"Being censored and deplatformed is street cred in the resistance. Not being censored is suspicious. If the CIA is controlling social media, as we know, why wouldn’t they be using this? The WikiSpooks bio of Malone is squeaky clean. Since it’s back on the internet, the last 13 edits have been done by Liaton9000 who is the co-host of Rounding the Earth with Matthew Crawford and administrator of the related Campfire Wiki on Covid’s Deep State connections.


So this is Liam.

Does this mean that Liam scrubbed Malone clean in Wikispooks?

If so, what would you attribute that motivation?

I have an idea, and I will spill, but I want your thoughts to keep me sober and focused.

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Okay but when you delete, my reply disappears mid-comment so hopefully this one stays stable ;-) Liam is just an editor. I don't think it's hard to get that privilege. And having his own campfire wiki they share a lot of data and tools. I don't get the sense he's duplicitous but I do think he's been naive about Malone.

What I was thinking through in the last one was the question. It isn't really about Malone, I think. We both agree he's a spook, and possibly the most influential one in the world right now? Although he seemed fidgety in that puky trailer. I think he's losing conviction in his role.

So the question is whether MC is still taken in by him or, deeper, whether MC is in on the con?

I'll sleep on that question and check out the links tomorrow. Thanks for the compliment and the trust!

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I also sent my friend Robin this email. He says he's coming around to my perspective on RM:

"There’s a crux in the road that’s happening for every entity that’s not addressing the question of whether RWM is a spook. And not just any spook! If his true affiliations are secretly imperial, and his critics are right in their assessment that there IS a genocidal and power-centralizing global agenda, he may be the most influential high-profile spook in the world, at this moment.

"What his WS page does is take his word at face value. He says he’s received death threats and wants us to know ‘he’s not suicidal.’ Really? One of the three critics of him is 'Philip Cross’ whose censorship of Wikipedia RWM cites as evidence that he’s being attacked because of standing up for the truth. Really? The tiny, itsy-bitsy criticism it puts in about RWM is that he ‘edited his own Substack to take out the word ‘overpriced.’ What a nefarious villain!

"I could go on but you get the point. I know you can’t keep track of everyone but there’s more research being done on Malone’s spook affiliations than anyone I’ve seen in my lifetime. It’s now so widespread and goes so deep that any mention of him on the sites of his ‘believers’ sparks a torrent of the latest links of increasing evidence of his duplicity. My articles are based solely on his own words and logic but others do more investigation.

"Some of the other people to whom he is ‘a person of interest’ include Mark Kulacz: https://web.archive.org/web/20220925080346/https://www.bitchute.com/video/JvkXyUpr8Op2/

Sage Hana with this comment thread featuring more: https://sagehana.substack.com/p/some-good-substack-posts-to-check/comments

George Webb, although I will say I find him confusing and arrogant but that’s not to say he’s wrong: https://georgewebb.substack.com/

"After I posted my vid and Liam responded, I don’t think there’s an intent to ‘whitewash’ Malone but it certainly reads like the Wikipedia page RWM would post, with no mention that anyone but some obscure Bible guy thinks he’s a spook, with no apparent evidence. The question that I’m getting is whether WS and Liam are doing a cover-up or are they simply naive? That same question is coming up for everyone who’s ‘defending’ him by ignoring rather than addressing the issues around him."

So I will give him a chance to answer and see what he says.

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Don't know if you saw my reply to LNC on your stack, who wrote: No shade to you at all because you are a fine addition to these here comments…but…fuck that Matthew guy.

Thou shall not burn thy brothers and sisters.

I say again

Thou shall not burn thy brothers and sisters!

Banish him to the house of pain!

It’s a stain on his honor. It also reads as very unstable.

I posted:

"I've been giving more thought to that question last night. Here's what I woke up with--Mathew's response to Sage's suspicions about Malone was to insist on talking about it privately. That's right out of the Malone playbook. It's how he responded to the Breggins' initial disagreement with Desmet's theory. He positioned them as cowardly because they refused the invitation to 'sort things out.' WTF? It's not like two kids having a playground fight. It's which model of making sense of a global killing machine was going to create a truthful paradigm for understanding, because that's the first step to meaningful action. Both sides had significant platforms, the debate among ideas should have happened there and may the best idea win.

"Why didn't Mathew answer Sage in the same forum where she had asked the questions? If he was, at the time, under the thrall of Malone and being coached by him in how to respond but has now changed his mind, he owes Sage an apology. Not just for the doxxing but for the whole strategy of a supposedly private conversation to sort out the truth, in trust, that was selectively used to reveal personal information he'd given assurances not to disclose. Like the attack on the Breggins with the lawsuit, it diverted attention from the actual issue to an area that was irrelevant.

