Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

"Next he’ll be telling us 911 was an inside job."

Thanks for the laugh.

Coincidentally, I've been going down the 9/11 rabbit hole in the last few days. That one goes deep.

I've always been puzzled by Malone's weird self-contradictory stance of being (1) a government insider, and (2) a critic of government insiders. it's as if he's trying to tell us that he's an insider, but a GOOD insider that we should trust. This has become more clear now that he's admitted that he DOES want to be an insider and run the FDA or CDC.

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Yes I think that's been his dilemma all along. He's trying to pose as a whistleblower but he can't help bragging about his connections and the things he's done. He's done multiple posts about how he'd clean house at the HHS, which is VERY different than dismantling it. He and Hatfill, in the other video, talk about how they'd privatize it.

Thanks for reading, Mark!

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So important to push out the view, connect the dots and remind the 'truthers' who are feeling tired and so want to see progress, that 'they' are steps ahead and capture is ongoing. It is tiring. Thanks for the tenacity, Tereza. (I can't even listen to him anymore.)

"Malone makes no mention of decentralizing the FDA or NIH." lol! Nope, course not, where would that leave him?

The 'decentralized' references he utters, hits the right note - but we should not take him literally.

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Decentralizing FDA/NIH may end his gravy train. Where oh where would he put horseys? And wtf would Jill do with no newsletter! haha!

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

She always has the stud farm (Cielo Azure Lusitanos) 😉

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

hola, tereza.

yes. hmmmm. yes, what? yes, 'mealy mouthed' is likely the best description. the joy interview was so telling. thank you for including the criticism of its poor quality and the failure of malone to actually address anything substantial. i've been noticing that there is a lot of 'negative' criticism beneath 'mainstream truthiness talks'. the gaslighting is being seen for what it is more and more.

with that i feel more and more optimistic. the global oligarchs and their conscious or unconscious foot soldiers, like malone, who are taking the old reliable narcissistic tools of emotional/psychological manipulation that have been working and double down on them now. oops, sorry malone. you have let the genie out of the bottle, and many of us who were abused in ignorance of the gaslighting now see it. and once seen it isn't unseen. and once seen, it becomes so obvious that we may be embarrassed or ashamed that it worked on us for so long.

and even more, the doubling down has become so extreme that only complete zombies aren't seeing warning signs and beginning to question things like this subject in today's email 'dump': "Clinton calls for Americans to be criminally charged for spreading Trump propaganda." https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/clinton-calls-for-americans-to-be

With that there is going to be a lot of mess and hurt getting ourselves out from under the pile of shit we 'let' grow above us by the complacency and inattentiveness that trust in the narcissist creates!

i heard and nice example of that change yesterday with Neil Oliver's and Candace Owen's discussion: 'I was a kind of sleepy liberal, voted democrat and didn't question much except vaccines — and vaccines only because i had a vaccine-related seizure when was in college.' 'what woke you up?' 'the insane anti-trump all media full on terror war in 2016.' (my paraphrase.) this is such a uplifting 'interview' in my opinion. i link it here because it was so refreshing to see two people exchanging ideas and not yelling talking points! "Neil Oliver Interviews Candace Owens – …they’ve plugged us into the matrix!!!" oliver is in the black pill stage and feels hopeless. owens says that was her last year, and now she is white pilled. the oligarchs are panicking, we see that in their over-the-top efforts to stuff the genie back in lamp. the harder they try, the more they are undermining themselves. https://youtu.be/8OkkYbERIKs

as usual, tereza, a clear presentation of narcissism in action as social control and how to see through the gaslighting.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes!

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Thanks, Guy. I'll enjoy listening to that--Candace and Neil both, that will be a pleasure!

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Many thanks for the link! I would have missed it otherwise! xx

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Great interview with Germ Warfare. I seem to be blocked on your substack.

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No... I don't think so, but will check brb.

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You were right! I don't remember blocking you or why.... hmm. I have unblocked now. xx

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I never took to Malone and Kirsch from the get go. Call it the "creepy vibes" or whatever. For me, the biggest letdown/disappointment in this crew is RFK Jr. In retrospect, I ask, "Is this the same person" who wrote "The Real Anthony Fauci," like I ask, "Is Naomi Klein the same person" who wrote "The Shock Doctrine?"

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I completely agree, Howard. I did two YT videos on The Real Anthony Fauci, before I had a Substack, and called it meta-journalism. He crammed decades of research and dedication into that book, forgoing margins to make it fit. It taught me so much! It was even more about HIV and AIDS than the Covid vaccine. A monumental work.

And yes on Naomi Klein. I quoted her at the very beginning of my book. She encapsulated a whole strategy and made people aware of it with two little words, backed by a ton of research.

