I loved how you connected everything here, Tereza.
About Osiris or "Ausir" quotes from the post:
"Although Set was originally viewed as the son and defender of Ra and the Egyptian kings, his reputation among the people declined along with the rise of the cult of Osiris. Originally a vegetation-god, Osiris became one of the pre‑eminent gods of the Egyptian pantheon. Worship in the Osiris cult stressed the role of Set as violence personified; the murderer of his brother and usurper of his throne who, instead of standing alongside Horus, became his eternal enemy."
"Osiris" (Ausir) is attributed to a real living person who ruled in one of the Madi Kingdoms of lower Egypt in pre dynastic times. His name at that time was "Andjetyi," his wife's name was "Ata3t." Their remains were recovered from Mastaba 17; this was during WW2 and the place where these remains were kept, got bombed.
Andjetyi was into agricultural and farming organization for his people. Because of the great accomplishment of draining the fields and improving the arability of the soil for crops, he became known and loved as a god of agriculture in later times.
"Andjety (Anezti, Anedjti) simply means “he who is of Andjet” – the place of the djed (Busiris in the ninth nome of Lower Egypt). It is thought that he was a historical ruler of the ancient Egyptian city of Djedu (Busiris) who became the god of domestic and farm animals, and probably introduced the use of the shepherds crook as an emblem of kingship (an interesting precursor to the Christian notion; “the lord is my shepherd”)." ----- Notice the similarity of "Busiris" to Osiris.
Here is a great video from Ancient Architects, has a lot of interesting points to make:
It's quite true that there seems to be quite a few connections between OT biblical accounts and Egyptian Myths; as you have beautifully described, there are variations to the stories of the Egyptian Myths, depending on when they were written and by whom. There were multiple cultures and I'm sure that the language spoken by these cultures came together as well as the stories they told were melded together in some ways.
That's so very interesting, Nef. In the Biblical version, Cain is the agriculturalist. So maybe the erasure or killing of Cain by reputation is a symbolic killing of Andjety aka Osiris/ Ausir.
One of the accounts talked about Set having a very loud voice and being argumentative, in contrast to the Egyptian kings who valued reason and tempered conversation. I thought that was interesting.
There's definitely more to unravel here to connect together the timeframes and what what happening geopolitically. I suspect it's more nefarious than just melding the stories--I think they've usurped the stories to twist them towards a different purpose. As Tirion says, going from caring for and tending the population to push us around, fleece us, take our offspring and consume us--all in the name of the gods. Thanks for this additional information.
Always my pleasure, I always look forward to these conversations.
I am beginning to think there really was at least two; if not 'more,' unique cultures involved here. In the chaos of people coming together, usurpers and infiltrators took advantage, in Egypt.
I think the Madi Culture was the original one living in the Nile Valley, in peaceful harmony. If you get a chance to watch the Ancient Architect video, please take close note of just how precise the stone work was in pre dynastic times. The Madi may have been there for a very long time.
Ironic isn't it? The more we connect the dots, the more everything begins to make sense. I have to say, I had never made the connection about the Crook & Flail of the "Neshu." (Kings ; I don't use the term "Pharaoh" because there is no word in their language for it.)
Seems like the Crook & Flail could be seen as a slave master symbol, the flail was actually a tool used to separate the grain from the chaff, when processing grain from the fields.
Tereza, you will probably be interested in a series of presentations given by an acquaintance of mine. Part of what he does is to use his legal training to analyse Genesis using Strong's Concordance and other sources. He makes the case that "God" is Yahweh-El, The Most High God and leader of the Elohim, while The LORD God is his son, Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel, the jealous "God":
He also suggests that the serpent in the Garden is in fact Yahweh-El.
As for the Hebrew, Egyptian and other pantheons, he suggests that they are all the same long-lived or immortal beings presenting different personas to different cultures at different times, including Ancient Sumer, Babylon, Greece, Rome and Britain.
His other presentations - to me all completely fascinating - are here:
That is very interesting, Tirion, I'll check that out. From Wikipedia on Set, "The Greeks would later associate Set with Typhon and Yahweh, a monstrous and evil force of raging nature." And Rhonda has a theory that Israel means Is-Ra-El, combining the Egyptian and Canaanite gods into one deity. I'll view those with interest.
I am honored to see these images here in good use!
"Eve exclaims, 'With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man,' so maybe that paternity is in question. LORDs have first nuptial rights, I’ve read, and his curse for painful childbirth doesn’t sound like help to me." You have two very interesting points here. You are so good at digging in on this stuff and there is a lot of information here! Thank you for your fresh take on things and for your magnificent brain.
"And just when you think things can’t get weirder, the Wikipedia entry writes that Set:
… had relationships with the foreign goddesses Anat and Astarte. From these relationships is said to be born a crocodile deity called Maga." And my, he has quite a.....................................................tail.............:) You weren't playing around. It's funny sometimes. I wonder why I do things and then I see something like this and I think, isn't that funny? Haha. I have enjoyed listening to this. It's a lot to take in. Most of this information is new to me, but when you say things like those I have listed here, it's easy to see the funny business going on. Thanks for breaking it down for me. I would have to read for three years to do half the work in most of your posts. :) Wow.
Kathleen wrote on Rumble that your art was so perfect for this post and I told her that nearly all of them were ones I'd saved on my desktop just because I liked them so much. I may need to edit in the city in a bubble for Enoch. I'd saved the Egyptian ones and the Maga man with this post in mind, and went back for the snazzy suit and the couple dancing on the clouds, but otherwise these were just one selected at 'random'.
They make this story come alive! It's so enormously fun to write it with captions and illustrations. Some writing classes say that you should pick a list of random words from some source and then try to work them all into your story. Like rhyme and meter, it makes you think in interesting ways and head directions you didn't think you'd go. I feel like the pictures were like that. It was hard to say if I was selecting them or they were leading me. Thank you so much!
Well, I don't know what to say about that. You sure do a lot of reading and thinking and mulling over. I am sure that's the largest part of your success here! But I guess you should also remain open to what comes into view if it serves your purposes. It's fun to think about how we all do that for each other. I think in very humble terms about my contributions here. You have made this a lot more fun for me since day one. I remember the first time you mentioned me in your video. I grabbed my son and pulled him in here and said "Look! This person just mentioned my substack!" I was so excited. I still am and I have learned a lot listening to your presentations. What luck that you find use in the images I have prompted. I am happy to play a role. Thank you for telling me that.
I admire your ability to look into so many details and connect so many dots. As you know I tend to deal in broader strokes, so truly appreciate the level of nuance you can engage.
I think safe to say, the OT is not about a loving God! That they were able to maintain such a story as cover for a God we should fear (yeah, a pretty vindictive guy) and obey is remarkable.
In addition to links I've shared on those folks who've been looking at the story as an account on other beings coming to earth and taking over, I'm including a video (Not good quality) of a talk given by Jordan Maxwell who was friends with Sitchin. He basically agrees there was an 'alien' presence and considered themselves god-like, and who genetically modified humans.
He thinks the Reptilians played a role (says, he was the one who explained this to Icke in the early 90's) and that this presence still exists on the planet today.
He thinks we need to throw off all governments, all bodies who assume they are better than (the royals) and all religions as these are the mechanisms of control. Details aside I agree our story of humans on earth includes non-human beings and a lot of manipulation. But as I noted in earlier exchanges the continued presence shows up interdimensionally, mainly, and has to do with a parasitical like take over of human thought.
I do think our genetics have been played with and we have then been hybridized. 'Their' obsession with genetics is obvious and ongoing. I don't think it's as big a deal as many might, since we are a lot more than our DNA.
Fascinating the level of questioning happening now. Aside from a few, the story of the bible has been largely unchallenged despite its bizarre claims. Likely that we can now, in large numbers, see through this finally, has to do with frequency bandwidths changing.
I'll listen to the video (as usual) when I make some breakfast.
Impressive, Tereza. So many of our assumptions and givens about the world are being slayed and you are clearly (among other things) a slayer of lies. (Maybe Amy of Whats in a Name can get an image of you Slaying the Big Lies? That would be fun.)
The devil and the divine (interesting parallel in those words) are both in the details ;-)
Well that would bring us to hypothesis #5 vs #6, which can't both be true. I would be agreeing with these researchers that the Bible points to otherworldly beings who see people as cattle, but is that reality or the myth they want us to believe?
I think that's why Cain could build Enoch a city, it wasn't that no people were there in their mythology, it's that Adam was the first one in the image and likeness of The Gods.
Haha, your last line made me remember Ratio Broadbornius calling me The Debunktress. Sure miss that guy. Hope he's okay. I'll watch the video and make my own breakfast!
Lol 😆 he is one funny character. He seems to have deleted all of his bitchute videos too. I searched everywhere, he must have just wanted to get away from all internet related "stuff."
It was right when Substack was doing its 'nazi' purge and he had some that made me cringe, a little. I don't think he would have just disappeared without a word.
Ratio? You think that he may have been "Removed?" By substack? That is quite concerning, I was under the impression that type of thing would not happen here on substack.
"Adam was the first one in the image and likeness of The Gods." -- There are a few interesting ways to see this. I could say: "A camp of God was Pitched in Human Time."
Nothing exists Physically without a Nonphysical essence standing behind it. The Body is like a Glove that forms around the Energy manifested in Birth. Therefore; the idea of Man was 'made' in God's own image. There are many symbolic ways things were written in ancient times. I think the "Ancient Mind" of Man was actually quite different from what it is today, part of getting back to the intent of the early writings is to 're-member' our mind, the symbolic mental process is to "See" intuitively.
Or the Energy-Mind is the glove, or the womb, that holds all the bodies and other symbols within it. The body is a thought within the Mind, the thought isn't contained within the single, separated mind contained by the body.
I suppose that's another way to illustrate how it works.
I have always pointed out that the mind exists in a series of 7 sheaths. Where the physical functionary is nerve and brain based. The body could also be viewed in this manner.
