Watched both videos... was not sure at first that I liked how you brought in themes through literary devices to make the topic more interesting. I was a bit put off by the Harry Potter references...but then it grew on me. Must say the character comparison of Nuland put a visual in my mind every time you mentioned her name....and that brought some flavor to what can often be a dry intellectual political analysis. But more important and is the real effort to explain the complexity of geopolitical situations which is very difficult to accomplish since the entanglements in history that proceed events are never a clean narrative of a singular agenda. More often there are many competing agendas that muddy up each other is a scrimmage for the ball being banged about relentlessly on the pitch. Some of your theory on the United States and its political character and the basis of power in the US society is pretty standard fare. Might I suggest a thought. Money flows to Power. Most people believe that power goes for sale to those who have money....because most people believe that money is power. This is not true. As has been famously said....Power comes from the business end of a gun. There is no greater power that man can wield than death. So if you step back and look at who controls the end of the gun you find the enemy. But you have to see clearly...not be distracted by the gun itself. For instance, it is not the US Government that controls power....the government is just the gun. We must ask who holds the gun? The answer is the National Political Parties. The fight for control of the US government by these two national parties is just theater, bread and circuses for the masses. They trade the gun back and forth, not pointed at each other, but pointed at the people. The battle within the political parties to control their respective party...that is where you will find in the circle of evil conjurers, protected and safe within the dark hidden sanctuary of the two party system they constructed to own and operated the United States as a military industrial complex which prospers on global economic, military interventionism, the successor to colonialism.

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Thanks for sticking through the literary device, Nomen. I had my own hesitation about the analogy and then it kept pulling me along so that when my daughter said she could photoshop a fly onto VN's head, that was the clincher.

In my book I define money as a means of organizing labor in the interests of whoever issues it. That isn't the governments, it's the cartel of bankers through mortgage debt. So I would say they, in their other guise as corporate investors, are the ones who control the politicians and the political parties. They play both sides, which is why VN's neocon husband said that the PNAC would back Hillary Clinton--she was more hawkish than the Republicans. HC & VN are just more guns in their arsenal.

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The idea that bankers play both sides is standard fare as well, seen as the financiers is fair enough but currency is simply another commodity…a resource like oil, wheat etc. If you look at oil you understand it value as an energy product, but looking at currency confuses people as to what is its value. Most understand it as a thing that you can buy other things with, but that is its function, not its value. Some think It’s value is that of the entity that issues it, the central banks of various nations. Still missing the mark. Others the economy of the nation, not quite right but close. The value of the US Dollar is the US Governments ability to collect taxes from users of that dollar (the vigorish) and control the transactions conducted with that dollar. That ability comes from, once again, the business end of a gun, or more simply put the lethal power of the State. Want to test that theory, don’t pay income taxes and sooner or later you will be visited by a agent of the State with a gun. But you know this, as you pointed out in the case of Libya, the guns arrived when the transaction control attempted to go rogue. So the real value of the currency of a nation is the strength of its economic capacity which is orchestrated by the central bank through currency and the lethal force that government has domestically and internationally. That said, consider the play being made today in Ukraine and how it is working out. The US political parties pushed the US military to Eastern Europe to protect the US dollar by insuring it with NATO membership. Being predictable by their hubris as they are the trajectory was clear, further weaken Russia by removing the growing economies of Eastern Europe from its sphere, while calculating that China would not off we Russia a life line. That play was a reasonable strategy before 2016. The two parties were unified, any candidate they gave us to vote for would be working that play, keeping China close in good relations and tied tightly economically. But then a rogue captured the Republican nomination, despite every effort to destroy him both before and after his election. Now the “Trump is a Russian agent” accusation begins to make sense, not to the masses, but to the Establishment it was and is true in their view as Trump took on China and broke the plan, calling out how the political parties sold us, the people, out to China. And at the same time said we should be creating better relations with Russia. Any wonder that the establishment came after him in such a lethal matter just sort of the ultimate end? I could go on with what happened next, corona virus, election fraud, the installation of a compromised President easily controlled, and the whole plan to reestablish “the party plan” blowing up in their faces by two foreign powers, with leaders smarter than the US, seeing an opportunity to break the US Dollar by stalemating it’s only true weapon, the US Military, by checking it with a nuclear conflict (Ukraine) while undermining its currency dominance. But you knew all this I am sure. Now, the real gamble is to predict how this plays out.

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Love your bribe comment. So true. Its a crazy place we are at now. You are right that necessity is the mother of invention.

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Hi Tereza... excellent work!!

I loved the uplifting ending too. We in NZ are not supposed to be hearing about the end of the Petrodollar and the exciting new currency and trading paradigms that have sprung up. I do my best to get the word out but it quite a battle. I will be recommending your articles down here.

On the subject of uplifting, did you get a chance yet to watch the Armenian film 'I Am Not Alone'. This shows that there are still a few politicians left in the world who are genuine Statesmen that have the welfare of their people and country as their core principle.

This combines nicely with your article because it gives hope at the political level to add to these giant strides humanity is taking in finally disenfranchising the old financial oligarchs.



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Hi Colin and thanks! I haven't yet watched I Am Not Alone but I was just thinking to tonight. I'll let you know if I have any problem accessing it. I appreciate your insights. I've just been writing my next one on Matt Ehret and his wife, Cynthia Chung, called GeoPuzzle Pros. It's hard to stop reading and listening to them long enough to write, every time I keep learning so many new things.

