. That he has never doubted. ... This was and is Robert’s work, his passion. He is thrilled that all these technologies are working. He is thrilled for his part in that. He freely credits that other people have worked to develop this. But to have poured his heart and soul into this – decades of work and to have someone else get credit for his work in the national press is demoralizing and disheartening."

Doesn't that seem sudden to you, that Jill would post this one day and the next, Robert would become an international spokesperson against the vaccine?

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I'm not a lawyer, just a werd nerd, but...

"Which of the material statements do you see as defamation? Does it need to be something that can be proven false?"

All of these seem to me somewhat to very defamatory:


Basically, he's accusing them of spreading lies about him. If they can prove their assertions, then that's a 100% bulletproof defense against libel and/or slander.

Reading through them, I'd have been pissed too if I was Malone (assuming he is what he is, a turncoat on the Deep State, who burned every bridge to that world because he had a crisis of conscious).

Why do this? Maybe Malone has a lot of other things to bring out, and he doesn't need his character impugned. Unfortunately most people judge the messenger more than the message, so this is important.

Personally, spreading lies about others should be more easily punished IMO. It's frankly ridiculous.

"Doesn't that seem sudden to you, that Jill would post this one day and the next, Robert would become an international spokesperson against the vaccine?"

No, because establishing his bona fides as the *creator* of mRNA tech gives him greater authority when he came out saying they were doing it wrong, it would result in harm, and you're not supposed to vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic anyway (this is very well established). Same thing happened with the inventor of the PCR test (they were using it wrong). I think he ended up dead. Which, might be another reason to shut up the Breggins, if they manage to whip up enough anger, somebody might take a shot at Malone (and some Deep State apparatchik might use that anger as cover to order a hit).

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Hmmm... not a lawyer either, but I'd think that the burden of proof that someone has knowingly lied, and refused to retract their lie when shown that it was false, rests on the one filing the case. Robert hasn't contradicted any of the statements of fact, other than saying he has no current connections with his former employees and clients in gov't, HHS, FDA, CIA or DoD. The other pieces of evidence they present for their conclusions are his own words.

If I were the Breggins' lawyer, I would certainly ask for discovery going back prior to Covid to find out exactly what committees and grants he got approved in 'biodefense' (a contradiction as I say above), how much money he's made in biodefense, who his contacts have been. I would get phone records, texts and emails, along with bank records. Certainly, if Robert's suing to show his innocence of current DoD ties and past involvement in the cultivation of man-made viruses, he has nothing to hide. I'm certain someone with high security clearance could be found to review the material.

If Robert is, psychologically or materially, still part of that way of thinking, his purpose would be exactly what you describe--keeping the debate within narrow bounds of mRNA being misapplied or vaccines being misused in the middle of a pandemic. Oops!

The thesis of the Breggins is that it's part of a global agenda of depopulation. You can review their evidence (or not) and agree (or not). But Robert, in shutting them up is trying to make sure that evidence is never seen. That certainly serves the interests of the Deep State, yes? Whether or not he's part of it still?

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TTBOMK that's not how it works in a civil defamation/libel/slander case.

This makes sense if you think about it, because the accused defaming party is making statements that the defendant has done some wrong. The burden of proof then falls on the defaming party, because they initiated. This is why truth is the ultimate defense in a libel/slander suit.

But, because the alleged defamer instigated things, the burden falls on them to prove their statements.

Discovery in a civil case is also TTBOMK hugely invasive, both sides can require just about everything.

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Makes you wonder does it not.

Who is friend and who is foe?

Oh well, time will tell.


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Mattias Desmet never used the word, psychosis, in his book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, so references in your Substack about it should indicate that fact. Yes. It's true that Malone used the word (first on The Joe Rogan Show December 21, 2021); however, if we put everything about that word in its proper context, you may wish to alter these and related remarks:

"Ten of the fourteen statements are about ideological differences regarding Mattias Desmet’s mass formation psychosis. As a psychiatrist, Peter Breggins is qualified to have an informed opinion on whether psychosis can be widespread and spontaneously occurring, or whether this state is induced by deliberate acts of psychological manipulation. But no ideological difference or opinions should be considered defamation."

