Hi Tereza, can you imagine if the people of Israel and the people of gaza and all the palestinians got together and formed a new government and kicked the zionists out. Like the man in the video I sent to you suggests "the one state solution". What a testament that would be to all the world. I actually felt a moment when the earth rejoiced just in the thought of it alone. I learned a lot from Max, thks for the intro to him.

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Oh yes, you sent me Middle Nation! I saw his name somewhere after I did my episode on him but I can't remember now. I started watching it but would you post it again here, if you have it handy. BTW my emails are working again, just in time for me to move to a new hosting service.

I just don't know. Even without the zionists, I think that Jewish people need to decide which Judaism they follow--the Shemite version where God gave them the right to rule over others and made the others their slaves, or the zealot version where all people are equal and deserve to be free. You can't have it both ways, methinks.

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I shared it thru your email on my phone. Is your email the same address?

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Could post it, Tereza, please?

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The Palestinians raise their kids to hate Jews and Infidels from a very young, impressionable age. They are fed anti-West, anti-America propaganda from kindergarten if not preschool age and taught to revere and want to emulate suicide bombers. Palestinian mothers get rewarded with large payments if they can get their children to kill Jews. Remember—the shortest way for you to get to heaven is to have a family member become a martyr for Islam, as in suicide bomber! And then, of course, they get their 72 virgins!

The chance of convincing the majority of them to UNLEARN their hatred is slim-to-none. Max Igan is living in brainwashed Lala Land.

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Ah, so that's where you're coming from to say I'm buying into the propaganda.

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Your statement sounds like it's from "the playbook" that no one believes anymore. Sorry charlie.

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I guess you've forgotten all about the thousands of Muslim terrorist attacks during the past several decades, or are they just from some "playbook", too?

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You mean these terrorist attacks:

Ari Ben-Menashe on Israeli Black Operations


Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli military intelligence operative, revealed how Israel used proceeds from secret arms sales to Iran to finance black operations and false flag terrorism.

Book: Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network (Ari Ben-Menashe, 1992)

Quote: “The slush fund helped finance the intelligence community’s “black” operations around the world. These included funding Israeli-controlled “Palestinian terrorists” who would commit crimes in the name of the Palestinian revolution, but were actually pulling them off, usually unwittingly, as part of the Israeli propaganda machine.” (Ari Ben-Menashe, Profits of War, 1992, chapter 8)

Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist


Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism


the Achille Lauro affair. Ari Ben-Menashe, Profits of War, p. 122:

An example is the case of the “Palestinian” attack on the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985. That was, in fact, an Israeli “black” propaganda operation to show what a deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians were.

The operation worked like this: Eitan passed instructions to Radi that it was time for the Palestinians to make an attack and do something cruel, though no specifics were laid out. Radi passed orders on to Abu’l Abbas, who, to follow such orders, was receiving millions from Israeli intelligence officers posing as Sicilian dons. Abbas then gathered a team to attack the cruise ship. The team was told to make it bad, to show the world what lay in store for other unsuspecting citizens if Palestinian demands were not met. As the world knows, the group picked on an elderly American Jewish man in a wheelchair, killed him, and threw his body overboard. They made their point. But for Israel it was the best kind of anti-Palestinian propaganda.

Or were you talking about the Mossad role in the 9/11 false flag, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair:

9/11 Missing Links (USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11)


http://www.lesvisible.net/DOCS/MastersOfDeception.pdf (see page 54 on how Lucky Larry Silverstein got the lease on the towers, you know Lucky Larry who said to "pull it" for Building 7 which was pre-wired with explosives)



The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers.

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The same way Air America financed the the undermining of the anti-war monement in the 60's and 70's.

The same way Afghan opium export went from a measly 47 tons in 2000 to to more than 400.000 tons per year a decade later.

In 2002 junkies in cities all over Europe and the US were dying like flies because the market had been starved for years, and then all of a sudden flooded with high grade heroin. Add to that the opioid crisis which Big Pharma made a killing, literally.

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I read your piece on Israel's Pearl Harbor, Faith, and it seems like our views have a lot in common. You also feel this was planned, not by Hamas, but by the Globalist Powers That Be, as another step in the psyops.

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The Globalists are Evil and disconnected from God and reality, which is why at least some of them believe they can gain "imortality" by "merging" with AI. Which is nuts on every level and demonstrates that they are clueless about what a human being even is, and must be what is behing their evil intent. It is as though they think we are just some kind of biologically-based intelligent machines with no more value than a silicon-chip computer. It is ignorance of what we are, and what they themselves are, that is behind their Evil. Evil IS ignorance, and just as darkness has no intrinsic reality except that it is the absence of light, evil only exists because of ignorance of Reality.

