A short story:

A Barnacle clings to a stone in the creek as the flow of rushing water passes.

One barnacle says to the other, "why do I just cling to this stone??

Where will all this rushing water take us?

Another barnacle sneers back, "if you let go you'll get crushed by all the smashing of your shell against other stones and debris.

You're best to just stay right here and continue clinging.

At least you'll be safe."

Finally the first Barnacle who clung to a stone lets go.

The Barnacle is hurled down-stream, caught in the current's flow.

The Barnacle's shell does not smash nor get crushed.

But the Barnacle finds the flow and freshness exhilarating and very positive.

With the current's flow, the Barnacle meets many others passing through the current.

The creek becomes a stream, and then a river, and then the ocean.

New nutrients and experiences are offered along the journey, more than would ever be gained clinging creekside.

The Barnacle survives the entire journey with a new life rewarded.

A "death" was risked in order to begin this new life.

Sacrifice can do that.

Spring and Easter bring the opportunity for the rising up of a new life, a resurrection of sorts.

That's how I celebrate this day.


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Beautiful, Greg! And fits right in with my mollusks and barnacles ;-)

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«And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.»

Happy 1991th anniversary of the Son of man defying a government-imposed lockdown!

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Hahaha! I can't believe you didn't do that one today, although the egg-clutching rat-tugging was pretty darn good. Having raised chickens and finally given up the battle against the rats, I admire their ingenuity.

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I love this, Happy Easter to you and your family Tereza, your quote:

"Nefahotep says, bringing the members of our One Self back together from where we’ve been scattered and dismembered.

Today is when we re-cognize our true Self in each other. We are re-surrecting, a word Nef says means ‘to rise’."

In both "re-resurrection" and "re-membering" of Self, this is original to the story of Osiris. When he let himself be killed by Set; that was the Godhead choosing to plunge into death, when he was Re-Membered by Isis (Auset) he had risen. Also, by willingly plunging into Death; the Godhead pierced Darkness, transforming it into the life death cycle of day and night, as well as Human Life.

Somehow, it also seems to imply that Re as the Sun God has aspects which are named by phases of the cycle.

Sun rise = Aket, meaning spiritual birth

Morning Sun = Re, meaning spiritual presence

Midday = Horakty, meaning spiritual sight

Setting = S3t or Seth, meaning 'in place' settling

Night = Dua3t or Dua, meaning spiritual eternity

Aket -- Re -- Horakty -- Seth -- Dua,

-- five modalities of light going forth by day.

A Ka Dua -- in the home of the rising Sun which is Rostau, where the Sphinx (Hare-Maket) faces East to welcome Re each day. We Re-Surrect, we Re-Member Self, All is One.

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Yes, I was also thinking of Osiris with the re-membering and that it's the woman, Isis, that puts him back together.

You were so right that I'd love the Robert Sepehr on The History of the Royal Dragon Bloodline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSWGHo-Nhv8. I'd seen one of his before, on your recommendation, but I have much to learn from him.

And I've been thinking of you with the King David video on HekoyaChiefBigMouth. He's talking about Tutmoses and how the letters Tut are written DVD in Egyptian? Spelling David with added vowels and adding Moshe or Moses.

The story of David and Goliath is taken from 20th c BCE Senuhi, a courier to Neferuptah daughter of Amenemhat.

Zion combines the Hebrew word zi or tsi that means barren place, drought-stricken and the city of On in Egypt also called Heliopolis, where Potiphar is said to have come from.

Jerusalem is Salem, the city. Also, I found, Shalim is the Canaanite god of dusk.

So I am learning things, but the style between Sepehr and Hekoya couldn't be more different!