Agree 100% -- There is something about the DNA that stands out to me though. It has to do with sacred geometry, being formed by Frequency and Vibration, there is a view of this expressed in how the sequence of molecular organization comes about. My Daughter was studying for a section in her Psych Class; one morning, she asked me a question about the “chemicals” in the brain being able to determine “romantic feelings and attraction.” This sparked an interesting conversation:
Her question: “Are the biological chemical processes in the brain what determines who we are attracted to?” “How we feel?”
This brought me back to a discussion I had with a commenter on my stack: They had said: “Somehow people with Rh neg blood always seem to gravitate towards each other. That somehow we naturally find each other.” [Like Co-respondance]
So the question goes right to DNA, because in the Rh article, I presented the possibility that the Human Species itself is very likely “Hybridized.” And is possibly a product of various hybridization events that have happened in the last 75 thousand years. The last one may have been as recent as 4,000 years ago.
When it comes to attraction; there can be expressions like “We share a chemistry with each other.” etc… But if “chemistry” is based off Genetics, then what is DNA actually? This is an esoteric question.
What holds the bonds and creates molecular process?
Science always states this is due to chemical bonds, but what makes it all interact?
What actually makes the electrons in an atomic mass behave the way they do? Quantum Entanglement.
What is the basis of the “positive and negative” charge or energy at the atomic level? This is Local and Non Local.
What causes this to function the way it does? Everything seeks to go to ground.
What if we look at this from a different perspective: We are all mostly Energy, what makes energy move? Frequency and Vibration. Movement always seeks Rest, resulting in Balance, which is Peace.
DNA is said to have sacred geometry, like the "Mandelbrot Set." If all the physical existence in the universe is responsive to a base frequency, and vibrates in coalescence; this can be considered the base point of all physical energy everywhere. This is "Zero Point Energy," yes, it does exist. It is the primary building block of the Physical Universe.
So DNA is not just a biological process, is an energetic one, responsive to the universal vibration. Each living organism has a matching frequency both physical and non physical. Therefore, each of us who finds ourselves attracted to another, are experiencing energy, not biology.
Romantic feelings are not because of the biological processes of the chemicals in the brain; those chemicals are caused by the frequency and vibration expressed by the being that is there. The Esoteric Nature of Being is the origin of this charge; the Biology cannot hold the full charge by itself, it can become a vessel for it.
Coming together with another’s body is a way the energy seeks to go to ground. Corresponding like frequencies tend to attract, in some form they are different due to the vibrations of the masculine and that of the feminine. These energies seek to balance each other out; even at the most “Base Organic Level” such as sexual procreation, this is always an exchange of energies with frequency and vibration. When these frequencies combine, they can create a new frequency, this enables the formation of new life. The Universe itself is said to have been born from a single sound.
When we have a discussion about 5G and the detrimental affects it has; these are effects that are manifested in a very significant way. It has zero impact on the true Psychic Being the Individuated God Self; that exists outside of Space / Time. The physical energy aspect of it where it connects to the biology gets harmed by these frequencies, causing disease in the body. So there’s a purely non physical aspect to the DNA, just as there is a physical one.
What I wrote in response to my Course meditation the other day is that we can be holy or we can be special, but to be both is mutually exclusive. To be holy is to be whole, which has to be mutual. To be special is to be exclusive.
My feeling about the Rh neg blood type (was that on Frances Leader's stack or was that your's, Nef, I forget?) was that it made some people more special than others. I don't remember what my blood type is but I felt I would be ordinary if not Rh neg. Like being a rare enneagram or Myers-Briggs. It would be 'those who are not modified' perhaps, leaving those who are modified sullied in ways they can't control.
It doesn't fit my theology that meaning and purpose exist, and we are all equal manifestations of that meaning and purpose, re-membering each other by re-cognizing that spark within each.
Wow Set or Seth is Se3ht. You said that before and I didn't get it. More later when I've finished my coffee, and now I know what we can share when we meet! With a name like Nefahotep, I thought you might be a chai guy ;-)
There was a good reason why I put these two post together, it was not about whether people are Holy or Special; it was about examining the perception that the Parasitic Elites hold "of themselves."
To gain a more complete picture regarding the physical variations within humans and how that might fit in with the history.
So the context of being Whole or Holy, that is an immutable fact of Being; the concept of "Special" is that each manifestation of physical life is a Unique expression of that immutable sense of Being. Here are the posts I did:
When taken together; I do of course put my usual proviso about Being as the essential Self and not the outward appearance. So, I'm very much with you; the primary issue I attempt in these is to address the Dragon Bloodline and their "Claims" of being "different" from regular humans. Yet I maintain the awareness of this, while doing all the work of explorations of "ideations:" (From Sri Aurobindo)
I had read your Rh-neg article but missed the one on Cone heads. It is very compelling. I looked at some of the links in the article and the comments, including Fritz Freud. I think he's right about Re-Legion being the Legion of Ra and Amon-Ra being amen. And what just struck me is that without vowels, Man is also Amon, which is also a Biblical name. And Abraham combines Abram and Ham, representing Hammurabi.
It seems like there are maybe four (at least) theories. First, which we all reject, that these were righteous patriarchs who were good people. Second, that these are malevolent aliens in a human-like form. Third, that these are a genetic hybrid that naturally produced the cone-shaped head on people who were extremely tall, red-headed and blue-eyed, leading them and others to regards them as gods. Fourth that these Biblical characters are ordinary, psychopathic warlike polygamist men creating a mythos out of their god complex.
I like how your theory three gives them the benefit of the doubt that it would be natural to think of yourself as superior when others treat you that way.
Have we talked about how the Hapiru or Apiru are thought to be the Hebrews as mentioned in Biblical footnotes but are also the tribe of the nomadic warlord Abdi-Ashirta in the Amarna Letters? I'm going to sit with this a bit. Much to digest.
You mentioned the Hapiru on one of your prior posts, I think you are right about them. There are other records of nomadic invaders, known as the "Sea Peoples" who have been more accurately identified as the Lewians, they were supposed to have been the original founders of the City of Troy. There could be a connection there.
When you watch the Robert Sepehr videos on the theory of "hybridization," he does drive his point home quite well, it seems to coincide with what we glean from other sources.
Some additional thoughts on the terms "holy" to be whole and "special," to be unique. They are not mutually exclusive. Why? Because that which is Wholely is experiencing Oneness, this includes all that is Unique or Special. Many words are associated to meanings and also definitions. Meaning is by nature, multilevel and is dynamic--- it's "Meaning" that lives within you. Definitions are by nature unipolar and are static only existing in a dictionary. Truth cannot be found in uniformity or conformity of Definition; yet it can be experienced with Meaning manifesting through it's multiplicity.
We agree on a lot I see - including the role of frequency behind our world (sound and light as playing primary role in creation) and that includes DNA.
I'm not saying that DNA isn't important - it's just not everything. I also resonate (as a frequency being) with the idea of multiple periods on our planet where humans were genetically modified. There would be a spectrum then, in terms of effect to genetics, and a 'tell' in the DNA about the degree of that influence.
A big soup here. Part of Covid (multiple goals) was finding a rational to sort out who's who genetically -which is why the PCR 'tests' were so important. Sounds crazy, maybe, but makes sense to me.
So much crazy shit going on that most of us wouldn't ever allow that idea as possible. But when these larger themes of non-human infiltration with a AI like impulse are entertained - pushing way out the narrow 'reality' we've been handed - lots of stuff starts to make sense.
Is it a story, a psyops as Tereza suggests? Maybe, but maybe everything playing out is a story. In a certain context, I think that's true.
"It has zero impact on the true Psychic Being the Individuated God Self; that exists outside of Space / Time. "
Exactly. Somewhere in our being we stay tethered to that, we know it.
That larger Self and largest of contexts where it's all always okay.
From that deep endless Source-connection, manifest reality and the bits of us who embody here - it likely does amount to something like the dream of separation.
That said, I hesitate to go 'there' because all the action and all the work is here. In this manifest world. So there is no spiritual bypass when it comes to human suffering. These experiences are real and they require our attention and our action. We have to hold both.
What I love about Tereza's ability to take on the BIG stories here, and include that larger context of 'somewhere everything is okay' is that these sorts of 'dialogues' push a remembrance and as we remember - in the midst of madness - more of us embody. Which must be the point. Or a point to all this.
We still have to take a stand and say no and put our energy into a world we want. Of course. Where humans are the seen as the precious Source-beings they are. Where love is not merely an idea but a reality. Can love be made real here? I think so, and that's largely a frequency alignment, fully hooked up to the larger Natural world.
I hope that makes sense. I haven't even finished my coffee yet - so not sure if it does!
I'm having my coffee while reading your entry here. It was always a morning ritual for everyone in my family, to share important ideas over a strong cup. This conversation is one that I will treasure.
Your perception is so spot on, "All the work is here," I am 100% with you. This is a significant part of the message of the Bhagavad Gita. Also, this has a connection to the concept of "As above, so Below." (Not the Christian misinterpreted view)
For every movement towards the higher frequencies, as we connect to them, we become like a grounding rod; pulling them down into the territory of the lower frequencies, causing transformation of the physical nature.
This is a part of the whole story of Osiris that very few people notice. When the incarnation of the God is defiant towards "Se3ht" (his brother Seth) and is killed in a physical sense, the god frequency is thus intentionally plunging into "Death," knowingly and comes out as "Life Eternal." To cause the Birth of Horus was to create a bridge for everyone to connect to the light within themselves. The sacred "Eye of Horus" is what some refer to as the "Pinal Gland." This can be experienced in meditation. There's a lot more to this, of course, but I think you know what I mean.
And appreciate how much you know and can share. I'm always in awe of folks who hold on to the details that can't seem to hurry away fast enough from me.
Out walking the woods this morning I was wondering about how we talk about this subject. I think it's all incredibly easy to access, especially in stillness. That place we are so familiar that it's easy to miss. Especially when distracted and pulled out of it and told it's out-there that's real. Yet it's this most foundational knowing.