And the ignorance of the Globalists is the core problem in this world today. Their ignorance of Self means they have no understanding of their true power, which has nothing to do with material posessions. It is their existence as a part of, as a focal point of, The Infinite, of Source Energy, of God that gives them consciousness and free will. But by not knowing that, they think they are finite, mortal, and powerless. And that creates fear, and the drive to assuage that fear by seeking contol over their environment and other people.

And so here we are: living in a world run by insecure, frightened, "powerless" and ignorant psychopaths who care not for their fellow human beings! And they do their best to control everyone and amass as much wealth as they can, and in the process they endlessly manipulate and play groups off against each other like their pawns in a global chess game.

The only good thing is that people like that, in their ignorance and disconnection from Source and spirit are seriously lacking in discernment, and so they have little understanding of humanity and what WE are capable of. And they miscalculate and screw things up royally! And they will screw up their grand plans to gain world domination. We WILL beat them!

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"The Palestinians raise their kids to hate Jews and Infidels from a very young, impressionable age."

Are you saying the Zionists in Israel are NOT doing that? As a matter of fact Zionists hate all non Zionists. That includes Christians. Not all Palestinians are Muslim, you know. A lot of them are Christians.

I don't blame an opressed people for fighting back against an occupant. I don't blame Palestinians for hating the countries that have financed their opressors for seven and a half decades. This is what war is. This time Israel has gone one bridge too far.

You are either a troll sitting in a farm somewhere (in Hertzliya, maybe?), or you are at best the one living in brain washed la-la land.

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Stating facts is not being a "troll".

Of course the entire situation in the Middle East is a mess, but it's not going to get better as long as people are taught to hate the "others". Look at what happened in Rwanda! Tribal hatred exacerbated for years until they succeeded in exterminating major segments of each other's population!

And look at the history of Islam. In the beginning, Mohammed was mentored by a "Jewess" woman who read the Torah and probably other Jewish holy books to him. That's where he got a lot of his ideas for starting Islam (as an excuse for promoting his criminal caravan-raiding enterprise, no doubt!).

The Jews have a very long history of rather extreme Tribalism (including claiming to be "God's Chosen People" and that God "gave them" Israel) and that everybody else is inferior (hence their exclusionary designation of non-Jews as "gentiles"). Then, of course, the Christians followed in the same vein of being "special" because they are "saved" and "Believers" and "Christ died for them", etc.

So, with that background it is not surprising that Muslims consider Islam to be the superior religion, and non-Muslins (Infidels) to be inferior second class citizens. Just following the same pattern!

But with such attitudes being passed down from generation to generation, the Tribalism and "otherness" and hatred it generates WILL NEVER END until humanity "grows up" and decides to reject all such divisive nonsense. "Taking sides" and dishing out blame is not going to solve the underlying problems. The discrimination by ALL parties has to stop for anything about the situation to improve.

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Thank you for clarifying what I percieved as a one-sided, or even lop sided view.

The main problem Muslims have with their mortal enemy is usury. Islam forbids it, and Muslims refuse to play that game, and the banksters (read: the six owners of global media) hate them for it.

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Usury, as I understand it under Islamic law, is when the amount of repayment exceeds twice the amount borrowed. So for a 30-yr mortgage, that would be 5.3% interest. Under my model, interest is stable once it reaches 5% but it's generated and repaid to the community, not extracted by bankers. The debt is backed by the housing.

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And the Bankster Cartel is the money behind nearly everything that is going wrong in our world! The Muslims are quite right, in intention. However, THEY get around the problem of not being able to borrow money from each other and making a profit while doing it by just calling it something besides "interest". It's all game-playing. Still, the central problem with our entire money system is that it is all debt-based, run by the Banksters. Which means all money has to be paid back at interest, and because it is a closed system, there is a limit to how long the Ponzi Scheme can be kept going before it "eats itself", which it is about to do!

Countries really need to kick out the Banksters and issue their own debt-free currency. Preferably BACKED by something — if not precious metals then comodities.

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"Countries really need to kick out the Banksters and issue their own debt-free currency." Preferably BACKED by something — if not precious metals then comodities

Both Lincoln and Kennedy did. Qaddafi was killed before he launched his planned gold dinar. Money is two things: Gold and silver. Everything else is currency. If you back your currency by a commodity this commodity will vary in price, and your economy is destabilized. Nixon's petrodollar is a perfect example of that.