"I will clarify here, though, that I wasn't paying attention in the lead-up or the aftermath of this. Nor have I read his side. So I'm only addressing this one data point and I agree with you, LNC, it was not an honorable or fair way to further an understanding of the truth, if that was his intent."

You're keeping me damn busy with the vaping project and WikiSpooks. Your thoughts on this?

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Okay, just off the top of my head. Don't reply to this on this board, as I shall delete.

Email is here:


1. Props. You are relentless and digging hard. Respect. (Not that you need kudos, but damn.)

2. I quit covering 🐴 for the most part for the same reason that there was ample gaps in what his behavior should have looked like vs. what it did. So he was "outed" very quickly, even if I didn't have specifics, which tbc, are important, and you and George Webb and Kulacz are grinding to this.

What this might look like:

Put Malone in the same room as Jordon Walker (at the BioGen Conference in Boston?) and he is exposed. Put Malone in the vaping vector for disseminating virus like particles and he is exposed. Put Malone in bed with Callahan and Hone, he is frantically trying to scrub this ahead of time, but it makes no sense that you knew these people for this long and just now sorted out "bad". Explore the Ebola Ring trials which Geert said were a massive fuck up. (Will send you a comp to read this.)


Or, just watch here, the first 10-15m.


Now go back to 🐴 CV and see how he brags about all of this.

And figure out the giant hole in the middle between GVB pissed AF about this and RM bragging about it.

And also revealed that he has a very dismissive view of those he purports to "help". Which is not particularly unique amongst "elites", but it does paint a target on his back.

3. MC may have been in thrall or MC may just be yet another self focused "smartest guy in the room". I don't really find MC to be all that relevant to the search except that he did highlight JJ to the world, who is far more useful as a guide. What is "metadata" is that he did work on the human genome project and he purports to be an expert in blockchain.

There is a reason why he found himself on that bus in Puerto Rico. What is that reason?

Dr. Astrid says blockchain is a big part of the transhuman agenda.

Does that mean that he is in an evil conspirator, No. But it is metadata, and then when you toss in how he has a list of 18-19 different Chaos Agents and derides everyone from Ed Dowd to Brook Jackson to Tom Renz (a "menace", which launched his focus on me), but none of these people are all good, all bad.

And that probably means Matt, too.

4. being charitable: What MC did was more in line with an "ends justify the means" approach, and he is in many ways more Daily Beast or Taylor Lorenz than "freedom movement" in this respect. MC wants to be a star. It reads. That much is clear upon cursory interaction. He's decent enough and charming enough, but the minute that you don't share his particular frame, you are a Chaos Agent. 😅

He lacks humility to check his suppositions and I can tell you that he told me...on the phone...that (blank) was controlled op and on Zoom was way too casual about tossing other (blanks) to the wolves. So that was the seeds of immediate problems, that no, I did not wish to be a part of his Campfire whatever, and then escalated with NO, I don't think the entire Scamdemic hinges on DMED and your special slice of expertise.

5. My thoughts are that we are all Spartacus and each of us who are genuinely trying to get to the bottom of this will find the avenue where they have an aptitude and dig in. It all is part of the puzzle. And that may apply to even MC, but he will continue probably barring a moment of spiritual clarity to try and recover the Math Boy Wonder feel goods from his childhood.

Wheewww... that was a lot! 😹

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Good strategy on communicating. It took me awhile to get back because I wanted to look at it again. It's a friend of mine, Robin, from 12 yrs ago who runs WikiSpooks. He showed me exactly where to see the history of who had changed or added: https://wikispooks.com/w/index.php?title=Robert_Malone&action=history. What Liam put in isn't significant but the lack of any evidence of controversy does seem strange.

It reposts his tweets about death threats and 'I am not suicidal'. It represents the Breggins as criticizing that Mass Formation shouldn't include the word psychosis. It looks at his Wikipedia page being replaced by British intelligence agent 'Philip Cross' to take out that he was the mRNA inventor, which it shows on the Wayback Machine from June 14, 2021 but not June 16th. How would someone even know to look with that kind of precision unless you'd planted it?

Something is fishy there. It's just too understated, making a big deal of him editing his Substack to remove the word 'overpriced' describing McCullough's company. Robin had something he was going to send by Session so it wouldn't be in email but I haven't gotten anything. Okay, dish!

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