The evidence clearly indicates a harsh and uncomfortable reality - there was no pandemic.
Portraying the deeds of the past three years as mere mistakes serves to conceal the deadly protocols established in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.
We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrites. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.
Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-personal visits from health and social carers became "standard of care."
Mechanical ventilators push oxygen into patients whose lungs are failing. Using the machines involves sedating a patient and sticking a tube into the throat. It was massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) with no solid evidential basis, now known to be extremely harmful.
Midazolam, Propofol and Morphine cocktails were given to the elderly in hospitals to create the illusion of the first wave of the hoax pandemic.
What if It was an epidemic of government and medical assault, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies?
Start talking about global operations, conditional Universal Basic Income, programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, digital slavery, mass surveillance rolled across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises and much of the "health freedom movement" run off.
The catapulting of GoF and "Covid" variants and on and on is part of this Psyop. Those who perpetuate these fabrications are part of the problem, knowingly or not, and are doing the work for the Bio-security State by maintaining and heightening the fear mechanisms.
“It’s just a virus and some bad actors” say the public. “A bioweapon that needs to be contained next time” say the subverted Covid oppositional actors.
Plenty of narrative reinforcement to go around. The “lab leak”, "bioweapon" story has resurfaced and is gaining traction amongst the “acceptable” ‘Covid sceptics.’
The insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then?
Well, we'd have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would be exposed as the corrupt house of cards it is. The Lab Leak Theory keeps the whole charade alive and well.
There was no pandemic ever- there is no "lab leak"- there is no "unique viral pathogen"- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "bioweapon"- There is no "There" there.
It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.
The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it.
Agreed, Allen. I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow to work on my childhood home and it's always a harsh reminder of how my mom died, isolated for the last year and then surrounded by masked 'care'givers as she breathed her last, then shoved into a body bag like a plague carrier.
She didn't deserve that indignity, the kids didn't deserve what they got, the mentally unstable didn't deserve to be fed fear and left alone. Totally agreed.
I still can't and likely never will believe that so many completely lost their humanity. How in the world did adults not intuitively know that putting a mask over a child's face is an abusive crime against nature- among so many other things.
So much money power and perceived prestige tied up in continuing the myth. I had to break with many writers/thinkers I followed and supported when I realized how invested they were in perpetuating this work of fiction.
Yep, and in areas of the northeast I know nurses on contract to work were being paid not to come to work, as there was nothing happening the hospitals were so quiet.
Maybe that would've been enough for this plan, but maybe they have other plans to create fake plandemics that do not involve fraud-machines like the PCR thermal-cycler.
There is also the ELISA test, and that one has received less criticism. I think the problems there revolves around the idea that one group of "doctors" believe that antibodies are specific, and other group of people say they are not specific. Like if you have abs to this toxin, then that is like a unique finger print that can only mean one thing.
This was also used in the HIV/AIDS fraud.
It's always the same trick, really: repackage a few diseases together in one syndrome, pretend that there is one cause, attempt to prove that cause with one super-specific thingy that can be interpreted in other ways, but most people will never look behind the curtain, and there you have your TheScience(TM) enabled tyranny, to sustain the prevailing anti-social cooperation system we depend on.
Hi Tereza, I'm a 'long time' fan of Malone, A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) and more recently, yourself. I believe all 3 of you have an intellectual honesty which is worthy of praise. Allow me to attempt to crystallize some vague thoughts:
1) Joe Rogan has a saying that you cannot spend hours in conversation, or even writing, without showing your true self. This seems close to a fundamental truth.
2) Hence, we can learn a lot from even Klaus Swab's heavily edited book. This is Fifth Generation warfare. We will never get the whole truth without some lies or biases mixed in, not even from ourselves. There is no way we can be universally resistant to the sheer magnitude of the Psy Ops. Let's take what understandings we can glean from ALL sources.
