Small correction on your reference to my post. Desmet's book justifies not only psychological handling of dissenters, but everyone, in order to prevent the anxiety and confusion that are, in his view, necessary precursors to totalitarianism. But yes, dissenters could very well be singled out for special treatment.

I'm not saying that this is what Desmet intended, but I am saying that in a future perhaps 10 or 20 years from now (or sooner?) his theory for how totalitarianism arises could be trotted out to justify society-wide psychological measures to "prevent totalitarianism" (such as tailored psychiatric drugs or a "soma.") This is because for Desmet totalitarianism doesn't arise from censorship/propaganda but from society's anxiety and fear and confusion (derived from our supposed addiction to mechanistic thinking) which then lead to censorship/propaganda.

This isn't true at all. Censorship and propaganda can be imposed on a perfectly "normal" society to then create fear and anxiety. I think we've seen this somewhere ....

I operate from the principle that freedom requires vigilance, and vigilance requires imagining possible futures. Thus I imagine what the consequences of Desmet's theory might be. The Breggins noticed the same thing.

Desmet definitely believes conspiracy thinkers are dangerous as their anxiety may lead to mass formation. So all of us who believe in a vast conspiracy are dangerous.

Many people are confused about Desmet and believe that he's found the key to mass formation during Covid. What they miss is causation: what does Desmet say causes mass formation and thus totalitarianism? It's us!! It's our propensity for mechanistic thinking. It is not induced from outside by those who orchestrate.

It really is an insidious work.

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Thanks for that correction, Jim! There's so much clear thinking in your post, I knew I wasn't doing it justice. I hope that readers go to it directly because none of your points are superfluous.

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Amazing post Jim.

"I operate from the principle that freedom requires vigilance, and vigilance requires imagining possible futures"

"Desmet definitely believes conspiracy thinkers are dangerous as their anxiety may lead to mass formation. So all of us who believe in a vast conspiracy are dangerous."

This is why the term "conspiracy theorists" is so insidious. It's labelling people who are capable of critical thinking and connecting dots. Sure, there is some crazy crackpot stuff out there, but I don't think reading what people with power and a lot of money are saying they want to do and noticing they are implementing it is worthy of a tinfoil hat.

"What they miss is causation: what does Desmet say causes mass formation and thus totalitarianism? It's us!! It's our propensity for mechanistic thinking. It is not induced from outside by those who orchestrate."

It's a combination of propaganda, fear and collectivism (we are all in this together). It also needs a common enemy (e.g. Jews, the Bourgeoisie, Covidiots/antivaxxers). I'm a historian by education and know a lot about this subject. To actually live it and have to deprogram people I care about is insane.

Desmet is correct to an extent, it is the fault of the people for falling for all this. Unfortunately, only something like 15-20% of the population is truly capable of critical thought, and that's terrifying. Without wishing to be mean, most people are basically NPCs. Or to be nicer, herd mentality creatures that need someone to follow (this is extremely important in relation to people like Malone and others. I'm with Crawford on this and just try and be a leader in my own life, since I seem to be one of the only people I know who can actually see what is really going on).

But when you realize that the education system is designed/weaponized to create socially conforming worker drones, not "rugged individualists" or whatever term you may like to use, it makes sense how we get into this situation in the first place.

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I can't tell you how enlightening your perspectives are about all this. Unfortunately, so many of those we were hoping were working in our best interests, appear to not be. Questions are: Are they witting or unwilling players? If they really are "in on it," who got to them and what was their price for complicity?

In the end, none of that really matters. The games are afoot, and we either will be alert and do our own research, or we will be swept along with the herd.

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Thank you Joe!

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I tried to summarize JJ Couey's work, Sasha Latypova's work and Katherine Watt's work.

I used to think Malone is a good man, but I am no longer clear about that.

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Thank, William, I will definitely check out your sub. It's a deep topic you're tackling and I appreciate the summary.

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Matt Ehret lost my focus when he defended the lockdowns in China... Cause China good guy.

He played ignorant about the COVID and vaccine situation in Russia too.

A fan boy, but some think he is a tool: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/patriots-or-traitors-a-critical-look

Always thought Malone was a limited hangout.

A bad one at that, his intro story is dumb. Get the jab for long COVID?

Any vaccinologist who isn't a tool would know that is asking for more issues, you don't vaccinate the ones who got it! Malone flip flops and plays serious.