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Reminds me of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.

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I just finished watching it. Really good. I need to do another episode!

And this by Mnar on Gaza Concentration Camp is the best primer on the topic I've ever seen: https://odysee.com/@BehindTheHeadlines:c/gaza-concentration-camp:7.

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I think one of the problems in The West is that too many fail to understand the differences between "Israeli," "Jew," "Semite" and "Zionist" - and fail to understand that perhaps there is no difference between "Zionist" and "NAZI"?

https://www.henrymakow.com/2020/01/were-nazis-greatest-hoax.html (Hat Tip: Goeff).

Another problem that some fail to see is that it's the same group of people who are running Israel, the UK and the US; so, if the Israelis are to free themselves from the yoke of being a foreign-policy tool of the US, that change is going to have to come from grassroots Israelis, because it's not going to come from the Israeli government.

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Thank you for this link.

Who is the man talking? He is articulate and perspicacious.

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Shahid Bolson. Yes, he's very interesting. I talked about another video of his in my last one on The Global South is Pro-Palestinian. It's linked here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/profiteering-and-propaganda-israelhamas.

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Yes. I watched it then, and equally impressive. Gracias.

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House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

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Thank you!

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You are very welcome! There is another named The House of Welf (also Guelf or Guelph) that knits into the royal family of Great Britain and I suppose its possible he could have been talking about it too. I'm not sure tho...

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Do the German Windsors still maintain control? Is it a committee with the City of London? Is there a deeper power structure that, even if incorrectly described, might be an Illuminatti cult?

We all know *something* is there, and they are embattled, but the picture is still unclear. But if Tereza is correct that this is the end of Israel, it is because that power base is or has deteriorated. Why? Did the U.S. take that power? Or is the U.S. puppeted largely by that pre-existing power base? Did the internet grant knowledge to the people to at least partially see around the erected barriers?

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Mathew, what a magnificent conversation you've started here. I'm out of my depth but learning so much. You, Tirion and Sandra have such a deep knowledge of this history. I was thinking of an episode on Rothschilds & Royals but you're right that the EIC is another big factor with the oilogarchy somewhere in there too.

I wanted to clarify that what I meant was the beginning of the end of the Jewish victim narrative that provides cover for the military occupation that is Israel. But I think this is the critical block in the pyramid holding the 'eye' in place. I don't think this will start WWIII. I could be wrong but I think this is going to backfire for 'them'.

And the US is certainly being played along with Israel. Taking on so many fronts as once is suicidal. The US has been milked for everything it's got. Interesting times.

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I still don't know what to think. I have multiple theories. Here's one...

If the U.S. is really fighting the UK for global supremacy, and Israel was a UK outpost that it had the pay for since WW2 with the seignorage earned from being the money printer...

Maybe the U.S. is actively participating in the destruction of Israel, while making supportive statements. Maybe it was the U.S., which knows how to build fake terror organizations better than any regime in world history, that knew how to construct Hamas, and could get Israel to ignore Egypt's warning of a coming attack and let it happen. Israel might think it would get the green light to attack (and it does get plenty of support in the West), but enough pushback also that it feels bound to fail in some important way.

If Israel is not destroyed, it might be at least castrated by the sequence of events that follow. The U.S. Navy is supporting Israel at the moment, but if the dollar era is coming to an end in the next few years (I think 2030 is really about that happening), then this is the Navy's last protection of anyone except America and a few well-patrolled trade routes.

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I'm glad to be swapping theories with you, Mathew, because your guess is as good as mine.

To go with your theory de jour, it's really the City of London I'm sure we both mean by the UK. The Rothschild family rules the City of London and the Balfour Declaration shows they explicitly own Israel as a franchise of it.

What I know from Max Igan is that the Bolshevik Jews prevented the peaceful end of WWI, certainly because the Rothschilds wouldn't be repaid for the debt to the Kaiser that had funded the war--one he may not have entered otherwise. And WWII was a continuation. I'm suspecting that, like the Bible, everything's been reversed with perpetrators turned into victims and victims turned into perpetrators.

I think the US is being hollowed out from within. I don't think it's acting in any way for its own self interest. The greed of the neocons is being played against it, but someone else is pulling the strings. I don't think the setting up of Israel is coming from the US. The US is still its biggest supporter. Israel is the tail that wags the dog of US foreign policy.

