I was just alerted to this. George includes a clip of my video with "I love it when truth is combined with humor. Americans will forgive it if you own up to your mistakes and ask for forgiveness, but not when you project them on innocents and wallow in self pity. Malone buried HCQ and ignored Ivermectin. The Breggins should not be the whipping post, defenseless grandparents for Malone’s colossal incompetence with DOMANE."


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One of the several moments that redirected the vector that was my opinion of Malone, and to start to look at deeper dives on him, was the way the Malones bragged about their $600k in Substack subscriptions when my wife and I ate lunch privately with them during the CHD conference in October. I don't give up my observations quickly, but I felt the private lunch was meant to flatter me. More to the point, between then and now, the Malone's wrote something to the effect of, "It's not like this is a million dollar Substack," and, "This isn't a good business model."

Right now I think that the Malones are cracking a bit with "character development" in their own personal science fiction. The macho commentary and dancing around "victim mentality" and uncomfortable laughs that I hear from Robert in every interview lately strike me as the result of breaking while too carefully choosing all virtues/strengths at once.

So, you know...Who is Robert Malone?

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Really well said, Mathew. And I agree. Between the lines is the admission that their friends aren't supporting them. Does that include Kennedy? It seems so.

I haven't done more research here than follow the links that he provided. And 90% of what I've posted is just what he wrote or linked. It's as if he's so deep in his own hero/ victim narrative that he doesn't recognize how these things sound, taken out of his fandom echo chamber.

What I realized, though, going through these articles, is that I don't think he is controlled opposition. I think he's a petty grifter who figured out how to milk gov't contracts for Big Pharma trials. And then he happened onto a bigger scam, that fit his grandiose idea of himself. But he can't keep his character straight! If he could drop his pride about all the billions that's slipped through his fingers, and the prizes he should have won, and the credit he should have gotten, he would probably have fooled us all and be the next Fauci.

He wants it both ways. And he keeps telling us who he really is, because he can't let it go.

So happy to have you watching/ reading, Mathew!

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"What I realized, though, going through these articles, is that I don't think he is controlled opposition. I think he's a petty grifter who figured out how to milk gov't contracts for Big Pharma trials."

I'd like to put a hold on the notion of whether he is controlled opposition. Personally, I've been meditating on an expanded version of the concept in which anyone made to be traumatized and confused is potentially controlled opposition. In fact, in this moment of chaos and control, every one of us should meditate on the ways in which we are controlled in order to maintain our own control as well as possible.

I still do not know what Malone's motivation is for his part in the silence over the defense military health database (DMED). He, Kirsch, Bannon, and all the others with large platforms could open that story up in a heartbeat. And since the data contractor controlls the border data also, there is both the past and future potential of massive treason. Is somebody pushing the button within an alt media panopticon that says, "Don't go there!?"

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I like your meditation. It harkens back to your Dune post, which I think about often. My mini-revelation was in that vein. Sometimes it seems like there's this master plot that's clicking every detail into place, and planning six chess moves ahead. And then I realize there are a bunch of egotistical actors who are winging it and going off script.

Malone has built this persona where Nancy Pelosi is on speed dial, the ethics head of the FDA asks him for favors, and BARDA's in his back pocket any time Kirsch needs a doggy treat. But three years ago BARDA was saying, this is a crock they're pulling with this Pepcid scam.

I'm going to meditate on not being controlled by opposition. I like that.

btw I couldn't comment on your Blake post as a free sub but I have some thoughts I might use in a future post. It was really thought provoking.

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I just gave you a free subscription for a few months. I plan to make more posts only open to subscribers for comments given the number of abusive trolls I've had.

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That's so generous of you, Mathew! And yes, comments only by paid subs definitely cuts down on the trolls. I've noticed a pattern between the types of bots unleashed--Russell Brand gets the sex-bots, Charles Eisenstein gets the relationship-bots, and Matt Taibbi gets the insult-bots. It sounds like they use real people against you--that's probably a compliment in some twisted way ;-)

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Interesting that you say that. I've wondered privately in my head whether that was the case. I've also wondered if some undesirables were intentionally pointed in my direction for the sake of optics.

