Thanks for this. I tried to watch the Tommy's Podcast episode, as I always prefer to get as close to the source material as I can. But, in this case, I've seen enough of Malone to know that his actions and his words clearly demonstrate that he is not at all what he purports to be as it relates to the freedom movement, and that when he speaks, we are being manipulated. I simply cannot listen to him talk anymore.

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I keep feeling that I'm getting to that point too. And then something like this comes out that validates everything I've suspected about him.

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BTW, did Dr. Malone ever respond to Mike Yeadon's perfectly reasonable open letter a few months back or did he just ignore it?

If he did respond, I would love to see it rather than just give him a pass for doing so, because from what I have seen, when Dr. Malone responds to criticisms or awkward questions, he usually does so with non-answer answers.

However, and hopefully someone will correct me if I've got this wrong, I certainly don't recall any response at all from Malone on this. Assuming that's the case, does this not tell us all we need to know?

Dr. Michael Yeadon: My Plea to Dr. Robert Malone


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Of course he didn't, as we knew. I quoted Michael's letter in my last post on Malone, I'm not sure if you saw it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/mealy-mouthed-malone.

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Yes, it really says it all, doesn't it? That's not to say continuing to hold Malone to account isn't important. It is, and I'm a big fan of your work.

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Thank you so much, Dave!

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So Malone is okay with euthanizing children who are already sick/injured.

How thoughtful.

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total snake

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He's also okay w/testing vaccines on them if they live in India.

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He's a dirty bird. But people were so desperate to hear someone who had "authority" say anything negative about the jabs that they practically worshipped this guy.

He will never speak the WHOLE truth, let alone nothing BUT the truth. Controlled opposition, placed to lead the movement over a cliff.

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Oh, wow, Tereza, lots of interesting info here. I wasn't aware of Malone pivoting toward Trump--I wonder what that is about. I don't see Trump going anywhere- I don't think he's allowed back in.

As for Hatfill, I was never convinced of his guilt in the Anthrax attacks. I think it was Dr. Phillip Zack:

The FBI Anthrax Attacks Cover-Up


It should come as no surprise that the FBI, in its total focus on Stephen Hatfill, has totally ignored (or is covering up for) another suspect, one actually caught on the security systems entering the storage area where the anthrax used in the letters was kept, without proper authorization and AFTER being fired from his job at Fort Detrick over a racially motivated attack on an Egyptian co-worker. This suspect's name is Dr. Philip Zack, who has since relocated to Dugway Proving Grounds.

But despite this damning evidence. Zack remained untouched and untouchable, while the FBI, spurred on by Dr. Barbara Rosenberg, continued to focus on Stephen Hatfill, while trying to concoct a way for him to have created the anthrax, even though he did not work with anthrax or have access to that strain.



There are two suspects accused of being the source of the Anthrax letters. The first is Dr. Philip Zack, who was caught on camera entering the storage area where the Anthrax was kept without proper authorization.

Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the [Fort Detrick] lab building at night was Langford's predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992, apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack's, according to a report filed by a security guard. [ctnow]

The second suspect is the more well known Dr. Stephen Hatfill, accused (and re-accused and re-accused) by Dr. Barbara Rosenberg although no actual evidence of his involvement has surfaced.

But regardless of whether one thinks Dr. Zack or Dr. Hatfill is the culprit, neither man is an Arab Muslim, which again means that the above letters, written to appear to be from Arab Muslims, are proof of a plot to frame Arabs for terror attacks in the US. The only question is, did that plot extend to 9-11 itself.

[As a footnote, Dr. Zack has a prior history of hostility towards Arabs and was reprimanded by his employer repeatedly on that issue.]


“Dr. Zack left Fort Detrick in December 1991 amid allegations of unprofessional conduct. The Jewish scientist and others were accused of harassing their co-worker, Dr. Ayaad Assaad, until the Egyptian-born American scientist quit, according to an article in Connecticut’s The Hartford Courant, the country’s oldest newspaper in continuous publication. Dr. Assaad sued the Army, claiming discrimination after Zack’s badgering.