3) Malone - Might be controlled opposition, and definitely deserves accountability. Is probably hiding a lot, and the whole Breggin issue and $21 million issue seem like huge discrepencies, worthy of note. However, they come along with the man himself, who brushed shoulders for decades with the most corrupt systems, institutions and people in the world, who got through the whole pharma sponsored Medical training and medical research initiations without recoiling in disgust. Is clearly adept at political maneuvering and has earthly desires/ material desires which will always be beyond his available resources. Hence, the real problem is that such a man even had the chance of 'saving the free world', or is considered a leader of medical freedom. I would suggest that people who ran a mile from the allopathic system as soon as they looked at it deserve more of our attention. I'm sure there are thousands of examples, but I only know a few. Here's my favourite such writer: (
4) AMD also chose to work in a corrupt system, but has clearly been trying to fix it from within. To address vaccine injuries, to be a voice of reason in the cult which is modern allopathic medicine. They cannot have spoken out as vehemently as I would prefer, otherwise they would not still be a doctor. Nevertheless, who am I to criticize their method of kindness? I also had a comment section response from this entity, in which they explained that they have put a lot of thought into how polarizing, personal, emotional they are in their efforts. I'm glad they chose the style they did, and keep their boundaries and energies from getting too distracted, even though your arguments are valid. I forget which comment section it was, but the AMD style and justifications are summarized here: (
Thanks for that reply, Shane. I have a very early plane to catch, so I'll ruminate on your words ad get back to you in a couple of days. I appreciate your candor and thoughtfulness.
Shane, thank you for recommending my Sub! I'm settled into my hometown home, so have a chance to consider your comment and respond in depth.
1) I agree with Rogan on that! I think we have much to learn from Yuval Harari in that vein.
2) Completely agree with learning what we can from all sources. And once you know that someone's trying to deceive you, it's even more important to listen to figure out what their real agenda is. So I can see where Schwab's book would be enlightening.
3) I'll check out Robyn Chuter, thanks. In Malone's article on the HHS that I quote here, he writes, " HHS has increasingly been horizontally integrated with the intelligence community as well as with the Department of Homeland Security to form a health security state with enormous ability to shape and enforce “consensus” through widespread propaganda..." By saying that, of course, he's stating by implication that couldn't be him.
It's not what he says TO the MFM that is dangerous. It's what he says FOR the MFM. That's what I think we need to be paying attention to, as Cynthia Bowers points out below.
4) We actually have no idea of who or even what AMD is--a doctor, a person or an AI program. They wouldn't lose their license for speaking out if no one knows who they are. Anyone who speaks from behind a pseudonym isn't coming from the same place of vulnerability and exposure as someone with a real name and a face. IMO. Certainly there's much that can be learned but, for me, the character of someone without a real persona isn't something I'd analyze since I just don't know enough.
Hello, Tereza; A fine conversation with AMD that confirms my perception that we the awake are festooned with the quasi-willingness to be fully awake.
Malone's role in the world wide death and destruction might even be the pivot point. Perhaps he succumbed to greed and rationalised away how deadly the injections could be. After, we have been injecting poison into people for decades, so how much worse could this one be.
Are we really curious enough to follow every scent? Do we have the willingness to let our intellect and intuition unite to discover the false trails, the red-herrings carefully planted or that arose by accident?
Your very sound and 'rational' argument with AMD reminded me exactly of the awake discussions with the asleep that go something like 'Aren't you curious about how .... ?' 'Sorry. Not interested. The story is that I'm safe, and so I am and I am not interested in your bullshit.' Door closed.
Thank you.
And I will add that your courage and willingness to allow curiosity to change your thinking, change your understand, change your mind is inspiring and beautiful. Namaste.
P.S.: Will Conspiracy Sarah create a patched RM meme? ;-)
Malone did what Trump did. Play dumb with their power.
They had buttons they could push to avert issues and help people and they fumbled around like they don't know how.
Even if they were that stupid, why would I trust them to follow the truth?
The illusion called democracy, the latest state religion is falling apart.
Science has failed too...
When they get the new world order up and running, competent people will say, hold my beer, and take the chair.
That would be a funny resolution to this drama.
Anyway I was reading about the WHO treaty and it's not going to work. They faked this pandemic. Why? Because they can't make a deadly virus that spreads, it's impossible. Ask Sasha Latypova. Deadly things don't spread when people can't move around lol.
Anyway, what do they expect, to fake another one?
If they could have made it real, then yes people could be tricked.
But the gods apparently don't have the power.
The new "alien" boogeymen looking to infect us project failed miserably.
And no, using chemical weapons would be detected and called out.
They can't make a plague like the old gods did with horrible conditions.
It's time for a new religion of truth and the scientific method (not the fake crap today).
And still venom is in the background, like a smell coming from the kitchen that no one wants to talk about.
It was absolutely a plan. Viruses, if they exist, don't work the way they were advertised. (Thank you JJ Couey and all the other virus investigators.) A few people got sick, with perhaps concentrated cold virus via cloning, in combination with and/or co-ordinated with envenomation. That got the 'testing' started to create, as Wolfgang Wodard accurately described it, a pandemic of false test positives.