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I doubt he is controlled opposition. If he were, his controllers would demand he drop the meritless lawsuits and stop writing self-pitying substacks.

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Yes that occurred to me too. At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe his controllers forced him into it. But clearly it's working against whatever agenda they might have. I didn't even know who the Breggins were before he sued them, for instance. Now I'm honored to be called their friend!

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The RM self-promotion strategy is so obvious. It's strange how his followers don't see it. Copy others work and rebrand for substack content, complain about lack of money and sleep to garner sympathy and more $$, threaten lawsuits to intimidate and silence, partner with popular leaders to gain legitimacy, while dropping nuggets of truth to keep the sheep nodding in agreement.

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Well organized list, Alex. Mathew has first hand experience with the first. May I quote you in my next RM episode?

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"I'd like to put a hold on the notion of whether he is controlled opposition. Personally, I've been meditating on an expanded version of the concept in which anyone made to be traumatized and confused is potentially controlled opposition. In fact, in this moment of chaos and control, every one of us should meditate on the ways in which we are controlled in order to maintain our own control as well as possible."

THIS! None of us sees the whole picture. I can often see blind spots in other champion's visions. We all grew up in a poisoned soup. But together, we are assembling increasingly more accurate maps of how the psychopaths have traumatized and victimized our ancestors and now us and our children. As we see, we help others see. We will go free!

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That's a great perspective, Jerome. We do need to be talking out loud and comparing insights, even if we don't know for sure. We need to be listening to each other and getting more data, saying "Does something seem fishy about this to you?" Once someone's a public figure with aspirations to have power over us, it's required of us that we scrutinize their motives based on their past actions and their words--especially when those don't match.

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"I don't think he is controlled opposition. I think he's a petty grifter who figured out how to milk gov't contracts for Big Pharma trials. And then he happened onto a bigger scam, that fit his grandiose idea of himself."

These are not mutually exclusive of course, but I don't see any need for us to use the controlled op label. He's clearly a man with conflicting agendas (you see it, hear when he talks) like many people. It's the need to be 'the' guy credited (even with a train wreck) and the pity-me-posts that make him (for me) so unlikeable.

I don't trust him same as I don't trust people who never include themselves in assessing their problems. (I know his role here is much larger than that and so those who are connecting the dots (Sage) digging up more stuff (Webb) and doing new analysis (like you) are doing a larger service.) I'm glad others do this, I can't focus on him at all.

Maybe one of the points of this time will be how we all must confront how easily we have been manipulated by spokespeople and experts and... if we were honest with ourselves about that, we'd have a very different planet going forward.

Thanks, Tereza.

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As always, Kathleen, that's so well said. And yes, not mutually exclusive at all. What this AP and BI articles made me realize is that, if he is a CIA asset, he's not necessarily up there in the ranks. He exposed Callahan as CIA, which should have been a violation of the espionage act, right? So that seems to indicate he may be more useful to them where he is, blundering and all. Yet Callahan and Tracey were advanced over him in the contract to discredit HCQ, if that's what the famotidine fiasco was. Or it was just a money-making scam.

This made me get rid of that last vestige of fear that he was backed by CIA hitmen. When his usefulness to them is up, I think he'll be defunded, if he was on their payroll--something we'll know if the Breggin case gets to the discovery phase.

Yes, Sage makes a good point about the Hero Ball. We just don't need them.

And I'm so honored by the kind description that you gave to my stack, in your reason for recommending! Thank you so much.

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Whatever the behind-the-scenes tangled story turns out to be, I don't think history treats RM well in the end - which is poetic justice - since managing our perception about him seems a major priority. I imagine many early subscribers of his stack, like me, have fallen off but as more people wake to what's going on, he's an obvious person to follow. It should all wash out in the end. 🤞

You're so welcome! Meant every word, and thank you too, for recommending mine. Best.

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Great observation here between you and Matthew.

