On the solstice anniversary of Third Paradigm’s conception, I do a one-year retrospective. Following Russell Brand's advice to me to "dance with the devil but don't go home with him," I put my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, on Amazon. I started a YouTube channel and published 77 episodes (with only one deleted by YouTube) divided into nine playlists listed below.
On Substack's writing platform, I combined videos with text and found their comment format to be conducive to real dialogue and conversation with smart, perceptive viewers. Some of the Substackers I comment on include Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, Caitlin Johnstone, Matt Ehret & Cynthia Chung, Charles Eisenstein, Rob Brezsny, and Robert Malone.
What is it? The Third Paradigm is a video blog on Socio-Spirituality and Small-Scale Sovereignty. The socio- takes a hard and factual look at the reality in the world while the spirituality logically and systematically questions the reality of the world. Small-scale sovereignty is the goal of community self-governance and economics.
Why? I look at 2022 as the year of truth-telling and crisis/opportunity when we need to be ready with a plan. We’re living through the pinnacle of global domination, which makes it the worst of times and the best of times for change.
Who am I? A nobody and, as Rob Brezsny reminds us, nobody is perfect. You are too. Thank you to all of my subscribers and viewers who made this the year I found my people!
Playlists on Third Paradigm have around 2 hours of content in 8 videos, listed below:
The Great Reset includes Down Under Torn Asunder, Matt Ehret & Cynthia Chung: Geopuzzle Pros, Are Opioids the New Opium War?, Yuval Harari & the Metawealth Miniverse, Thinking Clearly About Empire on John Campbell, Digging Into the Data, Infodemic: RFK & The Real AF, and Cui Bono Covid? Who Benefits? on Kevin Ryan
Geopolitics & Ukraine is Ukraine: the Hegemon's Last Stand, The West vs the Rest, What Should Zelensky Keep?, Putin's Peace and Petrodollar Pain, Ukranian Peace & US Petropocalypse: Hudson & Malone, Escape from Azkaban: Victoria Nuland & Ukraine, Yanis Varoufakis is Naive on Ukraine, and Theodicy, Hegemony & Michael Hudson on Ukraine.
Propaganda & Censorship has Nina Jankowicz, the Warbling Warmonger, Manufacturing Contempt, Calming the Fears of the Tyranny-Hesitant, Domestic Truth Agents Unite!, The Reality Puzzle & Propaganda Playbook, Are We Being Manipulated? on Paul Kingsnorth, Conspiracy Theorist as the New Heretic on Brad Evans, and The Demonization and Demonetization of 'Disinformation' on Bret Weinstein.
Politics IS Division shows Noam Chomsky IS the Problem, Roe v Redux: Leak or Squirrel?, Thomas Frank Misses the Point of Populism, The War on Burkas on Sam Harris, The Only Deadly Sin on Jonathan Haidt & Darren Brown, How Whites Were Trashed on Tim Pool, Six Levels of Reality on Jeremy Gilbert, and Need, Greed & the 3P on David Harvey.
Sex, Money & Power reveals Sex & Power: Battle of the Daves, The Story of Money, The Lust Frontier: Disposable Dating & The Great Isolation, Jokers on the Left, Clowns to the Right on Matt Taibbi, Is Our Love Being Pimped for Profit? on Jocko Willink, Who Stole the Assets? on Anwar Shaikh, Inequality Sucks Out Your Soul re: Jason Hickel, and the Three Biggest Conspiracies in Plain Sight on Edward Snowden.
Socio-Spirituality explores When Did You Stop Being Wrong?, Socio-Spirituality & Small Scale Sovereignty, Are YOU Ready to Save the World?, Debunking Democracy on Shoshana Zuboff, The Epiphany Jumpstart on Gabor Mate, The Crisis of Meaninglessness on Bret Weinstein & Heather Heysing, From FOMO to JOMO: the Joy of Missing Out, and Why Russell Brand?
Restoring Local Sovereignty expands on We Need to Agree to Agree, Questioning the Greater Reset, Build a New Model, Wokeness vs 'The Void': Kehinde Andrews & Candace Owens, Virus, Vaccine, Veritas, The Utopian Imagination on Naomi Klein, Animal Husbandry is the New Vegetarian on Tom Kerridge, and Adjacent Nation on Krystal Ball.
What is Reality? queries What's the Best that can Happen?, Meaning Is All There Is, Tony Robbins is Working Too Hard & Aiming Too Low, Spiritual Optimism & Political Radicalism on Marianne Williamson, In the Context of All Being One on Daniel Pinchbeck, The Theodicy Triangle on Alister McGrath, What Is The Matter? on Iain McGilchrist, and Kali & Ultimate Reality on Bradley Garrett.
Where Are the Women? challenges Legal Shamen vs Economic Witches on Yuval Noah Harari, Patriarchal Pyramid or Matriarchal Matrix? on Vandana Shiva, Waking the Dragon Mom on Jordan Peterson, The Crisis as Festival on Sarah Chayes, Interdependence vs Interbeing on Sebastian Junger, What Emerges from the Emergency? on Luke Kemp, Be the Meanest Mom Ever, Your Kids Will Thank You...Eventually, and The Divine Feminine on Jordan Peterson.
To see where Third Paradigm started, here’s the OG What & Why & Who Am I?
"Being censored and deplatformed is street cred in the resistance. Not being censored is suspicious. If the CIA is controlling social media, as we know, why wouldn’t they be using this? The WikiSpooks bio of Malone is squeaky clean. Since it’s back on the internet, the last 13 edits have been done by Liaton9000 who is the co-host of Rounding the Earth with Matthew Crawford and administrator of the related Campfire Wiki on Covid’s Deep State connections.
So this is Liam.
Does this mean that Liam scrubbed Malone clean in Wikispooks?
If so, what would you attribute that motivation?
I have an idea, and I will spill, but I want your thoughts to keep me sober and focused.