With Naomi, I think liberalism is the box she can't think outside of. But RFK continues to be a mystery to me. The only thing I'm sure of is that there's something we don't know.

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With you all the way here, Tereza.

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

We are not meant to have memories beyond that of a brick apparently, Howard.

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Thank you, Tereza, you always bring the receipts.

I have to admit that the beautiful wall behind you distracted me, it's similar to the Ralph Lauren paint I used in my dining & livingroom walls. White walls are not allowed in my home.

"Fragging" - a word used by Malone’s junkyard 🐕

Malone, with the financial support of Steve Kirsch and The Unity Project, has hijacked Conservative circles, including CPAC. Trevor FitzGibbon has been a PR and strategic planning/political genius- by training the Vaccine Frankenstein to change his cadence and language, he's been successful at fooling Conservatives and Independents. An uneducated dumbass like me noticed his intentions since Steve Bannon forced him down our throats, but the highly educated crowd is still in denial about this DOD tool.

The Conservatives are cheering the takedown of their movement by lifelong Progressives - Bret Weinstein has publicly informed them (via RFK Jr.) that it's no longer a MAGA movement. I've been warning them since 2021/22 not to trust Malone, and here we are today...the Vaccine Frankenstein has forced his way into the Trump train. I'm so disgusted with all of them.

Meryl Nass' role has been to protect Malone. To my knowledge, she didn't publicly acknowledge that they knew each other (for over a decade) until I published their involvement in a 2011 teleconference about testing Anthrax vaccines on children (Nass was against it, Malone was so giddy about poisoning other people's kids he wanted to add other vaccines to the clinical trials).

From my Malone database:

2/1/2022 "Don't frag our guys": Meryl Nass stands up for Robert Malone (who deserves our gratitude, NOT our distrust) Mark Crispin Miller


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Thanks for the compliment on my wall, Vilma! Yes we share that love for vibrant walls. Although my daughter recently convinced me to turn my dark green library with velvet curtains and mahogany bookshelves into a princess bedroom for her (she's 32 btw, so this is just when all three daughters are home). It now has walls in different shades of white, one in a shimmery white-gold and a small crystal chandelier. I never thought I'd fall for white but I'm loving it. I'm sure it'll show up in videos sometime soon.

I was wondering how you were doing with the turncoat RFK bringing his boy Malone into the Trump campaign. I thought that was going to be as much a blow to you as it was to the RFK loyalists and never-Trumpians.

And yes, I remember that video clip of Meryl and Malone on anthrax. Where did that woman go to be replaced by this doppelganger?

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14 hrs agoLiked by Tereza Coraggio

The thing I really love about Malone is how he teaches us the psyop technique and then demonstrates it immediately. 😉 One has to often ponder if the use of devilish techniques doesn't already make him the bad guy, but he immediately gets outraged at the suggestion (just like the woke). Without him teaching us, many would never even know this technique... or it's name. In fact we'd probably call it something else.


At this point he's almost undistinguishable from the bad guys. He literally acts like the "77th Brigade" and then casts blame everywhere else. Confession through projection seems to fit better. Speaking of which I'm now highly suspicious of people (especially on Twitter) who basically act like the intelligence agents they claim to be fighting. Normal people have no knowledge of such things. What makes it doubly suspicious is also the cult-like following (and tag teams).

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So funny, Soothspider! 'Confession through projection,' what a great term. That really describes what I see happening with Malone. I remember my middle daughter, when she was young, explaining to the youngest how to lie--"Be utterly outraged that they could even suspect you!" Malone has this down. My daughter has matured out of it.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Tereza Coraggio

🤔 Malone is a pre-teen? 🤔 I can see that.

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An insider like this took the two jabs?

As the old Freemason leader said,

"If they want heroes, we'll give them heroes."

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That was the tipping point for me too. I came to the realization that his lawsuit was a fake while in conversation with others on his post, Just the Facts. And then realized that he was reading those comments and would know I'd seen through him. I looked through everything I could find to see if there was collaboration, anyone else who suspected him. On the WikiSpooks website I read that he was a 'person of interest' to Joe Atwill, author of Caesar's Messiah, who happened to be a friend. So I contacted Joe and he said what you are--no one who knew what he did about what was in those injections would have taken the jabs. At that point, I knew he was a fake, not just the suit.

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unfortunately almost everyone of the first docs to speak out, have now joined back to where they came from. McCullough, Brand and lots of others are in that Wellness thing, which is not wellness at all. I think Malone is even one of the more honest ones. Some propagate metformin - I unsubscribed because I know first hand it is not safe. Even the much lauded ivermectin is not as safe as first seemed, obviously. I am still following Malone and Trozzi, because I think they would not pressure to use chemical meds. Even Midwestern Doc has started to promote not safe meds, according to DrGeoffPain. I still have to look that up, but it is just ad to see everyone glide back into the old dirt pot. I unsubscribed quite some time ago from Mihalcea, and recently from Kory and Malik.