Matthew's observation makes sense to me, even as 'watching' the Malonadrama pan out has been a bit of 'fun' for me to watch, a kind of vicarious pleasure I guess, because I didn't follow, read, listen to or attend anything Maloney. The inconsistencies you tracked here, Tereza, and those noted by Matthew do suggest that he is lost. And I am reminded of the comment video I was directed to watch without sound. He was a shell moving his lips. Interesting.

Perhaps that was an intuitive radar developed from being in a family with a narcissistic mother who managed to fool the extended family and entire community into thinking she was about as close to God as possible, and our absolutely f**ed family was held in high esteem by 'everyone,' especially the teachers at our schools. M smelled to me to be too much superficially good from the get go.

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Interesting! What better than controlled opposition that is controlling itself, independently but aligning with the "oops we screwed up bigly" narrative that keeps the DOD in the shadows? It's like an autonomous drone that just happens to be attacking your enemy base but for its own internal AI reasons.

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Great analogy. Like what they're preparing us for on the "AI took over" narrative, but on a psyops level!

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I recently unsuited from him.

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I think "unsuited" and finding him "unsuitable" are appropriate too ;-)

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Unsubbed...damn auto fill

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Matthew. Great observation.

I commented on you and Tereza's reply, below, if interested.


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Always appreciate your insights and zingers MC!

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Of course I am not allowed to write to Dr. Malone at all, and cannot post on his substack unless I pay a fee to be a subscriber. Anyone can contact me and offer any opinion. I respond to most. Perhaps Dr. Malone is more distinguished, more educated, more established than poor little me. That is why he is interviewed, and has become famous-whereas I am invisible for most. I guess my undergraduate at Yale and PhD from Harvard ceased to mean anything once I questioned 9.11. My teaching career meant nothing when I crossed the line by saying not only that the vaccines are dangerous, but the assets of those who pushed them must be seized. Yes, there are a lot of ways in which Dr. Malone is a superior being who deserves special attention.

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Emanuel! I was just reading your quotes from the speeches of Henry Wallace. A real hero of mine! I really appreciate the fine things you're putting forward in your Presidential campaign.

I don't think I'd be envious of the 'special attention' Malone is getting, certainly from me. I think that it must be hard to know that your 10s of 1000s of paying subscribers might turn on you if they knew who you really were.

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Good on ya, as they mutter in Strine, Tereza.

D(ea)r. MalOne is too mired in his mirror to opt out of being a Legend in his own mind.

Yes, his essay assays 99.99% pure pity, it floats!

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.” John Gardner

“There’s a reason narcissists don’t learn from mistakes and that’s because they never get past the first step which is admitting that they made one.” Jeffrey Kluger

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Great quotes, Jack! I like that pity has a fat content that floats!

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There is another one, not so polite I did not put public as I do not like to sling curse words unless I have a specific target. In the Free Voluntary Market the best rises to the top like cream in milk. In politics the best rises to the top like the biggest turds in a septic tank.

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I think he might be referring to those old Ivory soap commercials that bragged it was 99.44% pure, hence "it floats!". Actually, it floats because it's pumped up with air -- perhaps an apt metaphor.

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I think my age is showing, but you might not have caught the reference to Ivory soap with this metaphor? Being younger and a peaceful mystic, you use Dove? :)

Stay free, then safe.

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I love the order of your 'free, then safe' and you always make me laugh, even when I'm not getting the reference. Of your three descriptors for me, mystic is the only one I claim ;-)

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What a great story to back it! And that floating was an asset to river-bathing. It also backs my hypothesis that packaging gets uglier and more boring over a product's life. It's original wrap was a B&W feast!

Gotta wonder too whether this name he came up with in church was a nod to the superior purity of whiteness. A friend once tried selling Mary Kay Cosmetics to her primarily black and older neighbors and their answer was, why do we need this when Noxzema does it all? I also believe Noxzema to be a wonder drug but I think the whitening effect had a time and place that, fortunately, is no longer.

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Ah, women and the eternal quest for the grail of beauty; and the panting Male, a lame meal. As Camus put it so well: "Women are all we know of paradise on this earth." Yes. https://www.resourceforyoursource.com/26_jack-reading-his-poem

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Thank you for this great work and for passionately de-pricking the prickless M! LOL! I'm not sure why I'm laughing as you finish up your essay. Well done.

