Good catches on him not doing what he usually does. He's ignoring the broken finance side of it.

You see him as naive. My first instinct is that he sold out.

But now I see it in the middle.

His notoriety took off. He started to follow the crowd that likes him. The crowd changed his ideas on key areas. It's perfectly natural to absorb the "morals" of your tribe.

It explains why others like him, who have exposed the corruption end up supporting the current corruption. They mean well but are unaware that they too can be sucked into narratives based on social proof.

I also used to think it was inexcusable for these people to ignore clear data and facts. If you're an expert in a field, you know what things to look at. They didn't even want to look!!

I have hope though in that people are noticing that their heroes aren't meant to be trusted blindly. They make huge mistakes sometimes!

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Thank you, Rob. Yes that's been my takeaway too, that we have to stop looking to heroes to save us, no matter how much we like them or how smart they are.

Did you see the latest where you're in the byline? I'm afraid I lumped you in with two Robs of ill repute but I couldn't resist having a Rob triple-play. I talk about The Alphabet vs. the Goddess. There are some interesting conversations on it that I think you'll like. Thanks again for that recommendation.

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"...we have to stop looking to heroes to save us, no matter how much we like them or how smart they are."

As an old (ahem) I must confirm that once again, you hit the nail on the head. I learned that lesson in my mid teens and have had it confirmed repetedly. Life is a DIY deal.

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Yes, thanks for the credit and great points. My girlfriend enjoyed it too.

I try to post things that I find that connect to the dynamics today which haven't already been covered.

BTW, I found this article when I was trying to find what he was saying about COVID and the current European situation. Imagine that, the top result is a substack post.

Nobody else noticed his contradictions? 🤣

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"I have hope though in that people are noticing that their heroes aren't meant to be trusted blindly."


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Excellent points. Thanks!

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No wonder Greece was screwed over with this idiot negotiating for them.

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Glad to see this post getting some views! I have a chapter in my book on Greece and you're nudging me in the direction to read that next. Greece, in Yanis' defense, was betrayed by the troika--EU Central Bank, IMF and European Commission. Christos Lynteris, whose party he was under, sold them out. But now Yanis has a whole European following for his program and I think it's heading the wrong way. He should have reinstalled the drachma and taken back their sovereign currency, like Iceland did. Thanks for the impetus to read this next!

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You are a flippin genius. As I understand it, you nailed it on all points. Again..

Today I've lost two people I've long admired and Varoufakis is one of them. The other is Rose WIlder Lane who's written a ton of great stuff, but I won't go into details at this point for various reasons.

I am shocked at the views Varoufakis has on the Ukraine. Un-freekin-believeable! How can anyone as smart as he is and with his experience be so naive??? It's just nuts. His book, "Adults in the Room" was superb in every possible way so one would think he'd have a clue about how the world is run.

A recently deceased friend of mine was also a personal friend of his and reported that he was a fine fellow. I'm in shock!!!

Anyway, thanks for the info. Your work nothing short of amazing and both the quality and the quantity are mind boggling. Bless you.

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That's so kind of you Geoff and I promptly bragged about it to my daughter ;-) Yes, I loved what Yanis said and did in the Greek revolution. This video was made early in the Ukraine embroglio, I wonder if he feels the same today. Everyone has blind spots but he was particularly forceful and certain about his.

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Agree, but how can anyone be so blind? Shocking and digusting. I had no idea til your article. My travelling days are about over especially since the official gropers and irradiators (TSA) showed up and the COVID scam was used to mess with us, but we have standing invitations to visit friends in Europe so I'm seriously thinking of going this winter. I would love to talk to Varoufakis. I bet he was ordered to shut up about some major crapola and it sounds to me like he's covering his tusch with a little extra padding.

I rarely get annoyed anymore, but this is really annoying. Thanks.

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Happy to provide annoyance <grin>

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I really meant "thanks!"

I feel it's important to know this stuff, irritating as it is. Besides it confirms my ideas about "authorities."

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Nah, he probably wasn't an idiot then. From what I can tell, he did the best anyone could while the others sold out. They completely betrayed those who elected them. I'd have resigned under the circumstances too.

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