Originally Recommending the shot for up to third trimester and the older with immune conditions is not a mistake. He fkin knows that vaccines aren't tested on those groups, so how the heck can he say they're safe?!? Ugh and people excused him, cause they're like Weinstein, too dumb to see the contradictions and instead go by what they assume he is: a good guy from the bad side?! Who's next, Fauci? Seriously Malone injured many with his vaccine testing... Probably a part of the crap that was blamed on zika in Brazil.

He's always creeped me out by the way he speaks. No, not because he's wealthy and a snob... It's because he has a very calculated way of speaking and has a really creepy stare like he's pretending to be blind. Cold dead eyes.

Bret Weinstein is like a child. It must be true because woke people annoy him?

He is the definition of privelaged that he projects onto them.

These days, I really don't give a crap about these "celebs". They still believe in nonsense overall. I haven't seen many of them call out that vaccines in general, not just COVID, are really idiotic.

Adjuvants that contain toxic substances as aluminum, mercury, and other chemicals are NEVER HELPFUL.

It's about time we have a paradigm change in medicine, because the current crop are brainwashed too far to consider basic facts about toxins to think it's a good idea to inject them directly in your body.

They're also pretty moronic in focusing on spike protein as the cause of issues from the jabs.

Even Latypova points out that the elephant in the room are the lipids, which have been shown to be toxic even before COVID shots were developed.

But who cares what these obsolete indoctrinated allopathic medical scientists think.

It's all about unity, right?

No wonder why they push away the terrain theory people... For unity.

Unity is not going to change shit, just reinforce group think.

Some good news from winter oak:

"Worrying developments” that are “eroding the resilience and stability of the global system” are highlighted in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2023. Among the threats to the system and its “economic productivity” the WEF lists “mounting citizen frustration” which it warns could lead to “secession and anarchism”. Fingers crossed! "

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Okay, subbed to Nevermore. A bit snarky but really funny. As a fellow anarchist, how could I resist? Although I'm on the free version so I'll miss the posts on sex and violence ;-)

This does make sense of points where Matt and I have disagreed. He did get a copy of my book, which is all about small-scale sovereignty, aka anarchy--explicitly named in the first chapter. I know he read the intro because he complimented it as "the most Platonic outline he'd ever read." But perhaps this is why I lost him after that.

A book "In Defense of Manifest Destiny," huh. Interesting. Per my Matt Taibbi quote in my response to Kevin, I do always 'tie my camel' on his site. Yet it's darn hard to find any sources of info on Russia and China these days. Jeff Brown, who's also in my comments, just did an interview of me I'll publish soon. As someone who's written several books on China and lived there, he challenged me on why that didn't work, if people are happy with it. I'll save my answer for the video.

Joe Atwill also said that Malone getting the vaxx at all proved he wasn't who he said he was.

I have to agree, I was confused by Malone when I was reading him. Seeing him speak was like a punch to the gut instinct. At that moment, something in me knew.

I am happy for that winter oak message!

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I will take a look at everything you have done.

I lost trust in project veritas totally, not that I ever really enjoyed their product, when they caught the cnn technical director on undercover camera talking about CNN using Covid to scare and attract viewers and how climate change was the next scare tactic.

I used to be a technical director at cnn as it happens, decades ago. So I know the technical director has no say over content. The TD simply pushes buttons to put the video and video effects on the air. ‘Take camera one! Roll tape.’ And so on. So to act like he was the executive news producer and deciding content was very misleading to say the least.

I felt like the Pfizer actor was so over the top it was insane. During the ‘date,’ and esp after.

His reaction was like the tantrum of a two year old. Just uncomfortable to watch. Almost slapstick.

I agree with you on Malone. And Kirsch. Kirsch, for one thing, refuses to debate people who don’t believe in viruses, while at the same time proclaiming no one will debate him. Malone took his substack behind a paywall for comments and suddenly his comment section became so fawning I wanted to gag. Doesn’t he still own a vaccine factory? Isn’t it in his financial interest to get people worried about bad actors concocting dangerous viruses and thus creating the need for ‘safe’ vaccines.

I feel like Steve Bannon bangs the anti-China drum all the time as well. I can’t take Bannon seriously because he openly makes statements that indicate he either believes 9-11 was what we were told or he wants us to continue believing it.

You are so right on the entire Germany WWII (and prolly even WWI) issue and you are the first I have heard liken Germany to Ukraine. What an interesting concept! Plenty to think about. Keep up the good work.

I couldn’t help but think you must be somewhere warmer than where I am! We are in sweaters indoors.