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Guy, it's such a pleasure to have you on my team! Yes, I try to keep my claws sheathed but when it comes to defending people like the Breggins, I'm glad they're still wicked sharp ;-)

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Great post here. As you know I have been leery of poseurs you describe here from the beginning. I worry over all these sudden defenders of liberty as being in effect Trojan horses in our midst. From early 2020 this has all had the air of being some grand planetary spy caper we find ourselves flailing about in. There is the grandiose psychological warfare and all the usual suspects. Many many in controlled opposition and limited hangouts.

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Thank you, KW, that means a lot coming from you. Yes, the Trojan Lusitano, as I've dubbed him ;-) "Grand planetary spy caper" is an excellent phrase. It exposes it as even more puerile. I'm picturing them in cosplay villain costumes doing poor imitations of Dr. Evil.

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In his latest post he (and/or Jill) warns his cult to watch out for controlled op and limited hangouts, and instructs them how to ferret out the "assholes." He and Jill are promoting a pop psych book titled "the no asshole rule" expecting (on good evidence) that their followers won't notice the projection -

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I want credit! I was the first asshole! As you'll see in this post, he first mentions the 'no asshole rule' after my initial post on him and the interview I did with Fintan Dunne. Two strikes! Or two hits, followed by (now) ten more: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/conspiracy-researchers-and-robert

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I just started watching these. You are so good, I mean bad, the badest. The worst kind of asshole. That's my conclusion. "The implications they draw or their conclusions may not be the same as yours. But we should all defend the right to present facts . . ., draw implications from them, and come to conclusions we can’t prove. That’s journalism and I think that’s what Robert Malone attacks with his $25M defamation suit against the Breggins."

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Hahaha! I'm taking a virtual bow.

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"It begins like a bad novella:

He notices the subtle furrowing of her forehead, the slight change in how she is holding her eyebrows, and asks “Are you OK”. She answers “No, I am depressed and angry. It’s not just the constant on-line attacks, it is also the lack of support from so many that I had thought were friends.” Lol yeah! oh so bad. that's why it sells, at least to thousand paying subscribers. That bit about "tucks" made me cringe.

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Right? Oh the melodrama. And oh, the lack of maturity. Totally cringe-worthy.

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It's so bad it's good.

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I agree. Not much makes me laugh out loud these days, but this one did!

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Yep, Aliki has questions to answer, like why he "can't remember" where he was on 9/11 (hint: Anthrax, Shanksville plane "crash" site.)


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Great post of yours and great comments on it. I can't believe that 'Maloned' really means 'getting ahead in your career at the expense of someone else' according to Urban Dictionary.

And great quote you posted: (Bob Malone) "She is driving us down from Simi Valley to LAX to make our plane flight back to Virginia after three days speaking to Southern California freedom lovers, and she asks “why are you so quiet?”

I look inward, turning the question over in my mind. “Because I am at peace". “I am warm, secure, and sitting next to my lifelong partner”.

Ryan Gardner posted elsewhere that what he can't stand is the constant "Jill and I ... sigh ... Jill and I ... sigh ... Jill and I" IRL, I hear from Mathew they do a lot of bickering.

BTW I credited you with alerting me to The Kiffness on Simulation Commander's Stack. Since he does Pawsitivity Monday, I thought sure he'd already know them. But after posting Lonely Cat, one woman said it made her so happy she wanted to bash her head into my leg ;-) For anyone who hasn't yet experienced this pleasure: https://youtu.be/lwLLFbC1H0c.

pps Love the Aliki skit.

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Thanks! "Jill and I" appreciate it :)

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Excellent analysis, Tereza. What first tipped me off to RM was noting JIll's plea for RM to be credited with his lifesaving discovery just one week before he goes on the Darkhorse podcast in June to "save the world." Ever since, his words and actions reflect a person motivated by ego, self-promotion, credit, and money. Not saving humanity.

I suspect Jill is the author of this most recent plea for sympathy and credit as it is written in the same style as her June 2021 plea for credit for the mRNA jabs. Excerpt:

"So, what does one do when someone’s work is not cited, when they are erased from history?