One aspect of the ultimate failure is that once the majority of people have been fear-saturated, the next fear mongering will be totally ineffective on them. And it will be a marker to the less fearful of a peculiar pattern of irrational similarity that will nudge them into being more awake.
It is comforting to know that hubris creates its own defeat.
I remember once on the Corona committee that Wodarg was a part of, someone mentioned how the plan was accelerated.
They picked the wrong time to gain our trust in order to get the new chains on.
Also it's funny how even though they were outed by Wodarg for that flu scam, they still thought that they could pull it off again and get away with it.
Ian Mcgilchrist writes how right brain damaged people tend to be naively optimistic.
Same kind of bullshit optimism that happens in genetics and drug research...
It's all bullshit and on display. The past had better narratives and false flags.
Yes. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bushes and Kissingers were far better at this than the current crop.
What is rolling out reminds me of the destruction that the MBAs engendered in the telecom company I worked at. You nailed it with the 'naively optimistic.' A nice way of saying deluded by self-aggrandisement.
Or it is like the old saw of how many generations does it take to go from poverty to abundance to poverty? The cronies running the show are deluded by their parent's and grandparent's success, combined with a condescension towards we the dumb enslaved useless meat eater masses. Pure MBA-itis, with the MBA arrogance that is hard to describe if you haven't experienced it. Too funny.
starting to sound as though quite a few folk like aubrey marcus, midwestern doc and meryl nass are doing much more than giving malone the benefit of the doubt. especially as it becomes more obvious daily that he deserves the opposite. he's playing fauci psyop games. when do we start calling malone Dr Science?
Also zdb, anytime there seems to be a seemingly synchronized group effort to push an idea, or an agenda, or leap en masse to praise/defend someone as a hero, my hackles go up. The vehemence doesn’t feel organic… it feels a bit, as they say, astroturfed.
There is much in here Tereza for thought. I will have to go through it again. Psyops Csyclops - love it.
Re "I have thought about this for a long time; I believe (in spite of its many shortcomings) the current system of governance, which revolves around those three beliefs (and a functional judicial system), represents the best option of governance available to our species and each member of society."
This kind of paragraph is why I no longer read AMD. Not that he/she doesn't provide good information
but because of the conclusions reached
which imo is often to preach
more and more of the same
And whether this is ab appalling lack of imagination, or, an odd numbing response to what should be outrage and indignation, I don't know.
We can do better. Oh, we can do so much better.
For starters, stop listening to fully-propagandized doctors.
Stop giving authority away.
Make your own claim to your own life and its inherent rights.
Take responsibility.
Those who have done well and have been comfy in this reality, are the least likely to advise letting it fall apart.
We watched the absolutely abysmal performance, intelligence and insight of doctors and scientists over the last three years. So, with few exceptions, we can say, the entire medical and bio fields of study are polluted and hijacked and those who have profited by it are the least likely to notice.
I'm Not Listening To Them.
When you hear summaries along the lines of: bad things happened, dumb things were done, but what we have - is the best we can hope for - walk away.
This system of governance, where humans were treated like slaves, gaslight, lied to, locked up, experimented on like lab rats and terrorized is the best we can hope for?
Fully agreed. I think I've learned all I can from AMD. Good info linked to wrong conclusions is exactly the technique that RM uses, imo. I don't want to squander this chance to change everything.
You have the ability, tenacity, comprehension and desire, so I trust it will not be squandered. Really appreciate those talents, Tereza. We could use more of them!
BTW - I think what you highlight: good info = wrong conclusions is a tell.
It might just tell us they are in normalcy bias, unimaginative, stuck in an irrelevant world view, true, or it might tell us they are compromised. Doesn't matter really. They do not have the answers for the world emerging.
Very interesting interchange. Why wasn't Famotidine alone tested against a true placebo? Has anyone ever asked that question? Combining a drug with a second drug, when the first drug hasn't been tested individually. seems like a very bad idea to me. The more evidence uncovered, the worse this looks.
Oh and here’s another one about Mal one, can’t help but think of malware when reading this article.