And then, like everything in this upside down world, it was hijacked, turned into an endeavor; we made accessing it a big thing that required teaching and study and all those other trappings. Lifetimes to 'get it'. (Though maybe, given densities on the planet, it did require all that carving out the space to access?)
Now though I think we have the frequencies we need to just tap into it, Direct, immediate connect and so, I find myself wanting to avoid talking about the systems and practices and just say, "Oh, you know. Be still, it's right there. If it wasn't you wouldn't be here."
In the real reset happening on our planet I think the biggest thing we're reclaiming is our full status as human beings - a full re-membering -and we can't even begin to really know what that means in the future. A planet of everyday mystics? All those hidden truths now in plain sight. Why not?
hola, tereza. so much here and to think about. most of this is new to me, thank you.
canadian tom harpur spent time digging into how the christian 'mythos' was a retelling of the horus-osiris-seth stories in his books. (i think they resulted in him being quietly directed to stop being a christian and perhaps something he chose to stop. one of his titles was "Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom".)
the book that looks at the parallels is "The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light". in it he declares that the fundamental structure of christ's story is simply a story and not connected to real events. i've not read the book myself — at the time i saw and/or listened to him interviewed and read some of his articles. i have no idea if he will help your deep dive or not.
1 In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia (love the irony as he's of Iranian decent), in order to fulfill the Lord’s message spoken through Jeremiah, the Lord stirred the mind of King Cyrus of Persia. He disseminated a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, announcing in a written edict the following:
2 “So says King Cyrus of Persia:
“‘The Lord God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has instructed me to build a temple for him in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. 3 Anyone from his people among you (may his God be with him!) may go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and may build the temple of the Lord God of Israel—he is the God who is in Jerusalem. 4 Let anyone who survives in any of those places where he is a resident foreigner be helped by his neighbors with silver, gold, equipment, and animals, along with voluntary offerings for the temple of God which is in Jerusalem’” (Ezra 1:1-4).
What an exciting moment in Israel’s history this must have been. Can you imagine the sense of eager anticipation these returning exiles must have felt? Surely they must have been thinking something like this:
“Our forefathers really missed God’s blessings. It was their sins which brought us into captivity. But now that’s all in the past. Now we’re returning to the land. We’ve learned to obey God’s law and to forsake idolatry. We’re going to go back to Jerusalem, rebuild the temple, and experience the blessings God promised. The ‘kingdom of God’ is finally going to be experienced on earth.”
The reader likewise finds himself entering into this spirit of hope and optimism. Adam and Eve were given a place of blessing, in the garden. Had they obeyed God, they could have lived there forever, enjoying His presence. But they failed, bringing about sin and separation. Then, God wiped the slate clean at the flood, and Noah and his family started fresh. But Noah and his descendents failed as well. Then came the tower of Babel and the confusion of languages, another judgment from God (soon to be followed by the judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah). But then God made an unconditional covenant with Abraham, promising to bless the whole earth through Abraham by giving him a land, a seed, and the promise of His blessings. It wasn’t long before Abraham and his descendants made a mess of things, and God had to sequester His people in Egypt, where they would remain separate,333 and where they would grow into a mighty nation. Those who left Egypt with Moses failed many times and were not allowed to enter the promised land, so a second generation was raised up to possess the land under the leadership of men like Joshua and Caleb. But the Book of Judges informs us that this generation would pass, and another ungodly generation would follow, caught up in a deadly cycle of sin and judgment.
What Israel needed was a king, a leader. Surely that would do it:
In those days Israel had no king. Each man did what he considered to be right (Judges 17:6).
Hopes were running high when Israel’s first king – Saul – was anointed. But it did not take very long to see that Saul was a failure who led the nation astray. Our hopes are rekindled, however, when we read that God designated David as Saul’s replacement. Now here is a man after God’s own heart. Surely the good times are here at last for Israel. But David is a sinner as well, and so is his son, Solomon. Because of Solomon’s sin, his kingdom is divided, and before long the people of God will be spewed out of the Promised Land of Canaan. The northern kingdom is scattered by the Assyrians, and the southern kingdom of Judah is carried off as slaves to Babylon.
Now, at last, the time has come for the Babylonian exiles to be released to return to the Promised Land. Do we not feel a renewed sense of hope and optimism? Surely the Jews will get it right this time. The lessons of history should serve to keep them from repeating the same sins. We will get only a few chapters (and even fewer years) into the return and restoration account when the people of God fail again. By and large, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah are not a “success story” to be imitated by men today. They are yet another repetition of the failures of God’s people, from the beginning of human history. The lessons we learn are often negative, but they have the positive effect of turning our attention and our trust toward God, and not toward ourselves. Let us listen well, then, to the story of Ezra. It is not only a fascinating account; it is one we desperately need to hear and to heed.
How kind and sweet Israel's "God" is until his decendents can figure it out and live right according to..........to what? And the people that continued to live in Jeruselam/Israel for 1000's of years, tilling the soil and respecting the land, without the "wrath" of god.
Since God commands "though shalt not murder", why was it suddenly OK with God after the Balfour Decree to rape/pillage/murder/theft the land/covet?
Lastly, Conjuring Hitler: I'm still reading (through page 247 of 333) and still no mention of Rotschild/Rothchilds/Rothschild. Round Table, BIS, Rockefeller, Ford, Roosevelt (was he a major racist?). Same as Churchill?
"Not only was US president Franklin Roosevelt perfunctory about rescuing Jews from the Nazis, but he obstructed rescue opportunities that would have cost him little or nothing, according to Holocaust historian Rafael Medoff."
The reading basically states everyone became a money whore to furthering financial gain regardless of the political landscape of the day. War is profit to corporations, regardless of the conflict/enemy.
Propaganda always wins the day. Naziism was just another corporation to profiteer from.
I'll finish it out and will provide a better summary.
I'll look forward to that, Greg. My sense from reading the intro and chapter titles was that Conjuring Hitler was still under some of the 'spells' like the Holocaust and believing that money had to come from bankers.
Here's my current take (subject to new information); the National Socialists kicked out the bankers, especially Rothschild whose real name was Bauer. They implemented the Feder system of labor-backed currency (taken from the US where William Jennings Bryant was running for election on that platform) and reneged on their war debts.
In 1923, Hitler was funded by Rothschild, as a bastard Rothschild by his father's mother, for the failed Beer Hall Putsch. In recognition of the Zionist funding, he changed National Socialist to NaZi. This enabled him to make a successful bid as leader.
He walked a fine line and "Judea Declares War on Germany" gave him an excuse to do the Transfer Agreement. Jews were reluctantly put into camps run by Zionists to train them for life in the desert--something they did NOT prefer over their cushy lives prior. False flag terrorism by Zionists was used to force them to move to Israel.
Finally, what a kind and generous god of the promised land.
In this country, 3 strikes and lifelong incarceration.
Other countries punishment is exacted immediately.
But here we see the hysteria of God's people seemingly failing as a means of inherited lunacy.
The reader likewise finds himself entering into this spirit of hope and optimism.
Adam and Eve
were given a place of blessing, in the garden. Had they obeyed God, they could have lived there forever, enjoying His presence. But they failed, bringing about sin and separation. Then, God wiped the slate clean at the flood,
and Noah and his family started fresh.
But Noah and his descendents failed as well. Then came the tower of Babel and the confusion of languages, another judgment from God (soon to be followed by the judgment on
Sodom and Gomorrah). But then God made an unconditional
covenant with Abraham,
promising to bless the whole earth through Abraham by giving him a land, a seed, and the promise of His blessings. It wasn’t long before
Abraham and his descendants made a mess of things,
and God had to sequester His people in Egypt, where they would remain separate,333 and where they would grow into a mighty nation. Those who left Egypt with
Moses failed
many times and were not allowed to enter the promised land, so a second generation was raised up to possess the land under the leadership of men like
Joshua and Caleb.
But the Book of Judges informs us that this generation would pass,
and another ungodly generation would follow,
caught up in a deadly cycle of sin and judgment.
What Israel needed was a king, a leader. Surely that would do it:
In those days Israel had no king. Each man did what he considered to be right (Judges 17:6).
Hopes were running high when Israel’s first
King Saul– was anointed.
But it did not take very long to see that Saul was a failure who led the nation astray. Our hopes are rekindled, however, when we read that
God designated
David as Saul’s replacement.
Now here is a man after God’s own heart. Surely the good times are here at last for Israel. But David is a sinner as well, and
so is his son, Solomon.
Because of Solomon’s sin, his kingdom is divided, and before long the people of God will be spewed out of the Promised Land of Canaan. The northern kingdom is scattered by the Assyrians, and the southern kingdom of Judah is carried off as slaves to Babylon.
I'm up to 10 human failures of God's will/demands.
What a group. Sounds like they really learned something.
How long did this all take, a thousand years?
If you add in all the other miscreants that weren't even lucky enough to be biblically referenced, my guess this explains a lot.
Strangely, God banished these people, but Egyptians, mixed Arabs, and Philistines, and others stayed for centuries without any issues to God. Hmm
Until...................that sacred moment where Balfour determines the time for God to reestablish Israel once again. Couldn't of had anything to do with money/power/control of Suez Canal (British shipping channels)? More Hmm
Page 245 discusses "Kristallnacht", the night the Synagogues in Germany (many of them) were desecrated and/or destroyed. Hitler thought it best to send the Jews out of Germany and find them new homes. It was to be financed by seizing Jewish assets (financial et al) and moving them abroad. The goal was to compel them to exit. Their passage was to be paid for by the asset transfers. Not optimal, but a starting point. Chamberlin, Halifax and Roosevelt all bristled at the suggestion (did they already have a long term ulterior motive?).
Do you have the book? I'm reading the PDF version but it does not allow cut and paste.