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That's very kind of you, Cynthia. And yes, almost slapstick is a great description.

Kirsch got too repetitious for me to keep reading his multi-daily posts. And yes, Malone revoked my sub and refunded the remainder of the year so I couldn't post. However, they're not all fawning. There are many who spoke against the lawsuit when he posted it, and some who give veiled criticisms there and publish their own 'stacks that are more overt. It's really a very informed group. I have to say I miss them.

Matt Ehret did two VERY interesting articles on Steve Bannon banging the anti-China drum: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/steve-bannon-and-chinas-deep-state and https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/controlled-opposition-jesuits-and.

You're right about Germany in WWI, who were forced into the war by the Emperor but the bankers decided it would be funded by debt. I'm guessing that would have been Rothschild if he was forced to leave Germany by Hitler? I wrote some about it here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/forgiving-hitler.

Yes, after the weeks of torrential rain we've had some days when it's actually hot in a sunny window ;-) Meanwhile, the neighbor is dripping the faucets in my childhood home so the pipes don't freeze. Stay warm!

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I am adding this comment here for some reason. Apologies for the out of context.

I watched your video on Jesus as the biggest Psy-op. Very interesting, especially as I have had many discussions with born again

folk who seem to genuinely believe that anyone in the world,

regardless of the life they led or their love for God, will not gain eternal life without accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

And yes the meekness of Jesus always bothered me. As does the way he is generally portrayed in churches and in art as dying on the cross, as opposed to in a soldier’s garb. Or rising into heaven!

I was wondering since the Jews and the Muslims believe the Messiah is yet to come, do you believe that is part of the same or another psy-op?

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Hi, Cynthia, thanks for watching my Jesus Psy-Ops episode. I don't have an opinion on Islam, both from lack of knowledge and because it's not part of my culture. Neither does it provide the ideological basis for the empire that currently rules the world, of which I'm part. But Judaism is another story!

At the same time, 70 CE, that the story of Jesus was written, a cowardly rabbi had himself lowered in a coffin from the siege of Jerusalem and begged the conquering general to let him 'preserve' the Hebrew scriptures. So what we have today was written simultaneously with the 'gospels' (good news for who?) and under the Roman Empire's strict control. I have much, much more to say on the topic but I'll leave it for now with some links to my old radio transcripts that explore it more:






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Cynthia, I’m quite new to Tereza’s work. I notice you always have really insightful comments (on many different articles, but especially this comment). Thank you!

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Very provocative and stimulating. I share your overall concerns on just about all the issues raised, and about many of the individuals. One specific disagreement: "Steve Kirsch is setting up a superPAC for President for someone whose uncle set up Israel." Not only is this factually untrue, Truman officially "set up" Israel (possibly under pressure from the same shadowy establishment that probably helped ASSASSINATE JFK), but the roots go back way before that, including Churchill, Balfour, etc. prior to 1920. But the myth/lie about JFK as a great friend has been promulgated endlessly. Here's a tip of a very deep iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgbFeLTY7pU

You can really take off from that starting point. But, as stated, your overall themes are compelling. Personally, I've been skeptical of Kirsch all along and more and more concerning Malone, especially after the seemingly sadistic (in $$$$) lawsuit against the Breggins.

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I just watched this, with Teresa's prompting (and realizing it was less than 2 min.) That absolutely changes everything I thought about JFK's 'blind spot' on Israel. Wow. I will definitely bring this up in a future episode, thank you Howard!

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Thanks Tereza.

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Thank you for that correction, Howard. RFK has been sticking out his neck on vaccines for decades now, so I don't doubt his integrity on these issues. I'll check out the link you sent, thank you!

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Feb 1, 2023
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Perhaps a combo? Even with Epstein case later (regarding him, Ghislaine, and her father), the overlap, along with elements of the worldwide crime syndicate, seems probable (Whitney Webb's book). Personally, I don't give any credence to accusations about Castro, Cuba (except possibly the anti-Castro Cubans), the USSR, the "lone wolf," the "Mafia" in and of itself, etc.

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Responding to you and Teresa, I have Whitney Webb's books, but haven't started them yet. And I haven't read The Devil's Chessboard but that's an interesting fit with what I wrote in Did Fascist Win WWII that Dulles was who 'discovered' that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a fake. And you should both read Julius Skoolafish's comment on that episode where he talks about the history of fascism, which might be another place we've been misled.