And yeah, if the dollar makes it to 2030, that seems ambitious.

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US is controlled by the central bankers who took over America in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. If you don't know about this, watch Bill Still's The Money Masters- it's all about the international bankers and how they took over Europe and then America.

The Money Masters - Full Length


Our founding fathers knew that the international bankers took over nations by getting the power to issue the national currency (printed out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest), so they specifically gave the money power to Congress. Unfortunately, the whores in Congress gave this power away to private bankers in 1913. For more on this, you can also watch Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism- it's all about the banker takeover with the Federal Reserve Act and setting up the illegal income tax.

Here's Robert Reich (Rhodes Scholar, CFR, Secretary of Labor for Clinton) admitting that the central bankers are in charge in a Jan 7, 1999 article in USA Today: https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=SecretCabal&C=8.0

"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23]

James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.

Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Congressman Louis McFadden (hero) on the Federal Reserve:


"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists … acting together to enslave the world … Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is–the Fed has usurped the government.”

“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not … they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.”

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"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed" I laughed when I read that. Um, yeah, noticed. I've let them know I noticed too. But it works out since most of my state's constituents are clueless too.

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The Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World By Adam Lebor


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The Hanoverians and their descendants have never had control. British monarchs have been puppets of the money changers since the so-called "Glorious Revolution" of 1688. The money changers had been trying to get back into Britain since Edward I expelled all Jews in 1290. They backed Cromwell in The English Civil War and, after having won the war, Cromwell allowed the money changers back in 1656. By 1688 they were in a position to stage what was essentially a coup d'etat backed by William of Orange's army of 50,000. In the so-called Battle of The Boyne in 1689, which was a ritual rather than a battle, James II relinquished the throne and in 1694 The Bank of England was founded. The rest, as they say, is history!

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Yes, Archibald Maule Ramsey gets into this in his book The Nameless War- he also says that once they got their Bank of England, that's when they came up with the idea for the party system, so the people would never come together against them.

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Yes, that's pretty well my understanding.

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That the Royal Family is a tool set is my chief hypothesis also, but how can we know for certain?

To extend your timeline, Queen Anne died in 1714, IIRC, and the Act of Settlement then forced the reach to Germany for a protestant king, passing over more than a dozen higher heirs.

But I do wonder the balance of power between the bankers and the British East India Company, which propelled a lot of the Anglo-Scottish world to greater wealth and education. The corporation was a new technology that achieved massive wealth gains. How do we know who was in control of that, for certain?

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Whoever controls the state, that control is rarely - if ever - monolithic in my opinion. There are always factions who sometimes compete, sometimes cooperate and sometimes do both at the same time, depending on the project. I would imagine it took the money changers a while to extend their control to Scotland, just as the Romans and the Normans found it challenging before them. The Jacobites were still rebelling well into the Hanoverian period.

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"Whoever controls the state, that control is rarely - if ever - monolithic in my opinion."

If you mean at the top of the pyramid, I agree. Game theory pushes a "head of the table", with each member having a seat needing their own table of support beneath them. Ultimately, I think it's a series of cults, essentially.

"I would imagine it took the money changers a while to extend their control to Scotland"

I agree and have opined that Scottish Freemasony might simply have begun as community education centers [for adults]. There was lots of sharing of science and technology, and immediately there was a new generation of world leading inventors, scientists, and physicians among the Scottish. From the 1700s and 1800s (just inventors): James Watt, David Dunbard Buick, Henry Bell, Robert Newall, Robert Stirling, Thomas McCall, John Boyd Dunlop, John Loudon McAdam, James Bremner, Thomas Telford, John Rennie, and so on. And the guy who basically laid out modern airplane design (whose name I somehow left out of my Scotland notes) was early 1900s.

But something happened, and all that inventiveness was subverted or else channelled away from Scotland via globalization? Or those brightest and with the most power began working to centralize power rather than spread it among the community?

A hundred healthy communities have been trashed all over the globe to get us to this era in which most everything amazing is done in secret, and the population mocked, belittled, and demoralized if they aren't with the upper classes.

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Yes, I did mean at the top of the pyramid.

My own understanding of The Scottish Enlightenment and Scottish Freemasonry is that they were both the products of Templars, who went underground after King Philippe of France and the Pope tried to snuff out the Order and its members in 1307. The beliefs and practices of both the Templars and freemasonry are basically those of Egyptian Gnostic Christianity. The Sinclairs of Orkney and Scotland and many other Templars took refuge in Scotland, where they planned their attempt to create a Templar Free State in North America.