PS: Well over 100 pages of the book is about how Germany was funded (yes, all by international bankers) to start them back up. The unbacked German currency (not unlike US Treasury Bills) also was key in reestablishing economic recovery. But as they were constructing wartime armaments, they needed also to find export markets. Mysteriously, somehow it all worked. Everything though was all false flag and double crossing by primarily Britain as they demanded world wide control of the international trade monopoly they had built up since crushing the Dutch.
Hmmm... it doesn't match other things I've read. After the starvation blockade, with hundreds of thousands of deaths, that forced Germany into the Versailles treaty, the German Bolshevik Jews, who were 1% of Germans, bought up 30% of German wealth with cheap money. Kristallnacht was after the headlines read 'Judea Declares War on Germany' when they imposed an international boycott of German goods.
Goebbels, who was having an affair with a foreign actress, planned Kristallnacht to gain support within the party. It was primarily targeting store windows in the wealthiest part of Germany, not synagogues. And all of this wealth had been taken from starving Germans, who were now being boycotted by the international Jews. Who wouldn't be angry?
The Transfer Agreement didn't pay for their passage, which was miniscule. It allowed each of them to transfer some hundreds of thousands from the German bank to the bank in Palestine. Then it used hundreds of thousands more per person to buy German equipment for farming and building, and ship it to Palestine. Once there, they 'returned' it and the funds were put into their new accounts. And remember, all of this is stolen wealth while German have nothing. Altogether it was $100M worth of value. Without this stolen wealth, they could never have built Israel in the desert.
So Hitler didn't seize Jewish assets at all, he sent German assets to build Israel. Even Rothschild kept his money and sold his property when he left. Hitler may have spoken against the Jews, and holding public office would have demanded that since they knew who had profited from their devastation and may have known about the Balfour Declaration and who caused it. But there's no shred of written evidence that he did anything against them.
Sorry. More reading and learning for me to pursue.
Page 247 only stated that Hitler was looking for a solution of moving Jews out of Germany. This was in the year 1938, well ahead of WWII and any ideas of Jewish encampment(s). Funding explanation is what the author stated. For some reason though, even though the idea was floated to Britain and the USA, the thought of implementation fell flat on its face, thus suggesting your statements above as the real plan. Thanks for the prompt follow up. Any link(s) to your findings?
Here's the link to my most recent Hitler episodes, that compiles the other episodes, starting at the beginning: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey. There are a couple informative videos there but they don't talk about the Transfer Agreement. One of those videos does talk about Goebbels and Kristallnacht. The people most likely to have the sources at their fingertips are Julius Skoolafish and Nefahotep. They disagree on whether Hitler was a German hero or a Rothschild agent/ traitor, but they both agree on the facts regarding Hitler's deference to the Int'l Zionists and German Jews.
Might have already read the article, but always a win the second time.
Skoolafish and Nefahotep are great. Their knowledge and perspective deep and professional. You are one blessed soul with all these great followers. At times I feel like the "bobblehead" of the group, but man am I learning.
There are a lot of issues with the ten commandments.
The first is that almost half of them are simply concerned with worshipping the provincial god that the Jews worshipped.
It isn't until we get to 5 that we actually have the first law that has anything to do with moral behavior and it's about honouring your mother and father. Which is....okay, I suppose? Although it's worth noting that the bible also says that parents not only can but should stone their disobedient children to death.
It also states that a father can sell his daughter as a sex slave if he wants to make a quick buck.
So I don't consider the bible to be a good moral authority on the relationship between parent and child.
The sixth commandment is that "thou shalt not kill"....except the bible also outlines many instances where killing is not only allowed, but encouraged. The death penalty is ascribed as the punishment for every crime, from working on weekends to being a rape victim. God also commands Moses and his band of brigands to murder, rape and enslave their way across the Middle East; committing horrendous acts of genocide every step of the way.
It's worth noting, also, that prohibitions against murder did not originate in the bible. Not only are laws against murder laid out in legal codes that vastly predate the ten commandments, but we even find such prohibitions against it in the bible: Moses knew he had to flee after killing an Egyptian man. Why would he need to do that if nobody knew murder was wrong until after God told them so in the ten commandments?
Seven: Thou shalt not commit adultery. Well...okay, fair enough. That sounds okay. But we have to remember that the bible defines adultery as a man merely looking at a woman lustfully. And it's worth noting that it only counts if the woman is married. A man can have as many wives and sex slaves as he can afford, and it isn't considered adultery. But if a woman has more than one sexual partner - whether she was a willing participant or not - then she'd better get ready to die, because that's what the bible mandates.
Eight: Thou shalt not steal! Unless God commands you to, in which case you can conquer whoever the hell you want, slaughter them and steal their land and livestock. Because Moses and his band of barbarians did that all the time.
9: Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour. This appears to be about not committing perjury and is, I suppose, a decent enough law. After all, we use it. But it isn't, despite what Christians often claim, a prohibition against lying altogether.
10: Thou shalt not covert your neighbour's blablabla….which is nonsense, since coveting things we don't have is one of the driving forces behind not only our economy, but also a means by which we as humans derive a sense of satisfaction.
So yeah, the ten commandments don't shape up too well, especially when you consider them alongside the wider context of the morality espoused by the bible.
They do even worse when you realise that the ten commandments aren't the ten commandments.
The set that everyone calls the ten commandments are actually the first set that were given to Moses before he went down the mountain and threw a hissy fit when he found his people had started worshipping a new god in his absence. So he smashed that set, and had to go up the mountain to ask Yahweh for another. It's the second set that are actually referred to in the bible as the ten commandments, and they're nothing like the set that Evangelicals want to put up on courthouses.
That set doesn't feature any prohibitions against murder or theft, and is concerned almost entirely with not worshipping other gods, keeping various feasts, not boiling baby goats in their own mother's milk as well this chilling little tidbit:
Sacrifice the first born of every womb, including all the firstborn males of your livestock. You can sacrifice a lamb in place of a firstborn donkey but if you do sacrifice the donkey break its neck. If your firstborn child is a boy sacrifice something else in its place. None shall appear before Yahweh without a sacrifice.
Yup. The ten commandments specifically order Yahweh's followers to sacrifice their firstborn children; but only if it's not a boy. I guess that, no matter what happens in the bible, daughters are getting fu{ked.
The real ten commandments are even worse than the one that Christians who've never read the bible worship so readily. And they're not a good moral guide in any sense of the word (although this is later retconneced in Deuteronomy, which lists the conventionally accepted "ten commandments" rather than the set that were actually called that in Exodus. Because whoever wrote Deuteronomy probably didn't read Exodus closely enough; as most Christians clearly don't).
My comments" Got to love all the changes to the 10 Commandment in order to restore patriarchy. Tough times for the other "equal" sex. Why the worry of coveting one's wife, when men were entitled to as many wives as they wanted? No worry of infidelity as long as you're male. Female infidels (even if raped) were stoned to death.
Comments exceed permissible length, so I'll follow up.
This is excellent, GG! I've ranted against the 10 Commandments as a moral code but never with as much precision as is here. Thank you for this great analysis
Well, how about These instead? 1. Thout shall not lie within the self (remove all contradictions of thought) 2. Thout shall not steal today what belongs to the future (squandering time, resources, people). 3. Thout shall not kill but in the service of life affirmation and mercy. 4. Honor thy father and mother who have performed their parental duties to the best of their ability. 5. be diligent in passing of truth to future generations because lies warp humans souls.
Oh those are some great substitutions. And thank you for reminding me of Greg's analysis of the 10 Commandments. I knew it was somewhere around here but had forgotten where to look.
And I think you're meaning 'Thou shalt not squander other people's time & resources & life', with which I heartily agree. My time, however, is the only thing that truly belongs to me. So I don't think it's possible to waste one's own time, much as I try ;-)
Thank you for subbing me, Artemis, and reading my work!
If you do not think carefully, you put energy into an unproductive place. the greatest tragedy is a life un lived. that is what i mean by wasting time. such as blaming others in stead of taking what responsibility rightly belongs to you and learning from it. In some of the ancient cultures dialogue was sacred (India. The classical Indian tradition shares with the ancient Greek tradition the pervasiveness of debating). In some cases,the goal was not to "win" but to seek truth together. in druidic cultures truth, the seeking of it was your sacred duty. I think the difference in that cultures near the equator, are not forced by 50 below degree months, into serious personal introspection. thus the different approaches to spirituality. life is more precious to one than the other, for example, because the individual in more real, (so no sacrificing of the firstborn) more developed than the group. Theater, in dionysus, was developed closer to the equator. it is a slightly more passive group ritual. farther north, poetic histories stayed (like the "kalevalla") were celebrated. among native north americans it wa a personal journey to find spirit. forbidden even to speak of, unles with a shaman.
This is beautiful, Artemis. I love the idea of sacred debate. I've said before that the second most powerful force in the universe is a person who changes their mind. The first is two people asking the same question, with more concern for getting the right answer than being right. That's the question that's a quest. I'm so happy to be having those dialogues on my stack. Thank you for this!
I loved how you connected everything here, Tereza.
About Osiris or "Ausir" quotes from the post:
"Although Set was originally viewed as the son and defender of Ra and the Egyptian kings, his reputation among the people declined along with the rise of the cult of Osiris. Originally a vegetation-god, Osiris became one of the pre‑eminent gods of the Egyptian pantheon. Worship in the Osiris cult stressed the role of Set as violence personified; the murderer of his brother and usurper of his throne who, instead of standing alongside Horus, became his eternal enemy."
"Osiris" (Ausir) is attributed to a real living person who ruled in one of the Madi Kingdoms of lower Egypt in pre dynastic times. His name at that time was "Andjetyi," his wife's name was "Ata3t." Their remains were recovered from Mastaba 17; this was during WW2 and the place where these remains were kept, got bombed.
Andjetyi was into agricultural and farming organization for his people. Because of the great accomplishment of draining the fields and improving the arability of the soil for crops, he became known and loved as a god of agriculture in later times.