Although Dr. Zack was let go, he returned frequently to visit friends, and used the Fort Detrick laboratories for “off-the-books” work after hours. After reports of missing biological specimens — including anthrax, ebola and the simian AIDs virus — came to light, as well as reports of unauthorized research, a review of surveillance camera tapes recorded Dr. Zack entering the lab late on the night of Jan. 23, 1992, according to The Hartford Courant report. He was let in that night by Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack’s, although she now says she has no memory of the evening. She did say that Zack occasionally visited and that other friends let him in.

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Even Zack would be a lone, crazy embittered gunman theory. Hatfill even having foreknowledge points to it being a CIA false flag, like 911. "You know what we need? An infectious disease. An engineered pathogen. A biowarfare attack."

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RM: Navarro wants me to West Palm Beach, but I can’t buy land there to house 20 horses

poor guy - no room for 🐴. Knew someone like that. Horsey's in 2 or 3 Locations. Can you feel their pain? 😅😂😂

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JJ Couey is the only biologist who’s opinion I trust. It’s too bad there aren’t thousands more lining up with him.

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Have you seen JJ Couey's breakdown of the same interview?


Thank you for this great investigation. Bad dudes...

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Yes, I think I linked it at the beginning. And also Mark Kulacz. Both really great.

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Interesting. I haven't gone back and look at all of the Anthrax stuff. I'm looking at other topics but I appreciate the ones taking a second look at the intentional release of Anthrax. One thing I have noted, the Anthrax attacks led to a huge expansion of the "biodefense" industry around the world. It is such a terrible irony that an intentional release of a bioweapon by the biodefense industry gave the biodefense industry the perceived need of funding to combat bioterrorism, and they were the bioterrorists in the first place. It's the same game these people play with viruses and vaccines, measures and countermeasures. I hope to see them brought to Justice and made to pay for their crimes. They kill and lie, plan and research, to enrich themselves by deceptive and evil methods.

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Agreed except that I'm not sure irony is the right word. In fact I think it's the oldest technique in the book--mafia creating the need for their protection from themselves.

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Thank you for all this info and detail. What also personally resonated for me was the jovial, knee-slapping, hail-fellow-well-met laughter and "inside jokes" between Hatfill and Malone on TPC. They were discussing mass death and Ebola and other deadly infectious diseases, which seemed highly inappropriate. All a game to them, apparently ? Also, Malone's crying poor when he can't afford to move 20 horses to W Palm Beach. Now, that's laughable.

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I so agree with you. That was what turned my stomach most of all. I'm glad you watched the actual video and got the full resonance of that. The turning point wasn't just the content but the 'isn't this a hoot, look at all these incompetent people who depend on us to save them!'

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Malone had similar disdain - in a different way - when talking to the children in Hawaii. JJ's analysis of this was very good. Was particularly struck by an odd detail: Malone showing the bare soles of this feet to his audience. This is considered a sign of disrespect in many Hindu, Arab, Muslim, and Buddhist nations. Also, his wife's comments and facial expressions were rather telling.

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Yes, I did this episode responding to JJ's analysis of the Hawaii talk: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/mealy-mouthed-malone. In a funny way, I feel like these two talks are at opposite ends of his trajectory. In Hawaii, he was just learning his lines and Jill was trying to mouth them for him, as JJ says. With Hatfill, he can finally be himself again after the long act. And I think it's because he's dropped Kennedy as his ticket to head up a large gov't agency and is throwing his support behind Trump. Now he can be brash and crude, make ugly jokes and flex his CIA street cred.

JJ did point out that these were likely CHD kids. All the other kids had already been vaxxed, so these may have been the few left on the island. Their parents probably had a LOT more data at their fingertips for why their kids shouldn't get vaxxed than Malone. I think they were looking for someone in authority to back them up and Malone kept punting the question back to them.

No one who wrote a paper saying why mRNA wasn't ethical to TEST on humans would have taken the vaxx. That was a photo op. I'd bet money on it.

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Excellent research, Ms. Tereza!

