Such an awesome post, of course I love it. You are beautiful, but not geriatric. What you have inside you shines perfectly on the outside. My Male Gaze is of unconditional Acceptance.

You did excellent with the symbolism here on the 13 parts. Auset, is similar to the Divine Mother in Indian tradition; there are four powers or personalities:

Maheshwari: The power of wisdom, vastness, and peace embodies the strategic foresight and serene confidence required of leaders to guide their followers through complexities with clarity and vision.

Mahakali: The force of transformation, strength, and courage, inspiring leaders to embrace change fearlessly, to stand against injustice, and to empower others to break through limitations.

Mahalakshmi: The essence of harmony, beauty, and love, encouraging leaders to nurture relationships, foster unity, and create environments where creativity and collaboration flourish.

Mahasaraswati: The principle of perfection, learning, and meticulous execution, guiding leaders in the pursuit of excellence and the meticulous crafting of their vision into reality.

In ancient Egyptian tradition they are: Auset = Maheshwari -- Nephtys = Mahalakshmi -- Neith = Mahasaraswati and Serket = Mahakali

Each power of the Feminine represents the facets of the Eternal Heart that is Home to the Masculine.

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I appreciate that so much, Nef. And your four powers of the Feminine are amazing! It really makes me realize how much is lacking in our male-exclusive Western religions. I can't even say male-dominant because the deeper I get into it, the more that I realize the feminine just doesn't exist. I just watched the Apostate Prophet (is that the name?) on Islam and what's in the Q'uran is as horrifying as in the Hebrew Bible. I'll bring down the vibe of this post if I get into the ugly details, so we'll leave that until later.

I'm eager to be exploring and expanding this important missing aspect. So grateful to have you adding to my knowledge and my life!

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Happy Birthday. As Ernesto says below, this entire Longhouse loves you/this community you've created (including Eeyore, the duck tree movie starlet, and all the rest of us crazy friends who've become part of your/our world(s).

Side Note: you remain in your 30's that's for sure (your energy is scary amazing) as 30-37 is a number one can achieve within the realm of the '30's'.

Put the rest of this down as an addition to your 'placeholder' for the 13 parts.

Saturday's posting expressed concerns of the maleness/patriarchy of society(ies) and religion(s). We get it, we all are affected, even the males in the room.

To add complications and considerations/perspectives to your life and relations, Toby Rogers 'Utobian' just posted a recent Substack titled: Many of the central tenets of progressivism are actually autistic traits.

That rabbit hole (as much as he didn't even want to see it) discussed the polarization of our times between the differing factions of politics/healthcare/propaganda/narratives/etc.

He suggest that Autism (currently noted as affecting 1 out of 20 children in CA where there are State required Vax policies to participate in ANY part of society) is playing an increasing and more dangerous role, not to mention the costs on society.

He noted the DSM-V Definition of Autism: Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus. Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment.

And his perspective: "We can say with certainty that progressivism is now inflected with autistic tendencies. But I think it’s bigger than that. Progressivism is now driven by vaccine injury. I think that explains the weird ideological shifts that we’ve seen in progressivism (from liberalism to totalitarianism) over the last decade.".

Next he pivots over to The Midwestern Doctor's Substack:


As the article draws towards conclusions:

"there is broad agreement that it is a result of a complex interplay between biological, psychological and social factors. This balance of factors will be different in each individual."

Additionally: "•Many of the cognitive changes described in post-encephalitic patients perfectly mirror the common frustrations women have with men who cannot emotionally connect to them. This in turn has made me realize the vaccine program has likely profoundly altered the dating dynamics of the country, and from the limited queries I’ve made so far, my older readers who witnessed this shift occur agree it is likely an issue."

And now we're back over to you Tereza and your article regarding men/women relations.

Women and those in your age group (30+somethings) are specifically mentioned as Mid-Western Dr. continued (and has offered a survey) in how women felt they were/actually were treated by men they dated who were born pre 1950 (Intro of the DPT Vaccine) and those after.

A comment from one observer noted striking differences between male behaviors of the two groups.

So, the possibility exists that beyond the 'penis' principle of male behavior we might be seeing even more challenges for women at large in trying to navigate life/relationships.

(Like the last 3,500 years of insanity wasn't enough on one's plate.)