Not arguing your point but misrepresenting Desmet's work could create an untoward issue here for you, Tereza. Err on the side of caution maybe?

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Thanks, Reggie, I do remember now that there was clarification that Desmet never used that word. I'll make that edit.

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Just a line will do. Just a CYA suggestion. No worries.

I'm disturbed by this whole thing too.

PS: Read Desmet's book when you have the chance. His delivery was nothing close to dogmatic. He just was sharing his thoughts. Gutsy, really. I caught his interview on Tucker Carlson Today and that hour led me to read the book. Easy read; however, tons of citations (as you'd expect!).

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My WikiSpooks friend, who I talk about in the reply to Anne, is a big fan of Desmet's book. And he's the most Deep State-savvy person I know, put together the radio show unwelcomeguests.net that had 2 hrs /wk of replaying talks given by the most in-depth researchers around. And Desmet isn't wrong--there's a phenomenon that requires an explanation. So I will check it out, thanks for the recommendation.

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Stay curious! Love it!

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I may be stepping waaaaay out on a ledge here but, as Mattias Desmet mentioned early in his "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" by highlighting the mistakes in the numerous psychology studies he reviewed--something that his colleagues absolutely hated about his research. this diatribe sure raised my eyebrows: https://open.substack.com/pub/criticallythinking/p/critically-thinking-about-the-con?r=71l80&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Changes the whole focus on Breggin/Malone topic but...

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Really interesting article, Reggie. And I say that as someone with an abd PhD in the psychology of creativity. I didn't write my dissertation because I read a study showing you could get opposite results from the same dataset depending on how you worded the question. Explain more how this relates to Desmet?

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I think this was the paper which placed Mattias Desmet, et al, in an uncomfortable relationship with colleagues because of what they discovered: https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/8604065.

I believe that there was some earlier work conducted by Desmet individually (which i had problems locating--see below) that discovered even more disturbing facts about research papers, especially within his discipline...something like "up to as much as 85% of studies are faulty"? I guess I don't have to tell you how that made his colleagues feel...which may explain why a Google search for "Mattias Desmet research errors" returned an overwhelming number of critical articles and opinion pieces about Mattias and his work. A DuckDuckGo search didn't. (Surprise!...not)

The amount of negativity that Desmet and, subsequently, Malone received after speaking about a mass formation occurring during the Corona pandemic was breathtaking. My personal belief is that future generations will look back at this time with befuddlement, bewilderment, and bemusement and, hopefully, in balanced amounts. Humanity is at a crossroads.

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So all this time, Malone has been nothing but controlled opposition, in league with the Great Reset gang? Say it ain't so!

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A journalist named Fintan Dunne has asked to interview me about this, and these are the questions I suggested:

1. When Robert, in his interview with Joe Mercola, says that whether he’s controlled opposition is a valid question, why does he then consider it defamation when the Breggins ask it and come to the ‘wrong’ conclusion?

2. Is it, as Robert says, irrelevant whether he’s controlled opposition? Why?

3. What does it mean to be controlled opposition?

4. What does it mean to be opposition that’s controlled?

5. Is he, as he says, useful controlled opposition?

6. If he is controlled opposition, what are the clues to the agenda of his handlers, based on the triggers for this lawsuit?

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Nr 6 :. The Breggins are another peg in the paradigm shift about dis-ease and health. Mind over matter (Breggins) vs viruses matter ((Mal-one and the likes).

What we have here is the fall of an empire that lasted millenia and the rise of the new era.

25 million can be seen as a drop water compared to the ocean.

It is adamant to the archons that these new ideas are stopped at all cost, lol.

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Spot on about Malone and Desmet. That paring is weird. See here: https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/on-the-psychology-of-totalitarianism

Malone might have been OK but his promotion of Langan and Desmet are red flags.

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