I remember Mark saying that Malone was the dirty tissue on McCullough's shoes and that he was going to be the downfall for Kennedy's campaign. Since Charles Eisenstein was hired to clean up the campaign's messaging, Malone was pushed out.

I'll be following the Malone/Hatfill/Peter Navarro love fest - if Navarro's trying to bring Malone into Trump's campaign, I'm going to have a blast with that one. It is unfortunate that Conservatives have been brainwashed into thinking Malone is on their side, he forced his way in to CPAC. I remain amazed at the humongous psychological games he has played with mostly Conservatives. How has he been able to fool so many people?

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Thank you for this info and insights. Interesting - and, yes, I do recall the children who asked questions in the HI vid indicating that they were unvaxxed. Where does the Black Horse podcast w/S Kirsch fall on Malone's timeline ? Listened to it and JJ's comments, but really couldn't make heads or tails. Weinstein/s are such a verbose and confusing duo, continuously dancing around the argument and throwing in what-ifs to change direction. Who is coaching Malone in these techniques ? Jill ?

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I had the very same 'disgust' reaction to his lying out there with his bare feet in their faces and I've mentioned it a few times thinking surely someone else thinks it was entirely inappropriate. His casual stance lying there was just grossly irritating to me.

His soothing voice and answering every question with 'does that help' despite his answers being contorted just sent me into a tailspin. He also told them to ask their parents who he knew damn well had already bought into the military grade propaganda spinning at the time, so what chance did they have, really.

And yes, her occasional glare spoke volumes.

By the way, they are vegetarians...he said so in a long ago interview I've lost by now, but what are the chances a person who is so dedicated to his well being to that degree would take an experimental shot of undisclosed ingredients ! hmm

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Totally agree. And, yes, his casual, laid-back demeanor was also very insulting to his audience. Somehere, someone stated that the children had been gathered there by a Hawaiian chapter of Children's Health Defense (CHD RFK Jr.s org) Malone's relationship with RFK Jr is troubling: He wrote the preface to RFK Jr's book and is defended by RFK Jr. Some say Malone is RFK Jr's "handler." Malone - if memory serves - says he took the shot/s in order to travel internationally, which is very plausible, given the restrictions and requirements in place. His claim to be "vaccine-injured" seems to be to generate sympathy, and if he is so debilitated, how can he travel and speak and appear on podcasts and videos so frequently ? If truly injured (and possibly recovered ?) - one would think, as a scientist, medical doctor, and bioethicist, he would be providing potential solutions for others, not veering off into topics not in his field of expertise, like 5th generation warfare, government oppression, etc.

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He must eat a lot of vegetables to get that obese.

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So very illuminating Tereza!-Gnger

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Blown away by your investigation of these criminals. 🥂 Well done.

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Malone didn't show on Warroom until Navarro put h8m on in summer 2021

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Tommy has had Hatfill on b4. In fact, I left a comment for him on the earlier snow with Hatfill asking if Tommy realized that he was the #3 or 4 suspect in the anthrax letters after 911. He responded that Hatfill is his friend.

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I've asked Peter Navarro the same question too. No response

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Hearing you reread the Malone interview makes it sound all the more absurd 🤣 I love your facial expressions and gestures!

I’d like to hear more about whether Malone and Kennedy have (hopefully) parted ways. I never understood their friendship and I would have a hard time supporting Kennedy if Malone gets appointed to Surgeon General. I’ll listen to the rest of the list so maybe I’ll get an answer there.

Malone turned me off in the beginning of Covid when he talked about having been a poor hardworking farm-hand 🙄

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Thank you Anneke. This is definitely an interview where that lion mask slips and we see the grinning jackal underneath. No offense to jackals.

Did I hear that Kennedy dropped out of the Democratic running? Don't know if that means running as an independent or not running.

He had me fooled with the farmer schtick. I'm partial to farmers. When I found out it was multimillion $ thoroughbred horses, I kicked myself for being naive.

And wow! Listening to the rest of the list! I'm so honored.