Midwestern Doctor notes:

34 years ago, a remarkable author (Harris Coulter) made a strong case that these post encephalitic complications of the DPT vaccine were dramatically altering America and were responsible for a variety of social changes we had seen which paralleled DPT’s adoption. Coulter specifically focused on the link between violent crime and DPT encephalitis, but also touched upon the variety of learning disabilities (and physical deficits) that frequently resulted from the DPT vaccine, and which are often seen within violent criminals. Assuming Coulter was correct, this in turn completely upends both the liberal and conservative notions about criminal justice.

Here is a link to the book titled 'Vaccination, Social Violence & Criminality', A Medical Assault on the American Brain if interested:


Please don't even begin looking at this until well after today has come and gone. It's a day to celebrate you and all the love you bring into this community. Please enjoy and we'll circle the wagons when appropriate.

PS: Since I don't do Video/listen to video, only transcripts, I may have completely 'missed the target' of your article. If so, my apologies.

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Greg, what a beautiful sentiment! It makes me feel very warm and fuzzy to be loved by my Longhouse ;-) What a perfect way to visualize, and internalize, this family / community. I'm so happy you stumbled in and started looking around and reflecting it back to me in such vividly enhanced colors!

Yes, the male/ female relationship is what has broken all of the 14 parts of Ausir. It's like the feminine was the connection. I'll have to think and research more about the parts and what they represent.

I've mentioned before that I think the vaccine-autism connection is a feature and not a bug. Does it affect 1 in 20 children in CA or 1 in 20 boys? I know there's a marked difference. Those are all very interesting articles. You're right (if I'm reading you correctly) that Toby Rogers is giving an example of that polarization when he describes the impacts of autism as progressivism.

From my experience, living in the heart of wokism, I'd say it's the opposite. My extremely, rabidly liberal neighbors, to characterize them, are Jewish lesbian couples over 50. They have an abundance of empathy to the point of bleeding hearts. They all feel like they've been privileged and it's their obligation to stand up for the underprivileged. It's their compassion that's being exploited because they have an abundance of white guilt and soft feelings.

In my experience, those who have autism are unlikely to be politically involved, but I could be wrong. That's a great topic you've opened up, Greg, I'll think about that.

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OK. I knew I never should have got myself into this mess. LOL

Here's the stats on Autism:

"A new 2023 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows the rates and demographics of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are changing in the United States.

In the latest analysis, 1 in 36 8-year-old children (2.8%) have been identified as having ASD. This figure is higher than the previous estimate published in December 2021, which found a prevalence of 1 in 44 (2.3%) children, and considerably higher than the CDC’s first autism prevalence report published in 2007 noting a prevalence of 1 in 150 (0.7%).

Prevalence estimates also differed across the 11 data collection sites, ranging from 1 in 43 children (2.3%) in Maryland, to 1 in 22 (4.5%) in California. A second report examined 4-year-old children in the same 11 communities and found similarly high rates of autism (2.2%) in the network overall, and 4.6% in California in particular.

The findings were published on March 23, 2023 in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Surveillance Summaries."

If 'boys' have even higher rates, I don't even want to guess what that number looks like, but if we were in a war (and we are) and 5% of males were being taken out due to a single weapon, it would be declared a national emergency (unfortunately, even with the CDC making the declaration, no 'red flags' arise).

You asked about 'boys'. Here's what UCSD has to say:

"Historically, boys have been diagnosed with autism 4 to 5 times more often than girls. The latest report finds this gap is narrowing, as more girls have been identified with ASD than in years past, and the ratio between boys and girls has decreased in the ADDM Network overall. Specifically, boys are now identified 3.8 and 3.1 times more often for the 8- and 4-year-old cohorts, respectively. This is also the first ADDM Network report in which the prevalence of ASD among girls has exceeded 1%. This trend of increasing identification of females with ASD was also found in California. "


Regarding your 'progressive' neighbors, Toby has this to say in his referenced article:

"Now think about the central tenets of modern progressivism:

‘We must control the weather. There is a right way for the weather to be and this is not it. The state should set the temperature like a thermostat on the wall by controlling the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. We must force people to stop eating meat, ban nitrogen fertilizer, ban gasoline powered cars, and put particles in the atmosphere to deflect the sun.’

‘We must control all speech. There is one truth, it is black & white and known by the powers that be. Anyone who deviates from this one truth is engaged in harmful misinformation and they must be stopped or we’ll all die. The state and any agents that they designate are the protectors of truth. Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Anderson Cooper, Terry Gross, and Ezra Klein know the truth and anything that contradicts what they say is misinformation that must be censored.’

