Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I'm realizing just how much kinship I hold for you Tereza.

The Breggins are quite possibly people who are standing on neutral ground in reference to having a willingness to accept the truth. Truth takes courage, I hope if they have it, they are willing to explore it. As many truth seekers already have.

This is a landmark post of yours in which you have effectively tied in the primary operational mechanisms of control with the hidden interests that manipulate.

A simple comment cannot even do this justice. Immutable truths are sometimes best quietly observed and internally reflected.

You hit this one out of the park.

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I don’t think “chosen one” is a bloodline trait but, thanks to Jesus, accessible to everyone who holds Him in their hearts (the third temple.) it is probably tough to admit that the club is not exclusive anymore.

Can the Israeli citizens not see that their own government attempted to genocide them all (defile the third temple)? so to proceed to do the same on their neighbors should be no surprise. tragic.

Everyone tries to figure out who’s behind this, it’s a demonic entity 🎈trying (but failing) to mimic God’s omnipresence

and the only way it can create the “illusion” is to possess legions🎈.

it 🎈continues to divide & conquer until we all say “NO.”

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

This is one of the most courageous, classy, spiritually savvy and epic posts I've ever read. It spoke to me on so many levels. Truly liberating.

I've been aware of some of this hideous fake historical narrative for quite some time, but I knew I could never tackle it without throwing flames and pissing everyone off - and truthfully, I'm just not informed and smart enough to do it - no one could have done it more brilliantly and elegantly than you. It is a substack for the ages.

I too have German heritage, almost exclusively, and the first act of a young showgirl who wanted to strut the stage and be in showbiz, was to immediately change my last name.

I translated Steinbach to Stonebrooke, surrendering to the Holocaust of Shame.

I knew very early on that I would have to reject/hide my identity if I wanted to play that game. The number of times I was grilled about my heritage and outright lied about my nationality in interviews and auditions would astonish you. It made me sick and added more shame to the equation to have to do so.

This may not have been for the Breggins, as much as it was for so many of us who have lived under this poisonous cloud.

So much more I could say, but, I will simply thank you for so eloquently busting down the unfathomable, divisive litany of lies and tackling this with such dignity. And Nef, too.

As you said so well...Illusions aren’t serving any of us, no matter how comforting.

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Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I appreciated this article a lot. The Breggins have not impressed me, not even once, since I have been on Substack and become familiar with their 'opinions'. They strike me as part of the controlling clan here and they take their position very seriously. In other words, they fancy themselves as major influencers. The fracas with Mal One, which fizzled and distracted us for a time, smacked of a contrived Soap Opera in which each side of the argument elevated their fame. I found it all distastefully deceitful.

The true ruling globalists must have thoroughly enjoyed the performance.

While we are focused on the squabbles about nationalities, religions and historic genocides we are not focused on challenging and STOPPING THEM. Worthy of a few laughs over magnums of Dom Perignon, in castles, on superyachts and private islands, I am sure.

Meanwhile, the vile anti-life plan that is being perpetrated right now continues unopposed!

I have done what I can to focus on the totalitarian plan; to bring it forward for attention and I will continue to do so regardless of the noise and confusion, interpersonal scraps and miles upon miles of tedious verbal diarrhoea.

I was interviewed by Jerm Warfare last week, am interviewed by James Delingpole tomorrow and Doc Malik on 9th May. Hopefully, my clear message will penetrate through the dense fog and assist us all to unite to defend LIFE ITSELF against an assault so massive that it has become a huge and silent elephant in a noisy crowded room.


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Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Tereza, I appreciate your ability to navigate the tricky and controversial terrain with such warmth and grace and feminine power.

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Absolutely beautifully written! As a Jewish person myself (of Eastern European heritage) I endorse every single word in your article.

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Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Tereza, you are consistently, intelligently provocative and stimulating. I know there are mixed feelings on all topics, but I tempered my enthusiasm for the Breggins during the scamdemic, believe it or not. How can that be? Because of feeling overwhelmed by a "China is the evil primary cause of global evil" mantra throughout the writings, including the Global Predator book which I started but did not finish. I found enough other sources to cover the covid fraud. I am not shocked by their reaction here. And I also supported them against Malone, etc.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

That was a tour de force, Tereza. You at your best, your most magisterial. You have said much that needed to be said and brought forward, regardless of whether the Breggins - honorable people - were referring to you or not. Thank you - and thank you to the Breggins!

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The documentary “Europa” (on Bitchute) shows a completely different story about the lead-up and aftermath of WW2. The Getmans were not (totally) the bad guys here. As usual, the Jews started it.

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Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I read the text in the Breggins article. They comprise classic whataboutery (what about other countries doing bad things?) and seek to portray Jews as perennial victims.

The world harps on about Israel not because it hate Jews but because Israel is the cutting edge (espionage, compromat, playbook, AI, robot dogs, drones etc) of the war on humanity—waged by precisely the globalist predators the Breggins claim to expose.

That they are blind to this home truth lumps them in with the average Zionist or Jewish exceptionalist. No one should be surprised if they were eyeing Gaza beachfront property brochures.