The something that happened in my opinion was The Glorious Revolution. I think the same people have gone on to achieve something similar to The Glorious Revolution in America with The Federal Reserve System in 1913 and the thorough subversion of the US Constitution and all its institutions which has taken place since, let's say, Operation Paperclip at the end of WWII.

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Was the German writer and philosopher Goethe a member of this 'house'?

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Probably not, I was taking a wild guess from the pronunciation at the spelling.

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Definitely not. Don't the Theosophists claim that Goethe was a reincarnation of Moses?

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Interesting indeed. Since I recently wrote about the Theosophical Society, although not in deep deep depth, this item did not come up. (I wrote about the Theosophical Society's connection to and traumatisation of Krishnamurti by one of their senior occultists who 'processed' and sexually abused his chosen one, Krishnamurti. If curious, it is "Being Processed — Krishnamurti Pt2 A Hidden Tale of a Trauma Poster Child: “Reality Is Not Truth”". https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/being-processed-krishnamurti-pt2)

So I did a quick look and that claim is a bit ambiguous, the claim being inconclusively linked to the 'Anthroposophy Society' and Rudolph Steiner. Steiner did a deep dive on Goethe: "Steiner was chosen at the age 21 to be responsible for editing Goethe's scientific writings in the 1880s, he named the Dornach building 'Goetheanum' after him, and lectured on him extensively."

The 'Moses' claim may have been made by a Konrad Burdach, with some connection to Steiner and the Anthroposophy Society.

For more details - not a deep dive - visit https://anthroposophy.eu/Goethe. Steiner makes many references to Goethe with references to Goethe's stated kinship with Moses.

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Oops - my mistake. Yes it is Anthroposophy which makes the claim about Goethe.

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Thanks, Tereza, good links, especially to Vanessa and Max who I follow.

Max’s take on the Palestine Genocide is excellent and mainly accurate from my research through James Corbett and Richard Grove (who may be the most thorough and objective of all on this topic).

You might recall Max says the Palestine Genocide now ramping up will be a milestone event in Humanity's collective conscience, and I partly agree.

However, my recent and ongoing deep research into the Chinese Communist Party and its Uyghur Genocide via electronic surveillance and forced mind-body management of "re-education" camps, convinces me this ongoing imprisonment and mind-control operation, is the even more defining current event for Humanity's conscience.

I consider Xinjiang to be the prototype "Smart City" of the UN/WEF Agenda 2030.

I will be posting on my Substack about this soon, in particular exposing "alternative" media propagandists for the CCP, such as Jeff J Brown


who worships Mao and Xi and dismisses the Uyghur Genocide as entirely made up by the CIA/NATO.

Thanks again, for your balanced, reasoned and passionate, work.

And for caring for the dispossessed and vulnerable.

Get free, stay safe.

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Interesting, Jack. You're the second person to mention Richard Grove to me, I'll have to check him out. I don't know if you saw my interview with Jeff here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/interview-with-jeff-j-brown. He mostly asked questions but there are places where I've disagreed and pushed back on his positions. It certainly does seem like China is the forerunner as the WEF early adpoter. But any centralization at the level of China or India is inherently imperial, imo. I'll look forward to your article.

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This may be where the internet wins against the historical tide of orchestrated world events?

Most people don't have time to stop during their school years and think a great deal about how the history they read is selective and even fictionalized. So, most of us go to college with a vague understanding of Zionism and the history of the Jewish people (including most young Jews in my experience---I went to college with many, and I think I had one friend only with a good understanding of history that included context around Zionism...I wasn't there yet).

Most Westerners do not know how gangs played a role in the development of Israel, but more find out every day due to the internet.

How many people go back to Herzl? Who took that ball and ran with it, and why?

I don't know what to believe about the tippy top of the invisible hierarchies. However, I do believe that elite non-Jewish powers were working with elite Jewish powers on plans at the top of that hierarchy. I think that's where many of us end up (if we do not get distracted by information cul-du-sacs). Even if we don't know exactly who and why, we can piece together a real notion that Israel looks like an outpost wedged into a key front between the West and...Muslims.

It doesn't require taking sides to see a lot of the ugliness, and the weird...brainwashing?...of statements of how the land "belongs" to the Jews by some amorophous principle. Of course, something similar is true about the United States, and most of us do not have an exact moral/ethical solution to circumstances of injustice planned by whom we know not, and that took place so long ago that most of the inhabitants of the land are innocent of the crimes. That innocence comes with a naivety that I think has been built into some of the Israel population and its defenders.