It turns out there is nothing one can do. When a national newspaper gets it wrong, over the course of months – they won’t correct it. Even if one goes to the editor, the magazine, the newspaper or the journalist. Even if one writes about it on social media, etc. Yes, I and to some extent, Robert did all that. I have written, begged, pleaded, informed – all to no avail. Basically, we hit a stone wall. Either journalists denied it (“well, I said “others” worked on these technologies”) or we were ignored. But with time, each article seems to get more and more exaggerated about the Dr. Kariko “discoveries.”

So, why am I writing this?

I guess at the very least to set the record straight with his friends.

This was and is Robert’s work, his passion. He is thrilled that all these technologies are working. He is thrilled for his part in that. He freely credits that other people have worked to develop this. But to have poured his heart and soul into this – decades of work and to have someone else get credit for his work in the national press is demoralizing and disheartening. To note, Dr. Kariko has responded to us and admitted that she did not make these discoveries, only “improvements” to the technology. Improvement, which many companies, like Curevac are not using. She says that she tells reporters that many, many people helped make these discoveries… Which reminds me of the quote:

“A truth that's told with bad intent

Beats all the lies you can invent.”

― William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

We literally have nothing to lose in this. Robert never received the money that Vical owed him. Heck, they never even admitted to owing him anything but a silver dollar. They never licensed his work from the Salk. The Salk dropped the patent applications without telling him. Vical threatened Robert with “cease and desist” letters, if he continued working in the field commercially or if he helped a commercial company with these technologies. We never were able to capture a single NIH or government grant for this work. This all happened thirty years ago, it is a terrible but old story. One that Robert likes to forget. It is not worth dredging up.

But now, we kind of have to.

So, I write this to our friends. Understand that Robert is grieving. He invented the field of mRNA vaccination and the use of RNA as a drug. But the credit goes to others. This is painful. It is the erasing of his life’s work.

As someone who has been supporting him in this endeavor for eons, I know what developing these technologies has brought us. It is the opposite of what one might think. The legacy of these technologies for us has been: abuse, poverty, angst and being disempowered.

To move on, Robert will most likely stop writing and speaking about it. This is his way. He is embarrassed to “make a fuss.”

I am not. I know that the American media has a “poster child,” in Dr. Kariko, who is actively being promoted to win a Nobel. There is a campaign going on. I know that Robert has no institutional support, no one to nominate him and no one did (nominations were due in Feb). So, Dr. Kariko, BioNTech and the University of PA do not have to worry. She has no competition from these quarters. She most likely has won. But her win must be cheapened by the fact that that she did not invent these technologies and the press has somehow been misled into believing that she did.

So in the end, I am afraid that the truth is…

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

― Walter Langer

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Thank you so much, Alex, for refreshing our memory on this. I read it long ago, when I was still a believer. My speculation, however, is that while Jill wrote this as the set up for the public Malone, he wrote his own pity post. In fact, I suspect it's going to be an item of contention between the two 'love-birds.'

Here's why. I don't think Jill would have linked in two articles that are so obviously damning. He lobbed me softballs. I didn't find these because I was doing research, I just casually clicked on his links. I don't think she would have done that but he was too wrapped up in "They took down the article with the photo of me on my horse and left only this!"

And the tucking comment is clearly the same guy who would participate in that Hi-Rez video with his buddy JP Sears and have a good yuck (double entendre intentional) over ridiculing the girlie-men and banging his chest over his manliness (to put it politely). Mathew, btw, has some great info on the Scientology/ covert connections of the woman in that rap video.

Jill would never have left such an easy opening.

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Good points. I suspect they wrote it together, though I'm not convinced Jill is more meticulous or opposed to the tucking comment. BTW, she also participated in the Hi-Rez video. My impression is that she has the final word on everything he does or says.

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The wife of a narcissist has to be the narcissist's number one flying monkey, or suffer the consequences of disappointment in the narcissist.

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I agree, the maudlin style sounds like Jill.