Excerpt from "Ancient Egypt Online." https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/andjety/
"Andjety (Anezti, Anedjti) simply means “he who is of Andjet” – the place of the djed (Busiris in the ninth nome of Lower Egypt). It is thought that he was a historical ruler of the ancient Egyptian city of Djedu (Busiris) who became the god of domestic and farm animals, and probably introduced the use of the shepherds crook as an emblem of kingship (an interesting precursor to the Christian notion; “the lord is my shepherd”)." ----- Notice the similarity of "Busiris" to Osiris.
Here is a great video from Ancient Architects, has a lot of interesting points to make:
It's quite true that there seems to be quite a few connections between OT biblical accounts and Egyptian Myths; as you have beautifully described, there are variations to the stories of the Egyptian Myths, depending on when they were written and by whom. There were multiple cultures and I'm sure that the language spoken by these cultures came together as well as the stories they told were melded together in some ways.
That's so very interesting, Nef. In the Biblical version, Cain is the agriculturalist. So maybe the erasure or killing of Cain by reputation is a symbolic killing of Andjety aka Osiris/ Ausir.
One of the accounts talked about Set having a very loud voice and being argumentative, in contrast to the Egyptian kings who valued reason and tempered conversation. I thought that was interesting.
There's definitely more to unravel here to connect together the timeframes and what what happening geopolitically. I suspect it's more nefarious than just melding the stories--I think they've usurped the stories to twist them towards a different purpose. As Tirion says, going from caring for and tending the population to push us around, fleece us, take our offspring and consume us--all in the name of the gods. Thanks for this additional information.
Always my pleasure, I always look forward to these conversations.
I am beginning to think there really was at least two; if not 'more,' unique cultures involved here. In the chaos of people coming together, usurpers and infiltrators took advantage, in Egypt.
I think the Madi Culture was the original one living in the Nile Valley, in peaceful harmony. If you get a chance to watch the Ancient Architect video, please take close note of just how precise the stone work was in pre dynastic times. The Madi may have been there for a very long time.
"The LORD is my shepherd." Were there ever truer words? They push us around, fleece us, take our offspring and eventually consume us, too 🤣
Ironic isn't it? The more we connect the dots, the more everything begins to make sense. I have to say, I had never made the connection about the Crook & Flail of the "Neshu." (Kings ; I don't use the term "Pharaoh" because there is no word in their language for it.)
Seems like the Crook & Flail could be seen as a slave master symbol, the flail was actually a tool used to separate the grain from the chaff, when processing grain from the fields.
Tereza, you will probably be interested in a series of presentations given by an acquaintance of mine. Part of what he does is to use his legal training to analyse Genesis using Strong's Concordance and other sources. He makes the case that "God" is Yahweh-El, The Most High God and leader of the Elohim, while The LORD God is his son, Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel, the jealous "God":
He also suggests that the serpent in the Garden is in fact Yahweh-El.
As for the Hebrew, Egyptian and other pantheons, he suggests that they are all the same long-lived or immortal beings presenting different personas to different cultures at different times, including Ancient Sumer, Babylon, Greece, Rome and Britain.
His other presentations - to me all completely fascinating - are here:
That is very interesting, Tirion, I'll check that out. From Wikipedia on Set, "The Greeks would later associate Set with Typhon and Yahweh, a monstrous and evil force of raging nature." And Rhonda has a theory that Israel means Is-Ra-El, combining the Egyptian and Canaanite gods into one deity. I'll view those with interest.
Yes, that makes sense to me.
In case they're of use/interest, here's a link to edited transcripts I produced of all nine presentations:
The "Table of Divine Personas and Incarnations" is a work in progress.
I am honored to see these images here in good use!
"Eve exclaims, 'With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man,' so maybe that paternity is in question. LORDs have first nuptial rights, I’ve read, and his curse for painful childbirth doesn’t sound like help to me." You have two very interesting points here. You are so good at digging in on this stuff and there is a lot of information here! Thank you for your fresh take on things and for your magnificent brain.
"And just when you think things can’t get weirder, the Wikipedia entry writes that Set:
… had relationships with the foreign goddesses Anat and Astarte. From these relationships is said to be born a crocodile deity called Maga." And my, he has quite a.....................................................tail.............:) You weren't playing around. It's funny sometimes. I wonder why I do things and then I see something like this and I think, isn't that funny? Haha. I have enjoyed listening to this. It's a lot to take in. Most of this information is new to me, but when you say things like those I have listed here, it's easy to see the funny business going on. Thanks for breaking it down for me. I would have to read for three years to do half the work in most of your posts. :) Wow.
Kathleen wrote on Rumble that your art was so perfect for this post and I told her that nearly all of them were ones I'd saved on my desktop just because I liked them so much. I may need to edit in the city in a bubble for Enoch. I'd saved the Egyptian ones and the Maga man with this post in mind, and went back for the snazzy suit and the couple dancing on the clouds, but otherwise these were just one selected at 'random'.
They make this story come alive! It's so enormously fun to write it with captions and illustrations. Some writing classes say that you should pick a list of random words from some source and then try to work them all into your story. Like rhyme and meter, it makes you think in interesting ways and head directions you didn't think you'd go. I feel like the pictures were like that. It was hard to say if I was selecting them or they were leading me. Thank you so much!
Well, I don't know what to say about that. You sure do a lot of reading and thinking and mulling over. I am sure that's the largest part of your success here! But I guess you should also remain open to what comes into view if it serves your purposes. It's fun to think about how we all do that for each other. I think in very humble terms about my contributions here. You have made this a lot more fun for me since day one. I remember the first time you mentioned me in your video. I grabbed my son and pulled him in here and said "Look! This person just mentioned my substack!" I was so excited. I still am and I have learned a lot listening to your presentations. What luck that you find use in the images I have prompted. I am happy to play a role. Thank you for telling me that.
I admire your ability to look into so many details and connect so many dots. As you know I tend to deal in broader strokes, so truly appreciate the level of nuance you can engage.
I think safe to say, the OT is not about a loving God! That they were able to maintain such a story as cover for a God we should fear (yeah, a pretty vindictive guy) and obey is remarkable.
In addition to links I've shared on those folks who've been looking at the story as an account on other beings coming to earth and taking over, I'm including a video (Not good quality) of a talk given by Jordan Maxwell who was friends with Sitchin. He basically agrees there was an 'alien' presence and considered themselves god-like, and who genetically modified humans.
He thinks the Reptilians played a role (says, he was the one who explained this to Icke in the early 90's) and that this presence still exists on the planet today.
He thinks we need to throw off all governments, all bodies who assume they are better than (the royals) and all religions as these are the mechanisms of control. Details aside I agree our story of humans on earth includes non-human beings and a lot of manipulation. But as I noted in earlier exchanges the continued presence shows up interdimensionally, mainly, and has to do with a parasitical like take over of human thought.
I do think our genetics have been played with and we have then been hybridized. 'Their' obsession with genetics is obvious and ongoing. I don't think it's as big a deal as many might, since we are a lot more than our DNA.
Fascinating the level of questioning happening now. Aside from a few, the story of the bible has been largely unchallenged despite its bizarre claims. Likely that we can now, in large numbers, see through this finally, has to do with frequency bandwidths changing.
I'll listen to the video (as usual) when I make some breakfast.
Impressive, Tereza. So many of our assumptions and givens about the world are being slayed and you are clearly (among other things) a slayer of lies. (Maybe Amy of Whats in a Name can get an image of you Slaying the Big Lies? That would be fun.)
The devil and the divine (interesting parallel in those words) are both in the details ;-)
Well that would bring us to hypothesis #5 vs #6, which can't both be true. I would be agreeing with these researchers that the Bible points to otherworldly beings who see people as cattle, but is that reality or the myth they want us to believe?
I think that's why Cain could build Enoch a city, it wasn't that no people were there in their mythology, it's that Adam was the first one in the image and likeness of The Gods.
Haha, your last line made me remember Ratio Broadbornius calling me The Debunktress. Sure miss that guy. Hope he's okay. I'll watch the video and make my own breakfast!
I too hope Ratio Bradbornius is doing ok-- I was trying to get back to his site in substack and it was just not there anymore.
Bradbornius! I just got the hidden pun in his name, missed because I kept misremembering it as Broadbornius. Dis-member, mis-member, re-member.
Lol 😆 he is one funny character. He seems to have deleted all of his bitchute videos too. I searched everywhere, he must have just wanted to get away from all internet related "stuff."
It was right when Substack was doing its 'nazi' purge and he had some that made me cringe, a little. I don't think he would have just disappeared without a word.
Ratio? You think that he may have been "Removed?" By substack? That is quite concerning, I was under the impression that type of thing would not happen here on substack.
"...is that reality or the myth they want us to believe?" don't know. :-)
I miss him too. Hopefully we'll see a return - or maybe he has under another name? Curious.
"Adam was the first one in the image and likeness of The Gods." -- There are a few interesting ways to see this. I could say: "A camp of God was Pitched in Human Time."
Nothing exists Physically without a Nonphysical essence standing behind it. The Body is like a Glove that forms around the Energy manifested in Birth. Therefore; the idea of Man was 'made' in God's own image. There are many symbolic ways things were written in ancient times. I think the "Ancient Mind" of Man was actually quite different from what it is today, part of getting back to the intent of the early writings is to 're-member' our mind, the symbolic mental process is to "See" intuitively.
Or the Energy-Mind is the glove, or the womb, that holds all the bodies and other symbols within it. The body is a thought within the Mind, the thought isn't contained within the single, separated mind contained by the body.
I suppose that's another way to illustrate how it works.
I have always pointed out that the mind exists in a series of 7 sheaths. Where the physical functionary is nerve and brain based. The body could also be viewed in this manner.
"We are a lot more than our DNA."