“At the most critical moment in world history, when the world was looking for a solution to the CoronaVirus pandemic in March 2020, Dr. Robert Malone was executing a project for a company called Leidos which runs the National DNA Database for the FBI, using a program called DOMANE. His partner at the Lincoln Lab at MIT in Bedford, MA was Darrell Ricke, the man responsible for the FBI’s DNA Database. The defense contractor they both work for is Leidos (SAIC), a firm researching the possibility of “tagging” your DNA at certain places and events so that you later can be “tracked”.”
medical terrorism, economic collapse, gender dysphoria, white replacement, surveillance state, collapsing infrastructure etc... its all just a shell game
im done with this shit - im done with their lies, their greed, their filth
i reject everything they stand for
i am not getting lost in the weeds of endless hypotheticals
ive shed my yoke of appointed identity
the last few years have been spiritual reformation for me, im an average person - i can only assume others have been moved in the same way
As someone who's spent the last two decades researching the global economic system, I can't really get too self-righteous that they're finally targeting US. No consumer society can exist without a system of producers with no right to consume, aka slaves. What my book does is trace that back 3500 yrs to show how the concepts of money and democracy have co-opted us.
But I think it's important to be just as indignant with their lies, greed and filth when things are being done to others in 'our' name.
Hi Tereza, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mom, especially in that way. That awful situation answers my question of how you are relentless in this matter and it certainly does matter. For me once I know an actor is on the other side (Empire) I just can't listen further. I do think this is an important enough issue for that AMD to do an in depth dive as you suggested. Thankfully we have you to do the dive and provide more EVIDENCE. I didn't know about the early 2020 paper that Malone thought the injections were too deadly. Why did he take the shot then? Makes me think he didn't. Also I never watch tv news anymore, so I didn't know Debra the Dominatix was taking the fall. I guess they will hang her by her lovely scarf. I've been waiting to see who the fall guy will be. Good luck with the porch paint project.
This is SO interesting, Cynthia. Yes I remember that black tee black mask photo op.
That's why I think he said he got the vaxx, so people who also did and were worried would relate to him and the solutions he'd offer. They're his target audience, not us.
I believe vitamin K2 in the form of MK7 (natto) is patented, but I don't know about nattokinase. I take MK7 as part of my vitamin regime. You must take vitamin D3 with the K2. If you know the difference between the MK7(natto ) and the Nattokinaise let me know what it is. thks
Thank you, Helene. I continue to feel that everything happens for a reason. The timing was so odd--they'd just opened up for visitors but by the time my plane landed, they'd had a 'major outbreak' with 30 cases on her floor alone. My daughters had travelled out to see her also but we had Thanksgiving on our own. And her funeral in Dec 2020 had more pallbearers and officiants than guests. One of my brothers didn't come from Germany because he was afraid they wouldn't let him go back unvaxxed, and the other sat masked at the other end of a pew and left immediately after. Weird to come back to an empty house after a funeral, with no one sharing memories.
Agreed that it seems unlikely Malone would have taken the shot. Thanks for the good wishes on the porch project!
Fauci/Redfield is to Birx what Adam is to Eve, basically. Not that Birx was blameless, of course, but it seems the fellas couldn't wait to throw a woman under the bus for what they did as well, and should have known better.
That said, Atlas really was the voice of reason, and he had the world on his shoulders, pun intended.
Thank you for trying to sort out the degree of complicity of the various players in these PsyOps.
What's clear is that we face a hard core of psychopaths who've gained control of the deep levers of power and used that control to motivate and manipulate others to contribute, knowingly or unknowingly, to their psychopath-supremacist agendas.
I agree that changing the system so that psychopathy no longer pays would be a solution.
I judge that we can't do that without awakening the neurotypical to the problem of psychopaths in their midst and at the levers of power. When I read Political Ponerology, I recall this being one of Łobaczewski's key recommendations.
The evidence clearly indicates a harsh and uncomfortable reality - there was no pandemic.
Portraying the deeds of the past three years as mere mistakes serves to conceal the deadly protocols established in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.
We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrites. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.
Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-personal visits from health and social carers became "standard of care."
Mechanical ventilators push oxygen into patients whose lungs are failing. Using the machines involves sedating a patient and sticking a tube into the throat. It was massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) with no solid evidential basis, now known to be extremely harmful.
Midazolam, Propofol and Morphine cocktails were given to the elderly in hospitals to create the illusion of the first wave of the hoax pandemic.
What if It was an epidemic of government and medical assault, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies?
Start talking about global operations, conditional Universal Basic Income, programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, digital slavery, mass surveillance rolled across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises and much of the "health freedom movement" run off.
The catapulting of GoF and "Covid" variants and on and on is part of this Psyop. Those who perpetuate these fabrications are part of the problem, knowingly or not, and are doing the work for the Bio-security State by maintaining and heightening the fear mechanisms.
“It’s just a virus and some bad actors” say the public. “A bioweapon that needs to be contained next time” say the subverted Covid oppositional actors.