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But according to the primary Truthteller, Wikipedia, Dulles was a "career diplomat." Might check out "Final Judgment," by Michael Collins Piper. Here's the description of his death, at 54, by Wikipedia:

"Piper's body was discovered on May 30 or May 31, 2015 at the Budget Saver Motel in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The deputy coroner's report stated that the cause of death was a "probable Myocardial Infarction, Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and Coronary Artery Disease", and listed diabetes as another significant condition. The report indicated that toxicology results were consistent with her findings and that no autopsy was conducted. The article gave Piper's age as 54.[1]"

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fwiw- I used to listen to Piper on Republic Broadcasting Network and have a couple of his books, though not Final Judgement. Anyway, he was a great storyteller, and it's too bad that RBNs archives don't include summaries of his radio show--there's a lot of important historical information there (he had a wealth of knowledge on hidden history and intrigues). Anyway, I recall him telling a story about how he sent his book to JFK Jr. and that he got something back indicating that JFK Jr. agreed with the conclusions in his book.

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I have stopped reading Malone's stuff, so I didn't see his validation of the bad acting job from the Pfizer contractor guy. It was awful acting. Reminds me of WWF wrestling. Anyway good to know Malone and Desmet are on the bad guys list for sure. Thanks for helping to sort this out. Its always good to presume innocent until the facts present otherwise. I was intrigued by who the super pac is for. I have so many books to read thanks to your and Matt Ehret's recommendations I have to be very choosy on who I devote current event time to, so thank you again for your logical analysis of the facts.

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Love the WWF wrestling video. It occurred to me too!

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Hi Tereza, ive been wondering about McCullough. I just saw this and wanted your take. He reposts people i dont trust at times, but im not convinced hes on the bad list yet. Its only 2 minutes long. Thks

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Thanks, Helene, I'll watch when I get a private moment. I'm always happy for your recommendations!

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Tereza- Excellent write-up, as usual. I know I'm months behind--there's just a lot to catch up on.

First, do you have any idea where I could find this video: JJ Couey’s Gigaohm Biological in a reaction video called Study Hall: Carlson & Malone Discuss Scooby Doo--I clicked on the link, but the video is not there.

Second, I thought you might be interested in this from J.J. Couey, ("unmasking the experts") where shares thoughts and insights on the Brett Weinstein, Malone and Kirsch video:

DARKHORSE Forgotten Friday -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream ("unmasking experts")


I never watched this when it first came out because I was already suspicious of all of them. Anyway, J.J. Couey notices right away that they reassured the sheep that they too could meet and have close conversations while unmasked if they were vaxxed or taking Ivermectin (nice way of reinforcing the narrative!!!) And J.J. also noted how interesting it was that there was NO mention of the scientifically fraudulent PCR test, which was creating bogus case counts and bogus death counts. No talk of Vitamin D or zinc (so again, keeping within the pharma controlled narrative).

And Sage Hana has a short video clip and notes in the comments here:


There's also an earlier Saga Hana post on Malone that seems to pick up on some discrepancies/lies from Malone on the timeline of his alleged injections.

Third, on this:

"Last, a question: with Malone and Kennedy, who controls who? Is Steve Kirsch’s superPAC for Kennedy’s run for President a way of keeping him on a leash?"

I think that's very interesting and I've been wondering the same thing. Diana West has a good post on Malone (I think you read it "Malone- A risk analysis") where at some point she talks about how TPTB infiltrate truther movements and sabotage them from within and she asks if that is in fact what we are watching. And IMO, that's a definite YES. I've noticed that there's no longer any talk about the fraudulent PCR test, which drove the whole psyop, with bogus case and death counts. And now many in the so-called medical freedom movement seem to be pushing the establishment line about the gain of function and lab leak nonsense, which seem like they could both be used to get us into war with China.

And finally, on these points:

"Malone has to go to his next interview with Tucker Carlson. There he talks about how this Pfizer exec has no morals and this is the kind of person in high level positions responding to a virus that has killed millions. Not remdesevir. Not ventilators and lack of early treatment. Not lockdowns. The Virus."

"we know beyond a doubt that it’s all staged and PV is in on it, along with Malone. For Kirsch and Tucker, they’re either gullible or part of the con, you choose."