Agree 100% -- There is something about the DNA that stands out to me though. It has to do with sacred geometry, being formed by Frequency and Vibration, there is a view of this expressed in how the sequence of molecular organization comes about. My Daughter was studying for a section in her Psych Class; one morning, she asked me a question about the “chemicals” in the brain being able to determine “romantic feelings and attraction.” This sparked an interesting conversation:
Her question: “Are the biological chemical processes in the brain what determines who we are attracted to?” “How we feel?”
This brought me back to a discussion I had with a commenter on my stack: They had said: “Somehow people with Rh neg blood always seem to gravitate towards each other. That somehow we naturally find each other.” [Like Co-respondance]
So the question goes right to DNA, because in the Rh article, I presented the possibility that the Human Species itself is very likely “Hybridized.” And is possibly a product of various hybridization events that have happened in the last 75 thousand years. The last one may have been as recent as 4,000 years ago.
When it comes to attraction; there can be expressions like “We share a chemistry with each other.” etc… But if “chemistry” is based off Genetics, then what is DNA actually? This is an esoteric question.
What holds the bonds and creates molecular process?
Science always states this is due to chemical bonds, but what makes it all interact?
What actually makes the electrons in an atomic mass behave the way they do? Quantum Entanglement.
What is the basis of the “positive and negative” charge or energy at the atomic level? This is Local and Non Local.
What causes this to function the way it does? Everything seeks to go to ground.
What if we look at this from a different perspective: We are all mostly Energy, what makes energy move? Frequency and Vibration. Movement always seeks Rest, resulting in Balance, which is Peace.
DNA is said to have sacred geometry, like the "Mandelbrot Set." If all the physical existence in the universe is responsive to a base frequency, and vibrates in coalescence; this can be considered the base point of all physical energy everywhere. This is "Zero Point Energy," yes, it does exist. It is the primary building block of the Physical Universe.
So DNA is not just a biological process, is an energetic one, responsive to the universal vibration. Each living organism has a matching frequency both physical and non physical. Therefore, each of us who finds ourselves attracted to another, are experiencing energy, not biology.
Romantic feelings are not because of the biological processes of the chemicals in the brain; those chemicals are caused by the frequency and vibration expressed by the being that is there. The Esoteric Nature of Being is the origin of this charge; the Biology cannot hold the full charge by itself, it can become a vessel for it.
Coming together with another’s body is a way the energy seeks to go to ground. Corresponding like frequencies tend to attract, in some form they are different due to the vibrations of the masculine and that of the feminine. These energies seek to balance each other out; even at the most “Base Organic Level” such as sexual procreation, this is always an exchange of energies with frequency and vibration. When these frequencies combine, they can create a new frequency, this enables the formation of new life. The Universe itself is said to have been born from a single sound.
When we have a discussion about 5G and the detrimental affects it has; these are effects that are manifested in a very significant way. It has zero impact on the true Psychic Being the Individuated God Self; that exists outside of Space / Time. The physical energy aspect of it where it connects to the biology gets harmed by these frequencies, causing disease in the body. So there’s a purely non physical aspect to the DNA, just as there is a physical one.
What I wrote in response to my Course meditation the other day is that we can be holy or we can be special, but to be both is mutually exclusive. To be holy is to be whole, which has to be mutual. To be special is to be exclusive.
My feeling about the Rh neg blood type (was that on Frances Leader's stack or was that your's, Nef, I forget?) was that it made some people more special than others. I don't remember what my blood type is but I felt I would be ordinary if not Rh neg. Like being a rare enneagram or Myers-Briggs. It would be 'those who are not modified' perhaps, leaving those who are modified sullied in ways they can't control.
It doesn't fit my theology that meaning and purpose exist, and we are all equal manifestations of that meaning and purpose, re-membering each other by re-cognizing that spark within each.
Wow Set or Seth is Se3ht. You said that before and I didn't get it. More later when I've finished my coffee, and now I know what we can share when we meet! With a name like Nefahotep, I thought you might be a chai guy ;-)
There was a good reason why I put these two post together, it was not about whether people are Holy or Special; it was about examining the perception that the Parasitic Elites hold "of themselves."
To gain a more complete picture regarding the physical variations within humans and how that might fit in with the history.
So the context of being Whole or Holy, that is an immutable fact of Being; the concept of "Special" is that each manifestation of physical life is a Unique expression of that immutable sense of Being. Here are the posts I did:
When taken together; I do of course put my usual proviso about Being as the essential Self and not the outward appearance. So, I'm very much with you; the primary issue I attempt in these is to address the Dragon Bloodline and their "Claims" of being "different" from regular humans. Yet I maintain the awareness of this, while doing all the work of explorations of "ideations:" (From Sri Aurobindo)
A spirit who is no one and innumerable,
The one mystic infinite Person of his world
Multiplies his myriad personality,
On all his bodies seals his divinity’s stamp
And sits in each immortal and unique.
The Immobile stands behind each daily act,
A background of the movement and the scene,
Upholding creation on it’s might and calm
And change on the Immutable’s deathless poise.
I had read your Rh-neg article but missed the one on Cone heads. It is very compelling. I looked at some of the links in the article and the comments, including Fritz Freud. I think he's right about Re-Legion being the Legion of Ra and Amon-Ra being amen. And what just struck me is that without vowels, Man is also Amon, which is also a Biblical name. And Abraham combines Abram and Ham, representing Hammurabi.
It seems like there are maybe four (at least) theories. First, which we all reject, that these were righteous patriarchs who were good people. Second, that these are malevolent aliens in a human-like form. Third, that these are a genetic hybrid that naturally produced the cone-shaped head on people who were extremely tall, red-headed and blue-eyed, leading them and others to regards them as gods. Fourth that these Biblical characters are ordinary, psychopathic warlike polygamist men creating a mythos out of their god complex.
I like how your theory three gives them the benefit of the doubt that it would be natural to think of yourself as superior when others treat you that way.
Have we talked about how the Hapiru or Apiru are thought to be the Hebrews as mentioned in Biblical footnotes but are also the tribe of the nomadic warlord Abdi-Ashirta in the Amarna Letters? I'm going to sit with this a bit. Much to digest.
You mentioned the Hapiru on one of your prior posts, I think you are right about them. There are other records of nomadic invaders, known as the "Sea Peoples" who have been more accurately identified as the Lewians, they were supposed to have been the original founders of the City of Troy. There could be a connection there.
When you watch the Robert Sepehr videos on the theory of "hybridization," he does drive his point home quite well, it seems to coincide with what we glean from other sources.
Some additional thoughts on the terms "holy" to be whole and "special," to be unique. They are not mutually exclusive. Why? Because that which is Wholely is experiencing Oneness, this includes all that is Unique or Special. Many words are associated to meanings and also definitions. Meaning is by nature, multilevel and is dynamic--- it's "Meaning" that lives within you. Definitions are by nature unipolar and are static only existing in a dictionary. Truth cannot be found in uniformity or conformity of Definition; yet it can be experienced with Meaning manifesting through it's multiplicity.
Thanks, Nefahotep.
We agree on a lot I see - including the role of frequency behind our world (sound and light as playing primary role in creation) and that includes DNA.
I'm not saying that DNA isn't important - it's just not everything. I also resonate (as a frequency being) with the idea of multiple periods on our planet where humans were genetically modified. There would be a spectrum then, in terms of effect to genetics, and a 'tell' in the DNA about the degree of that influence.
A big soup here. Part of Covid (multiple goals) was finding a rational to sort out who's who genetically -which is why the PCR 'tests' were so important. Sounds crazy, maybe, but makes sense to me.
So much crazy shit going on that most of us wouldn't ever allow that idea as possible. But when these larger themes of non-human infiltration with a AI like impulse are entertained - pushing way out the narrow 'reality' we've been handed - lots of stuff starts to make sense.
Is it a story, a psyops as Tereza suggests? Maybe, but maybe everything playing out is a story. In a certain context, I think that's true.
"It has zero impact on the true Psychic Being the Individuated God Self; that exists outside of Space / Time. "
Exactly. Somewhere in our being we stay tethered to that, we know it.
That larger Self and largest of contexts where it's all always okay.
From that deep endless Source-connection, manifest reality and the bits of us who embody here - it likely does amount to something like the dream of separation.
That said, I hesitate to go 'there' because all the action and all the work is here. In this manifest world. So there is no spiritual bypass when it comes to human suffering. These experiences are real and they require our attention and our action. We have to hold both.
What I love about Tereza's ability to take on the BIG stories here, and include that larger context of 'somewhere everything is okay' is that these sorts of 'dialogues' push a remembrance and as we remember - in the midst of madness - more of us embody. Which must be the point. Or a point to all this.
We still have to take a stand and say no and put our energy into a world we want. Of course. Where humans are the seen as the precious Source-beings they are. Where love is not merely an idea but a reality. Can love be made real here? I think so, and that's largely a frequency alignment, fully hooked up to the larger Natural world.
I hope that makes sense. I haven't even finished my coffee yet - so not sure if it does!
I'm having my coffee while reading your entry here. It was always a morning ritual for everyone in my family, to share important ideas over a strong cup. This conversation is one that I will treasure.
Your perception is so spot on, "All the work is here," I am 100% with you. This is a significant part of the message of the Bhagavad Gita. Also, this has a connection to the concept of "As above, so Below." (Not the Christian misinterpreted view)
For every movement towards the higher frequencies, as we connect to them, we become like a grounding rod; pulling them down into the territory of the lower frequencies, causing transformation of the physical nature.
This is a part of the whole story of Osiris that very few people notice. When the incarnation of the God is defiant towards "Se3ht" (his brother Seth) and is killed in a physical sense, the god frequency is thus intentionally plunging into "Death," knowingly and comes out as "Life Eternal." To cause the Birth of Horus was to create a bridge for everyone to connect to the light within themselves. The sacred "Eye of Horus" is what some refer to as the "Pinal Gland." This can be experienced in meditation. There's a lot more to this, of course, but I think you know what I mean.
What a great ritual.
And appreciate how much you know and can share. I'm always in awe of folks who hold on to the details that can't seem to hurry away fast enough from me.