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Pity party is right. I saw that Malone post and didn't even bother to read it. I already skip over his interminable posts about his farm. I look at his articles occasionally, but he's always struck me as primarily a self-promoter.

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Thank you for reading and commenting, Tardigrade. It's good to know that some who are reading him are reading critically. I always check out what my new subs are also reading and several have him in their stacks. He does have good info--often from others. So I'll keep that in mind.

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Insider in my opinion. I was cancelled early, 2012, and do I could see who was involved in smearing me, who kept at an old story for a long time, and how they do it.

It all faded a bit but then CoV era happened and my nutrition info needed to be squelched again. He was one of the ones actively joking about the ancient jokes - which is the pattern of the insider's cancel culture.

Pomegranate peel is a natural antidote.

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'He notices the subtly furrowing of her forehead...yakety yack etc.' I find it difficult to understand why a serious scientist writing a considered article (allegedly) on cyberstalking can start an article is such a toe-curling way. I would have stopped reading the article right there. But then the popularity of Mills and Boon is a mystery to me. If it hadn't been for your article Tereza I'd have no idea what he was banging on about.

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I never even got to the part about cyberstalking, but I'll remedy that in the next one.

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GD covers by women? I've seen/heard plenty by solos or duos over the years, but here are a couple links to a band that does them as a band. (Songs lists available at links are not identical.)



There may be women covering ABB material. I don't have any links to them...but, just in case someone offers you $25M for an example of females venturing into Charlie Daniels-stan, use this...next best thing to having 'a switch-blade knife in your left hip pocket' (cf. lyrics).


Hopefully, the oh, so pitiable hero will hear these and find some solace.

P.S. I swim 1/3 or 1/2 mile almost daily. Approx. 10 days ago I weighed 174. Today is 160. No change in diet, vitamins, supplements, no fasting, etc. Doc today sez we'll run some blood work and see if anything looks out of range. Come back in 3 months...unless you make it down as far as 155, in which case make a new appt and come back in right away. In the event that I get swallowed by some sort of internal black hole of autophagy, the last verse is for you & your correspondents here.

Wheel to the storm...


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Those brown-eyed women are a refreshing dose of real in a world of staged eye candy. And I love the Della Mae. They're feisty! I haven't heard of an internal black hole of autophagy so I'm going with the swimming giving you the metabolism of a dolphin.

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Internal black hole of autophagy was a rather rushed job of verbal construction, meant to resonate with the weight loss that accompanies many/most cancers. Autophagy involves degradation/collapse of cells and subsequent recycling of component materials, so maybe think of the black hole as something that takes some of those post-autophagic component materials out of circulation...result: building back worse/lighter.

My swimming routine has been stable for 3-4 years or so now, so it is beneficial on at least a couple of levels but is not a priority suspect in the current Case of the Missing Pounds. :-(

Post-swim scale reading this morning was 161, so this dolphin may be stabilizing.

Beyond staged eye candy, my 2nd most favorite ukulele player:



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Well, my hope is for the autophagy that Keto diets tout as beneficial. I wasn't wanting to reference my brother-in-law, also a swimmer, who was happy to have lost 10 lbs and then found it was the wrong kind of autophagy. But it seems your mind has already gone there. He's a big believer in the vax, however, which I'm betting you're not.


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First time I recall reading about autophagy was back in the last 4 months of 2020 when I went from 210 to 170 doing a very simplified keto regimen. That was roughly ten pounds/month, so imagine my surprise and concern when recently a period of 10-14 days resulted in a loss of 10-15 pounds. Stopped in at my local grocery chain store after swimming and found they're closing out their (decent) house brand of mint chocolate chip ice cream at $1.50/48oz tub. Caloric options against runaway weight loss are good, even if they're flavored like staged gastronomical eye candy.

Yes, ukuleles...here's my #1 fave practitioner from a technical POV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufphK0kwRNE

There's a German woman who plays uke, clarinet, and other instruments well as part of a German group that does covers of Frank Zappa songs. If interested, just tell YT "Zappa ukulele" and those zany Germans will show up in the mix. Bis spater.

P.S. Sorry about your BIL, if I'm reading between the lines correctly.