Plenty of narrative reinforcement to go around. The “lab leak”, "bioweapon" story has resurfaced and is gaining traction amongst the “acceptable” ‘Covid sceptics.’
The insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then?
Well, we'd have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would be exposed as the corrupt house of cards it is. The Lab Leak Theory keeps the whole charade alive and well.
There was no pandemic ever- there is no "lab leak"- there is no "unique viral pathogen"- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "bioweapon"- There is no "There" there.
It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.
The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it.
Agreed, Allen. I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow to work on my childhood home and it's always a harsh reminder of how my mom died, isolated for the last year and then surrounded by masked 'care'givers as she breathed her last, then shoved into a body bag like a plague carrier.
She didn't deserve that indignity, the kids didn't deserve what they got, the mentally unstable didn't deserve to be fed fear and left alone. Totally agreed.
Damn- that should never be allowed.
I still can't and likely never will believe that so many completely lost their humanity. How in the world did adults not intuitively know that putting a mask over a child's face is an abusive crime against nature- among so many other things.
I'm so sorry about what they did to your mother.
The last thing we want for our loved ones is that they feel frightened, alone, or suffer in their final moments.
That this was allowed to happen to so many people in so many nations is unforgivable to say the least.
So sad, Tereza.
Yes, I just opened a drawer that still had my mom's wedding ring that they gave me in a biohazard bag. Ridiculous and disgusting.
Wow. No words.
So much money power and perceived prestige tied up in continuing the myth. I had to break with many writers/thinkers I followed and supported when I realized how invested they were in perpetuating this work of fiction.
maybe the fake pandemic could have been averted by prohibition of the fake PCR test.
have a friend who works for major medical center in my area who said ER was ‘ghost town’ during fake pandemic.
My brother does contract work in hospitals in the South and he said they were ghost towns.
I’m with you kitty!
Yep, and in areas of the northeast I know nurses on contract to work were being paid not to come to work, as there was nothing happening the hospitals were so quiet.
Maybe that would've been enough for this plan, but maybe they have other plans to create fake plandemics that do not involve fraud-machines like the PCR thermal-cycler.
There is also the ELISA test, and that one has received less criticism. I think the problems there revolves around the idea that one group of "doctors" believe that antibodies are specific, and other group of people say they are not specific. Like if you have abs to this toxin, then that is like a unique finger print that can only mean one thing.
This was also used in the HIV/AIDS fraud.
It's always the same trick, really: repackage a few diseases together in one syndrome, pretend that there is one cause, attempt to prove that cause with one super-specific thingy that can be interpreted in other ways, but most people will never look behind the curtain, and there you have your TheScience(TM) enabled tyranny, to sustain the prevailing anti-social cooperation system we depend on.
Hi Tereza, I'm a 'long time' fan of Malone, A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) and more recently, yourself. I believe all 3 of you have an intellectual honesty which is worthy of praise. Allow me to attempt to crystallize some vague thoughts:
1) Joe Rogan has a saying that you cannot spend hours in conversation, or even writing, without showing your true self. This seems close to a fundamental truth.
2) Hence, we can learn a lot from even Klaus Swab's heavily edited book. This is Fifth Generation warfare. We will never get the whole truth without some lies or biases mixed in, not even from ourselves. There is no way we can be universally resistant to the sheer magnitude of the Psy Ops. Let's take what understandings we can glean from ALL sources.
3) Malone - Might be controlled opposition, and definitely deserves accountability. Is probably hiding a lot, and the whole Breggin issue and $21 million issue seem like huge discrepencies, worthy of note. However, they come along with the man himself, who brushed shoulders for decades with the most corrupt systems, institutions and people in the world, who got through the whole pharma sponsored Medical training and medical research initiations without recoiling in disgust. Is clearly adept at political maneuvering and has earthly desires/ material desires which will always be beyond his available resources. Hence, the real problem is that such a man even had the chance of 'saving the free world', or is considered a leader of medical freedom. I would suggest that people who ran a mile from the allopathic system as soon as they looked at it deserve more of our attention. I'm sure there are thousands of examples, but I only know a few. Here's my favourite such writer: (
4) AMD also chose to work in a corrupt system, but has clearly been trying to fix it from within. To address vaccine injuries, to be a voice of reason in the cult which is modern allopathic medicine. They cannot have spoken out as vehemently as I would prefer, otherwise they would not still be a doctor. Nevertheless, who am I to criticize their method of kindness? I also had a comment section response from this entity, in which they explained that they have put a lot of thought into how polarizing, personal, emotional they are in their efforts. I'm glad they chose the style they did, and keep their boundaries and energies from getting too distracted, even though your arguments are valid. I forget which comment section it was, but the AMD style and justifications are summarized here: (
Thanks for that reply, Shane. I have a very early plane to catch, so I'll ruminate on your words ad get back to you in a couple of days. I appreciate your candor and thoughtfulness.