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Thanks for the gift of so much juicy imagery in your poetry, Tereza. All of it reveals a mind and heart searching for truth! Happy Easter, friend... xox

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I thought of you when I posted that, Mary. Hope that your day is calm and delicious, my friend. xoxo

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Thank you Tereza, much appreciate your profound work and dedication to the pursuit of Truth and Happiness, (in the Leibnitz and Franklin tradition). My epistemological roots, well as Matt’s, are traced to the late Lyndon H. LaRouche. I was there during his imprisonment and “Garden of Gethsemane” address from prison in 1990. BTW, Sergei Glazyev’s tribute to LaRouche is a key indicator of what inspired Russia and the BRICS+.



❤️Wage Peace,

⭐️Keep the Faith



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I think that Sergei Glazyev is the genius behind Russia's economic system. Here are a couple I did that talk about him: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-west-vs-the-rest and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/russia-a-wrench-in-the-reset-gears.

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Wow, that is a beautiful and interesting poem. I would have to go through it line by line to do it justice. Thank you for being YOU, Tereza! My favorite line thus far:

"The oceanic night exhales

spinning stars in pinwheel trails

filling moon’s candescent sail. " I will need to read it a few times. It's a keeper!

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Oh and just to say -- I do have a perfectly clean and empty desktop ready for the next AI extravaganza ;-) no rush but also no guilt about those people who feel overwhelmed. Learn to pace yourself, I say to them! Don't blame the maker of chocolate mousse!

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Hey there, I put out a few posts of new images but I didn't send them to anyone's email. I didn't want to bother my nature lovers with "how to AI " posts. These latest posts are all AI with the prompting language so you can do it too. There's a set of 4, I have 3 of them out on my stack :) There are three new posts full of images and one on the way. Next time, I will go back to the story format and I will send them to emails. This was just a "how to" for ai image users.

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Yay! I'll check them out. Now I remember you saying you were going to post them without mailing.

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Oh I'm glad you came up for air to read it, Amy. I was thinking you'd like it. And the spinning stars in pinwheel trails was picturing Van Gogh, of course. I think I have a pair of socks with that exact image ;-)

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Tereza, Continue to be astounded by your work. Indeed, Russia and China, and Sergei Glasyev in

particular, have teken to heart the spirit and tenets of the 19th Century, American System of Political Economy. The psychopathy associated with the anti-China and Russia Psyops is indicative of the extend of the occult mind control which has the collective west projecting their own degeneracy and imperial ambitions. In considering your micro-economic orientation, it reflects what is in fact, that of a “complex domain” of a multipolar world, whereas “value” is placed within a “Community of Principle” and “Harmony of Interests”. “Versus the Unipolar concept of “profit uber alas” for material acquisition for power and control within a unipolar system. I reflect on the embedded Platonic solids, which define the universal micro and macro domain, for a visual conception of this reality, and the Preamble to the Constitution as a mindful representation of such. Such is represented at the core of all religious traditions. Imago viva Dei and the Mandate of Heaven are synonymous and reflective of “Value” as it relates to Economics.

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Thank you for those kind words, Warren. 'Projecting their own imperial ambitions' is a good way to put it.

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From one collection of Consciousness-Units-Of-God-Stuff to another, Cheers!

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Hahaha! Great description!

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Happy Easter Tereza!

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And to you also Isaac. I'm picturing your totem wombats with bunny ears and it's just too adorable ;-) And I'm putting your astrology together with the portends of the Ba'altimore bridge from my last episode. All too creepy.

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The wombats are recovering today after being involved in an intense Easter Egg hunt yesterday! Looking forward to your wholesome dot-connecting as always Tereza, that was one of the most symbolically-stark events in recent memory (and we have had quite a few to choose from unfortunately!)

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Humans are story tellers. We take bits of experiences and elaborate on them to craft interesting stories. Let's all enjoy each other's stories!

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I'm sorry, John, but I can't agree, based on my belief that people are inherently good and, when they behave badly, systems and stories are to blame. Either the stories about evil people are wrong, or people are evil. They can't both be true.

But I wish you a happy day with you and yours!

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Happy Easter! Da!

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