How much of this is simply about creating war for profit, with the ability to thin the herd with whom the Western leaders would otherwise have to share the spoils of power.

But I'll go back to the internet. People who dig see enough lies in history to want to stop supporting "it", even if we don't fully grasp "it".

Is that the end of Israel?

Maybe. More interestingly, is that the end of the status quo Western regime as its current construct?

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"More interestingly, is that the end of the status quo Western regime as its current construct?"

Yes. It's unraveling in real time, they can't stop it.

Behind the history, the personalities, the deals and the layers of deceit, there was a take-over by a non-human force (I agree with Icke on this) which has been recorded throughout the planet by many cultures under many different names, over hundreds even thousands of years.

Largely operates inter-dimensionally. A take over via a frequency technology in addition to the better known varieties of mind-control apparatus.

Keeping humans divided (and blaming them for it, telling them are greedy, prone to war, etc.) is essential to pulling it off.

Those who perceived this influence or presence on the planet, were often the same people undertaking spiritual pursuits- meaning they stepped outside the prevailing consciousness, and in that higher frequency space, could observe this influence. Aurobindo wrote about it. Saint Paul too. They and others recognized the capture of humans to this influence.

Overtime and deeper capture - fully systemic in all our institutions - we end up with in-your-face Satanic performances, less than subtle pedophilia advocates and well known artists who have a thing for cannibalism.

In others words that influence we were warned about becomes fully entrenched, fully visible.

For me, that's what ultimately breaking up - the hold this slave-system technology had on the planet. As the frequencies continue to rise, that slave-system technology can't work. THEY are doing everything they can to hold on to control. Doesn't work. A lot of havoc though as they go.

We're on precipice of so much discovery. Who we really are - as humans - will be restored, many are already remembering.

Our slave-selves which were part of the slave-system are shedding right along with the world that is dying. This is uncomfortable but necessary and good. (The whole notion of identity as being tied to ancestry, skin color, sexual orientation, etc. will go too, (they are mere roles that create experiences that an infinite beings opted to have in form) as the essential identity we all share takes precedence again.)

Our actual selves are being freed.

I don't have any idea how long all this takes, but I do believe most humans who are here at this time, know this deeply in their being, and it will come back in their awareness.

My 2cents.

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Off topic completely, but I LOVE your hair! Thanks for bringing good info for us to examine. ❤️

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A compliment is NEVER off topic! Vilma apologized on Rumble for appreciating my house, which inspired me to pick a different wall of my Art House, which is what I call my childhood home since I made it into a colorful AirBnB. I much more often have good hair days here, I think it's that humidity that turned it all to frizz when I was a kid! Thank you for that (and the dandelion seed halo definitely adds ;-)

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God bless You for reminding the world of ..many millions of ..Germans provably exterminated *We always felt it's not so much that the world didn't care it was that specific information...,like the Anglo war on German Dutch boers ...benefitting rorhschild...was purposefully hidden by the powers that should never have been.. those same.."powers" somehow matriculated into the false "country"known as Isreal. ..really just ..expropriated..stolen Palestine * What a fabulous surprise that some true verifiable history comes back to haunt the liars who bleed tears for..*those poor Jews".....Dachau blues*....we didn't kill any Jews..when facts surface the *Jews*have no one to blame for their.."misfortunes"than themselves. By the way..9million poles also died in WW2..could it be that if 3000jews from the lower east side of NYC... didn't rush to exterminate many millions of Slavic Russians..Slavic ukranian prior to WW2.......many "misfortunes of Jews would have never happened?..just a thought. Then again the Jews who incited the Turks to immolate Armenians in 1915...in the most safe unthinkably horrifying way..naked women crucified..etc..and that was not least of all of it...now every day..Isreal and many American Jews proactively support the Gaza and Ukraine genocides....so......before the JEWS prohibit all free speech.. remind the world...we didn't vote for any of this..**Whatever lies the Globohomosexual Jew cyborgs and their colluders try to mandate ...it's too late...The Goyim Know.**

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Hola, Tereza.

Thank you for putting this together and for the summary. It is an important topic, especially the ways in which we have been psyopped from ... when? A long time ago.

And does not your suggestion that this is the beginning of the end of Israel imply the same of the USA? (Although perhaps that is already well begun?) And that the USA has likewise been played more than being the player?