Yes, again more evidence that Malone is part of a deep state operation to infiltrate the medical freedom movement and steer the narrative--seems like this PV episode and Malone promoting the talking points (not remedesivir, not ventilators, not lockdown, not the bogus PCR test that drove the psyop---its all about the "deadly virus" and the gain of function nonsense). I think Tucker and Kirsch are all part of the con. Tucker is presented as the "truth-teller" because in contrast to the rest of the media whores, he does let some truth out, but on covid, he's been pushing the deadly virus, gain of function, lab leak non-sense. And it's just obvious that Malone is a deep state plant--he gets all the media attention (no media attention for Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan who question the official narrative) and Malone has brought key segments of the medical freedom movement back in line with the establishment narrative. Mission accomplished!

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Sandra, I'm so happy to have you catching up on all this and adding to my knowledge! I don't know exactly how Twitch works, but I wonder if it makes these streams inaccessible after a certain time. That was how I realized that JJ was doing a live dissection of my video with Mathew and Mark--I tried to watch the rest of a clip posted by Sage Hana, but it gave me that same Time Machine message, so I went to Gigaohm, and there I was. So I think I should find a project to do and watch this 6 hr one before it goes away.

I actually just put out a new video on Kennedy and Malone on YT: https://youtu.be/PnFjld9dSEU. I'll be posting it on Substack in a little while. It also talks about my phone call with the Breggins.

You make many excellent points and I'm inclined to agree with you on all of them. Thank you for watching these and thinking so deeply about them!

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Yes, Tereza--there's so much to catch up on and only so many hours in the day. And I love your posts, but I have to set aside time for them because you pack so much info in them (which is really helpful!!)

Anyway, yes, I think you are right about twitch videos only being available for a limited time. So, I'll just have to skip that earlier one. But YES, I highly recommend that recent 6 hr one!! (I still can't believe I listen to the whole thing--but it was really interesting to watch, so no regrets!).

Thanks for all of your work!! I'll check out your latest video.

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You're on a roll!

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And I'm so eager to post the interview you just did of me. That was, I think, the best interview I've ever given because your questions were so perceptive and informed on my book and everything going on around us. I just sent you what a commenter had posted on a previous episode of mine but I want to repeat it here:

Tereza, you’re mention of WWI at around 14:++ gives me the perfect segue to introduce Jeff J Brown (‘China Rising’) via the following particular article.

• Jeff J Brown with David Pear On Who And Why WWI Was Started, Then Prolonged. MSM And Your Textbooks Are All Lies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI6QOQcMyc8

Jeff’s substack is 'China Rising Radio Sinoland' https://jeffjbrown.substack.com/

I purchased and read two of Jeff’s books – “The Big Red Book on China” and “China Rising”

In the latter, Jeff provides his own personal testimony with passages like:

“I now understand that getting de-brainwashed takes a lot of effort, humility and personal courage. I get inspired reading about other people’s journeys to discover the truth. “

“My arc of personal enlightenment about how the world really works has been a long, slow hyperbolic curve that has skyrocketed upwards in the very recent past.“

“I clung to the nobility of the “democratic” process, capitalism and the mainstream media’s mind numbing consensus. I still believed at the time that the New York Times and the Economist were cutting edge (and dependable) journalism.”

“I was ready to question my 1950s-1960s upbringing, its conventional wisdom and official narrative. […] I was finally prepared to step out of the Matrix. There was no turning back.”

“I was in complete denial until recently. It’s just so much easier to look the other way and survive the day.”

“While not a religious person, I think that when the clarity of the truth fulfils you, it is like an intellectual and spiritual baptism of sorts.”

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Thanks, Tereza for the shout out and excellent post. Everything I wrote is still true, still growing and learning!

I just emailed you the video link to download for your use. Sorry for the delay. I'm WAY behind.



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Thank you for this thought-provoking essay and video.

I'm not sure what to think any more about all the infighting, especially when I find myself appreciating both sides of a debate (e.g., Desmet vs. C.J. Hopkins). Sometimes it just seems like another instance of People's Front of Judea vs. Judean People's Front:


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All of our sources for good information are flawed. When I encounter what seems to me must be funded demonization of China (from Bannon, Malone, Carson, etc.) I register it clearly in my mind and discount the discussions by them that would most be influenced by that. Even though I have to digest them more carefully in the future, I appreciate good analysis (as I judge it) that they bring to the table.

I recently encountered your offerings and suspected I had found a very efficient way to keep in touch with a wide spectrum of the voices I have found to offer nutritious information, filtered through your passionately held, thoughtful views of what we need to do to navigate towards a better future.

