Go Tereza GO!

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Hi Tereza.

Long time no chat. Suffering information overload here, not to mention the demands of this public school job. But I just had to say I loved reading this piece. Within seconds, I recalled Charles' latest post for content and style ... and lo and behold, up pops his name. I haven't Catelin's yet, but will get around to it. It is so frustrating to not even have enough time to keep up with my reading, much less triangulating, thinking, and responding.

Just wanted to let you know you have not dropped off my radar.

Good post!

Cheers Tereza,


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Thanks for dropping me this note, Steve! It makes me happy that you're still out there and reading when you can. I started writing this piece before Charles wrote his but I feel that he and I are always on the same wavelength. When I read his and then Dr. Malone's, I knew I had to finish it. Cheers!

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Hi again Tereza,

Back at home, but only briefly ... to pack the van and head to the Fuji 5 lakes area for a bit of car-camping and fishing. It's been a tough week at the Jr. High, and I'll go bonkers ... uh 'more bonkers' ... unless I get some back-to-nature R & R.

Charles is a fantastic word-smith and very good thinker. But he is a little too accommodating to the likes of Emily Oster for my taste. I tend to lean a bit closer to Sage Hana's use of the fable of the 'Scorpion and the Frog' to identify some dark-triad actors on this stage. Removal from positions of power would only be among the first things I would do to those who are consciously and maliciously imposing mandates to serve corrupt self-interest.

I saw a YouTube recently posted by Tessa Lena. It is on YouTube under 'Numb — a short video — liv mcneil' ... a 3 minute video project by a high school student whose school was closed for 'safety' reasons.

Just by chance, I was grading 9th graders' 3 minute English PowerPoint presentations this week, and this morning's class was the last of about 150 I graded. Had about 10 minutes of spare time at the end of the class, so I gave a short presentation about how a good presentation is closer to poetic art than prosaic conversation, and the need to think like an artist and try to get into the psychology of the audience.

Then, at my co-teacher's suggestion, I cued Liz's 3 minute video. Despite having seen it a few times now, I could not keep a dry eye near the end of the video, and as I was telling Heidi Heil earlier today, if I had any say in it, Hieronymous Bosch would have had to update his triptych of 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' to create a special place in hell for the people knowingly causing such suffering in others.

Have had a few Japanese teachers see the video, and we all agreed that it would be good if every public school teacher and principal in Japan see that video, and probably most of the students. Will be sending that link to other schools and teachers when I get back from the over-nighter.

Take care Tereza!

Good chatting with you again.

Next time, I hope for MORE time.

— steve

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Very thought provoking, Steve. I also rewatched Numb, which I'd seen in the midst of it all, when Tessa posted it. So powerful, so poignant. So eloquent with no words. I think the adult version of that is Bo Burnham's Inside, which is on Netflix if you have access. My daughter showed it to me when we were in lockdown together and it really spoke to her.

It's a very complex topic, forgiveness, and separate from amnesty, I think. It's the topic of my Course meditation this morning: "God is the love in which I forgive." Thanks for the impetus, I'm going to put some thoughts together on this for another post. Enjoy your nature R&R!

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Will do Tereza.

Was just exchanging some insights with Heidi Heil under comments. It's a beautiful Saturday in Japan ... much too comfortable to bother with fishing and boating. A great day for observing nature and thinking about our place in it. Saw a 'tanuki' last night near an unmanned fruit stand. Some local farmers have a little road-side shed with apples or tangerines in baskets for anyone to pick up, and donate a hundred yen or so, if they feel like it. Just a guess, but not many communities remain in the West with that kind of trust in human nature .... and the tanuki are taking full advantage of it. 🤣

And thanks for the heads up about that movie. I have a Netflix subsriiption, soe when I get back to Tokyo, will see if it is availabe in Japan.

Cheers Tereza,

Hope to be in more frequent touch.


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I kinda like the idea.

Take care of those idiots.

Help them through their pain and suffering as best you can. They are probably going to be family.

You receive blessings and achieve righteousness.

I can do that.

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