Shane, thank you for recommending my Sub! I'm settled into my hometown home, so have a chance to consider your comment and respond in depth.
1) I agree with Rogan on that! I think we have much to learn from Yuval Harari in that vein.
2) Completely agree with learning what we can from all sources. And once you know that someone's trying to deceive you, it's even more important to listen to figure out what their real agenda is. So I can see where Schwab's book would be enlightening.
3) I'll check out Robyn Chuter, thanks. In Malone's article on the HHS that I quote here, he writes, " HHS has increasingly been horizontally integrated with the intelligence community as well as with the Department of Homeland Security to form a health security state with enormous ability to shape and enforce “consensus” through widespread propaganda..." By saying that, of course, he's stating by implication that couldn't be him.
It's not what he says TO the MFM that is dangerous. It's what he says FOR the MFM. That's what I think we need to be paying attention to, as Cynthia Bowers points out below.
4) We actually have no idea of who or even what AMD is--a doctor, a person or an AI program. They wouldn't lose their license for speaking out if no one knows who they are. Anyone who speaks from behind a pseudonym isn't coming from the same place of vulnerability and exposure as someone with a real name and a face. IMO. Certainly there's much that can be learned but, for me, the character of someone without a real persona isn't something I'd analyze since I just don't know enough.
Thanks for your response!
Good comment, Shane.
I read Robyn's stack. Thank you for bringing her to our attention. A good read.
I recommend her take on "The WHO thinks there’s a ‘vaccine crisis’... and that’s good news".
A publicly posted propaganda document instructing their members on how to gaslight and monitor the vaccine hesitant.
Good comment.
Hello, Tereza; A fine conversation with AMD that confirms my perception that we the awake are festooned with the quasi-willingness to be fully awake.
Malone's role in the world wide death and destruction might even be the pivot point. Perhaps he succumbed to greed and rationalised away how deadly the injections could be. After, we have been injecting poison into people for decades, so how much worse could this one be.
Are we really curious enough to follow every scent? Do we have the willingness to let our intellect and intuition unite to discover the false trails, the red-herrings carefully planted or that arose by accident?
Your very sound and 'rational' argument with AMD reminded me exactly of the awake discussions with the asleep that go something like 'Aren't you curious about how .... ?' 'Sorry. Not interested. The story is that I'm safe, and so I am and I am not interested in your bullshit.' Door closed.
Thank you.
And I will add that your courage and willingness to allow curiosity to change your thinking, change your understand, change your mind is inspiring and beautiful. Namaste.
P.S.: Will Conspiracy Sarah create a patched RM meme? ;-)
Malone did what Trump did. Play dumb with their power.
They had buttons they could push to avert issues and help people and they fumbled around like they don't know how.
Even if they were that stupid, why would I trust them to follow the truth?
The illusion called democracy, the latest state religion is falling apart.
Science has failed too...
When they get the new world order up and running, competent people will say, hold my beer, and take the chair.
That would be a funny resolution to this drama.
Anyway I was reading about the WHO treaty and it's not going to work. They faked this pandemic. Why? Because they can't make a deadly virus that spreads, it's impossible. Ask Sasha Latypova. Deadly things don't spread when people can't move around lol.
Anyway, what do they expect, to fake another one?
If they could have made it real, then yes people could be tricked.
But the gods apparently don't have the power.
The new "alien" boogeymen looking to infect us project failed miserably.
And no, using chemical weapons would be detected and called out.
They can't make a plague like the old gods did with horrible conditions.
It's time for a new religion of truth and the scientific method (not the fake crap today).
And still venom is in the background, like a smell coming from the kitchen that no one wants to talk about.
It was absolutely a plan. Viruses, if they exist, don't work the way they were advertised. (Thank you JJ Couey and all the other virus investigators.) A few people got sick, with perhaps concentrated cold virus via cloning, in combination with and/or co-ordinated with envenomation. That got the 'testing' started to create, as Wolfgang Wodard accurately described it, a pandemic of false test positives.
One aspect of the ultimate failure is that once the majority of people have been fear-saturated, the next fear mongering will be totally ineffective on them. And it will be a marker to the less fearful of a peculiar pattern of irrational similarity that will nudge them into being more awake.