Regarding the 2nd PV video, you "know beyond a doubt that it’s all staged and PV is in on it". Consequently you know without "any shred of doubt" that Steve Kirsch is in on it. I watched the video and found it credible. A foolish, horny guy has realized his life will never be the same, and he is handling it badly.

I have followed, relied on, and gotten great info from Steve Kirsch for a long time. Throwing him overboard (judging him to be a deceptive manipulator) based on your certainty about the interpretation of that scene strikes me as an misguided, bad judgement. I guess I now have to temper my confidence in your judgement and take in your interpretations of ongoing events with a much more sceptical eye. So it goes!

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Yay! Glad to have burst that bubble. I don't think any of us should use anyone as a shortcut for who and what to trust. I'll link the first YT that I posted on Substack on Matt Taibbi. When Russell Brand asks him what sources he should trust he quotes a Muslim saying, "Trust in Allah but tie your camel." He says that he finds good information in all kinds of places but he doesn't take anything on faith--always check it out : https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jokers-on-the-left-clowns-to-the

On Steve Kirsch, I subscribed for several months but had stopped recently. It was a lot of posts without enough new info to make it worth it. His challenges felt more like stunts, and the billboards. Since he was a businessman and not a doctor or scientist, it felt like I'd get more bang for my buck, timewise, going more directly to those sources. But I was finding enough to keep me subscribed for awhile.

On the second video, Kevin, read the scenario I put in my response to Pete. Maybe we'll know the truth of this and maybe we won't. But if we know the science was bunk, what does it matter? The only point it makes is that Pfizer hires immature, incompetent gay people of color, probably for virtue signaling or some other liberal claptrap. That's a dangerous point to hang our credibility on. IMO.

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Dear Tereza - can you explain this sentence. I can't follow your meaning. Does "set up" mean for a good situation or for a bad situation? Do you think JFK supported Israel or his challenge of Israel's acquisition of nuclear weapons got him killed? Or something else.

"Steve Kirsch is setting up a superPAC for President for someone whose uncle set up Israel. I’m not casting aspersions on RFK, but I consider his unwavering support a blind spot. "

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Hi, Aimee. Well, since I posted that, Howard has corrected my information and completely changed my mind about JFK being a friend to Israel, thanks to his 2 min. clip. I guess everyone knew about his challenge of Israel's nuclear weapons but me! ;-)

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Thanks for sharing your update. I just wasn't clear if "set up" was meant to mean that JFK supported or resisted.

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"Are you being used? Are good people being used?"

Great questions! Your analysis arms us with eyes to watch out for the manipulative theatre scripted to keep us from focusing on the real victimizer "masterminds" behind the scenes. More and more, we notice the skits, we notice the actors, we notice the motives, and some dare go so far as to name suspects who we've been trained to think are off-limits.

God bless you, Tereza!

P.S. I smiled when you said: "Another person who has to be on my watch-list."

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Hi Tereza

I just found your Substack, and love your work. Thought I would ask you if you have any idea why Sasha would get so triggered from my questions? Nobody has made any comments on my post, this is from a while back. Do you see any reason why she would want to call me a big pile of shit and want to wipe the floor with me? Just thought I would ask you if you happen to have the time? I'm pretty sure you know a little bit about Terrain and the germ theory Hoax!!!

Kind regards.



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Brilliant. My thoughts exactly on everything. I was very disappointed to be the heterodox thinker amongst many of the skeptical regarding the Pfizer/PV BS. I didn't believe a word of it the moment I saw it.

Malone's "they always bury bad news on a Friday" was ridiculous. Yes, you bury bad news on a Friday. You don't issue a rebuttal on a Friday if you think that you are doing damage limitations, you make that front and centre on Monday morning. Especially if you are Pfizer and own the media (together with your buddies at Vanguard and Blackrock, of course).

The "rebuttal" was aimed firmly at US, the skeptics.

I'm thinking they are actually going to go for the "Vaccine Rug Pull". God only knows what societal chaos that will cause if they do BUT the bottom line is, the Pharma companies are getting the blame for all this, whilst the real perpetrators set up for the next one. And yes, that includes Western militaries and Five Eyes.

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you have got to be kidding me!!!!

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Hi, Alanna. Could you be more specific? My rule of thumb is that any argument should be 70% facts, 20% logic and 10% conclusions. I'm very happy when someone corrects my facts, as Howard did on the connection between JFK and Israel. Or when they show why my logic in going from the facts to the conclusion is flawed. I notice that you read Cynthia Chung also, so Matt's article might be one you saw before. Where do you think I'm off the mark?

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