The knee jerk response to your extremely polite article does their “scientific” credentials no service. Indeed, the more “conspiracy” minded in the Covid conversation may consider them controlled opposition. And anyway I’m increasingly skeptical of any Americans who tout their MD as a credential. American medicine lost or rather sold its way a long time ago.

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Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Unfortunately, I was blocked by the Breggs for something I said on their blog. I had been a big supporter of them. I can't even remember the exact thing that pissed them off. But it seemed like a childish thing to do. I've moved on. I am glad they got out of the Malone crap, but I really don't give 2 shits about them anymore.

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Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

A very thoughtful and well written piece.

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Apr 24Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Tereza, I have read/heard positive references to the Breggins, esp. in the context of that vile (criminal?) attack by Robert Malone, a piece of human trash — pardon my French —thanks to the Dr. Jane Ruby show.

I believe you when you say the Breggins are good people. But when it comes to Jews, they have the typical narrow-minded, victim-playing mindset of so many Jews (particularly Ashkenazis) that I find so revolting.

And since I have started to find out more about WW2 and the German side of it I have become enraged at how the Jews with their powerful, controlled propaganda machine have been able to impose this collective guilt on the Germans for generations. When I heard Merkel state that "israel" is the raison d'être of Germany, I boil, I foam at the mouth like there is no tomorrow.

So I am with you on both issues: the Breggins cannot face facts about the Jews and WW2, and the guilt complex foisted onto the German people is criminal (my word).

BTW: you say Zembower = sem bauer = to the farm. I think it more likely is not sem bauer but zum bauer, which means to the farmer. Note: I am not German, nor is it my mother tongue.

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This is Ginger and Peter Breggin responding to Tereza, who believes that we were directing our criticism of antisemitism toward her. In fact we were not. We had no idea that she had posted something about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and we are having some difficulty figuring out why she did. The statement Tereza attributes to someone named Nefahotep that 6 million Jews could not have died in the Holocaust as there were only a few hundred thousand Jews in Germany, is based on an extraordinary misunderstanding of the Holocaust. The vast number of Jews were killed by the Nazis throughout Europe, including an estimated 3 million or more in Poland. Our response to the antisemitism that we are witnessing in the US and elsewhere and which is debasing and distracting the debates about the global threats to all our freedoms is in our own article: Antisemitism becomes personal to the Breggins: (78) Antisemitism becomes personal to the Breggins (substack.com) We are dismayed that people do not simply say, stop harping on Jews, we have murdered enough of them over thousands of years, and we don’t want another Holocaust. We are also beginning to suspect that much of what is going on has been staged by the globalists to distract us from our task in unearthing and exposing them. While we are glad that Tereza has written so positively about us we find this entire discussion confusing and we will not be responding further on this Substack.

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Thanks Tereza

The Irish were the first sugar plantation slaves. Their lives were cheap unlike the blacks.

Recommended Reading:

The Proclamation of 1625

By a black Irishman, Herbert Byrd Jr.


They Were White and They Were Slaves.

By Hoffman.

A real horror show.

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Okay, here is my response, round two. See my first response first :) HAha. There is a lot here that I do not know much about. I have heard it described as such, I have seen reference material. I have never studied up on it, personally. The first time I learned of it was in a movie presentation but I cannot recall what movie it was. I was taken aback. I was new to "you are being lied to about almost everything".

I am not really well educated on the subject and am not qualified to really dig into it on any level in this conversation, but I have enjoyed reading everyone elses responses. That's the only reason I have avoided the subject thus far. I just don't know many things about it. It's too big of a topic to walk around in without doing some homework on it.

But you do a magnificent job of relaying what you find and in a loving and caring manner. This is because you are a loving and caring person. None of us would want to see any of this happen to a people. None of us wish to be lied to. None of us should be able to accept any story that we are told about "history" without really looking into it some more.

There will always be more to know and there is a reason for that.

You are right about all people being equal.

You are right about the killing of innocent humans of any race not being okay and we have to talk about it because it is still happening today.

You are right to do the hard work that you do. You are SO GOOD at it. You bring a lot of hours of thought and "turning a thing over and over in your hand" to the table. Anyone who listens to you, even if they disagree with you on any number of fronts, can see that.

I appreciate all the work you must have put into this.

It's a big heavy topic. Of course, now a days, almost everything is a "big heavy topic".

I am surrounded by people who are receiving their talking points from the top of shit mountain.

So far, I have gotten them to agree with me on that point numerous times and I have found other topics where we have common ground.

I just focus on those.

But what you are doing here is important to your points. We need to recognize all people. There is no superior group, believe what you want; in my language we are all part of the one thing.

And having a few close friends is enough. Just a few friends who would stand up for you in a room you were not present in, is priceless.

I have the very distinct feeling that you are that kind of friend. And you would even be capable of supporting someone in something you did not necessarily agree with, so long as you didn't have to throw your own ethics under the bus.

Here is to you, you are a rare gem. May your messages be well received.

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