It is comforting to know that hubris creates its own defeat.
I remember once on the Corona committee that Wodarg was a part of, someone mentioned how the plan was accelerated.
They picked the wrong time to gain our trust in order to get the new chains on.
Also it's funny how even though they were outed by Wodarg for that flu scam, they still thought that they could pull it off again and get away with it.
Ian Mcgilchrist writes how right brain damaged people tend to be naively optimistic.
Same kind of bullshit optimism that happens in genetics and drug research...
It's all bullshit and on display. The past had better narratives and false flags.
Today, they get caught (WMDs, etc).
Yes. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bushes and Kissingers were far better at this than the current crop.
What is rolling out reminds me of the destruction that the MBAs engendered in the telecom company I worked at. You nailed it with the 'naively optimistic.' A nice way of saying deluded by self-aggrandisement.
Or it is like the old saw of how many generations does it take to go from poverty to abundance to poverty? The cronies running the show are deluded by their parent's and grandparent's success, combined with a condescension towards we the dumb enslaved useless meat eater masses. Pure MBA-itis, with the MBA arrogance that is hard to describe if you haven't experienced it. Too funny.
thank you. well done.
starting to sound as though quite a few folk like aubrey marcus, midwestern doc and meryl nass are doing much more than giving malone the benefit of the doubt. especially as it becomes more obvious daily that he deserves the opposite. he's playing fauci psyop games. when do we start calling malone Dr Science?
Also zdb, anytime there seems to be a seemingly synchronized group effort to push an idea, or an agenda, or leap en masse to praise/defend someone as a hero, my hackles go up. The vehemence doesn’t feel organic… it feels a bit, as they say, astroturfed.
yep. and where it is grassroots, the synchronized group looks for ways to coop and subvert the roots while obscuring obvious solutions.
case in point
I'm waiting to see how much, how soon and how folk like Thomas Massie, Ron Johnson and Jim Jordan get subverted and coopted.
This look like a small town theater production to me. Not even worth making popcorn to watch.
There is much in here Tereza for thought. I will have to go through it again. Psyops Csyclops - love it.
Re "I have thought about this for a long time; I believe (in spite of its many shortcomings) the current system of governance, which revolves around those three beliefs (and a functional judicial system), represents the best option of governance available to our species and each member of society."
This kind of paragraph is why I no longer read AMD. Not that he/she doesn't provide good information
but because of the conclusions reached
which imo is often to preach
more and more of the same
And whether this is ab appalling lack of imagination, or, an odd numbing response to what should be outrage and indignation, I don't know.
We can do better. Oh, we can do so much better.
For starters, stop listening to fully-propagandized doctors.
Stop giving authority away.
Make your own claim to your own life and its inherent rights.
Take responsibility.
Those who have done well and have been comfy in this reality, are the least likely to advise letting it fall apart.
We watched the absolutely abysmal performance, intelligence and insight of doctors and scientists over the last three years. So, with few exceptions, we can say, the entire medical and bio fields of study are polluted and hijacked and those who have profited by it are the least likely to notice.
I'm Not Listening To Them.
When you hear summaries along the lines of: bad things happened, dumb things were done, but what we have - is the best we can hope for - walk away.
This system of governance, where humans were treated like slaves, gaslight, lied to, locked up, experimented on like lab rats and terrorized is the best we can hope for?
Well, I won't say what pops in my head now. ffs.
Thanks, Tereza.
Fully agreed. I think I've learned all I can from AMD. Good info linked to wrong conclusions is exactly the technique that RM uses, imo. I don't want to squander this chance to change everything.
You have the ability, tenacity, comprehension and desire, so I trust it will not be squandered. Really appreciate those talents, Tereza. We could use more of them!
BTW - I think what you highlight: good info = wrong conclusions is a tell.
It might just tell us they are in normalcy bias, unimaginative, stuck in an irrelevant world view, true, or it might tell us they are compromised. Doesn't matter really. They do not have the answers for the world emerging.
Oh that's such a sweet compliment, thank you so much Kathleen. And it's especially significant coming from you!
Good options on the 'normalcy bias' (excellent term) or compromised.
Very interesting interchange. Why wasn't Famotidine alone tested against a true placebo? Has anyone ever asked that question? Combining a drug with a second drug, when the first drug hasn't been tested individually. seems like a very bad idea to me. The more evidence uncovered, the worse this looks.
Oh and here’s another one about Mal one, can’t help but think of malware when reading this article.