‘We must control all bodies. Bodies can carry disease and this must be corrected with endless vaccines. Vaccines do not harm anyone ever and even if they do it is better than disease. Some people are born into the wrong bodies and this must be corrected. Surgeries and hormones do not harm anyone ever and even if they do it is better than suicide. Bodies die which is why technologists are working to upload our consciousness into the cloud so that we can live forever.’

‘We must enclose the air and kill all viruses and bacteria [even though they are essential to life on the planet]. The air is dangerous, viruses are dangerous, bacteria is dangerous, water is dangerous, surfaces are dangerous, and people are dangerous (life itself is dangerous) which is why we must use hand sanitizer and masks and stand six feet apart and not leave the house if possible. By all means get vaccinated. Those who ignore these common sense rules are putting our lives at risk because they are not as caring and knowledgeable as us.’

Justice sensitivity runs throughout modern progressivism as well. Every issue is the issue and everything is genocide except the iatrogenocide. Universities have also become autistic progressive laboratories with safe spaces for students and faculty can be fired for saying upsetting things.

These ideas contradict two and a half centuries of theory and best practices in politics, law, and public health. Modern progressives’ rigid insistence on control is a hallmark of autism and a complete rejection of liberalism (that used to define the Democratic Party).

But I hasten to add — this actually makes a ton of sense if we look at it from their perspective. If one’s senses are turned way up to the point where they are painful, of course one wants to control all inputs. For me it’s sound, I have dog ears that can hear a creaky air conditioner motor 100 yards away — through walls, trees, glass windows, etc. So I’m always trying to control and reduce the sounds around me (turning things off, telling other people to turn things off, being angry at people when they fail to turn things off, sitting in the sweltering heat because I turned everything off, frequently changing locations to try to find a better spot for my ears, etc.). I can also tell you to the decibel how much sound a particular lighting fixture is emitting. Needless to say this makes me difficult to be around. Now multiply that tendency across all of the different senses and several million people (or even several hundred million people) who all have similar difficulties and you’ve got a widespread yearning for an ideology of control.

Now let’s go one step further. When I present the official DSM-5 definition of autism at academic conferences there is always a bit of nervous laughter and invariably someone will say, “That sounds like a lot of academics I know. Hahahahaha.”

The definition of autism sounds like a lot of academics we know because academia selects for high-functioning people on the spectrum.

Medicine, the sciences, and the tech industry in Silicon Valley select for high-functioning people on the spectrum too."

Welcome back from the girls weekend. Hope you got a great break. Sorry if this ended it. LOL

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Thanks, Greg. I'm in 99% agreement with everything Toby says here. I think it's only his use of the word 'progressive' that gets me. I should have followed my first rule and asked for a definition.

Certainly Greta has been the poster child of simplistic knee-jerk responses that the WEF wants to model. And absolutely yes, academia, medicine, computer science all selects for high-functioning autism. I have no doubt it's part of the agenda. But woke would be a more fitting term, in my mind, for the youth activists throwing soup at paintings. I associate 'progressive' with the Vietnam era who are now watching Maddow as gospel. I'm not defending them, just saying that they're not part of the autism agenda.

Very interesting stuff, though, thank you.

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Here's a bit more to the 'story' of neurological damages occurring daily:

Harold Carrol's book states it succinctly:

"The American Psychiatric Association publishes a guide to mental illnesses in this country, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which devotes seventy pages to “Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence.”*

These disorders have received the appellation “developmental disabilities.” Probably the leading one is “dyslexia,” also called “minimal brain damage.” Another prominent one is “autism.” But there are many others: “hyperactivity,” “reactive attachment disorder of infancy,” “oppositional disorder,” “identity disorder,” “functional enuresis,” and so on.

Probably twenty percent of American children—one youngster in five-—suffers from a “developmental disability.” This is a stupefying figure."


" “developmental disabilities” are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the United States and other industrialized countries is the childhood vaccination program.*

To be specific, a large proportion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra- headed entity called “developmental disabilities,” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.

The so-called “sociopathic personality,” which is at the root of the enormous increase in crime of the past two decades, is also largely rooted in vaccine damage.

Thus the vaccination program has served to undermine the American school system-which is in collapse through inability to cope with the one-fifth or one-quarter of students who will never be able either to read or to perform simple arithmetical calculations.

And it has contributed to the wave of violent crime which is turning our cities into jungles where the strong and the vicious prey upon the weak and unprotected.