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I love Dr. Malone. I have to think Doc knew about these bio tech labs all over the world? Just exactly how many do we have and where? It went from ZERO to 25-30 in about two weeks. Doc worked with DOD and NIH for years. I simply want to know what he knew and when he knew it OR, if he knew anything at all? 🇺🇸

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Thanks for commenting! Robert posted this about his history with "biodefense": https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/all-along-the-watchtower. I have to put that word in quotes because, clearly, no biological weapon can be used on your home ground for defense. It's always terrorism. This article really impressed me with his ability to change his mind about something he'd been neck deep in all his career.

And then he followed it with this, that links to Glenn Greenwald's seminal article: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/ukraine-biolab-watchtower. And if you haven't watched my Escape from Azkaban on Victoria Nuland, that talks about it too.

China claims there are over 300 US-funded biological weapons labs in 80 different countries, with 27 in Ukraine alone. But it wouldn't surprise me if even those who worked in "biodefense" didn't know about them.

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Your work is amazing. Commented earlier on a, Frances Leader post - Uncensored

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Let's connect in a global meditation for peace, 24/7..... every second of every waking moment. Vote in the poll at the foot of this post!

Frances Leader

3 hr ago



The Good Citizen said:

"And so don’t expect rebellion. Don’t plan for retribution. Don’t wait for justice.

And don’t anticipate any tides will turn in humanity’s favor anytime soon."

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I had to reply to his post as follows:


I ain't expecting, planning, waiting or anticipating any of the above. I am far too busy being the change I want to see.

I am meditating all my waking hours. I am visualising the kind of society I can love unreservedly. I am working, flat out, writing and studying, empathising and responding.

I have wall2wall conviction that I am an eternal being having a human experience and I care about this delicate web of life so much that I cannot go quietly in the world. I have to shout my head off to protect the life that has no voice among the humans.

While the predator classes are creating hell on earth, nature is quietly still on track for its ultimate objectives and we are very much a part of it.

If the predators want to cancel our right to speak, drum us off all social media, shout us down, ridicule us and ostracise us, then they need to know something about the genuine eternal beings they are dealing with.


So they must, inevitably join the family of nature or get the hell out of our way because this power is immortal. It is time they found out that their own immortality already exists and they don't need their stupid 'singularity' because......


Believe it and it is true for us..... let's connect in a global meditation for peace, 24/7..... every second of every waking moment.

Never forget that we are part of one eternal life <with a mission> and whether or not it is clear to us, undoubtedly this Universe is unfolding as it should.

With many thanks to Roman S Shapoval who Writes The Power Couple Substack.

He said: “I wonder - if enough of us do a group meditation centering the heart-field, if our magnetic pulse could knock these out with our own EMP?” and that inspired me.



Do you want to take part in a Global Meditation Mission?

Yes, I am already on it!


Yes, I have nothing better to do!


Yes, I have been waiting for you!


Yes, what are we waiting for?





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Writes Copper Vortex

2 hr ago

Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks, Frances, and I think group meditation is what's needed in these times. You know they say when you just 144k to uplift Earth. Have you heard of Rory Duff: https://sacrednetwork.org/ ? He tracks the strength of Earth energy grids and ley lines and has groups meditating on them during the four equinoxes and solstices. There's not much going on over here in Virginia but more people get over there in England.




1 reply by Frances Leader

Paul Black

2 hr ago

Liked by Frances Leader

Once again I am in Medieval Sleep pattern mode, risen from the sofa at silly o'clock to see your post on my EMF emitting device. Never been religious my whole life yet at 56 feel closer to God and Jesus than ever before. Whether the Bible and Revelations are an early Psy Op of predictive programming like the Hollywood sci fi movies and eugenicist novels of last century or not, there is a higher existential power inside us all. Organised religion is corrupt and has always been a tool of control. I watched and enjoyed The Book of Eli again last night. Post apocalyptic action adventure with a twist. This great meditation can also be construed as the power of prayer to some. Regardless, discovering you Frances, alongside many other wonderful substack authors has been like stumbling into a church and finding my spiritual and moral home community. We are brothers and sisters or cousins at least, attuned on a wavelength that may be dissonant at times but our frequencies brought us together. I do not know my purpose in the grand scheme of things yet but I know I am in the right place and unafraid of death or what the evil ones have in mind.

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Thanks for your thorough reply, Paul, and for reading my post. 'Coincidentally' I read it first thing after I'd finished my morning meditation, something I'll revisit on the hour today. My reading was "Forgiveness is the key to happiness. Forgiveness offers everything I want." I've been thinking about a future episode on whether the powers-that-be are predators or parasites. In the first case, the strategy would be militaristic--taking them out through battle. In the second, it might be seen as strengthening the immune system of the host--society. Thanks for giving me further impetus to think about this.

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Tereza you are welcome. I had not intended to paste all of the above so apologies for clogging up your feed. In the last 3 years and before when we had our UK Brexit I reailsed the world we are in is The Matrix. Natural and Common Law vs Legislation and Statutes, geopolitics, history etc etc. Multifaceted deceptions for centuries. Personally, I cannot turn the other cheek or forgive such debased evil. My knowledge of God, Jesus and the scriptures is limited. I have always intuitively felt there is a higher power and although I feel powerless to prevent what seems to be endtimes Revelation type stuff, I am not afraid and have found so many like minded new virtual friends I draw comfort and strength from that as well as a new found faith in something bigger.

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