Out walking the woods this morning I was wondering about how we talk about this subject. I think it's all incredibly easy to access, especially in stillness. That place we are so familiar that it's easy to miss. Especially when distracted and pulled out of it and told it's out-there that's real. Yet it's this most foundational knowing.
And then, like everything in this upside down world, it was hijacked, turned into an endeavor; we made accessing it a big thing that required teaching and study and all those other trappings. Lifetimes to 'get it'. (Though maybe, given densities on the planet, it did require all that carving out the space to access?)
Now though I think we have the frequencies we need to just tap into it, Direct, immediate connect and so, I find myself wanting to avoid talking about the systems and practices and just say, "Oh, you know. Be still, it's right there. If it wasn't you wouldn't be here."
In the real reset happening on our planet I think the biggest thing we're reclaiming is our full status as human beings - a full re-membering -and we can't even begin to really know what that means in the future. A planet of everyday mystics? All those hidden truths now in plain sight. Why not?
Appreciate the exchange, best.
hola, tereza. so much here and to think about. most of this is new to me, thank you.
canadian tom harpur spent time digging into how the christian 'mythos' was a retelling of the horus-osiris-seth stories in his books. (i think they resulted in him being quietly directed to stop being a christian and perhaps something he chose to stop. one of his titles was "Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom".)
the book that looks at the parallels is "The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light". in it he declares that the fundamental structure of christ's story is simply a story and not connected to real events. i've not read the book myself — at the time i saw and/or listened to him interviewed and read some of his articles. i have no idea if he will help your deep dive or not.
Oh that's really interesting, Guy, thanks for the reference!
Part two:
And then there's this "gem"
1 In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia (love the irony as he's of Iranian decent), in order to fulfill the Lord’s message spoken through Jeremiah, the Lord stirred the mind of King Cyrus of Persia. He disseminated a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, announcing in a written edict the following:
2 “So says King Cyrus of Persia:
“‘The Lord God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has instructed me to build a temple for him in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. 3 Anyone from his people among you (may his God be with him!) may go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and may build the temple of the Lord God of Israel—he is the God who is in Jerusalem. 4 Let anyone who survives in any of those places where he is a resident foreigner be helped by his neighbors with silver, gold, equipment, and animals, along with voluntary offerings for the temple of God which is in Jerusalem’” (Ezra 1:1-4).
What an exciting moment in Israel’s history this must have been. Can you imagine the sense of eager anticipation these returning exiles must have felt? Surely they must have been thinking something like this:
“Our forefathers really missed God’s blessings. It was their sins which brought us into captivity. But now that’s all in the past. Now we’re returning to the land. We’ve learned to obey God’s law and to forsake idolatry. We’re going to go back to Jerusalem, rebuild the temple, and experience the blessings God promised. The ‘kingdom of God’ is finally going to be experienced on earth.”
The reader likewise finds himself entering into this spirit of hope and optimism. Adam and Eve were given a place of blessing, in the garden. Had they obeyed God, they could have lived there forever, enjoying His presence. But they failed, bringing about sin and separation. Then, God wiped the slate clean at the flood, and Noah and his family started fresh. But Noah and his descendents failed as well. Then came the tower of Babel and the confusion of languages, another judgment from God (soon to be followed by the judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah). But then God made an unconditional covenant with Abraham, promising to bless the whole earth through Abraham by giving him a land, a seed, and the promise of His blessings. It wasn’t long before Abraham and his descendants made a mess of things, and God had to sequester His people in Egypt, where they would remain separate,333 and where they would grow into a mighty nation. Those who left Egypt with Moses failed many times and were not allowed to enter the promised land, so a second generation was raised up to possess the land under the leadership of men like Joshua and Caleb. But the Book of Judges informs us that this generation would pass, and another ungodly generation would follow, caught up in a deadly cycle of sin and judgment.
What Israel needed was a king, a leader. Surely that would do it:
In those days Israel had no king. Each man did what he considered to be right (Judges 17:6).
Hopes were running high when Israel’s first king – Saul – was anointed. But it did not take very long to see that Saul was a failure who led the nation astray. Our hopes are rekindled, however, when we read that God designated David as Saul’s replacement. Now here is a man after God’s own heart. Surely the good times are here at last for Israel. But David is a sinner as well, and so is his son, Solomon. Because of Solomon’s sin, his kingdom is divided, and before long the people of God will be spewed out of the Promised Land of Canaan. The northern kingdom is scattered by the Assyrians, and the southern kingdom of Judah is carried off as slaves to Babylon.
Now, at last, the time has come for the Babylonian exiles to be released to return to the Promised Land. Do we not feel a renewed sense of hope and optimism? Surely the Jews will get it right this time. The lessons of history should serve to keep them from repeating the same sins. We will get only a few chapters (and even fewer years) into the return and restoration account when the people of God fail again. By and large, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah are not a “success story” to be imitated by men today. They are yet another repetition of the failures of God’s people, from the beginning of human history. The lessons we learn are often negative, but they have the positive effect of turning our attention and our trust toward God, and not toward ourselves. Let us listen well, then, to the story of Ezra. It is not only a fascinating account; it is one we desperately need to hear and to heed.
How kind and sweet Israel's "God" is until his decendents can figure it out and live right according to..........to what? And the people that continued to live in Jeruselam/Israel for 1000's of years, tilling the soil and respecting the land, without the "wrath" of god.
Since God commands "though shalt not murder", why was it suddenly OK with God after the Balfour Decree to rape/pillage/murder/theft the land/covet?
Lastly, Conjuring Hitler: I'm still reading (through page 247 of 333) and still no mention of Rotschild/Rothchilds/Rothschild. Round Table, BIS, Rockefeller, Ford, Roosevelt (was he a major racist?). Same as Churchill?
"Not only was US president Franklin Roosevelt perfunctory about rescuing Jews from the Nazis, but he obstructed rescue opportunities that would have cost him little or nothing, according to Holocaust historian Rafael Medoff."
The reading basically states everyone became a money whore to furthering financial gain regardless of the political landscape of the day. War is profit to corporations, regardless of the conflict/enemy.
Propaganda always wins the day. Naziism was just another corporation to profiteer from.
I'll finish it out and will provide a better summary.
I'll look forward to that, Greg. My sense from reading the intro and chapter titles was that Conjuring Hitler was still under some of the 'spells' like the Holocaust and believing that money had to come from bankers.
Here's my current take (subject to new information); the National Socialists kicked out the bankers, especially Rothschild whose real name was Bauer. They implemented the Feder system of labor-backed currency (taken from the US where William Jennings Bryant was running for election on that platform) and reneged on their war debts.
In 1923, Hitler was funded by Rothschild, as a bastard Rothschild by his father's mother, for the failed Beer Hall Putsch. In recognition of the Zionist funding, he changed National Socialist to NaZi. This enabled him to make a successful bid as leader.
He walked a fine line and "Judea Declares War on Germany" gave him an excuse to do the Transfer Agreement. Jews were reluctantly put into camps run by Zionists to train them for life in the desert--something they did NOT prefer over their cushy lives prior. False flag terrorism by Zionists was used to force them to move to Israel.
That's my current guess.
Finally, what a kind and generous god of the promised land.
In this country, 3 strikes and lifelong incarceration.
Other countries punishment is exacted immediately.
But here we see the hysteria of God's people seemingly failing as a means of inherited lunacy.
The reader likewise finds himself entering into this spirit of hope and optimism.
Adam and Eve
were given a place of blessing, in the garden. Had they obeyed God, they could have lived there forever, enjoying His presence. But they failed, bringing about sin and separation. Then, God wiped the slate clean at the flood,
and Noah and his family started fresh.
But Noah and his descendents failed as well. Then came the tower of Babel and the confusion of languages, another judgment from God (soon to be followed by the judgment on
Sodom and Gomorrah). But then God made an unconditional
covenant with Abraham,
promising to bless the whole earth through Abraham by giving him a land, a seed, and the promise of His blessings. It wasn’t long before
Abraham and his descendants made a mess of things,
and God had to sequester His people in Egypt, where they would remain separate,333 and where they would grow into a mighty nation. Those who left Egypt with
Moses failed
many times and were not allowed to enter the promised land, so a second generation was raised up to possess the land under the leadership of men like
Joshua and Caleb.
But the Book of Judges informs us that this generation would pass,
and another ungodly generation would follow,
caught up in a deadly cycle of sin and judgment.
What Israel needed was a king, a leader. Surely that would do it:
In those days Israel had no king. Each man did what he considered to be right (Judges 17:6).
Hopes were running high when Israel’s first
King Saul– was anointed.
But it did not take very long to see that Saul was a failure who led the nation astray. Our hopes are rekindled, however, when we read that
God designated
David as Saul’s replacement.
Now here is a man after God’s own heart. Surely the good times are here at last for Israel. But David is a sinner as well, and
so is his son, Solomon.
Because of Solomon’s sin, his kingdom is divided, and before long the people of God will be spewed out of the Promised Land of Canaan. The northern kingdom is scattered by the Assyrians, and the southern kingdom of Judah is carried off as slaves to Babylon.
I'm up to 10 human failures of God's will/demands.
What a group. Sounds like they really learned something.
How long did this all take, a thousand years?
If you add in all the other miscreants that weren't even lucky enough to be biblically referenced, my guess this explains a lot.
Strangely, God banished these people, but Egyptians, mixed Arabs, and Philistines, and others stayed for centuries without any issues to God. Hmm
Until...................that sacred moment where Balfour determines the time for God to reestablish Israel once again. Couldn't of had anything to do with money/power/control of Suez Canal (British shipping channels)? More Hmm
Page 245 discusses "Kristallnacht", the night the Synagogues in Germany (many of them) were desecrated and/or destroyed. Hitler thought it best to send the Jews out of Germany and find them new homes. It was to be financed by seizing Jewish assets (financial et al) and moving them abroad. The goal was to compel them to exit. Their passage was to be paid for by the asset transfers. Not optimal, but a starting point. Chamberlin, Halifax and Roosevelt all bristled at the suggestion (did they already have a long term ulterior motive?).