The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of modern society. Because the changes are so insidious and widespread, and because we lack perspective, they have been largely overlooked. It is not easy to discern the outlines of the incubus which the vaccination program has loosed upon us.

Every day this program continues, hundreds of normal healthy babies are turned into defective goods: mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning-disabled, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents, and career criminals.

This may seem a wild exaggeration, but it is a sober conclusion based on the evidence collected"

Just for further clarity, this book was published in 1990, almost 3 decades ago, based on data collected well over 30 years ago........and there were only 8 or so vaccines given. Today the CDC recommends almost 100 vaccines for children between birth and age 18. And no one seems to see 'any signals' suggesting there might be a link. Amazing.

And why did I even bring this to your attention, Toby (and Mid-Western Dr.) talked about the 'additional' pressures this puts/must have put on women who were attempting to find a soul/mate who was available and not one of those who were cast onto the Industrial Medical Complex's 'wood pile'.

That's a perspective they were looking to hearing more about from people like you and your similarly aged female friends.

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That's really quite interesting. I have always suspected the injection of foreign admixes into the body was some form of "Long Play" poisoning. My son is autistic and definitely displays the characteristics Midwestern Doctor describes. Fixing this problem is going to be a bit tough, younger people are often more prone to adhering to the medical establishment advice. So when they are of reproductive age; having babies, their babies are easily accessible to the Pediatricians who fiercely push the Pharma Poison.

The solution is ultimately going to come from a community that is grounded in the love, compassion and trust we build together.

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Thanks for the comment and disclosure(s).

Pharma and the walls of immunity they have created around them, not to mention all the solders marching to their orders (Docs, CDC/FDA/Gov, Medical Institutions, Public Health, Schools, etc.) is going to be a difficult challenge we'll all be forced to confront as the costs on our societies will eventually bring us down.

There's a book called "How to End the Autism Epidemic" by JB Handley.

If you can reach out to me privately I'll shoot you a copy (PDF).

A great read as this Stanford Grad and his wife go all the way down the rabbit hole once they saw his perfectly normal child suddenly (post MMRV Vax) change into a fully autistic child. Jamie is near adult age today (their son) and a follow-up book has been written which is also quite encouraging.



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Apr 28
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Very sweet of you, Ernesto!

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Dear Tereza Coraggio

Have a joyous and Happy Birthday.

May this year be filled with happiness, health, love, and wondrous times.

Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis

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What a beautiful wish set, Mark: happiness, health, love and wondrous times.

Wishing that for all of us. So glad to be in this fight with you (on my side and I on yours). Love is certainly the answer.

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Happy Birthday fellow Taurus! Mine was yesterday. ❤️

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What good company to be in, my fellow Taurus!

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Happy Birthday to you too, lovely Heather! I trust you are being celebrated all weekend ✨💝😘

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Thank you! ❤️

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Happy belated birthday Heather.

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Thank you! ❤️

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Hippo birdies, deer ewe!! ❤️ get them pink go go boots cutting a rug!

I also got a chart from Isaac and now that I have big life things happening, it’s nice to go back and reread sections which tend to make more and more sense for the uninitiated. I hope more people pick up on his wholesome educational charts. Quite the reading!

I’m fine with the geriatric sex symbol (especially having to wear the geriatric pregnancy label during my last kid) wording. But, to be fair you look better and healthier than most folks 20 years younger. And you bring an intensity to the conversation which makes your eyes sparkle. Just saying. Not all geriatrics are made the same.

I’m so glad I got to see your video this time. Usually, I have to rely on transcript, but you are out frolicking in go-go boots and I had the perfect window of 15 mins to take it all in.

Very interesting stuff about the thirteenth parts. I wonder if will expand on that in another video. For example, very interested in knowing more about the “self-actualisation” and the “one with god” parts.

Enjoy the fam, enjoy your bday! 🤗

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I wondered if you might have gotten the Isaac astrology intensive. And that was before all your life events? Yes, I'm absorbing the reading bit by bit. My daughters had to debate which one of them could get away with printing out 90 pp at work--the law office was a no-go, since they charge their clients for every piece of paper. So the medical office it was.

Ha, I had the geriatric pregnancy label too since I had Cassandra at 41. But I think even my first at 35 qualified.

I love your comment on the intensity and sparkling eyes. It really helps when I think of people like you listening, who will get all the nuances and encourage all my rebellious behavior. Thank you for the compliments.