I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to dive into the videos, though. Busy with my own writing/ researching outwardly and inwardly as I deepen my look at the Evil of Good and the Good of Evil. It seems to be settling into the 'problem' of seeing what is true, having the inner ability to discern that because it is easily hidden by words and images.

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That's a really good point Guy. I just listened to another Middle Nation video suggested by Helene and it's saying that Israel should break away from its dependence on the US. It makes a lot of good points but I had the same reservation that you're pointing to--I think both the US and Israel are dancing to someone else's tune. It's not either one that's really in charge (and of course countries aren't people in any case, and have no hands, no agency.)

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I would say the ones in control are stateless and they have no loyalties except to themselves. I would say that Israel is in the process of ending its love affair with the US (since they have milked it dry) and starting a new one with China. I think China is intended to be their new cash cow. I also have an inkling that they are looking to take over the Ukraine. Ironic considering that the Bolshevik Jews starved to death tens of millions in the Ukrainian Holodomor.

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Thank you so much for such great coverage! I look forward to listening to all those links!

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I'm so glad! I hope you have a bunch of copying to do, or some other manual task ;-)

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Thanks very much Tereza. Unfamiliar with Max Igan. Shall watch your links soon as I can. Following him now on X.

Dan Cohen's work, that of Richard Medhurst too, is very instructive/helpful.

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Thanks Pauline, I'll check them add. And please link anything you find of Max on X that's interesting.

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When a critical mass of the people in the US has heard and understand what Alan Sabrosky explains, Israel will be canceled.


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It is a Holy War.

A war the Prophecised in Albert Pikes Letter...

A war they crave... a Jewish Jihad... they want a World War Muslims against Zionists.


The USA had Atrocities in Germany where they also had the Heads of German Soldiers on spikes...

They also strapped German Soldiers on their Tanks... because the Tiger Tanks were superior.

We called them "Tommycoockers".

Netanyahu was the Mastermind of the 7/7 Bombings and most probably 9/11 because he was the Head of the Mossad.

And on the Back of this they already start to implement the "Digital ID" and connect it to buying SIM Cards.


They do this because everyone is now occupied by this war.

The Digital ID comes from Auschwitz and it is a carbon copy of the Technology created by IBM to catalog the Inmates of Auschwitz.

I made a Petition to raise awareness for this


I also made a petition to declare the WEF a Terrorist Organization.


Which leads nicely how they allowed this attack to happen.

One more thing:

Adolf Hitler was a Rothchild Spy.

He was in England 1912 to 1913... this is well Documented.

Hitler like Biden Sunak v.d. Leyen Scholz Zelinsky... they are all spies this time for the WEF.

3 things that proof that Hitler was a spy.

1) Dunkirk

In Dunkirk the War was won... the Allies lost... but Hitler gave his troops 3 day off and at the same time in exactly these three days the Allied Troops were rescued.... and Hitler allowed this to happen

2) Messerschmidt ME262

The ME262 was the first Jet Fighter and ready in 1941.

It was superior by far to anything and it scared the Hell out of the Allies.

With it Germany could not have been invaded.

Hitler ordered the Engineer back to the drawing board to change this conceptional Hunter plane into a Long range bomber.

This took the ME262 out of the equation and Germany could be invaded.

With the ME262 Gemany would not have lost the War.

3) Operation Barbarossa

A deliberate attemp to kill as many German Soldiers in the Russian Winter.

4) Operation Paperclip

This was planned a long time before the end of the war.

The Scientists sabotaged Germany from within.

Just like Covid today.

And one more thing... the Havara agreement between the Zionists and the Nazis... in 1933

So the Jews knew about the Havara agreement and thought the concentration camps were just camps for Transportation to Israel.

Which they were.

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Thanks, Ranger. I review David's video in my first episode on Gaza: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/gaza-jailbreak-or-trap?

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Oops!! My bad I haven’t watched it somehow got lost ..... thanks!! 👍

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I don't remember if I wrote that already but a good couple of years ago, my view on Israel changed dramatically. I kept that to myself for the most part but my new 'vision' was the idea of the dismantling of the Israel State, nothing less. To me the two-state solution has been off for quite a while. I don't know how all this is going to play in the long run but you're title is correct. In french I wrote "Le peuple élu va perdre ses élections". What in english is called the chosen people becomes le peuple élu in french, élu as in élected. So I literally wrote the elected people is going to lose its elections which is what you come up with more or less on this podcast.

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That is complete nonsense that the Hamas terrorists didn't have paragliders. There is a LOT of video of paragliders being used in the attacks, some of it footage from the Palestinians! You are bying into the anti-Israel propaganda, Tereza!