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He must have been working with a bloodstock agent 🤣🤣 those are the ultimate cons in an industry of con-men. I have worked with racehorses my whole life, I’d be curious if you know where or who he worked for... horse racing is a small world.

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He raises Lusitanos. Here's his page: https://www.lusitanostud.com/new-page.

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Creeeeepy as it gets

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it seems i am one of the odd people out in that i did not trust malone from the very beginning. i didn't research my avoidance of all things malone. it was more of a feeling 'too big, too fast, too good' in a situation and environment where such meteoric rise makes no sense unless it is controlled — as happened with the plandemic. this 'conversation' — i hesitated to call it that because it is awfully close to feeling like a mutual masturbation fraternity laughing about how to f* the pee-ons. and the quality of language and the disregard of human integrity says it all. i came here after your meryl nass exchange and find myself puzzled, as you expressed there, about her inability to see the ordure of malone's smug condescension toward's basic humanity.

is he conscious of being controlled opposition?

interesting. i read a history of the manchurian arm of the mk-ultra arm of the cia who claimed that they could take someone and within one day enable them to kill another person and not know why.

and about ebola. have you listened to wolfgang wodarg talking about his experiences with the ebola scam? he is clear and lucid about what he saw happening. another smaller test run for the 2020 push. (the link to the talk i listened to has been removed - housatonic, and mark often takes down his work it seems.)

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Your description of this 'not-a-conversation' is crude and accurate, Guy. It's very frat-guy oblivious to how they sound to the outside world, where that disregard of human integrity is obvious. Thanks for reading this, after the one on Meryl, and giving your thoughtful observations.

It's a good question of where Malone ends and the role begins. The smug condescension is certainly bred to the bone. He has no idea it's even there. But either he or Jill--who writes a lot of his stack, I think, and who's father was M16 psychological operations--is conscious of what they're doing. The reason many of us were taken in is that s/he steals from other people and then presents the ideas as their own. He's done it to me, he's done it to Mathew Crawford. So they reflect us back to ourselves. And he gathered so many good people around him and promoted them--like Tessa Lena. I stopped following her when we'd gone round in circles on Malone. She's a beautiful person but she never questioned his integrity.

That sounds really interesting about the ebola scam. I don't think Mark takes his work down, I think the platform he and Couey present on only leaves them up for a certain amount of time, unless they take excerpts and save them. It's such a long-form presentation, I think that's the only way the platform can operate.

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you may find looking into wodarg interesting. he has spoken in other places and called 'scam' about ebola to absolutely deaf ears.

i didn't know that about tessa and malone. thank you for pointing that out. she sent me an invitation to join her philosophy club once a week zoom meet to talk about .... ?? initially i wasn't interested in joining. i'm busy, and especially so right now with the 8 week yoga and trauma workshop i ran over skype - free for unlimited time. (this week is the last week and it has been very successful in its inaugural manifestation and i'll expand that out and build it.) however, instead of ducking joining the group — 'joining groups' being also something i don't do! — my body spoke to me very loudly to join it. so, although i don't really know why i'm there, there i am open to the circumstances and adding my two bits of 'appropriate acceptable action'. at this time that seems to be on pulling at the authoritarian thread that underpins — and undermines — what ever it is the group is looking to achieve. or perhaps it is for me to meet people, two of whom reached out to me to talk 'off camera' in very interesting and powerful ways.

good digging and great to see that as 'evidence' comes forward to question the story, you question the story! unlike nass, for example. the mfm is, sadly, constructed with the same principles that got us here: be afraid, look for something/someone to hook the fear onto, and find a good hero who will rescue us. freedom is still a long way away when the freedom fighters don't see that they are the ones being imprisoned by the same ideology they cant against.

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I tried to find something on Wodarg and ebola in vain. A scam like there be no ebola virus, or what? Two african outbreaks of claimed ebola in africa coincide with the locations of US biolabs.

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hola, ole jensen:

from my resource list here is what i have. i didn't check to confirm whether or not the links are still viable.

please let me know if they do or do not work.