“At the most critical moment in world history, when the world was looking for a solution to the CoronaVirus pandemic in March 2020, Dr. Robert Malone was executing a project for a company called Leidos which runs the National DNA Database for the FBI, using a program called DOMANE. His partner at the Lincoln Lab at MIT in Bedford, MA was Darrell Ricke, the man responsible for the FBI’s DNA Database. The defense contractor they both work for is Leidos (SAIC), a firm researching the possibility of “tagging” your DNA at certain places and events so that you later can be “tracked”.”
Interesting parallel on malware ...
medical terrorism, economic collapse, gender dysphoria, white replacement, surveillance state, collapsing infrastructure etc... its all just a shell game
im done with this shit - im done with their lies, their greed, their filth
i reject everything they stand for
i am not getting lost in the weeds of endless hypotheticals
ive shed my yoke of appointed identity
the last few years have been spiritual reformation for me, im an average person - i can only assume others have been moved in the same way
i am starting to act
i hope others walk with me
As someone who's spent the last two decades researching the global economic system, I can't really get too self-righteous that they're finally targeting US. No consumer society can exist without a system of producers with no right to consume, aka slaves. What my book does is trace that back 3500 yrs to show how the concepts of money and democracy have co-opted us.
But I think it's important to be just as indignant with their lies, greed and filth when things are being done to others in 'our' name.
My sincerest condolences to you Teresa, in the passing of your mom 💔
Hi Tereza, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mom, especially in that way. That awful situation answers my question of how you are relentless in this matter and it certainly does matter. For me once I know an actor is on the other side (Empire) I just can't listen further. I do think this is an important enough issue for that AMD to do an in depth dive as you suggested. Thankfully we have you to do the dive and provide more EVIDENCE. I didn't know about the early 2020 paper that Malone thought the injections were too deadly. Why did he take the shot then? Makes me think he didn't. Also I never watch tv news anymore, so I didn't know Debra the Dominatix was taking the fall. I guess they will hang her by her lovely scarf. I've been waiting to see who the fall guy will be. Good luck with the porch paint project.
Have you seen this
Just amazing. Malone repurposed the photog of himself getting the ‘vax,’ and is pushing an anti clotting drug if I read correctly, nattokinase.
This is SO interesting, Cynthia. Yes I remember that black tee black mask photo op.
That's why I think he said he got the vaxx, so people who also did and were worried would relate to him and the solutions he'd offer. They're his target audience, not us.
I believe vitamin K2 in the form of MK7 (natto) is patented, but I don't know about nattokinase. I take MK7 as part of my vitamin regime. You must take vitamin D3 with the K2. If you know the difference between the MK7(natto ) and the Nattokinaise let me know what it is. thks
Let me clarify as I stated something wrong above: its a good idea to take vitamin K2 with the D3. Sorry for the wrong statement above.
Thank you, Helene. I continue to feel that everything happens for a reason. The timing was so odd--they'd just opened up for visitors but by the time my plane landed, they'd had a 'major outbreak' with 30 cases on her floor alone. My daughters had travelled out to see her also but we had Thanksgiving on our own. And her funeral in Dec 2020 had more pallbearers and officiants than guests. One of my brothers didn't come from Germany because he was afraid they wouldn't let him go back unvaxxed, and the other sat masked at the other end of a pew and left immediately after. Weird to come back to an empty house after a funeral, with no one sharing memories.
Agreed that it seems unlikely Malone would have taken the shot. Thanks for the good wishes on the porch project!
Have you seen this?
not yet, thanks for sending!
Fauci/Redfield is to Birx what Adam is to Eve, basically. Not that Birx was blameless, of course, but it seems the fellas couldn't wait to throw a woman under the bus for what they did as well, and should have known better.
That said, Atlas really was the voice of reason, and he had the world on his shoulders, pun intended.
Thank you for trying to sort out the degree of complicity of the various players in these PsyOps.
What's clear is that we face a hard core of psychopaths who've gained control of the deep levers of power and used that control to motivate and manipulate others to contribute, knowingly or unknowingly, to their psychopath-supremacist agendas.
I continue to focus on the system, not the players. If not these psychos, it would be others, as long as we have a system that rewards ruthlessness.
I agree that changing the system so that psychopathy no longer pays would be a solution.
I judge that we can't do that without awakening the neurotypical to the problem of psychopaths in their midst and at the levers of power. When I read Political Ponerology, I recall this being one of Łobaczewski's key recommendations.
Nice flowers to your left in the video. Are they real or like sars-cov-2?
What's their name?
Thank you.
Beautiful flowers.