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Thanks Faith. It would be Max buying into it but I'm still confused. How do you get a paraglider off the ground and over a wall? What creates the wind and lift? I think Max mentioned the spiel being lawnmower motors strapped to their backs but that seems as ridiculous as Building 7 falling from shrapnel.

Is it your contention, then, that this was all done with no foreknowledge or enabling from Israel? As Middle Nation says, it's either incompetence or treachery--those are the only two options. You're saying they were incompetent and missed all of this happening?

And on the word terrorist, in my first Gaza episode I said that any ethical statement can't contain proper nouns. So "Hamas terrorists" needs to be qualified. How do you define a terrorist so it applies to Hamas and not Israel?

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No music tonight...but hang gliders with motors have been all over YT for a while...gas motors, electric motors, even jets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhsduxMP9Jk

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Max writes about trying to make some desks for Palestinian students and not being able to get nails. I can't imagine Palestinians having lawns, how would they smuggle in lawnmowers without the IDF noticing? In one of his videos, a young girl shows the water tanks that they use during the water shutoffs until it runs out too. It's certainly not the major point but something's fishy about it.

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My understanding is that the propellant for their rockets is gunpowder. I suppose that could be homemade. Either way, thousands of rockets would need a lot of gunpowder. I haven't searched for them, but I recall someone saying that Hamas has videos on their own, or on an affiliated website showing them training with hang gliders.

How does anything get into Gaza w/o the IDF's knowledge? Maybe the knowledge is there, but they're not concerned? Or more conspiratorily...maybe hang gliders, guns and gunpowder were let in on purpose. Small motors, like those for lawnmowers & go-karts, are multi-purpose...maybe they were allowed for the purpose of powering small water pump systems. Definitely, the whole thing is smelling fishy...not just to us, but from what I've heard, to around 80%+ of Israelis.

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Yes, I have quotes from 4 former IDF basically calling BS on the "failed intelligence" narrative.

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Yes, there are lots of videos, if anyone bothers to look. But I guess if that counters the narrative they want to promote, they won't look!

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Iran has neen supplying them with everything for this assault. Including the powered paragliders. Haven't you seen the videos yet that partygoers at the music festival made during the attack? Some of the Palestinians were even shooting at the running young people from the paragliders!

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"Iran has been supplying them with everyting for this assault."

Yeah, that fits in neatly with the narrative you're trying to promote.

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History: Was Hamas A Creation of Mossad?


Here's what HAMAS does best: "The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government."

Arafat said that “Hamas is Israel’s creature” Israeli Deep State likely to have set this up as their 911. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Hamas

“Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul


“You know Hamas, if you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat,” Paul commented


Who Is Hamas?

Indeed, on its own soil, Israel has long been documented as creating “fake” al-Qaeda groups to justify its treatment of the Palestinian people.

With that in mind, it is important to note that Israel’s arch nemesis, Hamas, was created by Israel itself for the purpose of splitting the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Fatah, the leading outfit for the Palestinian freedom and resistance movement.

As Justin Raimondo of AntiWar.com wrote in his 2006 article “Hamas, Son of Israel,”

Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of “blowback,” then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies.Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior CIA official.


There is no way in the world that an attack of this size by Gaza militants could have taken place without the foreknowledge of both Mossad and Shin Bet. Impossible. Unreal. Never gonna happen. Just like the CIA owns Al Qaeda, Hamas is a pawn in the service of the Israeli ruling elites. Remember, Hamas was created by Shin Bet. They wanted an alternative to the PLO. (Unfortunately I can't find my file with the Shin Bet info on Hamas. From memory it was a Shin Bet colonel who relayed the details.)


According to Charles Freeman, former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, "Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet [Isreali domestic intelligence agency], which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO."

Essentially, as analyst Ray Hannania pointed out, in "Sharon's Terror Child", published in Counterpunch, "undermining the peace process has always been the real target of Hamas and has played into the political ambitions of Likud. Every time Israeli and Palestinian negotiators appeared ready to take a major step forward achieving peace, an act of Hamas terrorism has scuttled the peace process and pushed the two sides apart."

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You do know that Hamas is an Israeli creation, don't you? Here's Netanyahu on the importance of supporting Hamas:

Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas


Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the Archive.org website.

During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)


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Can you identify any of the people flying the paragliders?

This is like saying the five guys dancing in N.J. on 9/11 were Arabs because they wore Arab clothes.


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From Celia's substack. (You two might get along well)


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