Wolfgang Wodarg | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

https://odysee.com/@Housatonic:0/469-ep-169-1:2rumble.com/vnwzlh-wolfgang-wodarg-full-interview-planet-lockdown.html [broken as of 2023.11

17:30 talks about ebola in Conakry

he saw the WHO expanding the outbreak by not acting quickly. He wonders if that slowness was deliberate to ensure enough sick people existed to justify the vaccine emergency

Wolfgang Wodarg

Short interview including ebola and the laws for vaccination

"Wolfgang Wodarg | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown"


PLANET LOCKDOWN | Wolfgang Wodarg – Parte 1




TCW Defending Freedom

Covid, imaginary pandemic of the brainwashed


By James Delingpole https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/author/jamesdelingpole/

March 24, 2023

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H'allo monsieur amigo.

I looked a wee bit at your voluminous wordings.

Yes, moon landing was a distraction show, while "they" milked us dry, and fried Vietnam.

So are nukes.

Well, dirty bombs and depleted uranium projectiles are real, but ....

"They" could keep their fear porn show running, the perverted version of "freedom" - USA, versus the perverted version of "equality" -USSR - the perverted version of "brotherhood" having been destroyed.

Who are "they"?

A prime suspect would be the lodgescum, as manifested with the "french revolution" -"liberte - egalite - fraternite" -

Its all about marketing and narrative control on the way to global hell on earth.

if you run into Max Igan, say hi from Copenhagen.

You inspire me to take up some yoga and Ichuan practice again.

I hope I found a new friend.

Light and Love - Licht und Liebe.

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hola, ole.

i look forward to another friendship! great to meet you! mucho gusto.

igan is way way south of me, and so meeting him while not impossible is not likely at this time. although, synchronicity abounds and when the time is right there he will be in my face! lol!

as to yoga. i teach that far differently than most and in combination with diet, a unique approach to body awareness practices, breath, mantra, meditation and much more. i customise my 'course' to the unique person who has the courage to face shadows and to join me in the intimacy of personal discovery. amazing stuff. i have an open place for someone in my 8 week 42 hour on-line course. if interested, dm me and i'll send you details.

licht and liebe! yes!! joy is the fear-killing, the mind-virus killer, the necromonger killers!

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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hola, ole.

my 'voluminous wordings'! yes, lol! i don't know if it is 'right' or 'wrong' or 'good' or 'bad'. i follow my intuitive body process and synchronicties to give the completed backage and it is what it is. i have four serious writers who perhaps most inspire me, and 3 of the 4 are wordy! 1) carl jung; 2) edward de vere (aka shakespeare); 3) montaigne; and 4) chuang tsu. hmmmm. lately the actual writing of gautama in the pali canon has begun to be important too. and i've been revisiting epictetus and the bhagavad-gita.

i've sniffed the edges of the no nuke world and my intuitive process hasn't pulled me there yet. although the fakery of 3/11 (fukushima) has been well documented although i've not been impelled to write about it yet. (current wip is on the failure of the four agreements by miguel ruiz except as a guidebook to spiritual by-passing.) with synchronicity i'm doing a deeper look than my first take on the importance of language as being spells, not just spelled. (if curious, you can read 'Spell Breaking Language-Keys to Unlock Language Locks: Unseen, We Live Bully Stockholm Syndrome And Other Oddities of Being Alive in a Miss-Spelled See of Words' https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/spell-breaking-language-keys-to-unlock )

who are they? yes. i've seen lots of names and histories and .... other stuff ascribed to 'them'. in recent comments i've started calling them 'necros' short for the 'necromongers' in the riddick movies. eg: https://youtu.be/xQsLZzxk1x4. (although necrophiles might be a better alignment with their pernicious energy.)

great to be on board with another person on the discovery train in the time of the living bhagavad-gita married to the great apocalypse.

all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Thank you so much Guy.

Im trying to find head and tail on the whole "virus/no virus" issue, among so much else. The Ebola outbreaks in Africa corresponded with locations of US biolabs. There was outbreaks of hepatitis C and other things around US biolabs in Ukraine.

There is so much research that fail to cause viral contagion, thus the large "no virus" camp. Is there any research that confirms viral contagion?