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If I'm reading correctly, sorry about your BIL's encounter with too much autophagy.

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I'm going to visit him in a few weeks so he's still fighting the good fight. I mention him anonymously in this post, which I researched after his bad news: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-cancer-covax-connexion.

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Oh I get it, so know it like the back of your hand so when the opportunity arrives we recognize and seize it. Good.

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Wow, no one wants to fund his attack on people who disagree with his "scientific opinions." What a terrible life he must lead. And, poor horses. And ewww, who wants to have the image of him untucked in their head. No one. Pretty disgusting "scientific opinion" piece. His ego knows no bounds.

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Do you think he's planning on dropping the Breggins suit and he is preparing his followers for that?

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Hi, Helene. No, it's the exact opposite. As I told Duarte, who wrote on my YT that it had inspired him to contribute to the Breggins' defense, Malone is telling people who ask about the suit that "That's over." So it makes people think there's no reason to support them. But in fact, what he means is that he, after several extensions, finally officially served them with the suit so they were on the clock to have their lawyer respond. That's why he's suddenly posting these justifications and saying horrible things like "I'm not one to tuck." They didn't back down, like others have (as he brags about) to his threatened suit, so he's followed through with his dick move.

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One other trick I noticed that Malone uses. He often refers to sending the Breggins a "cease and desist" letter before filing his lawsuit, when in reality what he sent was a demand letter to support his "what else can we do?" narrative. Huge difference.

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Thks for that clarification. The only time I hear about him is from you so I got lost somewhere in the video. Plus I don't know what Tuck means and I probably don't want to know, lol. Also I didn't understand the perseverance, kansas story in I heart money. the part I didn't understand was the middle school involvement. Why didn't Matilda send the (10) $30.00 donation checks directly herself? And why did the issue her the 10's? I just figured I would ask as I just read it last night.

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I'm so glad to segue into a question from my book! That subsection has confused many and I suspect that if I'd been better about answering Mark's emails, he would have sent me that question too.

So I'm going to start with the mystical from the Course--the more that you give away, the more you have. Under zero-sum capitalism, when you give, you give up, you have less for someone else to have more. But with other things like ideas and gratitude, the more you give away and others accept, the more you have.

So my charity model in the book is that the more people you can include in the circle of the gift, the more hands that the gift passes through, the more it increases. The middle school students get to design, color and sign those Fair Trade Tens that are passed around, so they feel pride and ownership every time they get earned by adults who have what the kids don't--money to donate to 'third world' communities. And of course, like the third paradigm, I'm hoping for a third world.

I'll do a post and include my Food in the Hood experience, before that website of mine disappears.

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Its always a great idea to get kids involved. How exciting for them that would be. Speaking of schools, how do we get true history and a humanist agenda to be taught in schools? If we had authentic elections and education the rest would flow.

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Ah that definitely wouldn't be an anarchist or sovereigntist solution. Parents should determine what they want their kids to learn and kids should determine what they want to learn too. I'm not personally a fan of schools. Under the caret system, each person has funding they can use for classes, or can use for someone else, or can earn more by teaching. It puts the power of decision at the family level with room for individual choices even at a young age. At least that's my vision. I don't remember if you saw this one: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/reinventing-education. One of my statements is "I think that kids, from pre-school on, should earn their right to go to kindergarten by showing they can be an asset to their household—helping prepare meals, clean, garden. And it’s ridiculous that our kids have adult servants who feed them and clean up after them."

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I certainly understand your idea, but I can only imagine that could come to being from a total break in the current system. If I had it to do all over again I would homeschool. I did private school and public school for my kids as a reference point for my thoughts at the time. I think dialing it back is the best we can hope for. I have a 15 year old grandson and my daughter attended collage just 7 years ago and has taught as a substitute here at the high school, so I get a sense of where we have to start from. I would of course prefer a renaissance rather than a collapse, but that is idealistic, isn't it. I'm still re-learning myself. I'll look at substack, thks.

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How he acquired SARS2 in February has yet to be explained. He said that they began to work on the sequence in January. Alchem had the capability to produce chemicals.

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