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Thanks for this discussion, Ingrid. This is an episode I did on a comment thread with AMD, back in Mar 2023 when the Shannon Joy interview was done with Malone. I'd be very interested in your thoughts on that conversation. I'm very respectful but keep going back to the logic, where I feel that s/he keeps trying to change the subject: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-psyop-cyclops.

The crux of the question with Malone is whether he was in on the CovidCon from the start. Did he intentionally prevent HCQ from being tested when he had the BARDA contract so that the vaccine would get EUA approval? The Hatfill episode shows him to be VERY chummy with the bioweapons gang. Whether he'd pressure to use chemical meds is, imo, the least of it. Would he help bring about the next health 'emergency' where those agencies dictate what we can and cannot do? I think that's why it's important to analyze his contradictions. But I also have the 'advantage' of knowing first-hand his claims about his detractors are false, being one ;-)

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

I am very fond of Doc Ahmad Malik! What is wrong with him? He knocked the Wellness thing out of the park!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Tereza Coraggio

Agree. Miri AF and maybe Abi Roberts had concerns that Malik was too pushy soliciting content opportunities but he is deffo a "good guy"...

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Can you say more about Dr. Geoff Pain and AMD? I'm unable to find anything. I assume you are talking about AMD's recent article about DMSO.

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Pain is a virus narrative Pusher as is AMD. They both refuse to look at relevant essays that seriously question virology's roots. Most who research into it, see that Virus (or vi-ruse) is another psyop--thanks to the rock$fella$. See content from Cowan, Massey, Coppolino, Culpo, and Frances-who just popped in here.

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2 links. Read article & Comments section:

https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/some-responses-to-bhakdi-and-palmers (Dr. Claiming Viruses & responses)

https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/proton-goes-to-the-virus-circus (Pain arguing for SC2 with no SC2 particle)

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yes, that is what I am pondering. AMD:DMSO=wtf?

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Yes indeed

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio

Many thanks for quoting my comment from 2022. My opinion remains exactly the same today. Mal One is transparently defending his business interests in Silicon Valley telecoms alongside his chum Kirsch.


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That's so funny that you refer to yourself as an anklebiter in your post, Frances. I've been compared to a bulldog who won't let go of a pantsleg but I see I need to up my game and go for the gristle!

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Sep 18Liked by Tereza Coraggio


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Excellent work, Tereza…from one ankle biter to another 😘

“A female is putting together short soundbites from different sources—the journalism we’ve all come to loath.”

You mean the kind where you are held accountable for your words??? The kind that notices speaking out of both sides of the mouth??? 😂

👏👏Well done, Tereza!

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8 hrs agoLiked by Tereza Coraggio

“A sheepdog sent to round up the strays and herd them through a route called ‘freedom’ back to the slaughterhouse.” No way to say it better. The tippy top gang is trying to sheepdog cattledog cowboy herd and cull-de-sac errrrryyybody. Every human on earth. Whatever generation of warfare this is (and it really feels like it’s all generational styles and levels of warfare being unleashed simultaneously), we are in the midst of a long war of attrition. It started decades ago. Ramped up bigly in 2019/20/21. I think “they” think they’re about half way thru this particular major 10yr op. And they think they’re ahead of the game. Which in some ways (death count) they are. But the rapidity of people getting hurt and dead is directly proportional to the people around the maimed and dead waking up. So lots more waking up has occurred faster and louder and more emotionally than “they” have been able to manage. They have already done such massive damage. But they don’t have the manpower or tech to pull off what they’re aiming at. My best guess is it’s gonna be real messy and very different in different places, even county by county in some states. In the US, lots - and I mean perhaps ERRRYTHING - will depend on who your sheriff is and whether he believes in protecting your rights or rather doing code enforcement. I also do not think it is advisable to live anywhere near any major population center.

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Anarchy: the antidote to civilization, as the old American Express ads used to say. I'm with you on that. Thanks again for your great phrase.

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Anarchy IS civilized. Civilization is the mob.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Tereza Coraggio

YET! I am deeply hopeful and even (some days) excited about the possibilities that will unfold in some places. I am an anarchist and I am done w the long horrid stinking lie of “western civ.” The whole thing is one endless trolling herding monetizing op. Blech. To hell w it. We can do better. But I ain’t naive. Most folk here now ain’t making it across this river. They ain’t even begun to think about how to prepare.

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