Lately I looked into JJ Coeuy and his "viral clone" thesis. He claims that they can make infectious clones, that can cause a local outbreak, but it will quickly dissipate into the background.

Larry Romanov mentions observations of drones in China in connection with viral outbreaks among domesticated animal farms. I think I got it from here: https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Biological-Warfare-in-Action.pdf -

From a nurse that was on vacation in New York, march 2020, I have this info: she observed drones over Central Park, that spread something that smelled strange. The day after, the media announced that "The Virus" had landed.

Was there a new disease or not? Theres many subjective reports of people who experienced something novel. I had a pretty hard flu for the first time in 40 years, and it tested positive for "Conjob19", but thats not substantive proof of much.

Its late here, ill look into Wolfgang info tomorrow, thanks again.

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hola, ole, again.

yes, the million billion trillion dollar question. i watched the same jj couey investigation. brilliant! and he now thinks that was also incorrect because, i believe, that jj has recently joined the no virus world.

and speaking of that, i am meeting with a no-virus group on monday nights called virus truth. you may find it a good resource as it has a great diary of the pretty hard scientific evidence that viruses don't exist. let me know if you want to sit in. although before you do maybe visit the website. it is a good resource. https://virustruth.net/

at this point in my 'awareness' my intuitive understanding is that viruses and virology as we are being told they are isn't true. at the same time many people believe it to be true making it a serious huge naked emperor problem. also at the same time, my muscle testing process says that something does exist. and of course the 'it' that exists is very likely a combination of several to many things: poisons and toxins of various sorts in the food, air, water, medicines, injections, etc. emf poisoning as well. and total mind-fuckery all playing a part in culling the herd, so-to-speak.

for me i've had many synchronicities that point to venoms as being part of the picture in a significant way. some dismiss that and yet it is one of the very few things neither side talks about: so, the 'they' are careful not to fuel either the narrative or the counter-narrative as if deliberately keeping it as quiet as possible. that is a tell to me of it being important. it is being kept even more quiet than the no-virus / virus debate as if the necros are hoping most will keep arguing about the lab-no lab and or leak planned escape so long as the truth of virus remains unquestioned.

i am in the process of re-writing— well, it will be my own book, eventually i guess — on the history of germ versus terrain theory, while incorporating more current understandings relating to the consequences of dependence co-arising (entanglement) matter as energy vortexes, and parasites. also yogic and ayurvedic ideas, etc.

parasites are important! and in recent weeks there is some tickling of that reality coming in from the fringes. i've not seen anyone backlashing against it yet nor promoting it. so there may be some validity to that as part of the plan because it isn't being narrativised. parasites being, perhaps, the truer reality of virus and germs as living agents that can and do attack the body.

did you see the john cullen take on the virus and its origin and some explanation for the craziness? a really fine argument, fascinating. although it still relies on virus and germs — this time smallpox! if curious:

"Hypothetically Speaking: Dr Dave Collum and John Cullen Discuss The Pandemics, Illusions and NEOs

John E Hoover https://www.youtube.com/@IamJohnCullen

full video 4hr (recommended)


short 1:50 - media removed.


covid as a pandemic to cover an early pandemic related to small pox that started in Australia in the summer of 2019. Fauci's 'team' had resurrected it from dead body in Alaska and it either leaked or was released. What to do? Create a pandemic to hide the reality of the actions of the DoD researching deadly stuff. Cullen's evidence and arguments are very detailed, self-consistent, logical, and supported by peculiarities of evidence and timing.

And then an interesting twist: a large meteorite hits Nigeria in Mar 2020. It was a part of an asteroid cloud that was heading to earth. JPL tracked it, and yet no one reported it. Nor did anyone report on the meteorite hit, the biggest in 10k years. The asteroid cloud freaked out the leaders, who used covid pandemic as cover to stop planes and set up field hospitals that were hastily put up around the world, and then taken down before the deadly 'pandemic' got started. Long video and worth while watching."

well, enough for now. we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse!

all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Very good.

Spot on.


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