Do you have the book? I'm reading the PDF version but it does not allow cut and paste.
PS: Well over 100 pages of the book is about how Germany was funded (yes, all by international bankers) to start them back up. The unbacked German currency (not unlike US Treasury Bills) also was key in reestablishing economic recovery. But as they were constructing wartime armaments, they needed also to find export markets. Mysteriously, somehow it all worked. Everything though was all false flag and double crossing by primarily Britain as they demanded world wide control of the international trade monopoly they had built up since crushing the Dutch.
Hmmm... it doesn't match other things I've read. After the starvation blockade, with hundreds of thousands of deaths, that forced Germany into the Versailles treaty, the German Bolshevik Jews, who were 1% of Germans, bought up 30% of German wealth with cheap money. Kristallnacht was after the headlines read 'Judea Declares War on Germany' when they imposed an international boycott of German goods.
Goebbels, who was having an affair with a foreign actress, planned Kristallnacht to gain support within the party. It was primarily targeting store windows in the wealthiest part of Germany, not synagogues. And all of this wealth had been taken from starving Germans, who were now being boycotted by the international Jews. Who wouldn't be angry?
The Transfer Agreement didn't pay for their passage, which was miniscule. It allowed each of them to transfer some hundreds of thousands from the German bank to the bank in Palestine. Then it used hundreds of thousands more per person to buy German equipment for farming and building, and ship it to Palestine. Once there, they 'returned' it and the funds were put into their new accounts. And remember, all of this is stolen wealth while German have nothing. Altogether it was $100M worth of value. Without this stolen wealth, they could never have built Israel in the desert.
So Hitler didn't seize Jewish assets at all, he sent German assets to build Israel. Even Rothschild kept his money and sold his property when he left. Hitler may have spoken against the Jews, and holding public office would have demanded that since they knew who had profited from their devastation and may have known about the Balfour Declaration and who caused it. But there's no shred of written evidence that he did anything against them.
Sorry. More reading and learning for me to pursue.
Page 247 only stated that Hitler was looking for a solution of moving Jews out of Germany. This was in the year 1938, well ahead of WWII and any ideas of Jewish encampment(s). Funding explanation is what the author stated. For some reason though, even though the idea was floated to Britain and the USA, the thought of implementation fell flat on its face, thus suggesting your statements above as the real plan. Thanks for the prompt follow up. Any link(s) to your findings?
Here's the link to my most recent Hitler episodes, that compiles the other episodes, starting at the beginning: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey. There are a couple informative videos there but they don't talk about the Transfer Agreement. One of those videos does talk about Goebbels and Kristallnacht. The people most likely to have the sources at their fingertips are Julius Skoolafish and Nefahotep. They disagree on whether Hitler was a German hero or a Rothschild agent/ traitor, but they both agree on the facts regarding Hitler's deference to the Int'l Zionists and German Jews.
And just like that, my next reading assignment.
Might have already read the article, but always a win the second time.
Skoolafish and Nefahotep are great. Their knowledge and perspective deep and professional. You are one blessed soul with all these great followers. At times I feel like the "bobblehead" of the group, but man am I learning.
I owe you follow up to Conjring Hitler as well as to two recent readings relative to this article you wrote.
I found these comments on Reddit and thought you'd enjoy the quick read/perspectives.
Questioning the Ten Commandments
There are a lot of issues with the ten commandments.
The first is that almost half of them are simply concerned with worshipping the provincial god that the Jews worshipped.
It isn't until we get to 5 that we actually have the first law that has anything to do with moral behavior and it's about honouring your mother and father. Which is....okay, I suppose? Although it's worth noting that the bible also says that parents not only can but should stone their disobedient children to death.
It also states that a father can sell his daughter as a sex slave if he wants to make a quick buck.
So I don't consider the bible to be a good moral authority on the relationship between parent and child.
The sixth commandment is that "thou shalt not kill"....except the bible also outlines many instances where killing is not only allowed, but encouraged. The death penalty is ascribed as the punishment for every crime, from working on weekends to being a rape victim. God also commands Moses and his band of brigands to murder, rape and enslave their way across the Middle East; committing horrendous acts of genocide every step of the way.
It's worth noting, also, that prohibitions against murder did not originate in the bible. Not only are laws against murder laid out in legal codes that vastly predate the ten commandments, but we even find such prohibitions against it in the bible: Moses knew he had to flee after killing an Egyptian man. Why would he need to do that if nobody knew murder was wrong until after God told them so in the ten commandments?
Seven: Thou shalt not commit adultery. Well...okay, fair enough. That sounds okay. But we have to remember that the bible defines adultery as a man merely looking at a woman lustfully. And it's worth noting that it only counts if the woman is married. A man can have as many wives and sex slaves as he can afford, and it isn't considered adultery. But if a woman has more than one sexual partner - whether she was a willing participant or not - then she'd better get ready to die, because that's what the bible mandates.
Eight: Thou shalt not steal! Unless God commands you to, in which case you can conquer whoever the hell you want, slaughter them and steal their land and livestock. Because Moses and his band of barbarians did that all the time.
9: Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour. This appears to be about not committing perjury and is, I suppose, a decent enough law. After all, we use it. But it isn't, despite what Christians often claim, a prohibition against lying altogether.
10: Thou shalt not covert your neighbour's blablabla….which is nonsense, since coveting things we don't have is one of the driving forces behind not only our economy, but also a means by which we as humans derive a sense of satisfaction.
So yeah, the ten commandments don't shape up too well, especially when you consider them alongside the wider context of the morality espoused by the bible.
They do even worse when you realise that the ten commandments aren't the ten commandments.
The set that everyone calls the ten commandments are actually the first set that were given to Moses before he went down the mountain and threw a hissy fit when he found his people had started worshipping a new god in his absence. So he smashed that set, and had to go up the mountain to ask Yahweh for another. It's the second set that are actually referred to in the bible as the ten commandments, and they're nothing like the set that Evangelicals want to put up on courthouses.
That set doesn't feature any prohibitions against murder or theft, and is concerned almost entirely with not worshipping other gods, keeping various feasts, not boiling baby goats in their own mother's milk as well this chilling little tidbit:
Sacrifice the first born of every womb, including all the firstborn males of your livestock. You can sacrifice a lamb in place of a firstborn donkey but if you do sacrifice the donkey break its neck. If your firstborn child is a boy sacrifice something else in its place. None shall appear before Yahweh without a sacrifice.
Yup. The ten commandments specifically order Yahweh's followers to sacrifice their firstborn children; but only if it's not a boy. I guess that, no matter what happens in the bible, daughters are getting fu{ked.
The real ten commandments are even worse than the one that Christians who've never read the bible worship so readily. And they're not a good moral guide in any sense of the word (although this is later retconneced in Deuteronomy, which lists the conventionally accepted "ten commandments" rather than the set that were actually called that in Exodus. Because whoever wrote Deuteronomy probably didn't read Exodus closely enough; as most Christians clearly don't).
My comments" Got to love all the changes to the 10 Commandment in order to restore patriarchy. Tough times for the other "equal" sex. Why the worry of coveting one's wife, when men were entitled to as many wives as they wanted? No worry of infidelity as long as you're male. Female infidels (even if raped) were stoned to death.
Comments exceed permissible length, so I'll follow up.
Best, GG
This is excellent, GG! I've ranted against the 10 Commandments as a moral code but never with as much precision as is here. Thank you for this great analysis
Well, how about These instead? 1. Thout shall not lie within the self (remove all contradictions of thought) 2. Thout shall not steal today what belongs to the future (squandering time, resources, people). 3. Thout shall not kill but in the service of life affirmation and mercy. 4. Honor thy father and mother who have performed their parental duties to the best of their ability. 5. be diligent in passing of truth to future generations because lies warp humans souls.
Oh those are some great substitutions. And thank you for reminding me of Greg's analysis of the 10 Commandments. I knew it was somewhere around here but had forgotten where to look.
And I think you're meaning 'Thou shalt not squander other people's time & resources & life', with which I heartily agree. My time, however, is the only thing that truly belongs to me. So I don't think it's possible to waste one's own time, much as I try ;-)
Thank you for subbing me, Artemis, and reading my work!
If you do not think carefully, you put energy into an unproductive place. the greatest tragedy is a life un lived. that is what i mean by wasting time. such as blaming others in stead of taking what responsibility rightly belongs to you and learning from it. In some of the ancient cultures dialogue was sacred (India. The classical Indian tradition shares with the ancient Greek tradition the pervasiveness of debating). In some cases,the goal was not to "win" but to seek truth together. in druidic cultures truth, the seeking of it was your sacred duty. I think the difference in that cultures near the equator, are not forced by 50 below degree months, into serious personal introspection. thus the different approaches to spirituality. life is more precious to one than the other, for example, because the individual in more real, (so no sacrificing of the firstborn) more developed than the group. Theater, in dionysus, was developed closer to the equator. it is a slightly more passive group ritual. farther north, poetic histories stayed (like the "kalevalla") were celebrated. among native north americans it wa a personal journey to find spirit. forbidden even to speak of, unles with a shaman.
This is beautiful, Artemis. I love the idea of sacred debate. I've said before that the second most powerful force in the universe is a person who changes their mind. The first is two people asking the same question, with more concern for getting the right answer than being right. That's the question that's a quest. I'm so happy to be having those dialogues on my stack. Thank you for this!
Nice story… generally the simplest is the more believable.
Robert Sepher is under rated, for sure. Thank you for this engaging analysis.
So much that I need to let it all percolate! But it's quite a brew we're stirring up, yes?
"God-complex psychopaths." Love that phrase.
The KJV is certainly the place where the codes would be most intentional.
And yes! The artwork adds so much. Our collab group is phenomenal!