And I'll definitely be expanding on the 13 parts. That was a placeholder, and I'm not sure it's my final version. I was thinking of it as the Inclusive Self, since that was what I felt was missing in the religions without the divine feminine. Thanks for being interested in knowing more.

Hugs to you, Tonika!

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Yes, he gave me the reading last year so I had a few events to check in with and explore.

Looking forward to the exploration of the 13 parts.

Hug back to you, Tereza! 🤗 hope it was a wonderful birthday weekend!

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Happy Birthday, Tereza! You are indeed a GSS! 😘💝✨

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That means so much coming from you, my sane friend!

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And just to be clear, I only added the G because you insisted on it. 😬

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Happy birthday.

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So kind of you to drop this note, Maryanne, thank you!

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Happy Happy Happy Birthday 🎈🎉🎂 sweet snappin turtle 🤣😂😉

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Hahaha! I like that, I will be thinking of myself as a sweet snappin turtle for the next year. Thank you, Richard.

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You’re welcome! I wasn’t really thinking of heaven and hell when I mentioned demons. What I really meant was to go inside and explore our inner realm. What that looks like will vary with each person. Although I have done deep trance work in a group that seems to indicate that the inner realms can be mapped. Something that indigenous shamans understand. And that I personally experienced doing group work based on material from Jean Houston and Robert Masters. And in ayahuasca circles also. True transformation can be very uncomfortable and even equate to a journey down into the underworld. Looking for the pieces of ourselves like in soul retrieval.

Thanks again for a thought provoking post. 🙏

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Looking inward we can find true answers. The very nature of our physical existence is a reflection of the Individuated Self; we are One coming from Oneness.

To stand within and observe the One in its myriad forms of Life; within the expression of Being, Consciousness, and Bliss.

All physical forms are caused by a formless reality that is standing behind it. Temporarily participating in this experience called “human,” each experience of being are a focal point of infinite awareness.

When we see the Self in all Existences and All Existence within the Self, the pieces will fit together, Duality gives way to the Truth of One.

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Happy "Berth"day, Tereza - on this special and commemorative day when your soul docked at the

port of your body. And boy did you get a nice vessel, even at 67;-) Hope you and the family make wonderful memories!

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What a sweet way to put that, Rhonda ;-) You take that whole fiasco of the Maritime Laws and turn it into a beautiful metaphor. I love that!

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Hello Tereza,

Just wanted to wish you a very Happy 67th Birthday. Hope you had a fabulous day, and that the upcoming year brings you lots of fun, happiness, good luck and lots of energy to keep this fabulous substack going!! Greatly appreciate your willingness to do deep dives on thought-provoking topics.

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You add so much to this Substack, Sandra. I'm so grateful to have you in my life and in these conversations. You add a whole new level of depth. Thanks for the good wishes!

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Happy Birthday! 🥳

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Thanks for the wishes and for the festive emoji!

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Haaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthmonth! Enjoy!

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Oh good, and that's a month from the 28th to 28th, not the remainder ;-)

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Lets face it you are a hot Grandma with a sharp mind that sees the illusion that is trying to destroy our community, our humanity. Love the story of going down to the Underworld, to truly heal we do have to face our demons whatever they may be. Your courage in speaking your mind and your spirit are as beautiful as your physical form, and will survive the death of the physical form. But I see no reason not to enjoy being in a physical body and dressing up has definitely been one of my expressions of creativity. There is life after facing the biggest demons and it can get easier in terms of how you navigate existence. Challenges and obstacles still appear in the journey at times but if you learn from getting older and you can break the unhelpful habits life can be transformed.

Happy Birthday and enjoy your celebration! (-:

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What a very nuanced set of compliments, Kerry, that means so much to me. I love that you see dressing up as an expression of creativity. Yes!

That's an interesting idea of the underworld as demons. I'll need to think about that in my metaphor. It may be a more 'Christian' concept than Egyptian. I put that in quotes because the idea of heaven and hell, some souls blissful while others are eternally tormented, is a dis-membered humanity, it's Ausir in pieces. The Christ-inclusive or Horus, would have banished those demons. And that's an intriguing element you've added in facing the Underworld. Thank you!

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😻happy birthday 😻

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No birthday would be complete without kittens with hearts in their eyes! Back atcha.

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Happy Birthday Tereza

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Thank you, Doc!

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Happy Birthday!

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I appreciate the good wishes, Charles!

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